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At va Lff.yDkW,,S MUNSISs NIOLADS ILM A . .11" ISIAS MICKNO to U."" - 11 .: I LfffsdftL~ -... -- J" 17673 "! 4 i 63 M373 fte Application of Recording Tecbaiques to the Pxvdu~tlou of X Naw Nbsical Ibtarials ard Form PW316atious -bo 'Umique Cbn~". by J. Poullin.. 29 py~ UP PerP QAe 1954.. pp 282-291. IlectriVe, Vol =T) No 324, S.L.A. Tr 57-260 Sci - FbVics Mkw 57 Lf ij Mw Ant1histmalues as Ristamlim-Like Action i 1 w ~ R. p6uuml 5 pp. an Ant-ldote for the of Owate Prepantions,, 3 Apr OMIM-P Ws, Nord Had.. Vol XLI../1949.. pp 627- 630. STA Tr 57-2W Bet - Ned Jul 57 p a Tj g jri of Ve3tlcraft Pcrver Han, ~T! by J. PollInf-im. GUIWO poxv, Elcktrotahnikeran, Ifol U'llp go 1 Y fab Nk j :,q,,) 60-64 AMSS 01-ernilmy scon S ITO. 110 Fingeri by Poulue.n. POI-, PXCIAV fuer Klinische vol xciv;, 1911y pp 657-691. Navy Tv 6P- ;I- P*UtVn-BIOI%k Mw=t*riatics of the ~~ 1" 1, 1,pp. IPP JI-3q 9 NZ sclentIXIC - medicine ,Feb !* ax 94 S-ep Doubly Adjusit"Ie Rigulating Val-re for RsAiatcate and &Wl"Bestl" 4"ata, tr lbdvlgp Oven Amp 0 DARMs ftt"t no MARIII D90 of On m q ree Patext Office Set Ub (gM) r? 7 My 57 On the Owm7 at RA=tlm of lons in Aquesous Iftlutl4isw (in oc=wottm wltb 'tbe Mqorlumw y,jeujt~ 0*&t=A by It. S. Cow4ck aDd R. B. by 0 Ift- Smollovp pw$ awava fts Wilms Vol =axis so nil 1959, VP g6314630. ow 62.a4551 Sci Apr 63 17-61- 2"- PoulsHen, E. THE COCAIN GROM GENr..RAL EFFF M. 119631 1. Title: Cocaine 123p] (it a omitted) 138refs 1. Poulawm, F. Order from SLjk,$2.60 Tr-63-2X)99 11. tieffter. A. Partial trans. (excerpts of p. 127-140, 142- 147, 169-170)~of Handbuch d[erl Exper[imentellenj Pharma- kollogie (GermanIy) 19241 v. 2, 1%. 1, p. 103-178. DESCRIFPDRS-. "Local anesthetics, Toxicity. Brala, Spinal cord, (Blologil'al. klenc'~B- -Pharmacology. T'r, v. 11, no, Pournajillo~x, Maricel, and Crouzat. Joan. THE SOffAU DA~dlifk OF TORAOCOISM. 11%2) 11P. Order frofti K-H $13.75 K-H 5525-d Trans. of 19 Pre$ se M"cale (France) 1956 Iv. 64] no, 47, p. 1097-1098. DMRIPTORS: *Tobacco, Smokes, Cigarettes, *Toxicity. 62-22646 1 - Poumilloux, M. 11. Crouzat, 1. Ill. K-H-5525-d IV. Kresge-Hooker Science Ubrary Associates, Detroit, Mich. r (Biological Sciences --Pathology. TT. v. k no. 10) Will'. of Techoc., Potimeau -DOLUo. Guy and Tmmemn4 kan H. ImsmtAl"m,CC-0PKMLMlC SYNDROME IN 'ME KAT (EX0111THALMOR, WRIVE.41- ANF-MEMA, KIIRA'11'IIS): TIM AMION OF THYROXINE ATID IODIDE. 119631 3p Ovd~r from 61,A $1. 10 Tr-M-14239 Abscruct tratu. of AnnIales) d'Sadbcdadogie (Fiarice) 19n W. 21, 0. SIB-lov]. rr-M-142" 1. Pawrido-Dalfile, CL a. Tramecmn4 J. IL Ill. 'MIK Action ... 01*Waa Sd"0*l--ftyd*p, I" ISO -y"b"Wo ft"w" 71VI, algim for Use It R=tiva Projulnion, PP. WMEP ftt"t so 4007jOBT, 94p% or co~ros ft,tvat wrics Sol Lib (gWb) 861. * mebmring -j" 59 t7f 6 (V On the Weight o:P Photons, by R. V. Po=d,, 6 pp. RUSSIM, per, Uspekhl Pit Na&j V(L1 LMMp 1960p PP 673-683. AIP sm Fbys - V"i Vol III, go b sci '~' / ? jun 61 , ,,, Smoc (IRY-1,189) Nev Wage SystAm in the Ore Mines Ratlaial laterprise in Pribrm, by J&romir.NW.,,Jirl Kour:Lk, 6 pp. Fm amom u~-js: ony CZM,. per, lb*,, Vol VIII j No 3, 1960) Pm9ue) pp 76-78. (partiza) JM 5414. Ahw - Czeeboalovalda C(WMGHT P,ccn - Hining, l4eUllurgy Sep Uw~dling. Gad CtkrrYIJ29 Cautrivanee for d'atis Or law Conuluers.,W 1), J. PtnT.Itch. =~AN :Patent I jl*~, .f, i / C- Sol-I'lach D*4.,o civ I~wa- Erw. Nov ..", p - %whirle for Debarking Tress and SWIar Uses,. ~y xamel paipmv 1.1 pp. q.-SAM"p- ku~, patent so 1,091""). Dept of Cimmme Patent Office Sol Lib (gift) 601 - ft 0 a, J-0 5 Aug 57 (SY-1558) Problem of AIr and Water Contandnation in Czeebosloyaki.j by Babod 1 ~ k NO SIMAXt pwj Friroda a Spolocnost..j Vol X,, go 21 1961,, pp 8.11. im 4556 Bel - Ned ft 61 -:5-96 61-10410 Pouraillier, J. an'd Venet, A. M. CONTRigurioN YO THE STIJDY OF THE STRUC- 1. Gelatins- -Xiolecular TURE 00 GELAtIN. 11. VARIATION OF PHYSICAL structure AND liffibiANICAL PROPERTIES V.M THE N10- 1. Pouradier, J. LECULAit MASS~ [1960117p. Q figs. 7 tables 11. "', fit-1, .% %I ornitted) 18 refs. 111. Title: Variation... Order fre~m SLA Mi$2.40, ph$3.30 61-10410 Trans ,of J[ournal del Chem[iel Physfiquel (France) 1950, 1. 47,[no. 5/61 p. 391-398. Measurements were made on homogeneous gelatini, obtainod by fractionating a commercial gelatin. Thv intrino1c,viscoafty )r these homogeneous fraction" is related to molecular mass by an ton ~-f th, i, p, 171 . %Xi, and wh.ich in th, special case of fractions extracted from skin gelatin by liming and having an isocleczric point of 4.75 and an average molecular mass of 05, 000, Ix-comes 1711 a 1. 66 x 10-5 M0. 6S5 The malting -point of gelatin gels increases with thr Offi- f To,h- .1 S,- molecular mass and tends towards a limited value. _17, (Author) (~ce also 60-10386) -1. 55, no. ~) ..kcture of GoAtims, T. Boatrution of AIR 4 IK400trid Solutiawo' by As N. Tom%, 23 pe J=r oft Ph" r 1!?52 Vol IM,, so MA 60-10384 Sol AW 6.0 VOL It No 3 %w. CWr=d=i )av~, I chradin Jam an ftsle" wd 37 FFMI*, rr, Sm CMu WAU, 3.952, Vc& M, No U/32v vp iq~q-q I. set Apt ~O lot pi # No 3 vf (IOUUU I awke Of DISPONUS 70t saumms, M~~w wplot, TUMMIllyt JEA= %w jaw a" NO 2.9030.4 lot =a v No pp 4-W. KA 60-3-0386 c 841 Ap 60 TO& lt~ t So 3 at WAIA, v. Coqarison of f*ft zffau* odglmlo vow%# 24 p. popp joar mik phwso 1952j, Vol M=j mA 6oio385 Tel i#.: no 3 "U$AW Of 06MIAD In C4WI W&%W, by ftuoid-lor. 4 Ps ........... ,1=0'. lor cwr~w Rommos l9s,;oj Vol nr=.4 no 16 0 pp =,IA67. WA 60-1037a j4w 6o Vol M,. 00 3 2b* Cormica of MWWs =4 AUoys mnd ITs +A pief"Imp br N. PWAAAft. Germ". pffo comwm 0t Mmewrooloup Vbl Vs 1b 2p 1*., " 47-4A (s. e= 1532 ;1 :1 ~~? CVO I lostatio and Potentiostatic Ustbods. wt-A- It uis to hwjvtb~mrm the Circ~twum for lo'n or Non-CmTosion of NeWs sM by IL PourbMs, F. IWAwvuldemp 40 pp. FRNMp gap Cumvelon at Actiamcmion.. Vol IXj, iro 11, 1961.. Pp 341--356; Vol IX# No 12., .1961p Pp 385-395. 90&1622 Hw-"-36 jun 62 Pourbaix, Marcel. SIUDY OF SCALE-REMOVW PROCESSES. 119611 117)p. (4 figs. ornitted) 15 refs. Order from SLA $1.60 61-14934 Trans. of unidentified nmmo- (paper) trot CAWcrcncc on the Study o( the Scale-RemovinS Processes lbeld at I Brussels U. , $Nov 48. 61-1034 1. Pourbaix. M. DESCRIPMRS: *Scale, Countermeasures, Corrosion. Inhibition. AV 0300. 1w 1 Yuma N!" 01111% lost re 41 J. rwomj, WAII Fundb.mental Researeb on Corrosc J.on tuid Ap,,)lJ.calui.Diis, by M. Pourbaix. FRENCH, np, Brussel s, Be!l,~ivm - 14-17 0, ~ 195(,. *AEC sc-- - min/Met Ma.v b0 by pp, Applications of Klectrocbenistry to Investigations in Corrosion, by Hercel FoUrbsixq 13 PP, OERW, per, Werketoffe und Korrosionp Vol V, No UP 195hp PP 433-440- 11ar"U Tr 524 Sci - Xlectricity, Chemistry,, Minerals/Ketals, 31~ 9(0.;. ThOo~y of the F=otiwdng of Cartridge Cwws During Firivio bV:L. ftwv", ]A pp. FRMM, per, Nemorial do L'Artilleris ft-ancaiss, Val UlKp go 2p 1955p pp 333-345. NEw - Frame 033 Tr $.L.A. Tr 1275 k Pla)~4 d Dat&nuinat-lon ef lacdoses F%Nm lledze Vj-~uerij IW Film Disnaity RwAlap Frm a Telecobalt Therapy .0. Urd4w~ by ~. Poixrquier, P. la*abordt., L. Davach, 4 Pr.. ME=, p0r) lotlrral de RwUoloLdej, Vol XXXVITIT, No 3- ],-P max-ADZ 1957j. Pp 282-29. 5ci - Ned ;7 Dcc 57 mOairkz6-r=OphAlUl6 Induced W ratra-Cmalal Aftlatitration of Typbold ladotatin in Sua- ceptibie Gui,m-Plge. Its Variations Ace'Ordlag to the hme.pf the Pracedim 'Swrimatal Infecti Ons, bY t. Paursiocap J. &mhtcp Grebu & Hile A Sall0an rmCTlj, parp Comptes Remduvo Soc Bial, Ycl CXLYll No 17-1,61 Sop 1952p P2 1365-136T. Scientific - Medicine CFIS/D= Btu -q TROYISIONAL INDUSTRIAL COUNCIL FOR NUCLEAR ENtRGY2 BY J. W. EWS-j-3 PF- DUTCH2 PER, ELECTROTECHNIEKv VOL XL.. NO 9p 1962.. P *,- CALL NO TA 351, ENG TRANS. ARW MAP SERVICE WEEUR-DUTCH ECON , SCIOPHYS 30 AUG 62 207)816 flot [.*Olerwa~ity of St*015 on,& Alloys TORS11tio TvItt. Ily N. castr6 and P. POUSSaraia POLI-Slii per. Cirelafs tach.C,iontre Docu&. cid*v- ur; Viol: 19 No 2 '19' 6 2 I ~ CK'L/1' 614 "C mi"I July 61 .706 6L-2D431 Val* POUSID, P. de is. RRADM ON 711E APPROXIMATION OF FLINC- I . VaIlee Pwsoln, C. de Is TIONS OF, ONE REAL VARIABLE: PREFACE AND 11. Title: Lecons... UMODUC710N. ~(19611 riolp- 2 refq. Order tram SLA $1. 60 6L-2D4.11 Partial rrans. of mmo. Collection de Monographics our Is Tb6wie desi For uns, v. 9: LAwTma ow I'Apprarlr~atlou des Fonctions d'une Variable Re'elle, fu Paris. 1952. DESCRIVrORS: ORealvariables, OFunctions, Numericainnalysis, Polynorniols, Triganimnetry. (Mathematics, TT, v. 7. no. 1) M, "'OnAIrd. -M.-Ata Pauyol. P11=1U, POV, Vin, Vol XTi 1950j, IT, 83--r- rU T%- IDE TIPPED TOOLS " Outilm htscm Rapport6ts en Carbure de Tungnte", 11"21 11 101p. Order from SLA $9. 10 62-2D19I Trans. of Centre Technique do Bois 1POriaL Calder (Fram4) 1959, no, 37, p. 2-3k DESCRIPTORS: 'Tunpum ccFnpmm&. *Carbides, *Carbide tools, RCircular saws. Nolding. Drills, MechmniW properties, lUrdsm. Brittleness, Grain structme (W611urgy), Desigri, Operation, Mammmance. C6ttinj mc". Contents: Gmral remarks an the characteristics of die tools And their rational Lidlization Moulding tools (Mochinery-Mamdacturing, 77, v. 9, no. 14 (ant) 62-2D191 1. PWZNU, P. 0 0 -i o Me d lod" A ild wdbq foo - I L R CAm 1964g pp J% 4. ugml;~ aak . Jam ois lm&j;cajja QLaracteristics of I-oci of Crimewk lype 610mkox-Illagic Favor in Astrakhmi Oblast, Vd)s~!Tucts of Papers o 'f ne lita scientii-ic ConfOrence o the Instiatite. uf Polic't-.0yalitis wid Hncephalitides, by 1'. 11. .,,cvijjsjjjjj,4 ALUSIAN, Fpt, 114 Tick-bonto Encuphali tis. ~:C-!Je~kpvu Tick4oni; FU 'dewrrhaLIC ,Ovt 11, ,a 14mbli, 1964, lip 2.79-281. 11-ii &lh 2-61-66 ~On Lomi) CF5~~ Ito - c. & e, Scij It rili N)r 46 41ara4tological Infovation oc.- Foci of Ind- dence ol uiwau lype ilemrrhagic Fever in ~%straldian (blast, (Abstracts rui Pavers o-.1' *116 1 itJi SdLentiflc Conference of t-he luts-ti- tute Puliolvelitis w1u, Lacephillitis, by .V. 11. Povalysidua, RWS1iW*rj)tj, IN 'Lick-borne Lacephulitis-, iLenarovo lIck-bo=a Favor, Iewurrhagic Teve;;. and Otlia; Arbovirus Infections-, "Oosculf, 1964. jil) 271-274. All-W 2-U-66 (W Loan) T1 4 r> - 4,4 0 11 IJJ 66 Study of the Sewitivity of Lhe Strjppe L;jnw;. (iArSUM lagmut Pall) to Poliomyelitis Virus. -- 1. fte possibility of Using the Steppe Lemming is the Stuft of PolioWellti: v,jjm ii aw rv,, sy i. P., L L. IdIrozon, RWIAN,, per, Vose Viftsol, Vol V., No 1060v pp 4oe-406. PP , r" / SCI c Vis Djli~,LAbuticn oll' Favor Ut tho irwor ~Uiialov QQlas-GIV 13y K. V. 1.;" ~ovailishimiq S. Go Dy-agump ' pp. REWS.13YAPIT pnr, Vnpron$ Vir,~Anlogl~q, V.-l- T-- 1957o PP 9-32- "Oe i - Yod aw ,ia A LWarithmlc Audio FYequency l4goater and Iv. hypUcatlon to ACGUB%U Me"UranaWj b xlyain,v A, V. Povauspys ((Kr 6W636) -f1.1 MMIAN.,, lprp TrWy Xmisaii p0 Akustlkej Otdal Flz4fttamt Raukp No (3, 1956p pp 5-U. ATIC F-S-9037/V sci - Physics 446 / i IN-A swoo str"m 21, ~. - - =*be at Al at by 36 0 xft~mm *wp utm I sabodetou'p No is M80 w 2pQ6. MM ?r 4047 outs 62 4 -.i Now S-yatam of Bonus PaMato to 6niling Gro!s Himilmige Plan ft1filhoent unA Orerfulf'111=W., bj MISOI0, per, Morukc7 Flot) vo 6., "L9601 PP 1-, 5. ims 6472 USaF J8.11 61 Ihe Hardmass of Maerals I by A. S. Povannnykb, RUSSII~N, P~r, AcjwWW of Scientes of the Ukrainian �,!i�R. M. T-CE ~ I A. i. Ilovarenjiykli Mar 67 a w to to rhm cc 0% kw bw *Was ow"tafts tv L ~ Vdi go 29w0 e-;~Cl "MW 4w.* Z at 326v560 ~111~i~'-'AiYl, ~vr. taj~As;d '6$4u-~y Ij I -~!Zp~o I 6"- 1666 AS M-PENDEK] ON I'M MM OF cou%qCAL BONDI-~ (7,avistmost, I'verdont Mineralov ol Sostoyaniv- KhtmicheFzkot SvN-azi), f196211711). (fw-pign text incloJed) r uf!! Order Irom CTS ol. SLA S 1. 10 1 (,6,1:1 Tnms, of .-j~aovITjYIj MIA ;SSR. 108-11W. Air. C ifl, I.".. On the, Frocoss of MmouitIzatI011 Of Iron Mim&U.0 ~y A. S. PovuwmWM. RMIAO, pair, Jum". Sb-j- L112D Vo 6, ;9521 pp MtL/T. 2215 P I. C' r, /V /Y Sci - Jul 67 333,746 A -Rcipprt an the ~-Torh of the Boarf- -C C Leningrad Branch of the All-Union 0 1,11europathologists and PsychiatristE to January ic,53, by K. I. Povm-nin, RUSSLUI, bh, Voprosy llsikliiatrf-i -i "N.--Villl~-Pato-,O-rii) L) O-Zs &--211-14 1 PL-4'Y-j S j2 211 61-1324-1 and :-.4-menov, f-M 'I-IIH WCAL BOIUNG OF " ~LSTI I -Bolling--Ph~-icall factors, SUKOCAYT, Wi,TLi1..LvJRLNG JTS rLO'V AT HIGH 2. Water- IUBES Ossledovanlye 3. Npes hei no~., t:z ~i:i vi r. ;w+ii v,-,by, Nedovqetoy do Temperatury praper~iv& pr~, iN~ 'Zmmli yeyc J1 Bol'shoy I Skorotit' VL 11 Sep N) 120j]). 13 tefs. 11. Scrneni~. F RT-S Is"i). Ill. )52~ Ortier iMl) mi$-)-40, IftJ3.30 61-13243 IV c,,' Sc;(!P.,if1c and Indus-cridl Rv-,4earch Trans, of 'I t!I)Jcz:ne2-jjs-tJka (LISSIQ 1959 Iv. 61 no. 4, (Gt. Brit, I p. 72-79. Results arv oonsidextd oi an investigation of the local boiling of *vlxoolen water during Its flow in tubes up to 3-ram dis_rnett~r. ihe dependence Of qcr on the valocit), w and the dogree of SubcOOling (Atd 0 10 2000C) Rt the prewire of 35 atm abs a-mt v. ,6 t, 45 m/nec. (Author) (Physic4--ThcrmcdyniLmics, TT, v. 5, no. 4) ftthodS Of St4U3tlC&l-PhYtDSOCIQIO9iC&l Analysis.of F6r*st Assodatiou# by N. Konovilars, v- pA"=4LVM- RUSSIMI perj,11 Lomixtra&*QP IAIMOP Jut# No 358 1927# pp 69-104. CSIRD/No 6186 Scia-Api Aug 63 -? v/, F.S-F Poly-nne Compounds~ M The lieac:Oor, of 2-11hony-I -1,3-Dioxolane with ViiVIethyl Ether, 1;-.r B '~'4 Mikhat and L. S.. Povarov. 6 pp, HUSTAN; per, Zhur Obsbeb KhAsi, Vo~ XXXII , No 19621, PP 446-451, CB 36 -gy,v ., " C) / 2- Fab .63 Tit-, hm (NY-3257). 1041 Cal ftatbuls or alectrovia COWUARLug aud OCatroniag Circuits, by y pp. FUNIMP bk, LogiaMe" looledowaniya, Nw,cow, 3.950o pp 406414. im 9ml AO -itheimaticall T!ieury uf the To The b-, G. Llc)k, Adil USSR, Vc,.*- - 111, 11 PY D-F -A N TOP-I'TIT,,Oillt~ILOI.Tli~MATICAL THEORY OF THE 1. Povamv. G. N. SYNTHPSIS OF V. k) TERMINAL SWITCHING 11. MDr P - 127 NETWOW. ( 0611 (61p. 5 refs. MDr P- 127. 111 F riedman, Xlcrrii4 1). , Orcler f rom On or SLA $ 1. 10 1 ~, :~'Qlo `Xest Nt:"%1on, mass. Tran~. Of Alkli-Jetrilval Njauk] SSSII. ['~k)klady, 195b, v. 11, ino. 1, p, 102- 1U4. DNSCRIPTOWS-. *Switching, circuits, Circuits, nelworko, Synthesis, Special functions, Theory. i the construction of (1, k) -tei mi - nid wx~tehjrig uerm)rks are explained. These the,,,ircrnii per-Tilt th,.- number of switches in (1, K', -rertrJr;.,! networks to tw estimated for la r~~e k. (See ~lao (, 2 - il 1409) (Autbar) Ine. , (Enizir~~-ring- -Electrical. rr. v. 8, no, 10 Logic and AutomstioAp b.Y G. M. Povarov, 16 pp. RUSSW,O bko Logichishlye Ivyl,--dmimlys) Monoi'm ~. 195% PP 300-314- jpw-9222-N Sol - miso- Wth Feb 60 la 7, f91-1 To the Mathematical Theory of the Synthesis of (l..k) - TISimInRl OvitchIM Netvarks, by 0. N. Povarov. 5 pp. RUBSIM ., per,, Dok Ak Nauk, Vol,' J' , No 1., 1956, pp iw-104. SIA Morris D. Friedman P-127 Sei MW 58 o"I Inval 'C'. of povaz~ov, 7 lop r, Awl. Stlint. ubiv. i~lal 11, CUZP- din Iasi rvev Series) Soo. I (M-qth.., Vol iWv 00 Io 1958., YP 3946 MW - P-147 Pm xJM6 Sci - raactronica mov 6o -X&+.rix Methods of Analyzing Relay-Contact Circuits 7 in Terms of the rhoperative CondItion, by 0. N. P~mmrov. HURSIANI, perg Avtomt i Telsuakh,, Vol XV, Eo 4., 3-9~4., VP 332-335. Morris D. Friedma T P-129 Aw 58 Y, 4 3,,P, 13 .N, On a ththod of Analysing 8,,Fmmetric switching Circuits Ove by G. me P~ MSUS,p *a per# Arbmt I Telawkh.. Vol XVTj so ho 19550 pp *-*. Norris D. Fripdman SCI - Rusimar.lag e, Aug 1956 -6 i-iiiC!'-T Look at (~yboraetjw,; by G: 71, 4 'T ? pp PUW-W. per.. 1z,.) ]_O' jpns grit!" Sci - Idsc P.i4,r 61 the Gemnotry of Boolean Functions and, I-:c`.ic correcting Coem., Prom lChe Point of V!=- I-IL, I'to Hrlsmgwi hogra-mi, by G,. N. Pivarav, 3 pp. RMIMj, per,, Problww Posedischi Infom"tailf, No 100 19610 Vp 36-41, 9678819 'OTD Scl-bgr Doe 62 (m the Stucly,of Syumtric Boolccn Func--iaLis Fi"-j by 0. 11. Povarov,-i- pp. RUSSIANp pers Dok Ak Ilauk SS.SR, Va Civ, !;u -2.1 1955; in, 183-185. jui 61 19 5 E, ubc F~imaticwal Sopaxsbl~dty cxC iioolj--cLn uctims) -by G. 14. Povarov, 4 ppe SSWI, per.. Doli Alt I)mLk SMIR) vo--L XCIV) 5, 1954, PP 801-803- imF P-11.8 4 4r A. 1 j 941' 1141 f, On U)e Syxi*Uv~sla of NUti-Termilial Svitahlrog I Networ1w, by Go, It. Povarov,---6 :pp. RU&SM, per, Dok A Nauk SM, Vol XCIV,. No (); 1954, PP 1.075-10TB- MF P-= Sol ..# 14"T Jul 61 / C--, If ? Yj - Xdthem4tical Theory of the SyntheE~-'s of (I.,!:) T~rmln6l Cantact9j, by 0. W. Povarav, 7 PP. A to I.MSTMOO Da-W;WR.-llol CP No 5~ 19551 1, per, J 909~912 9 C, 1 A P 1~ 4~'-"' ~ 1! *) Morrie D. Friedman Sep 19,55 CT-9/m polyene Compounds, XIV, Synthevis of Monoarylattad Polyene I~ydrocartona, b~ L. 5, Povarav,. 2- ;-1,- Ydkha-' lov J. ~' Vp RUISSIAlij per, Zhur C )ighch Khim.. V02.. XXXIV 111D.1.4 19 i1; pp. 16"1 -169 Mar 6a iU17~T=._.- "'LZ"ULLiU?ALZ*.QrL 6. Byatheais of Methyl Derimutives of 0i, w-DLphenyl Polyew Hydrocarbcme, by.B..K. Mikballovo L. S. Povarov, 5 PP- XMIAN, perp Is Ak Nmik SM.9 Otdal M2im Nauk., No llt 19591 PP i94&1953. CB 61 Polyenis. Ca=nication 5. %mtheM.9 of Ubspm- trical DUm7l Polyouic Hydrooexbma j, by B. W Wkhtdlmj. L 8- Pmrqvp 3 PP- MBSVJ.s wt Iz Ak Mm* OSW6 Mal lain Ikuka So 5,p 1959P i~ 8304ft- CB Sol - *y 61 /5-3~ W, Re a ctic, n L; by B,, pp. RIJSSTAN.~ ror,, Ybur Obshch KhLnp Vol XYI'~; pp 20759-2082., Consultantg Bureau Sci - Chiadst3:7 Frapamtloh, of Compounds With Silthiane-Carbon IAAkS,j, by N. S. FavatkIng A. V.. Tqpch1Abv,, L. B. FqflU*Pvj 4 )PPO RVw.ANj yerg Dok A Thuk SM:, Vol MIT; Ro 2~ 1957, Sw 2k&5-M. COMIUrAs bwftu a-- i - .1.11 1" 0--t g 9.9. lou 3 lir: TI: 6 T. 7, Ak Ilauk S,:',SR) Otdcl. Min np-uk,, ITo 2,, .1-95clo PP 33-4-319. Comultantor, Bureau C~mm~ataoxk Or sm"mebAt Dieurl A00tal Ifith I Yl VUW1 Stbar, tW IR. M. ' amuioyi L. i). Povaa%w, IM lve N*Lq) pap t% A ft* SUMp Otdol KUm Ms*.. Ito 10s Pr 12-V-22h4- 1"CIMtkin. V, TopcUevp L. S. Povarov'. G, consultmxt D purcau De c 57 RMIA;) th4ce-so per, Dok Ak Neuk ESSR, vol Cly., go 4o PP 787-790, Jul/Ava 1956. 0 Bis (TotrMalluldlellmewth3ne) cyclud1wlav., by RMSUI, thirce-w per, Dok AL Naub- Vol CLIC, Wo 2p pp 352-335. jui/A!-,g 1956 Consultants Bureau .s-'/a , ~2 ( (P Dee 57 on Come Anomalous Forms of Polarization Came on a Drq~ing kera=7 nectrode, by N - V . liftcaayeva- Pedorovlchp Yu. M. HUSSIM, per, Zbvr Awa Oft, Vol XIV, No 6, 19C ~ 59P pp 663-667. - CB sep 6o cort"A so in *0 Plvpwuos of ft Soluilic'm f rmg It"t"IrAl I t7 A. I aoftt~~Wwo 1 9 No Koesurt YUO its po"W"t Iyanov psestop VWF Dok Ak am& Map VaL CMV.. Iwo 6,1 Sol An twestiodso into Q* -modo -we PIWK%m tiop of SolnUou of Btxv% Sectralyofte In Sdoonts wIth " IDialmtric Cmstwmta, by me powom a P6 Koomuwp " 6,$ 3 PP* ,TU* 0 1& Ak Muk Ems, mwaftl m 1 VC& MWV ED 6# art Aw *64p NOV 41 CE Set Wo 65 1AP 171 r v cav Q z -HLj. z 5 4, London