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Correcting Its Shortcomings in a Timely Manner, Trung ljoa Cooperative Has Prospects for Even , more Advances, by Le Quang Tuan, 10 pp. VIETINAMESE, per, Hoe Tap, Hanoi, No 4, Apr 73, D'Q 6o-68. JPRS 59150 Rlaising Large Livestock in a Mountain Re ion of Long Son Province, by Be Chan Hung, 19 pp. VI1,12NAMESE, per, Hoe Tan, Hanoi, No ).~, Apr 73, P-o 69-79- ~~Rs 59150 jun 7 3 quang Binh Takes Advantage of Victory to Advance to New and Greater Victories, by Co Kim Thanh, 12 pp. VIETNAMESE, per, Iloc Ta , Hanoi, NTo 4, k-pr 73, Pp 80-89. ITPRS 59150 am 73 Nghia, Tran Dai The Present Day Scientific-Technological Revolutionp 17 PP* HOC TAP, Hanoi, No 5, May 73) pp 11-20. M'R"09 Jul 73 Hoe, Doan Dinh Establishing an management, 14 HOC TAP, Hanoi, JPRS 59499 Advaneed System of Technioal PP- No 5, may 73, pp 21-29. Jul 73 Thuc, Diep Quang Research: A Few Thoughts Concerning the Prospects for the Development of the Chemical Fibers Industry in Our Country, 26 pp. HOC TAP, Hanoi, No 51 May 73P PP 30-44, .TPRS 59499 Jul 73 Ung, Chu investigation -- From the System of On-Contrac Production for State-Operated Commerce to the System of State-Operated Commerce Selling Raw Materials and Buying Finished Products, 6 pp. HOC TAP, Hanoit No 5, May 73, Pp k5-50, JPM-7499 Jul 73 Phuong, Hoang The Growth of the Antiaircraft-Air Force Troops in the Recent Great Challenge, 7 Pp. HOC TAP, Hanoi, No 5y MaY 73P pp 51-56. JPRS 5909 Jill 73 Mai, Dam Elementary and Advanced Training of Female Cadres in Dong Hung District, 10 pp. HOC TAP, Hanoi, No 5, Ma'Y 73, pp 57-63, JPRS 7~499 Jul 73 Ve, Thanh peace and National Concord Are Pressing Demands of the People of the South at the present Time, 12 pp. HOC TAP, Hanoi, 'No 5, may 73, Pp 64-72. JPR3 5 499 JU1 73 Khanh, Dinh Gia On National Solidarity and Accord, 8 pp. HOC TAP, Hanoi, No 5, M&Y 73, Pp 73-79. 7M3-P499 Jul 73 Doan Dao Viet Dollar Devaluated Second Time, 12 pp. HOC TAP, Hanoi, No 5, MaY 73, PP 80-89. J?R3 5-9499 Jal 73 Talk by Comrade Truong Chinh at the Hanoi Machine Works on 27 April, 11 pp. HOG TAP, Hanoi, No 6, Jun 73, pp 9-19. UFRr5-176k Sep 73 Strengthening Enterprise Management Is Urgent Need for Fast Restoration of Production and Stabilization of Livelihood, 9 pp. HOC TAP, Hanoi, No 6, Jun 73, pp 20-28. JPRS 59764 Sep 73 Buu, Ta Quang Build Each College Into a Base for Scientific and Teohnical Research, 10 pp. HOC TAP, Hanoi, No 6, Jun 73, pp 29-361 79. JPR9 7764 Sep 73 Kien, Truong An Initial Victory of Significance as Regards the Coming Stage of Development of Nghe an Province, 18 pp. HOC TAP, Hanoi, No 6, Jun 73~ PP 37-50. JPRa 5 764 Sep 73 Tam, Le Hong Labor Discipline Under the New System, 13 PP. HOC TAP, Hanoi, No 6, Jun 73, pp 51-59. JPRS 59764 Sep 73 Muoi, Nguyen Improving Buffalo and Cattle Breeds Is One of the Keys to Upgrading Livestock Production to a Chief Sector, 21 ppo HOC TAP, Hanoi, No 6, Jun 73, pp 60-71. JPRS 597b4 Chu, Van A Cooperative Under Good Financial Management, 8 PPO HOC TAP, Hanoi, No 6, Jun 73, PP 72-79. 5R5 51764 3eP 73 The Laziness-Toward-Study Disease 5 pp. HOC TAP, Hanoi, No 6~ Jun 73f Pp 60-83- JPRS 59764 Sep 73 Thi, Phung Building a Cultural Life in a Township, 8 pp. HOC TAP, Hanoi, No 6, Jun 731 pp 84-89. JPRS 5 764 sop 73 Further Improving the quality of Self- Criticism and Criticism Within the Party, 12 pp, HOC TAP, Hanoi, No 7, Jul 73, pp 1-12. 'NRS 60067 Oct 73 The Struggle for Peace, Democracy, and National Concord of the People in South Vietnam Will Definietely Be Victorious, 7 Pp. HOC TAP, Hanoi, No 7~ Jul 73t PP 13-17, JPRS 6 067 Oct 73 Joint Communique Issued by the Goverrments of the DRV and USA in Paris on 13 June 1973, 7 pp. HOG TAP, Hanoi, No 7, Jul 73, pp 18-22. JPRS Mo67 Oct 73 Chinh, Duong Quoc Performing Good Wounded Veteran and War Dead Activities and Intensifying Their Leadership and SuDervision, 15 pp. HOG TAP, Hanoi, No 7, Jul 737 PP 24-331 73. Oct 73 Developing Our Nation's Boundless Potential and Successfully Completing the Revolutionary Task in the New Stage, 9 pp. HOC TAP, Hanoig No 7Y J)al 73P PP 34-41. 7P-RS 6oo67 Oct 73 Dong, Tran Vinh Linh Maintains Revolutionary Offensive Spirit Under Any Situation, 11 PD. HOC TAP, Hanoi, No 7, Jul 73, pp 42-50. JPRS 6 067 Oct 73 Thong, Tran The introducing Some Features on the World Stock -, Raising Technical Revolution, 14 pp. Hoc TAp, Hanoi, No 7, Jul 73., pp 51-61. JPRS 60067 Oct 73 Phu, Nguyen Ba Veterinary Work Aimed at Turning Animal Husbandry Into a Major Sector, 11 pp. HOC TAP, Hanoi, No 7, Jul 73, pp 62-70. 7FR970067 Oct 73 Bich, Nguyen Cong The Theoretical Education Movement for Party Members in the Tho Xuan District Party organization, 8 pp. HOC TAP, Hanoil~ No 7. Jul 73, pp 74-79. MRS 60067 Oct 73 Nam, Huong From the Paris Agreement to the Joint Communique of 13 June 1973, 5 pp. HOG TAP, Hanoi, No 7, Jill 73, pp 80-63, 89. JPRS 60067 Oct 73 Dong, Le The Great Accomplishments of the Democratic Peoplels Republic of Korea in Post-War Boonomie Restoration and Development, 7 pp. HOG TAP, Hanoi, No 7, Sul 73o pp 8k-89. jpgs 65o67 Oct 73 Strengthening the Socialist System of Law, 10 pp. HOC TAP, Hanoi, No 8, Aug 73, Pp 5-13. JPRS 60-142 Oct 73 Toan, Nguyen Khanh Patriotism and Proletarian Internationalism, 10 Dp. HOC TAP, Hanoi, No 8, Aug 73, pp 14-21. JPRS 60142 Oct 73 Nham, Phan Hai The Improvement of Techniques at the Van Quan Cooperative's Hog Farm, 16 pp. HOC TAP, Hanoi, No 8, Aug 73, pp 22-32. MS 60142 Oct 73 Due, Tran The Forestry Cooi)eratives of Quang Ninh Pro- vince Conduct Their Forestry Business in m . Accordance With the Guideline of Advancing to Large-Scale Socialist Production, 14 pp. HOC TAP, Hanoi, No 8, Aug 73, pp 33-41. M_s-0142 Oct 73 quynh, flo Female Cadre Work in Nam Phu, 7 Pp. HOC TAP, Hanoi, No 8, Aug 73, pp 46-51. jpNS 601IL2 oct 73 Thanh, Trung Library in Thieu Minh Township, 6 pp. HOC TAP, Hanoi, No 8, Aug 73, PP 52-560 7RS 142 Oct 73 Son, Kim Theoreticalt Political Study Movement in Yen Phong, 7 pp. HOC TAP, Hanoi, No 8, Aug 73, pp 60-67. NORS-T-0142 Oct 73 Dieii, Nguyen General Education Study by Key Cadres in Dong La Township, 10 pp. HOC TAP, Hanoi, No 8, Aug 73, pp 68-75. XPRS 60142 Oct 73 Trong, Vu Cinematography tion, 9 pp. HOC UP, Hanoi, 7, n-S-6'0 14 2 in the Now Stage of the Revolu- No 8, Aug 73, PP 76-83. Oct 73 Thanh, Ngu7en Some Experiences Republic in the HOC TAP, Hanoi, JPRS 60142 of the German Democratic Training of Workers, 6 pp. No 8, Aug 73, pp 84-89. Oct 73 Rising, to Meet the Requirements of the Great Revolution, 13 JJOC TAP, IIanoi, J,PRS 601-~15 PP. 'No 9, Sep 73, pp 7-18. Nov 73 N7hia, Tran Dai The Scientific and Technological Revolution and Economic Management, 22 pp. TIOC TAP, Hanoi, No 9~ SeP 73, pp 21-34. ,TPRs 60415 Nov 73 Obieu, Phan Van Developing Buffalo and Cattle Production and Gradually Upgrading It to Large-Scale Socialist Production, 20 pp. HOC TAP, Hanoi, No 9, SeP 73, PP 35-46. 7FR-S-0415 Nov 73 Vy, Dao Trong Step Up the Setting of Technical Economic Norms in InternRl Trade Sector, 8 PP. HOC TAP, Hanoi, No 9, SeD 73, pD V-53. JPRS T0415 - Nov 73 Trinh, Le Duy Several YAtters Concerning the Consolidation and Development of State Farms. 9 pp HOC TAPO Hanoi, No 10p Oct 1973, pp 12-22. 93 Dam, Pham Thanh Protecting State Property. 8 pp HOC TAP, Hanoi, No 10, Oct 1973, PP 23-31. JPRS rO693 Rien, Vu Huy Nam Ninh District is In the Process of Upgrading Livestock Production to a Chief. 8 pp HOC TAP, Hanoi, No 10t Cot 1973, PP 32-40. JM 6 93 Bau, Le Van How Did the Vinh Phu Commercial Sector Fulfill Its State Plan Well? 9 pp HOC TAP, Hanoi, No 10, Oct 1973, PP 41-0. JPRS r0693 The Disease of Eapiricism. 5 pp HOC TAP, Hanoi, No 10, Oct 1973, pp 48-51, 56, JPRS 93 Hai, Thanh In the Movement to Study Theory and Politics: The Party Organization of Thanh Dinh Township Does a Good Job of Organizing Theoretical and Political Study for Party Members. 6 pp HOC TAP, Hanoi, No 10, Oct 1973, PP 53-56. JM 0693 Toan, Pham Ngoc Research -- Climatic Characteristics of our Country and Production Plans. 15 pp HOC TAPf Hanoit No 10i Oct 1973o pp 57-68, MRS rO&93 Tin Thanh Fhinful Blow in Vietnam ... Extremely Prolonged latency. 9 pp HOC TAP, Banoi,,No 10, Oot 1973, PP 71-77p 83- -7- J PRS 0693 Xat Nguyen Quang Methods Aimed at RALsing labor Froductivity in the Mongolian EconovV. 6 pp HOC TAP, Hanoi, No 10, Oot 1973, PP 78-83, JPRS r0693 Thanh, Nguyen The People of Chile Will Surely Win. 71 PP HOC TAP, Hanoi* No 10s Oct 1973, pp 84-89. ins 6 93 Giang, Binh An Investigation -_ State of Use of Man-Days and Man-Hours at Two llanoi Local IndUstrial F,nterprises, 8 pp. FOO TAP, Hanoi, No 9, Sep 73, Pp 54-59. 7T3--0415 NOV 7 Phong, Nguyen Hong A Study -- About the Question of National Psychology, 11 pp. HOC TAP, Hanoi, No 9, SeP 739 pp 60-68. JPRS 60415 Nov 73 Tung, Dao Extremely Great Victory of the Cambodian Peonle, 11 pp. HOG TAP, Hanoi, No 9, SeP 73, Dp 72-82, 89. JFR-8-(3'6kl5 Nov 73 Hien, Phan Centering on the Watergate Affair, 6 pp. HOC TAP, Hanoi, No 91 SeP 73, PP 83-89. JPRS 6 415 Nov 73 Intemsifying the Training of the Corps of Teachers in Order to Further Improve the Quality of General Bdueation. 10 pp HOC TAP, Hanoi, No 10, Oct 1973, PP 1-11. JnS 9 93 Concentrating our Efforts on Bringing About New Changes Within Agriculture, 8 pp. HOC TAP, Hanoi, No 11, Nov 73, pp 1-8. JPRS 61V54 Feb 74 Truonq, Nguyen Xiian Ha TRY'S ARriculture on the Road to Large- Scale Socialist Production, 13 PP. HOC TAP, Hanoi, No 11, Nov 73, pp 9-22, 70. JPRS G105k I-,Ieb 74 Ha, Tran Van Solving the Livestock Feed Problem Well, 8 pp. HOG TAP, Hanoi, No 11, Nov 73, pp 23-30P 81. J?Rs 61054 Feb 74 Ho I , Nguye n T i en Winter Production Production at the HOC TAP, Hanoi, No JPRS 61504 and the Development of Hog Binh Da II Cooperative, 7 PP. 11, Nov 73, PP 31-38, Feb 74 Quynh, Ngo, Huy 'Research on Present Village Planning and Construction, 10 pp. HOC ThP, Hanoi, No ll~ Nov 73, PP 39-47. JPRS 61504 Feb 74 Party Activity: Hoc TAP, Hanoi, JPRS 61504 pear of Responsibility, 5 Pp- No 11, Nov 73t PP 48-51. Fe b 74 De, Phan Cu The Novel Vo Bol of Nguyen Dinh Thi, 9 pp. HOC TAP, Hanoi, No 11, Nov 73, pp 52-60- JPRS 615UL~ Feb 74 Trin'th., Hoang on the So-Called 'New Criticismi in Western Countries, 12 pp,, HOC TAP, Hanoi, No 11, Nov 73, pp 61-70. JPRS 61504 Feb 74 UU, Huy The Scientific-Technical Revolution and Its F,ffects in Capitalist HOC TAP, Hanoi, No 11, JPRs 61504 Countries, 11 p - Nov 73, Pp 71-L Feb 74 Tho, Nguyen Van Storm Breaks out over the World Market, 9 pp. HOG TAP, Hanoi, No 11, Nov 73, pp 82-89. JPR3 61504 Fab 74 Brandishing the Banner of Peace, Independence, and Democracy and Resolutely Struggling Against U.S. Imperialists and Their Lackeys, 7 pp. HOO TAP, Hanoi, No 12, Doe 73~ Pp 1-10. JPRS b1195 Mar 74 Thinh, Hoang Quoc Conducting Good Internal Trade Activities and Effectively Ifelping Stabilize the Peoplets Standard of Living, 7 Pp. 1-100 'TAP, Hanoi, lio 32, Doe 73, pp 11-18, 53. JPRS 61195 Mar 74 Vy, Dao Trong Reducing Commerce Circulation Expenses 444 Improving the Quality of Consumer Service, 7 PP. HOC TAP, Hanoi, No 12, Dee 73, pp 19-26. 74. JPRS 61195 Mar 74 Hao, Tran Van The Industrial Development of a Mountain Region LocalitY, 7 PP. HOC TAP, Hanoi, No 12, Dee 73, pp 27-35. JPRS 61195 Mar 74 Le, Nguyen Van Labor Science and the Scientific Organization of Labor, 13 PP. HOC TAP, Hanoi, No 12, Dec 73, PP 36-46. JPRS 61195 Mar 74 Quynh, Song In the Movement to Study Theory and Politics: The Binh Xuyen District Lao Dong Party Committee Supplements Instructors for Base-Level Classes to Educate Party Members, 5 PP. HOC TAP, Hanoi, No 12, Doc 73, PP 50-53. 7FR-977195 Mar 74 Vu, Le Xuan The Future Depends HOC TAP, Hanoi, No JPRS biiV~ on Us Today, d Pp. 12, Dee 73, pp 54-60. mar 74 Hai, Viet The Economy of the Saigon Pup et Administration Is Deteriorating Critically, 9 pp. HOC TAP, Hanoi, No 12, Dee 73, pp 61-66. JPRS b1195 Mar 7k ,Swords and Plowshares, (Admissions of Taylor on the Defeat of the U.S. Imperialists in Vietnam), 5 PP. HOC TAP, Hanoi, No 12, Dee 73, PP 70-74. jTR- =s 19 5 Ma r 74 Xuan, Doan Raising Chickens by the Large-Scale Production Method in Hungary, HOC TAP, Hanoi, No JpRS 61195 5 pp. 12, Doc 73, pp 75-78. Mar 74 Van, Yen Initial Victory of the Thai Peoplers Patriotic Struggle Movement, 7 PP. HOC TAP, Hanoi, No 12, Dee 73, pp 79-84. MS 61195 mar 74 Hien, Phan The Year Has Ended, But Watergate Persists, 6 pp HOC TAP, Hanoi, No 12, Doe 73, pp 85-89. JPRS 6119~ mar 74 IfIrInh, Tq,,~uyen Boy Determined to Strumle to Rilly Imnlement- the Paris 1.6 n-o HOC T'~P, Hanoi, No 1, Jan JPRS blb?i Maintain the Peace and Agreement on Vietnam, 74, pp 4-16. Apr 74 Tue, Phan Trong On the Communications and 'FransDortation Front, 10 pp. HOC TAP, 119-noi, No 1, Jan 74, pp 17-26, 47. JPRS 71621 AT)r 74 Truong, Xuan The socialist, Content and National Character of Vietnam's New Literature and Art, 9 pp. Hoc TAP, ITanoi, No 1, Jan 74, pp 27-27. 7 T -3,5- -6-16 2 1 Arr 7~. Le, NIguyen The Lessons and Experiences of the Binh Minh Marl~et Cooperative, 8 PP. TIOC TAP, Hanoi, No 1, Jan 74, PP 38-47. J-PRS blb;~Ii Apr 74 Tan, 'Ra Van There Was an Early Vietnamese Civilization, 12 TPp. TiOC TADI, Hanoi, No 1, Jan 74, Pp 48-57. JPRS 61621 Anr 74 Tien, Dao Van To Improve the Quality of Basic Scientific Research, 10 pp. 1,10G TAP, JTanoi, No 1, Jan 74, pp 58-66. JPR-3 b1b21 P'llp 'I'll Nam, Dao Hong The Initial Results in the Political Study Movement, HOC TAP, Hanoi, No 1, Jan JPRS 61621 Dialectical and 6 pp. 74, Pp 70-74. h'nr 74 Thanb, Nguyen The DeveloDment of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry in Romania, 7 PP. HOC TAP, Hanoi, No 1, Jan 74, PP 75-79. JPRS 6-1621 A-or 74 The Problem of the Middle and Near East, 12 pp. TiOC TAP, flanoi, No 1, Jan 74, Pp 80-89. JFRS 61621 A-or 74 The New phase of the Revolution and tho Taal~ of Trade Unions, 21. P3). Hoc T~.p, Hanoi., No 2, Feb 74, PP 7-25- Tn-7'?r; 77 8 5 5 ITII 1 711. 'Pasks and Guidelines for Economic Reconstruction and Developmen-~ During the Two Years 1974 and 1975 and -the 1974 State plan, ~~O pp. JJOC TAP, Hanoi, No 2, Feb 74, pp 26-56. JPRS 61055 Jul 7h Binh, Nguyen Thanh Control and lnsnec~ion -- A Shar-o Tool in the Process of Or-anizing and Guiding Implementation 9 np. FOC TAP, Hanoi, No 2, Feb 74, Pp 57-67. JIDRS b105~ Ju 1 74 Our Literature and Art in the New Starre, 6 -pp. BOC TAP, Ilanoi, No 2, Feb 74, pp 68-74- ins 61855 ju 1 7) ~ Ma i, Dam In the Theoretical Several Experiences Party School, 5 PP. I-TOC TAT, Hanoi, No pits 6*5 and Political Study Movement: of the RLi Hau District 2, Feb 74; PP 76-63, Jul 74 Vien, Nfruyen Nhac The Scientific Mind, 6 pp. HOC 'PAP, Ilanoil No 2, Feb 74, PP 84-89. JPR3 61055 Jul 74 Understan6ing the Rasoliition Passed b7 the 22nd party Plemun: Continuing to Build the material and 'Pechnical Base of Socialism and Strengthen the 12totential of North Vietnam, 7 pp. HOC TAII, Hanoi, No 3, Mar 74~ P-p 1-10. ,7RS 61902 Jill 711 Insurin-F7 That Women Participate in the Exercise of Collective Ownershi-o as Fully as Possible, 19 pp. I'LOC TAP, Hanoi, No 3, Mar %, pp 11-27. 7---67 ,TP, S1992 Ju 1 71 ~