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r;.t, inbarn.-ticnial Co~afbr cri isl TzM 777773. L761 7,377m 7T) b 7. --fula, 0 13 1 77 ic I nt r., Vic turilatiulal J-90, 433-446. 1-197,3r1 t F TZ 17TT 77-111; -17~- Study oi Current In stab ility in an laho mogeneous Plasua, by N.S. ludialnikova. R.A. Salimov. RUSilMl. rpt, Nov, 1966. K11027767 AEC MAIT-tr-36 a 4,e /IV ".Ur 67 A 5tUdY of Drift InStability in Votossim Plosma, by W. S. guchellnikova. 34' RUSSIM, rpt, Issledomie Dreif-ovoi Noustois clivosti v lKalievoi PIN Nov 1565, P91105 367 22X AEC WRL-tr-10069 /'3 a II/V MAr 67 Invostigatiul of currout Beau lustability in all 141kOW.gencour, Plasma, by N%S. Duchellnikovi, R.A. Salillove ot al, 17 pp, rWSIM, bko, Issledovaniye_ TokoLOZ ploustoy. 61ivosti v i4odnorqdnqy, Plasm, 1965. M9 1 rO4 AhC,-IOOb7 67 in a Plams. Bud3elavoms So A. StUmMs Uo lo 17 pp. wo roolms Vol 0., lw* 255-260. PAWIJ*7 AW TV 6676 N. S. Buchelnikova 32T#90T sci itm 6T LwS Ctafts, by S. S. ftheri.. 6 kp. RUVA per AULAk-mg W. va im W-525. -MjjW7S 1b 2a4 Dot of Nor Bel-MR aui 67 3-Us-423 Measurement of the Life Times of the First Li I., by Jean-Paul Buchet, Alain Denis, 5 FRENCH, per, Compt Rend, Ser B. 26S, No 8, pp 471-474. AEC/SC-T-713085 e_x Levels of pp. 1967, Jan 72 L,jeaged ~.=Aw ftUtUS ftte= DO*Wibed. 13 rv. kGrujo lie 60 jm ciuc) 2942 .561-Spmoo Toeb. Jan 69 1 T'Lhc Corrcction of Earth-Tide Observatiojis 11or Indire-ct. Ef-fccts as a Boundary-Value Problem of Mechanics, by ~111T. Buchheim. B EL 6 T L", I Fier, Observatoire Rovill Series A. No 9. Geophysic.,; Serii;-,, 131-1,16. *ACIC June 72 el? Q InvasUgatims of ,;asa 6pectra of iydrogan %luder Ims Ath a vomott" h*]~yser of the ;~tMvtlc z:actor iype, by K* BmIffielt, ivenkoss fn ,,n Pore a t r t'Aftlm 1~&-aljgft ol 24, 1;o 4, 1 pp OMV96- !I* b--o 16, ~'-"qpt 19613 Ai r,/x~ k-In/61,1o439 ti Ll- jzj,, ~ ( / 6) # hl 6 , e- 'km 69 371,927 -(, C/ - / 3 / :z0 H Investigations of !%tss Spectra of Ilydrogen Cluster Ions with -3 ~!cnpnituta Analyzer of the Marnetic .19ector Typoe, by ~'. buctilicit,, GERMAN',, per, Zeit fur An~mi P!3ys, Vol 24t No 4, 1968. pr~ 1151199. 17C-69-13104-2011 Sci-Illys Sept 61) Y)WI(I C~i Investigation of the Lim Matvibution of Hydmgen Clustw-Ions In a I-lass spwtnwtor with Bnwa SepmUmg by I* Ftobbeit, GEWalls rpte Thod& ftrljMft ZMh Mp 1967# 22 pp iu Raft %1.9F (CT01482) fi'/7" ':E-: 1'-6- Sol-Phys Jan 69 373#653 L,L-ld Facinp In Cherdeal Plwt and Paclear Reactor Comtrwtim., by A* Dichholz GEW.V per, Apdar Vol 8t 1967) pp 585-w- MI Ref : 9=.4 (67/3,59) i~ 14C. L I IM-Etst Gelmavy ECOU July 63 360,993 "BUCHHOLZ G GE 35MM ANTI-AIRCRAFT TANK FOR THE WEST GERMAN ARMY MILITARIECHNIK 1/1972 PP 41-42 FSTC-HT-23-2095-72 Pudio-Active Recording of the ~,,uavtity of Iteturn Fines and Coke 1,11oisture Content in a Sinter Plant,, by G. Puchlkolz,, G. .,ovzerkorn. GLIUMAN, per, Itoesch ~cr,,, N(o 3, 11,1680 pr? 98-105. 1JISI 6774 /-1 0 CA C-k~ J2 May (J9 330,440 jj. 6 -44~1 The Field of Blectromagnefic Radiation in the Interior of a Hollow Parabola of Revolution With an Axially Directed Electric or Magnetic Dipole at or in Front of the Focuss by H. Buchholz. GERMAN., per, Arabix tuar Elaktroteohnik# Vol 51, No 5. 19689 pp 322-333 NTC 72-12429-20G July 72 Frieaon Welding - A RgvIewq by S. D=hholz ORMs part Vol ILO Ito 7t 1966s 99 301-!P& lu Ilef: 58P.8.4p (LOW) .Tuly 68 The Welding and BDnding of Polyet;hylete in Teleemnmication Cablea, by W, Buchijolq_ GEM, per Limans - No. 4 1965, PP 31T-319 :L. Vol. 39, PTE/ENG W. 13vc ~) hCIA.2- Sci - Aug 6T 337-637 limastl~~Ativa of a ~artex a li~~% of itevolution, by I@ Weltbiskaya e~: 4, At kocftim* ful.s.-amit port krmwW&= a Aer2pm a ~O .1 ;.,?, 19660 pp 121-144* De;;t of 'N 2~0-w'046 sciAtlys 35 7 Sec,-dar Variation of hta~~)Ppaeric Uzzoaoit-.; in 'I'le Ukraine, Ily 1. Ye. 'Z~-AeilinzLdyo 'T pp. i-MSIAII, per, ME~p-rologi~m~ i Giarulof~lyqj tb. 9, J1.).66p lip- 3p--:O. JPF-S 53779 u M R Sci-At,mospharic L"-c 66 i-Nu ;A-D SUS 3 3,~.~-O 65 731, '111 An. f3 w c I f~ %. i It I-Lec-iti; ai c)-,' Im od, n in :iuclai cf. c'ultull;~~ MX~Jta.~r To ;AldnVurl :4 4~rjp AM~A f~a`~" 3to 32,759 1. . f, . ., ::-f"--~, .6: ~, .. I . tombob ,)Or wusotuz bg Ails Dom 'A 111~n - B*P,,-,t ZUCM- Vol lot 3)5; P-4 5 Percut.-ineous Resorption of a Sl~ LabelleA ';Iucopolvsacchuride Polystilfuric Acid rister, by F. Duchtela, 'I!. lineckel. ,GERMAN, per, Arnzeltaittalforschung, Vol 17, '121o 5, 1:967, 591-593. 'ITC 09-12613-060 S c i - 0 F" I At-%,, C, 9 An C! S oz 7 44,-( Third Intornatiowl De=taU)gjcal Gyp-poolm in Bi-atialwa., by E. GMds Jo bxbvUdp =d L. simim., 6 pp. GOVMEW USE Ow CZECIII., per, Vestaik CSAV, 2,p Ig.Grv pp, 231- ,~34* J?fs Guo 2462 vc ~,,o 67 333,303 Tho Classification of SIW,4t*i.,r Anix,:aL%~ Dro I" told Buchumld~ 7 PIP* POLM, -oer* Nme v--A 1-5$ NO JIJ 26-30 Apr i966, py. 26-ed. JPW 306072 0 C JU). 66 Construction Plant , by J. GERI-IMN, per, 1963, rp, 0111; 7667 of a New Vertical sintering, Buchwalder. Neue Muette, Vol 13, No 10, sci-~fat M a r IS S) site state f4lelt altc~-Prlqo~ lij Wctmto ang BuciUaos 5 PP- SM111M.. per, MLZ no 10 C~-'t 1965, I,Tv 6-12# jPRS 33723 !A-Cuba Scon ion 66 291330 il~r Eiu~ catc "Ies on the Ly 11. tucki. -MI, Si." par, TeOllika i !-'Orsks, Vol B of interier of Ccuruercial Office of Folrti~-,, Fishert-c-o 116 70 filrlsolwd --dada _-Mrw-io Pml-Alo,7D, by Pani~,nbjoaxvr PPO ArdAy, ~b ~o rfab, Ty'~. 5i7.6f); and T),). 9, ro ormuny lAon J, ~ I n co,.)Wdmo of OW PrivaW hdauU7 AssassW. I I w Hmmioam ikwko 6 pp. Walsis 4-mrs DG-atsdil-wid- _Avgav_o cologno, Jul L969* pp M;0224 aus W815 ~,ff ".-.-E Gorm,-iv i~,Cori w"t Cercav IntmTretAtiou or F"t Ge ,Cjv to Economic Mom and of Uie 74MMUA kvteclo IV ILek) 2:) pp* MM, per, MZ-Ardav, ao 14,, 7ui 1965,, pp. 213-M, 50 WT ..' 10~ p PP- 250-253; Ito L7, Sept 1,)65, Vp. 2G6-2&)- JPRS 32)6e rby 65 2A, 219 Phatantric of Alurdnium Volug, Cbromazurol a la Ikm Alloyed Steals and Ircm Omp by Ls Duakp nj, w. chim Ansa.. vol 47,. zan. 196% pp lo-i6 DISI 7692 Iftr 70 404,1060 7' ai=t' cX Alum:Ui= , lbutomt-ic Dotc-n L(XLI ,rith Vac Aid of CIL-w=urul S in Una2-l(xjc(l Steels =d i-.c-,a Orco, lrj L. ii tch. FT=, porp chimie vol "y., 11c, I., 'm 10-fb~. j, Sm T-L-66-10;2-16, ~Mtcr Halo " - A 1.1Nrinents on tho Effect of Air Pollution on PItuits, by 11, Ducke GEPIR111 rpil I's Ehwonoan ConZaaa on the Influence of Air PoUution on Plantn on Amimals ~no 1). Air Pollution Procoodin!~s. Wa7eninren 19G8 Pub, 1969, pp 53-73. 720-7 1 - 1 0605-0-OT I(EURFNH-944) SAPPROXIMATIONOF THE STEADY- STATE, THREE-DIMENSIONAL MULTIGROUP NEUTRON DIF- FUSION EQUATION BY A SYNTHESIS METHOD WITH THE KARLSRUHE SYNTHESIS PROGRAM KASY. %Buckel, G. T(Kern- forschungszentrurns Karlsruhe (West Germany). InihtVt fuer Neu- tronenphysik und Reaktorteohnik). IcTranslation of report jLKFK- 1349- 2057P- "Dep. NTIS. 2SWork performed under United States-Euratom Fast Reactor Exchange Program. Thesis. Subn*Atted to Karlsruhe Univ., Ger. 26reaotor physics; translations 2118K 2SMN-80 29P NSA REVISED CARD 0 .-A,rinqp risiteries at, ccorgcs Ly u. tiuaip 15 i;CiLlSl,.p lifir, Tedudha i ziorsk;;, Vol W, ZO-214. Veq-t of hitcrior ~.IILFAJTIF A-56-Fob 1970-INo 115 Cii Loan F Q- 1~ Nzy 70 4~9 Prawn Catches cli Georges Bank, by F. Bucki POLI.SH, pur, Technika i Gospodarka 1-',arska, Vol. 19, no. 5 (215), Pay, 1969, pp. 210--214 *CPS"I'l ',I.T 10-55013 Ch,/ Jan 7' 399,682 MOU10d Of DOtQTMiuation Of PUll ClInTaCtOT- istics for Trawlers tith Fixed-pitch Pro- poller, by 17. Bucki. POLISIJ, por, Technika i Gospodarka Norska, Val 18, No 6, 1968, pp 256-260. Dept of Interior bureau of Commercial Fisheries Office of Foreign Fisheries No A-28/tIlay 69/71 Gn Loan Only -~. 6A4,c,~ Sci-Mech July 69 388,619 C)),o Polish Chafer, by F. j~uckj, ,I. Setrzyzewski0b FOLIS'H, per, Tygodnik Morski, Vol 11, No 27, ypp. i)ept of Interior 4ureau of Cou%erciul Fisheries Office of Foreign Fisheries ";o A-28/~"Say 69/121 On Loan Ouly sci-J&H July 69 368.635 Auta=tim of Fishing War mad Fishing Opor tions on Trawlers,, by F. Uwkio W, Czajka,$, POLISH, )mr,, HmImmictwo OkrvtOM, Vol X16 Ho 7-Se 1966,t P SIF-0331. *Wpt of Interior Fish aad wildlife Servica Bureau of Cmmrcial fisheries Uur-Polmad Econ Jun 67 69 The M16 High-speed Digital MLnLmodulua Mcromblus) Tedmique, by I, Suckip Z. Maik, at al. 13 pp. POLISUp per# Prace Przgol= Inst Telekowunikocii, Vol 15, No 49p 19659 pp 81-88. AIP4*nIVM-23-512-69 1 (13 u 0- L' (' Sci- June 70 Application of Abrmdv* Electrolytic Polishing 163 to Special CMS: Sections of Notallographic Samplos Bearing Thin Hard Coatings or Ifith Oxide Films,, by Ch, buckle and fis Vicheir,, 20 p. FMCHO per, go Wia-Muo NO 1, No 100 19b5, pp 67-779. Vol Ul w9t ot ILOM" Hatl Do Stand Jun 66 3020738 Hicrosclecometric Study of Diffusion of Multiple Phase Be into Very Pure Alt by Ho buckle. 3 ppo FROORp pers Comptea Remdag Acad Sci, Vol 230t 1950, pp 7S2-754, *NBS Tr 70-57582 Jul 0 Laminated Safety Glass and Process of its k,'janufacture, by F. T. Buckley, 4. F. Rick. D. L. Christensen. ULGIJIVI, Patuatt 706 645 NTC 69-11743-11D -July 69 SIS61676 Ocuenti"itritive ftestats on the "reases in Oscillating Overhead Conduotor Coblesi Geman E -Apr Elekt: wirts,lol 67j Mor pp 28.6-291. CCOB O.A. Tr. 313 F, c I -phys 4op2J'76 Mar 'T 0- Serial No WA '1~36-' anlc~ V"C'S Tra&e,, loan Buvcsa, I and 4) P", vwrta i - 355, ISE Wvglopmnt of Drug iMustry TraoWe bil F. Lteurs C. sUqxg L2 pp. Rmista do Chinle i)jchmstv Aus- 1969 pp MV3 49450 Soi-Chan Jan 70 3990228 ,rectnical Progmas vador tno View Fivre- jea-- plw,, by I. Ducur, 23 vi). MUMIM, Por, LU. ta do Cla=. flo 9, am 32614 - r :pu 0 u t,,-- J, M-k. xwdg~ Bcon 291,237 Mw,!Ane.Nj~ jnc~uztry ~SXtjfteo ibmor7q bor Ion ouctu., 12 ppo PP i_,,- Q- L t-- Q- .con sopt 6-"-~ On the Results of a Ve.-Ification of Different XoUods of Fbrecaottrig Air HurAdity in the Surfwo Layer of the Atwsphm~ by A. A. Bucurina MISSIABj, per,, -W* Tae-atre 2~- Prom. 1103. 144-., 19G5* -,,)p 36-96. WL Hof.* 58,58.4P (5971) ~ - 4. jC-) o C q Sci-EArth Pcl W 1 :J62 P 15L) SHEE ( NY - 3 7 9 3 ) Conversion of the S. S. Pulaski Ynto a Fiching Mothcr Shi-D, by Tadeusz Buczkowski, 5 PP. POLISITT. per, Pudoimldbwo Okretowe, Vol N, I'llo 1, 1~600, pp 24) 25. JM 2985 EDJX - POIQnd Ecan - 11mrafacturing, Aug 60 Problms of Animl MsNmdry in 1966-1970, by Rama 2uczynskl and Jerzy Djusleborsti, 9 pps KUSH,, per, le Go 120~ Vol M" So 12 20 p ,, N 196G Pe JPFS 350GI b~ic- 7 RZT-Poland Sci-B/14 Apr 66 29M03 fliflumloa of idastic al tile lillar.0- ra,~oetic PrQyalties of n-(b ill Ule of Drag EffLact, by I. S. BWas U~raimldy Fizidieskiy 71lu-nill, Vol 3.4, ',jo 2, DO, pp 276-283. il.Mr leT -,'.i:Deci a-I 25-70 Eab 70 401,116 Jkvalop=t of 1-onforrms kbtals bAustryp by Is Ve aWa. It ppe RUvANIAN9 per Revista do Chimie Lluchmsto Aur., 1,9699 pp JMS 49450 Scl-l!at Jim 70 M,230 Reasons for 1969 labor Policy Changes DiacuBs&3. by Istvan -,Wa, n pp. MIGARMI-11 per,, 1969, pp 1-5, a--nis 47844 L~" emes m am my 69 3U#391 I f u-n the clasitcal "Oltstfoll of tho sticl~ati P-altif fivansiol!"11 Problea, by RUSSIAN' ~ar, Dob A;: e~ SSSR, Vol ICUP pp Ille Aa Path ,cc Vol vis 1" June ibo i3ma OT thO -~Mntiltatlvo lhoory of t~,o 'hotovntbotio Activity Qf ",MAng. t,7 's, AIL As 1, ixda~iovskU. yu. f2 pp. jiwohurv sovmmt 31- vys o 2L, flr~tlvnosti. 196G. 61 68 rl years Of 1,"MIOPment 6M rro8ress In Nutri. sclarico (191.7-1967)t 6Y F-Ye. Wdogyan, 13 Fp. RUS,'U,Vj, per,, V v0 12MM I. 26o 140. 51 Mdlteinao Matcows ,*Oct p,1. 15-23. Sci-Bio. olvd Hed. Get. -:,Ie,c 67 )06, Pe OW IMZ38 Cla~;Sical -~Ulutiwl ci the Nultidiijulsioll;1I A i "LlItif-ront '-' efan ProbloV. by L, N. Vol 1611;, 1.0 1. PUSM I;er, Dol, Ilk Naui, Sssi~v flie ALI ;.,-tl-l Sur- q-t-Oct 1909 Vol 10 o Sis, 70 4030972 uc On a Class of Boundary Value Problems with Unknown Coefficientsl by Bo He Badakp As D. Takendem, RUSSIAJI. per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Val 175v No 1. 1967, pp 13-16. Am Math Soc Vol 8, No 4, 1967 8 1-3 ~; cl 4)', Nov 68 3540191 A Class of Inverse Boundary Value Problems wM Unknown Coefficients* by Bo 14. aidaki, As Do lakenderove RUSSIAN$ per# Dok Ak Nauk SSSRI Vol 176t No is 1967, pp 20-23. An Math Soc Vol 89 No & 1967 9 G . M . 6 Z4 d 4)~, Nov 68 354j254 -7 on tha A-,0,licaxt0a Of 1*,WtOn*s liethOd t0 thLe ~.3olution of vontLnear Boundary ltwalue Probleirz, by B. "Mi. Mak. 19 l."P. WSSIAN, per, Sb Rabot Vvehial Tsentral No 6) 1967, pp 17-23 NA18A - Q)~Aok Book on PlaIdAvim Soviet State Raviwade by is Budak, 6 ppo RW31AN, np, sovet ya, Ushinav, fta Moldavi .. 13 Jan 19?2gpp 2-3. JH(S 55277 Mar 72 On tba ProbleM a Us Circulatim CoixUtlm A~l 6 in the ftmtela VaUW of ,-Ww In the We= P=t or the Year't by I. V. Bminamm. Trudy En nol GWITWt Imt, M"7210PP 591-7U. 1U ftf:56M.4F (VLT(45) L 'v' ;'-, C', cl 0 --~ K'' f f~i 1-~ Sol-At= Sci -%b TO 401o M Types of Lower Ynartlan Sequence's in !,'ortliprii Oistricts, of t1le pussian platrol-vis 1,y r, 1:, Pmdanov. illussik,,per;~ uOk I% Wauk SSMI. Vol 193, 'ja 5, 19(8, pli 1147-TIMSO. AC,l (~ , 'r- . ',I J t) ro (-, - ~'I sept 69 301,459