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C~ L L~ C' Aj~ .Lhe RffecUvo L;ompomnts of L;ebacic Acid i1tches In the ilanufacture of Bitumn. Emul3ionss by U. J. lioeller iMOPW,, per, ALuggn, Teers, "NA134. pedal und V22"te atoffe, Vol 19t )'0 10 196.0, pp 3-9 mar 72 O.&P NP ~ for um splutsm at pwmbl~ to aftuvn Pbpdm 1w X~ ac us Monte QW&O auk* by a" mwuwt C1111"j, 1 -:1 1 %, S~m ive xm mc Om U-m Ulriah Moeller 3"A3 Sol - ftsim awxumof t" ftmems ftmt&m 1w *on of va WeAR *NW* mosuwp 47 PIP. AIC ML Ulrich Moeller MOW jui 67 4(BN1VL-tz---C9) &REFLECTIONS ON FISSION GAS DIF- FUSION FRW,1 POROUS $IN-TER SUBSTANCES. 4FAner, H. E.; Moetich, S.; Petzow, G.; Lukas, H. L. IDTranslated for Battelle Pacific Northwest Labs., Richland, Wash., from 5J. Nucl. Mater.; I 43: -12 (197 2). 2,~81). 2ADep. NTIS, 26fission pruducts; reaCLor materials; translations 271~kG, IhJ 28MN-25 2,11 NSA 9 Immotigation of the Effectiveness of a Potary Filter, by F. J. Moenig, 20 pp. VEM940T M mm GMM, r-pt,, Institut fuer Aeroblologie, No Y/68. AWVFM/HT-23-1166-70 -T . ry--~. 0 P- t'~ L~ Arch 71 Laser-Emission Spectral Microanalysts in Various Wavelongtb Regionst by H. Moonks. EUROPIAN, per, Kikroshlgiu ACIAP Supplement no.,3p 1968., pp 221-241. NTC 72-10147-07D / a 7s- Reply to the Foregoing Discus4an by Ad. Malissa and H, H. Arlt,, tr 11 - Mmke - INHOPUN, per,, Mcpshim" AdAt Supplammt No. 2,, 1967,, 105-106. NTC 71-13V;D Feb 72 ProSress in the Field of Lawr Iticrospectroscopic .A,nalysis, by U. Hoealm. VIMN, per. Fortachritte der '14 neralpj2j, Vol 114, 1167, Pp 173-180. TZG-71-12209-071f) Nov 71 4(OHNI--tr-2614) 5REPRC)D1 CIMUTY ()).' SPECTRAL LINE INTENSITIES IN LASER MICROSPECTRAL ANALYSIS. gMoenkc, Horst; Nloenke-Blankenburg, Lieselotte; Mohr, Joachim; Quillfeldt, Winfried. loTranslated by R. Gregg Mansfield 4()zk Ridge National Lab., Tenn.), from 15NUkruchim. Actu; Nt). 6, z4Dep. NTIS. ,,chemistry' (analylical); translations 107 ,NI,N-.l ,P NSA 5STAITS ()F NIICR()-ENIISS)(jN- SPECTRAL ANALYSIS WITH SOLID-STATE LASERS, jNloenku, Horst. ~'Ir,tislatud h~ R. (.;r(*g Mansfield (Oak Ridgu Nationitl LA., from 10. N-1, I S. lcmislatiolls 07 .1 ~HMN-l ~,P N S, \ 0 aawntims an necum BM coqpavtive Amlysimp microormlKLIQ-n-dis- and acroff ectral by gmrgt lbanke. pp. oovmnmm WE OOZ ama, Pei. Vol 2, 1967, pp 93-W- am Tr F-12..616 f 4019767 M 70 "Latus of :,L,ALtt n, ,I Lin e 7 -7 stma UM logo" fW 3,M ftOMPAt OOVA sommuve w Mia - - *am G~ 6 we 3-M p 6* Ofs sm uko-b Gem - V,;:,\ ~ " ~~ \ *%, t ~ c \, ~ "\ c ~ ~ bow APIP 71 '%ol ii. t pt C-Aclcla 'Alle 01 : OpulsUm Uscusso.:. by Awml NA, 6 g4 ~ ;xr, Mpni f I)-6jp rv le 3. . jL40orl, !AraareAf, 2.' ime j i ~, 4~;5-4 tgl'~L R e, /IIV/ 02 1- ~ ei--'; an. Au[-, 6" Y-09375 ~tat4s T'Utoe"WA , -.400cpacau, on OZ tl!O -0-.;Id .74tiW. 0C "'n -z" try , 'wa -IOLWollme nor jog& ol 179s ',o "s -iar 29504, pP XD-3a:. J, or 4rj-oioo - tmAi= I . a, 3,, - ~o 3 Zia & - ~ - bowtom at --, " . of w pmu"Oft, Isows ~~ ow thdr anfifte I- I 2*dbdmdL NWU616 -jr-w - INdw ... w0 WTO * "46 "' ' ' BOA$= . I w v 1 F4;*, lmv 72 WA 6-lboUntistA; Mx*-" C%wentclzions of Swe twsolutle Yaly- txieu,u CotVmffdop by. 0. 'La. Mogilavokw% DP* ,USSIM., M-,-e JPRS 330Y, DOC 1)5 Invwtiotion of Deformtim in Mmk Tmdirig of Zinc MamocMWs. by A. A. MDelwakiys, 12 pp. RUBSIMp Wv Fizika Met&Uov i Vol 28, No 3s, 1969,9 5OP-517. AMV)PM/HT-23-1126-70 Marcb 71 ;wtoetim irer saw rvopallwd and to in rall ~,kmus tw 1* ol 43o 3s pp Lopt Of i4drior b and 41aito .16rvIOG :1,1" iwwu of ~Iomdxn ~Jshwios ~;aim'-veh J" 68 Y#61.9M euipwr Protection for iicrow P"Nellers. mi iwshings in Tail Shafts, by 1, 240gil*vskly. AUSAM,, por, !~�noe 9hob No 30 19670 jjp lb-lb. *Dept of Interior nsn & Wildlife Service Aureau ot Commercial fisheries Burvvi.u of Foreign Fisheries Z~ci - 4*ch,, Industrial, Civil & hQrius Jun 67 bo I w : : Aft " ne werall Critlc~a-v-;Ath 4C-twort, in u-A Pro.'cct-i~esi,,p Stage, by Wgilevaldy ami j Go Etwlaetcwu, 1p VPO ITSLI'di,, per., &t=iW,Btvo I ArWtektura 1 -10 usbeKistam N 19bbp pp- 10-15- ipi6 Fcon 'C-, v zt-,ovts Qu iA* Achiamwooft and Plam of -hvvc Ffb&V paillaw., I a .:=4WV Sad to go 0 owl, -k Degradation of Alkali Callulom'e by Using Oxidputs and Catalystov by 19. M. Xogilevskii. RUOSIAN P per; WhIM42,12 No 1, 1965v p 54-57 NTC 72-12376-11Z July 72 ~-jwev ,7*9 -,.men, p,). Se-OL 9p. 2-:'._~. 133N Jan CSO: 01216172 V A. 11 Mcgil'ner is D" 70 IF Integral Metbv4 of the Detemi- nation if the Qwmtity In ftafteve with a Hard Keutnm Spectrm. Neutron SrcjER!S= JPRS 52290 Mar 7 3 Iva X"-W-'f)wlw A r.1 a eutMol ")C~, re 522~Z NA L 'toe. .are &Merv 0j. "A- o~ W 7oph am tv 491% llfwAl tmo U we W,96ull. riw'. aummum" 141-Awl 6a ~-,, ll~~ Jul 69 306*10? lkw 72 i9. M~-? IL Ai 11 ow umd ms*wm in 86*4 MV& ~ Assa%W, IW As 06 *some 1=096 39 w as 7,0 aft On 5m 840 n P~ - r-n t) ,_~ ; L ) s3 ~ t~ am 64 " L"J" wow*- SL jp 'Al Lit P. mvin Same aTUfier of a amll ogwity forrIto omo mommT. 11 pp. SER006CROATZAN,. TOW" Vot 26,p No 1,0 1911,, pp 4.8 AD?1FTD-HC-23-6-6T-7F' Jan 72 SW Tar-Omiad DoIcedte Mocks fbr Lining Blown -O.Wa Cwmrtf-re, bV L Kircm, E. ND~mem- Vol PYOKS.- Per-gjtet~~ 7. '?3..291 VP cc-. 6T -JT Q, of ta Oystam 04f Rije.-vooton a a Assoelated Vootors of IL - OMratar AL dlep Te. Z. movi, SkLy. AWN's", per., DM Ak 'Aaak am, Vol 1630 i1a 41 19G8.. pp Tr5-777- The Am Moth Sw Vol go 140 us 196-3 liar 37, 60 Therml Effects of Ageing of Defarmed Hartmwite wd of Martanxits Obtained Fm Cold-Warked Austanits, by Be Me Moptawl V. Me Polovov. RUSSIAN$ pare DDk Ak Nauk SSSR, Val 1?9, No 5t 1968, iv--108~3- The Am Inst Phys Vol 13, No 4. Oct 1968 Soi/Pbys iiov 66 3700237 The status of the Hatlamal floohmicaL 02"1"- =mt CmIttes Ybdiftedt by Or- Los"* *h&*IWP 5 Joe WMLMM, per,, 196Ts, P- 3- JPFA WwwU Mjlo lb 171, 21 ORPt Xw 67 -artiza; L - - --,1@ 5 - .,w I" WAWAO& I W-- - - -- 5 qi, CBW 001101106 f wo . - as" , lo on Ill. MWNPNNnwtlb now* A "ft, ft" I so wpk 0 SbO6 n**% 3% nar", ~A'? x n, ~ PA Jim IL ot, A"d n-*Gsm c Ut by iAhl FAhmmd. 20 ypq, USP MY rn:mnert ::-wu* 29 ~ww roe ,,an 7,- E I (3Ka-Zi . AIAL . - is Seven Obstw-les in the WmW " Private FAUeatlonp by We NObBEISd 6604d 4 5 ppo AM=$ up) A'-jud=ljThl 3D Wr 1965, Pp- 3 and 10o JPRS 3031T N949apt BOC Jun 65 Mla 303 uilders of 3 the :iew 'ut.-na, DY ou Elmert cans for 'I'latlomlization of Petroleum Resouroon, by Bahi Koh=wed, U pp, GOIrMNIC"ITT USIT" ONLY PPOICH, per, Afriumla, Paris, 27 Doe 171. 9 Jan 72, PP 1 "-7: Pl PS A 4047 Feb 72 Araftt AppraUoe W*rA*Toft ftl"tlnlM Reoistano*p by ftU Nobawod,. 8 pp. GOVER"Artrl" USE ONLY pllll:~Qliv Pera As PAVU 0 23 lovember INS, -w wi-130 15-160 3677 *fL/Inter-Az%b A"al" Feb 71 , y of tl.* lAnt .0han, $peaches XV otu"Oh" at OPAMU.*W ot roomm" of Psits MUD- &*rlom Cmtwrwoe - Dam"W&M Favu vmw,md or An Ag% ad Aftwo bY zabria *14W 32 =a- 6 AP- IKOIN Moo, ov.0 ABA& 22 Apr Re 3* im 30955 IS-ID&AM" ftl am 65 0, TWUne of A&Miv" and Oxwed PSVMp by a. mobla. g=0$ ywy A&MIM Vol 10,v DO Up 1967P pp 4T3-473. MIL ftf:goe2.84 4624) 8014ktari&U A b T) 4Ms,523 Iffeffusluan of to ON&I" Of --&MI museum am mod 4"M6 %IMMIPW to AMOMMISt tW T. VAbOO16 to pubusfins- Salome sw~pwnffimwv - - unumul"t, *=I&, so 296L AM 2561 V. Mobnen 67 Invastigatims Into AttaeWwt Pr"irties of I AaAaoactive Aerosols,, by V,, 11~thmftl P " V KI J- fAi, rytp 44y 1966. TT F-111,031 :>ci-NUCI ..kci Aug 6 7 336,712 -Auk-Traugett L"rimmUt by C4rhurd HGIMike at &1,, 4 pp. CERAM 0 perg A. Ges Ina.2tis Vol Xx, t-~650 PI) 54-547. inept of Navy Tr 5172/3,1,!S go 1194 !-14Lr 67 rectwidja~g of Vre . isht~i-, &W ireezjz-~, ~'asqoj l'Atj*ntAk". ohr~m. x tacbmik, ;01 AW, ~SMAW 196?9 512-515. i i,c Inq 7,, torros, VO I.S. 1037-1042. ,c V, 1: 1) . 1, I NA ~10,1 , ,-~ca I s of ',.uro,,,eaii ',-I ate rs , I'art i i . per, 'i-lonoflraphien der oildsaui-,utiere, P.S", ~-,) 151-275. *.','AVY/N,)I)-Tr--5) 80 ~~(jv 72 MOHR, G. Electric storage heating. A.E.G. -Telefunken tech.Mitt. 60(l):18-Z8 (1970) (SEC) i~nglis,'l Title Uwiowu, 6), 41. --lohr. ul r,)t, Ilroc laternatl 19U7, ,j, A9-921- Yr 71-53391- Availaole 61 L~ily Ln,iisji 'atie unUown, oy ii. :!(.,iir. j;eril i'lanta, Vol 76, DO, ~,, 346-356. *NTISJ'A IT 71-!~5392 Availzw1c S1 ~_ . t~ I .; ~r i,, A~ 1, ~ 1,/ 71 Lll~jisil Title unkiluwa, by IA. '~Uhr. GEJ~,-AN, per, Plants, 'Wol 75, 1967, iq- 160-164. *li.T1461 'il' 71-~53)3 ,~lvailable ~,l unly I ~4 . t". fl, P ~ /~. hiiijish Title Unluiown, by ii. ~.Ijohr. ysioi., Vol 54, 196(), po 0-63. GEWIAN, per, Z, Pflanzenph 11, *NTI.S/Sl TT 71-5537t, Avaiiable SI Lmly '1~ . '~ ~ I ,'0' July 71 English Title ftVimms by R. Mohr. GW#Mq per,, Ber Der Deu Bat Gesell. Vol 78, 1965o pp 54-M. *WTIS/81 IT 71-5536o Av&~Isble SI On2V /41. ~, I ~ c I x Jul,y 71 LI -.~ %Ivt4ion 0!? us &*gebula In FM by IAGUtp tW Be Dracut A6 Nohlr* Goms. -pFi Amest va n$ no I wt &v WJBQW. wc.6~rILAM-ow NdPW4 M r) *V, 9x, fja+,W.Cs I'landling Tecbwlomay at the jj&MVW F&Jr, b" RWG V43hr, IP pp. UWERRMW USE am GERNO, per: Zett ,~= fte Post imd Ferpmldewq~j so 1120 1"*/) 4~,q-W sc I h4at. S"i -1 o 16outral of %;b1cruilityll lad pro"ift (Actouts in ferif "*#t6YAYt*s by visiblo amdaudu, by oe1j;# k"s"T# Ams tvkr,, 6-MMI ior,, PlAuta, Val V. Ift5. ;~p 3.40,43. iozss"61 MC Aui, ba ilactleal iikj~mnce in the Mrasonic Rys-4- nation of ii4ovy Rator Forgings and Poasible 'Pkys of Improving the R*2iabiUty of InterproUtlan by Autocationg by W. Mohre Gij-LAh* pars, Vol 99 No 30 19679 PP 73-80- HD 7230 Sci--,eth and tquip DW 67 346.578 '~Wfo-A~. Mim-" oi roiucuon an tat,- , ')y - lrdtrl 0i anu. A iot 17t. 1772 Y' !06 Ar Dal-,n A In &n Arct*v Pe-4i'lFirial T',,e Sars $D*,t, bv A-.m-"K M-*,-,n, Andrf~ AIMATC/Gl -Pnt- I.( Flabery Tescarch and the Far Eaetern Fishing Industry of the Soviet Union, by P. A. mo-i-hsi.(-i,-yeh-fu,, 16pp CKEW,Mp rpt, T'ad-p'j%:Laa & ll~i-p Yu-yeh Yen-chiu-wij~=-bui Ti-ch'l-tz'u Ch'.uan-t'i Hui-I Lun-ven- hi, Feb 197, pp 10--11o JPHS 3~- 3 Sci-Bial & l4ed Apr ~-;'17 Computer Control of the *t0chanical an,-' C~;eAcal Aspects of the Sulfite Bleaching Process, by P. Zak and J. Y: niv FRY."'C"! I)er, Pa'pi-e-r,-, Vol 22, '7o 3, 19611 ",; S c i - -I a t July (11, 33 '~,' , 721) F-46 - m0; 0 AM n cp cownts an 'Pv*bUm of Clatbolle Chumhp by And" Noifts, 5 Pp-p PRFWNS POP$ POPUP '15" 19 J.f v - ftw 71 Coop*z*tUm bvtuwm MirLet-Imm eod CaLzamisto D%DMWW vj rrabeh cr Tasolw-icc amnva' b.y Audre 10 yp. Fwwz', per, eWil du Comma"o L;uj. 41,, go 10, Oct 105, op- 142-149- JPRS .42350 WE-FAMe Pal Nov Frewh CP Inmretical Jaurnal - The ComamA sto tie Ciiriatiaw wA tI* Church, by Andre Ujim, pp. F.11MR, per, QWB 99 cal"IM) Val So 4, Apr 1966, pp. 66-?P. -rrance Six. T V)Ln 1 JA !(.,a I 4L A) mrwo QOMCKUI" bV Andn lioln% 6 PP. Macao Comm 05 iis~~ P"4% itm jq(jq~~,, 0 JFtb iW)53t Pol Aue 6-c) 3889996 The Procs"Lva of NufWsmat* .'4. -,b"14at, P. moineraw. Mica* 90w, 4mgsig miwlsl~mp Doc 06-1. PP Tram 6231 %;c Ju" 4A & ZOWst4ce OY Vol 1), blo Preparat ion and Control c),' the i ur ~ ionjnQ o1 a 1.1orcurv Cathode Cell i~orkinK at an ITTMOSCd Potent i'll , hy Claude '10inct , 11) lilt, I RIACH, ner, i~ull Soc Chin I~r. , No 2, 10w.), p AFC/IIC.RI,-Tr-loS-IS No~ 1-1 of So AUN&M ftift" W4 00 on an *0 sam*b wd #I@"" poprum of *a v4*42" ftlaums by F. WON% ql- ftlamof a. obwas at It. ft=ut% 0 . iv. A== ft-IM J. moine't *~Ska Jam 6T :E-.1vastigation, of the 1=-mizing cid Anti;;Onic ?raparties of Soma !.Iiral Fraotions -Z,,~tractsd From T?-pe A2 influenza Vir-ases, by 1. Moisa, 7 pp. WONVIT-AN, per, Studii mi Carcatari de Virusologie, PP 135- 140- JP'QS 5,6 242 Ai n 7 2 Notseer, A,,A.; WityusUis, Yfa.Le: Mokow, S. AN-- -- tho pattsma Aft "r iwi~ *f the A Is Axial- - , ams N.30 19710 P*12.1 NTC-7Z-14$#ZwZW.- Tk* Dtfect of dio Axial 11 p - Feb 73 ilrx s, L iiicates, L) L& I:t W-ALO ci-' --turi-Is 177 .14