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61-14909 Gebharck, Erich and Seghezzi, Hans-Dieter. SOLUTION AND OYIDATION IN THE SYSTEM 1. Gelihardi, E. TANTAuim-OXYGEIN. fl961122p. 12 refs. 11. Seghezzi, H - -D. Order from SLA $2.60 61-14909 Trans. of Zeitschritt fUr Metallicurde (West Germany) 1957, v. 48, no. 9. p. 503-508. DESCRII'TORS: *Tantalum, *Oxygen, *Oxidation, *SolubiLity, Chemicil reactions. Offi- .1 T.d.1-1 S-i (Chemistry- -Physical, Tr. v. 6, no. 1) S _r7ostir-ations tl in the ~rantal=-(myrL-n Cc- c(.,; the Mcchanirm of 0~c.,,Scr, Uptal-c ~,~n rdt, "ZI -Diotuv 28 lt2tp.!",~, Vol L, 19'c,ct, p:, f ?'81-25 P-EC tr-w3T2 -7- Sol ISO by r Deutsche E~SCI-I'MYt, 71 A i DC-rllin, 1959, PD, 450-,"53. J-r-RS -2C9.ri lt=-,porttation (Rutlrm~) (2310~-W/M) os6hD Discussimm an Rmilrlmd Si&w.2a wid Ocm7=icmt'ic-nG by J. GQbhM%dbjt V- VInMs 3.1 PP- WMMO, Slaml und SCWMDo So 3JD$ B=Uaj, 1958t pp 292-4225- im 33o6-N za= lbr 59 The Watbom Cable Linft 3, by V - Golbufts P. mmmi, pwi. ID 3 1 11 in u pwx=pedrtocwIJrt Vol Xmi, Ib up UK - a& %-134 act Pas 59 '?-Y, 03 #r do UnutlUsW RrodwUon Resemes in the 11ming Industr7, by MA&dew Gebickiv 7 ppo Iff=RS POIJM, perp 4,cie GoopkU"ses Do 43, 25 Oct 1964s p 3- JPRS 27614 jail Poland 272#172 Fmm*hw, M mus" ul"lla Mumm ""IM6. w :*Mao "@Mao wmm amulo 7 PP. INCUSP41 egmczgw VOL'Xills, NO lam ,lww"" - 1^. "! 0 -5 IJPFO IMA so wlftmv Mo.. 4"1 "A No 22%593 (BF-1857) Vadift,nized 10RUng and Malvery Wlth the U" of the ano Cc="" nan-60., lw MAplev CoMeld, UU Wyrobokp 7 pp. pmms pm,t w"a=omd emmum, voi x-n., ]b Ils, 100-a IN 367-3n- JM 13983 Ma - Polud O"AT SOL - MW AM 62 ynamic CoadLtionrp of Synthesis Effect or Rydrod, of Wrocarboas From Carbon Manozide ana Hydrogen at Atmaphere Pressure., by 1. V. Gebler, S. I. Bmoll'ywJLwv, 1.1 pp. UNCLAWIFIED- WMIO., per., Khimiya i Tfkh * i IWL-1, No Alag 1957., pp 51-57. c4s US JMtDC-172 JU 58 M f It V 11 T" (3 .'T r c1 f P 2-L,- t~- A-pr 60 A~- Process rbr Mtration or Wale In the Molten State by Mqterlnla cir uhmm-Q& Pvrwabnlty, b3~ Sn_ (;ebmder, 2 rp. ............ . GZWW, FOUSt RD 2ft,60 GranW 18 Oct 1913. WA 57-3M get Jul 59 716 or, the Effect of Air on lAq4d Z:Lnct by lbrich ftbbardti, 13 vp. GIWM# per.. Zeits fuer HatO I la-A . Vol XXXV p 19461 pp &T-06. So Le A. Tr 595/56 ,!~I, cr 44~1 Sol. - min/met. 0j Aug 56 M/dex The uncommon amplitude cowse of tho donlinear distortlon of the ear, by Gerbert, N-~ 11 PP. GMKU, per) Akust Belth 1) 1955P P 67-714- SIA 5B- 539 sai AUS 59 RW- 35 Oe .r The =cct of the Intmduction of Azzotobacter Umn the Vitaula Content of -the Soil aud Gat by A. G. Gd~~rd~) md- S. 1. Ko-v al I chuk~ Ay. WMIO, per, MUmbiolp Vol X-kM) No 3., 1958o mp 331-334. Armr Lvmt of Biol Sci sci - Biology Peb 59 Th e C-ran I 141 c etern I n t h c L I em.-Unts ~~,t f 1):- 0 1,14- f F'P - 7s " D 111.7 per, Iz r-',n C'n aver;:' "Prieeziya i Aerrifol-.') IVCMKL, UP. 121-132- Jun 63 Cmft; fopolywarizatiua 5) itcaimius i% the Prestrizc-~ lionzeyl part'Xida Di%'Uthyl Asilitle, Ity I* f4crty, B pit. libWCAkIX--I, Vor Act* Chin ucientlarju Oungairtcstb,j VIDI. N7.* S.' M-2,& 1 13. 7 Whikl& RT Usli ONLY C e -z_ 301 TO Mechanism and linertion of "Healing" of an IsoUted 'pox-O i~ a cr"tal B Ta . B. AMu y Ain and 1. M. Lifshits pp 6 RUSSIAN, pax. Piz Tvurdogo Telat Vol lVe No 39 1962 pp IN6-33Y) Awr Inst Of pb7s Sov Pbya :, SdUd State Vol IV. No 5 scri inn 63 Healing of Nutroscople DefeaU on Rockwat, Nono- crysWU at RLgh T=Meraturex$ by Ya. B. G*&=inj A. A. Shlydnt 0 6 p. RUSSIMI-parp Xrist&UogmfLyzp Vol IVt no 4j, 1959j. pp 579-586. ATP sm Pbws-cryftal VOL :~vv v* Scl 7f mw 6o Tba Enex=~r of Activition for DiMsIcir~91 Cracp In ,ctaUia Diaordere& Solid Subatitution Solutions, V, by Ya. E. qel;u -9~in, 4 I)p RUSSIAN, per, Dolt Ak Nauk SSSR, va cxx, no 4, i958, pp 819.822. ConmateuU Bur&-= Sai - Mom 22/6/59 .9 '0 Of tbe 13),,Twiviom c),- a j..ovel w-,l voy 1D p :ba a Crywballtie Body, by ya. E. 0_.g=ln,, 3 Pp, RMSIM., -perj D& AX Wauk SSSR, Vo,-r- Cru, Tio 4~, PP B33-B35. AIF sav Pbys-Doh C-2 -2- Clouding ("Aging") of Pressings of Ionic Crystual Powders, by Ya. E. Geguzin, V. I. Startsev, 7 P-P. RUSSIAN, per, Kri stall ograf iya, Vol V, No 2, 19G0, pp 2~45-302. AIP X0 Sov Phys - Crystal-1 Vol V, No 2 Sci 201,0631 Jun 6'2 11.7 -- me kclcrtan Proacasec Taking pi=e on tbpi Stwface Qf a Natal at Hub Tomerstuft. I. Obturmi acushmss of tba iSurfe4a of Fo1yvTymtm1.j by, Ye. S. qNZMLtg,, 3. X. Ovebwenko. mm MBBLhl.. ,Pr,j, Is Ak Rauk SMj Mel Takh ft so 3.2 195E.. pp 108-U8. C81HO 3w Sol - Phyd 91;e71 AVr 59 , ~?5?s DilMnionml Actirity of Mttt2ls ot, pnwc~%- Crigin, by Ya. 3. Glegazin, 4 pp. RUSSIU, per, Dok Ak, Usuk SWR, Va =rj, ao VP 1045 -1048- Amer lwt of Phyn ftv fts - Dokindy Vol IV, v0 I Sai - MIM 97 7-- W if,n,o --i-orm of Fares Formed During tb-- interdiffusion of Metals, by Ya. E. Geguzin, 5 pp. RUSSIO, per,, Dok Ak Nauk 880, Vol C, 1955P pp 255-257. 7j A= Tr 2158 S-cientiXic Kin/i4etdo Jun Rixing Eaerglas of Binary MutaUic Systow,byVa. E. Gn'p- FiApo B. Pines, r lWSSIAill* thrice-mo per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, IM MVWA./ No kp 1950# PP 535-538. 9 65 D ') 8 1 \--- Fulmr Roaaarch Institute No 15 a,- /7 1 Scientific - Physics A Hathod for Determining the Temperature of tbo Ap- pearawe of a Liquid Phase in a Mixture of Solid Products, by H. Kh. Gluzzan, A. L. G---rahuxw, Ya. E. Gagt A~Uj' 3 pp. RLMUN, p*r., Zhu Prik Wm., Vol )XVI, r1o 11., U=j nov 1953., pp 122% m4 . CIA D 167132 Consultanto Bureau USSA Scientifie chemistry cTs 65/~eb 1953 Yi the Kinetics of Tnrrmal Etching of Anneriling-Twin oundaries in Gold and Copper., by Ya. B. qWj4n and N. Ovahnrenko. pp 6 SIAN, per,, FIz Tverdogo Telas, Vol IV, Mo lit 19620 3-UO-3116. Amer Inst of Phys Sov Phys - Solid State Vol IV,, No 11 63 Self-Haaling of Surface Defects on Crystals at Higb Temperature,p by Ya. R. Geguzin,, N. N. enko, 5 pp. OVIC12" RUSSM, per, Dak Ak Nank SSSR, Vol CXXX# No 3o 1960j, PP 537-540. AIP Sov Ph"-Doklady Vol Vs No I Sol Sep 60 De~ormatione and Breakdown of the Subsurface Layer in Lithium rluorlde Crystalaj, by A. A. Mipwat., 4 pp. Russmw,, per,, Dak Ak Nauk Sm., vol cxxy,, no 4.. 1960.. PP 735-- Alp 8a7 Phys-Daklady Val V, NO I Sci Sep 6o investigation. oi the- CaUss3 of the diffusion activity of aryotalline solids with diatortions. VI. The effective diffusion coefficient in polyaMtals By Aa ?4* Ratnerp Ya, Ye. GeguK~-U, 5 ep. RMSIAN, perp Piz Metal i Metanov, Vol XIII, No 2,, 19629 P? 301 Aug 63 4/t, 3 /~ ,-~ . . . .... .I -flim I wF-Jjj.F ;I,,, -, 741 ~ -- - - Tho - RWASU of xe~~Ja-pow~bar ~rs4ng aeguALut Be X. OvcbazVa%os, 5 IV* I .., I . I . 0y -za. -. - fusuat part fig metal I astanovo Vol V12 No 19 1,959P VP 38-"- pp Sol / j a/ 1,5-~I Oct 60 V:.~, Effe,:t of Presauve On the Coalcocencc ana "FleZ7.1-Ing" of Hicropores in Cryst&lline Bodiea, rjy Ya. E. Gcg=in,,-5 PP. 3MSSM, per,, DoX Ak lauk SSSH, vol c)=v, no 1960, PP 829-832. AIP Sov Fbyu - Dok vol v, No 6 Sci Jun 61 Investigation of Some of the Physical Processes Which Occur on the Surface of Crystalline Solids-at High Temperature. 6, A Method of Determining the Coefficients of Surface exA Chemical Diffusion in Crystalline Solids,, by TA. YE. C=ZVI -G.-N. WVALEV,, A. He RATIMp 13 ppo Russia, per, Fiz iietw. i motallov., Vol 1, j't.o 1, 1960, PP 47-570 -5- 65-- 2 6 Aug 61 262,322~0j. Tnveszi&,;iLiu,~s in 1.Ue ne.~~Luii I!. The Effect of AU-Pbund-Pressure un -t-he Kinetics of Macrodefect Recuperation in Ionic Crystals, Ya. R. G zi , L. M. Pol~akov, RUSSM, pers Fiz Tverd..3go Telia, Vol III, No 2 1961.. PP,9 520-527, AIP SOV Pbys-SOJid State Vol 3:11, So 2 sci wg 61 of tile CsuseB ai' ;)iLTI ~:Lfxi- "Activityl' in Crystnlline Bcdies, with Distortions. 3. The Problem of the Dif- fusion "Activity" of Electrolytic Cop- , par, by Ya. Ye. Gaguzin, 0 - 11 - Kovnlev, N - 11 - Ovehwenw-,5-pp ~- MJSSLM,, per., Fiz Metal i Metallov, Vol IX. .qo 3., ig6o, pp 6e-68 P? /Y Sci jun 6x tions. The Problem of the Causes of HiSh.-terperature DiffuBion "Activity la MetmIs' -by Ya. Ye. GeVz Paritskaya, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Fis Metal i Hotallov, Vol IX, No 3, 1960., pp 69-72. pp IY57 Sci Jun 61 Gi the cauBes fG.1' ".kativkUy'~ of CryatmUine bodies !A-I.-h Dis- tortion. 5. The Cmwes of Diffusion "Activi,. In M-tals -with Macroscopic Heterogeneities of Straeture) by YA . Ye - 9 PP - RMSTM, per, Fiz Metal I metanov, Vol ix, So 6, 1960, " 842-851. PP Sci Jun 61 Invest1gatlon of Some of the Pb7sical Procenees Wch occur on the Surfaces of CryxUaline Bodies at High Taqwratures. 5. The Prooesa of the Spontmmus Heall% of Defecto Intentionally Groated an the Surface of Polycrystallim Copper, tv Ya. To. 91VU -enko, a pp Y!~, N. ff. oych" RUSSUN,, per, IPLX vAtal i vAt&U*V,, Vol 11, No 4, 1960, pp 569-577 PP SOL Wy 61 oat/ 'o Excess fteancips jyj an Electrolytic Meta)- by I 1~~. 7 pp- RUBSUP, per, Fiz Metal i HetaU, Vol V, No 3, 1957, pp 536-544. P? Sci Due 59 /o .7 I/ -Ical arA Bxpori=ntal Equilibri= Diagm= af Sm? Simpler Binary M-Ioya, by Ya. E. Gaguzin., :1. Ya. Pines, 7 pp. YuIL1 tranalatione .""Ussm.p 'Look Ak Hauk SSSR, 1950, Vol LXXVP Vo 3a pp -387-39-Do Sel Mw Lib No 52/32h8 sclentif It - Chevdatry 27 December 1952 investigation of Sam of the Physical Processes occurring on the Surface of Crystalline Bcdies at High Temperatures; It. Calculation of the Kinetics of "autcmatic cloaiug-up" of Intentionally Created Defects on the Surface of Solid Bodies, by YA. Ye. Geguzin,, 1. 0. Kulik,, 5 PP, YMSSTAN, 1pr, Piz Metal i Fletallov, Vol rX, No 3, 1960, PP -379-384. pp Sci Alf, 5 773 On the Agre,1cmerittion-of A=rpbcus rvodlev,--by Ya. Ye. Cregusin .1 - --- .-II..... - RUSSUN, thrLce-mo per, Dok Ak Batik MHp Vol XCrIp No IL.. 1953.. p 45- NO Tr 180 CTS/DEX Investigation of the Creep oL M--tals a-rid Ailoys. Ill. On the Effect of -Uie Si--e of the Specific Load on the Kinetics of the Initiall Stage of Greep in Metals With a Distorted Crystal Lattice, oy Ya. Ye. CeguzJn, 'f pp. RUSSIM) per, Fiz Metal ~i 14--tall, Vol 1111, No 1, 1959A pp PP Sci Aug 6o Investigation of Cree .p of Metalls =d AUoys 4. Creep of Lead-Base AUoysp by Ya. Ye. Ge,guzin_,. V. I. Kudrlk,, 8 pp. RUSSIANp perj, Fiz Metal I MetaUoy, Vol VII, No 2, 1959, PP 235-242. PP Sci Aug 6o Inv*stigation into the Sintering of Metal Powder4 at a Cmstant Rate *f UntiMp by Ya. To. Geguzi4 7 P. RUBSUM, part Pu metal I ustallov, Vol V1, No 1958p pp 650 Pergsum Prests Set 7 ,Kpr 6o Origin and Growth of Begative Crys,,';alr. (Pores) Origimting in Ultrr%-;~atuzatts-d Vacancy Solut-AlcLz In;- a CrystaW- = lAttice,, by Ya. Ye. Geguyin. RUBSTAUp b1t, Rost Kristallovi 1957, PD 91-97- ATIC F-TS-944'JP4 Sci - Cbem Oct 59 Of' mstaj!~ crc "eg ve. q Piz met-al. I, -pp 572-585, 4, 1959, A-1 1 2~ 3 Pal oc Cwguzin, Ya. Ye. and Pines, B- Ya MIXING ENFRGY OF BINARY NiEETALLIC sysT D. [Energii Smesheniya Dvoinykh h4etallicheskikh Sistem). 119(0) fit). 10 refs. Order from MDF $4. 00 MDF C-197 Trans. of Alkademiyal N[auk] SSSR. DoMady. 1950, v. 75, no. 4, p. 535-538. Another translation is available from Fulmer Research Inst., Ltd.. Stoke- Poges, Buckinghamshire, Eng. as FRI no. 15. I .Allovs- -Phasu studies 2. Alloys- -Specific heal 3. Title: Binary systems 1 ~Geguzin. Ya. Ye. 1l. [lines, B. Ya. 111 ~MDF C-197 IV~ Friedman. Morris D. r., Inc., West Newton, Mass. V . FRI-15 Offi" f Td-1-1 5-4-. (Metallurgy, TT, v. 5, no. 9) mg] I Il1j 1, If TIM I HIII)b I Ill III I NIF! I; ,,~ 1-j Geguzin, Ya. Ye. and Pines, B. Ya. MIXING ENERG[Yj OF BINARY METAL[LICJ ALLOYS. 1. Lead-tin alloys--Phase I. LEAD-TIN SYST -at [1961) 15p. 12 refs. studies Order from MJDF $9.00 MDF G-198 2. Title: Mixing energy 1. Geguzin, Ya. Ye. Trans. of Zh[urnal] FizL'icheskoyl Kbim[ii] (USSR) U. Pines, & Ya. 1951, v. 25, no. 1% p. 1228-1238. 111. MDF G-198 IV. Friedman, Morris D., Inc., West Newton, Mass. V. Title: Lead-Tin... OfR-4 TdjCW SN'lCes (MetaHurgy, TT, v. 5, no. 11) I - 61--22tlO Geguzin, Ya. Ye. and Pines, B. Ya. MDCING ENERGY OF BINARY METALLIC ALLOYS. ii. Bismurti-CADIMUM SYSTM [1961) 7p. 6 refs. Order from MDF $4.50 MDF G- 199 Trans. of Zhfurnal] Fiz[icheskoy] Khim[U) (USSR) 1951, v. 25, no. 11, p. 1300-1305. 1. BismuEb-cadrolum alloYs-- Phase studies 2. Iltle- Mixing energY I . Geguzirk Ya. Ye. H. Pines, B. Ya. 111. MDF G-199 IV- Priecim-, Morris D.. Inc., West Newm Mass. V. *nde- Histnuth-Cadmitun ... alb" 04 (metaiiurgy, 77~ v. S. no. 11) Gegmcin, Ya. Ye. &W Fin". B. Ya. MDONG ENERGY OF BINARY METALLIC ALLOYS, UL IRSPAUTH-ANIlhf)NY SYSIIU~C [19611 6p. 6 refs. Order from MW $4.00 bff)FG-2W ~_- Trans. at Zh[umal] Figicheskay] )ad-fil) OMR) 1952, v. 26. to. 1, p. 27-30. 61-22111 1. Andmany-bismuch &Uoys-- Fhase studies 2. Title. Mixtag energy 1. Geguzim6 Ya. Ye. U. Plimm. L Ya- 111. b4DF G-20D IV. Priadmon Morris a. Inc.. -West Newank bkss. V. Taft Usmuch-Andmany ... IN" 40 Todaw $WAS" O&N&Uww. Geguzin, Ya. Ye. and Pines, B. Ya. COMPLY17FI) AND EXPERIMENTAL EQUILIBRIUM I DIAGRAMS OF `TlIE SIMPLEST BINARY SYSTEMS 2 (Raschem)v i Opywye Diagrammy Ravnovesiia I Prosteishikh Dvoinvl:ll Sistern]. 1196016p. 5 refs. 11 Order from MDF $ 4. MDF G-196 III IV Trans. of AjkadctnivajNjauk)SSSR. Doklady, 1950, v. 75, no. 3, p. 381~-390. V Another translation is ayailable from Fulmer Research Inst., I-td., Stoke-Poges, Buckinghamshire, Eng. as FRI no. 14. (Metallurgy, Tr, v. 5, no. 9) 8 75 8 Allo'vs--Phase studies Title: Binary systern-~ Geguzin. Ya. Ye. Pines, 11. Ya. MDF G- 196 Friedman, Morris D.. inc., West Newton, Mass. FRI-14 Geguztn, Ya. Ye. and Pines, B. Ya. MIXING ENERGY OF BINARY METALUC ALLOYS. IV. BISM1n'H-TIN AND BISMUTH-LEAD SYSTEMS. [1961] 10p. 7 refs. Order from MDF $6.00 MDF G_2c Trans. of Zh[urnal] Fiz[icheskoy) Khirnfill (USSR) 1952, v. 26, no. 2, p. 165-172. 61-22112 1. Bismuth-lead alloys--Phase studies 2. Bismuth-tin alloys--Phase studies 3. Title: Mixing energy I. Geguzin. Ya. Ye- U. Pines, B. Ya. 111. MDF G-201 IV -Friedman. Morris 11, Inc., West Newmn, Mass. V . Title-. Bismuth-Tin... (Metallurgy, 7117~ v. 5. no. 11) ,:I , and Vincous I?Icn7 (Sintcrintra, and Craas>) c',", Cmpacted blots Poumaers, by Ya. Be, ROM% thrice-mo per., Dok AR roult &SM, Vol MUM No 4. 195-2,p PP 5TT-5W- Brutebor Tr No 3362 9 2, 'to Sciettific .. it1wrauftbials -r/7V9 CTSITa / fl 5-cq-o Surface Energy and Surface Processes in Solids, by Ya. E. Gg_guzin, N. N. Ovcharenko, 29 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Usepekh Fiz Nauk-, X Vol LXXVI, No 1/2, 1962, pp 283-328. AI P Sov Phys - USPEKHI Vol V. No 1 Sci 18 Oct 62 213,584 investigation of Some Physical Processes Occurr-ing at tae Yetall Surface it High Tenmderatlu,es, TT, Tu E. Geguzin. RUSSIMI, per, Iz Ak Natul SSSR Ctde'L T-2kh "JnW-, 1 1056 -14. I-Tc 2'j, pi~ 3 AE I T-11' I sci jun Ex -.ceza Wmnaicrj F=od In Brass In EvapcZzation of Wic (In a System With a "Vacancy Sowee"), by Ya.. R. 9~~ W. W. Orchareckoi, 5 PP- RUMUMO L., fts "Oul I Metau, Vol IV, go lMp. :pp rOD-W. perzamw inst Set - Minfiet. Sep 58 '7,5~ 9176 On 'the Lrdimance of Presaxwe an the later- Difftsim of Metals in Co=ectlcn With the Rffeat ce Pwv FormtIcas, by Ya. E. (Ye.) qw -"n - - MSSXM,, thrice-= per:6,rk Ak Rauk MM., Vol ani, 19A, pp 839 ABC 'rr 24~4 *%Autalv- Physics Jun 56 C"/dcx Sipt~jrirz of raarlor viixturegi In t""I.-I 5.1- -1 *~ ",.:, Coppar-Tvickol; Similarly Shapcd Powdcr earticlee, by Ya. Ye. Goguzin. UNCLASSIFIM RMSDA, pcr,, riz V~3tal i M%ta-2-1., Yol ll~ 'IND 3, 1956, pp 4C6-417. Sat Nun Lib 57/4284 Sci - Phys; An/Met Sep 58 ThO ftoUt SMA Btlngtng Aat of the Mwdtdus PzuU=e,p %t 2. &a# 0. Emus, 6 pp. WMF# rwil ADU TMVIces 'V*l Ilp go 3s 1959.. pp grla-m& JUM T40"3 Sol - Mol & Ned 4/5/, ?/a &V 63 ~?- - Ube Rrmlrztt'n. 3Z I,= 4r~ MtaU3ad. RM bv.-=3.r:Cm C'Y--IOR:L Amimv by H. Cab-atim.. L,-. ff,.MML,'.p :CL%n., IlawkTomlairzt; Vol m), ,Ln 31p.-VA%. mm 5-32-63 63 o x The Determination of the Molecular Weigbt IF= the Mmu3p Of the Nzperl=t&l,Gm"ent Curve Of the Ultmoewtritup .'~y iktatlahit ~ dobstia. WHiMs per, Die mulare abed a Vol mmm, 1960f pp 83-96. ard - calm Jul 63 jn~ -I.- on a Flalf Llw~ r C~' f, c n :, a by 1. C. I 'ty,,-l -,rTTT may 'V-~ Nil twrwn' 1"'.4 ~ m-;" - , . 11 . -1- -, 11 - 11 FAr.'kdwacPArdy_Kc%tt Patzvrns Ip. Cormir. lic4n palaw M- Due to NeSwrive Insensible Perspiratim. b7 32;4. Zak, G, Gebw at a). CMILMM, per,' Z tuar Ktintsche Madzin, Vol CXXVH. 19841, Vp 201-213: NASA TT F-9058 ScA-Bld & Mod NOV 64 US. ODVERNMENT ONLY 269,360 .'r Am Intriudcally $are C=Uctlaw Cautrol sYstcax by W. OCbX - GMMS., pbr,, -admiko Vol 12,p 1964p pp 216.=L. 6(", SCI-ELOCI Do* 69 W. BsuMoh,. GERVAN, parj, Archiv Efeenhuttemtesem, Vol XII, No 1, 2-938. Brutcber Tr No 1786 Scientific - min/metals $1.80 /V, 16~5 It Dear Min In Pmtl" amd Themyip by R. ofthlbur No I MMUM6 perp IvAu$Zr�A AmAschms, 1961* lip 13-90. WL Wlt 6075-WI (X%9) P- C, e 14 L H 44 P, sei_mlbc~~ Aus 63 *p246 63 -20138 GOilhoff, G,:org. I HE PIIN*SlCS OF Gl-,\SS. 119631141p] 33 refs I Getilhoff, G. Ordc I- from SLA $4.60 63-2013S Trans. of G1,istvchnische Berichte (Germany) 1928, v. 0. rin. S. p. 414-447. DESCRIPMRS: *Glass, Viscosity, Electrical con- ductivity, 17-tacture (%Iechanic~), Chemical analysis. TrZITI~formations. Mcchanical properties. (NI.Iterials-Cclarnics, 17. V. 10, no. 11) TT-61-14197 Gehlhotf, G. THE RiIASONS POR IMPROV WENT OF NIC)IT 1. achihoff, C~ VISION ITIROUGII TC-LLSCOP&S (LAc Urawh,,n J--r Vcrbe3scrung &*a Nachtsehens durch Forng1knevr). 119611 10p (figx tables omitted) 2rds. Or&*r from SL,. $1. 10 TT-61-14197 Trans. of Veitachriftl f(dr] Tcchlrdschel Phyallk] (Germany) 1921, v. 2, p. 245-250, (Physics - -001co, TT, v. 12. no. 3) ofnee et vw#wtai s.~im A Refined Theory of Lectro-Thermal Be- frigeratioup by y!__q.,-(;ebl-hoff. GERM, per,, Abbandl Gee Wine Gottingen,, vol iz,, ig5o,, pp 149-164. ASLIB-04 Bel Aug 58 7 A" 41.0-14 r. vr-- a rI I co~!o I a P.J it 5 rci: t~v at 1 i- It1 lln lyme r Cen ri. e p,ar. emische Peric-te. Vol ~t4 443-451. '17TC ~,9-1254S-97C L7' !icl,chou. 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