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on Pr Plu$46 at TXSDt Solidif iw,1.0*,l ~h, e:N ~aqai'to i b7, 1r. M. -ft pop DWAJ&,]*Vk Swo Va-L -4360 ab. Brutoboor Tr Ito OW I)~.h)*tau OtAtice of Real ChemIcal Processes, by M.; Brq#Wn, 10 pp. J~IMIAN# perp Zhur Fit Khimp Vol XVIII, pp 356-363. R-2429 814 rx~ll tur %riation of Solubility in the NaBI14-%O 01 Ur S 0 i aOA 501ubilltY' Uftb-Ors$ 'At 001 180,, 30 0, fiLad ir NMJM4-UCR-%O System, by V. I. Mikheyeva, &*i :too 5 pp. IRU=IRM! r, zhur NOOK-S xhim, Vul V, No 1960, i pp ?5 3-25 3- c1mver-HUM presm Sep!.; 1. TWO 00top, t~xm -if DwA alad UVIM C4).Us 1;~v U~,# Nc m, to py. 1--ar, Bytil Mopor ll'aol I jUtL,. Vol :~I;ifllr; pp '1r I Pill 6`0. (NY -3917) T ~e 9 rect of Certain Prep~Lmtions From the A -Alu Pamily of P)AnU In Sqwrimental Radiation Ookoto)tiy, ,ckne~ "11W I, I* p) 'A rl.A~; per, Medlt Radi9l, Vol V, No 2, 1960. JPRS 501t ~7d Ai 7 IV. 2, lgm,. Dt UWA Of wav" on an Vamm 13vrfam, M by "04 L 94 Y:;~"kikhs 21 pp. .M4 4 91k) 3(g), 1�52.v pp Pop,-304. fIrms. -'gm of Sonlo: and laf rescnic Waver, ir 11-LI.I. 'Yfavepldes Over Loag Distances, by 40, Bre k kl) NPI ;T.Aljjj pero Uspekbi 71% Nauk, Voi LVC, No 2, 90WIX5, DCII-696 61 c2 L'Od i'aV'L'3 Lil t ia V~ I ,I: I Itq$ Ovor I.,On_g j)jskanoFja, by Wav r. foliyeraft 14.~mj by Lconir.1 M. fre shz-v ski lt.u, Acskdemic, Piv,ss scl Matki,, Meebanics oct 23.1 "35 195 4167 .LL 195, 516 1; ine -Iaye rod Med ia thv-,:.; "r A-1 Norak Preos, tip M t Liw~-,uiia Dir 91a Awl 13 Wid CIC-catwaq.LV~ by L4 r4- - 1: 114A toov" 12 " T. AUIS!iUklo ro Vwt AX *Lak Mllril, Io 'I, Ir4o, ogimm '3160 a Case:of 'SowW Provarktion in an i*gim' ious~kedlvxo by L. M, Brekbmkikht IN YAWO ~Jthrlce-mo I*r, DO Ak Asuk S=j Vol LX=Ip -P1715-7180 1952. P p , Navy Tr 755/ML 433 The,Dispw ion Equation for Nomal Waves in laminar Mdt~e by M. B"khcrw `3 Re ek1kh I r, Must 24x~r Vol II, So k, Oct-Dee 1956o pp Amer Imt of Fhys Smiet Pbys-Acountice Vol :11 so 4 Awl NN'tboa at BoUtIom to the Pmbbm of the a Point sowm b a atratiried aaium, por Is A Miuk OW, Bar Fix, Val XnIj Sol Tr CemUr RT M37 vu.i~rlc - "its (DC-570h) :Nou~Ift by savlat selootisto 00 Acaustial Science 1z MAj by L. W. DmItbovikikh, 9 pp. IN4, per, Abut Zhwo Vol VII No 10 19611 pp jM 6168 S-76 Bug juil 61 .996) ,A,,S ,i4l Kind of DmVita During PropaoAtion of 141 ~=6 I=imr-Inhcw[pnaous Media., by L. Oi-el-khp~ I - D - Ivanovo 12 pp IAIllp qu perp Akwtiches~& Zhur, Vol I., No 1., cml~~ J404ar 1955s PP 24.1-30. CTA/FM/U-74k X=is Friedman Oct 55 OA a 101A Doom In a stratift(d of lbo WxMoot by L* ""Sow *,Plj 02tr 41d, of a P6bt dourc -a it astratif isd 41. DisoWmIam of the Solsdion# by ikbovskOhm 27 pp. ,no perp Is A X&qk_qON__"r Fiat Vol 4219~ ~9$ Sol it CeNter re A 56 OIA:Of a Point 86woe in a Stratifled AM* In* of AttemUcas by I.J VA. 92 PP lal Tr C*vWr a? 16 Raf3j~CUOV Of LUdt0d WWFQ WAIM aW laouill, by L, W. P"MairskAbo 52 pp, Mlfl:i~ worp Unpokh Vis AmIt Ah ftuk MR, Aus 1953, VP 539,-576. ATIV I?-Ts-glx/v 59 cr :>r 41"aticio of S faco Rayleigh Utaves Along tho Unaven wy bt an M"tic Body$ by L. M. ftmkhvnkikh9 w8dw;q pf~rv Akwt Zbwt V01. Vt No 3v 1959s PP- lbl)ilp*l .60 Of Sound in 7% opueoun Media, by IL Bs iWwvsk a *~O~qp per, Aku4 Mar, %1 np No 3p 1956) :35- ~30 Aur Mut of P4p &W Fbp - Aomaticts I i No 3 W&"Z tug thavex .5"reAce. Ita u=.o ftf fts Into By jot ~b oInti. CTB/m b3rL. 14. Rrakbovaklkll. 4 ire fj 4,9 5'1 f 4 - 7--7-7T 04"Mtims of 9a#r LcM *t Somd In this *msu~Lo by L. X. 80"tal PO elrmologU4 JM L-677 -X act zd- 17 -7 kil'. ti-tt, Lif tisvea at. &a' Uucre- fill .0. iorall. TIA, ory.. 11. W 11 no per, 7.1nu, Mumvi- 1183.11!~4 bl, I o l V 111) 110 .195,2., Oo Jjk tion of Bqloigb Va"s Durlag Prope- Al an Uwym Surfool by L. M. 4 ma p Dok Ak NaAik SM~ Vol CXXIV, No AmW Mu t of Fhp toy ftp - Ddaady Vbl ivo Ito I IGIvaem ~Iaem Bombea-de.-d by Osoura Rttyp' Fr~:M C. (1, e Somt-ie v;rd in a Y,u~lemr 6 fill IS per Atom hiterg, Elpnac Barium- 12 refs. Or4a C Trvis. 0 19% v.!: ThJv scull g1sases 4 rcmarkAl denmity 6 metex in ;Cb. S. iAND~'* ROPERTIES OF SEVERAL NEW WIT41 11NG OXIDES OF tMM. IRARIL A AND LEAD (Syndwee und in El~j pir New WjmnU-. CadmIum-. I Blow ed- Halliger 011saw). 119601117 1). I SLA 3t, $2.40. ph$3.3D 61-10613 flerichte (West Germany) no. 07-442. itals vi:th results of itiveKiptions of ic BijC14-PbO-5102 uystsm, and tbe ;*eel lijUty d obtaltdoig &goes havittj a nwoolf~tely 6 grams rwln~ Ct'll I a syst~jn to diocussod. (Author) toi-certisOcs, V. V. $. no, 1) 61-10513 1. Glass- -Materials 1. Brekhovskich, S, M. waysl,lo lnc~easing the Nechanicea- Strength of Glass,, by S 14. F~ikbovskikhq 4 pp. RUSStAll pe Steklo i Keramikaj Vol XVIT, No 7 iq6og 24-27. ipp CB Aug 62 209,831 ia'IOU4~0 of I*4ustrial Glasses to the ActIon Pays ~ by S. M. Bmkbo"kikh , 5 pp - blix" per, St*klo I KerMIka.. Vol XV, No 1 601 /* OA! 60 'fe6aica& GjaaB in the Soviet Unimp -uy S. M, Br~tkhoyshikhp 6 pp. IkUj Stoeklo I KermiJca: Vol XIV) HO lot MIANj l~erp pp CB (7, n, f: t I-, 3*Wtdo I Keramika, 'to). XIV, P:p 'J61. ,:I~iin Iso 62-17014 6HY Fl IU VXTlNjArhIIING KAADES. Apr 62. 1 firell, I - 8DOwords. 11. I'vent (Fast Gcriimny) TriS ISIS 32 22 6N. Trans - ~e 148t Gtili~on fl:*tent. 122.629, appl. W Translation and Technical tib. J0)&n62- Informaclun SK-rvicef; ii (Gt. Brit DESCRIPTORS: 111~ re cKtiquishers, Powders. TT, v. B. no. 51 ~6. 1cm of the Yoristiom ia the Boat of the POM Caftwit Metal 4~emlc ~~Irs tIM Unuome or the Zmadiativa of the Semi- bly Um ot,haboli 14YUU., by X. N. Brelov., 4 A. R. HOPI 10 pp. 1-me-w pw, Dok a Ak ftuk &WR., Val mix, my 191%0 pp 69_7111. OnApm, U_ftm 94 Ind VA 14 Ill" Jill of, -I~b& dad;c~ic, by MON.' it, Proc"dizgp of tbo Second Int4y Out, Omd XsetUg of Neuroblologiats, Amurdam ~ 1959., Awtardm, Umvie-A FvbUsbiiu7 co~pooy.' :0,60o PP 173-191. Irni 3-7-6,121 l3krula ahd tbe J3bysiAoj:---p- of Bremr, 5 pp nnd P At-h. C'QaC4T,')6 AendLw Soc dr~ Biol, P-XIT114? 1935, lip .1235-12411.1 88800L~O Oa ~Ww Tons UA Cootraction of Skeletal hisclOf by~p. UMt J, Macao 4 pp. pev!i 140,40. ",tolag at, do ftyviocoOX VO 'IV# 1926# VP 739-74-3. SM 12-35 J-7 join 58 an at the Oartlw6X Msponse of the to a VOUW cc fkmwrlal Impul".11,0 I# is ftk"Ip 19 pps jr, Amb Dftm do T" et Slochs 1k) go pip m Tr 4-20 is**& W W* ftow~ ~ i W 164 *4 foo Uft w AWOL ~141~b *$a the W by F. Bm~rwr. ', mp-tes Rendus Sac N b~,, 0 J-9-35) pp -1.241 -21244 6f ftstm Illap XwprmA by Ptxcpb&U Korrodou MA *t*Llmkasp Vol XVn., 1941.p ftuttbor Tr No 1469 0 t; W! of piwulftl. ccavergence C41 the Catp by IYedcric I~E vitmisil cca-tux Ot th Pnrio;--a,~,,3793--379)5 194 rpnicl i ptl!6 0:3*tp~/Rw V..--iL l~ IItallraction In the vision of, idnocix Lar -1~i t'llp (IT plu.'A t Mal !:ti "'1e ticirld'i .1in alki vital, Nullptkg. ~- ITU F NI("CrnjQF. ON TIJE CIRCUUi~ 1 U1 FECTS ON 'nqr VEMPIS OF N. i1elix. THE TIN 31(ii'Lli-TAI, W11SCLE 011 T1117 CA-r. Nf K Vq Or& r f I iA $1-1.) 63 - I U190 Tram. of To Ip'Chrififti.'Ir (Vtest Gerrnqn~) Anothei If! .:i it, irril rk, Z as Nov 19p, DMR~Ajjrjlj~)j S': 4Ni4x1ne. 481,x4 Orcula don, *Skin. 'NiuIldr-A'~'C 411" Phi kiliscal(Wy, Tcj;dcIv(. It Ibi "hvw~l ~ .11 Lilco ine inMwiu:,eo circillation Itkllre%~Ll~ Ion 61 Ini-ave titructwau. lIcalablytMs tyy 01(i sdil"mi ;It Irry(Aveti 0.41 F"Ino intc.,symipathtdc nave ffl*r C 4~fj %Vjjj 'j CM21rietiVe Cffej::j .311 WC4.11 &a 11" V. 10, WA. 61 (ovt r) NTH Zll TH T 10 tN!4. 1. 1 OF 'ME:*~ ~ME CAT. ~I ,Ordtr frotrill ~Trans. of. 2,~i ~V. 111, 00J! j, DEWHIPTCH #Muscle$. C rich ~i 111halm and Palls; *-M 0 NICOM ON THWEPCIUR16- OCCAL ~ OFECTS ON MH VUELS AND I it MLETAL MMLE Of r 60. V P. 11$23. K-H 10402-b idwift Biologie (W"t Germany) 19W, p. M 17912. 0. $Slood circulation. *Skin, 77, v. 8, no, 7) 62-17M I - bramer. F. W. U. POILIE. W. Ill. Iltle: Local IV- K-H-10402-b V. Kresgo-Hooker science tAbrtry Aosoclates, Detroit, Mich. of g"MdAM AWasobs by "" 't 1 1~ , 403YV3 A 0'-0 rl,6 for Crossing Sugar Cane Based on In lthe Chromosomes, by G. Bremer. UNKOWN, Vlant Breading Study ("ircle 14 MW. Wageninge 1~4il pp J136-142. CSIRO Scl ~2 Aup OMN: ' URAL, Order f IH. nl$ MAKING OF SOLUOLH AL- JR ARAW S PROM MEAT, PLMH Ak AA ANCES RICH IN ALWJW, ~zp I rLA n 0 LA $1. 10 63-14947 (sot*). (Food.;11 ~v. 10~ !AJO-cs.l. A Pat. from *Solubility, *Pluto 6) 63-1047 1. Bremer. H. U. Patent (Germany) 106 OS3 "k, d I mg vl Ith ~Ob god caslifar 2-Hoaftb Fwmaces stated With Cold Coke- J* *pro J. 7, F. P. A, kr, Stabl *Oglevsp Val Ultv 19379 RmUber Tr 519 0 po 0*0 4!04Z`41ilt ;h Chramlwrz- 4, ;nd WorItInIS Data Wit ijalt-4, Ovayona in Opea-flearth Stec' t ~ie Mt anontu arA UftaUurigical Advactagea Ted '1~ itb 131LUA Vvwwaess by To J. Cmr&mll, J 1,lp*ttlbl u Useup Vol J=., Wo 2,, pp ( A-71. Srttlish Iron *a) Steel Ind (no wwA*r gima) H ~f om Large Ilectric Aac urds 4% vo~,O stku %A zinc 1101' tx I*. Brvfthur Tr No IrO rik Z,fttb=2 by MR= SMBP 15 PP. so I$ gp 099,9 Mad Jim & Co Ltd. rAtMItl ROM PuPers NO 10 iv CUI Ub ~M 31 .16 V,10 4val 61 LT. OL. IIIHEN ON NEW 7RAINING MEKTHOCS) dY B R E ~P 4PIJ-11 HARARAKHO., N-O 14-() 1, ~21 004 pp .44! Oxe D14itcuosiq SociAlist Morality - Both POI Ironto ~Oe Responsible for tbe Educatloa of Tioillr 01,,j4drenx by M&rts Drevicicova, 6 vp~ c Ir. Predvoj, No 25, 43un 1958, Bratitilaye, US JMB/DC,-L-7,Be S i~-. 58 by E. Ot" GO E 1; vol. 6 1'! 2"?5 io Voi, 14 C004tj t4a"i ?moos cc Malvil platings by 10 6b Ondal , T (Ism J* VA"tjjamnb*uq IM p Vol IX p Ito 22 0 MA 59-20468 Set Ibr ~72 Vol No fl,v vWLffn vm~,, I lpo ~:,onavltv, 4-li, t~vl Ir e, 11a T or totnmi ttee no. 9 (mert Ing no. .5) 17. FAM I 4-p. Vienna, * qq. S refs. it 1,11W cc"Mir Order ImIti *LA $3. to 62-20456 Tranti. al!C(Ittitte V4op6en du &-tor, Paris. Rulletin d'InformaiOu .randO 1"g, no. I& Ir M.'r,01til"MI IR ON'll in Ot tural), Olitinges, 14ruc. turat partii. 're-ites, tx)wrtl 'a, Conirm. Re-stilts 4 St Oies m4de in 058 cocnjxKatil*A~d the etfectivc flange width bin. by (ttsre - ow -iIIII) Inf cf rhe WjI, Teits AddiflDnal, poleffill ii Ofte 01 Ifebmad Somkcs (Fngnm-r469~;CI%,(1.;ITT. v. 9. no. 101 (Ove r) -~J(- OP T 1-1( 4 1k;1: I 'T C OP 1, c(MV1. 1;11.1 1 12~i 26 r0s. Owt"-r I rki in 41 'k S'~!.~ 1,2 - , s71 t I-lanst. of (1, o-fille Viirojw~,.n dU BOW MUIR] ROWlin dInforltia,oloiji raiNilio 1,1;s, no. 8. [it '1111.1 wis (Sit Iloclol). '411loolal pprl,~ e'lnlorc~-d concrete. J*r. i o. n