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Modical An&lysos and 'Related 7roblor s ,',,;scus3od!j by Faruq 'AbC, a2-fA-iz,, 111. I-p. MBIC; ,per, Alliv Sala-las Cairo, 23 Feb pp I:L-VL. :-- s it), "') 9 ') 7 Y 7 7 U,, rz&' caller Irdtlatod 1kroopalsLo"I u0tl,~A 1 0 oalcle kavaides 14 r-. A. A. rall-2 a 1, nc, fez) 7) jhc Aorplf~st ;.eat bensors :m er cci-,(A Arbltraril,,.- i-arjng In Tine, Io-v-,-puratllr(-. ol, "jer'lur-i an~ ;,eat iransfr,,., A. ,. Azizov, 1-1 pp. 61k, pcx, :1~1&ojlzika A~I,F 72 2. A. amzw. QUA 'w Val 34 No ~.i", IWI AMAMI Growing Single Crystals of GeSe by the Method of Gas-Tramport Reactions., by T. Xh. Azizov. MMUN., per,, Izv M AzerbSER Ser Fiz-Tekh i 'Nath Hauk, No 3,, OW) PP* 9&28 LL ( rTT-0-388 -;--- X~l 1-7 .2 / ~-,' 0 1 , Aug 69 389.-555 ~ 0 - M. ~;L; XO v Selection of the Plaw for Basing the ArTbibimw Air-Sledges for Sea MmUngo by Ya. M. Azizov. RMIM pert &law. KbOZZL Vol 47* No 5o 1971s pp 76-76. *Dept of Ccemeroe Im Jan 72 C Q U -A in the of the Apparatus of Aatry tien, by 1. A. PsoWIP, 9 pp. RUSSIA10i par* E011ticho!kM Oragnitatsiva sovatawk-a ("be Chad- 41 5, '1967, PP 43955 Soo A One-Parameter Apparatus for the Appro;d=tion of Functions. by T. A. AzIarov, H. Mansurov. RUSSWI, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 172, iio 6, 1967, ~p--12T?---1250. Am Aath Soo Vol 80 14o lo 1967 - " C) , /. j , j 7- L Ij K Nov 68 370,349 23 ~,I,-l Zv .5; 3 -t3t.."t 5 loproftimt Of the F-M-8 IM -1 ;~Vmds of Oper- ation or the orzans or state tke-Intatrathn. b,, I* Aq Amu-ne 12 *P* W188=-.4, at -Obsb6mtm Ch3p 4, Seet pp )-63-1?2. JnS 43~755 U63i ~bl Jan 6-3 W3,910 4(AEC-tr-7354) 5INTERACTION OF PLASMA STREAMS WITH STATIONARY, AXIALLY SYMMETRIC MAG- NETIC FIELDS. CAzqvskii, Yu. S.; Guzhovskii, 1. T.; Kilizimytt-k, N. A. I(Akademiya Nauk t1krainskoi SSR, Kharkov. Fiziko- TekhnicheskiiInstitut). loTranslatedfronirel)ort,,Klli.'TI-70-,5(l. 20101p. 2jDep. NTIS, 2~magnetofiuidmechaiiics; physics (plasma); translations 1201 28STD-34 29P NSA REVISED CARD 0 PIQUIMOIld ~:OIZIDIA-ow in an ky ~,u. ~r '1~632 'loc ii L`.,779 iliew Look &*Iy&ez Lanials !-,ale in tho Lovelopmat of tho iad ArV* by Azm-ts6vp ~io Cwm-wdclav pp. No 90 19710 i tiov vs is LAnin, vmder or Soviet I'llitay Soiwco,, by ii. Azatgavs, Vo lozlov# 12 pp, Hussw4l's part KwEdd L V~ru~~l ~.,Osam 0 Sept 1966l PP 13-19. jFlw 46,g?95 Dec 63 354o453 Grt'at StrUtft"t Of the ilevOlutim., by Col 3- Azovtoev, 6 pp. AMINIS upt 24 ,7*pt 1-Als pe 30 JPRS 43176 Dee 346t25i N 'N' 0% ov t s e V malAs of Book M :446t AM&* ~AAOM*o ~V NO s. Awvuevo 45 ppo * Lal idwwo bkjo I.- FAAAMAIMAM-AMWA ~W& zwowo Ign, 0 pp, j ~ 7117W3 I I'M 71 a--~w NoL`\ New Industrial Tra Centers Turn Out Skilled Labor5 by Musa al-Avali, 5 pp. ARARIC 1 np,, a!-Rafy., Armw., 12 Dee 7" s P 9, 4. -pps 5509 I ... Mar 72 7 0~41 e~~, ~ 4- ~- r "" IA-fooswaft ja 4a To ctfc,,, I iz SPAIW"'l, no, -15 5, 27; 16; 12; and L~, J, t lim ift~ for the ltaxdW~. of t-Vwatwa Ustig Glu=e 6~ a lwa liff~ by .8'. Az%rm. Rm?2a2 al v4lvrap, "M I EMLISM. . tl 331 lgtppv ).-U. Chm-, Tmw 6v 204 S. AzumaL 33-9,v~,61 sci - madstry i= Q Vol I~r i A PolySMUC ft* of MM In CWMy4pbZwlc4,f by IL Asuml. JAPAMM., pwj, Selablu AhIpho z. w 60. lgc6j, PPLUMM - mw = 2-22-0 j~ , 1~ Z, Ll m I sel/w ADr w 3809M aMMtiWw on a DofWt JU QI-Cr AUQYO DW to iqwo"r ftmans ?=Ucep by A. Azzolioly~J Go cosito. MLW* Fb!~glrla Ltall, No I 1966t pp 85-9b. 3174 MW-. Trus A. Azzolini 0#313 MaY 67 Light and aectron IrAcmeopic Liveatigatiom on Norpboloocal QuzGw in Stea Shout Surfaces In I Degreasing, Pickl1mg =d Favalvating before aucaugling,, by K. F,. I=ola. he Vol 10 GMIU0,, pmt,, lip MI --2 *371SI '6;34 sai/mat feb 71 Algerian Emigrants in France Racism, by Wahid Ben Azzouz, GovBIRNWNT USE ONLY FRENCHs per, Revolution-Afri-mine, 19-25 Feb 71.. W5 19-22, 55---5T-,--9G-Teb- 4 I-liar 71., supplement ll~ pp. ,P RSA 3742 Subject to 31 pp, Algiers, da, Apr 71 i"b"'. '.. " an Q Ly for ~:, L Elfutive. Use w" jub~ 5 P~CLVG, Tpr, Edkfn --`Zas:v- -Enlimr A =,dat i~o ,X~,c 292~ 31., *w4wo" law. f) 0- P"b $opt No Iftsts. Oftmltws od astm tolwow GZWW,-W, WAktratedhalsebe Ndtachrift 'At. I. . VbI 910 (bt XYMp W 53&542 A. 14 trus 610 tay 72 S". tM56" aft loutaeo lamistim tin operattaoi by. i_ DOU mm"Y* vo* CtZA V*U 918 July 1970is, pp,~ 370-576t M Tram* . 2864, 11pilsel iA!eal~dvab in insulatin'--. oil, I'y ~~!. ~-~'Iatz. per, T: Z(Flc~-trotcchniscie 'citschrift, Vol S7 _T- .io S, 4 "lar 1966, -pp 153-159. T -23-83063 71 Cvntact Diff-mion Interacticm of I'laterials With claddiug# by A. A. babad-zZlikiryapina. RUSSIAN, per,, PromadaAs of th-c 54,a~,yziua- on Thewwdyaamics With ER)IJairis Gri 1~jjcleur "intarigils and Atol-ac Ilms")6zt- solids. 155-18U. 11200245667 6ci Sept 67 cowoo--,a~ille Icaistar ox rjnL4QXJ~~ ETLa- ai4wls VIMIZX%ut; by D*Wiiaa~ 113, p p. Moil) V06-P IkIlatiu Quat=ml do d' Infolvatiou or, v 1905,9 m- 7- 3 3 4 h4 ?S IA Dec. CIO 427 64. R, 0. ORb~9dth,9A)y,9A) uip&bWtiw of Arwr for !iw1m, itr strwsw on lokwe's 14y,, bq A, ~b# a&WzhwWg 9 pp~ r,UtWA.N# ups jK:,~i 5)363 Y_41iv ibacwt 12 4,vpt Igtl, p 2. I NOV 71 R. W- k. 8 #,1 # d x, kf iu ~,*AJ TaWw ud TaA Wmp. by A. M. -- 0 Ed* RMIANo biko TMU i Luk=Llb. !S3~j 1 . *ACSI 1-3441 Jas 73 rile Natua of Fraggentation in Meteoric E~AUcs, by P. B. Babadzhanov and E. N. Krim-ner HJSBW., per, Dak. Ak Naruk, SSSR Vol 177,, 1-10 5P Dee 1.9671 PP 2:0 P ka Inst PIWG Vol l2p 1-10 12, Jim 1XI"o 'ell A 6.,, 21 .303~77 Tx:i(;- Cheracter of -!oteorite groak-up. by Po 5, B:~badxhanov & Ye. N, Kra*er, 5 pp. iBSR, per, Dak. Ahad Nauk, 177, 13.o 5, 196.7# p?) 104.5-1046-.- 0942170068-V D"M T-500-K ~icihkbt July 6s 3S7,051 ') of dvlorlal.. Indtistry !,rt ltolo!~ Solution of the Generalized Hardy-Littlewood Problem in Sectors, by U, Babaev, RUSSIU, per, Dok Ak Nauk SS5R, Vol 175p flo 2, 1967, pp 26T265- Am Math Soo Vol Bt Eo 4. 1967 C~, . 6 (~ 6 /~ E v liov 68 354,200 1 ~-i ( b -- -.1 '&'~ 6(,, Changes In Justico Ministry and Courts, by 'Kiwos Babal,, 5 pp, ,11ERSTAINj npj Ke;Khan, Tehran, 1 11-ob 73, '.) 2, xns 58LL36 1,11ar 73 by K. 2. Balxdau~, RLM/iMs parp 1.11IMe Mipz~ M~ PP 11-13- *Dk-,Dt of Interior 1,1:3h and Alallfe 6uvice My 67 f UTOw aiAO* in the Cattwe of HarblvorluL. A-,ay by X. E. WW4=1 SM-31at pmr) UIROO.Mok.%; lb 6.t 1966: pp 4q. *Dvt of Interior Fic-b and Aldlife Gorvica Bumau of C=crciml iluherlez Scl-Far Zci Fay 67 J.C(f- A, Low-Volooitr votosations of Cast Charges of ftplosivosp by 10 To Babaltsevo RUSBIAlp perp IMMMe 2049 No 68* 19700 pp 215-222 VTC 72-12033-1" Juno 72 2110 Form 014 Prewntatim of ~,,U!~,joct 1;at".-Or i", Foraioa f1pexi": b,,,, Dcfo - per 13 1 pp. 131-7, ilia" Trained ArcMWctv 4*xW in Uobokittzm, by A. 0. Wbukhanovo 5 pp. 0 port S&tdtol I fm i Ad~.b~ltou ~u 6%boulis - Ta5Mouts 4o U, 1963s pp 29-30, ikis 47*097 Scl-;-,'ochj Ms Civ# 41. E~ar LnLT Jan 69 wp,.!>ro m DOW c Jul ?o -.). R) A -r-:SA K H A N 0 V A /1 11 1 C~It /" t-C I1~a ~, low High-Alloy Anti-Corrosion 210r- 21M-Aft-lb Stsels by As As Babakov* IUSSIAN# per# lashabits Mdalloyt Vol 7# No 29 19710 pp, 99-103 ITC 72-12476-117 July 72 c - 0,~ , . : a rt,-~- f"i in tmin st AL 'Acl b, 6 pp, I.Areant Jul~~, 0-;t 6 z ctri.,xal ImUicmr; of (lialiwim. ye. ~'. hiLlalxm. litt 4t,-. Cf-avx of Cix, of: Autcr--,atic Cnrtzx)ls INarf*,,-f.;, IZ,=Zl '-0rfACl) 57.3 luidance n~d M%ntxcl July on-Uflc and arhl tho I.T.Co'ctivaness of Prodbuctio',." l*'- i~o pp. np, Anw,babaol., 13711' 71, .;,ar Prel iminary Results of ExNr ~mentml i"Leld 110r% (-,.ii The Use of SurfactmLs In Flood`ng, by G. A. BabsEyan. RMSIXT, -pe--?,, ~Ncft No 6, Vol 47, pp 4i-45. ES-RJ-5073 APr 72 Immstigation of the Process of the Coalesceneo of Drops In Emdeions by the Nethod of Idgh- Speed NDUM PiCtWO Filabig# by G. A. Babalyang 14. Eh, AkbmLdeov, RUSSIOt par# Dok Ak Naulc SSSRI Vol 179# No to Mar 19K -PP123-125t, CB Aj SCI/Meth k- Equip Nov 68 370t245 PreventLon of Sedi'moutatioa in Petro- CheAcalsp by 'u's A& Dkbalyauaq e6s ,- SIM$ bk ~urlba 3 G lozimnizaa t Parafina P. ALL R, 40234 sci-Ciez jul 60 5.07,54") Wvolopmnt of iotorjjmry somjag D.~LscLssocj, by U mur Labar-oto, 9 -. . AL~Ai-XLI, por, -~u Pp &_rda soclausto. Av..r, 1969, M) 20-233. live 6~ 173 tM3U,,ation 09 Live Z told of Atn~4mric iftevare One Wo ~~Ulf of ~L-aelwio 'tus Utzylav, A* at=&A, pre tAl vel t,W 2, "o, Determining Thermaphysical Coefficients of I~qnced lleeu~ by G. Babanov, V. Rubanilec, 9 pp. RUSSM, per, j~Zasi"tm,lndvstriX-a- GSSR 1 no WI-47. AIR/YTD/HC-23-139-7P JIIlY 72 ~tk. t4. Uf~4~ikszc,4 optimm ~ Reception of an 14.~ Fzdio Ugnal on a Backgrotaid of 1,,Idte Noise and lkrrow-lwd k-I Jandne, by lu, fie Babanov, S. G. lAnWqran* 12 pp. RW510l per* 'Vuzav 2SR-,7adiorlcktrordka, (dev, Vol 14, Plo, 12, Dee 1971, PI) ipi,:s 55786 !,,ay 72 Measurement Of Gail' in W2 Transitions 0001-ii'll and 0001-i4200, by 1. K. Babayev. 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, A Prik SLekt, No 4, Oct 1)6 j. ACS[ J-7723 k1 sci-Phys Ju 1 7 ~.! "e. ~ e - a i;l pt ~ Fw K~ The Directives of the 24th Congress am. an Obllaatiorn~, by K. Ye. BabtlZran. IMUN, per, loppe Mioz.., Vol 47, Ho 12, 197-1., pp 3-6. *Dept of Comm H Z"S Mar 72 84-b,9~4~ ad/My he 70 emll~ *W*W't 84 6* !MSUU, N-4 Arla-U' G'inton S~ -St- w-, miq :11ST 1 c r, r~ Olt 72 low AAUM QN-ods bly No M. ftbowo U Ippo RUSSIM9 per* amom .- w aftwo No 6* Joe 1=#-pp 976102o im '96as S"t 72 .-,Poe Ac, 1 fc o v ()'I, Vz4lty a the _Iuiowluws U., ',,4riou ;IuL" at -Aauftme. 1-o* A~ A. As wv 'k-~ It - Ar, A A- ,4 4,AgPmT* ~,sA&II-114"'Itt. i 'rho Investigation of Atmospheric Turbule-aco, In Antarctica by a Radio Probing IlIxtbod,, by V. 1?. Babarykin, V, P, Belyayova, 9 pp, IRUSSIAN, par, I'M SSSR, TlozlldMdourtje;,inaY~-i- K "Op A Sept 71 c C 0 re, I 5mdc Vl=nl.~,) by Y... pp. nor) Plan'i J.laa OLjo, Improvagont of Itoductiam TachnoloCj I.,or z 7bln-vALUad kbnq*Wmpod Stainiewl Cast:LW.. by Yu. Z-'. BabaWdn,, V. U. pp. MPIAUP rVtp AD Wafa. PMVU sw#s~~ OtUvok i !Sgtodv Al.da 2aMRML-_M- Mnzhved- pp =-133- Nov 69 74~;