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On the-(Mestion of Axo Dendritic-Connecti _i th t ons n c Ce~ebral Cortex. An ZLectrow-Acroscopical Invest-ligation by T.V. Davydova, L. N. Dyachkovaj 3 PP -I RUSSLO., per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXLVII, No 5, 1963 pp 1191-1192. CB Sci Nov 63 Arnno Acid Precursors as Mutagens, By I. A. -Ra-popcr'U, 3 1 T RUSS1.41q, Per., Dok Ak NmWi SSSRy Vol CXLVII, No 5, 19062 PP 119-3w-1195 CB Sci Nov 63 Sumer Sleep of th e Colorado Beetle (Leptinotarsa- Decemlineata Say) in the Transcaucasian Region of Ukraine ' R. SS , by D. V. Petrova, 3 PP RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CMNIIIy No 5. 1962 pp l196-1199 CB Sci Nov 63 Some UnImown Organic Substanceo in Sea Water, *b~y K.I.I. Ehailov 3 PP RUSS-LAN, Per, Dck Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CYJV3:I, 140 5, 1962 PP 1200-1203 CB xa"" , re ~~/ ~~ ?I sci Nov 6 3 A Hypothesis on the Physical Nature of the Forces of Muscular Contraction, by L. Kh. Yedius, RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, (Physics Section), Vol CXLVII) No 5, 1962, pp 12o4-1207. Amer Inst of Phys Sov Phys - Dok Vol VII, No 12 Sel C 0 ic pation by De-SwUribonucloic Acid in the xha Paxt" i Synthesis of the Polyribonucleotides by an Enz-ymc System from Animal Tissues, by N. V. Bogoyavlenskaya, M. A. Guberniev, 3 PP. RUSSTPM, per, Dok Ah Nava: .-SSSR, Vol C)MVII, No 5, 1968 pp 1208-1210. CB Sci Nov 6':' ~j A Coq?czative Study of the Nucleotide Cor9ositlon of Soluble Ribonucleic Acids From Som Species of Bacteria ~!nd imimalsi by G. N. Laitsera, T. M. Dmitrieva, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nank SSSR, Vol CXLVII, 140 5, 1962 pplpll-IP14. CB Sci uov 63 Conc2litration of Ilracc Elements in the O-rganism and Blood Cells of Ascidia, by V. V. Kova-I'skii, L. 1-7. -1 r: -,za-~va, 2 pp. 1 HiSSIAN; pc--:-., Dok Ak NaWz SSSR, Vol C)J,v-II, 11c 15, 1-962 PP 1215-12-17- CB Sci 1,10-v 63 in the Charactcr of Depression of Protein S~rnrthesiz in Cancer Cells by OxTExomantic Compuunds ane, Alh-ylating Agents, by G. V. Kialmel-C-ina, L.E3, Gorbachcva, 2 pp. EUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CYMIVII, No 5, 1962 pp ia~-iaq CB Sci iiav 63 Chm-ical Transfo=-tions of D-1-and Tripcptidcs Subjccted k.o the Action of Ult-rascnic Uaves in the Presencc v:r Active and Inert Gases, by I. E. E1.1piner, A.V. - S6kollskmya, 3 pp. OUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR;, Vol CaVII, 110 5, 1962 _pp 1220-1222. CB Sci Nov. 63 The Development, of Maize plants &t ]Di-fercn,, pH Values of the Nutritive Medium, by S. S. Andreenko, 4 pp. NBSIAN, per, Dok Ak Wauk SSSR) VcI CXWEI, No 5, 1962 i pp 1223-1225- CB Sci Nov 63 Fixaticll Of C02 by Potato Leaves in the Dark... -by - -- A. T. 246rronosov and T.L. 1,1Lkhailova, 2pp. RUSSIAN,, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSRI Vol CXLVII, No 5, 1962 pp 1226-1229. CB Sci Nov 63 Resting Period of the Apple Root System,, IV Ya. S. Nesterov., 4pp; HUSSIAN., per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXLVII, No 5, 1962 pp 1230-1233. CB Sci 110-,T 63 Effact of Fontania Proxims Lep. (Tarrithredinidac) on Growth, Photo synthesi s, and Chlorophyll and Carotenoid Content of Leaf Laminae in Slaj.x Fragilis L. Pathogcni~-' cit1rof Gall-Formers, by E.I. Slepyan, 3 PP. RUSSIAH, Per, Dok lkh Rauk ESSIR, Vol CXLVII, No 5, 1962 pp 1234-1237. CB Sci -aov 63 Haterochronic D--v elopment, of, 1-unctionaol-'-y Different Striped 1,11uscles in Human Embryogenesis, by A. A. lai 4, P P RUSSIM,Tj per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR,, Vol CMVII,, No 5., 1962,, pp 1238-1241 C-B Sci .,~icjv- 63 Me Effect of T-Aminobixty-Lic Acid on the ~~t--rchnin!--- Potentail of the Cerebral Cortex, A.S. Batuev, I.A. Sytinskii, 2 pp. MiSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXLVII, No 5, 1962, pp 1242-1243. CB Sci Nov 63 Spread of -RxcJtation- in the -hotor 'ones of - the-Cere"b-z-1 Cortex and Brain Stem Structures in a State of Adaptatic of Convulsants, by S.A. DDlina.) 3PP- RUSSIAJq, per, DA Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXLVII, No 5, 1962 ]pp 1244-1246. CB Sci Nov 63 , I cc of"' insects to Ultra-Low Tcr.- ne Ecsistan k peraturcs, by L.K. Lozina-Lozinskii, 3pp. RUSSIAN, per. Dok Alt NaW~ SSSR) Vol CYIVII, No 5, 1962 PP 124-7-1249. CB Sci :I e R 5 /1912 ) 2 Nov 63 An Experimental Study of Metabolic Acidosis Under Conditions of Profound Hypothermia, by E.P. Stepanyan R. V. Merk-ox I eva, 3pp RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk "SSSR, Vol C;XLVII, No5, 1962, pp 1250-1252. CB Sci Nov 63 A nr--17 S~pccics of Monogenctic Trematode, Acolpenteron Pet-rusclamrsky-i, Adapted to the F,--cretory System of the BitterlIng, by Yu. A. Stre.Uzov, 3 PP RUSSIM-1, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXLVII, 1,10 5~, 1962 pp 125,9,-1255 CB Sci iiov 63 Numerical Solution of the Dirichlet Problem for Poisson Equations, by M. Aleksidze, 3 PP. RUSSLAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, (Mathematics Section), Vol CxrVII, No 6, 1962, pp 12T1-21T3. Amer Math Soc Sov Math - Dok vol in, No 6 Sci Aug 63 Special Modules and Special Radicals, by V. A. Andrunakievic, Ju. m. Rjabuhin, 4 pp. RUSSIAN per,, D3k Ak Nauk SSSR, (Mathematics, Sectioni, Vol CXLVII, No 61 1962, pp 1274-lZT7. Amer Math Soc Sov Math - Dok vol Iii, No 6 Sci Aug 63 Orthogonal System of Rational Functions on a Circle With a Given Set of Poles, by M. M. Dzrbasjan, 5 PP. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, (Mathematics Section), vol cxwii., No 6, 1962, pp 1278-1281. Amer Math Soc SOV Math - DA vol III,, No 6 Sci Ang 63 Stationary Gaussian Sequences That Satisfy the.. Strong W Ying Condition, by 1. A. Ibragimov, 3 PP. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, (MathematiCB Section), Vol CXLVII, No 6, 1962, pp 1282-1284. Amer Math Soc Sov Math - Dok voi III, No 6 sci Aug 63 The Use of LJapunav Functions for Investigating the Behavior of Trajectories of Systems of Differential Eq~mtions,, by M. B. Kudayev, 3 :PP - RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, (Mathematics Section), Vol CXLVII, No 6, 1962, pp i2B5-1287. Amer Math Soc Sov Math - Dok Vol iii, iqo 6 Sci Aug 63 Solution of a Fundamental Boundary Value Problem for Certain Linear Partial Differential Equations of Even Order, by A. E. Martynjuk, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, (Mathematics Section), Vol CXLVII., No 6., 1962., pp 12M-1291. Amer Math Soc Sov Math - Dok Vol in, No 6 Sci. Aug 63 Conditional Stability in Critical Cases, by'V. A. Pliss, 2 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, (Mathemties Section), vol cmvii, No 6, 1962, PP 1292-1293. Amer Math Soc Sov Math - Dok Vol III, no Sci Aug 63 The Law of Large Numbers and the Strong Law of Large Numbers for Inhomogeneous Markov Chains, by M. Rozenblat-Rot, 2 pp. RUSSIAN per., Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, (Mathematics Sectioni, Vol CXfXII, No 6, 196p-, PP 1294-1295. Amer Math Soc Sov Math - Dok vol TTi, iio 6 Sci Aug 63 The Operator of Analytic Prolongation of Generalized Functions,, by L. S. Hodzayev, 4 1)p. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, (Mathematics Section), vol cnvii: No 6, 1962, :~p 1296-1299. Amr Math Soc Sov Math - Dok voi iii, No 6 Sci Aug 63 ON THEANVERSION OF FINITE ALITOMATA., BY v I. LEvENSHTEYN, 7 PP- RUSSIAN, PER,,-PqK.-AK NAUK SSeR,, VOL CXLVII.. .No 6, 1962, PP 1300-1503-.-- JPRS 18127 SCI - 14ATH - DATA PRO :MAR 63. 225,134 - -------------------- -s-14q/63 "Synthesis of a Class of Calculating Machines;", by M. V. Rybasbov, (SF-2505) RUSSIAN., per, Dokla4y Aka4esalnl. Nauk SSSR, VOL CXLVII, No 6, 1962.- PP 1304-1305. *JPRS Sci - BWI- m I Feb 63 The Asymptotic Behavior of Waves Generated in a Liquid of Finite Depth by Arbitrary Initial Disturbances of the Free Surface, by R. M. Garipov, 3 pp. RUSSMN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, (Physics Section), vol cmvii, No 6, 1962, pp 13o6-1309. Amer Inst of Phys Sov Phys - Dak Vol Vii, No IP Sci ---- - - - - -- - ---- -- - -- ---- -- E A Mathematical Model of Separated Flows in an Incompressible Liquid, by M. A. Gol,dshtik, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, (P"ics Section), vol cxLvn, No 6., 1962., PP 1310-1311- Amer Inst of Phys Sav 111hys - Dok Vol VII, No 12 Sci Aug 63 The Stability of a Thick Plastically Deformed Plate, by I. D. Legenya, 3 Pp. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, (Physics Section)j, vol cxrv3:i, No 6, 1962, pp 1314-1317. Amer Inst of Phys Sov Phys - Ibk Vol vii, NO IP Sci Aug 63 A Qualitative Investigation of a Circular, Symmetrically Compressed Plate Under a Large Edge Load (Proof of the Appearance of Crimping), by N. F. Morozov, 4 pp- RUSSIAN., per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, (Physics Section) vol mmi, no 6, 1962, pp 1318-1319. Amer Inst. of Phys Sqw,~Thys - Dok Vol VII, No 12 Sci Aug 63 Elastic Scattering of 6.9-Mev Protons by Isotopes of Chromium and Zinc, by A~ K. Vallter, A. P. Klyucharev, 2 pp. RUSSIAN., per, Dak Ak Nauk SSBR, (Physics Section), vol cxLvii, No 6, 1962, PP 1325-1327. Amer Inst of Phys Sov Phys - Dok Vol M, No 12 Sci Aug 63 Acceleration of Burning Velocity Through Introduction of Inert Admixtures, by V. N. Nondramlyevym. RUSSIM, per, Dok Ak Rauk SSSR, Vol CXLV, No 6, 1962, PP 1328-1330. *FTD-rx-63-46o Sal - phys may 63 ;I, v vC'j Electron-Positron Annihilation Daring Ordering o:r Alloys, by I. Ya. Dekhtyar, S. G. Litovchenko, 3 pp. RUSSIAN., per., Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, (Physics Section), vol cxLvii, No 6, 1962, PP 1332-1335. Amer Inst of Phys Sov Phys - Dok Vol VII, No 12 Sci Aug 63 A Model of Scalar Field Theory in Quantrum Space-Time, by V. G. Kadyshevskiy, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR., (Physics Sectio), vol cmvii, No 6, 1962, PP 13.36-.1339. A== Inst of Phys Sov Phyr. - Dok Vol VII) No 12 Bei Aug 63 Criterion of Superconductivity, by V. A. Moskalenko, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, (Physics Section), Vol CXLVII, No 6, 1962, pp 1340-1343. Amer Inst of Phys Sav Plrjs - Dok Vol V32, No 12 Sci Aug 63 Electron Density Distribution and Diamagnetic Susceptibility of Grey Tin, by N. N. Sirota, A. U. Sheleg, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, (Physics Section), vol cxLv3:i,, No 6, 1962., PP 13W~-1347- Amer Inst of Phys Sov, Phys - Dok Vol VII, No 12 Sci Aug 63 Possible Changes in the Gravitational Constant, by K. P. Stanyukovichi 3 PP- RUSSIAN: per., Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, (Physics Section), vol cxLv3:i, No 6, 1962, PP 1345-1351. Amer Inst of Phys Sov Phys - Dok Vol TTI, No 12 Sci Aug 63 Mechanism of Plastic Deformation of Alloys in the Range of Melting Temperatures, by 1. 1. Vovikov, F. S. Novik, 3 PP. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, (Physics Section), Vol CXLVIII No 6, 1962, PP 1352-1354. Awer InB-10 of Phys Sbv. Phys - Dok Vol =, No 12 Sci 63 r, S. V. Vinog-raaova, V. Ko m~ ,IM, J~er, Dok Ah 1,;au'-': SSC-F., VCIJ =Vljj~ TIO 1365-1368. CB 63 of b-%r Has~- I - - - L. Ethe::-- o-f 71onosace-harid-es, by 1-.- -K'. Krich-21-Lov, S. V-allf I son, L p_p. USSIM, per, Dok A'-'-, Nauh SSSR, Val CXLVII, lio 6, 962~ Pp 1369-1372. CB Co~-;ple:~: s Tndi-ci, T2- - I --~ ~~ -I- -1 -1 -- -- C'--- ~- - o~ - .- - ~ - ~~ -i_ ~ U f a-, -,. _e ~j Ua L-- The 'D,7i-,hz s -4. s ancl a LS -Judy o f. the Fro -partuf-c- s c--:' A:-raine s of I M di-x-- DL~aal i cle s b y A . P. T 1, ~ochetlmva, .. -1-7. RUSISIMI Dok -kv, NauL SS'-'-,I, V cl,~emistry se-ct-ion, per) Vol MMVII; No 6, 19S2, PP 1337-3~-13715- CB L;-L - c t 63 :-'-he Possible Intermediate Foriaati-n of 'by 0. Id. T-,efedov 11. 11. Manakov, ~:RUSSDIJ, ~per, Doh Ak NaWc SSM, Chemistry Section, ~Vol CXLVII, Vo 6, 1962, pp !--~7 -117,). .j 16 J CB ct 63 -Da:rL,lg Coextraction W-Ith Tributtyl Fhosphat~., 01- A. V. I iholaev, Yu. jlfaras'yov, 3 I RUI . SSIAY, per, Dok Ak Flauh- C'nemist:Ly Section, svol C'UVII, 'No 6, 2,c-),62, 13P,0-1301. CB 63 -h i -Over - Copper Catalysts by the of Dif-c-l-Rential ,,Calorinetui-y, by IT. I. Popova, P'. latzyshev, IAI:,', per, Doh Alt Hauk MEER, Mae-mistry Sectionjo mmvii, izo 6, 1962, pp 1382-1385- CB 63 17 j tIrl a- PoiyMerization of' 11- 1 OrGanometall Catalyst, by XG. E. &.,2enido, D. E. III ina, 3 P.-L) - IAIT., per, Dok Ak Nauk SS'EM, Chemistry Section, CYMVII, No 6, 1-362, -i)P 1386-138B- CB bi a 'ionation of Copolyuners. nle =cctl c-f- c -,- I f L - .-.Z- L Ratio of the Fhasec, by A. V. Torchiev, uhe D. Litmanovich, 5 Pp. SIAUT, per, Dok Ahl- Fauh SSM, Chemistry Section, C-)a,V-Ti, TTo .6, 1962, pp l3a~-. CB 63 MUE Study of the Properties cl a Polymer-Semiconductor Interface, by G4 9. Sokolina, R. A4 Krotova, 8 pp. RUSAM, per, -Dak Akk Nm& SSSR, Vol CXLVU,, No 6, 1962, jpp 1409-141L 9694931 FTD-TT-64467 Sci - Elec :Oct 64 fligh-Active Iron-Aluminsilicate Contact for Iliermal Desulfurization of Petroleum Products, by V. S. Komarov, N. F. Ermolenko, et al, 4 pp. RUSSIXN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXLVII, No 6, 1962, pp 1413-516. CB Sci Oct 63 Mechanism of Pitting Corrosion of Stainless Steels, by I. L. Rozenfel'd, I. S. Danilov, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Q0LAK_a99K 5~, Vol CXLVII, No 6, -�~L 1962, pp 1417-1419. CB Sci Oct 63 Author Index and Table of Contents, Vols 142-147. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXLVII, No 6, 1962, CB Sci Oct 63 - New Data on Mineral And ChenLical Composition of - Pumice on Iturup and Kunashir Islands in the Yx Kurils, by 0. 2; 1. Bent, 3 PP. RUSSIAN., per., Dok Ak Wauk SSSR.. Earth Science Section, Vol CXLVII, No 6, Nov, Dee 1962, pp 1441-1443. Amer Geol Inst Sci Aug 65 Weatbered Crust on Ultrabasic Rocks Along the Middle Dnieper., by A. U. Litvinenko, A. D. Dod- atko, et al, 3 PP. IRTJSSLO, VIER, Dok Ak Nauk SSSH, Ibrth Science Section, ol CXLVT-T, No 6, Nov, Dec 1962, pp 1444-1447. Amer Geol Inst ci l u9 65 Petrology of the Hercynian Granitoids in Central Kazakhstan, by T. V. Pereks"r-, 3 PP- RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Earth Sciences Section, voi mmm, No 6, Nov, Dec 1962, PP 1W-1451. Amer Geol inst Sci Aug 65 0 Composition of Titanomagnetites of the Urals, by D. S. Shteynberg, V. G. Fouinykh, 2 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Earth Science Section, vol =vT-T, No 6, Nov.. Dee 1962, PP 1452-1454. Amer Gool lust Sci Aug 65 --- Two-S-tages - -- of Sericitization-in- t-he Zyuz-el-Iskiy Pyrite Deposit., by P. Ya. Yarosh, 2 pp. RUBSIAN,per, Dok Ak Mmuk SSSR, Earth Science Section, Vol CXLVII, No 6, Nov, Dec 1962, pp 1456-1457. Amer Geol Inst Sci Aug 65 Elerrental Composition of the Black Sea Plankbon, by Z. A. Viongmdova, V. V. Kovallskiy, 2 DD. RUSSIAN, per, Dck Ak nauk SSSR, Eartb Science..Secticn, Vol CXLVII, No 6, Nov, Dec 1962, pp 1458-1460. Aner Geol Inst Sci Aug 65 Effect of the Acid-Base Interaction of the Ccmpments in the System Aegirite-Heden- bergite-Dbopside, by L. L. Perchuk, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Dak Ak Nauk SSSR, Earth Sciences Section, Vol MWXLVII, No 6, Nov, Dec 1962, pp 1461-1464. Aner Geol Inst Sci Aug 65 Organic Acids in Ancient Deposits, by N. T. Shabarova, 2 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Dck Ak Nauk SSSR, Earth Science Section, Vol CKMII, No 6 , Nov, Dec 1962, pp 1465-1466. Airer Geol Inst Sci Aug 65 ,h, e Faart Played -by 'Mitochondria in the 17ormetion of Vesicles.1 L, 17. D'Yachkova , T. V. I)--vydcrva, 3 pp. RJSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXLVII, No6, ~o62 :pp 1467-1469 CB Eff3i Nov 63 Anaro-enes-i ~ in th-- U.B. Z.'-;aclcnhov--, 2pp RUSSIAN, per, DoK Ak N'--auk SSSR, Vol MVII, IT 6, 1962 40 pp 14-10-1472 CB Sci Nov 63 vn 0 I-Tahoritancc of &mjerimtntually D-id~accu` jiunctionc-:;_1 Changes Ln the Giant Chromosm-aes, by N.B. Khristolyu N.Z. Zagarskaya 2 pp TMS :,IAN., per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, vol mmvii, i;o 6, 1962 PP 1473-1475 CB Sci Nov 63 Formation of Nm-r Aurantin Fractions and an Jir~rccstigation of Their Chemical and 1i ologicall Properties, by V. 17. Shaposhnikov, M. V. Nefelova, 4pp RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nvuk SSSR, Vol CXLVIIj No 6,, 1962 pp 1476-1479 CB 7 L Sci Nov 63 I The Nucleot-ide Composition of the D--soxyTibonucleic Aci of An:L-nals and Higher Plants, Ey 1; A,.S. Antonov, C.O. Favorova, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, vol onvii, wo 6, 1962 RP 1480-1483. CB Sci Nov 63 T Ih c --- Foamia-t.-Lon of -A --Paro;dde and- Phosp':latidyl-e',~-hanolrT-une in the -rhzymic Reduction of Ca:7bonic Acid, by B.A. Boichcnko, T.14. Udellnova, 3pp RUSSIA31., per., Dok Ak Nauk SSSR,. Vol CMVII, No 6., 1a62 pp 1484-1486. CB Sci iiov-63 App'llic-ation of Viclaxanthin-Cl)" in a Study of the Photo Transformation of the Xanthophylls, D.I. Sapozhnilhov, 2 p-p RUSSIAN) per, ~-Lbk Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol MV11, No 0", 1962 pp 1487-14,88. CB Sci Nov 63 Uncoupling of Oxidation and Phosphorylation During Recovery from Hypothermia, by S. E.*-Severin, V. P. SIkulachev, 4 pp RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak-Rauk SSSR,Vol CMVII, No 6, 1962, pp 1439-149? CB Sci Nov 63 Me role of the Lipoprotein of Chloroplasts in Protein Synthesis, by H.14. Sisakyan, E. N. Bezinger, 2 pp RUSGIAN~ PER, Dok Ak Nauk SSHR, Vol CYJVII, No 6, 1962, ppl493-1494 C.B Sci Nov 63 Foz_-"-t.-'Lon c--f' Stcril-o Pollen in Tordatocs, b-Y L.I. Orcl., RUSSIM, I~nr, Doh Ali SSSR, Vol, C-)aVII, "."'o ID 19,~' CD sci Nov 633 Ilrat Macovezy of A Txvglobioutic Ca2mwid (cmatmeao copepoft) in Voters,, by X~ V. B=txtoulo ft. I -- .,MA;SlMjpwo Ibk Ak NeWit SSM., Vol CXLVXIO, No 6s ... ~ 1962. pp 1499-15M CB Sol Nov ~3 - -'CrT of the Optic Nerve in 21dult, R-ogs, by V.V. Popov, B.B. Vsevolodov, 4PP IRUSSIAIT, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CYMVII, No 6, 1962 PP1503-15o6 CB Sci uov 63 Catechol Amines of the Heart of Birds Durins Ontogenesis, by V.A. Gmryrin, G.R. Leont'eva, 3 PP RUSSWI, pe~--, Dok Ak lTduk SSSR, vol cxLv:[i, zio 6, 1962 pp 1507-1509. CB Sci Nov 63 The Importance of the Individual Groupings on the N- Dichloreacetyl-D,L-Serine Molecule to Its Blological -- ' Activity, by G.L. Zhdanov, I.B. Sorokina, 2 pp. -RUSSMI, per, Dok PJ: 11auk SSSR, Vol CxLvii, !!o 6, 1962 PP 1510-1511- CB Sci Nov 63 Correlation between Anlagen of the Proboscis and Phar-yM in the Nemertines Lineiis Desor---- ( Ylhi, Species Nova) and Lineus Ruber (O.F. lJjjlleri, 1774, G. A. Schmidt, 1945), By G. A. Schmidt, 4 pp RUSSIAN, per, Dok.Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXLVII, Ho 6, 1962 PP 1512-1515 CB Sci Nov 03 Die Effect of mx-tracts -of -the-- llypothala=- an- d- Fo-steric- - Lobe of the Hypophysis on Secretion of the Luteinizing Hormone, by Ya M. Kabak, E. V. Soholova 3 PP RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Hauk SSSR, Vol C)MVII, Tio 6, la~62 PP 1516-1519 1 CB Sci Nov 63 ONE CLASS OF TURING MACHINES, BY N. V. BELYAKIN, 7 PP- RUSSIANi PERO-DDELARLAK NIUK S55Rj VOL CXLVIII, No~l' 1~63.. pp 47-4~. jpRs 18244 SICI: - MATH-DATA PRO wr"a MAR. 63 61 225,476 vs, CONCERNI.NG GATESg BY E. 1. NECHIPORUK, 9 PP. RUSSIANS PER, DOK AK NAUK SSSRp VOL CXLVIII., Wl, 1963, PP 50-53. jpRs 18244 SCI- MATH DATA PRO MAR 63 225,477 63-14415 MaWron. 11 &W Craitom EL ON 'THE GENERAL TIIEORY OF REDUCED AC- 1. Mwigeron6 D. CELERATIONS IN TANGENTIAL COORDINATES. H. Croftoru. E. [19631161p, 12 refs. - Order from aM or SLA $1. 10 63-1+115 Trans. of Akadeofl Nauk _SSSP_ v. 14& zxx 4 DESCRUTDRS: -Accelmatim "wry. Equations of motion. Analytic geometry. A tritament of t1be systematic use of the roethods for taingential geometry in Investigations, concerriftV en- velopes, of r , ' An straigbt lines. connected with units of mechanisms to the plane-parallel motion; envelopes of certain planes, connected with units of mechanions in a complicated spatial nictim'. and. dual problems. Le. ruled surfhcea~ fortned by certain straigbt lines. (Mechanics, TT, w. IC~ nm 8) cornected with units of mechardams In a complicated Offef d Tetk*jd %v*tz SpatI41 MDUOIL i Dynamic Equilibrium Explosions in Perfect Media With Zero Temperature Gradient, by N. N. Kochina, 3 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak, Nauk SSSR (Physics Section), Vol CXLVIII, No 1, 1963, pp 57-60. AIP Sov Phys - Dok Vol VIII, No 1 Sci Aug 63 The 14otion of Gas-behind--an Un.symmetric Piston, by 1.1. 11. Mikhailova, 3 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Dok A Nauk SSSR (Physics Section), Vol CXLVIII, No 10 1963, 13p 61-63. AIP Sov Phys M Dok Vol V111, No Kl Sci Aug 63 U of-Complex-Media -by-D.- D-.--Ivlcv 3-pp------- 0 . J, . RUSSIAN, pler, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR (Physics Section) Vol CXLVIII, No 1, 1963, pp 64-67. AN Sov Phys - Dok Vol VIII, 'No 1 sci Aug 63 Radiative Production of Electron-Positron Pairs on Nuclei, by N. F. Nelipa, 3 pp. RUSS1AN, per, Dok AR Nauk XSSSR (Physics Section), Vol CXLVIII, No 1, 1963, pp AIP Sov 11hys - Dok Vol VIII, No I Sci - Aug 63 Use of X-Rays to Deteniine the Diamagnetic Suscepti- bility of Some Ionic and Semiconductor Compounds, by N. N. Sirota, N. H. Oleklinovich, 3 pp. RUSSIXN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR (Physics Section), Vol CXLVIII, No 1, 1963, pp 71-73. AIP Sov Phys -'Dok Vol VIII, No I Sci Aug 63 Stability of Stationary States of Quantum Generators, by 13. 1. Stepanov, 3 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR (Physics Section), Vol CXLVIII, No 1, 1963, pp 74-77. AIP Sov Phys - Dok Vol VIII, No 1 Sci Aug 63 X-Ray Spectral Investigation of Metals of the Iron Transition Group, by V. V. Nemoslikalenko, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, (Physics Section), Vol CXLVIII, No 1, 1963, pp 78-81. AIP Sov Phys - Dok Vol VIII, No I Sci Aug 63 The Effect of Substructure on the Creep of Iron Silicide Single Crystals, by V. IN. Rozenbercgo A. V. Shalimova, 3 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, (Physics Section,) Vol CXLVIII, No 1, 1963, pp 82-. AIP Sov Phys - Dok Vol VIII, No 1 A. Study of the Combined Action of Radiation and Oxide. Catalysts n the Dehydwo~~enation of (:ycId2ezane, by V. 1. Vladimirova. RUSSIAN, per, Doklady Ak Nat& SSSR Vol 148, NO 1, NIG30 IT 101-T04. I N ASA Tr F-11,109 Sci-cjlcpj Nuir 67 344,664 Investigation of Organotin Compounds by the Method of Niossbauer Besonance Absorption of (-Quanta, by A. Yu. Alcksandrov, N. N. Delyagin, et al, 3 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ah Nauk- SSSR, Vol CXLVIII, No 1, 1963, pp 126-128. CB Sci Jan 04 . Y-u. Butyag-in,-3-- pp. - -- - - -- -- - - -- --- ---- I Mechanocheruical Trans formations in Macromolecules at 800 K, by P - RUSSINNI, per, Dok- Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXLVIII, No 1, 1963, pp 129-131. CB Sci Jan 64 Electrochemical Oxidation of Forruc Acid i and Its Salts on a Rotating Platinum ~lectroda, by Yu. B. Vasillev, V. S. Bagotskiy, 3 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak- Nauh- SSSR, Vol CXLVIII, No 1, 136-3, pp 132-135. CB -925?'/76/~ Sci Jan 64 Frequency of Autooscillations in Electrolytic Systems, by A. Ya. Gokhshtein, 3 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXLVIII, No 1, 1963, pp 136-139. CB Sci Jan 64 Fox-2ocyasaidc in Aqw-uzz Solut4ons . by A~ V~ Egmiov, P. 1. ;;Hn. 9 - PP- RUSSIAN, per Dok Ak Haa S YPI, CM, I No 19630 ~ . Navy Tr 36M/NRL 951 (3 8 Sci - Chem 6 7~5 77-- r- 3 -7 7 2-- Doe 63 "?- Calculation of the Single-Step Separation Coefficients Certain Exchange Reactions, by E. M. Kuznetsova, Z. V. Gryaznova, et al, 4 pp. RUSSIM, per, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol CXLVIII, No 1, 1963, pp 144-147. CB Sci Jan 64 The Role of the Original Protective Fili.,i in the Oxidation of a Metal in Aqueous Solution, by L. Lepin, A. Lokenbakh, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Dok A Nauk SSSP, Vol CXLVIII, No 1, 1963, pp 148-151. 1 CB Sci Jan 64 The Ionization of Oxygen on Palladium, by Yu. A. Hazitovj K. 1. Rozentall , et al, 3 pp. USSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSP, Vol CXLVIII, No 1, 1"63, pp 152-155. 1 CB Sci Jan 64