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E. B. Bukhgalter Dete-nnination of the density of simple gas hydrates. GAZOVOE DELNO, No 2, pp 9-11, 1969 MTC "12-15170-07D mar 73 Rhooloacal Froportles of im"r I*Itsll by V. I. kl*hplter. RUSSIANt Povt-,Plost ~mp No 3. 1967s pp 43-W. ATS Fab 69 3?3r?69 ljon,r,-Tarm %'.reUt for ~Apjitall Investnuents Qrgm:. by ~.. [juhldnat 10 pp, per, le';oscau, tw,~ 1,49s, pp V, c), Tj Iv 6,~ I con Oct & )~,3652 AnaloVcs ror the w1utica ct value p--,>blt=.* ty B- A. Vol$Wkily V. re D4ib=x 40 MWM,p W4 1963. Sc14ft,th & Date Apr 66 ~,w Reduction of Trivalent ArserAc by Maw of the Amalpm of a Series of Yat&U, by S. P. Fulibman. RUSBUN, per., AkadaidZ! Rauk Yaz&kbskqL MR. Izvestlys. Serlp Mideheekkn vol. 15,no.1, pp. 9-22. mis M 71-3,28~4-07B Autoradiography of ReWarating Skin Under Ditgerent &Verimental CondLtious, by A. L. &*houova. RUSSM, per* D& A Nauk SSSRj Biol Sci Vol 1819 No 39 July 1968, pp 754-757. CD Jan 71 Reparative Process Following Rezoval of tha Hypophysis and Its Hormonal Consequences, by A. 1. Wkhonova. RUSSIAN, Dar, Dok A Nauk VoSRj 001 ScL, Vol 178, No 2, Jan 1968, pp 500-503. C8 p , = . B L4 le A 'D M 0 Vq Jan 71 1w *4~aa to a `QGt=M)-cW ITIM CC !W W~wa vios bi 77MOIAUp pors Veatn3k i urdVa=14toeta *It I ~ Va, 23; 0 Doe 4,1*4 sr, -56, On the froblm of Orgmdoation of Dadelliary Pmdieall Ald Fbrnlabod to US POPlUtiOn bY District Therapistal by A. T, D&htkW=o 7 pp, MIANO part �gVIMM WMMtgftMLn=o ~bwov~ No 9p 19699 pp 23-29. JpRs 499.9z Nov 69 396t412 i.' T t wd 5 lc;~, Protective Coditig in a Sirplax radio Chamel Uoin,,; a Chain Code,, IV Vs Ye. Wkhvlnsr,, 12 pp, Mmi, per, zwgt no ll" aw 1965p ppq, 17-230 MOrs 333A e, USSR sci-ElAxtivales ret, 66 295A50 An Algol Translating Program for ths Mbsk-q Comimtert by Peter &*is 14 pp. YOUSM, part Informacio Mektronikap VoL 39 No 4, 1968, pp 256-2D. AIRAM/UT-23-629-69 pz~z /2, 4 Ue, I Sci-Slec jul 70 knalyals lor Via Effectiximas el Me rxwAm of Fuea cwpital,~ to, P. DAdflp fumm's per.$ -amait-11-01 NO flit AuC 1963p vp- JPFS 3259-3 Boon 65 itoliable Oporetion of Powr ,;tations 11scuawd, by ij, 1. a*in, 5 ppe port Lwrptik ijoscwt !~o 6~ V%99 pp 3-4. MIS 43652 13 (,Lk I'Al soi-,--norgy cwg (tim-Prop) Au,g 69 339,175 7, DO,, J, 3-9 W~ - 6 2' 3"l,3 32(', EvAlusting tke loparatimal ftilability of surfug ALP Pywulaten Ifistollatignso bl G. L. Qla"Sat Po Yo. suhloo 6 pp. IRA 001CIAL USU ONLY MSIMO per, ~Wrskoz Sbamit, ho 12, 1901k pp 66*Tl* 97WAR-Y SIA AP WS R, / A I .4ay 66 The Research and Training Rmctor IR-100,, by Yu. H. Bukin., A. Do Zliirwvt G, N. Zftewchu- zhnikoyl L. V. Konstantinwp V. A. Nikolayev., I. A. Stenbukp V. S. Lovanov,, N. A. lQu7asto7 and A. G. FLUppov, 10 pp. mssIm., Per., Lt2mm 'Ene;70,va nov 1966,. pp. 366-3W JPBS 42002 USSR Sci-NIS Aug 67 Lj Ll lt~ //I/ 333)326 -dzatial of wi-piter o'--eratiall ulti,:)rc,jr&, oroa j)y C. Blkiya. 7 pr). rerf 7N cii~,Uzssl~,. sad)slidleliyal vol 46, L -T- 11 19671 414-69 FTD .-.1-705 C~ i4y 69 384,276 the lndusL-,lr, by Antal :,Vma, Ara&, 1. r*rv uIrmaki 96 Jul IC167. 01 -bakly DEvoed 40elf-le:~~tecl Systat,,s ,3cmitiviti ol I '-dEl ll:m-y Lx-,-,, -,, JrG- E'reedmi (4-)eratincl in tlie Fuidzwental 1.v3ju-mcy lbdep by ". jARcbratovich. 1-JL,Iji~ej, L.-k- ll-is~ove 'r, 7 cbi*ye, -..lo 1, 1968, pp 31-36. ...ecial 571-69 f2 nov 69 396,973 Constant Combat Readiness, by I. Bukov. MESIM, rpt, Vsg!gda V. R2VM Gotovnosh, pp A & 15. ACSI J-9855 FSTC-I]T-23-799-71 -T . a t,- V- '0 v MaY 71 Flow idth a Separated Shock Wave Paut a Wedge- Moped ProlUe. %r V. Go. B*anMn* 6 1:p. RUSSM, part IjZ* Acad: Nwk SSSR, lift, Wkso No 23, Mar-Apr 1969p PP 83-85- NAU TT-F-13469 -~- ~"Z, 4"tlnla)lll~ July 71 Cc 6 ko-uJzL Testing Of Chlorinated Hydrocarbons as to the'-Ir Properties Acting on Metals, by- A. Bukoviecki. GERMkNv per# Schweizer ArgbiX guor Angewandtp Wjopenschgft und jeshniki Vol 34v 19689 pp 363-366. NTC 72-10386-11F Apr 72 oncerr4nc, tho i;ormsloa chaiv-'Otexdrticb of CaT= a-Ml I'MA-11"O MIUS s In tha Zzwome oil I'V;Ortazr, L-.~ SpIweis Amh 90 M-29)0 BUKOWIECKI, J. Measurement of average diameter of Faili-61-6-sin'Voiwder metallurgy using Fischer's apparatus. Rudy Metale Niezel. 13(4):193-9 (1968) (CRL/T. 3929x] ilkstal l'v-jQzrs of High Verrce el' YJAianem, by 1,~wla Jerzy Dulty-tiecki, 15 PCRASH" 02" Bud- i F-,-tnlc- rhez2L-Lzne 1.10 o) 19~5jpp,! ~73*9- !~Yn~52V6-v Oct Amiewski citeg causea ror laim liourpni?AtiOne by Lmn fl&cwlocUq ? pp. D4-wlnik ~ 4-5 Jan FOLIS14 pwo . L9690 pp It JPB 4794?5 / e k o le, C~ k f, Bi~-Pdland pal gar 69 3?5t966 June. 72 Sm VarlatimO, Hetbob In VUEftt %mics, by V. P. xrotovx V, Z, gftwws ma IV- RWXMI, Us FLOM M29 'sigg-om-m v Dingdke MB6- ME TT 70-5 OU TT F-657 Jtm 72 Detamilwtion Of optiftl cont"I Prow"" for Wlapd KU=ft ln CMulftrOtica of TAmit*d=s or L*Tmuty TYL*t by V. Z, b*rqw., 34 VPr MMZAN,t Dos It"Idasm 22 math POIStA No Ij, 19b5o ppl 14k$alW! 3DO v, tam SOL-Aero my 66 3OOj274 OLndL% of VLval Ribomeleorcotein with Riboamess by A. G, BukrLukayas V. Mo Zhdanovs RUSSUN, pert Dak Ak Nauk SSSRt Vol 188, Uo 2. 1961), pp 464-466,., CB May 70 , -,a~ 1~ "I P~ L4 A,O .70 Va JBUL ' , B. K . k U CLASS I FICATION OF DEVICES LMPLuYING PLPMAld.i~T MAGNETIC SUSPENSION AND D-C ELECT IZVE-STIYA VYSSHIKII UCHEBN'YKH ZAVEDEN[Y 'ELLK'r EUMFKl-iANIKAlfW.7q 1.97u 744- FSTC-HT--23-2458r-72 0. 1 /) I , *)ul 11; I- ( Cadidum Telluride. Table of Contents and Abstracts, by B.M. Bul. RUSSIAN, mono, Tellurid Kadmiya, 1968, pp. 139-142. NTC 71-10901-20L August 71 140G~lc systels ftLvll3t" st", f br j.bZWtakydroqMa* Wn=sU=$ by 0- B. Da. rm ONEOM USE am 9=10i PwIll uVestisa am a i0 &N.1i //--S 7-C f- d 3 - 4- S, - C C4=v Bee 63 Discoverin- the Secrets of the Human Psyche 0 by P.I. Bull RUSSIAN, bk, 61 pp. NLL REF: 0678.23F AD 661 891 I- July 69 383 366 Dwdopim CzschoslovWdan-PoUsh Wa&. f / b7 Jin6lih BmU. 8 pp. POLBHg npp .&MNIMO ilarmus 29 Oct 1968 - - JPas 479W p 3* 7~e,42,;~ ~16~A~L I'lldpolaw Lam JA (7 -572/ '-~ ~~- s - 1%eduction of Samples of Netallurgical Raw idaterials, by L. Bula, CZECH, per. Hutnik, Vol 19, Do 5, 1969, I)p 167-171. BISI 7701 L , ~ As~,- V. E. Eulaev Effectiveness of Potassim metaphosphate as phosphoro-potassium ferti-lizer to be applied with potatoes. AGROWMIYA, Nb 1, pp 10-16, 1969 = 72-IS-1-91..02D mar 73 TSIGLER, V.D, and BULAKH. V.L. Use of silica brick an the design of blast - furnace hot stoves for high - temperE blast. M etallurgich.G ornorudn. Prom. (3):47-5 (1968) (CRL/T 396x) ,~Allaullstlm of tho Arpwsta FxrAzditum of inbor., t$,-, )-'* Pqrut#47* '46 B441M't 12 vi 223429. Ppoposalo fop lwrmaW toot utpd dvcno b7 1-110 iulakmt 19 IPN EMIC1,19411 Mroc r~,, Vdim owma Dp jims Aus 69 Y33, J39 Bulamlm Rin-Ims ilasto Future Coal Amrtao by LaWkI Bulandrao 5 pp. KLIS90 npt LrZb_n_mk-qd I,eb 19699 5. .It I-br=t 9 L d i3w L 4 rod kR Econ 69 M. 0. B L, L o to 'I '&J Vibrationa Spectra of M2z=Les idth Vau Dw Wade Boudsp by 1 0. Iblenin,, M. V. Twkov. ROSIAN.. per. Waa I &MMaglyao msmau Statd Vol 3j, 1967s pp 2D7-213- NTC 7l-lW7-07D Feb 72 ~~Cport ort Rcacarclics in the Field of Graviraccry Accomplished In the USSR from 1%2-1965, by Yu. D. Bulat*he, L. P. Pellinen. RU&IAN, rpt, icherdye Obtseledoyaravaldi 11 - XDJO-c-"tr vul v - , "R, 1962-12 5 PLqggaylennove I'Ve7mmgrodwy Quylmetrickestu M inarcOmpy Assi 6 ra 13,, n.) S ci-E. S&A Oct. 05 a;- ~ftiql ~, , P, 6 u- ~" f;~ N~ f.) "/ The Order of Approximation of Convex Functions by Rational Functions, by A. P. Dulanov, 24 pp. RUSSIAH) per, Izvestiva Akad Nauk, Seriya Matematiches 33, 19693, iv 1132-1148. AM;/FSTC/BT-23-'IP5-71 Jan 72 ,9,P~ eL,-Lt9A)Z)V The Order of Approximation of Cow= Punctions by R I ational Functions., by A. P. Wanov, 24 pp. IM. per. Izvestiva Akad Hauk Seriy A Matematichesk- aya, Vol 33, 1969,, PP 1132-1146. ARM71STC/HT-23-1125-71 Aug 72 77' Irratliatol: 00 y 36 3.') .,V3 C~I.X-l 3,1 -VOM VO,-6ftjS St Orlla$ MtOr VOUEdO PlMtj, L'y V. BLOA30.arl, I. DXWIA--rp =4 P. lm, -17 MW 65P PP JTFS 3D226 I ,m. I i no~ 65 VOOSW A Plea for V*mm s&q-iwt Uie Pollution of \I Riveres by V. Bulamvp 6 pp, HmImp,np, Izveagn, 4 Feb 1967~ P! 3! JM 40,1-~ 5 I/r, USSR -amt4eft- 9 ilpr 6T * ~ 11, 323#315 ~ e. P. 8 t.,- UR t~ OV Digrtribution of Tarbulent Flow on Flat Perpencilcular obstruction., by S. A. bilmov. HUSSIM,, perj, Izve VY3 Uchebnykh Zavedenile Avlat onmWa Tekbn1kap NO 10 j469 pp 115-07. NTc 72-14336-2oi) Jaa T3 Hemy volme COWAW Promaing Of opwatima IF TelWaph IntoMdIMI by Ve Ae BqIMOVI Ve Ao BdanoVs and Pt F" Laak, 14 ppe s -part LVLWMMO LdmQd=dk4,1 -Svyuf .Ho 2v 1969s rp 3-6-p ALV~~1-23-524-70 Apru 71 Distribution of Tatbulent Flow an Flat Perpen- diculax Obstruction by E6 A. HaUum, 8 pp. MWIANO per$ Immumbb lwwaa zsn*mu- &%Wsl Id" No lit 1969# pp 115-116o NASA TT F-429984 Usa nov 70 a '4ri ,A)thod Pw ^,zaruri:c- tho RVI AtmDophale layrza t4th 1-1-1motbommistwas lqy i,o ii, imUpmo 0. A, Kokln* 19 ppe Rx,4ulv, I'M* TrOy Tmkallaa AaA chs&,og ' - !~o ','?~ pp 3-1b. ireits 460726 !;ov 68 The Cin-omatogruphy of 6-Azaurcil and its Derivatives, by y9bulant and 900onxim RMSIAN, per, Aatibiotiki Vol.10, No.2, pp.99-104, 1965- STA-TT-065-11725 Chem Aug 66 306,716 quentitive Dotc=ineum or 6-Azauracil Abloat_aild ll.U** - Ribcside2 by Y AM RUSSIAN2 per2 AntibiotW, , Vol-9) Ilo-61 PP-545-'351.,10.~ MA-W-66-i1646. 21 - 4 A u -r, C, C- 30%237 BM cmvllty 12 IV! Val ao 2: 1965's 7-13i am Val-.MIA lj~lm 12- Vidatiom of Tadzhik Labor In4slation Wsmwibads by V. aftrgin, 8 pp. AUSSMS pore Hommurdvt Tadshilciltam awhanW# 18 iiov 1969s pp 2-3. Jns 49Y48 USSR U.,011 Jan 70 399026 Kiff IXWOMM AopWto of M"umUm of Roonmda COOPUStUft SMOS SMUUA CGW*Xlno by N- Numb MA It* MIAD# 5 P.Pe =no$ per, IW= angdkb go 9* ftt 1967., PP 153-155 JPAS 43604 usm ft= Jan 68 347olk9 t '~q Color no t .,q .b. ~zorl co. PUI, Mat is RacUoelect;rorde Vlari., by Colonel A. Bulatav, 7 pp 1965) fussmi . np' Klusma mrazda, 13 Jan VP 2-3- JPRS 2~~ USSR lui mar 65 u 1-1 7 6) 5 " 2 2 ff~; w Aw lv~: nrty.,Te.,w audory Of P4,01CnA f-,, tile W-at ;-wrmct Torces., ,;~.* so bilatov# 8 PP,4 RX021-'al po4 22r~ill Feb Ity-,xs; rp JEZ 45621 July Nm ,,!Utary PoUtical Trairdng Book i-oAcuec, by No. aiUto-v* 7 vpo IMSINJo por. K.4M;dqt V*oruqhcW,'z~,. tjqo ~-Dscow, 110 10, 1W)t PI) i Aug 6~ Fam"arlties of ~i'e~ura aw i0locity 77 Cowitims Of itatsk "inter fiew"ar under Ice cover, tv s. N. adwim. XS61Ut par* ZM& T124MJai~f~lns ~Itta izwl~ozovf It 13ts 19659 VP 64-61. CkSTITT Cq-59008 A/ ~n' L46 01v 61 5 Ito a 121 The TOOxAve for Stu4itr thei RmAstion PmDertlao of tho lea l3lanket or. L-iland i.~atnrs, bY 7 ppoo II.P. Der, L No 2, 19,3;~t ,V 07 SelecUon of c(mwim" for Tym=* Gas m9mawda bi Vf so BulAtAmp 6 pp* RUSSW', Part Imign SL!xdj2&0 UWOIeava Akad=W!M-SSM*, 40vosibirake VO 6o 1969v pp 2?-310 JPRS 49373 goon Dw 69 396o573 Estimation of Young Cod in the Labrador and Nevfoundland Areas in 1961-1967v by A. Yu, Bulatovae RUSBUN, per, 1PAIgn ZIP4 Sucawww TagladnvAtalskil 44 P-Aak+"vJ) Inatitat k2% an lMn2x2j&LU&.j.. -kennogradl- Tcldy;, No 23t 1968t pp 262-278, NTO 72-60053-06C May 72 Mar 72 Protective Properties of Polyethylene Oxicb in Low- Tenperature Preservation of Bone-lftrrow., by R. F, Bulatmaj Va S. Kogan, 7 PP. RMSIAS, per, OrtU2L3n Tramatologiya i Proteziro Vol 29, No % 1968t pp 27-32. Dept of NavY HIC Tr 3209 . F . \, - L f: ~ - t -. I - - V ri MaY 71 Azzlpls ft-Alnp ou, Huma b'P/thmcWtea ftmwi Ii FolyetbAc--e Wdde Solutions, by K 14 kftaP af.-4 R- F- Uztovai 7 PP- BUIX!, par. DLqfWka# N3. 1,~ Vol 12, KDecow) 1967, pp i6,3-Z57'- 'IT Am Sci-Dio- and Medica Sci. Tba hn*Um of Cl. BotUUMn TMdu The C in ~~71 S~mblotlc OAttinp by T. L Watmes, L 1. fthya"vj, 6 pp. =SIMS pwo "WWI g2m&.~Olm 1 mg ug yo Avtmq pp CDOWO AEWMWA*6~3-4*48 -F MVBW AP 69 38D*191 T. 1. lo T, o I A i -T. I.p by MiCll, bV "ca A" J~ re