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J;gm Stwvcn v= Wear (Jo=nes steplianus) a by F* ~ls Go ]?!_~fer _~2 pp. mm, p*T,, Ne4mirlsaftch TIOschrift mm voer Mmeaskmdo& No 770 WSO pp 3S62-3579. M W34-63 (LO=) scl - Viol A N" Nov 63 243,54(0 4% to .:? -P . ". eiatiat niawatii ir, ;ParY7 worl., Ly I . D~i' T Domirque. PREIK-T,, W. v Uploolfte,, Vol VM,, No 2 ~ 19561. pp k9-0- ABLD-039 sel Avg 59 9 3,, 6 ~" ' '; ~' Re. cwt on am~ keeldental Ca=e of Fire Demp *tIon in pt Test GmUft7, W L. beffet. OEM". , -er, ESTI"U*torft, Vol X, No is Jpn god bbr 1957j, rp 27-32. Sal Jul " V~? VII Fo 1-1 The ltdUome of th& armin Shm of AmmouLum Nitrate on tlxl qmuty or a4mi"s, by t. v&rs;,t,- PRMI-s pors 83wU*Ift, No Itt 1952, pp 143-154. AM 4M" Bel Avg 59 ? t 113 of Rit by L. Dcffot UtiUASSIFIED n .1i,719CEP pers ftPloalfs,, Vol VI., Ito 3, JulY/sept .-S'53.s py 93-102 TPA3/Tn T h273 -,:Iontific - Chomistry The Conspiracy Against Portugal I-M, by Jose Valle de.-FiguelredD. 9 pp. IMMTED OFFICIAL USE PORTUGILMSE~ nj~,-D-IaWo da Manha, 11 Nov 1964, Encl No 1-3 to Desp A-178, AmEmbassy, Lisbon. Dept of State 4632017864 WEur - Portugal Pol Jan 65 270,804 M their Hicropelaeoutolugical, Paytolitba &Mbe Pedological wA 03:ologiccl NFA)*we rmd Sigaificcnee, tW G. Doflwidre. WJMp per, ft2kMlems, Vol 57, So V4, 1963, PP59-234 CSIM/No 6938 Sci - Jul 67 334,200 1-i the Off Cyclehasionove, by J. Alegy, Fit?U-CIA, por, Uevas do I'lustitut, Fromeetse do! Patrol* BI-Di- Is Sc I - Chen Jimly 69 337,038 I;iw)yoraum " Ilecompodtion of liydrat" Dy--.-I thuml Mtrwt6 ForawAm at a Manohythmm, by hi. do jwum"AL FREMHP per, p2mm AMM& Vol CLV4 1913, lp 1044-1048. A FPCI C sd-pb3,u Aug 65 The Valee Blanche Cable Railway, by L. De Franlicisco. FRENCti, per, Genie Civil, Feb h~58. NZDIA Sci Dec 62 in , A , 1 1 - Sao& jokbods of ftwjft tim adwd= ot ohmsmbm solou #A a HadImus bV J6 ~L softwom iwm 0 juw* Mm Ills va 36 lb at U630 Us* a J. 14. Defranoux oft - malft so modrd" am 6T AqPicM Gmt, by M. Frwik, t De F 1 9 HUBRET'j. per. Ult v O'l M'J'; 'No 4. 11 ~ 4 a " 92-11. m".9 1-5910~-E tV 22OW28U W, -G&Msd Sam 65 270,399 of Ifeat-Ellouictamt Commitata= lll~ ItEcarite on au Ammnium Ph-oaDhato Base, by V. M. Dagtcv, 22 'RU , 58M, jor, Trudy Vaes Mektrotakh Inst, Vol Mr, 1958., Vp 272-287. - MA 60-19955 "To! W, NO 7 /7-7/ Aloll? A;r 6,?. NW41NM AM 18MMIM COMSTOU4 fff ITALO -g-"& 5 to. IT410o P% GWIVRUM SWALIVrk NO 60 19R6, pp 31*3m JW4 8*18 Now rm Am 4 237v"7 The Effect of fte Chemical 11sture of the Solvwit on the Oaddation of Rubber In So- UMOM by T. 00-.PWr and A. S. KUz- RWSW,, pers Dak Ak Sauk MRp Vol =,/, no 21 1957, pp 339-3%2. ConsultanU Bureau CA.&*nl Avg 58 7%5% 6 7,F -A Gzvpbla Method and Numerlwa TrAp for je-ern~--x~,, tha Semwity of Effiedency. ckf Agricultural Varletier.,, by Amando L. Do Finsp 50 pp. SPAX=# pw Pavieft la Facatad de Agranomia 4e La Plaft ItMrM* epow) Vol xTe, 1940p pp 21-54. BOLA* 2r in Mow -P Ojeft sident4fic - swou OCI the Elasticity )Wuluo and the Limit of PropWUOMWW of the COVI" Coop(Mod Alumina- A3=iul.vo# ~!& as AUUMUS x FUNM,, per,# *M gwras JwBgtr, Vol XXV J, A%w 1"20, Vp W-170. ftlaw Booftrah InUtaU so 52 0 4WO.I. Sel"Utle Niou"DAM"S Sby 54 M ON The Mideml Signifleswo of Lactic Dsb7dxvgenase., by 1. RwAklbormt, J. A. Wmloutg 17 pp. VJKZ,, per.. 3b FWJ& HoUes Xmismacal son Val II,, Mo 2j. M9., pp 79-90. NU 3-45-61 Sol- ad aw cemeat or tite Famums by j. Dle.or"s vmms Twp, BoU et ftnU+.Iamj, No 3p ftris IMi ipp 97-35. Dwt or I" = nor at ml-,~Uab lb S%O Ws - Itar , 1,,70' grl so= I ftb 59 Iup~memsvts In tkw Ignitim of lbtors., by Anodes Deo"em-3 VP- IPM=., Patent So 778,332. Dept of C~me putfut OMOG Bel Lil (girt) Bel - Aw 17 5 7.0 Aky 57 U y 0 bi P, 0 1 Carbon Steels Dinveen 20 and' 10 C, After QMenclAing and After Cold Working (with discussion), b mmt y J. do Fou 6 et al. FIUQIp HU, Hat, 4 -196A, Vol 61. .hLI-Aug 1964, pp M-M, *41,51 3"1 UVI-rruncu I;ci/, Hay fis 2780793 lAtent 911dul Power Developments; Combining of Ti POvftr Statime With HYdmul:Lc Statione of Tber-I Generating; Plants,, by A. ~ercz)lrp 8, Re. Generale de Mlectricite, Vol 44, No 15.8 15 October 1 pp 463wr3. UGA Cur" of IbUrp Usterways Exper Sta Tr -39-51. Bel Snaftearlogg. tqdzuul:Lcol, naval ZeM Trafteportatioup river water I p Avallable on loan at Researeb Center TAbriary 16, Determimtion of U235 Cmtent in Uranim by a Padlochamical Matbod,, by 1. a. de Praenz, W. Sea) an-XSpbert. SPAN=.. p"r., P/1008., ProceedUW of Mmternatlaaal OwftrMee on Pftftftl UMS of Atomic MeM B63A at Oweft 8-20 Aug 1955., Vol VM. D%tW=U Coaf set - *ACIO&r !~Wwics czA i-W.g.i62 ~f-,;2~ 1,V "/ A IWv series oT Isobars of Tin and Antim3rq, by I. U. ft.Y.Am"s et a'. SPAKM., paper.. P/102D., Proceedings of Uftrnations' Conference an Peaceful Uses of Atcuic fterv Hold at Oen"S 8-2D Av4 1955j, Val VII. D2%ormtl Omf -- UN cm 1-669.9.162 fttoaltba (Mmeziberg), 7beir Mictropalneon- tological, Pedc2ogical and Geological Nature and Sixamcon , V o. Defiandre. GM"j, per,, -ftot d)" 1963, ;W 234-M aaMM, Vol. 5T, No. CSDD/jb - 693B G, D,,f- ic L AP 0 RZ-' Bcd - Aug 07 335-96D General Llectronics Circuits, by J. J. DeFrance. UNOWN, 1963. Holt, Rinehart & Winston Sci Nov 63 Peadnizing Tumor of the Testiclay bY P- WMcquetp " L. Wa=aup 0. Defra=ss 3 P- IrapSCS, per, Lille -ehir"910nl, 1955, Val XI, pp 142-144. GIA 59-15354 Sol D" 59 /0 A/ 1:2 /-? Vol 2 p No 6 Jivest.igati4mr. on the Bacterial Resistance of -'hloramphen:'col 1. Degradation of the Antibiotic by sensitive iu)d Resistant Dact*ria, by R. Angeluccl,, A. Defrance"chi? 9 PP- ITALIAN, per, Nuovi AAn. Ig. e. Microbiol,, Vol V, No 4, 1954;, pp M-294. NIH Tr Wo 111 SOJ* 79 I-c lentif it - Biology, chemistry , A 11 +; b 1. -) ~. C'S j1pplication of the Polari3ation cm-re to nae, Eramiration or Lowa Corrosion of ataL-4tas " c, -1,o --alo, by J. Id. Deftraoux. . GAMM, per, Werkstarte und Korraoicn,, Vol X, Wo 7, 1959, pp 425-429. AM 751*lG - Chem; Min/Met Jun &L I r - 7 a- Fm%m-AM mobwm at staws3v Ue - F ot Sholdow B%*U Ja a WoMaded MUM* bF J1. 116 NOMMU- imm WP Rom IIL %130 awn lw.% 0 TV Wso J. M. Defranowx WOWT on - cmmdmmw imp oft On tbe RealMme--of Btalm2sss Cbrom-Ifickel Stsela To the C*r"sloo ot LWastrial Sultioric Ael4iy,, by a 06, VP pw# lb ous do Nwftll=Wov Val LVII;, No 6v IV 447.494.: 2 rX, 71 Awd CO/Ow HAstica In Market Gardening, by q.. D-triYacheux. MOT, por, D= l7ortlools., Vol Xly No 2j, 1 Feb 1956o PP 50-53- AMM-M39 Set AuG W FJ Z 0 cc rommakit Is Cwr*w In a ftu RI&S Of Soft Zr4a und tbe lanxwwe or l4sterealso bY A. Dsftottav It Joe FPJM# camptas rAwkwo Val CLVMO ND 250 sat au Tr 57-2o65 JPGI 58 10 S/ pi" 00 an*" ce a "mug sewd of " &fAW44 L_ cA. & Cftt*y, Of TA AA4 by A.A WAM 0 Mbrobok Vd ixn 3b 4. "446 4 5 i., Do so wamsd a";; 2"An ol GtLll-,:Qr ,it Lam a ta- V,:::~ U. v De Clactanip 5 pp. ....... ........ rMIAN, per.. R*fLzma Madica, Vul LXXI, 7 Dec 15,157t pp IA21-1422. 1133 11-5 sci - Ned Dec 58 N4D/63 MM XV 73M AMK I"tm for WalowaWs NA Dma 2 68-40% bw Po do 36 ftp~ 3 Y tj- - IfOaft Mofttews 70 3863o I:Lmnmoxl.o I/ 44wml-em/w~m ml - ULWASS a 34 &M 63 An Artificial Jkr for the Calibration of Telmj*am PlotwIverup by Barduccip Y. De- 5= 4~0 D. $Otte# 7 PP- ,F perF AIAA Frequenzap Vol XXIV* ISO 3.p J= 19558 pp 238-245. sLA Tr 57-V43 Sol Jul. 58 A-LIU Mtb7SA VA ~Aflje.~IQlj'. E(-Clllbt~i z~atlal 1.39c, by Igor do Cianne, 223 pp. FOE. UFFICI.-'%L USE ONLY ItIMMR, nwrxgrVN L" M"va dti Cameroun-Vto r Sac,-Econ IdAr 65 274.311 Clotbospins, by Nmri4o Iftsma 6 P. 7Y ITALIAI#v pot* Patmt me 436,226. oprt Of CAM Sci-NGM Jml " 3060801 ProtectIon of Pub24c Drinking-water b,y Gyula VLIMM, I'mre began, 9 pp. MMMIAS, ywj. V:LzujWI Rrt"Ito,, Vol vin, iqc) 8, 1961, pp 6u.&. ipm 14T24 Sol - mod ,Aa 61 Dire:: t:ic- -supervisi3n lilrectrwate 7 -.-1 rtc s i Jc np iLur n- 1, -,-r D r. e n to Vol 71 T lio 1) Apr Dlrec*~,!.ve Fo 24/1961 or the vationai Chief !-~LrMxmate of Water Conservation, Cc)ncerzUn(,, the OrgunizEition of Production Sectiom Within the Water Conservation Dirlectorates, by luwe ~~n 4 pp. HUN M IAN, per, Vizugyi Ertesito, Vol VIII, no 11/12, 6 jul ig6i, pp 96-97. im n462 EEur - HuMary ~7 IN-= ItIveatil3atloms Olk Winap With and Without SVO*Pback no at, HIO. SubevaU DP*Cfto bY JAUDb Ar-kD"to m;p!!qe- w2kouvs Rotto, 3.4 pp. - - Mpj",, zeltochrIft fuer &*jwwnd'.*e I A&%hsMttk und ft"Ito Vol is 19500 "-.32-kg. MACA M 1320 Aeranautles - S.L.A. - S&n Crarar Llb. Miwtics and Mechanism of the Raschig ILvdroxyLamine Synthesis, by F. Seel, E. _PLETner. GMMNj perj, Z. fuer Anorgaascbe und Allgemeine C C hlkmNie, Vol C%,7=IV, 1956Y PP 101-130. cSMO Set - ("hem may 62 / 141 .9W 10-4, C~L Action (Z~z (I. ixfpifwtrdt,, U. J. Ebk--'L)ener,. 1. Alester, WMHOW., perj, Hoppe-ScVlerls Z PbWBial Chm., 19611 pp M-284. AW Tr-5089 Sci - Hadp Chm ju 6,04 .2- 0,5,~ /--7 / W, Grating of Utersecting nods for Foot rxrm~wr iiata., Mmays s. Windo" j etc p by Johwmes Degenhwdt, 7 pp - M=p fttent go U*,6%. Dept of Cormi3rae Phtent Office Sci Idb 7 /0 &a 62 ell JWfc=atio" of the Spinal Column and Cliorda Aalagge (&Wri=ntal Terstopale and Mcbryoblatclogiml laveatiSations in Rabbits), by K. H. Degen-bardt, J. nadetskY, 76 Pv- ------ COMM.. per) Z Nenuchl Tererb u Mona titutionalshm, Vol 1=111, 1935, pp 151-192. mm 0-36 Sci - Mod Sep 59 Gejua-lia Droommetwis mg T.,nwrls SynArmo Type Mar,mmatlaw is a Pbmw%Wc%U7 ~md Chrowooorr- MLly Odd* DaUvl4ual, by J. L. Do Gm~- now, vw. A~ pe"f4t fp"16) Vol 17, lb Pr Ift-157, Awl - nw-g= (oaly -A Lom) e, yi n Dee Eagnotic Metals, by P.G.dc Gennes, J, Friedels wwww--=~ I- r, J. Phys, Chea. Solids Vol 4, vin- 4alm p p n5a, 14~ ;1-77, RISI 4009 UZ/Fronco ucilkwi Apr 65 278,494 Value of the Homtoencephalic Barrier In 1-mml ion ASaInst Rebiesp by L. de Omrgesp 3 pp. -- p 457. m Imr.. Rev ae Microbtals Vol V3:Ip 1928p NIB Scleattric - Ned1clue CTB/I= The Queotion of the Continental Shelf, by Paul de Oeouffrn de la Pradelle,, 16 pp. WNCLASSIFIED MICH, irreg rAmhletp La Question du Plateau contineatal.. mo 49, 1957, Aix-en-Provence, pp 3-24. US JPRS/DC-L-54 Int 6o Jecon - Interuational Law pol ro!og bS%r 58 as 30109 Abs at ftel *AWL AMMMIUMAV %W I- --- owe 16 MUWP 3D W some udo, (NY -5'e-~4' How We Propagate AJ~ -inced Experience, by T. V P07AR-W j a Pp 0 C RUSSIAN., per, Vestnik SVYAti;, No 6, 1955. am 7089 Sci Jun 61 / 4, 7,~~ The Influence of a Third Elerrivnt on Diffusion in the Solid States by S. Gerzricken, I..Deghtyar. RUSSIMI, Perm ZhUr TOM Fizo V01 xvii., No as 1947, pp 881.-W. DBIER LLU M. 1665 Sol - phys wt U / z 0, 03 Diffusion Constanta* by S. C--rzricken, I. Deghtyar. RUt3SIAX:j pers Zhur Tekh Fiz, Vol XVIZ, No 6,, 1947a PP 1371-8W. DsDt LLu m. 1666 Bot - Phys I ck.-t 61 / 70, ?-:rj DiecilMlon On Mic Scala of Turbogen-re-Vars I?Ltl2 Itdrogez CooLing, by 0 - 8 - Degil I . IWSSLW, pw, Elekt-Sta.Mosk., No 9, 19-62., rjj 7743~. NLL/9()m-u3 1963 (3263) C-7 - 5 - 0 e- ,~ I (--' Sci - Jill 61 334, L98 TK UTECT OF' A-- LACOM- COAT I WG ON - fWCR - "CATIN(4 ov Q. S. RMIL 100 mo am ff"Slis VOL XXXIIIS NO 10 10 air an. = NLL M- 37" SCO -P CHM act 4 2140177 Adjustrent, Opmtlan *n4 Maintwance of Type TOV-200 7%wbo-Domrstors, by O.S. Dogn' RUIMUN, Vw_BXCUUJL V62. 22, No. 11, 1964, PP 4-7 anift?/,r3694 6 -5 i) , r- , z , Sal - sup 6-1 339,751 61-27623 DWI% G & ME7HODS OF DETECT1NG INTER-IURN FAULTS 1. Degil', Q S. IN THE FIELD WINDINGS OF SYNCHRONOUS MA- 11. AEI IT/T-2871 CHINES (Metody Obnaruzhenlys Vidwvykh Zarnyksail III - DSIR LLU ht 3227 v Obrnotkakb Vozbuzbdenlys Sinkhrowykh Mashin) tr. IV. Associated Electrical by D. R. H. Phillips. 27 Mar 61 [12]p. 3 refs. Traf- Industries, Ltd. ford Park trans. = 2871; [DSIR LLJUJ Nt 3227. (GL Brit. Order from OTS or SLA $1.60 61-27623 Trans. of Meitt(riches e] Stantail (USSR) 1960 [v. 311 no. 6. p. 60-64. DESCRIPMRS: Detection. Electric maclawry. Elec- trkal equipment. *CoUs. *WLrft diagrams. *Syn- chros, OWLre wLading mechines, hiscidnes Universal methods, methods only applicable when the rotor to in motion. and methiods only applicable when the r(Kor to stationary are discussed. Offtm.f Tc6ital Sw,1c.% (Eq&eerIng--ELIectricaI, Tr. V. 6. VAL 9) Dateattog Inter-Tum -CLrouLto Lu tlw 93witing WLrAlap of T=bo- agwraton by mum at the vbatw )Wboal by Q~!LAtIMM", - on 0 Buk st"tas NO yo IZ9* DM LW IL 13a (2=0) act - ZIActrm IM, d my 60 z j,he Reaction of Neutral Red on the Serum o.,C Cancer Patient$ and its RelAtion with Other Stainsp by Dr. A. a. Roffo,, Dr. H. Degiorci# 12 pp SFAU,W. per rz Prenza 14edica Argentina,, Vol XMp 1927b pp GW1088. Scientific - Medicine CTSAW //, 07911 04 Colloid Cmformtlon end Almd Intravenom L%.WtioqA,v by Rudolf Deftwitza 32 pp. =MM.P pw.- Forteahrite auf dm (Mbleft der RmtoomtraUsas VU LV=,p 19381 ipP 479-4a. Pwtent arfles Sol - MA Doe 09 The Graumlation Process of Fulverised a Rotating Pan, by A. Pg_rfter. MUMOMI.. rptp Cenent-Wano-~Ups) No 18/~3(2), 10163., rp 25-31- NLL Ref: 5196 1963 (13-88) (loan copy) Sci Sep 64 vith am-RWA Bladws. by P. F. Delp. 0 patat no 914A*q BOO at omwwm F&t=t attim ftl I" " mw 99 1? IV-' IK ll>~ If Alkaline Carbmatus Vvllhieli Cm !-~. 1,;*.-,et-.' ui.~r,~mlytQs iFjr Fuel Cell,": Mota!2; limt- C;.,Lzt lie U-sad Lvi Eloctroc:es, by P. C., Jislod'~ ------- PPJ'NC-I,. p,:-r, Dnlli,,tip. Soeietc Franco,, No 10, 19621, pp 1837-18920 OT 7468 r-11CM o' dP4 J-.ltl 64 Study at die Teagerft at Vniam Tempe amen of the am pbs" ~-Almad by.WlMw-Qummcbkg tu UrarAivm- 5113rv. AHO" Vilth Chromim Cowamadons of 4 F, 4L37 to 4 at.%* by LUcbel 59 m FRENCH. rpt, 1963. ABC-ANL-Tr-124 W, -Pik" A ulgr 64% 286,vn 0-rcration of VenluilatorB in Small Cold Storage Ro=s, by P. Doqix, 8 pp. UITCIASSIFIED FFMCH, ~er, Revue Pratique du irroid, Vol VI, 1950o pp 9-11. W 411 Scientific - Engineering CTS/DEX A qo*m,ce of Error in the Emodynamic Diagaosis of fiaxtic Stanoals, by P. Soaie, 11. -Dagorges, - Y. J.Loy,, 15 pjp. FROMI., perj, Arab Jkl da Omur, Vol LIX, ft 9. 1959, pp loce-1019. X:M 3-.V-6e / 9 9,, 7-p- 7 ~Jcd - 14CA ama 62 J;,vrj.--vb floccurreiis witv aeciiic vaccick!. by 'Pe ljq~fjs. tt al. FREPCh, I ex,. Lull :S(x Franc bum Syph, Vol 71, I-u 'Itin 0 TVo Uses of Bromium-82 in Groundwater Hydrodynamdes, by B. J~cg,)+-, P. Ch. Leveque. nMCH., rpt... *ABC Sci Wm Nov 63 go ft as W cowanw, by P.X. ~ comaraft *a Q"w A" OINSMOL am . I i Kaw =0 - - b44 W I* mm Apr " 2$"m I 1:;Ct rct-cl LI I CZLI .,.-~.axatanoous and uruft-induced Lxura- iyrajaidal Sy-ndromes of a new Synthetic 16--iti-parkinsm Drug, by ITALIA14,0 1-mr, Folia Psyr-Idat (Lecce) Val 6, 1963, pp 405-409. -39-65 (On "-Ln) Jut 65 283,6S9 %he Ugg ot * gwrmswjple to StuV the AMMMVXM wid DNS] ~ rg I at Omdtablan ln lAtaft &06, *w u mtmawg6 tw IL D*mls.. D. Baal'=# e lve psom compome &maw., n vca o=v,, Igai, IV IMAM- S Amy w 3SWUM 97 lkd = Pt" ;Z~z aw 63 PL bmrcda# NIFAr Mr 33WOM 26 ikd - aws mw Cis 9 2 Rauum 9mmm as and tbo ftlAmtua of on gA Tow owltddm In owtdn ZiqdWb MOSSUA to tummm" MA044as IV ammudat ~ W- aw MXrluwAe of On FamucaMM of BmIWWUCO Produced in solutlow &A%S*PW to TAftomadassaiatim 8 on *4 WfSWAlr at 000144 S" ladnonmt o"Wets tw 16 Imp"op IL SodIllms 3 w. M87.0 oow*w smowt vbl mav" Igo# awy it "Wom Is fts . 22wo ;~:x 1/ 7,7'7', aw 63 --- ----is cle 013MMWACM in golg4jaw ad4sated to lat"am" mumm# JW U. vowels, S. medIllms 3 mg. ------- =mm vwt amow al"Wo va oavs, Igas w IN M-M. sm 2r 393ARM & aft - You a:kq 77/ ft 63 (DC-~WI/LrT; 5~*ach of Swmtu7 General of Ca=znJ at Party of Ifetherlaods, by Paul D* Groot, 3D pp. ma m ~ Pik 0 2D-22 fty 1961, pp 1-22. Jm &r36 WSW -awlsode Pal Aug 61 J-1116IISO Dc- 5 Paul*De Groot at "Waarheid" Festival: Unit,,, for an Atum-Free Netherlands and in the Struggle for Higher Wages, by Paul d6 Groot, DUXII, np, De Waarheid, Vol XXI, No 226, 26 Sep 1,060, P WE Netherlands Pol Communist Speech lc oct 6o ii0ireditaria Upoidica Tmiter-Powan-l'Iyars (angiokczutom, W Corporis Diffusm Van Fabry), i;, P. UUTOI per, Noderl T Geneesk, Vol 107, 114) IS: 1963, PI) 38r-693. 1311 4-37-6S 4,!ay 6 5 2800774 NETHc'RLA.NDS: VICTORY FOR PEACE, BY PAUL DE GROOT, 5 PP' DUTCH., NP, DE WAARHEIDI 24 Nov 1962, P 3. JPRS 16736 WEUR - NETHERLANDS POL - DEC 62 218)421 ]DO mo ASIOW go"x* Dowwomm b*WWAISMI 1 .60,6 "M by V;Wl:ogr 2 M C orr"S 7, 16 19K M sor%r. IM w7i r11 i coo" josm (X, -. J- (,-. I j- -L, I,; Notherlends Ccgmmxmist Chief do caumental by Faa de Groots 6 DUTM; Do Wearbeld,, Val XX.T-jl No 178., Aug 19ap P 3- JPM 11574 WEur - IgetherUads ftl J4 M (e Qjr T-plumm'. perp ciaft2mft, vol i--j*Jl MID Vp allifs tAw sel-SA4 f4mv. 65 276,353 Proceedings of the 52rA Meeting of the Som)ety of Oncologlutu of Aoscou aud Moscow Province of 31 garah 1960, by ,;;~ A, Degteva pp. ------ - !!1-6 MUM: I"j, per, v0progy W 1, Vol V1, ft 11, J960, rp 107-IM. pp 16 Bei Y/ Au4 61 G. ANOMIAL'UGRADATICH OV FLUORINATED SLASTMERS OF THE KEL-F AND PFP(VF TYPES (Tertalcheskil Raspad Ptursoderdambaikh Masto- m*xm Mpa Kel-F I PFF/VF) tr. by G. lansim Sep 61 11201 areft RAE Library Tram um 9671 AD-265 016. order froi OTS, SLA, cc HTC St. 60 TT-63-24371 Tram. ot Vysokcmd1ektdyaxvye Soadiwolya OMR) 1961. v. 3, am S. p. 671-Vt (Abatroa avallow DMKIPTORS: Mastomers. Pyrolysis, Heat resinv= plaadca, Polymer*. Sbiscoarelpropertles, Hastat actlyndon, Rasedon kh"ca, pluarkwo. tint of rftc'dof4 Edlyleces, Chloddes, ftq-. Pd~ chloride. 7U diermal degradadon al Kel-F sod PFP/VF eW- comers vms 1weadgated over dm temperature range (Materifila-M-gromers. 'IT. V. It. AM I) (-) TT-63-3W1 1. Ddoeve, T. G. 17. RAE Traw-M III. AD-265 016 TV. Etayal Aircraft Estabushmea (0L Bft) The Saulet Union Helps t2te Co=triev of Afr 4 C&, J. by D- 5 -mr. OJSBIAIU,, W, "rewamyy Vostok, No 11, 196o.. vu.) 18-M. -5)- Me 4 WA - Africa Z' 7'y so= jun 61 Oie Uab0l-lLtion of Association in Vcx7 YounG Mildren, by E... 1j. -ar, 6 pp. FUSSD~11, per, Zhur Vysshey Nerv Deyatel Imeni I. F. Pavlo,vra ,vol xi, lzo 1. 1961, pp 81-86. pp Sci i-.;ay 62 X=Wft behowtor of Dowd& Btmtwo Varlog NWuti- ftti*ajp by Ve As * by 1. F. Dog- -tjmr"t#.,D pp, MUM Ipwp Is Ak Rnk ~jp Sw Fix.. Vol 10; 3b a, 1,961. an sai &a 63 220,2S8 WaldinS a' Ileinforc :- - t 0 '1., at .rhe IIL 0 -an Du D epoti; or on thc! &ection Sitc, '?,3Y .:-IUSSLU" per, Avtcrat Svarkxa, No pp 55-6P-. !L-itish WEldiriSr ll~zG. Assoc. nly 1511. -76 q The Donets-Donbass Canalp by V. A. Degtywi', V. I% Larnerp 16 pp. RUSSUS, per, Gld I Melior, Vol IX, No 10, 1,957. pp 3D-49. (m 6o-21827 PL hao Sci - Ew 13 Doe 6o / 9"-T ~V6 PST So 132