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Natw of Evalusucol the Mom of MAUDS oampational pattors on the State of tho JUsal Macao Wombrow, by TAP Rasskazova, Sm"No per,, Gigme I Sanitariz!o, Val XXV1141 ho All 176301 PP bj'-b3o SIA IT 66-1U92 ,,f a"-A~ Uq-~ -7 -7/. Jun 67 327a9i* Dlotribatim of q%allium irk Napbelins Syenites of the lavowro moolf (Kola Penlnsula).. by V. I. GuMalnovskly, V. S. Rwokazova, 7 pp. RUMIMP Pws 060012o No It 19U. cow3m Sao Sell Am 63 P-33.*474- The Fundumni491 Premises of the Dynamic Theory of SejFmL4-c Reuiut=ea, by 14. T. Qrazbaj~~, Ifull, R. Le7de=m2s V. T. RasekezovsUy, 9 pp. RMOIM,- rPt,, StrOftelletvO v P4yc3dcbLr.Idkh pwmvkh~ 19579, Rea 1=51. r5 urwo"N street Sed - Gaopbysics am FxMwis" 4.. riff Oruls itm 6o lolls /S/, 44-1.2- t--O 'lia I~rtbar Davelopmont of -Dofomablo 7 Iron-Ilickol-Chrmium Permcmant Hr%gnet Allo7sq bg Go naamnml 0, liankol. GE."13A."10 p(mv Itp Dor. ang Zg_g2UWch. IORLIMpawtiaMs. pp 12D-126. -ZBI-Sl 6794 Sol/Hatorinla Jon 69 Progress in Workable iron-Nickel- Chromium Parmanent-Magaet Alloys, by G. Rassmami, 0. Henkel. GLILMAN, Ver, Der. Arbaltsgermpeinsch. Ferrma atismus-, IM, pp 120-126, DIE 94 C-31, Rn 5EMp1j1'^\ Sc:L-Uat Aay 69 380,394 IWVOVM=t of the 000MIve Pbwce of Toahn1nal Soft 1= for BelAy OonstruaUoul by 0-__!!!~vamwmj, a- Nich. ammup Y-Or, Nevis M*bes voi vn, so io, 1962., w 623-M. s= 3073. sa r , WN WY (53 A Sol 'y q v ThIcImeno of 0,1 to 0,.Ol mmp by G* Raomnamj. 10 almomp per# z0 WOO 12ftmdes Zan 1944j, 231- 235- B&A 57-3080 scl Aug 5 8 Trends in the Dwelopment f of XLectrIcal Sheet P by G . Pasoronn, GM.W."Ns Pery Mcktrie, No 6., 1961., PP 176-181. BISI 303T Sol - EW Feb 63 k 4a - ,I;tfi/ 2 V. 0 STATE OF DEVELOPMENT IN THE FIELD OF HIGH TEMPERATURE MATERIALS.. BY G. RASW 24 pp. ___ ANb6 -A. MERZv GERKW.. PER, D I E TECHN I K, VOL XV I 10 NO 1 1962, pp 17-23. 967795o FTD-TT-62.5o3 SCI - ENGR AUG 62 207,944 STATE OF DEVELOPMENT IN THE FIELD OF HIGH TEMPERATURE MATERIALS, BY G.,~~NNI A. MERZ., 22 PP. GEWAN, PER, DIE TECHNIK, VOL XVII, NO 2, 19623' PP 74~79. 9677950 FTN-TT-Q-503 207,945 SCI - ENGR 62 to . '112~cnzz- Ot .6 6uIphortuts pn Grain Rusts. IV. Anatc=ical Sttudie3 of th-0 trmTem of Infection in armin Treatad with MAphonamide, by X. Pansebrauk. GIZ-'uMCij per% r-1WtoVatho1o&Uch* Z.p Vol Za~ 19,9. Sol Plus 59 7T-63-ZM2 0. SAffifftall-AS AN EMULSIFIER. 119631 Sp order ft= OT.% 6L& or LqC $1. 10 IT-63-2D592 1. Renner. IL a It. Pittest (Germany) 365 t60 Tram. cd German patent 365,160 (1922t DESCRIPrORS: *So". OCyclohexanoj% Metbyl radicals. eSurface-active substances, OC41olds. Solvents, Olls, Germickies, Insecticides. (Material, rr. V. 11, no. 3) BMW w IWO" e---" cold cmd U.-Cr Alloys, by G. MUM, par, Now Hutto, Vol 1111, 1963, pp 232-240. 64 Op The Deformation Behaviour of Iron-Silicon Alloys Containing 3 to 6 Per Cent Sili=mo by G. Rassmann, P, Klemm. GHRMAN,, p(pr,, Neus Hutte, Vol VIII, No 7, L963, pp 403-406. Sci wM JM 64 924- 3 7.50 rw, Increasing the Strength of Stee2s by 7bexmmeehanicel Treatnent, by G. Rwmmvrtn. OEM"., pers, *nw Buttep Vol. 10, 1965, pp hi 422 as 4iX504 - 11*0 (5. Rq scl - Aug 67 33T-193 lyslis of Opemtlcm of Capacitive Paramtran, 0. 1. Rassokbin 27 pp* I ;MM,, per, Is Vysoblkb Ucbab Zmyed WISM 141 po nu;dnlx% Padlotekho, Vol VI, No 3, 1.963, M-248. JFM 22132 63 aLk4 )0. The Stubility of Zirconium Alloys in a Circulating Aqueous Medium,, by N. G. Pausokhin, V. N. Nelenikov, 8 pp. RMIAN, per,, ToplomrSotim., No 2., 196L',p PP 60-Ce. S*03263 Sai - wra Jan 63 (Nly-3000) LACK OF GOOD LACQUERS IN THE FURNITUR INDUSTRY, BY V. RASSOKHIN, 3 PP. RUSSIAN, NPI LESNAYA PR%I-, 19 APR 1-:)-662. JPRS 14275 USSR ECON 5CI -CHEM JUL R 201,564 TT-U-L&W Rasockbb. V. 16L THE EFFECTS CIP PAT PRarEIN AND CARBOHY- 1. RssscW" V. 16L DRATE LOAD ON BLOOD COACLILA71ON DI PATIMM 19. FASEII-5-639-3 MM ATHEROWLEROM (Vgyaido ZMropd. 59kord M. PeftraUm d AM*dCr-I I uArrod'" Naar-02M w _r" Kfcvi 0 ld*kh societies for Effort- A - A bro==). 119"] 11 owdp tm U" umad soloul 2firob PASIM &U am: 6 & WadduSum. D.C. Onisr hm aM MA. or UM $L. 40 Tr-"-I&W lVd Ser"Tscbdcao bc.. WaskLmpm~6 D6r- Tt~ of Xlbicboaayn Mo&t*w CMI* I%% V. 41. wx6 0. V. 35-BL OSoloocal Sdwcn--PnrmmmxbW. 7T. v. 12. am 21 8"i" of Towmd~d mow fte De"lopout of Oem~a for Uftal Cut.40- IMp tW V. Tuo Basockh"ip IL A. Rom. MM r MOM Pao at*%" L "r=ot., go 2* IVA# Vp 12:21 mm uAl M-80 (UND) 1102, 4f2 7 MW Ape 60 S-5133 (NY-2%2) 7he Use of Industrlea Wastes of MlortetracyclIno for Llv"tmk. FWAsing Needs, by I. M. Kamemkiy_, Bo Zo Cborches,, A. P. KryucMova, L.'I. Hasoolenko., 8 Pp. RUSSURo per., Mod Prom SSM, No 1,. 1959, pp 6-10. im-L-au-N Sci - Ned Man w p"Momm Or COL Ow mumm in aum vmlm~ W P. SL ftmuk a. 1. OLMMM'- 0= =Maarnall 7,01911m&; 1043. I" IL no so do CNN W - la ft- 9116M Constructlon or Appnv*uo ftw the Coatimtoun lentbatlon of AllmU C*Umlose, by 0. P. Ftawolcrv, A. B. Paksh"r. WWT"t IPQrs, 12" VWAMas No 6s 1961o Pp 33-35. ILL W 3W sat - wm -r no 63 , 1-3517 smuftulw Md corswum at a* ftud sloom at a w Qw"m N Im 104 . JL L. a- MdRA4 -L 6, adows, - -dr 1w MAIMI~~ T ="=P wo olll~ ftam mdup Val Im lb 7, IM " l6Tj4LW. Mc~-Vruu" P&Aft fti . ow 69 pm Y" M,0603 Heating Curves of Some Cobalti ines, by V. A. Lobanov, 1. S. Rassonskaya, A. V. Ablov, 3.3 PP - RUSSTAN, per, Zhur Neorgan Khim, Val Til, No 6, 1958, PP 1355-1365. ABc-tr'-4454 sr~l FL-480 J~ .1)F I I Jan 62 PSI 376 Phase Transformations of Calcium and Sodium Sul- phates and Their Double Salts, by 1. S. Rasson kpLA, N. K. Semendyayeva, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Neprgan Khim, No 8, 1961, pp 1745-17S3. Cleaver-Hume Press Ltd Sci Sep 62 211,687 61-195574 Rassonskava. L S. INTERPRETATION OF TIiE NATURE OF IIIERMIC L Rassonskaya, 1. S, EFFECTS WITH 14EATING CURVES (0 Rasshifrovke IL Title: All-Union... Prirody Termicheskikh Effektov na Krivykh Nagrevania). Presented at the All-Union Cbnference an Physical- Chemical Analysis (no. 3) [held at] Moscow, 19555, [1961] [ 121p. 7 refs. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 60 61-19574 Trans. of Zhurnal Neorganicheskoi Khimii (USSR) 1956, v. 1. p. 1285-1291. DESCRIPTORS: *SnIts, Phase studies, Thermodynamics, Potassium compound, Magnesium compounds, Sulfates Results are relmrted of a study of the heating curves for double salts containing potassium and magnesium sul- fates: schoenite (pfcromerite) K2SO M9S04. 61-120, leonite (kaliastrukhanite) K2SO4- MX4.2H20 and langbeinite K2S04. 2higSO4' Gffi~ .1 T-h.1cal 5-1- (Chem Istry- - Inorgan ic, TT, v. 6, no. 7) Thermographic Analysis Under Elevated I-Irescurrea, by L. G. Berg, r. S. Rossonalmya. Rull transiation. BMW# thrice-mo per,, Dok Ak Hauk SSSRp Vol =Ijl DO 5, 1951, PP 855-858. Brutcher Tr So 2850 Scientific - Chemistry Jul 53 CTSIDBY, Price #.g0 79 ,HP-pid Thermal Ano4ols., tW L. G. Berg., I. S. RessoaskWa,, 3 PY, vouw~ RMSM, Vw., Dak Ak VM* OMMM Vol 73, So 2., 1950v pp U3-U5 a Sal Hoe= lAb lb 51/2339 M lAb Com No 556 Sci. - Chemistry ThormD9ftVhic Analysis Under Elevated Presnures by L. 0. Berg wA 1. S. Rassonskaya meal", _Ikk Wk Rack Vol 81, 1951, No 5, pp 855-058. Brutcher ~~ech Tr 2850 I 3 ?7-~ The Fusibility Diagram of the Ternary System .Potabalum Fluoride-Potassium Chloride-Potessium dbromste,, by 14S, Ressonskaya and AG. Bergmu,, 4 P'p RUBSIAN, mo,pers Zhur Obabcb Kh1m, Vol MI. No 7. Jul 1952, pp 1089-1092. Consultants Bureau USSR Scientific - Chemistry Feb 54 CTS 07.9 ~F/O? v Fusion Diap-mm of the Teromy, eyotemt FotasVJu6tSul9Ute - Cbromte - Witraft WA Sodiu,m Silirato - Chramste - Vitmtes, by I. 3~:R&8'6owkayas A- G. BergMUp ' ,. I --E", - RMLW.o lip pus Zhw ObsWh MAm, Vol No lo' 1953P'P~ 7-13, e-r A -7) /F Conmatants Bureau Dia==3 Seettow at the Qmternary Reciprocal System Gfthe nuariaes, ChImidesp we Chrcwates of BoUm end Patassi=# t,," N. S. Rmsonskara, A. 0. Bwamn, 6 Pp. MUM., MO perp Zbv ftsbah Was Vol 5-Y No 1P 1953P pp M-19. C-TA -3) /?47.7 consultants BUMU OcIentMe - Cbwdstry M/M 00 6 Laad Lithium Alloyr, Nith Up To 2.2% TA9 by Caochralski., E. Rassow.7 pp. mw,-Iv PEWO Z., )bWlk=Aep Vol XIX* .1927a pp 3-U- A= Tr 2696 57 Cro An ObSeative Mathod for Qu=%itative Mmsuremelztz of the LvmlwzCCj=e cc SUBPOM1=6 of plrzevant Species of Bacteria - Up b a. I. vasiloys, a. M. L. N.- Radymms 4 pp.. RU&MR6 per# Zhur KLkroblol Epideniol i lmumbiol,, Vol xxjxv 50 4* 29%0 pp 214,1k4 Pergmm lbst Sci - Had Feb 59 1111/9 Use of Refleatina Wltraction Gratings In Interference Systme for Hoamwing lfAns- BbiM,, I - 0. N. Raeoudavas F. H. Owazlwv, pp. 5 -01 . - RUSSIA* per, opuka i spektro, Vol liv, NO 1963, pp. 406-413 sat COA -lot Jul 63 LM N. Laud s6 WO ATW U(VHMUTIM CF 1PROrM= Op N3CKHL TWANATES AND MMED TVAND- MaML nWEM Avg 6& Ordw ftmw Tra s2i. oo TmMin Trn& of Lab*nwodnye MW*ri* I ab PAMMWMCI OJMO 190. me. 2,. p, 25-2k . DESCRWMRS: "Syndamb #Cbsodm,7), *NUW compouo* Wnunaft. opwasom whuntow an- P-=56. W2220 220ndoM IL L U. TrU Wt22 M. Tocbded 1k SUVJM ML aft) '2, 5 z 3, 4 7T. 18. am Ofts d Tr--%dW , i Higb Grado Titanium Pigments. 111. YeIlovirg oc 'M2 -pig=ated Linseed Oil Paintat by Ia. S. Rae a p L. F. DreviuS. .11 pp. _~~MAWYA BUSSIAN,p per, Proa 0rjpn Xhlm.., Vol VII.. 17o 4-5, 3.940,, pp 225-227. Bel. Tr Center RT-IhOI 7 iff Scientific - Cbemistry the GIcyaling ljo-ci:,~ Di ulov ex lekt-voprom. Vol Ve lat NT,'.r RrPS 20149 S~e Advin.-A Mg ,en of Beat C=w-ptl-cm Sia Diatricts of tila USEFIt. ~,fy ).i. m. 3D ppa RUSSMIR perp T-OrgyaMya PrCM; ED 1; 1991-; JV 16 .2-0. JPBS 136L4 liMyt S=n Dbor 62 R-24~9 (W.-e8go). Fore.ign Trade of the USSR With the Socialist CountrIes, Oy A. V. Passuzhdayev, L. R. Borinova, 239 P.P. RUSSIAMp.blr, Vacabnyaya Torgovlya SSSR c SotsiallsticbeaXimi Stranami, publ by romiga Trade kublthing House,, Moscow, 1957, pp i-214. im -969 -D USM - SOV Bloc 7 goon A (IF 1. R.I.I. N. 31 CI:,; IIt I lk;~ I A I; I IA I I I: I (S, 111*21 apprnx. Aztlp~ If. N-tpil"m ['it Inc appl"k. jI S. (4) I twfalurc. r-ph%.ical ~I-ctiag. Itivi, 1%a~v clotactc ri,twq. lit framon. '(1011vol"ll, I"l Ivit) . "l. %~Vllvllu nt. W01 l In, trimicnia I v o. V i i I, t I v a( vL 1, 1 alor-. r IuGi L, &. 60 04 (I mll 'w1cm-ts. IT. V. J4, l'o. 4) (DO-5965) ChemlcoU loadIng APParstus Mxplmea.t by Jlri Smuirthp ~ vp. wmnm mow for Agrimatural V. 2=kj, E. J!m~stak im JUW ce HEAT TRANSFER FR%l A GRANULAR LAYER TO A TUBE WALL IN THHE PRESENCE OF INTERNAL HEAT SOURCES, BY V. A. RASTATURIN, 6 PP. RUSSIAN, PER) IZ VYSSHIM UCHEB ZAVED SSSR,_ WIN I KHIMCHESKAYA TEKH, NO 1, ig6i, pp 136- 141. 9077358 FTD-TT-62-111 SCI-PHYS 10 JUL 62 202,296 seif -voidim of )wtanic Deects DMIJX UpsettLngs by N. V. Rastepyevs 3 13P RUSSTANP VWP Vast XgmWmwtrWs Val n. No 3, 1960, pp 51-55 IMA &A Asir 61 II/ly.. 4 Vi On a Hypothesis About Phase ft Changes in 'Krauz-Tarnavokii Bands', by H* V. Ra9tegayevp RUSSTAX, per,, Metal Term i Obra I*tallov, No 12, 1959, pp 19-23. HE 5oo4 Aug 61 RASTEGAMI, M. V. Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Otd. Tekh# Nauk, 1948. No. 19 9 figures, 2200 words. Influence of rolling and forging upon mechanical properties of medium carbon steel. Brutcher, Trana. Order No. 2160, $3.85 N A 61 -7 / e, svpPlemoutw ftliar FOOMM a Heam of Loaf Rmt coxtrol on Ubbato tw 1. laxtemom RUMIO p FA Pwo ZDA1044A."s Vol Int go 3s 1956,, p JU. 22kz 44e sound* Dot 56 ofs Ductility of Cron, p4ReniettlM AnWs in Dawt-Aence on atructwe and Staves Statej by M. V. Rast --mm RUBSUN., per,, matallm Obm Not,, Jul 10,o P 30- R*nry gratcher 42W $3-80 Sol - MAMOt cat Irormtion of Cracks Da-ing Sectional Forging of Low MllembIlIty Alloysp by M. V. W"".T.9 1.1 pp. R=IM,, per, Kumedbao-Obtampovoobnoe Proia, No 31, 1959, pp 8-12. Aga Tr-4106 SCX1 - Ek4P 14 oot 6o R- Reactions of )breapto Amizo Acids. Commmication /+. N-Aqyl-2,,3-diba3.oa2mxtwsj by-O. V. MdIshevaj, L. P. Rastelkenel 1. L. Xmnyantep 10 pp. Fu.U trawlation. RWSIkN, bim per* MI Ak Nanks w-,-2wjj Khim Nauk NO 2, N~r/kpr 1955, pp 260-270* CIA D 151364 Convultants Bureau Scleatitia - Ohmistry Differentiation of Erythrocytes With the Help of a Chamber Centrifuge, by Selahaddin RastSeldil 9 pp. pora SWEMR)/5-veaska La~dnlWnj VOI L:EVt No 36, SOP 1.957j, PI) 2655-,%Ca- rm 6 -1 -61 Sci Dec 61 =A- Llifferen latlemn of -!it a in Fleurz, Bzuftte, Ascltes, etc. Wlth the EL-lp of a P-av k9paratus for Cantrifugatlon; by Selahaddin 1--antf-paial I-----.,-- :~ 10 pp. Sl=M, P=, SveWm Lakartidainem, Vol LIV, No 36, V 3-95;7j. PP 26~54- NM 5-35-61 Sci - VAd .TTA 61 lyi) 76 Effoct of Cavities Swiming Pool-Type UNMASSIFnD on the CrLtical Mass -If a Reactor., by B~ P. Rustogi. I RMIAN$ b1= par., Atommyn Knergiya, Vol II, 1957, vp 417-419. Sci - fts Fab 58 AM Tr 3135 Experlmutal Ob.W at BbeUdlngp by Ve POPIAP J9 Rostolu# at alp 3D We n=p xvto 1061 a ga6%3 Ba - xUal WA ala (4 A19 .,40.3 Rxperimiaatul Valueo o.C Momaiatt6 -1'0.r ~.,-b,,- ~Lu'; - of Fission Ifeutrone, bY J. Rastoin 7 PP. PRENCHO rpt, XW3j*X4q Dec 1959- 921-1235 mc-Tr-6o4o Sel - Nw'l, Bel jan 6~ 7 S'-7 Exp~imentml Values of M=ents for the slowing-Dcnm of ?-Ivsim Ikutrons, bY J- ]~%Bto~m - 1 7 PP PRELIM, rpt, MMPJM Due 1959. 9217,~'5 AT.'C-T=-6o43 Sci - Rucl SOL J~-.U Ot Rq3OrU=t8l OU07 CC MmIMIMO by P. Payin,, jj-p~~todAj et RLP 30 pp. n=p rpt...1061. 9a"3 AW.-2r-6093 scd - Vaal sci ,YOU C4 Alp. 'Y'03 ORMY x0makm Pmw~ Omoondug meow,* jb- aft= VDAUSted lmd Cooled VIth QrdIbUT Waters bcr J- Lacourp J- ]~~et ets 23 PP- FROKWO vws Ddletsm A a -- et ImbnIgmss Jb 63j, IS&# vv 25-300 AND-T"MT 84 - Awl gkd Aug 63 clone a, 4 a 2- bbdification of General pmscx-~utiv-v ~~az-,g,-ry O-P tl:c Atural Ca-vityp by N. D-_E!2jRRdjkaO 4 pp. ivissLUT, Vastuilt Oto-mo-Lar~memlogu., Vol 'Mil, vo 61 Nov/Der- 1956, pp 41-44. NIH TY 3-46 Bel - MadIcime P, Z -3 APr 58 How to Avoid naklmse.1m W& AUpy ComiructIonal Steel, by A. A. Ras s 1. 0. Anwmtsov. RWSIO,, pero Stal, Val Mv No 9-20s 1943,p 5 flg=es,, 2 tables,, hODO vmdep 29V3-*P bmteber $6.w Scientific - U-nerals,*tau Special Features of Attacks vith Accmmanying Fire, by G. G. RastorZ!&yev, 8 pp. RUSSIMO no per, Vest Voz Flot, HO 5, 1957, pp 35-41 CIA 93W 60722. ATIC d dl '? a 5' IM USSR military Mar 58 Cutting Tool With Wedge Rtx:bm Fixing of smil Size Kicrolite Tip (Pacing) for Siagle Use.. by V. 1. Raotorachcbay. RMIAN, per, Vent lksh., Vol XXXVI,, xo 6, 1956., pp 33-35. sci, rms Lib Tr 56/42m Jul 57 h1114""M Ckr 00" lillmd Mq:W tW L No ablubsk A, , IL A. P4=UVn&ljC6 laws% Xwo X93"d sbws, va Jmr " so 314-W, v ob 36. am* . fisnamlitteou ftl im ab" &="a an " 7f., 4e4eA., Porow atruatmv of Utemmulas 003A MA AlumwUfts Qm)A wA Tb* C&U;LytIA Activ;Ltys by A. 1. RUtft-- at &I. mmm =slop 0 nm FLM MAUo Vol M=m so up ).957.p iPP 9401. . CO-OP Irr Schaub SO& Cbm D" 58 Al Effect of Steam and Coupression Treatments on the Macrostructure and Catalytic Activity of Alwdm, by I. R. Neimark., L. Kh. Freldlin, A. L Rastrenenko, N. V. Borunova, 6 pp. RUSSIAN.q ma per., Is Ak Nauk,, Otdel Nhim Nauk,, No 7, 1956, pp 784-789. Consultanto Bweau Sci - Chem May 57 10618 UK-30 A. L RAErrRENENKO, et aL The porous structure of titano-sWca gels and alumD-silica gels and their catalytic activity .Zhur/ Fiz. Kh'--, 31, No. 4, 874-881 (1957) On loan: UK-30/CrS 504 - English Euratom ]AS= ;.Oro z, Ix A ~---O%rrosion of Structural Carbon Steal by tho Aatiw- of I U.'"raulation watter In a Plant manuZaci~t=ing Active Cavbon Blaaks, by V. N. Rastrspiz4 7 pp. RUSSIAN, port Zhur Prlk XhIms Val XM# No 4-p 1962, pp SM-835. CB Sol Fab 63 232j .5-74 -tmniB~3 -ton, oi kartliclc~-.j fru- -~--,Lu.L Du--imZm" Under Bombardment of --Positive -Ions, by -fa - 14. Fogel'., R. P. Slabospitskiyp A. B Rustruln, 9 pp. RUSSIAN., per; Zhur Tekh Piz., Vol XXX., No 1,, 1960o pp 63-73- AIP Bov Phya - Tech Ma Vol vs No 1 Sci AuG 60 FTD (TDBDR-1) BT66-10-392 Request dup check for info only High-speed Extremal Regulat r Bascd on Randon-search Method L A Pastrigin and L V Sy-tenko Russian collection: AN SSSR. lastitut Elektroniki i Vychislitel9noy Tekniki. "Autoriotion and Computer Engineering. Trudy. Vol 5, nr 6, 1963', 237-255 WON 0 Tr-64-1503 ilasulov, Kh. 0. AN EXPERIMENTAL SnJDY OF TtiE ALLERGIC 1. Ravulov. M 0 PROPERTIES OF COTTON AND COTTON DUST EX- U. Title: DBZ;~ftt- TAACTS. 1. DEVELOPMENT OF LOCAL ANAPHY- III. rASES-5-M-3 LAXIS (Ekaperimestal'on Ituchenie All*rgicbe&klkb IV. F ederstion of Americas Svolx"v Ekstraktov Xhlopka I Kb)opkovol Pyll. Societies for Mqmrl- Sookshchenle 1. K Voprosu o Roxvitil Mesmol meml siolow, Analliskbit). IL964113Dpi (forelp test I=IuftM 4refa Womblestoo D. C. FASES his no. S769-3. V. Scripts Tftbnfm Iw_. Order frorn OTS, SLA. or ETC 111. 60 7T-64-1503 washirstas 0. C, Trans. ~:d Gisiem Traft I Prolevalonal'sye Z&Wovmmiya (LYSSR) 1963 rv. 71 m % p. 3J-38. i26 (91ological Sclowes--PadmIegy. Tr. Y. IV. me, 3) Autonatic =d teal-wtowatic OD2 welding in motor manufacture. By A. I. Gulyaor and A& 1, -- Hastworova pp. 6 MMUS, per. 9var4ch Prols. No 9, 19". PP. 16 - 18. WAM Sol J, r/O., -4 -, 2 ~ "C 63 2b0 lumrv&tiOu Or th& MUMalAD T"tiso 'by A. M. Restvarom'N 4 pp. RUSSTMO per# Dok Ak BRok SM. Val CMM# No 4# 2958o PP 734-737. Awr Ust of Sla Bel SCI - Mudd ~~, Reactiva ChaAges it Certsin Eltmenta of VzY.---lian News FollawIng x-Rays,, by A. M. -Rastypr-Ova, -3 pp. RUM^ per, Dok Ak gauk WiM, Vol CM, No 5, 1958) pp Mi AMW Iust Of Ph" Sov Ph" - Doklady Vol M, no 4 Sol - Phys Jul 59 Some Conriarti.orm between Recent Movements ana eiamic lic-,i-lity in the Caucasu3, by V. A. c 8 Raot-vorava, 3 -rp. -------------- EMBSTAN, peer, Dok Ak Nauk SSW, Vol CXXMI, No 5, 196D, pp 117tg-.U82 AGI Sai Aug 61 (EF-1815) The Teabnlcal Buds of Poklatan AgrIculture) by V. C4, RutyanIUMAL 24 pp. c RMIAN,, bk., Istorlys I Mcuotalya (Ptiklutan), 1959.- im 4708 IS/A - PaUstan /w/o." 0?6 Boon 'Tul 61 .l: I 4 IMIS51 .. , Speecbes -wiere All Made at the Occasion of Session of the CPSU Central Commi e Plenum, by Ra-sulay. RUSSIXI, np, Pravda, 8 Mar 1962. FBIS Wire USSR Pol 18 may 62 Rmsulov Speech. RUSSIAN, rip, Pravda, 23 Nov 1962. FBIS wMS USSR Pol Dee 62 Congress Speech, by Rasulov. RUSSIldl, np, Pravda, 22 Oct 1961. FBIS 'Are USSR pol m w llov 3 Ccaiditions for the Correctneas of One-DimenBionsl Mixed Problew, by M. L. Ramaovp 4 pp. BUSSIM I per.. Dok Ak Nauk sm,, vol c=cxx,. 1961., pp 305-308. Amer Wrth Boo Sai g r"/ jim 62 ,061 IOVOStli;ltlOb Of a NOW-WY Of liXtractlOg 011, by the -Tberw),,-Uttw Urtboal, by JL N. ALUades JR. A. Begbablyp-A., As ftsulsaftg D, IL Nekftlev# 5 PP- VAL7A MMUN, pers Dak Ak Sauk ZVA30rb&WakamkcW SWO No 2p 1959v vp M-134. LW Tr D4 Avg 1"9 Aug 59 9 on 07ammmmkollic CORMWmb uwkw mu p"Same. 16 Attl= of fflydraps an OrganowtalUe CopwoUb of the IM lPbR 0 by Vo No. IPOISVO Go Am at at. bm"Fw GFMW* Imo vp 490 VWA 11L.-AaL* SLA Tr "44ft? tood mov 67 3270211 1',;mz* 'Koat Bo~-Ior 8,-ute= end Gas Cleetind RL-,-tro, DoLmatrem ID Vessels ema conTm-tor-', by a. amwo"Xas~wl Vol Cr7p Ko 2.. 19390 3140. ED hag 59 case of itecuxrent Botulism Po:-,.s onin by D. RLszeja, POLISH, per, Polski &go(:b-dk Lekarski, vol 9, No 37, 1954, pp 1204-1205* Mi N.111 2-85-66 (On Loan) a-Poland Scig-4m *q) r ( ?6 298,838 Evaluation of tho Profitability in the Use of Scrap Ketal in Srwll Scale Industry, by -'ran IRtaszewski, U & pp. POL1911, per, Gospodarka Haterialowa, No 18, Sept 1964, pp 630-634. JPRS 27,339 RE-Polmid Ecou Jan (4 2712S14 178/60 W-1047) The Abrasion Index of Rubber and Its Connectic With the Coefficient of Priction,, by Be Be Rat 6 pp. Yw:,sL4Ng -per* Dok Ak Xmuk BSBR, Vol L=rM. N IW,, pp 743-746. elm 1,051 Sci - Chm 1,e oct 6o - Increased Effectiveness in the Utilization of Power Resources in Czechoslovakia, by rj4,,loi3 Rataj, 15 pp - t MCCIASSIFIED CZECH, 10-tlmes-yr per, Planovane Hospodarstvi, No 5, Prague, 15 Jun 1957, pp 323-334. us P.Rs/Dc-L-96 EE - Czacbonlovahia Econ - Electric Power Apr 58 09"10PNmt -Gf US BMDOWLc Ammftfte giygtsa at the poush Ott" 'bU*ftop 1716-Amimfis-46 pp. ]POLM16 pws bunowtv Vol Vint 3b 3koo lwv Vp 29&.~W-. A=v 5-3039 , mkw ft pol" SIX0 Aal 59 Ps,,,f ;P, fe R-2wal (Iiy-lm) TO BvOutlop OC Yr*W Aston of the M - Im 0A )!P- UNMASSUnD FQ=H* jar# Tmospaortv Val IX# No 10s I.M., Vp 291-294. US 7o / 7*,9 soon - TranaVartaitioup rallzaade SOV 58 (91%-N) Sam=" n" cc tam ftu" Btu" Ralluva for U58j, by Koolusms ]!~~UAJMW6 9 pp. to= MWX VW# PessaM XPUO*WWS WX X& N 2p ws"Wo Met vp 41&U, to am Me" US - NNA I re"'riq P40 so