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~"Oam ~; ,~Ivt*to W M-U-tvo A. Co 'u, r, tw N. 1. Bryuzgina Laws of the Change In Rock Porosity and Density Vith the Depth of Occurrence for Deposits of the Western Siberian Lowlands. RMSIAN# per, OUb Effli Nauchgo-Ispledovatelskii Institut Geologii, Geofisiki I Minaralnogo Serya. Li=,p No 629 19671, pp 134-140 WC 72-13345-M Oct 72 yjwioip Traft &U=9mnt 'bthob compatlads by V. Brwkt D, i4relkma, 19 pp. CZWH# part Mgdod O~b~eWd progme A% 19690 pp L-50 JPRS 49156 V, &/-,) C) ,~ j B&4zoch BCM Nov 69 39499VP 67, Chr(jwatoS:ra,-,hjc all(I Turbidometric Fractionation of k Polyphenylene Uidc *2, by J. bmezisiski. Z. Czlonkowska-liohutuicRus &71)PTl, GOVEMN"Ill'itt US4 OhLY GE~~-'A:4' Ier, Plaste und gautschul.. Vol 15, -,'o 6. 403-404, 1968* All, I/FSTC/ill'-23-850-68 Aug. 69 389.922 tq. 4-:') 'Pal stb Mgh,g. leszek Brrjazinstl i, I A jvi~~i v 65 Free RwUAA States of the CeU and of Be- caUulAr Coqpomaft# by 00 Ns Br%bev*aPf v# S. Nulwws 5 vp- BMIM# pwp Val 12v WD 2l 1967,8 10 *-356. ipas i= 68 347,021 7- - -m,-nts Ta De Considemd In Fivc-"fear Plnn UL Zor Wicult Wrz~,, by fmatol Brz:pza, 3 pp, POLISH) peri, Zycie Goa-,O,:)darczoy NO 23) 5 J=o u 1966, PY- 1) '-7. ill' Mi. S6625 I /e / -, 'r)2 .56 3',17,102 But 'dt -Dis '7777- O-a~l 6-1016~ 6CF-~" Financtig of Fiwirorziental Pxvotoction T-leanures irl goeialiSt Cour-triost by Tadeusz Brzoza, r( pp - PCLISH, per, Finanse, Vlarsaw, Feb '112$ PP 36-50. JPRS 56151 ,7u'-' 7 2 Yigineeriv, in 196P-1-1,967, 'iseljssa,~" bY -anciseck Rmosmaldo 10 ppe ~ID;iiq Por', jy!mft1., Onrasu, 11430 J. !;s 440357~-- ,kd-imezzy Aug Pollah MfttrlC FMr ft8LM9rlU9 in 1W-)-3,96To ~~ by PrmiaWk RMZMUo 10 PP- PMM# per# ammilbb Vol Wo NO. 51 MY 1967p pp. 229-W- JPM 41W9 rl?ly,Alc j s.2 c e /3 4.2 o.26ilor.;- V.-Polmd sci-mac & ziec Iwo Aiw 67 333AW ~~ctric P*wer Encin-earim in t1lo yczu r-alisi, r IX,-,5 tc) 3-w"6o by rinmisUck 13 V-) 5o kMY I.X.~U., gi4.3 sept -DA ast *,, In 1965. by 9 nor. ktrotachniOVIVI ~10 71 ,Jul in'66*' pp, 374-Y) ANC 4 eon 311 Eimtric Pawr pixemumi 1965j by Fr=lwolt pp, P=J~, pw.* YPO 32)-1324, .*I-a 31050 ram ITA G,5 Sloftc*ic P(mr Re-ldw -til 1967. 1Wj Ma=ms-tvi, by 11 1,T.,. poi,Liij port Do 56 A".1v I,, 'a, 0 pp 145-148'. ilus Wlgza4 F ~ 14 A) -2 e ~ 13,q -2-0 -Z. Sellar...;;Za Z~Wt 6~ ,. . J Polish Mfttric Fuwr Lrdu,,-L,4.,r-j Jn 1964., by FrmcistO, Brwwj&ki, 3 pp. POMq, Mr,, Prwglad Blektrotechnicuu, NO 12, Doe 1,.-T5-t-Pi-- ki)0-4;,t. JPFS 34033 Feb 66 5 l1w Capture and Esoope Behavior of IFIlanot/1-bon System, by 0. Bachow. 37 pp. aww's rptP m.-Hwia-ea. IAU TT F-12A30 r 1~2 . /J_~~I~/ sci-Astrou Oct 69 394,457 Primty TuberCular Infeetion Studied in DiSpeasury wAd Regular Periodcal Tuberculin Check-UPS# by V. asduatim, 14, Donstev, ITALIMO per, Tubarculosi, Vol 338 1963,, pp 167-170. .Dept of Navy 4990/ HMS 1143 Wc 66 314.464 ini" a1(, intTrI i"'i 'tr tvr I V P0,110 5- ICY) 77-r, 77~7i IBU Al,DAST ETAL FR APPLICATION OF THE CONDUCTIVITY CHANGES OF IN SULANTS UNDER A SHOCK WAVE TO ULTR APPLICATION DE LA VARIATION DE LA CONDUCTIVIT E DES ISOLANTS SOUS ONDE DE CHOC A REVUE GENERALE DE LIELECTRICITE VUL80 NOll NO V71 P858-862 FSTC-HT-23-2214-72 The FormaUtion of OffIcial soplAtirm an Fin 76 r vtoctL= of Buildisms by H. Bubt Gnu mottm !d Nw in stl*l - 1 190* *BIBI a216,1 sai/ftt % % Apr 70 Ompleadties of Aver lordlM isvicvac~, by L~vgk--'an Dabalos 5 pp, per# '.01nit-UMA-L'. aelc-M-1'09 Jmc 1969t pp 59-62. ugo 1~6 t (Y1- Ck--v AvleAos of SuMrt - Ito ADle =4 Perspective,, by V- DWXW$ 20 pp- SMIAN* parj, y2jM 2lLo, go 3, may-ime 1966., pp 3-19. DjAm 461-67 ED-Tuoulayla P41 Jan 68 347,,277 A oz-mlbad Card itwdere 351 lz:"~ 57 f~441MIS DQrirk8 "h A2diOlW.S Of krO MILIO Compountlz ti the 4,olid Phava, b.X li. la4, 1~ul-ws i. cs&Aidw, t4 pp. -bc 2. 1966. 22a-233. A7 J;t4-536 1D 22OW1286,3 N. yo, B b r- w Jul 63 361, 16, 1 amlopwnt Of Containorimticm a=-,,Mdt by 1q1 Vlladir4r Dubmdeekg 5 pps Zappliml WmeLva a Toah"Am pragm no TP IX-133" RRU 14539 Soi-11-bab* Lyle Civ &- !-~ar Engr A%fl 6.9 3B9*020 cousuaratims for ftaucing ttw Dimtraction Prabability of a Urpt A;tvtn an Atotic lxpl*sloo Oft4raj by I# 1-ttwolohr, 96 b-atles 5 pp- GSMt% ;ort L-Wiplatij, ,= J-SA6 Feb 65 ~icv i'logional :Ail Routing Cocie Disounsa's b,, ppo ners glowalts mfyuet i00 pp con i-lar To 403,53i A Pwchod Card Reader, by V. m. Bublog ot al. kUSSIA.N,, far AN MR, Institut Takhni-ckaskoy 5 Ubemotiki. VjMiMlit linava Tokha -luter %4necrinO , i Tokhni4a 1-1 -F-M 0 1%17 ISV.163* OFTO-MT-24-287667- v. 2-'-~ , /~ SciAlectronics Sep 67 r 'CL-olm= vmlopmt Or NO= by A* UAU*., 11 ppo Mworgr; -Par., Pftmlci U-mol. 00 3/4, mr- Apr 1965p pp. 3U-3z.-, - JPFS 31370 A-.1865 Easliah Title tbkW=p by V. T. Bablic. mmuo pors RZEM vm azimp uo n,, 10. pp 142. &LL f - / , C - -, L q I-) ~ / (L Jumo 69 lifta Sqwm MAft for Dablattioes or tbo C=- P013nds Mai, ACM3 and thm Solid Solution (W)TO (23 mOI.%Ccft)t by V. T. Dblik. amm., pw, lev vm RZ., ao U., na, pp 142-145. i&/Un rab W-045-MM Avallelae = ,Z/ 4~"a~k, Jan 70 4W., 300 6,72 The Problem of Dolse Abstemat In Povw ftationc,, by B. Mlitz. GMM, per.. Mitt VO, V03. 49j. Apr 19CV., PP 73-73" Sci-Ener -a Cwnrojon Jan 70 Vw., 293 The Ufoct of Dimethysulfoxide (DIMSO) on the Collagen and Mucopolysaccharidos of Indurated Skin of Patients After Telecobalt Irradiation, by G. Bub3itz. GERMAN,, per, KlInIsche Woebanschrift. Vol 44, 1966o PP 1150-1152, 14TC-71-11866-060 Mov 71 I^j 56 12 1A I'd, 13 Jan 72 The Intermediate Subarctic Waters in the Northern Part of the Atlantic Ocean~ by V. A. Bubnov. RUSSIAN9 per2 Okeanolog~chL~~ Issledovaniya No 19., 1c,68, PP 136-i53. *DePt of NaVY NOO Tram 545 v - i~ - B t, b QZ)\/ J,L1Y 71 CiE V, -id-ull-vf !.~jr,, Va!jtsi zi 190 6 8 Ad s ci. "'s i an .U Jk bar, ~04n AW4 Lor Pir. llriliau bain~~ 4VT~islg Nedia wit-h vnriai'~Ics cific ~kost, nav. our, V. P. Bubnov Apr '61.1 Spv- Seriya zi -"? / "d / ~ - ~ , - ~- $,- - I 'CU Removal of Hydrogen Sulfide and Carbon Dinulfido from Air in the Production ot Vicocas by G U. P. Bubnova. 'Russlifts, per, VsosoMnoa Mdndchoskao Obshchestm. Zhurnal, Vol 14, ITO 4,, 1969t PP 399-405, NTC-71-11807-07A 1110V 71 %~-'Osqlon of of A~Aoal ocioncos Lrvoterl to ?otlatrics, by '!2ibnova wid Yin, Cho !~ovilkwva, 7 vo. ~ 5 1 prosly Oldh lin -Ai, per, Vo " - 'ato i Dotstmn. !-b 9, 92-95- Till, PGb 315, 175 V. 0 , 8, A Problem of Tbree Dimensional Boundary LaM in Generalized Stokes Fluid., by V. A. Bubnoy. RUSSIAN, Der, Ingbenamo-Fizicheakiy Vol 17 s NO 6) 1Aj P-P -1027-1034o *FSTC-ET-23-0998-72 Dee 71 tit o1, 7 ~.i vu.'Ur TIC77777' 'vil n 'rl! Pirr, I of4le of D-acariwi Agricultiame Viewed by "n Yugoslav Writer, by Wesko Wean, 16 pp. SWO-CRIATIM., per; ncmwzOu CaWnikL VD1. i;:,. io, 1966,, rn-! JFRS 3-)JuG FZ-YhtIt7a.ria E Sci-Agric var (q Zambrini's Ptyaloreaction and Lysozyme in Tears and Saliva of Normal Subjects and Ocular Patients, by ".1 G. Bucci, 20 pp. ITALIAN, per, Boll Oculist, Vol 40, No 4, 1961, pp 268-288. NAV/NIC-Tr-3186-71 April 71 Aealworks Trmuport and Materials Itandling: /0,~~ Autamtion in Transport and Raw MAtertals preptration Plant irl Finsiders Fourth Stcelwoeks,q by 1-4 jiucchi,. G, Mazzolie ITAUM, rpt,, Paper Preseated at tjiu Inter- national Stoolworki Transport Zouf6rckc at Lwsoldor p 1965., 22 pp, BISI 4562 Al. aaoAj, June 66 3030574 C. Sw-c~koLx~ The French AMX DCA-30 Self-Propelled Antiaircraft Gim of Limited Operational Capability t4ainst Low-Flying Aircraftsp by G. Bucbholz, 6 pp. GOVEMMM USE OMA GER40, per., 14ilitartechnik. AIU4/FSTC/'HT-23-945-72 Sept 72 Noto on the DmIgning or Vrequoncy-Mift lb&c. Devlcc for Dats T-tv=lais-lon, by A. Duccinop 17 pp. vALMM, rpt, note tm Dmt.~OZIMLM !MR-D;LmL, Done 2mi2m5mmo ocnm*p a2t at i-mu c, A--,g 70 So- 0:MA'd ALhaU Ora%W, 2ja ?- SUvcturo of ~kdiw Acetylowdlialate ~ I~o.OC: orlia, IV Baronflel" GEMMU, per voa ~ k - no, I i itI65 PP OB 3o6lLm AUS ( )T i 3-7- Latiii American Labor and Other Organizations, by Angel Gucci, ICTT Regional Director. SPANISH, rpt, 5 Jan 1967, Sp. MRS CSO: NY-13671 J-1751/67 LA Soc Apr 67 324,197 al-136?4 A ;kp 67 latIA AwrIAM lebw 4ud Otha orsoduttwep by AA&d gods xvi Fe*ud DLVWM, em Jw# ctvft ftea-P 5 iwwm 1967. OPUM IV got qsKsa " itt tnmuftvs dowt Aug m OW4 flow Imm *Pam#, 9 w L'i-,oxa UDIta ~*-T~ a. ,,VX loodWis Oway tbrmt the VIM OW blO UTddatlm OT WO Pa-.L'j'i 1y,;" Mlbft~W 10'r, " 0-37 Vs"ItA-1 POI Sept 65 BUCH, A. Present state and future outlook of the genei of nuclear power. Stahl Eisen 89:696-704 (1969) (CRL/ T. 4197X) pmSent State WA lAztIve QVatIQOA%. Or tile cewrati~kn of 11~r Powx~ by A. WeZt o ~;cr. St&la Vol 6~, NO !no GERM ME2n, ~Val 7-3 0% ~T.'~Oct 04' lnchislo= A on covt-:~in Mochvrdc~-?a ciinxrotoris,14--rics Of, Stool-, by `j. Dtchl, IT. 7.9683 269Z7 LICIV "In tot"I r '53 ,J,, ~ n 0 9 Lffect of Surfam Tmt=nt on the Fatipe Propertlas of Steel* by At bafts J. ChWomi*A, GEWMAN pat fkrtsZLsghnL UtA*A Vol 2?.* Jul 14?o YP 157-159o bisi 5920 sci-Mat Jail 69 370a?54 affect or Temperims Tenperatum on the ratigw Strength of Lom"lid1mal val Transverse Steel Sarples of V-riwo Cleemmse,, by A, bxh GEMN.. per, Hart.-Techn. Mitt., Vol 22s, 1-967v PP 155-157. DIBI 59A //~' t kk tl~ Sal-Materials Feb &) 3691,647 Sol - -Ndbods and lqulpnW, 0,/"/, Latest View on the PmVautula of Latov- rlati=al Pelationox L-1 Rnoa Vuch 10 pp. - '3 CM, per, Iinu Qi 70U bucH H C, ~~ P,',,,,,'CHUTES IN -"'ILITARY USE . ('L , Vtj - 972 Nw ~, PP FLIt- ) I - I ~'--)T(1-111 ,: 3 Ili., -I_- JLl ~-) T.b* Cold Shaping of Austsuitic Tebas in 18.9 Ti Steel by Plug Drawing and Sinking, by 14., such at a 1, GERM* pars Neu* Huttp,, Vol 60 No 6v 1965,, pp 338&344, 118 6840 MY 66 300,983 Cold Shaping of Austenitic Tube of Steal X 'Y/ IOCTNiTi 18.9, by W. Rudi. GEMM,j per, New Hutte ' Vol 10, No 6, 1965, PP 338-94"Z. 9H& 6840 ~)- . & scI/'qAR Apr 66 Proble"s of :Iolandts Sodal anti ',:v)no~de. Developnent Jn, 1965.1985, by Akt-.~r Rich. 34 ppe POLI'sil, Pei-, Gow2duka "Iffl-waft, co 11, f,av lwDf P.00 7d-Z99 39633? k~ ~ 0 P, !~ Ll C h' Feb 67 315 - 3t-~O !*ftaw or an labs ww"g-utum 0.- ftophites and SdpUdft4 'cq D. 0. ft*UwRiY.. A. & DxftabmlkD. vor~, Uv U wa, Sw l2alms lb 12" L'i 6 ~4 BM EW.': 5MAP (3 Ma) Got 395,1r- i4acbmum 0." the luabltuw) Actim or it'a'Dopbulter" and SulpWubo. I. Unatics and Itchanlio of the EftOtl0a BOtwOn HYdrOpWozddes and AUpbstic Phosph'itogs b3f D. 0. Pcbed~gjj; A. L. Djobooboonho. RM'SIA53 per, AWSSR~ 93or Ith1m) '00 1111~6;jl yp II&I.=- -. NLL PWI.- 56214 (13141) Sci-cbma 'lat C~-,4 , It W IY5 L j Stablo RMIcalop tV A. L. Buchachenko. RUSSIAMS bk., 1965s 180 pp. Conaultants Bueau., N. Y. Bei-chm, j,ul 66 304.,415 A Study of the Inhibited Oxidation of 2)4,6- Trimethyllieptane by A. L. Buchachemko , K. Ya. Kaganslo, k et al, 6 -PP. RUSDUF, per, IlLimetilm i Phtaliz, Vol II. I-To 2, 1961) pp 161-164. CB Sci jun 62 20011113 4&1084M of the Toulow to ?$sh Scale AvomtUs W Z~~od TWA stoa zboa$ tv Le UNdaltU god St AldIds MMT4.9 WV uwffiago~ Val It 1910 20 IX-4 pp 65-69. Ml 8176 Saba Sze 71 B-fthydro-Haptachlar, an Inseeticide With Very Low Tbxicit,y to Varn-Elooded Ardrals, by K. Duchol. GMIZAN, per Tatrnhedm Letters, No. 33, 1965, PP 2267 242 CSIRO/110-7833 Sai Sep 6,1 339-835 d- a_~ AcUon of Subd=cos ProtectIM Against ODnfinement Ulcers In Rats Kept at Abbient Tomporature of 140 C.1, by L. Duchol RENCH, per, Sodoto do Biol Ct CID 003 ~,s Rendus des S MWes. Ro n, Vol 161, 1967# PP VP38-VM ITM 71-16817-06E Feb 72 A Study of Instabilities in a Thermally Ionized Plasma. by N. S. Bucheltaikova, 30 pp. RUSSIAN, rpt, Nucl Phy Institute of Siberian USSR Acad Sc. Dec 1968. ALC/MATT-TF--66-68 I , fa-6 I . ^ lk~ -1- )i / C ~ Apr 71