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Secondary Electron Emission in Thin Layera of Be U., by I. M. Bxm&tein,, T. A. Smorodlmo 4 pp. IMSIO., mo parp Zhur i T&wet ZM Fiz E= Z-44p- Vol =a No 4j, Oct 1955s PP 495-"o Amer Inst of Pbysics Soviet Ebysimp Vol nNO 3 SCI - Physics 7;71 Fc'b 57 = :]3-cctrrn Maluslan in Min *.f,--yc,,--,n Of by L M. Pronahteinj To A. snorodin, 6 pp. RMLU,, mo per, Zhur M2= 1 Teoret nz Vol XMp No 4F Oct 1955# PP 500-50b- & W Amer Imst of Pbyeice Soviet Pbysica$, va nNO 3 Sci - PbpIcs ~4 _q, 7 //7 Z Feb 57 CM Direct Memurewnt of the Total Light of Rapidly Decaying Processes of Luninescence, by H. A. Tolsiol, I& Aq Lltvinemko,, 8 ppe MSIM9 mo pers, Zhur M= i Teox-et Fft, V03. M=., no 42 P-PW-5:L5* Amex L*zt of Pbysics Sovict PbysiC130 Vol JJJNQ oci - FWynico e7 57 CTS Irlae Photoamphic Action Of I(mizIUS P8rticUs- I The Pom of thff Blackemin Cmve for PbotograPhic Film Exposed to Radiations by A. L. &zftrlumkiY 9 PP- RUSSWO mo per., Ow W.M.LAM'Of FITO -- voi xmi No 41 Oct 1955p pp 516-50. Amer Inst of Ph4taics Soviet Pbowicsp 101 11) No 3 -~/- :? 7 Y-r F I, eb 57 CTS Observation of Ileckwoolwtive, Ckametloo An Zlectralyftm.. by 0. A. Ostromm. Vol MMUls bluo pars MW~ ftmW I ftm Bed - BlectromUs Blectrlcsl After-=ecta 1n Rochs2le Saltp by K. N. Mu-men., 3 pp - RWSlMp mo per, Zhtw MIRE i Temt Fizt Vol M=,? No 4j"CU-1955, pp 533. Amer 3bat of PlWalce Soviet PhYsics, Vol Ils No 3 scl - PIVOICIS Ireb 57 C" '4,`/r '7 ~? 7 F ission of Uranium by Mxw ',b "Xesonsp Fast Neutronn and -.-Rays of Energies Up to 250 mevo by 0. E. Belo~itslch, T. A. Rmanwa, L. V. Soukhov, 1. 14. Prank, 16 pp. RMIMt mo per,, Zhw Ekswr Taoistj"., Vol xxlip No 5,, Nov-M5. PP 537-5W. Amer Inst of ftsics Soviet Physicsj Vol 11.9 No 3 sci - PIVOics Jlr 7r..3~ Feb 57 CTS i r. Imion of Heavy Miclei by Slow qrmeaow*: by N a A* Perfilovp go So Ivanm, 6 ppe RMSIAR.. mo per., ZWFJU2et.~ ~eoret Piz Vol )D=.. No ='No 5.. Nov 1955p pp 551--W. Amer Inst of Pbys:Lco Soviet Pbysicss vol n, No sci - pbysica Fel, 57 CWS On the Conmlation Method for tbe D--Ae:mimtlcn of t13~! Aboolate 'I-iold of Rmlear Rwc-ims by V. 1. lollDawkil,j 14. 1. Podg=tekil,, 10 pp. ., mo per3, I Teorat Fiz WMIAN M= gLEM =~& 11*1V Vol IMo No 5,o 10-1-1955P -YP 377-37T-- Amer Imt of Fbyalca Soviet ftsiess Vol II., No 3 sci - pwslas Ifeb 57 M8 Theoru of Strmg Coupling for Renjan ID Ficl4s. IIIp by B. T. Geililmanp 11 pps =SIM, mo per, 2bur &WA" Teoret Piz., Vol XM.. No 5s Nav 1955P PP 572-5t%- Amr, Imt of PhynicD Soviet Mysics, Vol 3:1, No 3 SCJ. - I~Waico ~L-ql 777 -Web Azymptotic Behavior of Electrcmagnatic Vacu=- Polarization iL the Preaence of Mason Interactional by V. B. Bemstetaki"L, 10 pp. RUSS10l mo per$ Zbi Eksper i Teoret Piz, Vol mms NO 5s N'O"-V=955., PP 565-596* Amer Inut Of ftl)iCf3 Soviet Pbysicu., Vol 11, go 3 Feb 57 CTS Z;aatcricc of 4quaixtum StatIonary States of Po:Lnt Naclc= IiUch Litexact With the Meson Field,, by S. I. Mar,, 4 Mi. HMZ=j mo per# Zbur mou.,.L. t iz - 22M ME!- Val XXIKP 'No 5,v 1955P pp 599-604. Amer Inot of Pb3mics sov:Let Pbysica,, vol n., No Sci - Pbyvicla Fab 57 CTS linUamMmtlc PropwtUs of a ?Uwly Strat1fled lbdimo by S. M. Rytw. RMBUI,o bim U49ltA.MRtJftU VOI 10=0 195% W426T. ~ Ann-Im LWt Cd Ph"Ift OTA90 SOL - pwaics '0'l ir ;11 Pock self-consistent Field tor the Boron Atom in the Two-C ti - cm App=MlMtio,,- by V V. ie x. caambc V. Kibart~, A. P. Jutelax 5 pp. msltull~o mo perj, mur ama i Teoret Piz, Vol 3MU... Ro % NOV 1955,p YP 61T-W19 Amr Innt of Pbysica Soviet Physice; Vol IT2 INC, ~7 0 F017 57 GMS )Fock Islelf-Comiatent Field In the Tbree-CaifiGIDWa- tion Approximtion for the Beryllium AtT, by V. V. Kibartas, v. 1. Kavetskjs$ A. P. lutaiss, 5 PP- HMIMJ, =0 per., mu WO-ma-Z :i Tecret PIZ, Vol xxix., no 5$ N-O-V,1955.- pp tQ3-62B. Amr Imat of ftalcis Soviet Pbysics, vca n.. no 3 Scl - Pbysics Fab 57 M Dielectric Loases in Imic Dielectrics in Strong Bleotric Fieldep by L. E. Gurevich., V. N. Gribovp 5 pp. RMSIANs ma per,, MIR Bksper i Teoret Piz Vol xxixp No 5) 1955s PP b29-03b- 9L- Amer Inst of Physics Sodet PhYsices Vol 11, No 3 sel - Rbysics -~t- ff 17 ~~ J/ YEb 57 CFES 11 / Deterai=tion of Longitudiual Relr;L-~.tion Tims for Magnetic Resonance of Atomic Mx"- in an Intewe IfIGh-Fr,equency Magnetic Field., -by 9, D, Gvozdam-, 11. 7 pp. -1 Zh= 1=10 ro parp i Tooret Piz 1 .9 4w Vol Mxt 110 5., Nov 1955., PIP M-bwi. Awr Dst of PkyoIcs so-y,ue,%p rhysicus Vol 11, NO 3 .~4 5 r1-1 ', ~7 57 WS The Qgcation of the PossIbIlIty of Meamu-ing the Temperatum of the Column of a Jet Diklarge Using the 3064 A HydraWl Bonds by M. Z. m=u=.. 6 pp. RUSSUN., mo per., Zhur ROW Uza- vol XX3X, No 5,# NOV 1955P PP 645-b50- Amer Inat of Phplas Soviet PlWsicoj, Vol Ils So 3 Sci - Pbysice ~43 7r~ Feb 57 CM 'No Eaectrode lUgb-Frequency Discharge at Preasures rrcm 100 mm ;IS to Atmospheric, by G. S. SoIntsev., 14. M. nziti+;a, 7 PP. BMIAN.. MO Vert Zbl Teoret _Z1 vol =j. No 5. Nbv 195% PY 65m-65T. 1;' 1 k-, "I -, "/1' - 'k, - / - Amer last of Physics Soviet Pb7slcs, Vol ME, No 3 Bei - Pbyslce Feb 57 M Study of the Structure of the Surface of a Liquid by the Method of ReMetion of Ll&tp by V. A. Kizel.0 10 pp. M=W,, mo per,, 2hur 2= I spe=t Vol =Ii: No 5s, Nov 1955., PP 655-&)B-- Amer Inst of RpIca soviet mysics, vol n., no 3., Bcl - PbWalce 7r7 Feb 57 CM Toupez~at'uzm Lk--pender-~ce of the Cons-AInn's of 110nocric-t-3,10 of Sodilm Chloride and Silver Chlo:.-Ide, by 110 V. Stepemovq 1. NO EMM., U" Pp. EtOSSIAN., L-D per, Zhar Mmger i Tep?Let F Vol Dm e ;-L 1--74 T 5; K71r '.955P PI) G69-675D Amer Inat of Pbysicn Oorlat Physics, Vol 11~ !I,- Absorption Spectnn of Exceso Billver in the Lou Temperature and Bigh Tempemture ModUications of Silver Iodides, by P. H. Kokhanenko, L. V. Grigonik, 3 Pp. IMSIAr.s. = per,. ag QM& nz,. Vol x M 3 No 5P Nov 19559 pp 676-679. Awr Inst of rbycics Soviet rbWz,1cs,, Ira]. =., tic; 7 Yeb 1147 Ufti Investigation of the Structure of Extensive Air Showers at Sea Levels by A. T. Abrosimv: A. A. Bedniakov, V. 1. Zatseping 1u. A. Nechin# :V. I. /Solovleva, 0. B. Khristiansens P. a. making 4 pp. IMSIANs mo perp Z14 i Tleoret FlIzsjVol Xmp No 5: 1955P American Inst of Pbyzies Soviet fteics, Vol II, No 2 Sci - FbVelea 4- Feb 57 CTS Photoelectric Recording of Spectra of 11-tion (Hawn) Scattering of PmdM Haterie-Isp by - S. Babovich,j V. 14. Pivovarovs 3 PP, RUMM's MM no per.. mmr ]j"r I Tepret FIZA Vol=o No 5o K67 1�551 PP 696-697. Amer Inst of Pbysics Soviet Pbysift., Vol Up No 3 sai - riweics j~4 _~r le7 P -.' Feb 57 Cm mesm Corrections in the Theory of Bets Decay., by S. S. aershteint - B- Zca'Davichp 3 PP- Russlas mo pwp Zb= Mm= I Vol XX3X,, Ho 5,, Nov lq55p pp 695-699, Awr Imt of Pbysics Soviet Pbyrdes., Vol II) HO 3 sai - Pkwics 44 51 7~?(a Feb 57 CTS The Role of Spin In the Study of the Wiating Electrons by A, He HatvVevp I p. IWWIANI mo part M=w-g~ I TOOMMEA-ZO-1 XMV NO 50 19550 VP 700j,'M- American Inst of Physics SorJAt Pbysicsj, Vol Up No 2 Sci - Physics ~4 5 Pab 57 CM Diffusion Coefficient of MM Particles in a Mag- netized Interste" Hadiump by A* A, LQgunov,, Ia. F. Terletakiyj 1 p. RUSSIAN,, mo per,, Zhur Mwver i Toorat Fiz! Vol XXIX, No 5, 1955, pp 701, 702. American Inst of ftsics Bovidt Pbraicep Vol Jjp No 2 Bc:L - Physics Feb 57 OTS Z_ A) - iF - "he Comeation Betueen the Distribution ot a "ai- I monochromatic Statiomy Prweas and the Distribution of its Envelope# by S. M. Rftm) 2 pp. RUSSLA1;j mo pers M= gem i Taoret Fft, Vol XMI, KO 5.- Nbv 1955j PP 7OZ--70T.- Pmer Inst, of Physics Soviet Fh~miczj, Vol II,, No3 Sci - Physics Feb 57 CM Determination of the Digleatric Gonstant of Supwacmductors, by No la, Ambelp 2 pp. RMSIAN., mo per,. -pur IxBE!r i T""t Fizo V01 XXIXs 90 51 IMP PP M-TOT- Awricau Mast of Pbysics Soviet Pbysicsp Vol Il,, No 2 Sci - Physics . ,z q, Fab 57 CTS V The Fermi-Yang Hypotbasis) by S. B, Filippov, 2 pp. F=IANj mo par# AN= L Teoret Piz . ----j RME Vol VMP No 5,9 Nov 1955: PP 7W Amer Iwt of ftsice Boviet fteles; vol np Ho 3 Sci - Pbysics /7 4~ 7ff Feb 57 CTS On the Development by 14MS of Ikaders of tlia Process of Breald=4 of Liquidsp (Reply to the Reaarks of G. A. Vordblev)p 2 pp. RMSIWO mo pert V= NEW I T02M MR VO-1 xxIx# NO 5) NOV 19550 -!V- 706-709. Amer Iust a Pbysics Soviat Mysiesp Vol II., No 3 $ctl - Physics ~'- -T 7 ~~ Fcb 57 C-MI Lettera to the EdItor Interactloa & Nualems Through a Pseudon meson Field,, by A. A. Rukhaftep 2 pp, MSIM* mo perip 3W Pur Eksper i Ijaret Fiz.4 Val MMP No 5., Nov 1955, pp 709-711. Amer lust of Physics sadet Pipies, vol no No 3 Sol - Physice ~4 5 /11 ~/ Feb 57 CM 16 337 US-14 VLASOV N. A., et al. Interaction of protons with tritium and the excited state of j1e4 Zhur. Eksptl'. i Teoret. Fiz. , 28, No. 6, 639-650 (1955) RJ. 550. $ 27. 25 - English Euratom on the neory or the Do Ems-Van Alphen Effwt for Paftleles vith an ArbltrwT Dispmlcn Lsvp by 1. M. Lifshitso A. M. Zwevichs 7 p. MOM, per, 2hw lksper Tooretisheakm M, 1955.0 Vol SLA 59-17en sci P*b 60 Vol 2; ED 10 le ~W Propewmtion of a Short Pplaa in a Semiconductor Bounded by Ttxo p-n J=Uans, by Adirovichi S. 1., V. G. Nolotilove. UNCLASSIFIM RU58L'O,. par, ~~ur 11,1wLS ~iTqqtSt' Ms, Vol UP., No 6p 1955, pp 770-777. Sc i Mis Lib 5V4263 sci - phya Sep 58 Photoebadcal Conversion Of C*IW COntaft in fleated Crystals of Potessim Ghlmd&# by A. A. Sbatalov, It pp. RUSSIAN# par@ LbuMa melfti f!= i ESE-Sig g2Mtiqb93kq Igo Vol 290 No 6 (M) 0551 ~ _,V T D6% pp W-wq- P1001?2268-V FTD-NT-24-2-i?-67 Aug w 364M6 Foxmtioa of a -*eaoa Pair in Positron Annihilation, by V. B. Bereat~takd, Lla. Pawwwba, 2 pp. Rusqua.* m0 per,, ml iz mm" 4 %=t Flaw Vol mms no 6,9 Dee m5., p 864. Amer Imt of PtWaica Soviet Mysica.. va n. go 3 Sai - Phyuica 7 O,r Fab 57 CM Green's Function in Scalar Blectrodynamios in tba. Region of SwIl Moment% by A, A. Lcg=vp 3 pp. RUSSIAN, mo per, Zhur MmW i Teomt Fiz Vol m=.. No 6. Awrican Inut of Physics Soviet Pbysics,, voi ap fio 2 Sci - Physics // 'q 1- 53 IFeb 57 CTS j Meatrawmurbic Wav" In a Clas Dlscb&vge Plwm and Spam Bee 3. - ill No ve rw~~# ya. P. Terlataklyp 4 PPO MMUN bim arp Zbw I Tooret nlp Vol so I=s ABC Tr 2751 sci - P*Blm Jbn 57 Iteory of the Aumalouo Skin Effect for Arbitrary Collision Integral, by bL Ya. Azbel; k. A, Knuars 3 pp. HUBSUNp per, Der I Theor Fiz- Val XXIXj, so 6, 19550, pp 876-M. Sci IKUS Llb so 56/2436 Sci - pbysics The Cross Section for CbMW lubaW Of Slow low in a Gas of the SM 21 uts by Yu. M. MWp V. I. perell 4 pp. RMIASI MO Put ZIUW Vim I Toont Fizo Vol Ime 1955., pp 8&400 ABC Tr 2772 /? 6 Sci - phpica Aug 57 /e&~; zyu~ f -~4 ~-, - , I- ~~e --- ,;Z ~ r - 8,- ~') / / " / YZ9, 7 7-1~.I- %- 5-82// General Theory of ROAtivity or a Theory of Onvitation? by )L F. Shirolco-v-s 3 PP. MfNIM., mo per, V= LkWr i Teoret Piz,, Vol xxi, NO 1'. inn 19560 pp lw-1m. Amr, M2st of pbysica Vol mp so x "viet Pbysics, .1 Set - Pbysics APr 57 C" On the Use of Artificial 84tellites of the Earth to Check the General 'Maory of Rclativity, by Y. L. GIi3zIxwS, RUBSIANJ, mo Pei Vol XXXp so IS 1 0 pp .3-M (w Sci - P40icm Aug 1956 The Theory at V- -_ ---tic urects In jbtl-ls,, by I. X. L i JL 'Tao Asbel# IL L Nammucyp 5 PP6 I RUSBUX r~ ZIM r I 2hear Flsm Vol MMp 11W - No I'l 1 0 pp 200-Me Bel Mw 14b so 56/2451 IkI - ft/jwtdf On iwwd h1ectran and Nuclear Spin Oscillations in Pjitiferro=-potics, V. G. ii'uleyev. by 1; * A, Turoy 11 1 IMMNI, per, 4tur User i Toorat 1- 'IZIP Vol XLIX, lo 1,(7), 19561 9251754 AU Al-Trans 202 sci-Elact Feb 66 2961040 luvestigation of the DmIastioully Roflacted Eleatrons Frm SwAice Film of Copper oxide, ty N. B. OOMs n PP. b RV8SUV,Nw per, Zbor - Vol j=g so 2v 19560 pi 160-170, US Dept of commao IM11 Bumv of StaW&Mx Sol - fta0w "voice Doe 56 M The Effect of Diffusion on the Kinetics of Crfstal- lizatiou,, by Z. A. Arlmbtein. MWIM, perp Pur Mwptl I Toorat Piz Vol XXX No 20 1956" pp Aswc ftch Sv7d 44.50 Sci - Physics RX 77r Aug 57 Theory of W Molecular Power AVIffisr., by 9. 11. a pp. Generator and Nolsomlar Basavp A, M. Frokhmvp RUSSUR, bim per, Zhur Eksper i Tecret Pis, Vol Mv No 3, 1956, pp 560-5640 I'! Mrr".'; D. On the -Linearization of Hartreels Equation,, by P. S. Zyrianovs V, X. Sleovskiyo 3 PP. RMIAN, per# _~~Urs"~ i qtalz.. Vol xxx ., --T"xl ~ 1956s. p 592. ABC Tr 2436 sci - pbygics 4Z Jj, // Z Phr 57/03 TIx Theor.7 of Cyclotron Resonauce in Metales by M, Ia. Azbelp Es A. Kantrp 6 pp. RMSIUS, per$ Zbnr Mmper i Mwor Fizv Vol =OF" so 4 * 105WO-0-mMv. -, SO Nhe Lib No 56/2h37 ' Sci - min/metals - , " Z/.:o %* 9 60 * r -j 4mutw Zbeo&7 at Alectr1=1 Cooduct4ou in a A-", MR6MUC VUIA a bW 1. U. LIt 6 pp. R=IM Irro ININRE- I munsor FUULTTol =0 so Sol an "b 56/2450 Discrete 1499 of Doera of Electrwo Reflected From a SmIkwe of Mo%p by N. B. Oonw:Lp 8 pp. RMIMO b1m perp Mar nzo Vol XXXIO No 1# a PP p 0 ~ US Dept ct Ccmem Dr. W&Uwe H. Brodo, Aswo D1r Nstj Bureau ot Standordo Sol - Pbyslos PJ - Mar 1957 CM/dex latevial Conversion Coaificieuts uf (,amwa 'l-Ldiation ill the K and L SliedIS, by L. A. tilvp 1. 0, i)aad. -U~,IIAAA, Li U-sp Trer F 'iz, Vol 31, 1950, ,~~ i34-13b. "q: C I Ic. ~ I 61-15750 Sitenko, A. G. and Stepanov. K. N. SJJR LES VIBRATIONS DU PI,ASKIA ElECTRONIQUE I - Siteao, A - G. DANS UN CHAMP MAGNETIQUE (0 Kolebanlyakh It. Stepatnov, K. N. Elektronnol Plazrny v Niagnitnom Mel (Vibrations of Ill. CEA-tr-Rea5 Electron Plasm in a Magnetic Field) tr. by P. Liquine. TV. Commissariat it I-Energle (1961)(231P. 12 refs. CEA Trans. no. R 805 (text In Atoinique (France) French), Order frotn OTS or SLA $2.60 61-15750 Trans. In French of Zh[urnal I Eksperlimental'noi I I Teorleticheskoi) FIz[1-kIj (USSR) 1195614. X-1-4o~':10. p. 64Y631 i - - - - - - - .- - DESCRIVrORS: *Vibration, sPlaerna physics Inelastic Bmtterlng of 160 mov Pions on Rnalsion Nualeis by B. A. Nikolsldyo L. P. thdrinp S. A. Ali-Zadep 8 pp. MWIP3p mo per,, Zbur Mcouper i Teoret Fiz., Vol =Mp DD li, rauCI~77B~P ~-` Amer lut of Fqe Sov PbWs., JMT Vol V$ NO 1 Sci - Pbp .w SeP 57 /J 7 OsciUations in a Fermi Liquidl by L. D. landmi., 8 pp. IWSSIAN.. w per., A vol =ail No ip 13P - . 57,* pp Amer lbst of Phys ftv Pbp., im Vol V., No 1 sci - phys J-3 ~.rr SeP 57 j MOROZOY, A. I. on.01, pusms by. I! ra&.goetic ATS-RJ91 1. Accelerati 2 T t plz 32 Id. fLe 0, 1957 (7p.) p.305-31 R~ ;t";. -A '00 Negative X-ftsm ProductIm Tbreshold,,. by if. DNWS and Be 6 ppo -.I. RMTAI,o per# Zbur MoMer L Tooret JUj, Val $ lab 1957p PP 398,v 3999 mA it-2368 IC/ T. -7414 Skin Effect in Thin Films and Wireso by B. M. RUSSIAN, pero Zhur Eksper Teoret Piz, Vol XXXII, No 3, 1957) pp 559-565. * Morris D. Friedman for tinco2aLab (Will appear in SL& later) Sci - Physics Sep 57 On the Possibility of Observing the Variation of the Chemical Potential of Electrons of a metal in a Magnetic Field, by M. I. Kaganov, I. M. LifshitB~ K. D. Sinellnik RUSSIAN, mo per$ Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fiz~ Vol XXXII) No 3; 1957, pp 5-607. * Morris D. Friedman for Lincoln Lab (Will appear in BIA later) SeP 57 Theory of Cyclotron Resonance in Metals, by X. Ya. Azbell, E. A. Kaner. RUSSIAN., per, Zhur Eksper Teoret Fiz, Vol XXXII) No 4, 1957, PP7~ ~-91 ,54- "1 Nov 57 mlo ftclear Reacuou, Llb (NT) Be" 8 by T. 1. KoptUishAll, 5 pp. RMIU, per,, Zho Mmoor I Ttoret IU, Vol YYTTTr,, 1957., pp AM Tr 3M scl - P"Ics Jun 58 The Structure ad VApstic Characteristics of Blectrolytic Depoisits of rerrompetie Yistals and Alloys Depending' Up= Conditilme Existing During the Prepwatim of Tba" Deowits. I. Ydckelr by Tut Me PolWarov, 13 Ob RMSIMj, paw Zbwml Fit Wsp Vol. XKUT, No 5j. 195 at PP -=,T~ - " - - - , - CIA/FDD XX-01 I= HURASAW2 TO FOMU= NM=kW Sci - Pbysicaj, Min/met ,SOP, 59 evl~l USIB ImTVJAL Um Ow Polarized Particles Reactions, by M. 1. Shirokov, 2-~ PP. . ;iUSSIAN, rO per, Eksper i.-Teor t,_PJ2., Vol XXXTI, t957, PP 1022-1035. CIA/FDD X-256o 'Y -C Tr 3030 Sci - r".Ys 0,~t 57, 53,758 Cyclotron Resonance in a Plasum, by E. A. Kaner. RUSSIAN Per, Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fiz, Vol XXXIII, No 2 (8~, 1957, PP 544-546. *Morris D. Friedman (will appear later as SLA) 0 On 14igwtWVdr*kmGMloQl -~,W.Iibrt= C*ufigumtjona.. iv V. DI sharignove Y=INI , jv vr,, MIU.- M*t1% 1 'Ibo.-et- Fir., No 33., .195T.o Pp 7104~~-- "c/la, -41-09 Lai - Phy a MV 63 Electrodynamic Acceleration of Plasma Bunches, by L. A. Artsimovich, S. Yu. Luklyanov, Im I. M. Podgornyi, S. A. Chuvatin. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Eksper Teoret Fiz, Vol MIII, No 1 (7), 1957) pp 3-8. MORRIS D. FRIEDMAN for Lincoln Lab (as SIA later) Nov 57 luventigstiona Of the CharUtOristic guargY Loam& Of Electrons and the Sew0dary Electron Rmiso:Lon pz~ou Ge02p by N. B. GorWlij, A. YU. Rsitsakaoo q 8 pp. MtASSIMD MMU-NO per, Zhur Mwper I TeEat rizj_, Vol )=III, No 9, Elep .1957, '77 Dept Qf C;Qmwrcb Patent Ofg1ce SCI Lib (a M) Sci - ptWelos The Phase Diagm of Corlm, by A. I. ldkht0r, Yu. N. Ryabluln, L. F. Ve"shchagin, 7 pp. MSSIAN,, per, Zbur lkqw Toont PUI V01 XXXIII# 195T, pp 610-613-0-- - ABC Tr 3249 ISCI - Pbricil 1,Tm ' 58 (~ 4 !96 U-r / r - Q-., tl2o ltco:-jr of tha Intaraction of "D(aess" Charges in ionic Crystallo, by V. L. Ruetskiyp M. Sh. SSYA jer--~Frvs-or US Vol X=Ip pp 7-30-71"'t, MIT Lincoln Lab mar 58