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SCMLTZS H. //ffONXEM=RGIH.// --/--/-1973,VO022-,NOD02, PP 03-45-0-148 Isoplethe of doze of external radiation fOllOving bnmthetical reactor hazards vith emission of noble games. TIC-OMUo-TR-2856 19-Nov-74 Uncl (ORNL-tr--2856) Isopleths of done of external 7- radiation following hypothetical remictor hazards with emission of noble genes. SCHULTZ, H.; VOELZ, E. Translated by R.G. Hansfield from M-9skernenerale; 21: No. 2, 145-148(1973). 6p. Dep. WT.XS-jT-.UF.- 06R health and safety; 181 reactor hazards; translations NH-41 P NSA 0 RICULPASCEp N. llwmu~ ; FzIE-H - /--/j-965jVOOIO.,VO05-6., pp 0187-0190 Nuclear safety in the design of power reactors.// TIC:6ik~~j TIC-ORU.-TR-930 4-Dec-73 Uncl (ORNL-tr--930) Nuclear satoty In the design of power reactors. EICKELPASCH, N. Tranalated from Atomkorpenerale, 10: No. 5-6, 187-1.90(1965), 15P. Dep. NTIS $3.00. 161 reactor control: 191 reactor enginevilng; 161 reactor SOMY: IOL reactors-power; tranalation3 MN-80 P NSA revision --" - &so -//ASTRWIZIlrA.H -/--/1971.,VO007pNOD02, PP 0310-0313 ,adiation of a rotating magnetic multipole. y Tic-cs-TRo - Tmm-il26o 18-Oct-73 Uncl (CSIRD-Trans--11260) Electromagnetic radiation of a rotating magnetic multipole. " KAPLAN, S.A.; EIDMAN, V.YA. Translated by G. Losonci from Astrori-mikaz 7: No. 2v 310-333(1971)* Sp. Dep. NTIS (U.S. Sales Only) $3.DO. 03B astrophysics: translations MH-34b NP NSA NTC 73-11990-29C DUOMARCO j J. //ARCH. URUG. MED. CIR. EBMC.// -1-1-1937sV0010sN ---- v PP 0599-6" Investigations of pbysio-louthology of respiration. IV. Prolongation obf of the dead space as a practical meami of obtaining hyperventilation. TIC-LF-TR-57 20-Aug-73 Unc I (LF-tr--57) Investigations of physic-pathology of respiration. IV. Prolongation of the dead space as a practical means of obtaining hyperventilation. DUOMARCO, J.; DIAZ-ROMERO, C. Translated by A. Valdivia (Lovelace Foundation for Medical Education and Research* Albuquerque, N. "ex. from breh, Urum. Mode, Cir*- Spec.;. 20: 599-606(1937). 5p. ' Dep. NT11; $3.00. 06 blomed; translations MN-48 P NSA EERMMs F. //ATMWJM// --/--/1960,VOD06,N----, PP 0154-0158 Process for the determination of the degree of enricbment of uranium-235 f~n= the activities of uranium isotopes. Tic-x-nw-65 25-Jul-73 Uncl (K-Trans-65) process for the determination of the degree of enrichment of uranium-235 from the a activities of uranium Isotopes. BERNHARD, F.; BLUMENTRITT, G.; SCHINTLMEISTER, J. Trrnslated from A-~ra~xlv 6: 154-158(1960). 20p. Dop. "TIS $3.00. 07 chemistry (analytical); translations HN-4 P NSA 9 AYUEMOVS A. KR. //ATONM a NA PMMMOSTI TVBFWW TZIA.// PI), Atomic collisions on the surftee of a solid body. TIC-OMffr-TR-2A-I.r3 25-Jul-74 uvicl (ORNL-tr--2815) A,omic collisions on the surface of a solid body. AYUKHANOV, A.KH. (ED.). (AN UZBEKSKOJ SSR, TASHKENT. INS-. EHLEKTRONIKI). [nd]. Translation of Atomnve stolk"venluta no Pgverkhnosti- iverdoco telet-IM-tellsivo FAN Uzbekskof SSR, Tashkent, 1972. 117p. Dep. NTIS $9.00. ZOL physics (solid-state); translations MN-34 P NSA Is BOMKO j, V. A. //UXiM=XDJ 3S-R, KUMV. FIzTja -TzmmcmKw :,T// N, I pp. Study of the characteristics of is me& linear accelerator operating in a trem-formation-wave mode. TIC-LA-TR-73-53 27-Feb-74 Uncl (LA-tr--73-53) Study of the characteristics of a linear accelerator operating In a transformation-wave mode. BOMKO, V.A.; KLIUCHAREV, A.P.; RUDIAK, B.I. UN jjKRATMqKnj q_qj. KHARK24--LWJAQ.-ZKHWTrHrqKj_l INsT_ I- 1�-',12. TranislaTei-d--by A- D. Cerniceh from KHFTI--72-44. 15P. Dep. NTIS $3.00. ZOG particle accelerators,, translation* MN-28 P NSA SONDLOV, V. E. 11X(9L WSK. OWWH. ISPYT. PRIR.o MD. BIOL-H "T/--/1955vVO060vNO006v PP 0045-006b Stract.ure of the integument of cervain cetaceans. A]IC-NRC-TT-16n (I r-~ NRC-TT--I 627 ) 18-Maj-73 Unel Structure of the Inlegument of certain Cetaceans. SOKOLOV, V.E. Tranvlt~ted by H.R. Hayes (National Research Council of Canada) from_�jL%J-L. Book. Gbshch.. 9 - n+A- nt.j,; SO: No. 6, 45 60(2955). 37p. Dep. NTIS (U.S. Sales Oniy) $4.00. 06 blamed; translations i MN-48 NP NSA 9 LOTTS M. nwolim. Sex. TECH. // --/--/1973.,V----.,NO181, P.P 0051-0059 Calorimetrin meAanraments of thei energy --.--.aleased by 235U fission products for decky times between 70 and 7.16 seconds. TIC-IA-TE-74-i 4-Feb-74 Unc I LA.-i r--74-1 Calorimetric measurements of the energy released by 23~U fission products for decay times between 70 and 7.166 seconds. LOTT, M.; LHIAUBET, G.; DurRECHE, F.; DEVILLERS, C.; DE TOURREIL, R. Translated by A. Vakar and J. Yarnell from 4U.U. Inform, Sci. (Paris); No. 51-59(IS73A. 25P. Dep. NTIS IN reactor physics; translations MN-80 P NSA T F III) Be HAM DM. XnM. (M// --/--/iq6q,,voo46.,NoDDq,, pp o48(-o492 L Cerzaets: new developments AEC-UCRL-TItAW-10673 J~t 0, Uncl (UCRL-Trans-10673) Carpets: now developments- Kieffer, R.~ Elpsitsuer, E.; Ougel, E. Translated from ]!er. Daut. isrem. Cos.; 46: No. 99 4116-492(1969). 24p. D*P. KIM. JIB ceramics: JIF metallurgy; translation* H*-25 F -us - A] 7-C /,S I /~ / Is IAMM m L. J/M=. SOC. CHM FR.// --/--/1973,V ---- vN0006o pp. Solid state interaction bet"~sn alka3ine oxide M20 (B-PF&gLI) and the oxide of chromiumin. TIC-EMM-TR-10e 9-Jen-?4 Unel (BNWL-tr--102) Solid-state Interaction between alkaline oxide M20 (M-iNnqLi) and the oxide of chromium M. LAVIELLE, L.; KESSLER, H.; HATTERER9 A. Translated by E.R. Appleby fro Bull. Soc. Chile, Fr.; No. 6, 1919-1921(1973). 11p. D:_ T-M.'50 _- 07B chemistry (inorganic); 18J reactor materials: translations HN-4 p NSA revision LAIPLIM, J. //WU. 600. CM. FIR.// --/--/3-973L.,V----,N ---- v VP Equillbrim diWamm of zlreowLa-- rare on earth oxide$* Alle-TR-7h63 18-Sap-73 Uncl (AEC-tr--7463) Equilibrium diagrams of tirconle- rare earth oxides. LEFEURE, J.; PEREZ Y JORrA, M.; COLL.INGUES, R. Translated from Jw 1- Ao" chim. rr.: 1969--1972(1959). 7p. Dep. NTIS 9,3.03. JIF motsl)urgV; translations P.N-25 P %*S A 0 IAUR03, R. //BOLL. SOC. ITAL. BIOL 13PJCR ill -~-/--/3.q67jVOD43xNO0109 I)P OR405M Observatims on distribution wid metabolism of T3 3.251 in man Alte-M-TT-l6lB A Uncl (NAC-TT--1618) Observations on the distribution and meta~pollss of T3--12"I in pan. LAuro, R.; Dogliot R.: Dogliotti, L.; Negri, G.L. Tran3lated by Y. Peluso from Ball. 50c. Ital. Biol._-Sper ; 43. No. 109 578 (U.S. Sales Only). 06 bloved; translation* FIN-48 NP NSA DDGLICP Re //BOLL. SOC. ITAL. BIOL. SPER.// --/--/.19679 VOD439,NOOIO,, PP 0574-0578 Distributim and metabolism of, t. -1251 and T3 --.1251 in rats. ABC-TT-i6i7 I fq (~~ Uncl (NRC-TT--1617) Distribution and metabolism of Tq -1251 and T3-125I In rate. Doglio, R.; Dogliotti, L.; Fonzo, D.; Bajardl, P.; Hussa, A.; Laurot R. Tran3lated by Y. Peluso from Doll. Sac. 1tol. al. Sper ; 43: No. 201, 574-578(1967). -22p. Dep. (U.S. Sales Only). 06 biased; translations NN-48 NP NSA 0 TROUVE ~ J. //B= nwORK. SCI. TECH// - /--/1q73,,voooo,Noi82, pp oo6l-0069 Sodium technology. Chemical, pbysical-chemical, and metallurgical problem in the sodium-gas syst system of the cover (gas), Materials In contact. TIC-EnOL-TE-W 21-Jan-74 Uncl (BNWL-tr-92) Sodium technology. Chemical, physical-chemicalt and metallurgical problems In the :odium--gas system of the cover (gas). Materials In ontact. TROUVE, J.; BAQUE, P.; CHAMPFIX, L. Translated by E.R. Appleby from Bull. Inform. _~Sj _j*xjjj (Paris); No..182, 61-69(19731~ $3.25. 071) chemistry (physical); 11F metallurgV; 18J reactor materials; translation* MN-79a P NSA 6-May-74 Uncl (AEC-tr--7532) Oklo phenomenon. NAUDET, M. Translaled from - Bull.-Inform. CETAMA; No. 49 48-51(Nov 1973). 6P. Dep. 07 chemi3try (anslytica'l).* BG geology; translations MN-11 P NSA NMMET.9 M. -//wu-- nmm. CUMA 4~ pp 004&0051 /XOV/3-9739VOOOOPNO00 j, Oklo phemomenan. ...AAI- ABC-TPI-- 9530 ABC -Tll - AO ABC-Tk7532 BARBERV P. //BuLL. nwom. sci. TzcR// _' /--/1972.,VOOOO,NO3-67j, pp 0021-0027 Control of the water--steam circuit of a nuclean.power station. AEC- LIAMM- 497 0 Uncl (LIB/Trans--49?) Control of the water--steam circuit of a nuclear power station. Barber, P. Translated by N.S. Stewart from Bull. Inform. SO. Tech. (Paris); No. 1679 22-27(2972). 11p. --gep. _NTIS (U.�-.- Sales only) $3.00. 281 reactor control; 181 reactor cooling; 19L reactors power; translation* "M-80 NP NSA i HOWS S. //BER. VEFE. SAECHS. AKAD. VISS. LEIPZIGs mATI-r~-NATumps-H 22/3/.1942j,V8094,NOOOOj, pp. oo24 Branching of a periodic soiution from a stationary solution of a differential system. TIC-IA-TR-713-26 21-Oct-73 Uncl (LA-tr--73-26) Branching of a periodic solution from a stationary solution of a difforontial system. HOPP, E. Translated from - SaSeh8e.Akad, Wiss. Lot PaIg.--d&th,=NAIUtw-LI-9 --&6: 94--.-T--Z-Z(1942j- 24P. gap. NUS $3.25. 12 mathematics; translations HN-32 p NSA 9 GRARACHns J. IIARC!H E331MMLWI'Ixnvl// - /--/1972.,VO043,NODD9, pp 0699-0704 ExOnlation of methods for extra;clating rupture strength of beat resistant steels. TIC-ORM-TR-2757 2-May-74 Uncl (ORNL-tr--2757) Examination of methods for :xtrapolating rupture strength of heat resistant steels. RANACHER, J.; WIEGAND, H. Translated by R.G. Mansfield from A-rch. Elsenhuettsm-W.L. 43: No. 9. 699-704(1972). 13p. (COW-MOXV5-1). Dep. NTIS $3.00. rrom International meeting on properties of high temperature steels; Dusseldorf, F.P. G*rmanV (3 May 1972). 11F metallurgi; translations MM-25, P NSA B OBMTA v J. //ARCH. EISENHWrTWW11 _-/--/1972,VO043,NO905, pp 04n-0429 Stress-rupture of wield meftl in the veld se of low-allay temperature-stabilzed. TIC-OZU*-TR-2752 13-May--74 Uncl (OR41--tr--2752) Stress-rupture of weld metal In the weld seems of low-alloy temperature-stabilized steel$. S053TKA, J.; PRNKAq T. Translated by Robert H. Kernohan from Arch. Elsenhuettenw.; 43: No. 5, 427- 429(1972). Sp. 0 ep.- 4TlS-T3-.VV.-- 11F metallurgy; translations MN-25 P NSA 0 RM%M 3, W. //ARCH. EISMUMM11 --/--/1967jVOO38svoDD'4q PP 0301-0307 EfTect, of the stabilization sustenitic high- twoperation-strang;bt steel with aboout 3.6 percent Crs,., 13 to 16 percent NI., 2 percent Mo., and addition of niboium. TIC-OMM-TR-2753 27-Feb-74 Uncl (ORNL-tr--2753) Effect of the stabilization ratio on the creep and precipitation behavior of austenitic high-temperature-strength steel with about 16 percent Crq 13 to 16 percent Niq 2 percent Mo, and addition of niobium. RUTTMAN, W.; GERLACH, H.; KAUTZ, H.R. Translated by E. G. Silver from AESIL& senhuettlWkt- QA- Ng" . 301-307(Apr = i 1 -6 27p. E re"P.'MS $3.50. 11F metallurgy; translations MN-25 P NSA ~)I-- 0, Uncl (UCRL-Trsna--lA-.6(Pt.l)) Incorporation experiments In synthetic taullite. Part 1. Galsdorf, G.; Schwleteq H.-E. Translated for Univ. of California, Lawrence Berkeley Lob., Berkeley, from 1%rche Elmenhuettenw.; 27: No. 129 807-811(1966). op. Dep. HTIS, 11F metallurgy; translations MN-25 P NSA GRISDOU p G. 11ARqK MIMEzrMw// - /--/1956PV00279NO012t pp 08W-08U ton experiments in grynthetic MuLuto 1. Part I AlW-UML-TRANS-lh86 26-Mov-73 Uncl (BNWL-tr--90) Vascular regulation mechanisms on the testae. HUNDEIKERS M. Translated from -Aroh, D*Paatol. Forsch.; 245. 229-244(197'2)o 2ap. 54-p- -Hyls ff.-O-T.- 06 biomed; translations MN-48 P NSA 0 MMMMR, M. IIAX~i DROWOL. romm-H -~-/--/3-972,VW45,N----, pp 02:?!)-0244 Vascular regulation meebomisme on d~ the testes. TIC-NWL-TE-90 PAMIS p E. S. Ha ummw sa3t, To - . noT Emmmmmll -'/--/ig6g,v ---- $yt ---- 9 pp. Auger eitftat TlCmOYML-Tit-2814 I-Jul-74 Uncl CORNL-tr--2814) Ak!ger effect. PARILIS, E.S. (AN UZOEKSKOLS;~R ENT-. INST. EHLEKTRONIKI.I. 1969. - -- , TASHY fr--anslated"i*rom Russian. 146p- Dep. NTIS $20.50. 20H physics.,(nuclear); transl~atlons MN-34e P NSA 0 15-Aug-74 Unel (BNL-tr--566) 20-mA injector of H- tons. DIMOV, G.I.; ROSLYAKOV, G.V. (AR-A4449-NOVD31BIRSK -, !.P- P-T-t. - -Y.AVEMQsL,FJZJAJJ -Ind]* Translation by S.J. Amoretty of IVAP-56-73. 7p. Duli. WTIS $4.00* 20G particle accelerator*; translations MN-28 P NSA is DIMDV$ G. I. IIAN SSR NOVWIBIFOX MST. ummoi 7,i7,iKi// ---- IN--$ JM* 20--mA Injector of H- ions. Tic-ML-TR48 TIC-MU,-TR-568 15-Aug-74 Uncl (BNL-tr--570) Formation of nogat1we hydrogen and helium beams by charge exchange In modium vapor. DIMOV, G.I.; ROOLYAKOV9 G-V- (AN SSOR, NOVOSIBIRSK. INST. fr " -Ja V YADEBERi-ELUEL)s E n6 1. arCvT-a-ff*-n--Vjf 6-r4ff of IYAF--75-73. 13p. Dep. NTIS 14.00. 20 physics; translations HU-34 p NSA DDOVI 0. 1, HAN SSSRS NOVOSIBIMSK. INT. YIMMOJ FIZTKI// -4--/--pV ---- PN ---- p pp. Fornation of negative hydrogen and. helium beams by charge excha%e in sodium vVor. TIC-IML-TR-570 I-Oct-74 Uncl CORNL-tr--2798) Q'Caseadell pro2ram for odelling the Interaction of high-onergy photons with ole nuclei. EMETS, N.L.; LUB' SX1, G.YA.; RANYUK, M YU.N.; SGROKIN, P-V. CM K~-- AX-SR&& KHAU21,1 JL FIZIKG- ELHHIMiE-3KIJ INST,-I, In, Trans* I'-4!on of rH-FT1--7-2--37-- -13p.Dep. NTIS $4.00. 09D computers; 20H physics (particle); translations MN-34d P NSA UWMKI 2 G. YA. //AN UKRMSOJ SSR2 MMOV. FIZIKI--TMaMICMKIJ INST.// PP; Cascade" program for modelling the interaction of hifh- energy pbotons with atcmic nuclei. TIC-OMM-TR-2798 Unci (SLA-73-6003) Research on the parameters and dynamics of loser plasm*. bolkof V.A.; Krokhin, O.N.; SkIlukov, G.V (AN 53SR, Moscow. FIX chasklJ Inat'). -2'ch' ; pro.--- 7R T..'1973, Dep. Translation o I YWO. P -- NTIS $6.70o physics jploame); Irensletions 201 MM-20 P NSA BOIKOv V. A. //AN SSSR., MWCOW. PIZICMXI.T IMT.// "-/801)/:L973PV ---- 9NO123-i PY- Research on the parameters and dynamics of laser vAbmok. TIC-SLA-73-6m 4-Mar-74 Uncl (BNL-tr--558) Possibility of reconciling the disparity between theoretical predictions and expertuental observation of solar neutrinos. KOCHAROV, G.E. (AS-.SMRI 1JOSIM99n, FIZIKI-TEKHNIChESKIJ INST.). 1973. Translated by S. J. Amoretty from report 453. 7p. Dep. NTIS $3.00. 03B astrophysics; 2OH cosmic radiation; translations MN-34b P NSA KOCI"Vs~ Gv KOCIURDV,q G. E. 11M SSSR,, FIZIKO-TE0aCMnJ nMT.H --/--A9732V ---- jN ---- v pp. Fbasibility of reconciling the dia W ity between theoretice Medictiorm and experimental obervation of solar neutrinos. TIC-Mff.-TR-c5;c5;A- GOIEMSTSIK GOLMOMKII., S.V. 11M SSSR FIZIKI-TzmcHwrcj.H --/F.b/1974pv"--mpN --- ft., pp, Determination of efficiency awl directional response of cosmic gwwa-radistion detectors. TIC-LA-TR-74-5 6-May-74 Uncl (LA-tr--74-5) Determination of efficiency and directional response of cosmic gamma-radiation detectors. GOLENETSKII, S.V.: ILOINSKII, V.N.; MAZETS, E.P. IAN_ ASM """w. FIZIK TPKHN INST.). Fab 1974. Translation by H.J. Dahlby of FTI--455. 22P. Dep. NTIS 44.25. IBD Instrumantation; translations MN-37 P NSA 3-Jun-74 UnCI CJPRS--61878) Diagnosticn of dense laser plasmas and superdense h:)t plasmas. (A.6--azsp. Mossew. FIZICHESKIJ_L!LS~T. . 1 May 1974. Transiation of Preprints No. 145 and No. 173. 13P- NTIS, 201 physics (plasma); translationa MN-20 NP NSA 0 mmom JIM SSSIt, rajCMUJ nWT,H pp. Di,agnostics of dense laser plemna, and superdense hot p3 a Tic.jpm-W78 Uncl (BNL-tr--547) Production charged particle moving through a medium. GARMAN, G.M.; YANG, C. jMjjjW,-jXjjj_-EjZLKJL). 1973. Amore-fty from EFI--16(73). 36p. 20 Physics; translations MN-34 P NSA 30-Nov-73 of radiation by a continuous periodic (.AM ARKYAHMWL SSRL Translated by S.J. Dep. NTIS $4.00. 0 UAMUMWP a. M. //W AMMKW SSRv 30T. --/--/1973,V ---- oN----, PPO Froductfion of rWiation by moviq.tbrou&ll a cmtinuous TIC-BKP47t-547 IIZM// L charge particle ;,eriodic medim/ PICM,q J. 11AW BIOL. cum-H --/---1973.sVW-U,MA.Nj2, pp OM-.0086 Structure of normal and pathological lipoproteins. ABC-UCRT,-TRANS-IOM 21-Nov-74 Unc I t 6RL-Trans--1071.d) Structure of normal and patholojical lipoproteins. PICARDp J.; VZISSICREq D.; AYRAULT-JARRIER, M. Translated 1'rom Ann. diol. Clip. (Paris); 31: No. 29 77-86(1973). 25P. Dop. NTIS $4.25. 06 blomed; 07C chealstrif (organic); translations M" P NSA 0 BOREK,, G. HACTA NET-H /--/3.964.,VOD12,,N----, pp 0642-0648 Interna3 ozidation of metal alloys. TIC-ORIL-TR-2'100 Unel (ORNL-tr--2700) Internal alloys. BOEHM, G.; KAHLWEIT, M. Met.; 12: 641-64AL1964). l6p. 11F metallurgV; translations MN-25 P NSA 4-Feb-74 oxidation of metal Translated from Act& Dep. NTIS $3.00. --- 0 16-Aug-73 W.Cl (LA-tr--73-21) Pulse flucrometry: a new flow process for ultra-quick quantitative analysis of cell components. GOEHDE, W.; DITTRICH, W. Translated from H I stothzA...- Supp I,.; No. 10, 429-437( 1971 ). 13P. Dep* NTIS $3-00o 06 biomed; translations MN-48 P NSA 0 GOEHD&9 W. HACTA HISTOMM.SUPPL.// yp o429-o437 ftloe fluorometry: a new flcnT proceso for 'Ltra-quick quantitative anWvais of ce3l u . components. TIC-IA -TR-73-21 CIMENT., G. //ACTA nmm=.// --/--/jq72jVD015.j(OOD4q pp 0369-037.1 m scrme: a higb teMorLl regol Uticm sweep tube for study of U&t 3*wmmwA in the submmosecond, rmw - TIC-UCRL-TPM-IOT06 18-Oct-73 Uncl (UCRL-Trans--10706) Microchannal Picoacops. high temporal resolution sweep tube for study of light phenomena in the subnanosecond range. CLEMENT, G.: DELHARE, C.; LGTYv C. Translated from Ileta Klactrian 15: No. 4, 369-371(1972). 7p. lisp. NTID $3.00. 09 electronics and electrical engineering; translations MN-38 P NSA 0 GUIMR; A. //ACTA CMTM-' ~ R. H --/--/3.q32jVOOG,~.,11 ---- 1, pp OM-0129 Interpretation of abnormal scattering of x rays by age-bardardng alloys. TIC-OINL-TR-2639 16-Aug-73 uncl (QRNL-tr--2639) Interpretation of abnormal scattering of x rays by a7e-hardening alloys. GurNrER, A. Translated by R.G. Mansfield frou 6cj2_.qrjtt O-gjL--; J_LL 5: 221-129(1952). 32p. Dap. NTIS $3975o ZOD crystallography; translations KN-34 P USA is WMEMBEMS Ke //ACrA BIMMOR.// --/--/3-958.,VD018,N ----- PP 007-M03 Pyhelological sapect of evolution. TIC-OOL-TR-2820 a-Aug-74 Uncl (ORNL-tr--2820) Physiological aspect of evolution. WIITENBERGER, K. Trarslated by R. G. Mansfield from Acta Blothear.; 13: 87-103(1958). 14P. Dept NTIS $4,00, CO blared; tranglatiops PN-46 P NSA 0 lams so HACWA 33D. // -~~/--/1966,,VOOOO.,Noo4i, py OD06--003.2 Hydrazine In boiler water. AEC-T-R-7517 13-Mar-74 Uncl (AEC-tr--7517) Hydrazine lit boiler water. KUHN9 F- Translated from Acqua Ind.; St No. 419 6- 1z(1966). 14p. Dope NTJ 5 $TdT-. 11F corrosion; 13 on-71nooring; translations MN-38 P NSA 0 BIMEn., G. 1. //AUM[rYA NM SSSR, NOVOB'rB3RBK. INSTITUT YAnwol FIZIKI// --/-m/lW3pv --- MPN ---- p pp. Experimmts in confinw a plwma in a miltimirror mapstic trap. TIC-YATT-TRANS-ioB 23-Aug-73 Uncl (MATT-Trans--108) Experiments in confining a plasma In a multimirror magnetic trap. BUDKER, G.I.; DANUOV, V.V.; KRUGLYAKOV, E.P.: RYUTOV, D.D.; SiUNIKO, E.U. (AKADrMIYA NA(;X SSSR, NOVOSIBIRSK, 1N TITUT YAIDERNOE~ ~ Translation of IYAF--22-73. 32P. Dep. RTTS $3.75. 18A fusion devices (thermonuclear); translations MN-20 p 14SA Unc&~~'~JSLAC-T ran 9-151 ) Collective Instability of compensated colliding beams. Derbenev, Ya.S. CaKAI~EMIYA ~AUK SSSR, NOVOSIBIRSK. INSTITur YADERNOI FIZIKI). Tia_nsFa_Tr_0n W127-- lop. Dep. NTIS. From 3. all-union national conference on particle accelerators: Moscow, USSR (2 Oct 2972). ~!9G particle accelerators; translation% MN-28 P NSA LIWUIEMV.g YA. S. //AUnMM NAUX BSBRq YA337MOI FIZ3XI// --/--/19",2*V ---- 9N ---- 0 Collective instability boom. AEC-SIAC-TRANS-151 NDVCBIlB3BK. 3=TIM pp. of ocmqm3z&t*d eollding 0&~2_ Uncl (SLAC-Trans--152) Phase effects of interacting colliding bunches In strong-focussing storage rings. Derbenevt Ya.S.; Skrinskiit A.M. (AKADEMIYA NAUK SSSR, ?LCVOSIBIR~K. INSTITUT YADERN01 FIZIKI . ran IYAr--71-72. CW1F_-_nY6'39--6. 1972. lop. Dep. UTIS $3.00. From 3. all-union national conference on particle accelerators; Moscow, USSR (Z Oct 1.972). 20G particle accelerators; translations MN-28 P NSA IIERDEMS, YA. S. /,/AUMDUYA NAUK SSSR, NOV03IBnOK. IISTITUT Y YADEENOX FIZM// --/--/19729V---vN----p pp. Phase effects or interacting coniding bunabon in strmg-fonsaing storage ringe. Al"MC.-MRM-152 fj -.: C I - Uncl (UCRL-Trans--10672) Obtaining an intense beam of H- ions from a discharge in crocand fields. (4KADEMIYA NAUK SSSR, NOVOSIBIRSK. INSTITUT YADERNOX FUIKI_). ~.M2. 14p. Dap. NTIS. 20G particle accelerators,. translations MN-28 P NSA 0 UNKKOW //AUDMIYA NAUX SBSRv NOVOB:CBIRSK. 3NSTM" YAMMOI FIZIKI// -./--/1972OV----sN ---- 0 pys O%ta.ining an intense beam of H- ions from a disebarge in crossed fields ARC-UMM-TPAW-10672 44F- Uncl 11MATT-Trans-110) Tokamak T-6 discharges. MEREZHINq V.G.; MUKHOWATOV, Moscow. IN~jMT--ATCI#NQj Translation of IAE-2205. 8-Jun-73 Electron runaway regime of VLASENKOV9 V.S.: LEONOV, V.M.; V.S. (IkKADEMIYA NAUK SSSR, QI_FRGII). -ip--P 19-73. 26p. Dep. NTIS $3-50. ISA fusion devices (thermonuclear) MN-20 P NSA VLABENKOVI V. S. //AKAMWU NAUX SSSR, VMCOW 3NSTrArL ATommm ENEIGII// --/APO-973~V ---- M--, PP- Electron rumray regime of tokazwk T-6 discharge. AEC-MMV-TPAI?S-3-10 H F.. C, Uncl (SLA--73-194) Nonlinear amplification of high power light pulses In active media shaped like funnels. Popova, N.B.; Senatakill Yu.V.; Tyuring E.L.; Shcheglovy V.A. (AKAD MIYA NAUK SSSA, WQAWW. ZjZLCKE_SK11 INSTITUT). Translated by F. Newnan (Sandia Labs.9 Albuquarques NY), from Preprint No. 132. 5 Sep 1972. 44p. Dap. NTIS. 20 phVsIcs; translatiens PH-34 P NSA REVISED March 19, 1973 0 POPOVA.9 N. B. //AKAMM NAUK SSSR9, F.TZICHCSKn 30TIM-H 5/~eP/3-9723.V----,NO132, pp. linear am-lifIcation of high power light pulses in active media shaped like funnels. AEC-SrA-73-194 ""AT. -73A 77--~L T 7T./,/ IT ...... T____, pp 0010_001 0 9/ 0 91/ 19 74, j 3 Unexpect.ed Sur;.re in !3owor Consimption Porces i.> Change in Plan 6 pp 63519 -It Schindler, A. et al The Use of high-Speed Steels for Cold-Working. BHM, Vol. 19, No. 11, pp.458-62. BISI 11128 Th il 10 8 Vol.11,6 No. 7- '248-51. p- e r; Ot Al Hyd*1 re f c e the ii,". be- h avi o-,'u'r .... ( uring en"e':~ B . i-1 lll~ ~l 6 Vol.116, 140.11. TBISI: 12186 I A *ld Embrittlemmt K. woltron. BM 1971, Vol 116, im,10289 X. I 'ANtIfon b Ferritic Chromium Steels, by Nov., pp 426-437. April 7~ fred Clitt ur 114110ye- "9 BISI ii,999 Ji i f Opti "at;xp4 of. them ftfin rocess- and- lii.ig, *1 'anus fa*'ciu* ri 6k~~n 1, lown- Redu~tli xon: :in tiie M:, of -B Austenitic CrNi SteelS9 EHIMI,: i�7219~ Nov. pp-359-370. MI 111221 hite I,-iflaence Of ap (--,n the Li'Le of' Thick-Walled, Lailiellar Graphi-Lte CR