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Aafteament of the PermeabWq to Gases of Reftactorles &W Us SigntUcance for Steaworks, lyr P. Arwlt, R Oberfemw. CIRMAN, per, Tonindmtric Zeftwq, Val X, 1963, pp 205-209. 08151 &M sci - M/M Feb 64 The Effect of the lAmestone Grain Size on the YLLneralization of Sinters at Temperatures Between 850 and 15400C., by H. Lehmann. GEMAN, per, Tonindustrie 2--itung und Kera-ydsche Rundschau, Vol. 7, 1,a6 . 53T- 5 T7. Z= 70-17059-11B June 1971 Mie Attack of Sulphate Contain&, Sodium Silicate Malts an Refractories, Pt. 1. GERMO.. per., Tonindustrie-Zeitung., Vol 88., No 2, 1964. BGIPA-64 Sci-Energy Conversion oct 66 313..182 The Attack of Sulphate Contalid-Ug Sodium Silicate Melts on Refractories) by U. Bovensielpen. OPIOANp per.. Tonindustrie-ZeitiM& Vol 88.9 No 2., 19&.. pp 25-32. 33GIPA-645 Sci-Energy, Conversion Oct 66 313.,183 Resistance of Basic Refractory Bricks to Corrosion by V205- I., by H. Lehmann. GERMAN, per, Tonindustrie Ztg., Vol 88, No 7/8, 1964. pp 153-159. (GB 139/648) Sci Sep 67 34o,007 Effect of the Limestong Grain Size on the Miner-0 alination of Sinters at Temperatures Between 850 arid 14500C. GERM, per, Tonindustrie-Zeitung und Keramische Rundschau, Vol 88, No 21/22, 1964, pp 469- 1198. (CSIRO/No. 7364) Sci - Aug 67 339,909 Proparties of Plasters in Rolation to Their GeolcSical Origin and Tbernal Treatment, by H. Lehmann, W. Scblegal. GEED=, Vw, rEbutnduntrie-Z PICtMng d t _ -up ftrazimcbe no 1~T3-6, 253-269. CSIRO 3670 MW elq~6 4r 6e Determinatioa of Thermal Coaductivity With the POensgem Apparatus, by Max WiUy Klempin, 5 PP. GE90M. per, Tm industrie-Zeitung-und xeramig Ruxu1schau. Vol 1954, pp 9-11. 9MM22, 90TW23 AW Tr --4"T Scl A!~ 'e'~ s;--0 6 Aug 61 R - 4~36 Quantitative Differential- Therm-al Anm-,ysis, by Lelumaann, GEM.IPJII, per, Tonindustrie Zeitung und Kera-mische pgh4q,_ Vol L=i'-:L *JPRS for lxrAy Rocket and Guided Missile Agency Sci - Mar 061 The Use of the DlUtometer and of Differential Therm-Analysts an Critar:Ui for Oambuntica Processesj, by ff. Iabun=# Fi. Gatskep 5 pp. GEMM# per# !"uz -v-VA IZWQ=;d ~k& Rundmabau ~Cr3L9vn9;;p-2vp A.C,8,]L.L. Tr No 933 Sci - Chaid stry mar 1.9yr am/&m 1/23 1958, 2-15. caril T.:- 333 v.,cv, ike" Orientated Intergrovthe of Spinels Rich in Iron Oxide With Mul.11te, by S. Kienov. G=M, per, Touludustrle-MIUM und jeranloqhe Ruzaschauj, Vol Ir TTI PP 975-281. RMI 2531? Sol - Cbem Mr 62 1,0A46.., PW-Zo lint 121 void IWEGO a-nd VOid Distributicla Mtelm'ned by l1basurmnmtj by X. MMIOPIWW.* .1 rpo .boa, vca. r f Tir,, No 221, 1 orA 6o~-M258 Sol Feb Vol 3nj No 33. SPECTROMETRIC ULTIMATE ANALYS'iS OF CRUDE AND INDUSTRIAL SILICATE MATERIALS, BY iii-RICKER, SO; MONANSSON. NDUSI GERHANo PER# vulINDUSTRIE -7X-LlUNPp-(JND-.--_ PXR 0 VOL LXXXIVv FEB L960s 77- - BISI 2046, SCI - CHEM Nov 6 1 173tra Intergrowthe or Magnesium Perrl'.te and Peric3ase., by J. Gabm. GERW3., per,. Tonk qoW&r~q:77AjtAwS, ul3d Neramisobe ~U!#qcb"J, Vol- iooilb 3W.. 2960.. pp 215--k~. =81 2540 00:L - xin/metau bkr 62 /"., ~Zpl-l list M Charaeteristics for the Identifteatiou o~Z Kaolir-dte,l "Firecla5e' Tidwrall amd H&Uoysite,, Mel-P Matribution and Formation. PtB 1& 6 2., by H. Reutel~cher.. H. W. Van der N3rel, Pt. 1 - 21 IV.1 Pt. 2 - 27 py, ckwmmp lvwo - clue -W+x-g MaIjwrwdg)ch-- -Rimftobou, vbi L=tv,, ig6i pt. 1 - No 223, pp 5L7-5525; Pt. 2 - No 24, pq 510-5W. MT OF CMUERM - NAM .41) sel PATMV (I-Mr.7 ~mw Evaluation of the Gas-Permeabiliry of Firebricks and Their Importance in Steelworks Practice, by P. Artelt, B. Oberfeuer. GE11MM, per,,Tonindustrie Zetrung und Kerarni che Rundschau, Vol X, 1963, pp 205-209. BISI 350.) 92 Sci - M/M May 64 257,027 Effect of the Limestone Grain Size on the Mineralization of Sinters at Temperatures Between 8500 and 14500C, by H. Lehmann. CORMN, per, Tonindustrie Zeit-ing und Keramische Rundschau Vol 88, No 23/4, 1964, pp47-53T ff'ti-727~89-98, 1964 CSIRO/No 7364 Sci - Jul 67 334,1o8 R-454 Information on Water Courses and Agriculture in Tonkin, by Pierre Gourou, -.W >'~~ - FIMCH, bk, Le Tonkin, Paris, 19--'l, pp 63-81; 110-134. 1 __6,*JM/DC-ll0B7/SP_cfi1.a1 WE-France Geog Jan 65 TopogmpWs by Frantlsek Dogusisk, Jaroslay alitr,, 1199. -,"L Aej' IsfP-s pp 14p 15p ', r - dU raV AMI ]:-L7ltO8-A-C 10 2235133 ED= - Caacboiaov&kla Mae Iffav 63 2- Lf ii ~.g 2. The Importance of a Map by Frantisek Boguszak, rpt, czeCE, Pff, TopografLie, a-ur - Czecboslovakia Geog 12 jun 63 in the Socialist State, Jaroslav Sli'u_y 1962, pi) 14-15. ACSI 1-2708-A / ITD 2235133 The 1918-1945 Period, by Frantuisek BoL-viszak, Jaroslav slitr. 5 PP. CZZECI-7, rpt, TopoE-xafie, PiaEue, 1962, pp 2T:-:~A-2B2. ACSI !-27'6-B ID 22351-33 EEur - Czechoslovakia Geo-u NCIV ll')-~" The Period Afte--,- 1945, by Frantisek Bojcuszak, Jaroslav Slitr, CZEC'B, rpt, Topo&rafie, 1962, pp 282-2Z87. A�CSI I-2708-C ?ID 2235133 EE,ur - Czechoslovkia Geog 12 Jun 63 Perez Davant, D. and others. PRV4TME CANCER OF THE LUNG. [1963][38p' (p. 8 missing) (MgB omirrad) 41refs order from SLA $3.60 7IT-64-L4452 Faxtlal wma. of Tom (Uruguav) 1957, v. 6, no. I.. p- 35-51 rr-64-14452 1. Perez Davant. D. (BlotagicadSclamm-Patbagogy, 7T. v. 11. vo,12) I 0"k. f T-h.&--t S-1- (NY-6450) The Demonstration of Results in Fulfilling the Plan for Oparating Costs fcT 1960, by Vasil Yankov, Miaria Nakove, 11 pp. BULG-ARr", Pel,., T=Vvi a-Izkujevee, Vol XIII, y No 3, 1961ly pp jpRs 1.1394 REur - Bulgaria 5'?l Econ Dec 61 i_ kil - 1-14 ~O.i Wax-ehousing in Trade Enterprises, by Msrko Konev, 10 pp. BULGARIA, per, 7~Drff~nE~~~. voi mr, No 3), TWI, PP 17-21. JPM 11391' EEur - Bulgaria Econ / -7? 5-7--Z' Dec 61- Displays of Available Goods, by Ansatas Balkendzhiyev, 7 PP- BULGARIAN, pe-r.. Torgoviya-lzkupavane, Vol XIII, No 3, i9bi, vp- 27-U---- JMS 11394 Mur - Bulgaria Scon Dee 61 14inistrial Decrees., 5 pp. 9MWARTMt rpt,, Torvenyereju RendojeW,., 24 Apr 1958, 7 6 --------- A= 1-34993 ID r a TOur - Hm2gBx7 /, ? 47, - -/ ?4 Pol I'L Jun 62 Tot-.,q'itar-iz:.r- Po-.re2.- Structure and L~oviet Z-oe-ign Policy, by Stephan G, Yhommas, (LF-2270) j?arapl-a-et, TQla-itare Im", So-,,Tjetit'~c Aussen-politik, 1(359T, -a-,) 17-2-*:'). Worla x Wide 110" 13 jun 62 The Malignant Neoplasms of the Brest and Their Action on the Indigosols,, by C. A. Sunder,, C. H. a Sunder, 12 pp. 270=9 ins jPd tee ,, per,, Toulp . ~,I pp 127-135. a Vol L, 1949, NIB Tr 8-7 ~rlj , 5,1- . 2 Sci - Hedidine Avg 57 Vincent, Di., Segonzac, G., Lagreu. R. SOME EXPERIMENTS WITH TOBACCO SMOKE. [19621 lip. Order from K-H $13.75 K-H 3058-c Trans. of.Toulpygg-106dical (France) 1953, v. 54. no. 9. p. 651-662. DESCRIPTORS: *Smokes, *Tobacco, Cigarettes. 62-2283B 1. Vincent. Di. If. Segonzac, G. Ill. Lagreu. R. IV. K-H-3058-c V. Kresge-Hooker Science Library Associates, Detroit. Mich. (Biological Sciences- -Pathology. TT, v. 9. no. 1) OW" d TechdW Savion Vincent, D. and Segonzac. C, IM AN71BIOTlC ACTION OF TOBACCO SMOKE 1. f1962112p. U. Order from K-H $15. 00 K-H 6471 M. IV. Trans. of Toulouse- Wdical (France) 1957, v. 58. no. I P. 1-9. DESCREPTORS: (3garettes, Smokes, *Tobacco, *Anti- biotics 62-22835 Vincent, DL Seg C. a K-H-6471 Kresge-Hooker Science Library Associate--;, Detroit, Mich. (Biological Sciences. TT. v. 9. rKL 1) Oft@ d T*Cb" U-MM Applications of the Endocrine Effects of Hyper- hydration in Man, by A~. Baisset, P. Bessou, et al. FRENCH, per, Toulouse-Medical, Vol 1M, 1960, pp 437-445. NASA TT F-9082 Sci-Biol & Med Nov 64 NX U.S. GOVERNMENT ONLY 268,794 Pa c3ogdcal StjOy an a Comb1nation Contain- IM Equal P*rts of TatzscycLim and Novdblocin, by J. *wnier.. R. Bwxseo PROM 3, Tmiame metucals Vol 65., 19649 pp WT-C. - WC-69-16516-06M SCI-BM Mob 70 4O3sO9T PAPP. -------- - ----- .6.61p -gel 4 4 N6 A se n cy 567 BPIL No. cp.F t~5.",-69;-29 -: F-,,ude bacteriolor-iqll, clov".. Toal ouse Mod . l Pst-*----tc~t vord count: 2 C)"fj lcij),~Ciul In sta-uct' Cost: $36.oo Oxymetholone Study on Phosphorus and Calcium Metabolism, by A. Fournie. EUROPEAN, per, Toulouse Medical Vol 65, 1964, pp 1231-1240. NTC-70-12863-06P Feb 72 win-Barrel Turret DCA, SCI Lm ilispano Suiza, Ath Servo-Sight SV2, on light Tmik blodal 51, Description,, Automatic AA/Infantry 30 UMI OLMV Itispano suizas I-wel 831,$31pp. MI. MI, rpta Tourelle Bitube DCA 30- uuu Ilispmo Mza rv*cs-eW=o-Iseur M Sur Char lasm~ Mod, Sl: Descxilmioft Canca Auto=ique tatiaensul. Infmterie 30 mm Hispmo Suiza, Type 631, No 287, 19S8. ACSI 1-9361 ID 220401S466 Id'EUXA-til/French Mar 66 294,425 Transistron Equals Transistor Plu;3? French EnSimering Does Vot Give Up., by E. Aisberg, 3.1 pp. H. perj, Toute LEL Radlop No 1,3Tp July-Aug 1949p pp 218-220. SLA, Tr 57 - 24ft Sci Aug 58 6 97/ d -3 -/ How -to Solder Corxectly2 by Gantbar Lwabwyer. "I pp. oRMICH per$ ToWue I& Radio.. Zo, 242., 1960,. pp 3931. MA 60-16051 sci V T 0. L V., FO 8 /,?z~ 29 May 62 Varjow U2eo--jle:3 & Presauxe in Gases.. by 1,11 -LadyOAw Gosiewski. Be Zzu pory Twfr=zyatvo Ilauk islych v -n~-r Pam-letnik Val V IB74, pp 1-15. P-05000 AEG-UCN.,-Tr-885(L) Sal - rbys Apr 63 (FDD 22228) The Ruse NitroSen Plant (Yugoslavia).. 26 pp. SLOYMUMp catalosp Toyarna Dupika Rus2,, publ a Pffnmr-Mribor,, 19-54,, by the Ruse Nitroge pp 6-42. CIA/FDD/U-6857 Mur - TUSOD)AVIa Neon - Industrial CTS 64/Jan 55 Keemer, E.. Froboese, V., Ila=% R. aDdad3ers. TOXICOLOGICAL IN 11GATIONS. JL963135p Order Etai SLA $3.60 TT-63-2D405 Tran& ofnww. [Toxikol und H em des Kraft- -gy-glene 0i ji-u~ve Gases and Benzines) BerUn. 1930~ cbmp6 C~ p. 28-67. DESCRIPMR& 'Benzitw- *Rmh~ gsws6 Toxb:ItT. Vehlelm FLwlm6 Benzenes. PAjbcbeebb TT-63-20405 t. Keeser, E. H. Froboese- V. 1H. Turnau. R. IV. Tide: ToxicoU)gy ... (BloloVcal Sciemes-Taxicalogy. 7T, v. 11. m 3) Drjj~ of T-hnj~j rWiNites HI& T~ampsrature Drying us Against Air Seasoning., by L. MolmVdet. MWIM, per, Tra,, Vol V, RD 10,, 1958; pp 19-23. CSIRO 5386 Sel - Goo" J,9/, 410 0 Avr 62 Fidel Castro's Speeches to Construction Workers, 6 & 12 April 1961. SPANISH, bk, A los Trabajadores de la Construccion, pp 5-29,33-63. CSO:20227-E Comp Special Feb 69 c R- - 11 5 4 /i 6, 2 Gra-ohics Information on Cuba. SMUSH, per, Trabajo, Vol ITI, Wo 11, ic,62, PP 8, 5~, 1, 22, 35, 36-37, 41, 50-55, 6'1-063- * J P R S / D C -630 S ) 4 LA - Cuba Econ, Pol, MAI, Soc sep 62 Ant-unes Valente: 1--ocial De-.mnds', by A,Mt~-lic-s Valente PP, "rabalhi!,, Po I., lst (,~ar -'f-r I-A0,:',54 per., I u 1~63., Po 04-71- .TPF-q 2!'.'9,1 Afrlea-Arig,~Ia Feb C-5 2Y507 9 Calculathig DisabUity Pension H, 5 pp. SPANM, per IL~~R~o 15-28 Feb 1964, Nq 4, pp 29-3f. JPRS 24540 LA-Cuba Econ Myay 46 259,494 Legal Orientations on Labor Matters, 5 pp. SPANLSH, per,'I:K~p 15-28 Feb 1964, No 4, pp 45-47. JPRS 24540 LA-Cuba Econ May 64 .258,495 Social P'Olicyt Zdae-n-tion and Labor., Malheiroig da Silva., i1pp, pop, o 5., ist i-ter 1964,, PP 71-83. J?N'S 051-a Afrlca-Anp,ola Soc Feb 65 275080 "9 :Labor: Questiona dw Labor Hamlbook, ~ 16 pp., 0 SPAMSH, per, Trabajq, Jun 1964, pp 27-31. JTPRS 26418 LA-Cuba Econ Sep 64 267,375 A Year of Victory, by Raul Ferrer, 7 pp. SPANUM, per, Traba-lo. 15-31 Jul 1964, pp 23-29. JPkS 26816 LA-Cuba Soc I Oct 64 268,645 Betimamt for Disability ia Law No. 3.100., by E&mrdo Fodriguez Luloaga, 6 pp. SPANM,q per, D29!!~jo, 16-3D Nov 1964* PP 53-57. jpns 0986 TA-Cubs soc mar 65 zr6,212 BaLara-LAM. WMOY OV W29 ArWia Fem--2iy, L-y No R. Laws AydUlo, C&M-110,s P*r,, T-mbaSca dol Im-Utew Cz 5-43-63 Ana 63 Z/ DjojoC~y, 'Lliometry, -AmartorW and the Fishery for Haddock (melanogranmrass fi-eglel"Lili-xG), lb-Ir Lucia, 32 pp. SPAITIST-1, per, Trabajos.,del Inst Espanol de Oc No 27, 1,059, 67 PIP. Fisheries Res 'Board of Canada NTyxxmad St. John's Station' SO-i 2eb 64 Pro^,,edure forculas of reduced Silver Aitrate and its E-ffectL, gn-the Integrutina Factors of the Neurons, by PP. EPPSIS11, per, zm?2~as, del Lab. dr- luveat Biol, Y10 U, 1910, pp 1-26. M 1G-25 ScleatifIc - Biology NOV 56 CTS 00me Observations Favorable to the i-i'(=otropic 1,4pothesis, by S. R. Cajal. SMISHI., pvr. Trab Lab Invest 8iol Univ Aa&rid, , 1910,'1p 65-145. Mil 7-1-65 sci/iXil"I Aug 65 284,726 tilt,: ~Uiwa 'i Wy, 65 Contribution to the KnowledC;e of the Retina and Optic Centers in Cepbalopods, by S. R. Cajal, 49 pp. SPAH=,# Per, TrabaJos del Utbmmtorlo de investiamcio-nes biologiorm de Iii 1 Vol xv, P pp STA Me 143B/56 Sci - Itletlicine Har 57 CTS contribution too Xbowlseop at I ~ miqpod Ratim andL OPUD Oentars" IV 0. R. 084"s-73 Ni- ' "GlfttiaU do dib ad Mb MA Fab 59 1-:Volution of tile ~."aLivc -`X:CI1izIrj ill by Joue hedinha, 27 ppz. f-fj-'=JGUL,c;E, por, Trabalim, 40i Quarter, I-io 4, pp 33-73. JPPS 28302 Africa Lcon Mar 65 276,154 Diffusion, by C. Leymonie, FRENCH, bk, Les Traceurs Radioactifs; en Metal-lurgie Physique, *Messrs Chapman & Hall, Ltd. 37, Essex Street - Strand- London W.C.2. Sci 6 c' m jun 61 TREATISE ON A CERTAIN OMCAL ILL%%, 1. Fick, A. INVOLVING ASYNWETRY OF 'ME BALL EYE. 1930 [35p] (foreign te= imiuded) Ilrefs. Order from SLA $3.60 TT-61-141741 Trans. of mom. (1."upwal dissertation) ractattuwr S- Errore-Qpoco rupdam Asymetria.Bul Ocull Effecro, - L- Ma-rburg. 17~1, 23p. (Biological Sciences-Phvs1ology. 17, v. 12, no. 4) off!.. .1 S-i Tractor Pesade 101 (Allis Chahmers E7-L9V1)- EjzLISH to SPANISH, Training Manual, Heavy Tractor MI (Allis Chalmers HDLOW), TM 9-787A, 18 Aug 194n. Sales Agency US Govt Printing Office Hq, USARCARIB Fort Amador, Canal Zone $-55 Tractores de Oruga Cletrac Modelo BG-Manual del Conauctor. ENGLIGH to SPAITISH, Training Manual, Cletrac Crqwler Tractor-Operator's InGtl'UCtiOn Book Mod-el BG, MI 5-3190, 12 Dee 1945. Sales Agency US Govt Printing Office Hq, USARCARIB Fort Aundor, Canal Zone $.25 Pis"I In the pet,~,f~~Cj., Q, L. r; sea - biol Oct 62 DC-3901/42 ). Automatic Translation Around the World (France, Czechoslovakiai Yu6oslavia) PP 17-19-) FRENCH, per, la Traduction Automatique, No 1, April 1960, PP 17-19. *JPRS Sci - Misc. 6 oct 6o ( DC-3901/42 Introduction, FRENCH) per, La Traduction. Automatique, No 1, Apr4ar ig6o, --- *JPRS Sci - Misc. 6 oct 6o DC-3901/42 ). Concerning Concordances, by Pierre Meile, -- FRENCH, per, La Traduction Automatique, No 1, Apr4..-l 196o, pp 6-9---- - - - -- *JPRS Sci - Misc. 6 oat 6o DC-3901/42 The Problem of True Polysemia and the Contextual Param ter Method, by Y. Gentilhomme, R. Tabory, FRENCH, per, La Traduction Autorm tique, No 1, Apri4 1960, pp-9~~ ~3-- 1 -1- -.- -~- *jPRS Sci - Misc. 6 oct 6o DC--501/42 ). Deweze's Book on Automatic Treatment of the Russian Verb, by Deweze, FRENCH, per, La Traduction Automatique, No 1, April 196o, p 24. *JPRS Sci - Kisc. 6 oct 6o DC-3901/1 2 News of ATAIAIP - - - FRENCH, per, La Traduction Automatique, No 1, Apri4 1960, pp 29-33. *JFRS Sci - Mise - 6 oct 6o (Dc -3#931/4-3) Gva=,-t2.cal Strueture and Automtic TransIntic m., by Geargos Gougenbelm, 7 pp. IMENCE, per. La Mraduction Automatique, No 2; iran 'foy 6c) I'lotion 0- conomoa,3a I : I i,;, A W- re !,e !X)L'i La Traduction Uo 2., Jun 196c), pp 1-1-~,119 JM 6240 sel - kl;~C: Nov 6o S W41 . . . - ( C i J/ I - P/-/ .3 ). Automatic Translation Around the World,--- FRENCH, per, LaTraductio-n-Automitique,-No 2,, June 1960, P 17--1-9., p 22-23, *JPRS Sci - Misc. 4 oct 6o RWMRMW~ ( ; ~&'/- D11,113 ). Notes and Discussions, by Andre Deweze, FRENCH, per, la Traductio-n.Automatique, No 2, Jun~ 1960, p 24, p 25-- L *JFRS Sci - Misc 1 4 oct 6o - ~ ( '; ~ d / -~)A/3 ). News of ATAIA, FRENCH) per, La Traduction Automatique, No 2, JunT 1960, P 3k. - 1- *JPRS Sci - Misc 4 oct 6o (DC-3901/'42) Introduction, 5 PP. FRENCH, per, Ja Traduction Automatique, No 5, Apr 1960, pp 2-6. jpRs 6239 Sci - Misc Nov 60 ,.Marteraims Concordances, by Flo=e maile, 4 pp. j yerp iA Traduction Avk-(Matiu-w, No pp JM 6239 60 Yr. C. Carrier Frequency Cables. GEMMN, rpt, Traegerfvvquez~_zkab&I ACSI J-106S ID 2204OS4166 Sci-Nav Communication Doc 66 314,458 The Use of Mraquency Beating In Industry. Progress Report No 1 of Solid Oak and Beech by Radio Marles Boye.. GERHO., per., Traeindustrieno 3b xRe c-4928 the Woodworking Bending and Setting Frequency, by 12., 1959, 5 PP. Sept 66 33.1,259 xI~Ccidunts Involvir4,- a Singlta Vehicle in f1c:lation to the C-,haracteristics o--:' the Road, by F. Eitzl.- GM:UAIN, per, Traff, Vol 10, 1,10 107, 1963:~, 9-16 GES S)O/RW 1Z4' Sci - ;..u,, 6, j n-6" 3.3 - 57 ( rn . RL693.) The rreoulk"Ma shinwa (amork), 1. r. aw=# pwo sea as 29mar Vol Mg lb 2,v knows L"** ewnRAI-ft7i sojmr - zonwkvk so= . shipbwl'atax ez aL dam iLw ilz~ewilx Jun On the Development of KUptical Courdinates, by Pierre Sim= Laplace. FRMM., per., Traits, do. a celesul Val 5j, 18250 pp 473-"- NASA IT Fa2,p428 Sa-mth Oct 69 393,402 Treatise on Polarimetry, by G. Bruliat, 447 pp. FRENCII, mono, Traite do PolarimetrLe, 1930. *CFSTI TT 69-52001 *NASA IT F-566 Sci--i%lisc Feb 69 62-22121 Goguel;- J-n TECT0NK;% tr. by Hans E. Thalmann. June 62, 384p. 1. Title: Tectonics 52 refs. I - Goguel. ]- Order from W. H. Freeman and Co., 660 Market St., 11. Freeman, W. H., and Co., San Francisco, 4, Calif. $10. 00 1 San Franciscc6 Calif. Trans. of mono. Traite de Tectonique, Paris, 1952- DESCRIPTORS: *Geophysics6 *Terraln. *GeDgony, hol6rpbology. Stratification, Deformation, Gravity anomalies, Mountains, Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Ocean bottom, Rock, granite, *Geology. (Eartfi Sciences- -Geology, TT, v. 8, no. 7) Offim of T.AW.W S-A- T'he Electric Organs of Fishes. by A. Fessard, 150 pp. GOVEMIENT USE ONLY FRENG1, bk, Traite de Zoologit, Vol 13, Part 2, 1961, pp 114r-1233. - APM/FSTC/Irr-23-52-70 Sci/BUI Jan 69 398.903 Processing of Fuels by the Dry Method, by M. Bourgeois, G. Manev7. FRENCA, rpt, Traitement, de Comb-Li3tibles D 6c:Leche 1112 11MOEE3201-~%R ~I,;twies et Ins Pilote, CEA Rpt I-To 256, Mar 19RE A-V C Sci - Fuels Dec 6,o Salt Baths, I - Nitrite-Nitrate and Nitrate-Hitrate Baths, by P. Lesage, M. 0. Goetz. FREWI, per,,kTraitemat Ihemique. Vol 20, gar-Apra BISI 4SO5 Sci-114M May 66 300,932 Salt Baths, 11 - Uquid Nitriding Baths, by P. Lesage, B. Goetz. FRENCH, per, Traitement Thendque Vol 2. July-Aug,, l96-4o--p-pTT-TS.-- BISI 4SOS Sci-m4m May 66 300,933 (DC-A 6729) The llontAgmrd Tribes of South Vietnam, 13-2 pp. PREKS, mono, las relto PA"acterictique daus les MM=s Tribus PP 1-117. JM ABia - Vietnam Soc Apr 62 .ZpLk,tQv-qckm=vr ( - 1955j, by D. 1. JrJAWCOJOWS Translated from the Rwaian original. 1951 mm 629alk land-Ira Lib Unit a. ue m Table of Contents of Tractors an;]. Trans-cort - ?I L,:, NORUEG.IAN, per, Traktor o- transport, 1.1o / " L:) - - Inc! 2 to Dispatch No. C-1-54. NoEur - llorlmy Economic Mexico, Springboard for Communism in knorica , by C&rIos Ortega G., 21 pp. UNCLkSSIFIED SPANL'3H,, rpt, . Mexico, Trambolin del Communismo en Awrica, pp 1-25- US JPRS/DC-L-82 IA - Mexico Pol - Communism Mar 58