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2001/12/05: CIA-RDP83-00415R004200 CLASSIFICATION! ;a''Ciu;T/COty'r 1o1,,-US OFFICIALS o! J Y CENTRAL INTELLIGtNCE AGENCY REPORT NO. t INFORMATION REPOR7 CD NO. COUNTRY USSP (Latvian Si3R.) DATE DISTR,~ lay Feb r 25X1 CSUBJECT Win l u (Ventspils) 3arbor and Naval Facilities NO. OF PAGES 4 PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. ~IIiT lA:U (V1:IZ 'Si'TLS', gatr14 D 16 5 f 023 1N/2_"0.3.'4g L). "3'arill.?an fliea l;>.', a dr 1. V I NSDAU La ;.vi al . name r J T 2 LLB } is ate old Manse to~vnn Ioc;;~-,-ej on the southern bank o,-" the /indau (va>-ta) .diver, n. a:~ Uh: mouth,, Accc~:~ding to various rep ~3?to, t, ,c indigenous fat vi. r~ population #as displace: by the Soviet::3 an.] replaced by i.uosi.ans. Toward the end of trig war tie quays, crane;;., uzd other Ipo't faciliti es were destroyed. The deTloiitiont3 wire repaire,', by 1949, The t tat port traffic mounted to 400, 000 tons in 19375 Exrortc: 310A 000 tow (timber, grain, flax, help) LrI orts: 90,000 tone (coal, gcnerei cargo) The 1947 traffic was esti .eted at- approximately 250,000 to ' ., mainly import ,1.1 consisting of ail kind,3 of dismantled Lit" `:;tad goods from Gertaan.y, such as su ar, uynilie tic caoutchox:uc (bra), textiles, etc. For the ti~~e being there is no min or ; trra:Ie0 Vec.,elo bound for aro often loaded %.7itl1 goads previously brought to from Germany. Approved: For Release 2001/12/05: CIA-RDP83-00415ROO420001 OOO2-1 0WITRAL IEl' ,LIGENCE AGENCY .gin aver-,e o1 to 3 Loviot ani o .li. "',.ion jo 2 v_;r-J s,.ijll coax t .r , Ciit': 1:,.~. .curt v. r'y w: c:urfr thy: _i 13 of 19 48f .i i, iar ~e~ oar tic ')'rt e'.! ;acity. avaT 2at'.1_ E t ,ia arc, at 11I71.4G 3 to C)!'1(.;, ;,uay(1O ),rwoi t3'j p~:r a ai d otil'3r .~'1a11 craft. .i=.;;rbor coni Au of '4-it Catw! P- tiie ciuays on both :;:inks of -tile Nilld% (1lhnta) .liver. fi.c Oo cur xO't Lu for::ie by -t,-.,o Iuol:,,L3 -A,.-) roxi:] te1;,r 1,+33'}) ia, t,:ro 1on', fl rikin rivvi mot;.-Li o r d .; irete!1ir:; di::;' tlon. 2:~v p o...i l' ? ~~1y 1, r00-,:? ~'i ~r~* lor~. :a~J~.G r%1) ext c:ri~.c In i.i~LAx j., uthe.en 'bank r tj.T tii ~- of 'd -c-, the . orth _._oie (2) Le in; a_;proxi.:_,;t,ly 1,200 ..lo tore nor`!;h of t::__- river. _iou th, :a 100--rietar ;,,ride c.ionnol a , +`e:a; e3 t o pthi O 7.9 mwuti ro leads t.a ou ,h tae 350-met.-,.r ;ride entrIonce (3) to t_'i, port. i,, cr csea by a road brid e-: (4) and u railroa.1 brill'-.,e (not entered on the c p) o re ri Pont)or. 'arid`;,, (5) was bi; !.L0" south of t. o caa~l quoy un_t can be cp+ ied. it is -a lo-:d copocity of 24 t(, a. pproac.l to t. e port iiao no na v z;;3 tional 11c3Z -lee ordin to 113iL i )'31 (Internutlonal Hiouti3:i - and .fie 3or t, i n; ku~ iorl uius), tnE; a,',);~;rotlcii buoy' iS abo.:it 10 knot3 for mot of the, entr~Ance at 57?31' 2"i/21?22' 2".';,, C':com a buoyed route,aeout 900 feet aide, leads to the porta ti.loul?:i sti:er extuctly olon; t ru lea iiii l in-~ boceu. e this route h:rs riot been officially rels-aeed to troofficA The maxim od;l~ spa a1 .'raft is 7 rie per r, Pilots are coin. j), lsory; the pilot boat is ;~.ita:~tionel n-,,7. thv now ~positio i of idle , )proae.: buoy. oince ti;c channel and the entranco arc co:ntirmouel fi Llbri: with :lilt, c)lla 'vont dl:ea;in; is r. ,aired to aaintain r3orael depth. It 1y not 'cnown ia._ether Jred~ir`; e _uipient i~ -?A.Y.1 ava it ablee is usually a coattal current of yip tai 2 knote. b. ,iieero are protected oncn?ro ea. ini.Ji'de the dole i, '. 7 j`?i s-,-iin; roo.a f,.rr tiireea vese?cl D, may f.;e viork-_~~ rc> frv;:i l.r iitera It i>; not advisable to .inc1.ior th:: :toles, is no protection -a rou:L11i ;;roun3, ca ca~h er co editions ::.f act port operations. 23.3'e is a rou .z ro uid 5vre:l:'_ in tzc: tutor Port ;3Grin ;:, from;' and cor?tin.:aos.;; nortnwao"- minds. Ice oond rtl3i15: v:iipp i:1, to t:io' po t is uiLually no i closed by ice-). tc:: r~aa r .tinier zi-a .'Lgotion cturm, tabu ry end Jcbruary. Due to the otroY1 ct :'Rent, the cl,uaysii:;N arc kept open t grow, hoot t>i, ice ~y ;aiccr i:~ tetionoi at -lo-, port to :.lusi.Jt Veus mlu to ona fro a t. -I e open sea, - .d. Z- coast on either side of ;AL' po?'t iss 10~i, -ao.Y v'd~ and has on axcullc:nt b'eeaoh 2heru . a ?ylcr ~..e:; c : ~f~tt~.; a :k Ioft.i. 1cacbB SV y~. J'1,;i 'Jl1v .. Tit1. S.-j e?.4Vli ~J o? V+!.r :.,'V::: .J iL ..:.. .J a(:(rC;J..ibla Vo i:ln(~1.n 'w Url t4 Approved For Release 2001/12/05 : CIA-RDP83-00415ROO4200010002-1 Approved-For Release 2001/12/05: CIA-RDP83-00415R004200010002-1 CENTRAL 1D"":3,E.IUi CE AGE, 1 as 3.. , rely a a knots c a: tni of / i,13 Ll and 5 knots nortn1 of :ape Si'CSPIORY (AKKENRAGS) tii3ro i o ti.:.. oziall port of i'ai'1.c arbor ( v'ilo,;tz ), .. jt t:i'tC c ai; 13ot th of the at~aeii d ~~ap). 2io i,,proxiuately 300-zaoter-? lon, a:i:~lti : ~a) flan;t tda 50-met,--r aide entronce. The port of 3 to 4 n;;' cr s, but tats entrance i r u+-idly f1I i l.k , :'1i t t >Alt. .i'. e part is ,suited orily for amu- 11 `.:ailin; ;i G :1 a ilaxinun draft of 2.7 to 3.3 meters. Lanier vewo,,A6 are loaded in roa1ctoadc frori li11 tern. There is a say iill t Lc town, J3fore tie w or it ?;ras planned to dredge th eiiann l to a pp t:i of 4.9 lfieters. infor_'aation on tie gyp.,. r i,', oent c-ta ti 0;.. drill -In.i:i not avo ilable 3. Teruinal facilities (~Vindaa) e g Piero and w-1--)rves. The total ~gct:,y3k;a on bot.1i bank: of ti.-Lo,, -river anounts to j, 0+0'0 ratters. On the ri ht (ro -thQ ' -bank) of thi?.3 r ivvr 'there is F, 1,150-meter-lor., Iuay, tia _j1evator ~Llay (. levarsky Rayon) with a dept of 7 to 3.5 ;ieto:'s (5)0 :.':Mere are four rows of sheds bLLlt on Lerr3Ccu ee hat i;roLui flour can be lo:.ded fvo z one ;iJc, ,r:Mile tii:s j,-:con:l floor is ui;aLi1 ly loads:] froi i tiie oppoo tc Ado. ere io ii s o a o ovC1t--C,'t ory silo 'vnuicll., ..:tcteOrding to `tie UerU>a.i _auutic,aal Handbook, lae4; a total eta a "~: eu city 0 150,000 tons R ilro _1 are available along tnl .suay Lir?:I on ewici1 2 do of Lie :liE?itt3 (coy; Iiarbor ~1 )FJ) a obac QL?.3v it)Aios 2eenny ::~ciyon) (6), locat'od opro :i.rie oly 5 0{t+0! :.2 lL t)ti2~s J t. ~ ,J i.LiaII .~.. ..' :'~; a i- V i~i:r g .I.e wJ 500 1.,1 t J 1 J1r~.~ :~ 1~ v~ alas 13 '.~ G ?~f.w 1. \' .I . 6.4 to 7 ioters. -'.iero are 10 stied: (30 x 14' -act-,ro) -.s iiay is also , rved by rail.rooo':i;ssu the Coal Quay (i,~:ria:li.leky Lagoa) (7), i.e located Vie C~? 3tomo Qua,, S u iv 400 T,--tor- lon and :ica;i a 'Opt I of 6,-6 1j L ,utty Mas wiiple coa'). stori3e and trari,3.:_G,? 7 motors 1'h e 0 to facilities and a r.:ail.roe;d track., On coutlle.;'rn 13'3n of t i river is a :3,'"ittal.! 'i, i . port with a depth o 2.4 iaetors (0), and a uo--cealled liter tort (9), separated 'ro::i -(.:o river by do1phino. .~ Me auaye;a ut,.ican dose basing i, 900 ilia: ter$ .ton; (lo". !2-;.cre are no c iede or railroad sidin,~U. Thi i quay L0 t;'1 used by the 'ovlet iativy, to recent 1nfoX';:;L'sti )!le (for ketuails, c,-:.c attached . ?mox 2 ) b. Cr:.r.e faci7,itie +1e crane Ej~f 17?u. nt. is limited. uioe U of t,iie oar-0 a as o 1 be handled by file Iiip'e -,-ear. here i6 one ;aobilc el.:c t~?_ e crane and a , roin 'le i for on the elevator quay (a) v ii a :i.n 'ar"i 01 all.i iit C ILLill . _ -3ti1- ~~' uec1 ei t .4,-,ay (7) s, rl l ":, ..i 1 Approved For Release 2001/12/05: CIA-RDP83-00415R004200010002-1 Approved for Release 2001/12105: CIA-RDP83-OO415ROO4200010002-1 v343I4/00ML/`.s MUM& WAY C}52JTRi L xi?T tzma; AG1PaCY 4- c. hero is no ship? and in M AU. U. Only a ,mall repair .::_ip,;'ari a:ii en ;iiiseri::o shop era available. d