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.9 t . pp 1-1 1 AMIW6L lw M. Wo 0. Dwinsieres,, IW, I v I ) : y i I : i i I 1~ I I jV. - ;:m IMSM e 1951j Is 1 - catio=; Wan'l ura. Pn gt~ruzt, , by A)hAsOllm- fte `1~L3~LF Dc VLAi L~7 stwir of the ftepargdAm Of a AcdA or W231tic Acla, by "UNWIA4 jPwo OUU Sm MR Ptinmi. Va XY No 5y Ai6- i Iola lqlz.3 07 AW ie7 7 of mlsoop-by ReUw Lipp. 1951, pp 651-655. CIA/IMDD/X- 1335 utir Cbmistry May CTS/bn 0e 0 -rl 63-14042 PRUPAPLATIO OF ME 5-BEN/YL PYRINIDINFS. 1. Goldlwrj~, A. 30 Au .9 (i , ~es. Order fr im, $I I o 63-14042 Trans. (o($ DE FPU IX RS: rlr Igs. OPyrmidines, 'Benzyl radica Is, p Syntfx-si, , Chlo'rinatioo, Alkoxy radicals, ")I it- -mical reactions. Arnnxini;'. A Cbt (B11:114LOO lk!tcoce PhArniacok$y. Tl'. v, 10, no, emu d 1 21 Savic" and Pr too of the Vrewl by M. Cheylan., i A. C. tep pp. ap 1r J1 &P B.L.A- cbewistry CTS 64/Jan 55 Adao---ptioi., -oi, jjii PP. FRF Yra=c., Vol- pp ~ql Oll ABC Tr-4971 Ap r 621 The D~I'~ct -ple FRENCII, v lor, 2 i) p 30 termination of Oxygen in Carbon M. Bastick, 1 pp. Nill 3oc Chimie Friume No i-. 30r, Broken Hill. Proprietary Co Ltd (CRl,,!T 130) Sci ~Iov 61 Th U ims OCUranium Oxides Betveen I ~,, by R. ger,,Lvg,, P. Purloo, 17 pp. W 2 U 1* i DaU. Soc. ChIm. Fmoce., 1952# AW Tr So 2062 Sclouttf lt~ I-, ChemlaU7 Ub 55 CTS ol Water cm Three Anbydxoun and c.x~v pau ed Silicateir of Calci=, by sci AUC Cbim Frewcek Vol XIX, 10110 r! -T.L395 t.; 6c of MotaLl r. Bull de In .1 d4a G' lil/Olu am Dommils. P. ms OF GLYCERIDIRS IN I PRISOMIOP !HANOLAMBe IN IJ'.S.S Li "C .,IAMOUNrS. 11%117p. bro", J1 10.45 ATS-immp 10 4.1 1. of wtit CKIJ,Iiqw do] prance. BuIlletial 'Som. S. W. 191 p. ~ 4e - 480. 1 tilib) eaters, DecognpWitim 61-2504 1. Maudift, M. 11. Sambuc. E t3. Demucue. P. rv. ATS-I7K%F V. Associated Technical Se7ViCC*. InC.. East Orange, N. 60-13247 RAPID M 140 FOP DE-I'ERMINATION OF OXYGFN 1. Bureau (A Mines. IN COAL Ac. JAL. 'd-1:31NUAIT USED AT CER01AR. Washington. D. C. Lim, , 1o!r1j , ref. 11 : Order fruml CY I,- orM11A St. 11', 60- 13247 Tram. of 4a. cf, pAque Je Fr ince. Bulletin. M2, no. 5, P. 509 .4-,3!. 009c11Ip1r6H,1- *,Nygen, Detemiln3tlon 10-16 62 ON= d T60*91 56"kn ((1ien*4strV-"a1)1j(jj,1, TT, v. 9, no. t) ~'Mm WItU 4 310 T114mium Cont*nt# by 2~11*tin Smlet* CbW4ue do rmnce,, pp 655-663. Bratebar Ordor No 3005 ftico $12.80 Jun 53 CTS o?.23 0n& Pxtol*tw I by P. Rjma,=Vr~ 0. pp varp Dal* Poc. alim. P'raucc,~ ro 11C), 95201i pp 8364W. 952 ~10 S.L.A. Tr Wo 57-97 mochaftiotry Aftn t7 CbrCidw Alumo 1. 4e ALM an Pbpftal MA ml 14"k mical 37 ch An soup 196,21, YCOL =v no U/19,9 MA Cc-.,LC48 Set Apr.'! V4~1* 3~40 3 61-2D957 Parma Rj P URE W7~ IX I INESU L POMC ACIII [19611 4p. 1. Perron. R. 6 refs. Order from SI 11 sij., 61-2M7 7yans. of - I f ekti] C i mlique de] France. Bulqe~Lnl 1952. ;L 96 6-1 47. D&WIt": DToh ~v. 0.1quuonlc acids. Acids, Suifona n thesim I Purincotion, (I (Chemistry D rganic -1-T v. 7, no. 10) 7 -7 Am Ld . ~Ljd 262AU mod= and of M* 00 Chtmique do ("XictO!0of 14 UP2 at 14v Temposatures, by F.-Periop 171 OP. DWI oun.-S-0A.0-9bla. pmeso Vol va A= Tr 199,e Assoc-lactn Sefr 014. I~clentif~c Istry / ConcersIM Bow A3Jpbstio Fluorine by 9. Qry*WdwIcm-4~r*chIm*vsJd, 0.1 ovica-Trochimovold, 5 pp. bAUXUA-de. sociou cb1slaus xxj, so 13, mii-~M% Vol kn US Dept of Cameroe Patent Otrics, Sal Lib (Gift) 010 156 3?, ~j 'of ft at Low ft"Watom p by lats" %T10# 17 ". put . r,,, ftu &W cbm I~r~v va Up so- e153. WI~M ' I AfAf-OW4F i gem 1 "640411* js.~ r) ~~ 5t. 4~ Y I/j ~ i I 0*4xelo 4f (;("or wift Alkali Salts of 1-ttha.~"a ;Ww4c.,~ I tiocinus. 1jejejo., Sialoy]AC a2d I~Lckli Madst ComUVAims and Propertia*,* tr 'Bo Ir 4owt x D"4""'t Sociot* ChWqw de Ymnee, pp 0 ~Jpo Set 116' 40 i okpAIJAM-A 1~ .)*14i 96&fAi* A llbamique 3 argot by Mectrelysis rho Cbemla, de 68,733 I. ni 14#) of the Divierization of Cyanamide,, by Tho Mori J - pIck in pp. FRM~ per,,J~ Bull. Soc Chim Franco, Vol XX, No 5 pp It 3 37 J, ,, EIIA r,?93. scl Aug 62-14204 b n '~- firiadis, Z(afirij and others. errej, 0 r A ?JF ] , ON 3CHANGERS IN ORGANIC 1. Mastagii, P. CHEM V APPLI~ATIONS TO TIM FURFURAL 11. 7,ifiriadis, Z. AND BENkA ~ DEIIY11)111 SERIES. 14 July 55, 6p. 111. Title: Applications Order froi n!; I.A $1. 62-14204 Trans. ot,;,S A cle Innique & France. Bulletin 11953, no.~ 7 81 p. 6 3-[6951. DESCRIF]i 01 3: *1cin.exchange. *Furfuryl alcohols. Oflenraldelty -S, M1 lvl radi calq, Aldebytivs. It is shovim d o t it Li 1xissible to obtailn, by mc-ans of ion exchatige, s, tht- i:ondenstitionii, bemeen the lineary aldeltyck-sin I thv. futfural. - the acetals starting from ihev- fwt-Ou tal aivl tht~ benzaldehyde. (Author) (Clic'mistry- jftanic, 11", v. 8, no. 9) j I ofs" of Twiicl Sw-Ac.6 jldc~n J~orjt 4n the chemistry or Urnnium OxiJea., by )4J,41 Andeniamp 15 ppo 1 BMW 40 Par ball. Soc. Chis. France 15 3, pp ABC Tr No 2065 Scicritiric, chemistry V" CTS ;n3nlm*ti P. iNTIUkgrok~TO )N IN TY IME-DII B, E VIM 1~ DES AN] IEIR FIPI~C dc:-r (romix HVII6. Tram. of SO: 1953, no. 9 DESCRIM) *Aldehydes. F S711DY OF 'nIE AHSORP_ ULTRAVIDLET, AND IN SOME ARQMAnC ALDE- :,S WELL AS OF SOME OF RIVA-nVES. 11962145p. K-11 51" de France. Bulletin. 821 -816. Absorixi.on, 0131traviolet spectroscopy nonvt~~ 62-22409 1. Grammaticakis. P. II. K-11-%)" Ill. Kresge-Hwker Science Library Associates, Detroit. Mich. (Chemistry, ~,r. w. i o) deea4ocs on:the uranium oxides &--tweea i ~ Dd A~ba# by P. Fortop pp., or 1953j, Asa Tr so 2o6i !U *tV Chemistry Flib 55 CTS oj! 1-banol and ras, R.. 14irzngoy, by N. AUM VM, CM oerl '01-culmalWo CLe J!MnVC# L7.IJS R no E927. '59-1-7312 sai ft'b Vol II. bluitrotion of Im cf,- lomi, by R. F. ftwellios and N Shawkyo 13 Ideafto 17 is.4,160 1411 wc Cblmi, 1952,, IM 1022-1029. CIA,ftD/X-1334 itatiftic Cbsulstry may OZBA= Of PP h~ by 1~1 I:K SCISIbUr an the Vapor Tonslons of the Metals artbal ftsIr B"Orution and Awifica Traub@,, 13 9p. IUMMASSIPM&D ftu. Soc. Chin. ~rraweq 19~3)- ANC 91 Chemistry 7, rholat of suctrolytic tw 9,~~ Do' 3 t1a no VP 1 ".. of Alwalnualp Coilalqm Ymmes, 3%3 law fta*to go 'Ile glectrolytjc Production of P~ of f ,!,I ~- ~1 Vm" ~4rt 11, *Ov H. Bonnier gim pe Bulletin N Ta Societe CblmiqLe '65 19 J, pp Bmtcheir No 3564 $9.90 m:i OiT i Min'fttals, Chumiutry dex New on of Calcium Fluaborate (Action of on BOM rial do an Fluorine), by R. Paris, et al. FM per Bull Sac Chla France, Vol XXI, 1954, a JU P~ pp ATO 5ho-ipj Bel 163.m Au& 6~ WI$sis of Nlxttwes Containing A j~A ~s) o a and U*sg by P. Savory, P. DevoueUe,, n PP4 I pw I-M4, q""Cbu ftowl" so 7/8., pp SIA 3262 Sol Aug OP M.. and simmobet. ff. ~IIM QUARMAMYS ANALYNS RS. 1. WAPAIMON BY CNN>- Iwo GONAOOTPAnc 81.8- ONE OP PKIONART WOUM DUMP do GOOD" 1. 11 urime do POWAM ft. OWAM4. -U-1171 -Mochomist". Tr. V. S. so 61-109" 1. GooMoropins-Separadco 3. Unne- -Chemical amlysis 3. PnWancy-bactomicM 1. VIPwa, P. U. kb". M. M . Woom". H. IV . Title. Sapand"... 14S740 Oak* ff I of tim Twvs Halagocat by I ;oi do pot.~~i, Bo Obydride: Its U" by, a Drv iYa U~Atlva ADOUNis of lWarvas, b; Plar 34~ Bern NorlmA,, Pirere Manvard, 13 PP- MNC* Oal 'ppS_QUj& do Fmtbco 1954,, pp 12913-A~- 13CA - STA 5~1-1%92 SOL -~ "/*t ftp 59 Vol. 9~' no -a 63-16133 Foot I= 1. Tkift "Wrewcob CIF, MUML tt9W 7p. 1. G. WLV= niL L 16133 $L 10 m AwtvIad .69 a way wMad wad" =14 Cw&AAM4ft*C- WAMU ad at ow"m pdt dw04 W tj ady. are pme- av aft vay dwom. In " sameI (CMOs$ omto o Itchwe sv,~, v. 10. na. bi 1.1'. U` 10:1 Of 7'! S I.. .1y i Ile Acid Producti. olanot, 52nry B%Lu sco Cbim do nrancr...0 Vli5 Sep TW POX~mr 'tation of BttW1*wv I)y Url Zieglerp 19 pp verb! Bull do la eft ch4M 06 Frame, 1955, ATXC F-75-10028/V SaL -,Jbenl~tr: 16 Dee 11 6 g C2 y4ax 7 i l~ &*^tic ompatuds. X. Sy&,beslsj, ~Udjp 37 P. Pat 1955j. Vol XXII, mA 6o-mn. Sai Apr 3 Vol r~ the Do ~t~"tioa' of Trace Elements 81multaneously ng spe rooo(jW azd rVer cbrmatnmpby, by UUoritt Ildros, Lucien B. Anyp Wo 3, 1955, 367 ABC Tr-3997 - Chem 60 1/7" idnitationo of nuJAMAtim, br R. Fort,, D= Goo CWz Vrmcas 1955.. PP 114B-4-52- 914 Tr 57-26L6 Witftlet F&M AMY Acids -by ;mono by Ron Strebmr, 40'a dkU lh-ftlft IMFAU, ).955j. KA 60-10926 pr- ot Bom * Igman Electroluninj ado Lo rie=j, We A, Doissio Ir bill tin Soo Chma Frame,, So 6.. Jun pp *my &utabor Tv SO atryp suctrIaltys missnas/metals edo 61-20956 946011tv nut t6 Fmke, Albm. t' ACTION M 0494M ON IWOXIDES (Action 1. sewit, G. the J'Ift n tininci les Epwydem). t19611 7p. It. Funke. A. 4 retaL Ordwer SLA $ 40, 61-20956 Trow 161, jChluq1qw do] Prawc sull[attal a 470 kits, oattylawadnes. liminem, t Oaddrosatlat; reactions, A=W" )ittr klydrocliltiitle add, Propawls coodM664 *ikh tite amino- op*mw form knohydromyethylatibutnes. A mwscm t1!hpds1,;, oricactdwillyleldthshydro- chlorid ~ the a n6 whUe leaving the ind" rims latur- (At, "I i (Cbvrnitltr~'. - Orlpic, TT. v. 7. m 10) OW'. .4 T.'$-.' Toermal Decomposition of Wdrar- ot3he Constitution of Activated D.;Papee and R. Tertlert.. 16 pp. Mcu$i .1991~ Scl Aug 58 fl~411 SOC Cbim Ptunce, 1955.. PP i . ies 1 ,, hit ~E 01, rf-,C 4 e. S A the inclusion Compounds of by A. Herold, or,,Bulletin Societe: Chimigue de o go 19959 pp 995 2. -14934 i67 jj~ 327#209 octal. Ge &4d. ~i ERTION . POLNI~' JINCLUSION COMPOUNDS) - les Coff lio OsOnlertion]. [19621 1111p. J1 refs er from St- $I. I o 62-1(X)II ns. ofis.-Ol 161 Cld'Wi uel dc France. BuIlletinj S r 013 q. 7 latht~xdt compounds, Molecular ica Cok.ml I properties. Stability. 62- 10011 1. Title: Inclusion compounds 1. Montel. G. Y, IDA 5jp dMgon 6-Diwyl-l,2jpk. 21. catalrua No9rvvmtim Of O~ilm.llwlm lobtoetal. I I SAIstin flAql* ChlUd%= =7*~ 1 , pv~~nn. 00.11MUM4.2mi - C~m 1q,?" d, 17 & i ii OMMIlbas on 0 riaticm or ~- osialrds F M. 0 0 "W# wr W nmd3AtdA 9040% 044q= i'ttg=** _ colno - Chen /,? ~?,, d,.P-O 62 I sizae ~4wicejl~ t: or Regulating Voltages p by J. %a&wr.wp I :- VP N'01 x a Oct t~a- 57-1w 58 6.f / t6 Vas6s,4~ch da Thymol. Abm* the CoustitutiOll =6 4t6 lkirmtion of the Bawl Derivativen of 1w R. Rwjws A. Owlatin. pp I Sel Cbm* Jlul i. Aw or V~-- - J~~ ;o;g:-vS As"FUNU Aloobol,, i W. to .. F *0 wo mown -ftwtpu& , -- 0 -_7 --. Wo: - Z A -Trmfto ig pp I p . am I 1452. Chan / -?,?, &, If Of wlaftlo,j I J. I FM DW .5~~ Follolso ftaftft v:Ltb Glyacas ODA he UtdoniSs of ibe Resettok by J. Cbla Trawt, Do 11-12, raw- AM434MMI c 8a AUS 59 / R_ 40 OmLs of Moor All]*atic di-Acids Or"Pnolysts of MAcipbeve Dniva- j, b7 N- P- 9=-*Ao U. Oro 3. D. lor, sauetin soc: MIMI Do C131RO Bel i= ~iON ETHYLENE. 119621 (151p. Old= ftvm~ ~A Iti 62-20057 P. za*r.. OEthylerW16 &jtctiM Polymers. Alun-d- ne pUstics. 17. V. 9. no. 10) 62- 1. Ziegler. K. Offkv el lekwa- Se~xt, Oss! the Solvent Zxtraj:tiLon of Plutoulum ; Iva IrreAlated in tho PU*oj, by B. cbA :tp Pq Rosauto 18 RSWVO a 9 pp. r,, bAU Boc Cbm Fruwe j, So 1 p 1956, An To ghge 56, 717 ftlamed PotAntials Potentionatric i 3lmmWtu7 OrWolt, Microaml7sto, by IR. jovj~.fl'49 6:. FPSM ~ JOW) *U BOO Chia Fr=m , Vol M VP 497- 5270 S',A 3430 Sel Aug 50 Lw.v3. ~ionjjof i~oiymerizations-Influence of the lyme~ization System Upon Polymer Structure, by yv~'' n Laodler. FRENO ~ %~' , Bulletin Societe Chimique de France, No 4~~ 195pf;)~~ p 54Z-b4b. SLA T 64-20926 May 67~ 1325,06S Big 3*tm md MmIstry cc matuml MA amm *Wtic 1 4 q A A.$ 14, oemwo Chompetierj s _Pwa SQU am Cb1m Frovie., No 60 19 arA#w xx4i36 =7 FAUAWLZ 20 FOkd= IMCNALS Sol i. Cbmdxtvy Fob ~ Im =/six MW 1MANU IM OMZ I lxt~b'ii to the Study of the 7bermic *~ of Pure Mycorrol, by Remi Ilauschild t1i 0 p T, Bulletin Societe '2iimigue de Kh' 1 6 1 ; pp 978.FU- 64`2046 30 ~!"i ,I Maj 32S#061 AtluluLt j Svc Clilut F'C'ellit"cl 67,' AECI Tr 35""1 A 77' A iWarsatice of TaVewsp by 8~II ~ * j I 19 PPO I A.I--Z . gmU "M -WO I ~L ...~ 7, z RLP AW Ift or 6~,crv 17.:;,7 .Ve, .2/ev R401-240varatme Labomtory Itums" RdNi~t PmestA4w, An&o Iftnon, 6 PP. i , ' '71 I . 61* 1; 8=A1, 8/,,ljl':Lgl5r v J, LUA 60-IMIZ i // 1?97 .2 9/ Ivo i 62 !1!! to U 62-16262 Cadda arc Wahl, lRawl. Cacitial I jNSA POLY NI OP HALOUREMMALIC 1, cachim, M. P0 y ACLIN ACIDS I En LENE GLYCOL. 119621 lip. (11gs. R. Wahl, It. tables ed) 11 7 Order Oa6 SLA .60 62-1620 Tram. I 10 Ift 0111nivalk de, Prance. Bulletin. 1956, 06- /9. p. IIU-1239. DZSCRJ RS- fl! OaMpMWG. -Mahalit: I.Idl. c4makm1w on. Istition, molecultr VFM*d, 'to oclycollo. 4r. thylt Ms. The pobtkadeu~)'J*n of hakafttifthalic acids with ethyie~e 10*col ki" to polymm endowed with a ff,IA- i . Tifamuly. IJNe melting polut of which is lower, the greste~ t diso)4nirwtry Introduced Into the nucleas of t1he ttie jhshc ~ ,dd. Mcremer. it appears that t)* dif (Cherni miry - - Or ganic, fererme T11'reacti4ity at ortho, and mem-carboxyls of TT. v. 9.'no. 1) the ha I rt tuniiencem the reaction which, depending on; the ca~ota hand, leads to move or less high polynw7s. 1 (A 71 777ww----"' D S ocod b and HUMM Gas AtnumOmm Pau- 3 iuo 47%6W 62-14SU Imelik. 1=4 v is-R jamuldne. RRMARZS 7119: OP LA71ON 017 1. tmelik. IL 7"9 PMW AND ON M FORM 0 Fras"a-Ro"cirt. OF to. 2 at ft Su* of the M: Tldc: S"Y... ftmm*'~ 01 our Jim MGtbodm do Calkeul die at irk U Fortne dom I ro) 9tude de'la Pwv~10 dies ton wukd) to rds. Order 62-14%8 TMU06 1957 [116" 153~; 9 : *So 0%mity, Dtwmdnndon. v mw Oc, data at a rudier large Mutd)ft savexW proctical romdto to W ad the UdIftstion of trwows of CAI W die xxim otpom. 7he tnt- IWIMP d Isch*J1 LVOM P h 7T. 1. 10. no. 6) (mar) DeteZna ~on Of Fluorine In Raw Phosphates By the =n-zimonlum )btbod brf R. Vigier. 0040 M-ladg-i"t-2pance (BuUetin), FRR No 1957 160-167. no :pp CSIRO Oct" soi lPhy4cal Properties of Mixtures of ~jd and Chloroform, Alone or in the of Water or Sulfuric Acid, by ~qquot,Roger Perron. wr0 Builitin Societe Chimique de 0 11, 1997, pp 529.511-. ~.20890 327J,226 ~e 30* laid ~Isotherms of the Ternary System Water- brea.poiaisiu ~Hydroxide, by R. CoEen-Adad. FRENCH,lp~r, 8611otin do la Societo Chimique de rrance ~1957; p~ 944-SAM *INTI TT ~3-SMOS Jan 73 The Nckja~'Of Metbane in a Tubular Reactor: .%ft i .1 I&W i Part U. by J. I. Otirm in, Ce Asadti.*b mm F jo Eau ago Gwa FMCK.-O 1957 '6 6'"~! 1958, *O'U9-X3. V p Hu 809', 810 Sep 1 4E CAuxtvr*164 oiz CORREIATION IN ANA- llntercit des Calculq Lh! correladov 4hil" Ittirerrrimatioll deti Repullati Anjilytlq6cQ:tr. by .14 C. 11. .17 May 58 (1 3h~- 2 rcfl,. Orkler fr ~,m il?.40. rh$3.30 61-10526 Trans. &:TVrjncc. Viuliletinl "VInc Wrance):~A. 0 06 - 4 40 1, 2. t: ca I A I ilic 111(,114 I Graff. y (chwMililry~-Anal)ip4m. rr. v. s. no. io) R".c.h. itm 1w,t. r *1. pmn r,.., ,r , Ind It 14- 1 & qw, I M~Prtl I . rbp, MEN- A~--i~ mr 7 A lomt!ATES. Vill. APPLICArION 2 icnir- - (it: IcN-lix ENNIA 1 (31110MAR)GRAMIlY TO TIM A; -cpIlms 144)"'TVIS Ct. MAIN POLYMCISMIATLS JIM'KA- S- ANP OCrA- iiFrrA- TE WI 3. , . , ~. . If. J~ 1 11 r -11-b 1, t: 1'~ I I 1),rc $7, 1 . Ilu-4 h, N - 6.1. 16 rdlll~ lNo . ~141. ti Lwl. 1 1, ()r,irr fr~m IX (w '4.A irl$l 81). ph$l. W) 60-19173 [it. Fienck. %I l~ ~l Tranv UU1. k%vK, dc F v a ncv. BuIlletin! IV V TVA %P,-, I Trn.-W-cr VAIIr% I QS7. p ~4' R 487 4 11- D-orn. ~ Als VI. Titk-* ArVAicalim. oft.. 0 1-4-* -nowliry ~Analy col. IT, v. S. no. 4) 1 16-k"I SOME 0H*S dA L RTIES OF MVCTURES OP TT-64-12679 1. Paquot. C. NITRIC Ag) AM) LOROFORM, ALONE Oft IN 11 - Perron. R THE PRE 4~E WATER OR SULAMIC AC[D. 111. ATS-64R74P 119641 6p M Associated Tedinics I Order from *'m S$. ATS-64R741F Ii 1 Trans. 4i (titil Imlique dtl France, Bullfetial services. Inc.. East Orange. N. j 1957, p. 629 531. (Chrtrdstry-~Orgami~. Tr, , it. no. 12) of Ustbow to a Tubular Reactor: Part tlp by J. 3, Corimin,, fa. =m Mime, 1957, ME; PP U9-323- P" 809" 810 No Houtt 61-16743 L Or VINYWYALANOMAGNESIUM 1. No L~tlj W 42 fob. olor .60 61-16743 game. leaskin. l1w. NO. Rik Imm cou*mu*. MotelorVaic 006" of ireassed $woo" 7T, 6. 3) i M&K P_ I milemn. P.-S. andd rancole. G. WE A ON OP AMON EXCIIANGERS IN THIR C-?AN('w, ryi.A M REAC17110H. 1190111P. Orefl~ Order r SLA 0 1. 601 11" 1 - so t!P-18957 Trans 'kx1l I France. BuIllain] 19571 .M01 IN, P. Me Ne drac lrxd of usirg anion eitchaingerm can- alnin er"Air 411111110 Oproups mach me Amb" lite ~~ Is 4 Ow cyanoeftlelon of catAl 4 for ttK-nWs aildehydn. eft fnilkiiiiste. nitro, incinshe, imd forn M.'ar. 1. Vinyl ciani-Jr- -Chemical reActlong 2. A I cohol P - - Che nn I cA I res"lonp 3. Ion exchanar- -Catalysts 4. Title- Cyancorthylation Mastagli. F 11. I.Amtpcrt. F III Pranct4o. G 5' 4c. ". v. 5, no. 2) give"" POOOM at thl *"us cc and ~iwuvltr at cassus"s im4sa-m-a"m tie lvw~, ftl saw 401~ I,Gr:L(W,(t Acl J. S. courtolo, N. IV 13 lgeul Ron (1,01mcil, cxzad,~ TT so Sci - N Apr 60L ~of totmed AM*ry%Lm nor,"awwwwAW 7" Os=sUm ad A"Md&Ump by 3 D"Ist do 30 &WMAO adowe A O iip dolia". 1; M A"Os ftsh 9WV 6006 10." Apt imil trirAtion or CIS-Anelho.'e, by Y.-A. eta. -gull am chima n-amca.# 19"'A. ;;p Fm ATS 259-IPJ Sal ctuw~~ ftv 71 Structiae 2on I i 8 MA AaU" 1 cQ* ~Ltusnt ~mo~ergff. n. Pundsmutal caw* ftLump A Np. tw Is IS &Auto pp 2. NIB 5-3(1-61 Ila Red Of Fundammts, kopoundS in Anti - Puriw DamelDs -chudg-m-e-op F- The awx-Loes of Uftniuft* bY Nbriuml Picon, imh nabout'l. PP n2-780;, AM 3%* 59! le Ismorisation and Dohydrogenation IV-11 Of Alumims bv J. ovt $0.. WIIR.V~Vorp Dun Boa Chia Iftace" 1958,0 vp 958-964. A28 246-Fj 59 k AutlaftneW CbswUorspy., on the Struaftim of the fto4mwmt4kl Oe.LbLIAr a amd at the Active Oowpmvb. Ill. r4m Atop at tbo ParLe Ewmaj, by Denard ,,o#Albort 1. Fk,"w-%.p 20 pp. ~v .0j ftU Boolatim CaU de Frame, So " rl: 19 19, SLA 59-15762 Set xft&~`aine V,03.li Ilk , ce VOWWI aaftto IW Amdow, by ip I* ft. 25 6011.1 AOr ~ 50 I I %U kg Coo Fv~j, No So 9p 19138,p AW Ir no p / ~" 3 the I- of Lithium Hydride, by Ph. Alber", Macht'. UNC[ASSIFIED ci - Cbetist ep 59 tin de la Societe Chimique de France, Pp *Navy/NRL 195a., Vol 2 stafti oaddation of 0=1 1. Iftawflas- a AoLdsv br jo jtol~ F. F. Vkladmo 9 Np. PW Bou Am lkancoo- 2,938.pl 2.4t, i Third Constituent on the bUtual of Phowl and Waterp by P. 1) A., lAmrf., J. C. Bolviueaup 10 pp. ,~-P Bull Soc Chim, 1959o pp 97-102. hms-63m_i8p /'.d~ , 2 9,5- F 1) Revoai ca the Iftectr(mic Structure of the Fandamentc-I UtusoU smA ActAve Couponezto J.n Anti - V1, FUDIMM*Ad natural 6 by A. PaUnmv B. Pialmw~p 8 pp. J" ROV AwMft..qo1!dque d*- A 10 9 P IV 59"97. 3 set v" .%A6. , 7 snMio "10WHAT". 11%11 14P. 1. Calcium phosow" - - I Dobydrft�M of*" 9 W4 .40. 101163-30. 61-10169 1. Duboste. M.-F. 151783 tv~ TT, S. 44ual Stxwture in the i Sipple Molecules in 4 by J. w1 1 W m 6 17SL; ISO. Wkk ~ TT TT 11,0232 G64 ANNE OT USE ONLY 67 341',S64 0 1 alm-, W 2dft aid 9~ of As 316 ~ NW*Ms IL IL --- do ft ra 0 M.0 i AM ftijft I ; i i i i i qb~ i ~Wik i 6i I i . .- at Mixtioss air Fumed eantmt bV 1. J~l li 16 9D ppo, Wu Boo Chia Fammop IMP pp 1570-M i : j i ad - Ja 63 .0.3 6 /.PO v 11 ()XiaatA= O:r AuslYGIS Of Coal LE Aaj by J, go Vol XIS v@YAM AIC 212j,7M