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Blectror-ographic Investigoption o9 Dlaeto- piperazim., by B. Ke Valuchteln: 26 pp, RMSM.. wo p=y Zhur FILIIL"t Vol UIX) NO 2o 1955s, Pi? 327-344- Bel Tr Center Eff-P-3905 q7j Sc.i - Cbemistry Aug 1956 AnucatLon of Thumobattery for Usawnvom of Tempera=* Effea an the Cadole Dwdft Electra-Precipkadon of MetaWt P*Wdftlgo by D. N. Gritswi, A. M. Butptov% 10 pp. RUSSXAN per, ZhuT Fft Opp Vol )CM, 195.% pp 345-W. CIA/FDD X-5670 Sci - Era Aug 65 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ZK351 Tliz 2c t:-- c~L Corrosian. in Relation to t1aw PH of a Soluti on. tmd the Passivation of Mletals in Alimline Solut-J.anaj by Tiv K. Wpinp A. Ya. Vaivad-at Z. F. Oshis. F 1121. t-2, RUCACT-MI, p-cr,, Zhur Fiz 11 Ktiim,, Vol XXIX, Uo 22, 1955, 3 5~ - 3 5'. Jam 19:4 2b* east= umlaxift g1m (klast ,100 OmUcat bY V. 1, Znwtkova, Y. Y. TWndlddl,r 9- IL QUrkov, :Wmws pw mmmi nwm~s" Mdjldip Vbl ggo 1953: pp 3U0,.96 sLit ME66&n* SOL ~ Cbm 331s 516 Ja 6T AY&Ogelll Over/fOltsP on A=4p=j by G. 1. volkDv. "I, - RUSBIOj mo perj, Zbw Piz Dim. Vol mmo 1955, pp 3go-4oi. Ajo Tr 2465 Scientific - ftsics 36, .2 sr6 Jun 56 C%S/d= Themodynamic Studies at Lov T-emperaturev - VI. Heat Capacity of Iloxacarbonyl ',1k,~t-ween. !0.3 and 3010 K. Enthalpy and ft Entrop, of ""'006 z~4t jWft~ a93,16O K, by D. N. krcrov, et a!. RUSSIAN, ptr,,ZLuj: FI-4 KUm.-j-.,,Vul XXIX Nu '3, 1955, 424-4:2~Tl tes Rj-u42 Aj~l~ Uv HydroMn Overvolteas and Capacity of the Double Layer of a Lead Electrode, by Ya. M. Kolotyrkin,, 11. -Ia. Buns,, RMIM per,, zhur nT'-.mj&-Yq1 M-Up Ho 3., 1955P PP 435349. Assoc Tecb Sv Fj-"g $19.00 Sci - Engirmering Aug 1956 PO Box 271, But Omam L J- Catboffic Pdaludou VA do Towowatwm Mba an the Cad*& Dufft Eloctro-pree4dudea of MoCAM PowdW4, by M N. Gritmano A. M. Bdssbmvk 10 w RUSSAN per, Rm ELs im-no Val =4 1955, ppaz. CIA/FW X--5667 Sd - Phys Aug 65 FOR OFFICIAL USE: ONLY 284OW2 The Accuracy of the Detezzination of Donsitienand Molecular Volmes of E- lectrolytes in Aqueous Solutions at ~ High DilutiON, by A. P- RutOkov.0 7 PP- RUSSIAN. per,, Zbur Piz MIIMg Vol max, 1955., pp 463-468-.- BIA R-2135 Sci Aug 58 7, ft-1., a 6 J The Influence of the ftlecular Weight o4 the Mechanical Properties4,of Crystalline Polymers.. by V. A.,-,Kargin, T., J....8ogqlovq*, RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Fix Vol XXIX., pit Eft No 3 195% pi W69!.. TiAjj~!B T-4602 Sci Chemistry,, Physics 3-'Z~l 1302 7 C 7T - 4 / - .2 c, -'/ lifttlas of IOU4=bnp ftntump b7 0. X. awatma. 9 PPO main* j Vm Pis Ofts Val XM, So 3s 76AW--- M5,0 VP M Sol *40 14b go 56/2239 SCA"afts 41.2. jrd-/ "I;:~ - - I, '. -- 1; " L- -n t ~ " (VI.N.) 270,54) Tho Str=two wd 'Prawrtics of Ethyleme Oxide, by il - V. ZjUaIWV., 362 r9- RMSIAN., MD- Pw~ Zhur Els MAM, V01 MaX., 10 It NO= ~bt* 1955s vp 495-Fol. CIA/MD u-8557 TZ-5R 0/,//// Sel - Cbemlatry Datuawtion of V* - U11161 comatmtim of Atmic QqV* MWW Jet COMMON by a ChWoUi Jbth"j, by L. 1. Arftoo*Ap R. V. MoUlAkaft. lk=W,, prp Zhvr 14"Ump vca M=t 19350 =A SAWO Apr Intermolecular Rubber, by A. RUSSIAN, per, 19S5, pp 584. NTC 69-12491-07D Spacing in Crystallized I. Kitaigorodski, Yu. V. Zh Fiz Khim, Vol 29, No Nyuk. Sci-Chein Aug 69 389,386 Investigation of Equilibrium in the Reductioa of - Titanium Dioxide by Cmrbon at High Temperatures, by V. S. Kutsev, B. F. Ormant. RUSSIAN# per, Zhur Piz Khimj Vol XXIX, No 4, 1955, PP 597-601. Bru.tcher Tr No 3642 Scientific - Chemistry jan 56 cTs/m $4.50 Method of Investigating the Equilibria in the Formation of Carbides frm Oxides at Righ T=peraturcsp by V. S. Kutsev,, et al. HUSSIM, mo per Zhur Piz 21!?- Vol XXIXINO 4) 1955s pp 629-6~ - 9 e C- 71, 9 >3 6 / Brutcher Tr 370 Sci - ChemUtry, Minerals/Metals 3 6, -6-414 Jun 1956 Corrosive and Electrochemical Behavior of SlectrolytIcally Polished Alindulun, by I. L. RassuC6114 st *I. RMUN, so per, Zhur -Iris AP~x Vol xx 0 No 4, 1�55s, pp &)84f0-. - Co-Op Trans Bch Tr 247 ( (3a.0d.) Bel - Madetry, olectrIcIty J/A 4s- The Velocity Of promation Of saaA in a Mixture of Chemically ReactIrLe Substances,, by R. P. DIdbiniMp B. B, Kudrywrtem,, MML43 MO Pwp Zbw Fix Kh1zp Vol XMP No 4v 1955., 677WI. Scimt1fic - Chemistry jun 56/dex Mud= Nat fts Lob of Madia Will id PA Didia Studies in tbe Fiela of the Kinetics and Mechanism bt of the Vapor-Phase OxidatIca of Aromatic Hydrocarbons. VI,, Mechanism of the Oxiastion cif Napbtholene on Venftgim Catalysts, by 1. 1. Yoffej Iu* G. BheMn, 14 pp. =ax". per., A"" .. &-A. -- V01 M=.. lio 4.4 19 , pp - a BcI Trams Center RT-3385 I* Scientific - Obemistry 30~ /./ ;~, Apr 56 Correlation.o of the Thermodynamic Propcrtie3 of Organic Compounds in the Liquid Phase, by F. or, I'll"llov. RUSSIAN,, per; Zhur Fiz Kbim,, Vol XXIX) no 4, 1-955, PP 718-722. ATS RJ-1269 Sci - Phye., Chem Ij ~'/ _,r Ir7l Apr 60 The Liquids Curve (Mothmatical) Aplx1ication in Binary Systems, by G. D. Grmako-v and L. N. orma- kova.- 7 PP- RUSSIM, per., Zhur Piz Mim, Vol =y 1955., pp 745-749. sLA B-2142 Sci Aug 58 1~7 I /j~ ~l / X-/ a-129/6o . (DC-3481). The Problem of Hydrogpn Isotope ExchaW 1n Saturated Hydrowbow, by TA. X. Turshavsktyp so R. Vayaberep X. 0- L1Dzhk1wO 4 pp. MMI"k POrj ZhUr nZ WM,# Va MM., ND 4j. I= 1955 o pp 75OF;'751-0 - - ''- JPRS 310 34:1 - MIGM ///, xtw6o morine Laactrode of ComMison In Molth Chloridesp by M. V. ftbwv, S. F. Plagu"v, L. E. Ivanov4dY, 6 PP- RUSSIAN, per, Zha FU XhIs Vol UIX, 1955v f,j:o '-.' pp 772-777. '-- > ABC Tr 2874 Sol - chw9w AM/ A/ Jan 57 a" Tr-64-1 t936 Shtmorae v, G. S. and Razhkov. L V. - LIQUID-PHASE OXIDATION' OF 14YDROCARBONS 'N 1. Shitnonaev, G. S. THE PRESENCE OF FTHYL FLUID t'!964j7p(f1ga 1 11. Roz"hkov. 1. V. omined) 11refs I Order from OT% SLA, or ETC $1. 10 Tr-64-14936 ! -rrans. of Zhurlnal; FU[tcheakoij Kh1mitil (USSR) 1955. v. 29. nc~ S.-p,791-796-.- (Chemistry- -Physical, TT, v. 11, no. 11) 1 offi.. .$ T-h.1-1 5-1 ... Determination of Me Number of Electrons Participating ft the Ilectrocbmical Redution of Columbism wA ntexhlusp bW S. I. Krruwjp V. S. Edevatovs. ,A 2=0 so 5,p RMUNS, JQLaftj 19551, pp 49-75 Bel - Zleci"cles., absoUtz7 Study of Some Relationships in the Formtion of Alloys of Imorphic Borideep by G. V. Sawonov, V. a. Ifeshpor. RUSSIANO mo pars Zbur Piz P~il Vol XXIXY No 5) 1955, PP 839-845, Henry Brutcher No 3997 $6.80 Sci - Min/Metals Sep 57 3 -84/60 (HY-3544). S5udy of the Effect of Molecular Structure on the V~~Ior-ity of the Ionic Pmd Atomic lReactions of .L-Oto, ,,).a -1,tchange. 1. '1he &-Pfect of isomerization of the Ra~Ucal c:a aad of the Iatroduction of a Double Bond,!MM-1w on the Rate of Isotope -Exchange of tvi k1kyl Haalde With Halide Ioas, b y M. B. Neyman) V. B. Millerp Yu. M. Shapovalovp 10 pp. PUSSIM) per, Zhur Fiz Khim, Vol XXIX, No 5) 1955, y,p 892,")-, . jpr%g 265o c i - Chem !-.'a y0 q9 Kinctice of Ammonia Synthesis oa the Smooth Surface of an Iron Catalysts by A. N. Gerasenkovaj Ma To Ruwvs 0, A,. Slxeltaov, 13 pp. RUSS=* mo per, Zhur Fic vehim, Val XXTX,, No 51, 1955s pp W-903. Sci Tr Ctr rm-3w S-~' 7-6,0 Scientific - Chemistrv May 56 M/dex The FaectrIcal CoWuctivIty of Crystals of Polycylio CompourAs and Other OrgooU Imulatore) by 1. V. Ulls~ 13 vq. UNMASSITIEL MMMXj, per., Zbw FU Was Vol M=j, 1955j. Vp cia 9030914 ACSIL Tr 929 Bel - Chem Aug 58 The Role of' Macrok-Lnetic Facto-ra in Catalyi-ic Ilapht-halene oxiWUm Processes on Fused Vanadium Fentoxide, by G. P. Korneichuk, Th. V. Zhlgsdloj V. A. Raiter. RUSSD.N,, per, Zhurz nz =Mt Vol =s 1955P IT 1073- 1079. CIA/FM MC-10T3 NOT RELEASAMS TO POWUM NA=ORAW Sci /17 el oct 61 USIB DaMM, UST, ONLY StWV of Spoctra PMwaed by fflgb-)~.voqponr-,~~ MLeet,Ao Msch=W In Gum and Plur-ori at At=d3bwla Prom am ap tr V. So llossmix, To S. Tdkomp 10 a. MVWP ]Mgt M& REBMP vws .a s=, Val =# 1b 6; 19"# pp 1919- ]a%. qwo~ 904 4 pi ? AM Trw%W sd - m*ctaualtvs .2-4z" 617-a, obam out 62 (NY-1528) SpectrosCopic IMBUSBUOU Of HI& ft'49USnCy Electric Discharges In (hwes and Flames at Atmos- pheric Pressure,, by V, S. fWasikhins, 1. Talkora, 10 pp. UNCLASSIFISD RM'SIANO wo per, Zhur Fiz Xhim, Vol XXIXp No 6, Moscow, Jun 1956, M-10ft--leffi. ,.-Us JPHS/R.L.T8 I - Chem Y 58 Fr- 62-28167 Naolacn., L.A . 311 ~ Papko, S.I. I I -I) I~ I Nlr~ I. r. 1)1-- 1 \ cIN91 101)~ DES 1. Nilibev, L.A, 1111,ACHONS DANS LES IJQLADE_~ PAR LA NIFTHODI 11. papio, S.I. DI:.'; VEINFS Isslodovanic Kinetiki M. CNRS-VIII bi~~ 415 ZNA~km;",,iOi .14ruinyni kleti-xJow) (Experi- W. Contrc Natirmn I dt, )a Reciter - wurtt.d IlTVCStig-l0I_,r, 'If RINWHI'n KinCtl" in Liqu che .9cientifique. Paris H. r1h,,- I--!. a I I p. (fonvign lext Included) 5ref,. t -lQ(S NIN N, -11 Oni,~r f,, am t I Y~ EI C I,r 0111.'RS $I W) YT-62-.SIfi7 &A )~hjmjj N lut. I.o.ectrocouductirity off Crystale of Polyoplic .ompounds and Other Orgatle Non-Cooduot" by N. V. iii, U pp. 1; WSM: Vert V61 V-U, No 7., .935, pp u52-n6l. AM-72L36R ci rs., vol ni,, No 8 61-15386 Paviyuchenko, Ni. ". and Vaynshteyn, Ye. N. THE KINETICS OF TTiE DECOMPOSITION OF PO- 1. Potassium carbonates-- TASSIUM BICARBCNATE (Kinctilia Raziozhenlys Decomposition 13ikarbonata Kallya). ]an 61 1121p. 18 refs. RTS 1738. 1. Pawlyuchenko, M. M. Order from LC or SLA mi$2.40. ph$3.30 61 -15386 11. Vaynshteyn. Ye. N. 111. RTS 1738 Khimil (USSR) 1955. Trans. of Zhurnai Fizicheskoy ' - - IV. Department of Scientific , I .73 A f SO v. 29, no. 1. p. and IndustriAl Rewarch (Gt. Brit.) The kinetics of det omposition of potassium bicarbo- nate In the temperature range 158-2140C have been studied. The rate of the decomposition Increases to a max1mum and ther, diminSshca to zero, The reaction commences at separate centres, then rapidly spreads over the surface, covering It with solid product In 5-10 min. Increaning the geometrical surface more than 50 times has oractically no effect on the reactlor rate; this is related to the large internal surface of the cryHtals. The activation energy of the decompo- sition of potassium bicarbonate Is 15500 cal, which We C. T-61 W $-I li-fit. of exper1rnentst e~or 1thi. he coincides. (Chemistr -Phyal ca . T-r. v. 5. no. 7 ) (over) l ; 'it* Determination From the Kinetto Data oto tba N'- I ur 0 .motimiazy "'ongtant, and ou~ th~ &-fecti"m r,~,If 0 V - M. xifficient, 'rtl3' 0 a Porrum Catallyet, by K. 1-4. Belonosov., B. 1. Popov, 11 pr-,. HIM1407, --lr, '&pwT, Piz KbAm; Irpll PP CLI/FM X.-2736 set - clshom Apr 58 Lithim I ptanidbete =d i jetatent-alate, by A. V~ LapItakly, Yu. F. Slmawvs 5 PP- BU,0810~ porg Zhur Fix Yldm$ Vol XXIX., 140 7, 1955., jj-=i---155~-*'---9069045 AEo wL-T-437 50:1 - pwis. Chem 6-7 - , 5, i I., " - --- rjo-- 62 ~L 6 ~ 'A' per AA, Lle(~L~:onogmphk InVestigation of Pol4wro. III &w1nation of the Char4ge in Structure of Crystalline and Amorphous Pbly=re With Temperatares, bV V. A. lareins G, 8, Markm. RUMM, per, Z*.?.U. 4 No 7. ,_4xp, Vol M=,# 1955o YP 1273-1277. T.I.L. T-4645 Sci - ChemlBtry 31' ~476 May 2.956 ~ 1 d f c5 / I /- /- IP~12 '~~ef RUSSIAN, mo per, Zhur Fiz Khim, Vol XXIX, 1955. PP 1311-1317. *ATIC jk~Ju~iW'lj~Lli6 Ul 0L;-A,A^j. .701, t Uji I., 'I';y 1 117 J, Vol MM~; 7 pp sci Mun Lib Tr 57/434o Se 1 Phys Sop 58 On -%'Jhc! IvIctzzal nation of the Thermcdl,y,t~--,-. lme','.--utcr N3thL--D3j by it.. A. Miauviltokiy, H.- yenil"e'-p, 1~ -~31 F. TM; No 7; Set MUB Llb T-, 57/4341 7S ;7 Sep- I neaUveaftOATIty of 1061, by N. ve Mitt rasous pw, Sur yu M"p Vbl =# 1955a vp 1N2-1382. *----,-----,----- AW Tr-4359 Sol - Pbpo Chm my 61 /6-0 Z31 V-- The Relationship Between Solubility and Relative Volatility, by V. B. Kogan. RUSSWUNI, per, Zh Fiz Kliim... Vol 29, No 8, 1955, pp 1470-1476. ATS-RJ-SS40 72 Depandcace of Vitrification Temperature of Amwphous ftterlaU on the Rate oZ Ruating and tbe- Comction Betma Vitrification Temperature and Activation Energy, by G. M. Bartenev, et al. HMIAN# mo pe rp Zhur Ca xxUl, so 8', 19552 pp 1486-14 Coop'Trarm L5&4e* Sci - Mlmistxy., ftaics Scheme Tr 179 (136.0d.) sa/0 'IF dllelA Jul 1956 Imun Discussion m tobe Medanima of on 11 mA Pt and Other lbtabp S. Da Levi=,# 5 pp. Fun tr* RMUI, per zhw-riz milmli 1955v pp Mg =32- ej EVrogm Overvoltage by P, D. LukovUevp Vol xxix., No NSVY TrI3333AM 556 3 Sai - Iftneralfibtals's pb7slas VAY Marinin, V. A. COEFFICIEM DB LIFFUSSION DE QUHLQUESCORPS DAM LES MALANCES GLYCARINS-FAU(Koeffliatent Ciffuzli Nekotorykh Veshchegtv v Smeal GlItserin-Voda) (rAffuslon coo-fficlento of some substances in glycerol alcohol mixtures). 10p (foreign text Includecl) 5 refs F R - 2364. Order f hTrC or CNRS W. 80 62-26422 Trans 5. of 7hurnal Pizicbeekoi KhImJI WOR) IL955, v. 29. [no. 91 p. 1564-1136C.- DESCRIPTORS: *Alcohols, *Glycer-ols, Mixtures, *Dtf- fusion. 62-26422 1. Marlain.. V. A. 11. F/R-2364 III, Carare National de I& Recherche Scientifique (Cheml ury- -Physical. TT, Y. 10. oo. 10) WIN if lKhakal Ln*ls Self-Diffusiou wd Hydration of low in Aqueous Solutions, by 0. 7. Samoilov. RUSUOR wo Eb P%r. KbImA Vol M=.9 1M# pp 15W-1590. - - rB3DW Mf . T. i6eo MA 58 & 91 9 '? -4- Thermodynamic Properties of Electrolytes In Non- Aqueous Solutions, by N. lzmailov, Y. Ivanova, MWIAN.. par,, Zhur fiz- Rhim,, Vol XXIX,, 1955v pp 1614-1623. '"MMOOMMO -- MM T. 1621 sci - Physics -"I 3r d 6 sep 57 ............ Activity of Hetprogenous.~,.&~~..Fzom.ft~N,~Wpoftm at the Theory bf Active Crystals, by.O. Mb.,-;P6h6tk -i"2A'Ppo RUSSLAN per Zhur Piz xhfi4,.,VOI XMO N69, -19550 pp 1650-1667.' 9226591 ABC-ANL-Tr-132 Investigation of Process in A-u- minum Baths, by L. N. Antipin. RUSSSTAN, per, R Mur "viz JGiiru, Vol '10=" 1955,t PP 1668-16Tf. Consultan~,s Customs Tr W%-242D st52.r,O lo Sci - Chem Mar 59 Mechanl= of Anoml Mectrima Coaftetivity of Iwo., by A. V. lzm&Uov. RMSIMp per., Zbur Piz Dims Vol M=,s 1955j. pp 1725-1727. '"-- nmw-Ti6ig sei Aug 58 6 1 2 2,V I Tho Work of A. N. Frunkin and His Sabool in tho Field of Surface Phenomena and Xinatics of Eleclti Processes, by F. A. Robinder, P. 1. Dolln, B. Kabanov RUSSIAN, mo per,, Zhur Fiz Khi?a, Vol XM, go 10, 1955, pp 1746-1750-.- Sciontific - Physics Wavy Tr 1333/NRL 557 3.3 9 4-- lmmaU~ptiow of the Surftc Conienution umd Advorptim of Vapon gear 41 =Ioa by tha Optica XU=rpolarlz;~=U Motbod. Part 31, by B. V. Derpgiuj Z. No zorin. YUU tr MMSIAN,p zo parj, Zhvw na Walaj Va XXIX; No 10p 1955.. Pp 1755-1770. Navy Tr No 10/m m 9'6 Sol - Pbqsicz Oct 1956 OM/dex Inveatigation of Pronesses vroceeding Witb Changes in the Ilumber of Freedrms in matic=.pponamt Heterogeneous Systemo, 1, by L. S. Palatnik, A. I. Larideu, 24 pp. AUSSIM, Pei-, Zhur Fiz Xhim, 1955, Vol =1 'No 10, pp 1784-1803. GLA 59-15o6o Sci, Oct 59 Vol 2 p TO 3 An h6stiptilm, of the *eb&nUa of tho Action of Anti-Corroolm Admixturies on Oils by Uh Th c, )ktbw of M41"OU" IndIcawoo by zu" 8, Zagleviklyp a. 2" 12 ppo RUNIAlp pap Zhur YU Kkdap Vol XXIX# 1955# pp ABC V 2(A5 ..7- 11 1 Sci INW, -~4dj / Floryanovich, C. M. and Frunikin, A. N. 711E MECHANISM OF LuxTrROLYTIC REDUCTION I OF ANIONIS AT THE' N113RCURY LLECTRODI: (0 11 hIckhanimue Llectrovosstinovlenlya Antonov W III Rtutnom ElektrcKtc) Apr 61 [4211). 39 refs. RTS1748. IV Order from OTS or SLA $4. 60 61-197(X) Trans. ofj_humal Pizichtmskov Khimii USSR) 1955 v. 29. no.'10, P. 1 '7-1 A DESCRIITORS: Wcrcury elect rrklos, Flectrolysi,, Reduction. loji~, Elcc(rodes. Polarization. (Chcrnistry--Mysical, 'IT, v. (, no. 3) 61-19700 Floryanovich, C. M. FrunnLin, A. N. RTS-1748 Department of Scientifi, and IMILIStrial Research (Q. Brit.) ORk. .1 T-W-1 S."i... Kinetics of DehydratioU Of XthaWl and2thyl Mer oWilumim and Aluminosilicate Catalysts, PT2~, by K.V,Tbpohieve and K. Yun-Pin. RUMIAII, per, Zhurnal. nz Xhim, 1955., vol- 29., N0010) pp. iB54-1865. AW-4.8RTM AP66 30Z645 Bmd:bmg Bwbwom - 1 , mactlvity am moray RigmUca in Pivbeln wd arpme mamoul", by N. V. Rn, ., 16 pp. Fmam, Pars Zbur fts Was VbI J=v NO 9, 1955o PP AM Tr-4361 Sol - "a Chm X&Y 61 /S~ -v ~o Catedytic -Etch-inlg (API-OPOC of an Article by Gartm) and Turl:ovich), by S. S. Roeinrskiy, et al. M JK- 10, mo per, ZZ-hur Piz inlim - Vol XXIX, TLIO 10, 1 -92-3- 1955, 1,921-1, Assoc Tech Rv RJ-393 Sci - C!"Wistry 11 $7.20 .,;50 36, ~ '~d' Mtravlolat Aboorptica Spfttra of Tri"Im DwIvatlVess by A. I. fl"'ght"s, T. 1. &Apwlwwlo b a. RMSUN'. P", zhur fts Mda, mus la nm No Ilip IMP 6,50 Bel ipPhvs om Apr 59 Storic Factoro cl Elomeetary Reveraible rtcasctiono o R and C33 Wicals With tba-Simplost Olofiwr*.t A. D. SteplAbovich., E. i. Stingofs, 20 ppo UJOL RMSIM, Ver Zhur Fit Xhim.. Vol mmo NO 3.1r 1955.. pp 1 14-19 3 Sol Mus Llb 58/1770 Sol - Cbem Nor 59 11 331 VASIL'EV S. S. Fr-3 Kinvtiev (if nicilccule excitation by cluctripiwil-,pi. of, :111d mechanical waves Cill6tique dv Pexcitation des 111OIkUIL'S J)"ll* (4144-S ('](-(!tl'O- magn6tiques et m6caniques I Zhur.-Fiz.-Khim., 29, No. 11, 2018-2030 (1955) IFP-R.33,'5428 - French E u r a t o m Cmcking of n-Octane Over a Si.Uca-Alumim Catalysts by T. 1. Andrienova. MO :Per.. Zhur IFiz E!A"m Vol XXIKO No 11" 19553 pp 20Jt8-2Dn-.- Assoc Tech Ov Tr PJ-570 $9.45 Sci - Chem SeP 57 A"t ijun by L. S. P~latnlh, A- 1. lzadau, T).r). Tq "'wDS'Ll"Illy T)---) &'rlu-r FIZ i-M UsIsIR, VOIL KEY. modanism of the Cata17Uc Pabydratlon of Etbyl Al - eohoL avA DIettqI ZVWI Aid(*ol and Dletbyl p K. Topddm., K. lkm-Pbs 33 pp - 1115r RUBSW, per, MW FU Xhlus, Vol M=p ND U.9 1955,v pp 2076-2080. MA R-3639 Sol I .- "~ 11 " Aug 59 5? 5' / le -3 I=estigation of the Thermal Dissociation of Molybdenm Di sulphide, b7 A. N. Zel I kwn, 0. E. Krein. RUSSIO, per,. - liz piml, Vol =' No 11, 1955, pp 2081-2085. CSIRO .2 0 7., Sol - Chm Aug 62 Surftee Area and Catalytle ActivitV of Platimm Depoelted on SU1(m 0910 by 0. K. Boreskov. WMIUp mo perp Mur Flz DUr Vol MOX., No 3.10 1955) Vp 20~ Assoc Tech Ov KT-514 $8.40 01-50) Sai - Chesd try Wul, q77 Apr 19W CM/dsx Allcylation of Be=eyae With OUflns., np, by. P. pwtamv, Chirkov. zo RTMI"#,,k-zrs 72rar FIZ M21MS V01 XnVp NO 22s 3955.o ,-a 2m-mg. --- 547 6 J/ 0 Tzah mid Cc= T,- 1~ $27-50 Scientific - Chwistry Kinetics and Meebaniom of the Decomposition of HydrocarbMs. Yll Kinetics of the Decarpwition of Gas-Forming k1kamw in the Pi-esence of ADAwas by A. D. StqWkhovlcb Imed HUSSIM"'p,ar, MM. Piz Kbi%t Vol xxxv, 'No 12, 19559 pp 2329-2132, Teeb and Cam Tr $W-50 Selenti-fic - Cbemistry Chlcu)Ati()p Oi the Enerp of 1p 4dration of Cationsj by V. 9~. Akbailm.. Drekiu. a$& Russim's,4per,O M= Fix Dims Vol MlEve 110 32* 1955p vp 2133-2145- Tech and Ccm Tr W/ 4.2. Bowl Chemictry The Ion Smlr-nge at the Glass Mectrodep by N. A. imailow., Vasilev. WMIAN, 'AW, Zhur Fig DU, Vol MV, No 12, 1955, pp 21-45-2151, Tech and Co= Tr 3-1643 $45,00 Scimtific - Chemistry The Tilhsox-j o1 ~Ojor of tbe organic Compouado$ I... by Bo I* stepaaov- RMSIM., w per,, Vanx Fiz MjjmC_!4 MVp go 12s IMp pp Tech and Ccm 11"r $75-00 Scientific - ChmistM PlWeice c . -,. -., , , , . ,1 i ;, -N -I ,, Q,,-~,--bcn 'by Itar-, of 2,2,21ca-e-i-ve tZ., vol mav ro n2 1-55~ Tech and Cc= Tr ~65.oo Sclmtiftic I-,4gica Fhotogalvanic Study of the Passivity of Iron in fttr-,~. Acids by I. V. Rebinarich wAaftVwlcw-. RUGSTAN,, mo per., M= nz Kbj!p Vol XXIV, No 12, 1955; pp 2=-2221. -6- Tea and Com Tr ,?6J., 9"/ $30-00 SclentMc - Obodstry Using C-L4 for Studying the Mchwdam o'&P' tbz Cat-uletic~ Fomatim of lict-Symmetric Ketome,, by V. D. Nefedav t, : camararliwo r'. RUBSIOP m0 wro Zhur Fix mams Vol mc~p No 122 195", pp =6-2243. 3 6-, 4-9 6~ Te&. wd Com Tr $52-50 sclatific - mumista7 Electrochendstry of Melted Oxides (Review), by 0. A. Bain; RUMM, mo per, Zbxw Piz MAUI Vol Wo No lo 1956) pp 3-19. I T110-10i Sol - cbmiauy 3p Z J 71 Aug % M/Dox AUWI&ti(m CKr Bensenee 3=o A33qlation of Benzewo- With DAY104 (MMaL by Kh. P- &Wta=t and --p 8-04 W oOA -L IA- PPS MMM) 20 pw Zbur Piz Mlimp Vol XXX., No 1., 19% pp 20 -M Twh and can Tr 57 Aug The InIbmwe of the Caqposftion mbd this Ccudl ions of the PL-eVMWM of A31W at Malml w4 AImdimvm on the PWpWtLea of the BW~tm ot the Catapt Wo bm Omo by S. A. ftnlYarov, TOMM, 11 - 1-. -- T- w-;y= PP. RMX45,0 mo per., Mw F&z MAm, Val M, No is 1956 pp Tabb and Cam Tr SOL chmistry Aug 56 MB/Dox DcterffrLm~j,oL, (.)-f the InStWUlit-7 Cmstam of Complexeo 'by Colmvbwhric Mee-ouring of the Pt Of the Solution, by X. D. -%atsimirskiy, and co-vorkerm, pp Russlut , mc p=, Zhur PA-z KhJlb, Vol 'UX, No 1y 1956, Dv 28 -33 Tech and Coo= 'br Sci - ChemiEvLxy Aug 56 CTS/Dex To the 'IIID--ory of the Colcw of Organic Compo=ds, 11., by B. X. Stepanov, 16 pp. KV5,MNO mo per., Zl= Fiz Shimj Vol M M, No 1, i,c,56, pp 34-49. --- Tech and Co= Tr Sai - Chemi3try F74 96-*~ AW 56 cm /be% The. Aatmi Distribution of Aamtttutes in Cryutals, Obtidned b7 the Exbraction Vietbod Om 9 rusiom qmd M 00 POMMUty of the Dmlopxmt Of This Method by 1. A. Petrars 5 PP- RUMW# MD PC# 2bW Piz Dim. Vol Xa.. NO 1.- 1956 pp xwk 50-~5- Tech wA Com Tr 1. Scal 74 Aug 56 M/Dex pquiUlrim ce the Uquid-Vapm Sy3tw of Fbena- mffblwl-etbyl-jwtonej by as sh, Jktj, Qd a $A A - fft ZT-T Vast a9PAWV m.0 -yw,, V= Fix Ildm, Vol MM, No 1, 195;6 Toch MA can Tr sai Aug 56 OTS/bak AdSW#iorL of Bydrogen M Platinim-Gold Alloy~ by K. A. Laptm aaA so wookwo 7 IV- RU&MN2 mo per, Zhur Piz M31m, Vol 9 MEX, ljo 1, 1956, pp 61-68. Tech and Comm Tr Scl - chadstri ~p I 7, ';' Yr kua 56 OM/ Denc St%I# Of the COqAeZ PW=ti= CKr tbG Cbromto- grayby by U51mg a Marlmd At=. I. The Tha=eticeLl ge MA IsaW)Mrm of the Ion SzOmp of GOP- t- a&(I Fe t by 3 1 1u, BlOvicb md'"'wvftim 1 7 PP- MwWo pp 69-75. mo-iors 2aw Piz Khim, Val XXX, No 11 1956 Sol - mwd~uy Aus 56 cm/ iNm T*ch and C=m Tr 37fd 9Y /~~ (I i.., -~. -/I q A Kr/ "' stw, y of th-- 41qutlibrimi of LIquid System. Arepn-WItrogen., M by V. RUSSIAN , mo Dee Zhur Piz Kh4m Vol 76-78. pp Sci - CheAtstry aW VarCW in the G. Faatovskiy, Mj NO 1, ITa T"h and Co= T~ Tautomary of Several Derivatives of Heterocyclic Uampowds. 1. Wrwed Spectra &W Stnxture of Oxygen Derivativas of the N-hettwocyclic Garien, by In. N. Sbaln pp. X.1 RIESIAN, m0 per) Dw Piz DIM.. Vol 3= 1�56, PP 79-93 'A Tech and C -no, Tr I Sai - Ch=iutry 57j Aug 56 cm/bw~ Adswption of Liquid Aleohol. and Phenol from Aqwous SolUtions cm Carbon Black, by A. V. Kiselevi 15 PP- RtWIM, mo gar, Zb=.riz n1m, V'ol )=, Na4 1956, 9p 94-~1108. Tech " CMU Tr .2 Sai - Chemistry P,uB 56 CTS/Dez