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New Typei~ of Vattmeters for Me"uring of Power in Wave Guiclea., by V,;G. Parwakavap 29 pp* RUSSIAN,,lb1mD~parp Haa ika,,'Vol 1xi, go 5., MoBcovi Sep-Oat 1954- v U527- "09mi-a ji~l 37.~7/17 ATIC F.JM--55021'V Sciantuifi(~ - Mectranics Vol 5 e5 An k5~eerina Method of Calcula-ting Relay *th Oatlwde Coupling, 17 pp. RWSLWj, b:bw per. ReAlotekkmik P Vol IX: No 5s mecov.1 SepOct 1%) ATM.-- F-M-v-5O2/V Scientific - Z3.a&.rmIcu T'v' hT Vlamritora for suppresaiAg Raa.~o Recc-,ition i-ades, by D. M. Kazarnavaklo L. A. Fc=x-~wj 13 PP. STAN 10 bip .per,,, Radj Vol IX., No 5,, 11409caw, ~ 63L52 -oct y ATIC F-VS-8502/V Electronics v ~~.Ivn Vol .1-Al-, IT 1 ------ F--TS-c~50,21V AU-Vl~ion Bcienti'Ma Session Devoted to RaAlaPil Pa RUSSIAN ikes, VC)l TX; TIO 5s, ,r bim ~er., Radiotekhn Sep-Oct 1034. V 615a-- J6, 3 71 ATIC 8cierrbifie, - 'Blectroni-cB .)r.11 of the S.ections, Se~ctjon of Hadio ReceivinG Dvvicer~2 6 Vp. ETT7,9144"r. bim pe Radiatekhnika,, Vol IX., No 5., mosco'wo w--Od; ISO- V Se- ATIC F-TS-8502/V :,zr,ien:d,T!c - Vwectranics eork of tIv, 84octions. TelevIalon ;Section., 5 pP. --I I la, bima per,, Radlot!LkWke Ifol IXp No 5j 1400covi 1.954.1 v 63.52 mu, r-Ts-8502/v laectronicl) Work or the;Sectione. Section of Radio Broadcasting., 6 pp. ' RUSSTAllp blino per,,J~,Odl~~~, V01 IX., No 5., Moscow Sep-OA 19,54. v 6 . ATIC F-TS-8502/V Scienttfic: - Electronics Work of tbe.Sections. Section of Electroacaustics., 3 PP- RUSSIOp bimo per, r v Vol Ix., AQ 5) moacow) sap-Ct~ 1954,. V G152 T6, 3 ;7 -- ATIC F-TS-8502/V Scierrtiific - Electronics Work of the Sections. Section of Llne Commiumicatiom, PP. RUSSIAN., bimo par. Vol 1X# No 5) Moscow, Sep-Oat 1�54. IV U52 3,/od F 76 cm, r, -TS-8502/V Ocientific - Electronics . !, I I, of t~P. Sections - Bection of Tecbnology., 2 pp. s 1~~o paxp ~~LcUoek Lka,* Via IX,, No 5., I-R)accu., 1~54. 7 6152 , _ _4uJ 3 v*',, T 7 7 ,V,lc I?-TS-85c*/V - Electronics I I i of thal Sev~lona. Section of Ra(Uo Yp-asurem-rits, 0 BIANp b*o -yor,0 RaO.,t Akas Vol 37-.- No 5., . . QtoWw -Oct 195,4. V, 615k- 96, F 7r ATIC F-TS-850214 c . 2.1t9otronics of th(i, Sec*Uom. Section of Interfor,--mce I zcjz-ii 2 'pP -~ AN$ Minn per Radi Vol IX.# NO % Ct 1954. v 93.V- Letl.P~Wj '.5 7~ 36 ATIC F.-TS-8502/%" - Elmatronice =ndl A114Uaim Camntion of the A, S. Popov don Soclety for Radio-Ragineering and Telecom- 1 1, ,t Onig 7 ~OP - N., b~w per., AK Radiotekbn4ka,, Vol IX,- No 5., se,~_Oct 1954. _V" 600 ATI() F-TS-8502/IT IMectronice .56" 59,~2 ~ !~ I i! atest f6r Bealv- Proposa2s Pertainiag to Cormrmicationo, pp's SIAN, 14imo par., RadAw4ekboUrAL, Vol LX; No 5~ i caw., selo-Oct, 3.954. V 6352 36,, Al-" ATIC F-TS-8502/V Scientific - Ellectranics New B0646;, 3 PP. RUSSIAW,.; btma per,$ Hadiatekhnika.. Vol. TX,, No .5,~ xosemj, Sep-Oct 1954- .... - ATIC F-TS-8502/v A ~4e)l , Scientific - Blectr(micis I.q4a~:Io-EdGiaeer~uw Method for Observing Winds in the I aoophaare.Q~~by V, A. Baranulkov, 5 PP- 3=1., bino per kea!d2liotekhalka, Vol IXj, 170 5.9 Moacowp -Oct 190. v,&52 st/o JwXC F-TS-8502/11 c .. Blootronice can JournallSuppresses Mention of a Soviet Inven- by D. i4. X".arnovcki.. 2 pp. UN., bim pet Radiortalthnike, Vol IX., No 5,, yloacavj~ Oct 190. Y 9139* -, - 3~*, 3 ~ ? ATIC F-W-8502/V - Blectromics k I I l~ --- I,\\ . I I ~ i. zilitinkevich on the Sixtieth Anniversary ol* is B ka I V(a SIA, b4~uo perv Radl IXJ No 5., -Oct 1954. v SV/" 3,74) ATIC F-TS-8502P Mectronics Tabl,,~e of 1:Contents UNCE"ISS-1 HiIE7) RUSS~JAN, per, Radioteknika, No 1054- Navy Tr 111 ,2/0T1-11 T' s:ol:y M. by .C 1:7 Sc-.k Apr;; Investigation of t.b-- Fluatuatiozi Level: ar Electron Tubes at Radio Frequtncies;. by V., 1. Tikhonov And B. B. Klymhnikov,, 1~ pp, (AF 6-53358-pe No 6., 195h.. RMW,, per, ~MAqp*4ul. OP 24-31- Scl S. Faectrouics Apr 56 av Conci-niptn,~,,; .1tic i In Wltb tm!!Ajt;'j jt-(Jjj-Ljt1cxil~itv in an I by N. PIC IP Gir-, ."aac StabilitN of ReceDtion., by L. 1. !8 pp RTYC F-WO547 c'L'I-, o n I c Sci - Apr 56 Copoerniug the Possibility of Hqducing the Exulat 4 Interfamuce Miniza in the Ultm Sh.O:~t WaVe Range as a Result ve Ant-unan Dirictivitar, by A. L K8111%, 13 Pr, (AF 653~58). HMSIM per; ftdiotekhnika. 'No 6, 195ht Pp lipo ATTC F-Ts-"Wy Sci - Electronics AVw 1 56 The Pexfomance of a Diode VdItmter Unaer the Rff~ct of Normea Processesp bry A, Go Frantsuzz., 2T6, TJw3zssIXW. RUSSW,V--, WIotekbnIkup Ho6, 15r;~kt, pp 55-65- ATIC F-TS-8547111 Sal - Electrouics Apr, 56 R =d 10 -t -"Ja ATIC Simi CcIrrective RC Four Tenuinal, Networka,, by L. Ya. Ailivo6lk aud S. 1. Grusevlch, 19 pp. (0 6035B),, RUSSIANp Radiotekhailm... iio 6; 195h.. pi) 73-- Scl - glectronics Apr 56 ATIC Slepyan. L. B. MER TO IIIP EDrMR (Pis'mo v Redektalyu). ine 61 (4)p. RTS 1804. ,~der fion OTS 6r SLA $1. 10 61-23642 i I ~ia,,. of Radlot khnika (USSR) 1954, v. 9. no. 6. .181-83. i MCRIPTOR& EllectricM engineering. Electronics. ElectromaitnetN ;m. Ele,&rical fields. Magnetic aids. Mect romastned clfields, Measurement. suggested, thit the w iw expressions for the elec- mgnetic field t1ohe and the new absolute mys- of tMite piop=ed byll. Q KlyatsUn (Radlotelthrith .10. 1954: available in tranabdon from OrM or $ 1. 10 a a 61 -'1 99M) ihould he unified wder the t "MKSAc'Sy Istem" b6muse the adjective "univer- can be appl.W to thilormulation of the electro- wtic field eq6stlonw., 61-23642 1. Title- MKSAc systern 2. Title- CGS system 1. Slepyan, L. B, X1. RTS - I UN 191. Department of Scientific and [Mustrial Research (Or. Brit. i~7 1 7- 00- o1 TwcW&J lw~f"s mics-Blectromics. TT. v. 6. m 5) Inthe A3.1-Union AcIenti-fic Tachnicti- Society or AmdlOlDglueering avfi Electrical Co=nication 14 p6p. !(AF 653358)a MODWs'. pex.. Fadlotakhnikat no 6., 1954, pp 84-89. ATIC F-W-8A7/v Bel - Xlectrouics ApIr 56 wMilflintionr by, A. rcir 11 On Inf TIT Pp- wal frr. Gc,A- Mcctxc~lllcs intcrttlreuci~ Sources in TV Receivers and FTeveati've Davlc'~g for!, ex.t. 1. W".v Ae U. Draytt Tit-AtiggiAkiyr ~!B. L. Preobrazhanskiyp 15 rp. (AF 655606) pun tr. perp Radiotelihnikap Vol No 1; 1955: RUSSIAN pp Sel -Riec*tronics Arri.- r.-7.n-8543/y Y TA '14. -C -T, Radirotc-Ithmil-mn VtA Xp PID I, 4:_?Y^- :71,77 New PoWto,v 2 IV. i ~blmo pers r~wUoteldmilmj, Vol X., no 4,v "U3c JIMO; Arm 1195.5,+ 1 P. - ~ ATMIP-M-8641/V Scii: .- BXW~ 4,- as FCA3 .1-957 CwPSMex. 1-t '~ q /I j eurs 49 4=WY; bloo Apr 19515,, Pli i rt&tdiO,, b7 8- R- &aYkia; 7 PP- pers Radlotelmnikal, vol x., no 40 3-6. - '" -- "" ' - am F-u-3-64lAr sai " Electimacs Feb 3.9'riT ovVdex I-/- J~, ",4 / ~L "'Latilatibu of the EfMiency of SUelding by D. ff. Shapim, 20 p, Mssr"4 b1m wo. Hanotemudka,. Vol X. No 49 364T Apr i955,]PP ATIC F-M-MIJV Sol. ;,- 310tradca Feb 11)57 On/dez I-t 4t1 r Noise Genermtorp by B, G, Belhin, Ij pp. 3W4., pers rl4mdiotakhnAka,, Vol Xj, No 4o 1955j. .,6 58 14 7- e- X&/ ~brrlo Do Friedwn entifle Electronica 56 CTS/dox Yzwk,zlill., Coefflolento of Two Types of CeUo 1 11 Fro'm sea~'mto of TWO IntemotIng La3,a,, Lineap by V " Kv AfpfonM.. EMOM.p ~biw perp Saft vol x so 4S Apr:~195%01 pp ATic P-m-864ipr Lupals~ MUtemtion In nMwt:Lc Recording., by R. Go. Menjeudea,, U ppe MWI*, bIw erp RmdI(?~2Tehgjip,, Vol Xv No 4.t Alw 19,55t p0.69-72. ATM F-M-8&3./V Sol - Hiect=106 L Feb 1957 CwAkm "L zr~a=) 1w ;B. A. susicnovs 4 pp. X No Apr 205j. Vp 73-75. ATic F-im-864iA, Sal - MzOrcalas Feb 1957 CM bf it/ scattoring of XvUo Waves by Meewa or I! by Y. j Tet6J~,, 4 pp. RUSSIMp bimo perj, FaW.~otekbni io 4. 5~ -... .-Vol X, Y '.3' Apr 19 AM Boi - Feb 195-1 M/d= In 1~ae A:U Un1m Scientific and Technical A. S. Pcpw So~WV of Radio Teabnology and Electrical Cc~m~C~tlcxij by Y. I. Tetelbamp 2 pp. RUSSIAN,, bimo pers, Radiotekbnlkaj, Vol X., No 4s AIT 11955.p P 79. AT= F--Ts-864i/v Sci - Moctronicu Feb 1957 CMAMC On tb~- Patage of Signal and Noise Through a Lindtar and'Dilffe ritlator., by V. Bunir2ovich., 15 Pp. RUMUN s r~d niuap Vol. X.. uo 6,9 1955, ,q Radiotekb pp Morris 1). Friedman Scientific - fteics Tan 56 cTs/bEx $7 ' 50 3 C) ~ 6 -~ Rece&ion!iof Pulse Signals by the Mutual Coir4atjpri JUthodo by V. 1. Cliaykovskiyp ~f pp. RUSSU.Np Raftotakhaika., Vol X,, No 6.. 19~~.O, pp J.' 7-~ i&~Io D. Friedmu $3-50 Scientific - Blectronico 4 m "13/cct 1955 ,p Proceases in Detection of Pulse Signals, Build-li by A. k Kuiikavokly, 11 pp. (Ar 685420) RUSSIAN, per, Rndiotekhnika, go 6, 19552, pp 21-28. RTIC F-TS-10066/11 Sci - Electron Jan 5& Meter TriodeTkequetcy Converters for/Wovea, by 1. 1. Levenstaimo G. Kostandil 10 pp. (AF 685420) RUMM.,i per, Radlotallill-olkas No 6, 1955, Vp 29-35. ATIC F-Ta-10066/v Sci - Jan 58 A Motbod of Studying Tranolent F~N)cesues in Linc-ar Systems j by R-D- LayUs., 1. X. Gutmen, 24. (A? 6854-20) RUWT.AN,, per.f R*dIatekbnika., No 6.. 1955, pp 36-51. 1, ATic F-Ts-loo66/v scl - Electrom :r7, Jan 58