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Aew Developments in Test Methods of Deter-
nin- Steel iYeldability and Susceptibility
to Brittle Fracture, by K. Le Zeyen,,
GERMAN, per, Stahl und Eisen, Vol LXXXII,
No 25,, 1962,,'_*pP--16sz--T6-84-;14o 24, 1962,
pp 1747-1751.
X CRL/T. 1238
Sci 41/14
Oct 6.3 .7
Impressions Gained Durin-g a Visit to Some Blast-
Furnace Plants in Japan, by G., Heynert,
GERMAtq, per, Stahl md Eisen, _Kol IX LXXXII,
No 24, 1962, pp 1720-1726.
HB 5794
Ap7- 63 AD.9136c)
Imprassions From a Visit to Som Blast Purnace Plants
In the Soviot Unioup by G, H"mert.
wjm& perp at Hisp. Val LXXXIIj, No 24s
1062j. pp 17ZI--273go
Ra Sam
MW 63 ?a9Ij?Xb
Influmce of Hot Dip Galvanizing oa tho
Fatigue Characteristics of Cold-Rolled
Sheet,, Part Ij. by M, Hernpel,, D. ifor-t-,twirm.
GEM.M., por, Stahl tmd Eisen, Vol LUXII,
No 25, 1962,
HB 5801
. ~ 1-4 ~; - V4
Doc 63
Tbe Imriuame of Not D1V ftIvaniclug cm the
PaticPs ChaxwAterlatics of Cold-aW 3 eA ISOM
gwmt.. Part 3Mp by M, HaVap D. liontmom.
ONMM.. parp BtAbI _qma4UA=,# WI LM=o 3
,,)W 230 1962.p ~20~775-17ft-
MB 6078
son cm AIR
xuvmtupum Qc motboas tar vatftuining the Layer
MACIM 9 Ot Zftc Ofttso IW F. Stricker.
awavo wp stma mba Koons Val # Dec 2.96e,
VP 3-783-179D~-~
=1 304 11 if 7$1
Bel - AW X.2 7/155,
Aw 63
7bo Use of Chemical and Physical Methods in the
Control of Sulfuric Acid and Hydrochloric Acid
Pickling Baths, by G. Yon der Duitk,, B. IWXIKM
GERMM, per, ism...Vol LXXXII, No 25.
19620 pp 1790-1796.
HB 5802
Aug 63 -Fplowff
A Hatked of Knonwing the Efficiatcy of
ingibitom In Ptcklbg ftOns by
S. vAmewhi, IL J. Ravi.
MMRNMO Pero, stphl m6 Us=& VIA IMMIll,
Be 25a 1"28 pp-2796--~~
Sti- NO -
MW 63 x a IRI ? 3-,S~
nmw.tug Mvpmrimsts ca Rteft Carbixt Otwl ldres
W:Ltli a FirAl Msmtw at 5.0 =p lw a, ]c arrImonhar.
F. aevis.
Gems$ PMA M ftlu =a mmas Vol ==I
lho x9fts vp IOMADW.'
ad - WK am SIM9 :2 -? 0j (0 ~ 3
mw 63
Role of Bending of Continuous-Cast Steel Sections
in Plant Design, by B. Tarmann HKA E. Plockinger.
GE,TI,WTT,, per, ptahl Eisen, Vol LNXXII, No 26,
196:2, PP 1839-1845.
*HB 5809
Sci - M/1", SLA 63-18013
Feb 63
The Manughature and Bebmv:Low Ot Dolmite
maciz for Lining the WalU or Are Fu=ces,
by R. 8 1 1 ochmtek.
OMM W ftiM Mom Vcl LM=,, Doe IW.,
PIP it
1=1 uld
set.)" 11,2,~
AV 63 " v 17/
Removal of Zine fwan Blast-FUMAM Pluto Dust,
by J. Coorlw*v P. Pawlekg at s1.
GERM$, Pero Stahl and son, Vol LXMI, No 26,
19626 pp I&WI-857.
IM S804
sci-MMWASIS G Notallurgy
July 61
'p3r, So 6
Development of an Ecanouical Short-Tim*
Spharoidizing Treut=mt for Stool in
Roller4karth ConUnuo= Furnsicess by
H. Krmats, K. Obnerfi, et al.
GERMAN, par.-st-lab" amd Ussju Vol LXMIj,
No 26g 19620 pp 1865-1873.
IM S889
July 630
R"rience vith a Strotob Rod=Ug YAn for Hot
RoUlm Wl" Rod, by no J=2gk o-tdl J. K3*tsw.
GEMNO par,, St%U Usgat Vol 821, 20 Doe 29620
'PP M.1-3.879.
EMSI 5695
Doe 67
ChWWS in the Ircin sad Stca IO&Wftyp by
A. HLObbl-
03aw PWF stabl und Usms Vol . - a
ion 3.9tio ~
I= W;3
Sol - W* 0301,138.3
i= 63
ao9mmt of protessels Ca tho in
Inects Of Dwre Of Be" gmd Pam! lbcnoW
ydbw~e stromw by F- lisBaMsM*
0-mad U.,= wd SteelvorkAp
COMO parp SUOI mad Sion# Vol LXK=#
Jda r9K
MU 3267
sai - U/n
i= 63 ~2 3n,-3 " 4
Metbod of Flusbing Hot HOW and Steel in the
Ladles by K. G. Speith. 0. Steinhai r.
GHPXMO par& Stahl md Bis4rap Vol LXYM1.1. No 2,
1963m, pp 7S-80.
Hs S663
Sci-materiou 6 mmalurv
AU JW 63
,13 -5- 7 ?a
ftruatmml Budgm and Cmtrols tbr Forging
Crwau sad Tan-Om Gewai. by I. lkwhalt.
MWM* Vwp BtW SImMp Vol LMMO Jan :L963p
vp 81-99.
MM, 3173
a" - mw
AM 63 -,), 5,:) ,5
CcutrXUAU= to the Xnvae4p of jtjtrqM
803 lUtV In Im AUW* In the rMq -2wture
HOP TOO bF So Odmap m. Go
GM"p Vwj ftaU vad Usm, Vol. L==I, jun 1963,0
2= SMT
a? 3 0,17 it 2,
Signi-ficanco of Technological Tbetors on the Data
Collecting and Data Procesaing in Steel Plvdta and
Rolling Mills, by U. Babass, H. Fueller.
GMWATI, per, Stahl Msen, Vol LMMTI, 1963,
Pp 139-144.
EB 5858
Sal. - Math 9- Ibta Processing
mar )m 63
Ip IQ (0, ~ (1- .5
Cbsop of meahanica Propartles of Ridl Steel&
WAS to ftftovm uft4mg 1w V. flailarp
W. janiabs.
OMWAX.. Vwy ftoU und Wom, Val Lm=o No I.,
196% PP -;,',
sm 3255
Bel - Wu
AUS 63 3VA,127
mmatiwAme at as cmatims or razwom or
Tecbnloally Vmeftl 03dde Loy*"j b7 11. Bohmacks
H. 0
OFMOS, pw ablax Tax L=Ml,, go 3..
19630 m
MU 3X95
sa - Chun _?4V Z 0
Avg 63 *,, I -PO
Conti-lbution to the Determination of O~Wgen
Chiefly in -AlmAnlum-Killed ateelli, by H. Schenck,
M. G. Prohbarg,
GERMAN, -per, Stabl Hisen, Vol LXXXIII, 1963,
t HB 5859
sel - M41 A ;z L') Ll ~ ~-
mar 6 3
lbq~wjewas WIth AIr-C=fttIcuIAj Plant In Cabs of
Pit Furnmes Cmaess by R. SJ==-
GMOO per.* Otda %md Zfemp Vol L)M=I.,
AM 19wip yp
SM 3M3
ad - U/N 2 31; I/A
Jul 63
for 154% Bjwt apposta"s
lbt mmt abom
=MAP pwo sum IN.Am, Va 830, A Tab 196%
cm 3m
Operating Results With
Cram Seales at Hoerft
W. morr.
the NW XLeCtVMIC Tceulng
Steelworks,, by 0. WietholY,
ONSWO q=p Otgkbl und Eism.. Vol LXXK3=, M
Peb 1.963s.
=a 3W9
&d - mootrwa, MAd 7/'/
ju 0
W tb6 M*atria Ara ftmwA*v With SpecUa IM
seemm to uWas CV"Iiw wul for at"]
Pto&U*A=p PwXt Is by U P. VAqW-
Mwo pws otmu.ULXISGMP VW. txx=,p
ft 5p 1963jo PP
Im "M
an b* .24/1,3010
On the Electric Are Furnace WIth Speciml Reference to
L"geft CWcIty Unita for Steel Produedon, Part H, by
F. Harms.
GERMAN, per, StW und Risen, Vol IM:XM, No 5, 1963,
pp 265-270.
HB 60.35
sci - hym
mar 64
of Pig U~on With ','~~Oi4ered
Lime Glasi(L4 tlae 33-1a.Tu Ful-dacep -4,Y V. Lzch:~A
GK4rM,. per, Stablundmisen Val mwan..
Feb 19-63, Pp WM- ~r-,4
BIR 3210
sci - W14 -5~ 4, ,, C; 7 .0
Aug 63
Effect of the Testing Machine on the Rate of Extension
Strain During a Tensile Test. Characteristics of Tensile
Testing Machines, and Their Effect on the Rate of
Strain at the Lower Yield Point, by Alfred Krisch,
Reinhard Schweitzer, 33 pp.
GERNMN, per, Stahl und Eisen, Vol LXXXIII, 1963,
pp 282-298. 9226150
Jan 65
Experiences in I'law Detection by Ultrasonics
Comparea I-lith Radiography, by R. Iforn-ang.
GERY11d], per, Stahl Eisen, Vol LT-)CCIII, 110 5,
1963, p1, 293-3o4.
HB 5707
Sci - Phys
May 63
The Xanufacture5 Properties and Testing of
Plastic ODated Steel Strip., by M. Raimam., et al.
GERKM., per., Stabl und Elam WELL 83) No 6.,
1963, PP 317-321-
NTC 71-14293-1 IF
)3-r-5 r gALI 1 3 ~
Feb 72
.. ~~
Empulences VVIdi (41-Fired BeU-Type
Purnoc*s,, by K. W. Dockhorn.
GERW%Np per, MM Ed YMM Vol 83,14o 6#
Vp 325-M.
KB 6498 -.e,
May 65
Rcui- of Cold Rolled Strip St-c~ni
.L-ow to ].~!amsiarc It,, by 1". Mict--ncr.
GEM.YT. per, Stalil Eisen, Vol LMCEII, 17-0 j,
elfi ~657
Sci - h/m
Cooling of Ifide Steel Strip Coils Mar
Annealing in a Bell-Type Fu=mm,, by
x H. xuvolff, R. Schneider.
GERMAN, pars Stahl vad Eismp Vol 10=11p
No 6, 1063, pp 345-336-.""
HB 5893
An& 63 41v
Process for the Production of Plastic-Coated
Steel Strip, by G, van der Dunk, B. Meuthem.
GBIMO, pert-Stahl-und Eisems Vol LXMII$
go Mr 19630 PP 3560
sci to M/M
Nov 63 P-41, &5_7
OMPM cminuto cc Low-oubm Ismal suals
Tbp-Mmm wlth AN" RIO--PbWpb6M Plg
MF=a (LDw-AMC W)# by N vani EmUv W. Pfaff.
GEW.0 per# mminummsvel 21=mT.9 No 7.v
W3.- VP 37T~38L-
Im 5w
Ma 41 wt
Oet 63 3 1~~ .2.~~
Pr,AwtIom of orm Hearth Steel With Phosphoms
Edeb Pin Dan IW ftp JKLw1ng VIth Mwom
rjS), bV JC.-O. Momr, X. WaMm.
omms. pwo =a aLgauj, Val um=., NO To
1963, DP 3W39T-
MR 3258
Sol - NIX
Amg 63
Experience With Uai-Directional Flow Forging
Furnaces, by Ht, Jd Pohle, B, Kohler.
GHRHM' lix Pers Stahl Und sign., Vol tXXXIII"
~Wr 1963, pp 3W7~, ~~-
4161 3271
Sci - K/14
Jan 64 621V t '0 a *7 1e
Reheating Alloy Steels as Derendent on Composition
Dimensions and.Position of the Ingot in the Furnace,
b~ W. Rlemann.
GERMAN, per, Stahl und Eisen, Vol LxxxM,
Mar 1963, pp 3JIP-406.
BISI 3440 A
Sai - M/M
Alxr 64
Changes in the Surface Finish of Areas in
Contact With the Tool During Cold Upsetting, by
H. r1ity'andj, K, H. K100S.
GER14MO per, �t
jkl_t~d Hiso
_ ___4, Vol LXXXIII,
Mar 1963, pp 406-41S.
B151 3272
Sri - angr
Jm 64
um at Paver"ad um In Ow XLectric ft"l
Plant ftemode ft"Mrom as a Margin mdbo4
by IL Nom"s a. CLOW.
Gom IF S~lt ma MLOMP Va L==P AW 203P
IV =-
=1 3354
00063 3.p.001
't-':"fect of Vorswu, ion of AuBtelL-te Prior to
31 I-rana-zor-nation in T-av A-110Y
I en-Kivj-
mterb. C. ~Icl~
Staelmy by K. r
amm'XTP per, aWth-I Risen, Vol LXMII, No
eel - HIM
.Amg 63
0,~;-)-:-nti ml t1lie Pe.1 -gr 1-a1 b-.
PCT, Ste-%I und Fi5ux, %loll
A?r M~65, pp
MY 3301,
sci - ftor
Jan 64
Design of a Progranmd Bloming Train With
A4 Automutic Muerial Plow. 11 - Drives
Emd Cont-ral Systems, by 04 Schnepf,,
G, Mainshausen,
GERMAN, per, Stahl und Risen, Vol LXXXIII,
ApT 19630 pp 496-564.-
RISI 3302
Sci - Env :L,V( , 3 7 Y
Jan 64 1
Desip of a Programmed Universal-Slabbing Mill,
Part 1, by K. A, Zimmermann.
GERMM, per, Staid und Eisen, Vol LMDM, 1963,
pp 504-509.
BISI 3303
Lesit-,;n of a Prograjay-~w Wiversal
Uabbin,gl-rdil - II: Drives and
Control System, by G, ~~idtuam,
CA-It'liki, per, Stahl U.'sen, Vol 83,
Apr 25, 1963, pp 55 514.
BISI 5304
Aug t6
Higb TxanspDrt Operation Rates With Cable-Drawn ingot
and Saab BuWes. I - Mechanfacal Equipment, by
H. vo:n der Wixtb, T. Sevadch.
GERMM, ~er, cUbI und Eisen,, Vol LXXXM, Apr 1963,
pp 517-5w22.
BLSI 3305
Sci - M/M
Mar 64
High Transport Operation Rates With Cable~Drawn Ingot and Slab
Buggies: Pon H - Electricid Equipment, by It. Greiner.
GERMAN, per, Stabl und Eisen, Vol LJDCM,, Apr 1963,
- k!^n ~nK
Ezpcri.c-nc-:- With an Extensively Mtehemised
100o t 1ligli-spred t Forging Press in a S--pecial
Stec! Proclucing Vlorks, by 1-1. Haring.
GERI-LIVI, per, Stahl Eisen, Vol L M,:III, ro 4, 1i:)63,
pp ,-, ~-S 5
ISI 3307 *it*
Jul (5,3
Continuous Casting of Steel and the Planning
of Continums Casting Plants,, by G. Pauels.
GERUM, per, SX*l-.uA&.,9isep, Vol LXXXIII, No 9,
1963, pp S32-539. '
HB S919
Aug 63 Ae-17, ;qI76
Oxygen in Killed and Semi-Killed Steel, by
J. Koenitzer, R.'Hwwer.
GEINAN, per, Stahl Eisen, Vol LM=I, z No 5,
1963, PP 569-'5`ff-.' ---' '
(;~ft'SI 3318
Sci - Chem/ M/M
Aug 63
DetOxminatIOU Of thO RVfta--WiUt7 of Ores., Sinters and
FeLlatO ln a Two Test., by H,, Krafter, M. Wablate,
GERMAN.p part Sftblz Numb,. Vol '1963,
33XEM 3319
so, . KIM
sot 63
MmmxUVsUam ca Vw Spb~*Um odr DdeaM In
sick rANUM 0t ftea With W-Opjl by R. tLvsftp
W. sovenlel,
~~# ywp abda md KSN4 v& jm=i, ow 2039
pp M-"3. - &OW
31= 3336
IMd a A"
DetectUm OC Plye lit Hot Blame or., S2Atbo by Vasm or
~4wm Fadlatlanp lw He Bmrtp An HexvU# et ale,
GWNM,p pers. Stab's vwd Ilums Vol LXXXMO 1963j, No Jos
W. pp 04-mg,
3B 5961
mmt & met C E C, ~ '3; 01
Oct 63
Calcubation. of Cooling Time of Rolled Products on
Cooling Bed% by W. Kxaase.
GERUAN, per, Stabl und Risen, Vol LXXXM, 1963,
pp 602-6D4.
Sci - Engr
Jul 64
v 113301oft and nmdL&. at a at 30AU* sbm wl
emodwr ambelft or Uw l3bleftes No-l-v
bv A. BMWs R. UUMM,
cam abohl Va ]W=s ihw JL963,p
IV MA9.0 -
=I =6
ad own J~.~ 4/10/
ftt 63
Recent Operational Investigations on Main
14?1% i__7 774_rr
Drives of Ingot Cogging Mil-ls, by .. Me CPA 1~ __) I
M. H 61:;: N1 AWt H.T. MA kX (TUT =)
GERMAIN, per, Stahl Risen, Vol L=11, Jun 1963,
pp 702-715.
Sci - Engr T ISI 3349
Aug 63
Investigation on the Agreement With Suitistical Laws of Spinctle
TorWes and Housing Lxaft In a Blooming Mill Train, by
P. W. Gries6, W. Schvr'eer. .
GERMAN, per, Stahl und Eisen, Vol IJXM, No 6, 1963,
pp 715-723.
BISI 3557
Skcl - Engr
Feb 64
Steels for the Oil Refining and Petrochemical
Industriesy by L. Schaeben., K-J. Westerfield.
GERMAN, per, ,9-1~ahl Eisen . Vol LXXXIII, i*f**
Jun 1963, pp 778-789.
*HB 5992
Sci M/M
Aug Z3
The Dry Neurridizadon of Iron Sidfate Heptahydrate,
by It. Haucke-
GERMAN per StaW und FAsen, Vol L)DCXMv No 14,
19630 pp 469:~~.
HB 6211
June 64
Pdznt z=- 'die ScmgrA~' of irou Ores,
E. 'Sqximla
GMKAS., juir., Stcb! und Riaeu., Vol L=11,, Ju 1
12953o PP 9M-91-1~.-- -
BISI: 3428
Sell - Wbi
Dac 63
Determination of Coke Consumption in the Blast
Furnace, by R. Marincek.
GERMAN, per, Stahl und Eisen, Vol LXXXM,1963,
pp 917-921.
BISI 3627
Sci - M/M
May 64
Probloms Ccracom ing Du-et Removal 'Ii, F-Txo
--oases From tmc Purnacos, by W. Mtehlrand.
CERMAN, por, Stnhl mO 13istm, 'Vol LXXXIII,
Jul 19CIS. pp ---
BISI 3446
Sci - Engr
Jan 64 .2 44,? 6 ? o
Sales AccountingIn an Integrated Steelworks With
Special Rveference to Electronic Data Processing
'Ljnitsj by It. Bodewigl 0. Schumacher.
GERMAN per, Stahl und Eisen, Vol LXXXM, 1963,
pp 930-93"9.
BL91 3379
Sci - Math & Data Process
May 64
The Cooling Capacity of Various Additions and
Effect on Charge Conditions and Costs lihan
Refining Steal Voith Oxygens M Part 1, by K. G. I
Sp-eith, H. vom Ende, 0. vAvAft!-'eI-
WIMM, per, Stahl und Eisen, Vol J'AWILI No 16,
1963, pp v
HB 6031
.2 -v -3, 9-2 /
IMW C 63
115be Cooling Cepacity of Var-low tAdi-t0ions =-d
Wfact on Marge CondItIms and CosU When Be-
fining ateal With Oxnmp fUrt -U,, by K. G.
spaith" 9. v= Raft.
aMWN,, pers -StAbI and &Weap VbI IX=I j, X
No 16j, i9-63-P V-P--9~ ~--
m 6m
J%n (A ?- .4, :3 1,7
Present State of Ima Ore Palletiming in NDrth
America., by A. Sod.
GMWTlv per, ptvbl-twd,-Nlwmj, Vol LM=I; Aug I#
196% w 979-978-
BM 3431
sel - MAI 2 Y 31412-
Doe 63
The Effect of Soda Treatment of Pig Iron mon the
Nitrogen Content of Basic Bessemer Steel, by
P. Haastert, E. Kohler.
GERMM per, Stahl tmd Mfibm Msen, Vol L.XXXIH,
1963 '1 pp ?79-46.
Sci - M/M
Jul 64
910 Mv BAGic CzY,-*n Stee Plant of Auswt-
ThpSen-Raottev bV:~. Debremj, R. MDOG.
Aur, marg, Stab' uoA_jUma--
Ito 17,p *3j, 'W=~--1034, , vol Lwml.,
HD 6039
=VMO X3 'm FAM
an 64 ;) IY14 113104
The Formation of Slag in the Basic Open-Hearth
Process, by 0. Tromel, R. Gorl.,
GERMAN, per- Stald und Eisen, Vol LXXXIU, 1963,
PP 1030-1051.,
BL91 3583
SrA - Faw
Aug 64
Now Developmuts in Blast Furnace Tachnoj.ogy
In North America,, by A. Send.
GBRMAN, per, $tmh1_und_giscnj_ Val LXXXIII,
Aug 1063, pp IOSI-1058,
81SI 3456
Scl - ftzr ~ t i 17. I~V ~"/ '
Jan 64 a V(..# ~ 9 7
opeu-W.e ybraing PreS9el3,p TbaIr MlVeB and COriUVISr
by W. UZ=j, H. Wlnk3.er.
QMOW yer ebphl wA Sizno -V01 LXKXMo 1963P
PR 105&99. -
sci 4, jkw :Iq ?, 4 2- *-)--
nee 63
Determination of the Volume, Compositica and Temperature
of the Waste Gas and the Dun During MeLtdown and Oxidation
by Oxy&n Laqwlng In a 15-Ton Electric Arc Furnace, by
" M TP-4-2.
~ ~ ---GERWN.-p",-
pp 1061-4070.~
sci - M/,M
Mar 64
HB 6066
Uftat of Mug Awmtlon on the Efficency =d
Dmealyhuricatl= UL the Emic Open Hearth Procces,
by 0. TCOMIP a. Schaftr.
aM*M* Perp SiAbl urA Umn, Vol LMM., 103.,
w IW9-2106-
BXM 3430
Sol - jbw
Dee 63 -Z $4 '? '0 5 ~- 9
Dietrich. Then.
OF LARGE SECTIONS (Einflumn der DrchzablKtifung
aut don Kontinuierliche Walzen Grosser Walzgutquer-
schWtte)- 119631 [43pi (foreign text Included) 3refs
Order from SLA $4.60 TT-64-14438
Trans. of Stahl und Eisen (Went Germany) 1963. v. 83,
no. 18, P. 1107-1116 [Max Planck tnetitur fUr Eisen-
forachung (Went Germany). Communication-9501
[Verein Deutscher Eisenhftenleute (West Germany).
Another trans. Is arallable from BISI Z5 15s as
BISI-3432, Now 63,
DESCRIPTORS: *RoWng mills, Velocity, OMechanical
wdrking. Metal plates, Sheets,
(Machinery. 1-abrication and Accessory Equipment,
77, v. 11. no. 10)
1. Title: Rolls
I. Dietrich, T.
U. Max... Communication-950
[n. Verein ... Berichte-297
T-hM..l &
Effect;of Hot Blast Temperature an the Operating Results
ad the Blast Furnace, by IW. Ziscbkale, 0. Hyeynert.
GERMAN, per, StW und Eisen, Vol L.XXKM, No 8, 1963,
pp 1117-1125.
BLSI 3560
Sci - Engr
Apr 64
Use of Convectors In the AnneaUng of Narrow and
Medium-WIddi Strlp in BeU-Typa Furnaces, by
W. Feige, et al.
GERMAN ?er, _9 und PqpN Vol LXXXM, I N619,
.HB 662
Sci - Engr
Apr 64 -d5S,957
Temperature Measurement and D.Lstribution During
Heat Treatment In an Electrically Heated F-Verimental
Furnace, by It. Schweyher.
GERMAN, per'. 21b= Stahl und Eisen, Vol LXXXM,
1963, pp 1162-1169.
BISI 3564
Sci - Engr
May 64
The Mcarburizatidon of Cold-Rolled SJUcon Steels, by
X. Mayer.
GERMM, per, StOW und Eisen, Vol LXXYM, 1963,
pp 1169-11M
BISI .3453
Sri - Fmgr
Feb 64
ReAsoas for$ and Methods of# Reducing the Noise in
the Cail-Cooling Area of Strip MIUs, by G. Schulz.
GERMAN, per, Stahl und Eisen, Vol LXXXM, No 19,
1963 nBO-1184.
HB 09
Sci - EIV
May 64
CoMparison of the Results of Testings of the Cutting
PropeM and! Those of Strucume and M:rength Testing of
Case-Elardenbg and Heat Treatable Stsm4 (Pan 1).
-- C..Ul .-A 104-- AT-1 V IPVVTn 111ALIM _ I
The Effect of the Working Practice on the
metallurgical Processes in Open Hetrth
Steel-malting., by G, Trowel, W. Ullrich.
GHRMM, per,,$-tahl und Bison Vol IIXXIII,
1963, pp 1226-1234.
BIST 3452
SCI - MI 161
Jan 64 0~'4~f :3v
Influencen. of Deformation Conditions cd Metal Flow. and
Yield in IWUft Thick. Slabs, by E. Ritter, W. Dahl.
GERUM.0 V=, SMU und Ripen, Vol 1,~00=~-1963,
pp U&S-1250.
BLSI 3449
Sci - M/M
Mar 64
T7Le Future Prospects of I-Xnrotte Ore, by
H. malcor.
GERMAN, perb Stahl und Bison, Vol LXXXKIT.,
1963, prj 1277-
4.2-1119 7 6 ?
Joan 64 It
hiluence of Rolling
Propel rtLes of Heavy
W. Neuhaus.
GERMAN, per, StaW
pp 1294-1302.
BISI 3490
Sci - Engr
Apr 64
Conditions on the Mechanical
Plate, by J'-. Degenkolbe,
und Eisen, Yol LXXXM, 1963,
Comparison of the Readts of Investigations Into the
MadAning, Structural anud Strength Properties of
Gase-Hard~ and Heat Treamble Stelds, 1W (Part 11)
GERMfLN, p .er, Stahl und Eisen, Val LMUDUU, 1963,
PP 1302-13156 1
IHSI 3523
Mar 64'
Develppa=mt of the Palletization of Iron Ores
and the Production of Mixed-Ore P&Uetaj, by K.
am"O pgwv Stabi und BUen., Vol LC=Ip No
22.,1963j. py an
Hn 6we
&a Ot 412 140 -3 3 ~
On the Performance of lArge-Cqpacity Blast
Furnaces, by H. Schenck, H. Ku_q)ersb1-wch.
GERMAN, per, Stahl und Eisen, Vol LXXXM,
No 220 1963, pp 1345-1348.
HB 6093
Sci - F4W
May 64
The Flame Scarfing of Slab frr ifte Manufacture of
Sheet and Strip With the Highest J'ktrface Qualities,
by It. )Lroulitsch.
GERMAN, per, Stahl und Ebwn, Vol LMDCM,
1963, jq~ 1348-1356.
BISI 3508
~Sci I EnIpr
Aug 64
Gas Chromatography Contributions tv Steelworks
Chemistry, by K. Habel
GEMAN. per, Stahl und Eisen, Vol 113, 1963, No 23,
pp 1374-5
IiB No 7203
Sci - blat
July 67 3320&28
IndustrIal-Scale Trials on Incraeasing the Blast
. Furnace Output by Charging Pellets, by U. Petersen,
H. Kablhofer, et al.
GERMAN, per, Stabl P,
1963, pp 1397-1407.-' i.Rml Ifol LXXXMs No 23,
HB 6122
Sci - Rnwr
Apr 64 -
Influence of a Variety of Oreg va Efficiency and Cost
of Ote TranspoM by K. Barein.
GERMAN$ per, WW lmd Eisen, Vol LXXXIU, Noy 1963,
pp 1408-1413.
ME 3576
Sci - m/m
Apr 64
Mathematical Calculation of Processes in the Blast
Furnace for Planning and Control of Operation andf
of Ore WeWon,, by Me WartmaTme
GERMAN, per, Stahl und Elsen, Vol LXXXM, 19630.
pp 1414-1425.
BIM $536
Sci -'Math & Data Pmrocess
Jun 64
Experience of SuFq)lmentary On. Heating in
Blast Furnace Stoves, by W. Keller, W. Risse.
GERMAN, per, Stahl und Eisen, 'Vol LXXXEa, 1963,
pp 1426-1432.
BISI $650
Isci - m/m
Jul 64
Electric Hot Topping of Cast Sla))s of Uncapped Carbon
Steel, by It. T. KirscbnIng.
GERUM, pe;, Stabl und Eisen, Irol LXXXM, 1963,
pp 1433-1440.
BISI 3552
Sci - Engr
Apr 64
Technical Deformadon Characteristics of Hot
Rolling MME6 by 0. PawelsId.
GEAMAN, per, Stahl tmd Eisen, Vol LXXXnj,
1963,pp 1440-1451.
BIS 3620
Sci - M/M
may 64
The Determination and Evaluation of Profits in
ProdUction Planning for Two-Heas Rolling Mills
With the Object it of Devising the Best Economic.
Programming, by A. F. Oberhofer, H. Kassnitz.
GERMAN, per, Stahl und Eisen, Vol LXX3aH,
1963, ~p 1451-1458.
BISIX 3824
Sci - Engr EEur - Germany
Oct 64 Econ
The ItMuence of Temperatures Arising in Single
and Wt44e Wire-Drawing Maebines on the Mechanical
Properties at the Wire, by C'. Hinenhuth.
GERMAN, pers, Stahl und Eisen, Ifol L)DCGH,-Ne=tt,
9196;30 Pp 1459-1466.
BISI $625
Sci -'m/M
May 04