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A cauparertive ftudy an the Free hdw Acidn Found in Amen lft~ mod S&L*vag by Alleja GrudzinskgL,, 9 PP4 Parr Acto-lad p "12- A M IWA""s- Vol Vnp No 2/3v 1960j, Ipp 23~ SM 3-U-ft ftl - MM Apr 61' on 4-0o On Scrim. Clyconrotoim in. t';lc ""liccal of &)Ccics of t~~'nnalu hu ocminc Dzuly-nslm, Joidu'jua T'll-tol-licz., 8 pp. RUTS!;', per, Acta -iochin. ica AAonica., Vol 17, 'o OT6 62-31051-4 Studies = the ornithine Cycle In tbe'Tissues ftlIx powAft Dwift HibewmUcap by ZOfIz Porembskao J.: NOUQrs 6 pp. POLM., vwj, Aaft Blochinieft P010MIM, Vol IK# Jb 4S jL!jwwe Ms 61k-UM-4 Sol am 63 93308P CbromtogrROAD Separation 01) pl)osphate-O~Ulase of 2ight-sexuative form of corrirwids produced v pmpionle acid bacteria., by B. Zagalak and in lpaj~elkldwum* 6PP. POIJIMIs per$ AeftTiochimica Folon$ga., Vol IXq NO 4s 2962... .OT.S 62-13.052A fti Misr 63 31 )A-T The Iriflumce of Oestradiol Bonzoate and Nicotin- snide on Citrate. tlp;l Au.Famale Ratas by Lo Zela"kiv Z* FOLISIJ# per# AoU Biochimim Pojon~~ Vol IXp )10 OTS 62-23D514s (v Mar 63 The Ifethod of Comblmd Colmo-Pap(m ctavzatograpIv to I~he Determimtion of Aidno Acifts by 8 pp. FM= per$ ActiL Slochimlm Poloidms Val ]Is 42: 0280 %4305u4 VA r 63 Iriolation and Properties of Ijummaja Sor-um Amyle-se. by M=M AIntonim aryszk1eidez, 14 pp. POLISH. perr Acta BlochImica Polonica, Vol IX,, iwo 4, x962. 019 63-11051-4 gel, , ft 43 933A4 cccwz=m of 4-gUttoWl-L-tyroulne and -L- glatanVI-L-pbwWlalmlw In Beads or Lupinus PjWstifoUna and Luplms Albuss by M. Vloulor- ovskij, Hallus Auguty"okowav 22 ]Ap. Pap . Wwo Aaft Blodilmlm Paculass Val Us No 4~0 19M. (M3 AW. 62-UO.U-4 act: pmpm3. M-lect of -NhIelc Acid on the Kidney. I. Oxidation or Krebs Cyae lutarmalates by Various Wssues of Maleate-i&bOxicated Bats# by S. AngielMd.. J. RogLaSkIp 10 3m. POWM Aaft ModkInUm Andaimp Vbl U., ow 6enon.4 ampar-chtlon and Ch=ical -cad -EazymIc Propar-ties of Phmphate Eaters of 1-D-gluco_pyr=O,-,Yl) uracil and -Thyxlmp by Barsbam ZnzdrJmq W. Szer,, 22 pp. Pmms Pws ACtA KOCbUdC& lb1ftICSp Vol Up Ito 40 309. ................ 09.13 62-11051-4 04 $= 63 2:13,M 63-11 4D6-1 ACTA BlQ=,ILjICA POL0111CA, 1963v VOL. 10, NO. 1, 1. PL-480 "FW (63-11106-1) F I --I 2K.1963, 1 v. PL-49011EW(63-11406-1 11. National Science Foun- Order from OTS S 1. 25 63-ij dation, Washington, D. C. DESCRIPTORS. *Biochemistry, *Cytochomistry, $Maleig acid, *Kidneys, Aminc% Glutaric acid, 08romination, 'Photocheint3try, *Ultraviolet spectroscopy, *Pyrtmi- dines, Amino acids. Proteins, MicroBomes. *Nitropn compounds, *Metabolism, Deoxyribonucleic acids, *Nuclelc acids, *Phosphollpids, Brain. Lungs, Liver, Glycolyals, Hydrolases. Periodicals, Snails, Fxcretlon. Contents: , Effect of malele acid on the kidney. 11. Hydrogen donors in the reductive amination of a-keragluterate in rat kidney and liver. by J. Rogulaid andS. Anglelski Bromination of thymine and photochemistry of 5-bromo- 6-hydroxyhydrothymine analogues. by D. Barszcz and others offics of Iftb9tal S"Vkn (Biological Sciences - -Biochemistry, 1-17, v. 9. no. 8) (over) 63-11406-2 AEA ICA~ IPOLONICA, L96:26 VOL. 10, 1. Title: Succinate... a _MQqp_I _1 NO. 2Z. P. 125-2U. %TTv_._X-480 RMV. U. Title: SpEheals... Order f1mi CUS $1.25 63-11406-2 Ill. Titlm Mollnesterase... IV. PL-490 HEW (63-11406-3) DESCRUTORS: *BlochemLstzj~ Blosyndwals, *Mdemic: V. National Science acid, *XMneM #Succinaws, 'Amftws, RaM Arnim Foundation, Washington, acids. Salts, *Hydrobses. Gastrvintestinal Mtem, D. C. *CboIlnqptma6, Punci&% Valericacids. *Trans- hw&wa. RmU'rne4 *PkM Okowy), *PyrlmkHn Ies, h5mabollewto mice, zidwyoi6 Cellawdo"). *VIXUBM WdW~ DW.'SUU~ Nuclwd&s, *Nwlwddes. Bacterfm6'*YORM, Amoles, Glycerdsp Hisdane, Halo- sine phosoatie. *Estem Myl radi- Effect ofnibleic acid cin the kkiney. t1l. SuccinateaB (Bloiogical Sciencbs-_-Blocfientistry, IT, v. 10, no. 2) anke of Tub" SWAM (over) per. theta Dincl -r-1 'k~ I Id.-d a X,, 4a 31, xxis. CZC 63-U-40G-3 I Eel -- Bla .1 Mad Eel : Beefil 1 POLISH, per,, Acta Biochinica Polonica, 1064 (Quarterly), 520 pp- *oTs 64--n4o6/1/2/3/4 PL-480 sci - sept 63 S-583/64 Pharmacology of Bemzilate Esters, by H. Huller, E. schuiz. (Da-lo542) GEMM.. per, Acta Biologica Germanica, No 3, 1963, PP 35T-3T4- *JPRS Sci - B/M may 64 Prqpwtl" and Occunumm of a Ribummisme itadbitor In t1w StVantm BWAIPmtte of Mbd MoW Oorpuioles,, by 0. PAWtv Ok. Sibul 0. Vlomckjo 12 pp. a~& 09M. A& Aaba MAL RM aezm6 voi nx., 1959., a ii9w. " X= 346.0 8a - Jbd mw 61 /50, (odol 2 E=erjmMW Cuminogwissis of 4he TkWroid in the Rat* ~v S. H. Macao GREW* wrt AcU Hiol Ned Germn Val 3s No 6, 195911 pp 50-5$3. HW-JaH 1-2L--68 sellp & K Fab 68 ~ 349$814 Chemaklus, r- -H.. Dose. K and Karl. M. D8MMON OF COR71SONE BREAKDOWN IN RAT LIM HOMOGENATES BY BUMNOUDES AND BUTENOLIDE-DUTRINE COMBINATION& [1962] 6p. Ord*r from AIS $9. 90 A7S-33P60r, Iyans. of Act& Biol[ogicaj at Medfical Gerfroanical (West Germany) 1%0, v. A. p. 216-221. DESCRIVrORS. *Adrenal cortical euract. $Corti- costerolds. InhLbItim DeemPosition, Uver, 60ms. 62-17315 1. 71fle. Butenalldes 1. ChemnItius, K. -H. 11. Dose. M Ill. Karl. IwL TV. ATS-33P600 V. Associated Technical Services. Inc.. East Orange, N. (BiolagLcal Sciences--Pharmamlogy, Tr. v. 8, no. ()) 1 016" of Udwical Sw%ic*s bTUINDato an the COU-Pimn Tnalftrob.Uity of ModcaELy Ma&u:ed Mouao Loubmd&sp by A. ftsM, we wilawasto pp. Vol vp so pp EM 443Z1 "Tul The &dt4ibiUtw of Fluorocattm for the Cancentmuon of Mouse Vplald Le*mmla Vlrml by A. Graffl., W. Mdsd**,t 4 :Vpo GK%Wm veri, Act& B:L*Uwtaa ot ftdies 9!3~ eal V91 Va, No Sn 4-3&& Eml . mod ja &, /,FT, 3Y6 v Oxidative Ebmpborylation and HooLration in Mito- abondrljvk F~ No=ol ftt LIver 21sow and Tissue Dmwjp& with Cordnoams ad :Uvor Caminomn, by A. QrsM.. A. G. O"mp 4 pp. GMU.. per., Act&Bfelsgg* st'j"d-lost Dozomwes. Vol V~ No 3., 9p 307-310. mu 4,.3k-61 Odd - b" Ju 61L, /!rc, 3 I/Y Effeft or Varlous Additims LV=. ftwpiration aniL OddatAve Fhmrpbm3atl on 1n Ifttochondria From N.Dnml and Moliguant Tiasm, by A. GrWft, A. *weld, 4 pp. : GEM,, per.,AWIt B I" *=MAIM .AR)gAVA.at vol v. so 3., 1W.. pp 31-1-323. xm 4.49-61 Bel - Mad J~a 61 35-0, Oceux-Lence of the Weloid Leukania Viims of the tlil juse In Vartaas Orgems and at Vari-ow Uxes FoUoving rbificlal Infectionj, by W. Z!riocbb-:j, A. Graffix 4 pp. LUMi per., Acta Bialqdoa at Wedlas 9q!nqpkce~,, )o'L V, fib 4, ~pj~-419. NN 5-9-ft al - lbd Studi*s an the Natural InfectIcRumes of Virus-Camed Nbuft IovI*IA Taxim' a,, by V. KrisoMm,, A. Graffi, 6 pp. asHm.? pwr wo- -1161asi at MUM Oarmazdcaj, Vol Vi No 4p x IV tw. NO 4,41-& 8c1 - Ned Jul 61. (DC-5795) Phu-macology of Staftlococem Toxin (Wood I by B. fteewsbassemq 16 pp. J~SX 46) 'P GSRMWj, pW Acla et Medics Gftmanica, Joe act - wd ja 61 Rapid Kidney Damage. in Rats Arter Oral Administration of Monobasic and Dibasic Sodium Phosphate. GMOM per.. Acta Biol Ned Go=,, Vol V:E, 39a., P PP 164-177. Ponsibly to Cam P'r'M Contacts per 10 Dee 62 mmo USIB INTMIAL USE ONLY Sel Med, Dee 62 Phwemacolagical Studiea on of 1.3-Diorcoland, With Speclal Regard -W Their Action on -the Central Tk-rvoue System, 1. by F. Nelson, 22 pp. Grl~-Iq,, per,, AciLa BjojgEjjcLq.& Mdica Germanica, Vol VI, No 6, w61, pp 395-hO5- Set tbd Dec, 61 Plivult: -.411 1:311 141.11 'migggg -1 ~' q-" nil FTWWVV TSE USE OF ELECTROMYOGRAPHY IN PHARMA- COLOGIC INVESTIGATION, BY K. H. SONTAG, V. GRAF, F. VELE, 12 PP. GERMAN, PER, ACIA BIOLOGICA ET MEDLQA- GERMA141CA VOL VII, NO 20 1961, PP 139P44. JPRS 1218g SCI MED FEB 62 18o,662 HERE"[ WON or WWI By IL H. 'Vito rev Blood Pictmm and Bow jurrow in E P027CYthemia of Rates bV 9, Oogrtselo GERHWS p"t A-C-U. B101 vo3. Iswil, iv HW VM NOW 36SA3 loo3atlonp Prapftvtles and IAA*emogmic Aotlm Rholida AOM ftm ftrusoloduced WYelcdd by 1. UGIUo A. Gram, i ? 0=900 pwv Act Mo3cmdom oft Haftes Gonmlca,, To& Xp so i-e, 3.S*3, pp 63-78. T-4-63 -ft 63 ----------------- "Min Ad ';and byJ GE] G i:Sci Clun A Series. or New Benzilic e 'Ajift~dc Activity bar Effects C at Nervous System, r# R~'Schulz, et al~ III pp. Alp ~a Wdlo9lckM~dtM -374. 71W31j, 1769, lp 357 &A Preparation of C14-Labeled Succinonesial- dehydes by I. Witt. GZRKI,Ns par# acts. Biglogice, at ]Jodigg Ggruaniggs Vol 11, 1963p pp 712-719 NTC 72-11312-o6A June 72 AmIno Acids of the Blood at Acute Rudiati,,)r, Tlines7,; by M. Podilchak.. RUSSIANT per, Acta BiologLca et Medica, Germanica , vol. 12 no. 1, 1964, pp. 137-146. Nw 7o-16978-o6R .Amiria Armida of the Blood at Acute RaAaatioa Illness, by m, Padillchak, 1. 1"pawakov Ot al. 15 pp. moo, par, 4M DA21 Co. et ~bdica Go -ica, Vol Me NO 10 10-4s, pp 15IM-146o 9697621 ,A) TC,: '7() -4,7 Sci-phys 'Aug 2UvS37 Mie Effect of Ethylene Glycol Poisoning on the Submicroscopic Picture of Rat Kidneys, by H. David. GUrOW. pers, Acta Biol Mod, Vol 12, 1964, pp 203-218. NIS11316 Sci/64M May 69 377,435 cLawal Discharge Patterm; of Fastest ~'Iectxvbiolojical Activitiles and 11.1pulse- shopod Signals in NOOCOrt*K, Allocortax mid Subcortex, by R. Baumann, ot al. Gr.fMi,, ppt, Acta Biol. ANDd, Gormn, Vol 123, So 3.. L964s. pp 394-420., U111-42-4-64 scipw 2883~757 2D Sept Avxv#ft 0t Cbcp=mtlm of Mxtzww2'tu3 RM et al W XWU (MWn= 12t 542-51j, 19a (3.Opp Gamom Ift, ont ftw vast Ty#e: Me OMNM T"ftweoff. jkwomb am be cut f4w postoov. $Me amw T-MT-ol awt wiW] attaebad. the A"jjL- lauvilv in Nice PbLIOWIM of a* to the Skin by F. RoffM=- "I dw# AM* 2101 MW4 Va j2p No 5# 29&p . 0 T3 4 39 MatlAmme of Mmourxest Nolm ana Low-7r*qmno3r nunma an XLm4 CovoAtIont cort"n Oro=# ty Be ftsklMlosv J* StIMDMk* Iwo Am&.& amled" It HIM" o VbL IL3s 29"s W 331-3350 On the Antitremorin Activity of Quaternary Phenothiazine Derivatives, by R. Novak, at al, GERMAN, per, Acta Biol Med German, Vol 13, 1964, pp 358-368. NIH 3-60-65 (Loan) Sci-Biol 4 med Sci May 65 On the Pei-lodicity of Latent PeriWs of the "LmmUnodshoble" Conditional Fugitive Roflo:t and the AttmWt of a Cybemetic Inter- proi*tIon., by Dro K. Hechl. and N. Peschel., porp Act& Nllg&JAa at MecUca Ger- Gm" no 4.. Vol 13, 1"~, rV 504-5 plar 6~ 2T 6.,M Researob on Obemilcal sad Energy Metabolism In the Course of the Development of Insecto. V. On the Tiespiration of the Silkworm " the Calorie Effect Of Growthp by K. DL&ywzevIejq,, 47 ipp. 1*0 PCLISH, Ver,, Vol XIO 1937s IV NIB Tr 8-W ..~ / x So i - Biology ; /a ? Avg 5 7 S,4fi .30.4~ ~~ ZY'zLILUDS o1i the tiler.20sonsitivity OE ttaxjr and, nor.-al coils in vitro, by B. Bender, et al GLR',D~N, liar, Am Siol '.IerJ Gernmi, Vol 17, 1966, No 4, pp S27-543 HDI 11111 6-6-67 Bio Med, July 67 332,985 M. Wieviorowski Investigation of Lupin Proteins. Part III, A Con- tribution to the Study of Fmtein Synthesis in Lupin Seeds. POLISH,, per, Act& Biochinica Polonic Vol 6, No 2, 1959p pp 143-163 CSIRO-Trans-10719 MM 72-13460-06A Oct 72 Vogetation Ecoloa of &=-- Ande= Cavan In Venezials., by V. V=o4al, . SPAHMM, V-sr, Acta Biolo#ca Vemzuelica, Vol IX, No 23#'VO# VP CBIRO ~2%) Sol - Blol ja 62 a e -7t The Resistance of Evergreen Leaf Woods Against the Damaging Influence of Solid Smoke Emissions, by G. Steinhubel, HUMARIAN, per, Acta. Botanica ~Academiae Scientiarum Hunizarlcai), Vol 9. No 3/4s 1963s pp 433-445 NTC-71-1060~-06T Nov 71 Effect Of Maleic Hydrazine On the Auxin Content Of Jerusalem Artichoke Tissues Cultivated In the Presence Of Various Growth Regulating Substances by Z. 941escha. SWRD, per Acts, Botamica, Neerlandica, Vol IV, 55, pp CSIRO oat. 6p 203A of the ~ - I - mr fts 0065" fttpAto lby =jp No is InterwntTicular Commmication sad Pulzonary Arterial Hypertension., by R. Deaolin., J. Loquim., N. Salonikidesv Pr. fteymmop 7 pp. 1 Im Is Pero A&A Cwdlol Vol VIII~ 1953s pp 541-545. mm Scientific - Medicine CTSAU 3, 8'o /I InfLuence of the VegaUtive Nervous System on Ex"MMIM&I Pu1wpW-Artft-IIOL 74pertension., by T. Ferri, V. RcAati,, 23 P. per, Acft Car!d4iqj-OAiqa 1957, Vol, XIIji!NO 3$7--*126�-~-206a elo im SIA 59-15973 Sol. D" 59 A/ ;2 &Vr Vol 2, vo 6 Mifluenae or swoulm worir. on tlmk circulatun and JkWJx*tJLaa In DWf by 1. - LmummjvJ. if. Xmudmrft-s 22 12mmm 1---acap 703L Xms No 2j, inm 4-19-ft ftl jb6xebw am 93.3 Caxdiopathy from Non-PenStrating Thoracic Trauma, by Fr. Tursi, FPSIGi, per, Acta Cardiol., Vol XIV, 1959, pp 516-$23. Dept of Navy Tr No S235/NMS Tr No 1181 sci-lsv~~ mat 67 2300287 IftopatIde StNOMD of the OaMW Tract of ths Left VenlMi4es by P. SnUes 11. Jaya ot &I. Val XTUS, so 40 196gip jw::335m378* MU 64IS"3 84 - =a/sm awt AVS 63 J.'els, -f'J,9 7T-64-14605 Saderbod4 EM. RUDIRS OF PERP"OCYANIC ACID. IM THE 1. Soderback. IL REARMNGEMERr OF PERSULPOCYANIC ACID.' H, Title RearrangemenL.. 11m) OP ?Jvb Order f r, - SLA $1. LO Tr-64-t4605 Trons. of AM Chotaics ScandtvAvlca O)ema*) 1947. V. 1, P, SM-SSL (Cb~mdstry-bwVmAc, Tr. v. 11, am 1:0 1 Offfm of T~hnl"l 0-1- The Pate of Oxidation of Rickel in the Pa.-esence of Sma3l Quantities of Chromium ana Mw~pnese, Contribution -to -the Mmory of the Suface Oxidation Process, by C. Vaper, & 31. Zimenzy GEEWM, per., Act& Chi= ScazA. Vol 1, 1947, PP 547-565. ATS 504-W Sci - Man Aug 6o --------- -- - soni I N-Substituted Dimethyl-Edamino-Silanes amnd elated Compoundsby Erik Larrson. Bell SmIth, 7 GE=' Acm,Cbemica Scandinavica, Vol M, 19 7. . . . ..'9692084 40" ~vp I D R ~'139 Do sic- sci, Chem A~r 253,3R14 juvZotigmtolo'na ut Synthetic Paroxidasem,, by H%o UP Aulms C. Nwhlys, 16 pp. Acft DAIIISH9 pars, Vol ILV I No 3j, 1950., .434. MA 59-15177 sci Doe 59 Vol 2. No Smith L. THE MODE OF FORMATION OF CliLA)ROHYDRINS. IX. SOME ADDITION EXPERDAENTS %%TrH EPICHLDROHYDRIN AND GLYCLROL GLYCIDF. 9p. Order from ATS $12.25 ATS-26R76G TrWW. of ACM Cbem[ical Scandituavics) (Denmark) 1950. T. 4. p. 13 5-1M5. TT-64-222484 1. Smith. L. U. Title: Some Ill. ATS-26R76G TV. Associated Technical Services, Inc.. East Orange, N. J. (Cbermlstry-Organic, IT. v. 12. no. 5) Self-Diffusion in PbSi, by R. Lindner. GEHMAN,, per, Acta Chem Scandinavicat No 5, 1951, pp 735-750. *NTIS TT 72-5~160 Aug 72 The Diffusion of Faftoactive Zinc Into Zinc-lma- E3piwI and Into Zinc Oxl4e, loy R. Lindner. DWSH, per, Act& Chadca Scomdlmvlc&il - I- Vol VT.. 195 . . con* sal. - Chas / S- 7,, J" 2- 0 ian 61 Reaction of QuinOUC Monochlorimide with Lignin. Part 1. Specificity of Reaction to p-hydroxybenzyl Alchol Groups and De- termiination of the Latter in Various Lignin Preparations, by J. Glerer. SWEDiSH, per, Acta Chemica Scandinavica, Vol 8, No 9, 193W, jp 1319-1331. NTC 69-12451-07C Scu-Chem Agu. 69 389,364 sqpwatica of As 1-MUUrxUke by-ftpw ChrvmtcSnVbV,p by R. velcbmtv 3 Aeft sip 195%. -VP mt- NX 2w no 3-0 The Rffww%ibLUtV of the ReactiMi BetUVM Caxb*r4grl CapowAs ana FornsUdgdo. SynMOSU and DopwU~Um of Beta-CutmWl Alod2o2z* TrOAV4 and CrAA*-F==%2d*W49 ROWWAM* 1,17), $1 02"Mo GOMM= , wz ow mwm,o por'lo Am coldca somagavicas Vol 1955, pp 955-962- rASA. TT F4U9713 sai Do@ 68 371#3-16 Contribution to Our Lhowledge ol the Con- figuration smd Conformation of Anomaric Aldoses and Their Glycosides,, by J. DIm. DANISHj, per, Act& Vol XVS P614, pp 1667-167s, NRC/Refs. C-4003 sci-chem Hsy43 parlodma oxwttm of Pbmas. Vill. 018 st an tbib Nodbalm of the OwUlAfte OpUtting of by Be AdIMS 1. IMMUS. Maws V~- Aeft MomMa 4 p Jb 16s 9-13-69 A Modern Methods of Computing and Requirements for Shear Interferometric Precision Determinatilons of Diffusion Cbefflci6tii~~ by Olof BryngdaW. Stig Ljunggren. GMIAN., fer, Acta Chemica. Scandinavica., Vol XVI, 1962, pp:2;62-2176. Dept of Interior AC5 B57 No 63 -Cci~ Kcheiia Mar 64 251,192 --------- . ... . ........ ,The Conformation and Configuration of Anomers of Crystalline Hemoses and Haptosesp by J, Blom. DANISH,, per, No 1, 1%30 CSIRO Me 6431. sci A* Ch" Bee 63 The Synthesis of Trichormethylarylsulfides From Trichlormethanesulfenylehloride and Reactive Aromaticsy by A. Senning. SCANDINANIAN, per, Lata Chemica Sdandinavical Vol 17, No 91 1963, pp 2570-2571. NTC 72-11121-07C May 72 (FW 2B?W) Aeld " a ftse In the Colorlafftric on ot Argot AlkmlolAs.. by Pal Tli=vnj, 402M WwCdt* Istvan Bwrt 1~ pp. aw4mvic pwa (%4*da- IMM der MITIg Act& dw IMM -11, no 1p F 52P pp 15 CWFW U-9097 *"say Tr-M-16726 Eidey. L. and bcziidy. 1. DATA TO THE KDWnCS OF THE DECOWOSrMN 1. Exiley. L. OF HYDROGEN PEROAME IN ALXALINE MEDIJK it. bm%G#. 1. 1271p (7 fhp 3 ubles 21 rats some formulae amitteU Ordw fmm S" $Z 60 Tr-U-16726 TIONA. at AcULVWmj;w#hu*&ry) 19W. v. 7. no. I /Z P. WILS. (Chmniffitry-PhysimL Tr. v. 12. am 4) Office of Technical Samices App:Llcation of FrocIpluate Jibccbaj26,e ReaCtions in AU41ytioal Chemistry II Deterainaiaou of Chloride lon by TASSIO Rrde ' Eva:Bumyaip 17 Vl?- RbVMUN, per,, Acts. ChImi -I_Vol VXIIj# 1955,9 PP 295408. SIA 59-1052 SCL -.Chem Sep 59 vo Application of Precipitutim UcharVt Reaction in Ana3,ytical Cbumisu" 1j, by Rva B89m4j, Lazzlo Erdey, 13 PP - . . . . MJWAUWO YWO -455p PP A-394- MA W-3.0656 ~ Sci - Obam SOP 59 V.01.2, A) a I f 7 ."? +,~& Application of Precipitate Exatangs Reewticnti iii kurilytical Chemistryg M. Determination of Sulfate Land Sulfide, by Lss7ao and Banymi Erdey, Eva. I'G pp. MMMUM,, Per, Act& Chimicag 1955, Vol VnI, pp 409 SLA 59-10653 Box Clot 59 Vo12, No 3 7j New Mathematical SoLution of the k1dition Method in Spectral Analysis, V7 S. Coet-1. MMAMX.o perp Acto CUm Acad Scient RuDgp Vol X, 1956.. PP 307-3if.-- ZIL N. 4892 Sci - Cbm I 1 0 1/1 /S.2- Aug 62 Determization of Owl"' Amounts of Calcium by Moans 6f lodw Wilia SOVOtherg by L. IRW JWkovitsp 13 PP mwaxm* poro A*t& ChWeas, Vol X* 19560 pp MA 59 -10655 Bel - Chem 63-16376 VWm, IL EXAMINATtON OF 7M ROLE OF PSCrDl AND 1. Vukovl IL DEXTRAN IN IHE FIL-ItATION OF %)GAR FACTORY AMES. [196311191P. Crder frm StA $L 60 63-16376 Tram. of [Acta ftlca_*hmWu-y) 1957. v. M p. DHSCRWORS. sractins. ODOMMA. *Cubdq&otu. -Uqddnlmn, Ljqdds, Vlaxafty, AdsmVdm Mier]] abuftyf*uxdd solutlaus with a given pro- cipitum and Ukwclatk umder cmtmt candkkm %=ts ddckness.a caum= belde alr pmaurs I smu. , lWo r-) ym manib" It yms Mmm do& dissolved pectin substences unuence r-kration rate alwdy (by Increasing do Viscosity of dm a- mteramily. however, decremes considerably Wbon PeCtIP substaKm are lWasent to do-precipitate. DextranareducaftUnk- so= d Tack" I&Vk= CFmd, IT. v. 10, mo. 8) (CM11 Studies on Atom Absorption Using Sodium, by E. Pungor., I. K. lhege. OM4A'N.,: per,, Acta Chimica, Vol XXV1171, 1961, Pp 133-139- IMM NZDIA- Scl. Dea 62 Blectiron Bond in Solid CatOluts aDd Its Relationshii to Catalytic Px~opertiesa by 0. Putimcker., 41 pp. M)NURIO XVj, ND. lo 1958# pr 173*799. MA 59-10747 Sai -~Cbmm ftp " Vol 9* So 2 14e5ale '0 JANKOVITS L., ERDEY L. Dosage of calcium in the presence of eriochrome B red as indicator Le dosage de calcium en pr6sence de rouge driochrome B comme indicateur Acta Chim. Acad. Se. Hungar., 15, No. 2, 163-174 (1958) CEA-A 618 - French E u r a t o m Results of Research on the Technical Chemis- try of Furan Compounds in Hungary., by G. Fodor., L. Beregi. BUIVARIO., per2 Acta, Chinical, Vol 15, No 3., 1958., PP j!5-323- sLA TT-66-lo286 Bel-Chem Aug 66 308,785 ftolz 214 .` ~ WWP lki Aug. 67 - ; 1 .i.. I z 61-20844 Noworny, H., Kieffer, R. and others. HIGH-MRI-TING CARBIDES, SILICIDES AND I- Nowotny. H. BORIDES (Hochachmelzende Karbide. Silizide und I,. Kieffer, R. Borlde). [19011122)p. (foreign text Included) 16 refs- Order from SLA $2.60 61-20844 Trans. of Acta Chimfical ungary) 1959, v. 18, p. 35-4-c DESC'IIPTD",S: *Carbides, OSilicides. *Borides. Heat tolerance. Multing, Crystallization, Crystal structure, Transition elements. The present paper deals with the crystal chemlstry of high welting carbides, siliddes and borides. UC and mixtures of LIC together with TiC, 'trC. VC. NbC, TaC, CrV2, IM02C, WC and TbC were prepared by the method of',hot-pressing. It was found that LfCform a aerie of mixed crystals, respectively, with ZrC. (Physic:--Solid State. tTT. v. 7. no. 5) (over). 7~61C.l S.M- Determinattm -of Us CoUlma Ocatent In Urlas by p %W.Re 10006 T. bWkolp VQM V"Vzl No IAF Sol - ~ Chm mhw 60 Wfleet of Trace of Moll Cblnxlde Carried oat by A., Czernotzky. perp Aeft CU=lm.. Pp 16T-lTJL. fte-69-16996-op 644-cbm Mb .70 an the EleatrolyslA i*v meramy catbodw., Vol 18, :L959j, 403o028 Y*s to iligh-Toxic orpnic PhoWioric Acid Esters, A n9 H. P. FrA=' 9 F'po by X r* M ChlMirAp V01 XXVI, NO 1-4, 1961, GER pp 45ftV JPRS 22943 247,458 62-20192 Vecera, Nt CAT.A-LY11C RAPID COMBUMON IN ORGANIC 1. Vcccra, AL E. LET MENTAL ANALYSIS. 21 June 62 191p. 16 reft;. Order from SLA $1. 10 62-20192 Trans. of Arta ChImlical (Hungary) 1961, v. 26, P. 511-51K- DESCRUIT)DRS: "Organiccompounds, *Combustion, Catalysts, Chemicid analysis. 711C exis4tence of vapor surges itith an oxygen deficiency is characteristic of rapid combustion in organic elemental analysis. Ina catalyst suitable for continuous operation, reducticin and oxidation at the surface must be reversible- A detailed study of various types of catalysts showed that C0304 was the best of the sub- stances tested for rapid combustion. The flash com- (Cheinistry--Analytical, '17, v. 9. no. 9) Offke of TnbsicM Sv*n 62-16296 SM=R0rfKYrCWWRIC WJLTICOMIPONERr 1. Zsupan. 1Z. ANALYSIS AND ITS AWLICATION IN THS PRO- MICTION OF OXY71ECTRACYCUNB OpUnphoto- nutrische ------ naly" =d thre p Anwoodms In der wts w0yulloormousmi). [19621 9 refs 1171 -1 . p. Order fmm SLA $1.60 62-16296 To, TT"s, of Acm Cmrnfical (Hwwry) 1961. Y. X1 [so. 1/41 p. 451-01~ DMRVTORS- Dmv, *Autibiaticas *Torg*mydao prodimuoo"FaMM&UM. nikroviolot spKauscopy. IT" The ukroyl lot G" be iII ; amil th m la e e y "o " % = the ald d fto iotbod, rlt M", PJno w d" Tr' T, 9) T.,61.1 $"VIC., Now Information on the Rapid Analysis of Ores, Mineral and Silicates, by J. Sajo. HUNGARIXIL, per, Acta. Chisiea., Vol 28, 1961, pp 259-269-0 NTC 69-10980-078 Sci-Chem May 69 3821514 oriler froul NTC ACIA CHIMICA ACAVE141AE SCIFhl'JANUM H4NIJAMICAL l9b9 VLd P35-44 Ice)' l9b3 V3b IrAft V40 Ps?"38b 10-21241 silver oxides, by- T. palaRyi, IQ Nartly-Subo. Al-t-411.11 tOWo 1mrjo Acta Chipap Armad, Sci Hung, Vol XX"K* No. 1, 1962, lip 1-9q IMSA IT-F-OM Wov 6~ U. &,'. Gawrament Use Only 292,855