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1~ ze' 4(UCRL-Trans-10648) SAPPLICATION OF THE STA- TISTICAL MODEL TO (n,n'gamma) EFFECTIVE CROSS SECTIONS IN THE MASS RANGE A equals 46 TO 88. sUlil, M. 10Translated for Univ. of California, Lawrence Livermor La Wuvermore, from 15Nucl. Phys.; Al&4: No. 1, 253-72(1972)- 2032p- 24Dep. NIFIS. 2jphysics (nuclear): translationS 2,20H 20MN-34 29P NSA --A~ - &6t &/f-, Remarkable Chemical Serological and Electrokine'de Phenomenna of Rrythrocites of the Cat: A Contribution to the Determination and Loportance of Mucoid- and Glycollpoid-Bound Erythrocyte Neurazinle Acld,, by G. Uhlenbreek GERM., per, Zeitsehrift fuer Immunitapteforschung Allergle und K31nIsche L=unlogLe, v. ljg,, 19681 PP- 79-97- WIC 71-12976-06A -y-:1- tv cv~ 116w - ma (as - F vM& liq mi -- I -&am %& 9%1"; Oman# pr. &a- m as im or ~-~ W~~-, ~--- R& act %ma (m) fte'to (~. b*olft ftW ?D I,nJtJa3 23qvriemes In Plwndng for 1968. by dimther Ublemanno 5 ypp GZWS,, pers Die Wirtachattv Nor 180 4 May 29670 Po 100 pHs 43,575 Aug 67 333#220 f ssfegmr& ASKImt Vlbn*Laft DMQP Twmv by, I-, MUNWMIP gum pars, T. reftar- Val 38# DO UP nw winascau Tr 3X3 R. MOM= 326j380 Set - Noah mw 6T ) I ? _,V-). Studies on the Structure of the Cell Membrane, Especially that of the Erythrocyte, by G. Uhlenbruck, 19 pp. GURU, per, Z Klin Chem Klin Biochew, Vol 5, No 6, 1967, pp 281-287. NAVAUS-Tr-IS76 Oct 71 Activity Los~trs in i'laitu'liu.. j'utuooub ;ia 2. Oub. cii~ L-Tr- IbW 70 SWAV mo a* atmouaft of WIM1,6 Man- Ann fv= Swim Saftoofts by GAM 600 qr-..ffi~ !9a an 3965s GWM,o awt Tqw" 0 IPAN- Dept Cie mltft~ 1,2 - Of cbmmp-"l r&dmwsm offlas of FGMUP MdkWim Awas"74K am z= i.luclear Research and Engineering in the 1,410mber //,7- Countries of Comecon., The Activities Concerned vith Isotolle Production of the Comecon Standing Comnittoo an the Peaceful Utes of Atomic Energyo by K, Uhligo CILIM., per, L6rnenergil,, Vol 109 Na Sj, 1967, pp 160-170. NP-tr-1739 My 60 W-943 ~)l Advames of Isotope# Radiation '4'ocbW4*w TmoWq by KO W40 I.? PP. kir-MiMs paro 10.49mm4b i6st DeOune ~Ospt.- ,at 1969. PP A3-3190 -I; 1~i 4903 , , 6iji *l-r Scl-b and -~l Jan 69 39?08% -A bo us"tocum -6-imtmits"t-TAIRM, steas 40 thd ammum Dmdm ro=de wedub tv to Ww"Pus w0 mug* GUJK% We m Taft JUU ifta no AV 19676 vp 62400 MI 25D J,C/~ , J'/ (~( /-7 , (., sweat 7 Des 68 30440 Som kApwimato In Using Ow AWM CmvK,tw T*tra RR Me by J. 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ULImberg Not" m D"goodo andL M%ammoolsof cxtti* iu muueuww. Port n. imelusum Of Spimsetwo FM=.. ver., Rev= dfame et do XW4cjzw Yeterlmdre am Trc%- Vca s" 19w, . pp F-5f..UW- MC-72-lA5-M ftv 72 G. Vilmberg Notes an Bovlne Babesloses and Ansplasmosis In lbdagascar. Part I. Intraftetlan. FRMCHP per,, PArAm dl~~ et 40 MWIC1330 yeteralmin des M TmvEmxO vm ff., IWO pp 467-474. M-w-lA44-m Nov 72 A Preliminary Determination of the Direction i'dkolaiav-11elvan, by A. Uinescu, l%lUSSIMI, per, Byulleten' Stants& Octichesko daniLa Iskusstvem!Xkh Sputnikov Zeali,, No 53 Vp 27-28 Not *jW6A 17 F 414- 13348 oct 70 Doctors in Military Ser**ce, by N. V. Ultgoverij. DUTCH, por, Nederlands Militiar Genees- kundig Tijdschrift. Sept-Oct 1968, pp 314-318. DIA LN 819-69 Wtur Mi I Apr 69 380.648 ftvovldo Uldit lawalo-for on smiewNwtor lasm. bv L. A. MvISas A. D. Vgto, gmzws pore "Sv vuz rafflonalimp Vol lb 10* 1090 IV 15%.159,96 181T unwin tomvto", Mailable MC ~9-s . u I ..&s Oct r. Ml Ar 'y IT I \,It,\ \~'A 0-*, capital invex6mts4l Key Projects Amlyted, by Karol UjhiLsyg 9 ppe 5LOVkKq npq reeRMAMe L"Am, Pm,-,use 28 &n 1972s pp If, 3. JPRS 55409 Nap 72 C%1-6 11~ capital Invastmenoprojects Outlined* bY YAr01 'Ujbazyv 20 ppp GOVERNILM USE ONLY SLovAXo per, Tnv9sti;kz4 Y-vottyba, Pragus# No 1,. 1972s p=p- . J?RS/L 4092 Mar 72 - - - - - - - - - - - - - Feb 70 taflime-cm of Und I=s on tW Action of 47 Se"na Antobletitss go by F, UjU*s JAPAKIESEg pert Mbam.ta!miku Z"Shis Vol xv so 9* IN3. R 771.775. - SIA TT 66-13180 -(//.;A~ sci.B&M Jun 67 327,902 mwtb~Uftl motAws Und In soonolde plawdme tv zamt Ujlakl# 6 Ipp. OWDARMI qh DMISP88% v Sept 19690 p 3. JFRS 49109 ~Zll~_U_Irn_ wl-~~ BOM Oft 69 394*W? 'J'So of --bt~~ mod4a in pive. YOM piumnirki~ -,ft,!ftus by J4WG Korndt and 'Pee i4mlo ijlakdo 20 pp,& R IX.4 /I, oon ot; orpillutlan od accoonu of Fidogigs cn Man labu, by A. F. WwLbw. R=lUo pert Ul!W Aboo, Vol W#o No 109 1%8# pp 79-82. Dapt of Interim ltnn of ComwaW blabuim amnah or Forellp Fisheries r ol, k'q /3ov- USSR am Feb 69 .373#7M Structui-e of Conduction awl Valence Bmds of Wo., b~r U. ?",Lturmkuloy an-I Yuo I. Ukhmw MWIAN,, per., Dok ,q,. Ikuk. SWR, Vol 173', Lb 4, Feb IqG31 lip 8uZj7j-. The Az-. Inst Pliys. yol 13s No 21 A'Zut 1963 v Uk#/;A)D F,Ci-physics oct 63 366,076 0"' Stroll, ly Do""Ce. 11 atavi A iA:!-cmvv, U. u,,t:t u 1 ov ChmmotwUUce of a Turbulent WWce Unier onment now conauams IV L, Me *Moms RUSSWO I %.'a --- A lie 27s 1966! 0 pp 71-120 Sept at ftV An/JHU CLB-31 T-569 Sol-4?kwg Jan 69 3?2o313 UdLel in UUMA"a MwbudLaw ffts Klubwute PSVOO Of ftrth Idatlee 9 PF a rot, by W"Wo, A.T* Hwang pw.- 2EMPAMP ND 120 1080 0 IL4704- MC-70410MIt e.k. . \,,'I Nor 70 403J28 Latvian CmatrAction Progz=o sol PrOblOw. bY Go ukhoy), 5 "pp. RUSSIAN,* OPA, soveLama iawn,~ V.. I)OC V : P1 P. JPRS V793 6 - u i< h 0 V USSR Econ Yer b7 317p222 Characterization of 2-Type 'Viaganal ilatricas anJ the Application to Jrder Statistics. by Yosidr-asa Ukitap 11 pp, JiWAINE-61: Oer. aokkaidu Gakumi Dai-aku Kiyq, Al.'Cl01-'NL=Tr-22S4-70 Jm 73 no* GCOOLM Owsm cc of seudw of tw Aftow at Saloom bF yu. a. fauthm Ma vbI to &k 10% w WON* J tan &%A.MM ift &7- 1. S. Uko Zov Use of a system of Variable structure for the controZ of the range of opacm vhiole entering the earth's atrwophere. RUSSIAN,o bko UprqvL4p&e koarmlohookimi apparatami i korably=i, 1976, pp $71-481 *NASA TT P 14,380 sept 72 _TM IN Inelf1clent -we ot %;cad*Um m by ~i- ~AASIMWL,~,* q; Z-Avlt np* ZAwatak -allrow ppo 39003a EXPERIENCE GAINED IN MANUFACTURE~OVE-2505 AN D E-12528S EXCAVAT13RS FOR NORTHERN STROITELINYYE I-DDROZHNYYE.'MASHINY NO 9 1971 PP 7-9 FSTC-HT-23-1782-72 lwg-ww~ - - 10 go po"Imuts" ow cmaugatim of lb volor nmu to vqpawls, tv volor Ubqom 7 TV? 2 Ajr mw4wmwp no, Mmom 206p Pi 40 JFW 356(0 -Toaor U na- a-yeenuff" 90146 304878 an 66 Cc aku Ov, Free Volume and equation of state of fused salts, by le. A. Ashe. 19 ppe RUSSIAN, rpt, IY%mactions of thc 3rd all Union conferen on Physical ChonstMt and RZecFr=oczemZctr 10 of f!iEed salts and 8kgjcs Im -16, 1966, 6enin!77Z, 1968, pp 29-42 AIRIFTD-,~!T-24-1862-71 may P'2 70~ CAU Wl=bw On 79 p%tnwl4n at cjanv~v tv lk. 0. ftsm 1w"NS, PWA, IR .1 1 IN Vbl Us ft 50 lywo it *Dwt ot lobw1w Burma Ge CONOW"A nmbwi" Brach of ft"p noarl" yt-4-. &. U-KsVN\-- GrA-SwWl= J"r 68 I ~ 0 , ft VION I iling IWO empum at bow JA Mao" Ad&% v *. P* now* Le to Harborso 7 W- va us so to lot mm ^- Iwo M9091up a MMO , -) I) Ixf lc;cj 't) - t. ('~ - , sdo-M am 6B *TNU9 ~r , \-,~N . \0 "Csf GansmUsation of the Theory of Error Accumb. lation, by G. ?. Uaftavv 1. Ta. XAchevskiy, 3 pp. RUSSUNS Pori pogj& g ~Sffii Ka - 550A Moscow, Vol 202. No 1. 19720 pp 36-38. JITS 55742 Apr 72 DavelplAwat of Du=y of L-rimrLv= arx.1 its AppUostiwa, try 13. Ulw=o 2 RUSSW, por, ki Ventrdk. Imo pp VT D-1 11-23-893-67 .'5ci/ lect,- ~~Iect -ngr r-Z 3U,654 -~iu4skai"o ~)rainaeo into tjAv Caspion lita .5q aml the oottw and Sbm .54mpage oi its i-aurl, by talo K, latmov, a6olM. for, Vok Ak N" SS64,119 Vol u1j.0 k-10 It AIX-MiL Tr L297 (L) !4S tzr 66 2!s7vL6S - - - - - - - Q'I 'IF~- -~a " a i~,,ramw fjua 13'', t x1i y a Ew Niun. ala "z&.vkd-s&&34a 7777,5775~2 4- 3.) 30-69 Al -- I --t In 'J! 7kJ 1he AMhad af Long-Barge Agrawtecrologlega Forecasts of the Yield of Winter Mmat Accor4- Lag to SpAng Mistm Hmrvee in the Soil and the Number of Stalk 8--wviving the Wnter, ty Ye 0 S * Ulawvs., 30 pp - BUSH^ per, Thdy Twntmila= Instituta PrOgAOZOV. 1965., pp~ 67-49- JPSB 3"5 ye - 5, al Uwft Llci-Pgric Feb 67 317022 The Significance of PAY Precipitation f4Dr the Harvest of !Anter t4wat in the Steppe Regions of the Ukraine and the rorthern Caucamn, by Ye. S. I-Qawva 12 pp. RUSSIAN,, per, ?-!etwMj2dm I Kjg!LlqjVmP No 5, say !9661P PP* 71=3 jPP-3 )94M VO" Jan 67 315,165 13. VIo um =r OV6M so adi"m Ora at vamm 9 as. owe* Its aNAP-60-1 Ct smus- vituft 2 DwWwas pro Am 330m, ftl Ad 67 Studies on the H Metabollas of bectating Cow Using Orallly Administered Ures-ISH by M. Ulbrich and 11. Scholz GERMAN, per. Arch. Tierernshr. Vol. 16: 325-36. 1966 CSTRO/No. 986S 38S.673 July 69 mat"1010 ctm 4"04 fto ftrt 10 v Gloaxo"O! m wal"W". Malmdo is April 1967 - a fats at - U50 4 In 28 Apt# 205*99V PAy Ift'Y Vol 3369M7 AUS 4 7 I ~\ - 1-1rogressive Helical Compre3siort" Springs With Variable I-lire Diameter for Veldcle Conotruct-ion by J. Ulbricht, GERHAil-1, per. ATZ, Vol 71, Wo 6, 1SU9, Vp 198-201. BISI 10288 Jul 72 J. Ulbricht Progressive Helical Compression Springs with Variable Wire Diameter for Vehicle Construction. AUTOMOBILTECHNISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT Vol 71, 1969, pp 198-201. BISI-72-60862-13F Feb 1973 mmuface"m of systbotle I" V""" r4w Risk rmmmo by L U Ui ka *Xot GRMMg p*rt ILAN" Val at " S;mo U5.91of- HMA TT F-ILOO168 Ug S* GMMM Uff CNIX Sd.*N kAg 66 1,4 t:V -0 4 LmUdn =d the WndIDg of So"Im In the GIM, bF Walter MACK* ]A We R65SWo pare jumm#Av No 6& Apr 19699 pp 25-36,t jtmi 4MI wsiz ~ I,-)' ,~ L t L Q, ci L 6 ~)- 'c-, 4 e - i'al JUDO 69 3830?09 ftwl~q ftem" Bid w ad 0: amudal AmUeft in th ft*h"" at %=W QWfWAdB Wd ftslm# by T. Mbrld4 U pp. oa~~ = am QW26 pw. 12.10 1291IM& vu 3311 lb 80 19W I* 54b--Ve* G Apr 69 Mbr:Lcht , reface to bM FbIlUC81 I cOnMW WQk# by ~<er ULbrichtg 12 pp* oi!i4we Pere Aame taA Berunt S%A. Lot 1969s pp 1070-lom 4913) U-) ti L t CIL (3K? ),Ctl-t Go= fiov 69 393*7?1 L-lbricht Ryden ilea of Oftm Coumtsm, bw 1-,7,., Mater L(Lbricht 9 8 ppe am"If npo kav-d-4A 8080=0 30 Doe 19689 p 4, J?us wmg 11141 "Vi~ LbWE ow Pol Jon 69 3MOB30 Otatus or Part ftram, Go UlbrUbt, 5 ppe Mvsk% Ows WMAUD ftt IX*,p W. 505-ML. jm3m 040amu ~, 5m Son 66 W S. ~~- I--.- -no Ond ) %I To 1b we ullbpll(lUl RY30653, Electrouie Campwte= Not Alvays Becessary by H.W. Mbricht. CHUN , per M MIShr p Vol . 18) No - 9 3 1965., pp 1-8 Sci - // -0. uk641027 Aug 67 33T-4,29 Research Cu Thaud milloolorm"m of P04- awylonitrUes by Joachim Mbricht. 24 pp. amal INUUMM"m at TMNAWNAF Val 20, CrL 9.9. pp 170-1709 AIW"D/BT-2340-70 Sept 71