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Uset MQufA4tw*j fud out "m Tmtmnt at C"t AUoy-ft"I ROUOV Pan Ip and Part 11j, tW N. Mlltzwho 0. ftdamidd. =CL =WJv pwo Sm IWAAP Sm 19571 pp 655-"31 Jon 19580 pp 1Q6. WItl& IM *Ad St"I IM U04 (IA 10 0) Sol - ftgr Apr 59 Pois'b',litie2 of Producing Sponne Iron in Batch- Type Chamber Furnaces (C Ovens)j by M. S. G737040, per, 3nue Hutte Vol V., ft U,, 1957, pp 671-678. Brutcher Tr 4085 Sc.1 PRODUCTION AND PROPERTIES OF SDII-FINISHED TANTALUM, auY JIRI VACEK, 30 PP. GERMAN PER, NEUE HUETTE. VOL II., NU 11, 1;;57, PP 06;;2-702. JPRS 1MJ0 JAN 0, Solubility or H in Alloyss GCRXANI, per3, Neue No "M/M TT 71-55151 Available US Only by He wittee 2. 1957., pp 749-756. June 71 62-16032 Rakowski, W. S. SOME PROBLEMS FROM TUE lliEORY AND PRAC- 1. Rakowski, W. S. 'nCE OF SOVIET POWDER MErALLURGY (Elm4c It. Title: Iraernational... Fragen aus Thturic und Praxis &-r Simp-tischen Pulvermt-tallurgiv). Prwientuxt at the Internati,xvii CoWeivnce im ll(;*dcr Metallurgy. Fisenach, 24-31 Ma) 57. [1%21121)p. ((oreign text irwluk-J). Order f rom SLA V. 60 62-INB2 rran~. (4 Nvue f0tiv (FaNt Gvrrnanv) 1457, v. ra). 12, p. -,t,4-7b. f.)ESCRII'MRS 1A,wicr metaliurgy, 'Mcul p,wJvr~. Sinkring, Cvrincts, jkmirrial bcarings, I'J' V. h, m" S) I The Rotor Process, by S. Spetzler. UXaL GZZXO,, per, Now Mwttap Fab 1gAr,, pp 65-93, British Iron &W St"I Ind 1164 Oh 15s.(Od.) sa - ROV oat 59 1749C.1h -'~02 71.1 Die Stooping and Drop Faral,06# b7 W- lWlbwat* an GUM# pr# Sm mwm,, Nor J36 UA, RP 165-1-73. BeLtub Im and OWL IrA LW7 W) Sol - aw AW " jrfo 44, f4 R-2008 (DO-1w) The UtIllsatlon of Oxylpm for the Production or Crude Xron In Low-Shoft Furnamv by Cut sasub Helm% orobms=,, Gerhard Richter,, 27 pp. OXMAN, so Ver, Nmw_vwtu, Vol mt no 4., Derlins Apr 1958, pp 225- us Jm/bC-L-450 Egur - But GermAny Scon - Retanurgy R-20W (DC-10) A Contribution to the Metallurgical Bv&luvtiOn Of Irm Ore, by Willy Zimers 6 pp. OEM".. mo pers lf~tLe ~As VOI Ms No 4. Berlins _PAO,t Apr 1958, Vp 233ZT5- US JPffift-L-451 EMLr - Z"t Germny 2con - Metallurgy 6 (01 f-r7 Viscosity Meaeurements of the System CUO-0102- A1203and Ita SIW, by T. Sebaster. GM"' per# ama-MAU0 Vol Mv NO 51 1958., pp 282-293. ft-oken RM Ptop Co Ltd (CM/T.en) act - Chem, wn/met /-?/" 10 ?7 A;w 62 61-16170 e"h. Bohuslfty. A CUITI'IUVJUON TO -nfE QUESTION OF GROW111 OF I Ce-ch. B. CRYSTAL GFLA!NS IN 111P. PRODUMION OF SIN- I ERED CARSIDE. (M) I I 7p. (S figs. 9 refs. omictcd). Order front SLA $ 1. 10 61-16170 Trans. of Neue 110tic (I'll st Gertnany) 1958. v. 3. no. 5 1p. 3W-3U4.- DESCRIVIM. *Catbides, Sinterhig. Crystals, In Ct3C2-NI alloys, telationships lw1ween the 04Aza"Iet of the structure and tk.? sticuph of cathide allos octe dediced. Test data on streneth and strLwture foi allo)s Cr3C2-Ni are tivazcd here. Conclustions were drawn as to the in(Ijeoce of the crys(allite size o( t1w factallic binJ-,r compoacm on the strength of Cr3C2-Ni allu)s. (Auclxn~r) WS.. 0 U.W.j S-..' ("Setalluigi-Striciaial. 17. v. 6. no. 3) irr 2,tr,-,4 Development of a Weldable Mauganese-Titauium- Z= Al=ini= Allay Steel St 52 in Hw~pry,, by G. Krictoff, at al, UNCL - OMAN, per, Neue Ruettes Ja lWa Pp 42~432- British Irca a0 steel Iva 241 SOL - FAU/Net Aug 59 (Iqy-p-055)- CoMarlson of the CvsU of ft~ TXvs or Stoat Production Nstbods In ReUtion to Us Dev4ppmat. d the OR MALMrSiftl ladawU7t by Karl F. Imaemun, 34 pp. b=MVM amm.. part Neu* BQ*tt&s Vol Inj no es 1w, pp to low Gamew s= m1"# Du 58 U"s andeaftn't ON Inata" at Aufw O"t ft"I none* = I m3ma at am Ot AUCV Cmfj owl Rau# =wt vwt sm dm~pp~ AWS 08t w k"Afte wis"k vu wd obs" td U44 set - xw AW 59 14 The lutLuoiL*.j of Def ormatiall During hoilug, by Z. Wunntowelti. IMCL amw,, per, I:eu6 mwtte, Aug 1958, pp 494-4!r!. Yjr:LtLob ITOIL MA St"I Ind 1259 (12). Scl - JUnhot 0 r-7 .? Sep 59 23h6o Coatribution to the N*UUWU of the W Mof't Vwmacep W Karl-Modrlch Lm*demm, 21 pp. am"s we sm smottes Vol in, Ito 9j, swunt sop IMP yp ws:m-. law 0 Oellow It= 77 .0 Funftmental Imostiption Tmto the Briquetting of Ora-Mme-Coke RUtures, by K. Sauborlich, st al. am": r., Naus Hutto, Vol M 1958, pp 533-5r, - -- - - -- - - Broken RM Prop Co Ltd (CEM/T.316) sci - FMIS /'?/.1 tv n' Apr 62 of Zcorvwic Tiffiel'oncy 7") ,d jt4wtry; -&&- Vol ni.. so 9T Berilat 3- 17.8 us im TXU=l W 11-InSD Mv - Germay Sew 77 9,0 DOC Berteilung der Drucke im Herdraum dea Siemens- Martin-Ofens) by V. Parm. (unpubi tr) RU661AN to GEERMAN, per, Neue Huette, Vol IlIp No 9, 1958, pp 550-553. IDU 056 Institut fuer Dokumentation Ubersetzunganschwele Berlin, W.6 Unter den Linden 0 Apr GO cW OXY&OU qr 1h87 ochom; Doc 59 www"s AW Tes"Man"to Vw op"-saw" ram** by Hum at a MkOUI-~~ PYrOMOOrs by A. K. a am amms, per, Now out met vp "5-up. musi um so stma bd UM (LI Ift.01.) Sol - ph" Alpr 59 M 719-4 Die Grenz- und Wechaelverete der Aktivierungsenergie des Kriechens und Anderer Vorgaenge In Festen Metallen, by K. A. Osipov. (unpubl tr) RUSSIAN to GERMAN, per, Neue Huette, Vol III, No 10, 1958P pp 619-622. iDu 657 Inatitut fuer Dokumentation Ubersetzungsnacbweis Berlin, W.8 Unter den Linden 8 Apr 60 (23w-if) Zw 74cbuiml aza cz A.4" low mAn To-w 0 Nothod e. the To Ir= ttoo'.3 Obat'in by Us OchillLagp D. 94 Ive ammi PW.. ftue laxt"A Vol nis NO 11, berlip- 1958S pq 6 im L?85.7 Mr - 1;4at CW-,,.-uV s= ar 59 an to the Drftlum~t at a Nommum coats ll au 000 matu"I am a IMMA', ftse# by Ygls&rU& RISOMMD' aal = am Va 3, NO Ut 190) OEM# NW# -- pp ?n-7a- an it NIM53 644bt Ang 69 JiDtAon in; W&ocyclows &A Swir tW In the T"about of IU4* hip I by G. "an. Glaws per, Nm vatftjl~,Tol Zvi 1,959, pp 65-73. ~~A" " -- sel -siol j;2 031, 3 7 6 J~m 62 The Combined Plat1num-Carbou Evaporation " a Preparatory Technique in Electron MIcrography, by F. W. Gunther,, D. Raab. GERMAN,, per, Neue Hutte, Feb 1959, PP U3-115- RrSI 1571 sci - Phya oct 6o 1~.?6,701 5 SIM (NY-n-600). The Determination. of Pr1ces for Iron Ore, by G. Winkler) 13 pp. OPMAY, per) Neve Haette) Vol IV, F-0 3, 1959, pp 148-151. JM-1768-K Econ - Mining and YAt&Uurgy Jai 59 If 3 Steel Defects In Large Harmer-Forged Crankshafts for Ks ton Engines, by H. Schumnn. GERMU, per, Neue Huette, Vol IV, No 4, 1959, pp 218-231 M. de. 0. Tollemache The Old Rectory Lewknor, Oxon. Apr 60 fi 7 r'--uzIIr4 or ciroovLng of RoUcq b*j 11* I"Um"on. UgOWL GriNklij Parp NOW MAUS, Apr 1959, pp 2441-2h6. Britub Voll "d steal I1 .11, W 108- so., - Evart, Kin/yf-*- ~ ~' a ,-,3 , , 6 Gap 59 rm Ptvduaum at stm& bw Id-lod am bdwt props""$ br & jo Ada"Im. 00M. pr, Iftm amms WD 4p Ims VP W- 252. 19031 wetwwr 460 um soon Rol O-Oaz Bev 59 CoutrIbutiou to the Frablm of OutW Andlag in Autl-MnUm aftrU% awalo by S. J, SakfUlse OM Vero name -10 50 19590 3U- J= 60 4r j&?L-Ifi S1,041 GGC~LWOO by K. F4UI. U=L u=ijjS, per, Nets Hatt*# go 1959, PP 343-351. Sal - Ninfiot f po~ Oct 59 Y sin ftpiosions in oren-Reartb steel Plants, by H. wuner. UNCL G&?jikg, per, Kvuo jIov'tt*,, IM 109* fp 3.Q; *4 ~? BIUI 1393 (L4.5.0.) Sci - min/yat Oct )9 9~e er.:2 '-z 61-16193 Dufek, Vladimir. IN11"'NCI: OF (11KOMIUM CARBIDE ADDITIONS ON 1. Mick, V. SINTE'UD HAM ME ?'AL-S. 119611151P. (9 flgs~ 2 tableh refs. clinitit,d). Orch~f irtall SLA $1. ID 61-16181 Trans v. 4. no. 7 (p. 425-4�f" --- DEWJUN'ORS~ *Cbr(gwvrn *Carlmdos, OS;n1vrL-d Sinterity'. An ad,liti,,ii 44 cto ou.ium C,11`1~1110 11:%UltCli ill All iliClC3%V 11) harkilK." a I )Jo%)A I! I Iq I rt'~ I, I I PCO. Otht-T pt ";v I I I C~ Were "p-ladicall i 11111,1 ce"k-A. cially at bighvi c(qwk cwtews in Ow S th" tIAD'Y"I Se sirvilg1h 1.~ ~Al as Ilke %US IttlillOYCLI V LA, JIM 61-1610 PoWDER NIEFAITURGY OF NJOBII',',l. 114m) 1. vacck, 17 fij~. cumtlvd). fl-tim 51 A 10. (4) 61-1610 Tr,n~ , of Now Kate (17,1m ct-1111-131y) ll),W, v, 4, tu,. P. 4"1 sof.:~~ IT. Detuximtion or Lov Matt Favoce Profilasp by W. Koch GJMAX, per, Nmw Sm*U,, VaL Vnp p 1603p 1959,, C.BetA.00 U5 valvardtw at mab"am TABONWO se"Im'O lwa#q at Sol 54 - 11--f- p Id w ar 60 ;;#, - - sum (NY-3177)- Tien Team of the gut Oemmm Potash Induatry) by Lotbar N*ubers 12 pp. =Wit wo now mwttes Vol IV.. so 9. ser, go, 1959, pp 514-517. JPW 233T Xam wn4ft -Potash Nar 60 (NY-31TT)- Ton Tom of the But Germa Iran Nd, try.. by Dietrich Zauloako 19 pp. OMWM, Per Pm -Rwttoa Ta Ni, So 9# Berlin* 1959p pp 316-*# im gm Stur - Oex=W Boca - lbt,&UtLra - ftnv= 1W - Ferrous Om ikr 6o (NY--un) - The Rolling ML~ ., bdi, try In But Oarmmy Frcm 1949-1959) by Fum Xurds.- 13 pp. MAN, pert New Batts, Vol V, No 9# BarlIam 1959'r pp W-M. - - JMW 23Y? /M ';z 'q 4!~ ZNur - Gormay Y ftoa - YAtallursy - ftrraw MM - Perrew Om nsr 6o (NY-3177). The Da"lcimout of lWarrow Xot&Uasy la Ust ftrmoW., by WIUI I-Judenlim i, NeImt Cmart., 12 ppa am". Pori Neu* amttop "l IV., NO 93 Berlin., 1959., pp 530-53k. JM 2337 ft= Net&Uvxiw - Xoaftrrom - Wo-tom 3o Nonforous 0m mar 6o Mr Frat oanuny econ - Forrow mAning Farroun ores mr 6o ;z --5~4 :il- zin Deavalo~pwat G:r tho Earn'!, cl. t -.11 Vound.r." 'uy i'ritz 13 V,!~. =-v.'v43 -~zr, Z~"4 uAttal Vol IV, ro 9p Berliz, 1959, pl) '~-'~2-`5%9. JVRS 2337 lOw - Oameny Scon - Yot&Uurgy - F=cus Mining - rarrous Orw &r 60 Sevon4w Plan of the Farroun and Eonferrmao lJotaUurgjwa Induatzy [or rmt ae=&wl. G&RKAN, per, leue guattep Derlins Vol IV,, NO 91 SeT M-M 575-576. FW S= 23'(9 Econ - M=mls and MatalA bov 59 !F-cyen-Yapa- Plan of th* Ferrous and lilcnfarroua MitaUurOcal Industry [of 2wt Gc=Any). GW.AAN,, perj laue ZmttAj Derlln., Vol W. No 9, Sep 19591 W 570-572., 575-.576. FM Sun 2379 nur - GermaxV F,con - Ninerals and NBtals Nor 59 Tasks of But Gaimn Steel and RcxUlng M11c In Supyort of the Ch=lml loduatry Progrm, by Rou scLmomr.. 16 pp. GEWAX,, per Houc E"t"i Vol IV, so 90 BeIrUn. 1999) pp JM 2423 Edw Gerrous Notealurgy, Ste-.1 aad RoUlzg M1113 Apr 6o (NT-390). XORMAXAM MbtcLu in *8 awatmi vau~ prqp p by OWg BlUep 91 Vp. ow PW Un matte) *1 vp noft 9p SwIlm) " ;R-M. I mp yp " aw xxv - Ganow am - vAtauwap WWO Apr 6o //,p 9~g 4t~ 7 coachoidal rr"tur*o W VIWwl-TwWlm Ot"10 by Z. D. &LqM. OM Gave , UMNOW, no 2,00 IMS ---- 0 r,, pp 5 4 s= M (16*,I%o 0d') as - N&w*t as 60 1175236 i're-iiez-tin., i-l' i'lez-tric .%re Vurnace M:irv er.. Ily Su"Aitz. icue ilutte, 'Jol 4, F~c' 10, ws~~' Methods and Results of Rapidliesting of Maerz Type Siemens Martin Furnaces With Varlovis Ltuplvgs~ by F. RaWs. . GERMAN per Nwe Huettv~ Vol IV, No 11, 1959, pp 663-98. ' BISI 3937 ScA-Engr Feb 65 274^%3 (EY-3250). Tasks of the Potash Industry In the Se"n-Yo%r Planp by Le leuber, ft 6 pp. Ale . part lkue Suattep Vol Ivi, No Up 19w) pp 68e, 683. im ani 2&= : re i -a &W *r 6o /// / 76? Qt WAls on Prodw%100 Of Llm- 31yitor# by J. HDWAYp K. so A--nO,ld. USM part mus Rwttes so 120 M9,0 v9 707-715. MiNwo-amb-A a 4?91 set - Kia/mt may 6o ,Z Embrittic-ent of Heat-Resistant Austenitic Steels, by G. Krueger. MCL GERMT, per, Ifeue Huette, Ila 12, 1959, PP 725-730. tils-li""1727 Se i - M L n /'I* t may 6o Tow,ndgatfop on e Cuat 3IMPal Prf~pesner in To 1,-~erprzt tae Rv3ul-~-e cf Ult-two.-Ille Tests.. by I-,. Fellchtp A. Wellel, H. J. Drese. C~! C -0 p-tr, Ilcut Hutto, Vol. TI: No pp 99-10 5. Acs]:L 13" ACSTLIUW61190 Jur. 61 ) 5 it, "?~-3 (U-NA PradWtictk of Ilgh-Graft SUUMAllay" Electrical shoots 1n But Geramp by Oe Dmbwrp 8 pp. MM, rms New Matte, Vol T.. No 5p 1960# pp 1-3, an 76a Isur --o Geram ,F " a- Soon /Jr Fab 61 Tnul 'l, Of !.;h~., ?,"at German gining and M,-tallur&ical ')~ I.P. tbe Reslintion ?Iun) by furt Gregor, pp. '-ar' jjc=_R=t:kO Vol V, No 1, 1960, 34-.elln, p-r 3-5. JM 5262 -,:,ur C;~~r=nY .,,;--on Wnirg, e,?tRllur9Y 0 3/ Aug b0 SSIT 3 1: ON-Y-35hq) T'~- Of the Chm=lcal ind=tz"j the East Geman Xining and Metallurgical lil'-'twtry, 1%- .1 - '17 v.y Schl.-Z-71 ~f pp. GEMWI, per, lqeue HuetU, Vol. V, No 'I, 'Qf~;-j, pp ims 526p- Aug 60 Oly - 3b49) The FroJuction or Smelter-Slag Pumice in Ust by Kurt Saeuberlich, Joachim Gueather, V-kl-tq- K(:wh, 5 pp. nZ-rW,N, per,-UOU&-juette, voi v, no 10 ig6o, Berlin., pp 1~-20- JPR5 5262 EEur Gennny A.C'Ir. "tn"'ng, =%au=&F nerwelectric Method of PWasuring the metal arface Level in Continuous Casting, by A. 'icershausen. j P(,T,) tivie Hutte, No i) L960) pp 3:,.-36. BISI 1809 Sci - rrigr O'.t 6-0 / -:7- .9, j -q") Producrtions Properties and Scomodo DqKnUwo of Himl Open4bafth M*lt by P. Nottor. V= Oval, perp wave mat 0 No 20 100s, 63-0- XMI 1705 (16-04.06.) Sol - ub/olt aft 6o (NY-4233/a) Development and Process of Manufacture of St 150 Prostressing Steel in the GDR, by Gustav Von Struve, 2 GERMAII, per, Neue Huette, Vol V, No 2. Leipzig, 196,0, pp 7L, 701. 1 - /. JPRS 5922 OR A'!, / IfXj '~Ico-' No V "') () (31-4233) Hinins and lista.Uurgy at the Standardizatiou ftUbition in Leipzig., by Werner Poley., 9 pp. GMUM, par. Ram Roettel Val V. No 2) Leipzig., 1960l pp 112-M4-.-- im 5922 G,-,,r=uy 10151 4, wov 60 The Tasku ot the "8 Yhy IS45" Refined 6teal Plant in the Seven-Year Plan.. by FArl Kababka, 12 pp. G=J, per, Vol V, fio 21. Lelptit$: 1960s pv !15-118. JPM 5922 Siur - Crarmmuy scan may 6o (ff A233) Statuz of ilowder-Wtallurgy Manufacture ot Sinter*d Iron Mopes sad SintAred XwW Bearings# by Tbeodor ErwgV=wp Oerbs" UWrp 13 pp. per Nmw IMU00 Val Vj No 2, Ioeipzigp 1960, Pp !;A-121. JM 5922 Ohir - Germany SCOU 1,,q zy WA., T%Z: Kan 7, lo (FI-4280) Deve-lopr--nt arA Productivity of XechmatsatLon of Copper Minlag, by Peter Roloff., 6 pp,, GMIW, per, Naue Huette Vol V) 110 31 Leipzig) 1960., pp an JZur - Gemmy Zoon Now 60 New Results in Sintering of Iron Ores With Blast Furnace Gas as Supplementary Fuel, by J. Holzhey. UNCL GF.V.AN, per, Neue Huette, No 3, jc~6o, pp 143-1L'8- *HB 4831 Sci - miri/met jun 6o Contribution to the Spectrochemical nicroanalysis of the oxide Inclusion Isolated From Steelsy by K. F. Ludemann. GEF;ItA:T, per 11 vof . iio 4, 10~ eue Futte,, 1960y pp CSIRO 5494 lei 0 Dec 62 Off -5273) '!cmbinW Process for Dr*soii3g Copper-Slate Ore, by ..13icrich Schubefty Ousutbar ", 23 PP. .MW, per, M Wout Hatt*, T*I V# No 4p 19601 0,-193- 7668 zc-d (ZIY-5273) r:atm c-,' Davelopmat of full-Basically Utwd t ~eu-llocxtb Yurucces In ReAt Oormrqj by ?riedh*U '4bes, !Ao Ulloperger, 23 PP. AFAN, per., New JbAte,, Vol V,, go 4,, 1960j, JIBS 766e soon ,ib 61 The Level or Development of the All-Basic Open- Hearth FurnAce in the German DemocratIc Republic, by F. Rabes, L. Ulloperger. GERM4, per, qIULlutte -2-12. . Apr .1960, pp 224 DISI 1759 get - Fagr /'~ 2j #3Y Aug 6o ox to M~c a by U.,ated From Steel j, je. , "Utte, 110 4, 19602 Vp 233-244. per, BISI 1771 3ci - phyr. Oc t 60 (Mr-5273) PrIots of Iron " fjtool,, by Erich Bobaldt,, 19 pp. MMM., per, Imus Hattej, Vol V. No 4, Apr 1960, pp 245 -251. JPFA TT36 Xtur - Oermarq soon /10~/, Feb 61 The Nxtrusion of Steel Tubes nod Bectionsp by B. K. L. lkffner, R. M. L. M Ims. 0=02', per., New DAU ftl To Na 1960v vq 266-48. - =1 2163 Bel - mm/nnau 14 -po -YAX 9" 61 Lw Los 63-10294 NEW AITHOMAIF-S '10 ALUMINM WIRE PROO(I", 1. Loft, W. '110N. 119621 22P. (fiv". CH"llicko 2 rvf'. I lude r f o ml S1. A $ 2, M 61-IONI rg.Ml. Of NCLIC fliltic (F3st Germany) 19M. v. 5, no. '17K 186.7- . . -- p DE'SCRIVIOM: 'Aluminum, *Wire, Imll" 1"llon, 1-1kolkoillivs. Topw,,: %Iveling tv(pitict"t-nts 4 tradiumA prkxvs,cs; nv% pi,kc~-cs; 1,:Ncr%pltm c4 equipnwnt; proNrtjvs of Alle: L"kM'Allik ~on~ldvravlms.' ind. man, the mcasurk, .A (Authm) (NIctallitt gy -Mailvi im, Slet.11m, '17. V. 10. no. J) wk. d T.W" I." (if-5282) Prodution of RoUnr4Warlog Btwl:Ln But GeraW. by 1. P. SablMs 11 pp. am"s per., Noue Rootte, Val V,, No 6, 2960, pp 1-4. JM 7461 law - oftmw Zoon , 0 ~ Avx tall f J 7 k, i= 61 Use cf In Meta.Uurgy and Ycta.1 Fhyeic,3,, by 1. S. raaikov (I. S. Kulikow). Gnimm, per, xaw-Euuf4 vol v, Am ig6up Pij 348-3054; jui ig6o, h2D-425- BTSI 1991 Sci - FhYa 156 ()~-b jun 61 2 Carbide Precipitation and Carbide Equilibriwn in 2818 Steels, by H. Twna and P. Grobner. GERW, per, Neue Hutte,.Vol 14, June 2960, pp 355-357. C. E. Trans. 5391 scil.~Jfaterial feb 71 Tea Years Urge Scale Vacuum Degusing of Stec-' by W. Kunt", or. GERMAN, y~er, Hutt-, j41 1960, pp 383-3 )98. BIMI C. ~ ~, - .-- aw -yun 6.1 /5-6 6 II/S- 7,uxj&hts on the axtrapolation in stxe"-Rtwture R.;eri--erits, by Gerhard XLueMrj 21 pp. amuml Pero Now MMes Vol V* vo 8j, 1960* pp h8l-487- AM MM-1034 Sci - fts x* 62 I.Y14.1 &4-"- i4st 66 Practical Results Obtained Reprding Knurlf-c Roll Preooos,, by 0. BiLrth. GFaW, per, Neu& Hutte, Vol V, A,-,g Pv 4&"g0. BISI 19;-") Sci - Ergr /S Jun 61 V4WIUr4cVurq, Properties =A ArpUeations of Send-KiVcd by K. Fel-Icht, H. Y. j.j Vol V, Oct 1960, GEOW, por, ~~e Hut -~ YP 590-596. BISI 227k ,wa 61 The DmIuation cf Tcisti=g Metheds fcr Inclusim tn Carbon Rteel - Ck 220 by H~ J. r~-kztciu, X. Set"ider. GMIAN, per, Youe Butt., Vol Vp Oct 1960, pp 607-617. ... . 7A BIST 2057 sci - mww / s-** "~ n ~/ Dirlict Use of KU M Krupp-PAm Lappen for ?kkLng Steel in the Are Purnam, by K. P. Ludwmm. GEMAN, per, Now Huttet I Vol Va 1960j, pp 617,, 618, CRL/T 1119 sci-M A N H" 63 A p -~rl jyp UtIlizatim of the " Rocerveo of the wtaumvical DA=try In saying )kjcr sco- noml Toiksl br JbwJdz Olden., 4 pp. aMWAN. nw,, ~~w &*wf vol Y. No u., ig6o., pp eli:46. nur - owww N= A3r 61 !0 U1, 6CO-RI.,kry Coot t i nWal Vol 19&", BTSI P669 nv- Grosernsa. Horst. MODERMZING TRE NATIONAUZED FINOW ROLL- ING &AILL (1961114p. Order from STT $7. 00 STM52-297 %W (FAst Germany) 1960, v. 5. Trans. of Neue M no. 12. P.-73F7-33. DESCRIMRS: *Rolling mills. Desip. U-12192 1. Grossman. H. U. STT-152-297 111. SCIENTECH. Scientific wW Technical Translations. Cleveland. Otdo (Metallurgy. Tr. v. 7. no. 4) offi" of Toth" Sw-k-- The Resistance or a Blwt Furnace Carbon Lining to AttAwk by Certain Agents,, by J. Janovski, 9. (;ERMt per, Neu* i~..-vol v, Doe ig6o, PP 743-7521-1, BISI 2056 Sci - Chem ,xim U I in ~bld '.,,LLrIL,:- U~n (:,:=Iit3r at Sheet From idm=1 Dcep-,L~xwrli~~ Steel, by J. 'Ajla.U, B. Ctta. GOMAN, wro Ll~~- Huttej, Vol XIS No 1., 1961; pp 17-22. RB 5142 171 S7d Oct 61 Measurement of Self-Diffusion in Alpha- Iron in Union with C060 in Alpha-Iron, by W. Lange, et al, 12 pp. GL'R:,.IjVJ, per, Neue flutte, 6, (no.1) 1961 pp. 33-44. *CFS'11I TT 70-58103 ILA13U.' RROM NBS ONLY AVA. Sci/Chem apr 70 THE INFLUENCE OF PICKLING HYDROGEN ON THE PROPERTIES OF SILICON ALLOY STEEL SHEETo BY S. BOHMER. GERMAN., PHR., NEUE HUTTEj, VOL Vlp JAN 1961.. Pp 5"0. BISI 2746 SCI - MIN/METALS AuG 62 LIST A3 207,130 ,(my.-6288/c) .0 Resultz of the Uae of Automatic Yeasuriug au6 Control Installations for Blemevs4lLrtin 7w- =ceal by Friabold Rabee, 21 pp. GEPM, per Neue Ruetta Ivrol Vl,~ No 2p 1961P pp 65-71. JM 9557 Egur - Germny 3Com Jul 61 (NY-6288/di Economic Use of Alloy*po Hateriol to Steol rroaucum I Dy voirpog gmtscher, 19 vp - aIRKAN, per., New It Dette, Vol VIV No 2, 1961, pp 72-T7. . --.1. -1 ... jFM 9557 Mw - Gez By /.5- ~, fou 3con jui 61 The Use of Slit Strip in NIlUd and Riming Steel Quality for the Wnufacture of Lorgitudinal Sea% Welded Tubes# by K, Idelmun. am", per,$ None Nuttes Vol vi., 1961s pp 81-87. BUZ 2670 out - M*r may 62 list 133