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Aj The Effacb of aaDw Moodds on, hmm*tam by H. Goebring sad H. -W. UlmoMos. ., parj, ZALtmcbAft fow Awmir'' GMMM XUAm" Mmd46 Vol 263v 195Dv lp-P 1 -1 NTC 71-13721-,07B Feb 72 TT-65-13419 Field 2D Goehlich, H. ESTIGATIONS TO INI PROVE PRECIPITATION OF PLANT PROTECTIVES 13V -)F ELECTHICAL CHARGES. 96p, 39refs. Order from SLA: S8.60 as TT-65-13419 Trans. of VDI-Forschungshelt (West Germany) v24 n467 p32 1958. MR 655 C.-Ifur Tiinjtrjti , S2N2, and Poly-Sulfur Nitride)j -E.')x' by M. Goehring, D. Voigt, LAN, per, Z. Anorg und AllSm Chem, Vol CCLEXXV, -Dp 181 -190. ATS 568-W Chan Lig 6o _qQ~LhrlnZ,_?,jargo(_4nd Volgt, Dietrich. DISULFUR DINITRIDE AND A SULFUR NITRIDE OF THE SERIES (SN), (Uber Dischwefel-D(nitrid. S2N2. und Polyachwefelatickstoff. (SN)x).119fl) [241p. (foreign text included) 21 refs. Available on loan from SLA 62-10443 Trans. of Zeitschrift fUr Anorganische Chemic (East Germany) 1956, v. 2115 (no. 3/6] p. 181 -190 Other translations are available from ATS $12.60 *a -441,36C 1960, 91p. and from SLA ml$ I. M A TS 1 ph$1.80as60-16909, Dec56. 7p. DESCRIPTORS:- *Sulfur compounds. *Nitrides. De- composition. Polymerization. D(asociatice. Chemical analysis For abetract see Technical Translation* 1; 447. 196M (Chemistry- -Inorganic. Tr, v. 7. no. 4) 62-10443 1. Goehring. M. U - Volp, D. 19 11 OW-0 T-1,.I..4 S-4- 61-10147 Goehring, Margot and Niedenzu, Kurt. ON KNOWING THE REACTION BETWEEN AM- 1. Goehring, M. MONIA AND DIPHOSPHOMC AaD TETRACHLORIDE 11. Nledenzu. K. [Uber Phosphor-Stickstoffyerbindungen. IV Mittell. 111. Title: PWaphorus... Zur Kerunnis der Reaktion zwischen Ammoniak and 4 On Pho5- no Diphosphors!iure-Tetrachloridi. Re , phorus-Nitrogen Compounds. [1961 greph.. rp 3 formulae omitted] 5 refs. Order from SLA $1. 10 61-10147 Trans. of (Chemische Serichte] (West Germany) 1957, v ! 90 [no. 11 p. 151- 153. DESCRIPTORS: *Ammonia, Chemical reactions, *Phos0oric acids, *Phosphorus chlorides, 'Chlorides COM- f T.AW-l $-i-. (Chemistry- -Inorganic, TT. v. 6. no. 1) Dust Removal p~rw CqPOlu, by R. Goenags. IFRUCAP Plmceedinaa of the inte=atiowa PowuLry COngreSS, BrUGSeII3jp 1958., YD 694-T06. 13CMA 978 SCI - &gr I~If ? 40 may 61 y ~, "I p ~ The Development of the Mca DIW~ctric ,U;=erp by Fa Gerth and R. Goenylln- ao gen.. 19 pp GERMW,p perp glektratech., Vol Lp So 32# 8 Aug ig2g, pp n56-ii5q. (commication of the Laboratories of the C. Lorenz A. G. of Berlin). MA 57-3255 Bel o070 .9/3 Aug 58 /~1 lb pan, C,2=3 in Y( Jan 1949. Wick TH 1305 (25 Phy-,Ics J~m Ic", TT-64-14236 Goercim. Nal- SULFWE CF-LLS- Goexcks, P- 014 ACTIVATFD CADMIUM 6 3 22p (refs OmMeM Tr-64-14236 Ord,r from SLA $2.60 des r~14commaications (France) Tries. of Ana-br- table) 1951. 6. p. 325-3M- (AbOrsm avI Ophotogle=ic Calls (Semiconductor), DESCRifITORS'. ea OC&dudwn -Pounds *SuMdes, *Pb0EO6IS='c off ciapper, silver. S-11ity. crystals. as of After & survey of the most "P"'les provided to a cadmium gumde (CdS) calls. 0 as a ed~by the demonstrate bow aw" prqp-d- '"tiou a activaltots. in the calm of activaugo -Y ~hs t,.h"cs at "tivagot percen"Fa I terse or Silver. idvtty. the Interne Upon the spectral distribution 09 new it. I. esponse U" Of tbe CAS calls is re,daln,M. sales and r ver) am.. (Pkysics--SOW Ste". Tr. 1. Lt. no. 9) (am) Prccesz for the Hmaogenizing and kativa-bing of Semi conductor CrystaU and Semi Conductor Ugers, by Paul Goercka, 12 p. ----------- - - - CIEPME, patent, 919 727, el. 21 g. gr. 11. 02, given 23 XV r,-5, =antAd cm Basin of fi:mt -bTams. lev 8 July 49. e BIA 60-10088 Bel Apr 6o Vol In, 17c 2 NCH-201 103 Field 7C Goerdler. J.; oerk. K. SULFINIC ACID ANIIDINE_1~ 111(2) IMINATION OF N-p- NITROBENZENESLILFENYL CARBOXYLIC ACID AMIDES i WITH N-BRONSOBENZANUDINE& 1965, 7p. 13refs. . TC-798. ! Order from TC: $7.00 as TC-798 Trans. of Chemische Bertchte (West Germany) v9S p389-93 1962. - 1. Goerdler, J. 11. Doerk. K. M. TC-796 IV. Trans-Chem, Knoxville. Tenn. NCH-201 104 Field 7C Goerdeler, J,; Gose, W. SULFINIC ACID AMIDINES~ 111(2). IMINATION OF N-SULFENYL CARBOXYLIC ACID AMIDES AND CARB- AMIDE DERIVATIVES WITH N-HALOGEN CARBOXYLIC ACID AMDES. 1965. 14p, 9refs. TC-799. Order from TC: $11.00 as TC-799 Trans. of Chemische Berichte (West Germany) v95 p394-402 1962. 1. GoLrdeler, J. It. RocHe, W. 111. Title: ImInation ... IV. TC-799 V. Trans-Chem. Knoxville. Tenn. Chilled Casting, by P. Goerens and H. Jungbluth . ;D PP - GEMAN, per, Stahl u Risen.. Vol XLV" No 28., 9 ju 19A52 p MO. -Z BLA 57-3350 Sci Aug 58 p /J:a (v Scientific Research- in the -1rop" -ladustry-, by P. Goerens, 28 pp. GEIWM, per, Stahl u Eisen, Vol XLIII, 13 Sep 1923, pp 1191-1199- SU 57-3248 Aug 56 ~7 J-66 iv i try jo' Z.. "I by ALID-1 DIldlil, Ninol.ile Gcor: e:lclll: RUINUM! A! i per, Rovista- Pa-darilar, Vol UXIV, Ho pp "03 -512. JPRS 23811 (DC-VOO/53) Problem of SeeP, Groving on Vi-rgin Soil in Siberia, by A. Gaergiyev, RM F. Sherahenko, v pp. RUSSM, n-9, Elellskaya Zhlznl, No 205s 17 Doc 1960, P 2. -T-P-Ps 6,?65, usm ECOU Feb 61 Codoined Oral and Intravenous clao-lecys - tp~iog5rkphy- by Heinz Gmrke; 7 up- -~ 11--, M-1 k4lfii, per, Barl-il-lor t4edizin, Vol X, lg!i?j P 152. sL.A 6o-1,815[) 6 I'To lo 63-18168 Goerlich, P., Karras, H., Koethe, A., and K(thne, K. TRL-32MMAHNIESCENCE MEASUREMEtTrs IN 1. Goerlich, P. CaF2 CRYSTALS. 11963125p 34refs 11. Karras, H. Order from SLA $2.60 63-18168 Ill. Koethe. A- IV. Ktfhne, K. Trans. of Physics Status Solidi (Germany) 1961. v. 1, p. 366-385. DESCRIPTORS: *Calciurn compounds, *Fluorides, *Thermoluminescence, *Luminescence, *Spectroscopy, Impurities, Discoloration, Yttrium. Samarium, Cerium . Europium, *Ytterbium, *Crystal lattice defects. ' Me thermoluminescence of three types Of CaF2 cry- stals was measured: natural crystals (found near Ilmenau); synthetic undoped crystals (prepared from natural material. and prepared from synthetic material of highest purity); synthetic doped crystals prepared from synthetic material of highest purity. For each crystal the spectral composition of the luminescence Offka d Tte6" L&%km (Physics--Solid State, T17~ v. 10, no. 10) (over) F, fl'.ti c -'-. n-f Polarization Gf the lncide~it 121,glit the Emiusion of Complex Phutoup-thodes, by 11. Goarlich~ H. Hora, 5 p - lp A per,, Is Me- Hauk 35SHp Ser Pim, Vol XXI'V3 No 6, 1960, pp 698-704, CTT Sai Aug 61 0 la -0 W- by P. Goorlich, C. Reek., H~ KmtAoca 4- pp~ RUSSIAN, per, 1z Ak Nauk SSSR, Scr Piz, Vol V-*'~V, No 6~ 1.950, DP 668-672. OTT Soi 3/ Aus 61 Photoelectric Cella Their Production 2ad Chnalacteris- tics, by Paal Goerlichp 7 PP. OEM=, per., Die Photozenen, 1951~ '-DP 245-P48. ATIC IP-TS-9473/111 Sci - Electronics Jun 58 Use of PhaWae*tric CeU41 lay P. Gaerllab3 P im, ~ ~. GffWNs pw& ffacbriahUntedbusk, voi v8, no 4., iSo5j 3p 3,9e. * ~,~ / -; -- pme r-le-MB/ni Sol - --- Oct 3,956 =/am I .mThotcric Cbaracter of Ethylem-edlemim-!Mtrasiectic Acid and its Effect on the StzabiUty of hietal Ccmplaxtsp by 14. Beck., S. Goeroea. HMGUUAN., per,, Magyw TudcmmWos Akad Fmaai TudomaWok Oaztalyanak Kozlemanyeip ITO 32, pp :265-M. AEC-AM-TZ-37 sai - Mem Apr 63 Processes for Producing Metal Bydriewa,, 2 W; b~ Schubert, Goerrig. GMW-Au; r-atent uppLucaticmv,, No, P 15172 Wa/~2-i and F 15173 IVa/JM,, 22 JUl 19%, Farbangabriken Wf RELEASADLE IIYJ FORKIM NMCNM Scientific Kin/flete2z IAC T&~~ UW OM Scientific G-rapholoLrj cuul Identification cW Liaxid- for Ii-,grl PLu-pw- es j, (2:,-c1 :mv~Lmed edition) by H. 0. G=Zthej= OMAN. a_'Ussenschaftliebe I G 1010 0 Im -a Geright--ilche SoliriftidentifizienLng 194,-,Ij Tr 1-5b Sci - m i S c, oct 63 Pmetion and Formj by K. Goerttlerj 20 pp. ---------- GEPMW., per., Deutsche Yndizinische Woebemebarift, Vol LCMII, 1958, )by 23, PP 905-93-1- Nm 8-32-61 / a 6 -2- - Sci - Vad Dec 61 Acirlic Cell Adeno=cincrna of dic, Pat-odd ClarA4 - by Stanislaw VVoyke. erzy GOO= 7 POLM', per, EM21 No 1, I-96S, pp 97-103. Navy Tr 38WPIA4S 876 Scl-Blol & Ided Jun 64 261A7 TT-65-13704 Field 6E Goerz, G.; leters. It. G. HYPOGLYCENIIC COMA AFTER TOLBUTAMID. 6p, 37refs. Order from SLA: $1.10 as TT-65-13704 Trans. of Zeitschrl-ft fuer Haut-uad GesehlechtsKrank- helten (West Germany) v35 p252-5 1963. INIR 663 Goes, C. 110PLESSIONS OF A SIX= TOW, IN THE LL S. A. 1. Title: Study wtLr [19631 [22p] 6,efs I - Coes, C. Order from SLA $2. 60 TT 63 3D9S5 Trans. of Zknnent-Kalik-Gips (West Gern-Any) 1963, v. (16152, no. 1. p. 23-27. DESCIUPTOi,S- *Ccments, L%otaLyfurnaceo, Fuels, CoGts. Industrial production, California, NUchigan. New York (Materials, TT, v. It, no. 5) offits gi I &C"k" OU-- Nottod For the (Production of) Silicon R2ctiflera, 'by Goesch-el) it pp- GFM-1111i, per., Siez"anf,s Zeib, Val MOM, 195&, r, 109. SLA 59-10789 sci - Chem Sept 59 Y '~-- ?-/ .1 / Vol 2, fio 2 ~~ I rY - 4.3 5 --,1 ) Some F"roblems of Socialist Raconstruation tho vvB Optics) by It. Goese _ 8 pp. GMLMAN; per, Feingeratetechn1k, Vol VIII., ~"Ifn !j., 1959; pp 489-4.91. JM 7 195 E-Bur - Gex,=ny -114 Econ -5 _.:f - u /I I 1~11 - Dee 60 1 I-low Great Tasks That Face the -Photographic, Ci and Optical Industries, by IL Goose, 13 pp. GEPMR, per, Die Tachnik, go 3# 1960, p:p 216-22o. WMIA SC-12ld/60 Sci - Puys sep 6o / :g -:~ ~ 9,/"f TT-65-12152 Field 13B Goesele. K. ON THE CONTROL OF WALKING NOISE (Zur Daemmung von Gehgeraeuschen). 12p, (foreign text Included) 6refs. Order from SLA: SI.60 as TT-65-12152 Trans. of Gesundheits-ingenteur (%Vest Germanv v80 n1 pl-4 1959, 1. Goesele, K. MR 626 IR e - pliez to Questiom2aire Butmitted to Comaide-lation of Members of CiAe-YdUtary Directorewe of a Salvador by Mr. Henry W. GqeUala, Herprementative of Capley News Service, Sim-'-&0-90., California., 5 Pp. OFFICM USE CHLY SPAM5H., EnCl 1 t0 D80D 2400 AWEMM93yj Man SaLl7udar, 8 peo 1961. Dept of Stato 447T707 Latin Amtri-ca Pol Yar 61 i~srects of Local Government in a SLimfom-1-an IM113fle, by Peter R. Goethrals, 143 PP. IT'DOITULBIATT. Modern Indoncsia Project Southeast Asia Program Dept of Far Eastern Stu(Ues Cornell Univ. Ithaca, New York P-rice "")3.(')0 7E - Indonesia Soc Vacob Grim's Acadeqv RGporlo "CweerniuS Uio ~.Le -ep of M.-rds, " by F. 6oethe, 11 pp. OMM I M., bk,, Oralthologie ale Blo34glsahe Wis- eenchaft, i949, pp 287,291- sLA Tr 1613 SC-4 - Biology APr 1957 9