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G=s in PDmt Tissue; a New Histological Methcd for Their Detection, by A. Pasinetti, 5 pp. Fdl translation. ITALIO, per, Arkia,=212L, Vol 1, 1952, pp 26-29. S.L.A. Scientific - Biological Aug 55 on the DIS Mean Time on Boerd Ship at Sea, by P. UUMSSIFIED p- Annalf'S ~Mlly~ 'flo 3; 195d; PP 1 6911 jun 6o Flame Photometry Determination of Potassium and Sodium Ions In Normal Cows' bM. Application to the Detection of Added Alkali in Milk and the Detection of Milk From Cows With Mammitis Idection, by J. Pitre, Me. Rigal. FRENCH, per, AnnaleB des Fraudes et de IlEpert. Chim, No 635, 1961, pp 473-483. NZD1A Sci - Blol/Med Apr 64 254,580 .,ample of ktozsnaic Z=L"Z' ,~~ jgojtr,:,j, ?ir,,3t B t'a-!.~zr Abmvatlor., by Jer m, Lejeuiie; et al, 9 -OP. iinn Genet, Vol 1, 1959, PP 41-49. P"!~; .- Fes-Y 'T'V 31713MM 709 Sci - Ned jui 62 j 0 ~/; ga ~2- Of ti(-- llvrr,0!3cO:"(. T p MaistL7. c Col-, in je 225-235. ,J- A Ecdogy In tho Sexvice of Hum Economy* by Joan Leclercq. FRENCH, per, Anoles de Gmawoux No 30 pp 668--5770 1963 M321 AAEC ORML-Tr-321 SrA- E.wrt NOV 65 291,665 Dismosion and ConsideTatims cn an Uverall Ad- justmit oi the Intoniational Gravity Eofermco zlet, by C. morelli. ITALIAN, per, Annali di Geofisica Vol 1, No 2, 1948, Sl p1). ACIC TC-1056 Scill2arth Sci IN ov 6 6 5110580 alv--)aj-~ Itt- d 1948 VI P581-604 70-23728 q /I O-L-,t" 7(~, The l"ect Of saft-mateerological R's Bu cm the Difilujou of ftdgu to tb* T*Uuric Atmov*re , by G. A34varti, 0. Love=$ 12 pp. 2TAtIAW ININ 0,01 per, , ~U(jt~a% vol n., 1949, pp 92-102. AEC Tr 2358 Sci - GeopkWalce "7, I-T7 Apr 57 CW/6x On the Ezhalation of Radon From the Ground, 6 pp. ITALIAN, per) Ann G*ofiss Vol 11, Hore, L949, PP 137-141. ABC Tr 2635 Set - Geopby9ics Mar 57/CTS Electrm DaLsit, in the Ubrxar At-ccohere md bc Int--roretatim of 11 2-rizn r Carws, I-Ty, lancm. IM-LUIN, -,>2r, llmali di ()-m-fisical Vol 6, Tm 1953,, pp 21-15- *XGA IT F 13,300 sci/ea-rtl sci Oct 70 OT tl-hq 4, r W., e~ Vs Av,v 60 Reaearches and atimlics- --z Phrnomena anil the Problom of "Mtogemun Praace3co Fantap 155 PP. WIMp perj Ann Goof iss Vol V11p 1954,9 PP 317- 408, 1- ARM 7fmm Tr Yeb 59 59-17(a Sappa, Mercurino. VIEW OF ME SEARCIi FOR -ENDOGENOUS POWER' 1. Sapps. M. LN VARIOUS REGIONS OF THE WORLD CURING THE 11. Title: Rattan. LAST THIRTY YEAR5. Rcpt. from mewng of liallan C--ophyaical Asauctation. Rome. 28-19May 54. [i9591 121]p. 14 refs. Order from SLA $2. W 59-17(.0 Trans. of Ann3lidl Geollsirs (Italy) 1954. w. 7. no, 1. 451-02' DESCRIPTORS. *Geophysics, *Geology, 1rhermo- electricity 001-1 T-W~A $-A.. (FArLh Sciences --Geology, Tr, v. 6, no. 2) The Direct Electrompotle Effect of Alteruating Raittera In a Homogeneous Ground. Vaeoratical N11damotals of "Elflex"; by Al, bellulgl, 20 pp. MALUN, per.. Ann Geofla,, Vol V111, No 3, 1,954, p 1-26. ASSO Tech OA;~ c4RI-01 0 A, Z~ ~. Jul 5L Use, for the Recordinly, of bie Atmuspheric lAactric Field Potential, of a illenndorf Electrumter Ori- ginally Ilaving I,bdtanical Regi!;trntiun, by Salvatore Gandolfo. 9 pp. MUIM, per, Amiali di Geofisica, Vol 8, 19SS, pp 75-8210 NIC SC-T.65-753 ~'c ~ il';"Othods 4 I-quilment Feb 67 318,467 The Becoadary ScatterLng of Light Duaring Thtel Solar Eclivoc, by R. Cialdes, 21 pp. ITALIU,, per, Annall di Geofisica.. Vol Xp 1957, IV 61-70- 9684'00 ' Amer Mateorol Soc T-I-.U Bei - Earth Sel & Ast Aug 63 / 0/ O-m-"r , rs 1, With Ynzticmaar j1, th.e) Conti'a-cuta). Eargins, Based on Datn cu" am:1,hquakio un(I Luge 9xglooluca, bj auiwo CS.10L. rMILM, ptn't A=I I -di.Ca0fialcas Vol :-$'p -0 r -I 31'4,_1.957) PP 183-1W. Uaiv of Wiscomain Apr 6o C,,-,ccw,wtiop Auroml., lonospberic and Corzdc.- 'qay Distnbcn s; Their btezdepenamw and RolatimshiP WM Soler A(StIVItYp bY F, MIMI) .?. MoUms 195 pp. TTALIM# par,, Amiall di *Oeafizlca Vol XM -40 1) 1.960p 297-368 0 Amer Y.-teoroll SM T-1-10 Sod - Oeqpbyo Feb 62 Pla-Port of Gravimetric Works in Central America and Panama,, Mmges Calden Juliop et Olt SPANISH$ per, Anales del Instituto do Gooftsica Val VIIIP 1962* pp 13-2U* ACIC TC-1039 Sci-Ear Sci Jun 66 303j656 iR-5574-D 16 &V 65 CLU effottl del3a aftmvita e I =toa pw riprodur2a. By: G a Ndnal ftm I AM IQZ GMFMM 26 (3) 1963s pp 4R9-W ,.,,W VW iv) Itallm - sets for* vas: 7~Pe Am OrlgLml OW OAy. (2 mum wples). Dmiude aU tiVJM* dmvUp OU- RWOdUm for pwte--up. Do wt mztmte ax=ont. R-299/63 The Black ldvor, by Felix 1e Dantec,. FRECII, per, Annales de Geographie, pp 176-185. (SF-28114) 4-P Rs// ~-,- j, t ~- I - )I WEur - France Geog Sept 63 11-299/63 The Flow of the Red River, by A. Demangeon, FRDICH, per, Annales de Geog-raphie, pp 191-195. (SF-2814) NIEur - France Geog Sept 63 UR-299/63 The Peoples of the Black River, by Felix Le Dantec, FRL F NO-I, per, Annales de Geographic, pp 249-259. (S F-2 314) Geog Sept 63 R-299/63 The Floods of the Red River, by Maurice Parde, FRENOi, per, Aiiiiales de Geographie, pp 787-801. (SF-2814) ,(JPRS/: WEur - France Geographic 0 Sept 63 oazz'I'Ums 0:0% FIMMII ,, par, 1925, Call wo 4'1, A&. HR/A ,Lf':ric!a Jun 59 R 46/64 Calcareous Regions of Indochina (Regions Calcaires De L'Indochine)by Louis Cuisinie~, FRENCILI, per, Annales do Geographic, Vol XXXVIII, pp 266-273, Apr 1928. Y-9050/SIIECIAL Sci Feb 64 Teaching wd Research In GeograplW in the Soviot 11hion2 by bean Dread, 10 pp. MNOHO perv "nees do Qqpgr4blc~ Vol LXIT, NO 345; SfP/OOt i i955. CIAXD X-2071 Sociologioal - Education Um 3,1- 6-8 Goo&-*b1c Soientifte - CISMIT"ieg Jun 56 M/dm Comectim Betvwn the FIM and Suface Area of Piver Daalnsp by J. 2dout: F. Mrseb. FMM# part AM44Wdo WQSMhiej Vol LMp no 375A - - -- - 114i. CM/30 5999 Sol-wos Cl C-l /~, , 1, !1;:, --, Feb 63 4.zz -;/ v 2 y R-3/63 Electric Pmier Production in Brazil, Leloup. GOVERT,01T USE ONLY M~CH, per, Annales de Geographie, Vol L.qX, No 376, Nov/Dec ial6o, pp 594-611. LA - Brazil I I!,con ii jan 63 Ilia Hungarian Villure and the Gmat At- ,ricultural Exploitatiod4 by Gaorgo I~nyedio 15 op'. par# timalos de Geog r i 1 c 687-700. DIA Ul ~S-66 EE'ur/dLjn~Farjan/i'-=, tar W 297,, 320 (DC-06919) TYPES OF DESERTS IN CENTRAL ASIA, BY M. PETROV, 49 PP. GOVERNMENT USE ONLY FRENCH, PER) ANNALES DE GEOGRAPHIE)_ VOL LXXIj NO 384) MAR-W-R-1-9-62--,-PP 131-155. JPRS 14612 ASIA GEOGRAPHIC JUL 62 205,571 1, 1 1-1 . 'd G . - ' -, G 1 0 u U L Gj.!L;, Ix ';-"-.ud,l ol' Ri~jnm%,,mon 6uppos J'A j-,La Ne-,,-- P.-inciples of Cons tructing 3 Se-ISMOnletel'.1, 'UY J. Couilerau., G. 1 . , . I!, -ITALIAN, pe--,, Annales de Vci Ill.. 119-315, pp 321-369. *.uc Sci - G-z:ophys Jan '00 Fog and Nuclei of Condensation, by Henri Dessens, 21 pp. GOVERIZIEPT USE ONLY FRENCH, per, Ann de Geophysique, Vol 1, !946, pp 68-85. AM-I/FSTC/IrT-2-_ ~ 098-71 Sept 71 Reflection, Refraction and Diffraction of Light by a Spherical Drop of Water, by J. bricud, 23 pp, HOW, per, Annade Geophy. Nlo, 2, 1901, pp 231-248 ALC-IA-Tr-68-26 P911228068-V Sci/Phy Sept 68 361to43 AnnaZes de Geophyeique 194? Vol 3, No 2, pp 96-100 nto ?0-25552 Rate of Ascent of Radimoiade BaUoouol by Andre Prubame, 18 pp. MUM, P4arp ABMISLAA geRhysiguep Vol va No:3j 1949* pp 225-232. Air Res and Co=aiA ScLeatific - Astronomy CTSIbla / 5 1 fc~- (-,, Growth of a mars6'a Mater D.'mop In a Cloud TeWratures AboVfi FMzing, by RWbert ftabet, PPO XMj perp AnnWe de Owpbp1que, Vol VMO go 18 PP 33-5k-----,-.1 ", L: j 11 !~ .- Awr HeUora Sm AF Cmbvidp bw Ce&Ar Oeopbr 64 /3-0 *41 The dwaaftristies Of H)ACUMAVISUO sels"W"be I by coat= Grewt) U pvt Imum, per$ hmal" do oeophpl%wp Vol, viup 1952P PP 30-332- AM am-T-0 Sol - up Goo" Nay 61 /0/1107 On Cam of Absoroblook of Mattle ww"t It Oo lbrtobt 38 We =ALIAN, per# Anoll dl fIgNM Vol 90 no 4v Iwo Ipp 469-524. STA TT-64-30660 336#962 got _eor A %t I A&MY, Ana modstems sm fte 97140106-m-M6 a4,I~ Ittles OadwAkitodsof Atmw*mls isolubs do 191V 53"A 101/ and Mel smr. ASOW: Jem soft md Tdow No Lin Y19 somms Angeles 4b W7-3 (1"51. LoWupt ft spe" oBtlim: Homes temlm*. Rated draft smilyo AbtwrmLl Vagwtic kscaptibiUty of Gurface Goilp by H. Lt. Borg=, 27 pp. FRM.. per, AwmUs do aeophysiqixe3 Vol XI; Ro 40 1955$ pp " BW Roo Dwna Inb 2-145 Sol - GOO" ;7 ~'7 , /(0 -1/- Doc 58 Study of the Penetration of Ultraviolet Rad- iation in the Sea, by Jacqueline Lenoble. FRENCH, per, Annales de Geophysique, Val 123, l9s6' pp 16-31. *AFCIZL sci-Ear sci Aug 68 observations of ktmosDheria Ozone During a INA&I Eclipse of 'the Stm, by E. M. Fou=ier d'Albe, S. 1. PAS001. FRENCH., per, Anna" de Geophysique., Vol XII~ No 1~ 1956p PP 72-74- Veapons Research &tab Sci - Gec;hyz am 61 / 5- '71 &--Z- (.:, K~etlc Mtivity In the Polar Regione, by l' FENIPM, per, Amalles de Gaophvoiq~ze, Vol PP CSIRO 5003 Set - Geophys am 61 o Speetrqphatamtria St* of the Motwml 1.1-3dwseme of the Ponft at Ch and Atmsaxr4c 02 RxLeculesi, by Plem bwu4ers 38 pp. F-mm.0 per s voi xn,, I N o 1.4 19%$' UK SIA 62-10139 Sd AUC 62 Vol Vnj No 20 62-10153 Robley, Robert, ANNUAL VARIA11ON IN THE LIGHT OF ME 1. Robley, R. NIGHT SKY IN 'IRE BLUE REGION, STUDIED BY' PHOTOGRAPHIC SPECTROPHOTOMETRY (Variation Annuelle de la. Lumlere du Clel Nocturne dens le Blue par Spectrophotometrie Photographique), [1961] f121p. 6 refs. Order from SLA $1, 60 62-10153 Trans. of Annales de Geophysique (France) 195j, v. 13, no. 3, p. 222-230. DESCRIMRS~ *Night sky, *Sky 13, lghtlic-- Light. Lun-anescemce, Meaaurement, SpectrophNom- eters, Photometers, SpearographIc analysis. ReBult~ are glyea of sWtrophotome'rc research on .1" airglow in the range 4WO-4500A. The Inae, y of the mrin bands, and 4420 A, 4170 A shows two (Astroitonny- - Astrophysics, TT, v. 7. no. 9) (over) Theory of the Solar Aureole. Pt. 1. Scattering and Radiative Transfer., by Diran Deirmefidjian. FRENGi, per, Annales de Geophysique, Vol XIII, No 4, 1957, pp 286-306. OTS HC TT-64-71475 Sci-Agri Jul 66 306 05H 78 Theory of the Sola-r AuTeole. Pt. 1. Scattering and Radiative Transfer, by Diran Deirmehdjian. FRENGi, per, Annales de Geophysique, Vol X111, No 4, 1957, pp 286-306. OTS HC TT-64-71475 Sci-Agri I ~ 11 The Population of French Guiana, by Jean Hauger.. 13 PP. GOVEMM USE OMY FHMII, per, Am2des de GeMgRme, NO 358., Nw-Dec 1957s PP 509-518. JPRS GUO 2806 Africa-French Guima SOC July 63 )6o,67o R"irbier, D. and Glaurne, 62 - i 0 142 A NEW DE-TERIAINATION' OF THE ALTITUID-ir' OF' 'Filic: I an', m-.n, EMISSION. X T"HE GREEN LiNE' M; THE LIGIP, i3arblei, N P. Glakime, -7 SKY PY 0 Ft THE. ~ IGH VAN RHI (N'Z)LlVelIC D(!TCrMin;311Ufl. J' Raie Vert,- Jo, la Lurriteip J,, C~f.,! Nocturne NI L~4 Mvihc,& d.,: Van Rhij;,.j. ;096l j 10, Order froni SLA (z 62-101 Inir'S. C,~ ic Coopilysv-ut: "Fran- 1:1 'Irl-.Jh~;', W'%~, !I:,"; N,,,y oh~q--: P, the 6300 RwUeuion of the Eoct-t-4m Atma,phowic Luminevconco,, by D. Barbier. perp Anmies Geo-'-- Vol xv) lb 2;1959o PP 179-216, CSIRO V137 Sci Geophys 60-17774 Garbler, Daniel and Giatime, Jeannine. THE STRUCTURE OF THE NIGHT-SKY LAYER 1. Night sky-Radiation WHICH EMITS THE 5577 RAY (Contribution A 2. Night sky-Analygis I'Etude de I& Structure de Is Couche qui tmet [a Raie I .Rarbier. D. 5577 do Cicl Nocturne) tr. by J. Hardy. 119601 [171p. It. Glaume, 1. (!oreign texi included) 10 refs. Trans. no. 4735. Ill. CSIRO Trano-4735 Order from LC or SLA ml$2.40, ph$3.30 60-17774 IV. Commonwealth Sclentific and Industrial Research Trans. of Annales de Geophysique (France) 1959. Orpftization (Australia) , v. 15. no. Z OMM of 70"W SWAOM (Astronomy- -Astrophysics, 77, v. 5. no. 5) 1-3k-61, continuous linission of the Terrestrial Ati:ius- J-111cre at 9 . 6 U. L)er, 4itiales Wophysique, Vol 15, 1959, pi; 453-460. I.ITC 70-1523or'-20F 21rc '21,'- sci/~arth jwi 71 Annales de Geophysique 1959, Vol 15, So 4, pp 539-546 ntc 70-25551 An M)solute Determination of g at the Lretouil Pavilion by the I;athod of Freo Fall of a Graduated Scale, by A. 'Mulin. FIENUI, per, Annales de Geophysiqua, Vol 16, No lg 19600 pp 105-127. AGIC TC-956 Sci/Lart% Sci Feb 66 294,6M Verticak Distribution Comparison of Various Ozonesonde (H.K. Pae-~ A. W. Brewer, et al. of Atmospheric Ozone. Methods, Optical bold & P. PiT scalar), by MENICH, per, Annales de Geophysique, Vol 'N.I T;o 2, 1960, Univ of Melbourne Languages Section Faculty of Science T-313 Sci - Geop oct 61 Vertical Distribution of Atmospheric Ozone, Comparison of Various Metbods, Introduction, (M. Migeotte), by A. W. Brewer, et al. FIREMIN, per, -_qyhysi -_, Vol XVI, I q~~p 'No 2, l'n6o, p 196. Univ of Mlelbourne Lan,~uages Section Faculty of Science T.315 Sci Ge-op Oct 0, Vertical Distribution'of Atmospheric Ozohe, by A. W. Brever, Et al. FRENCH, per, kmales de Geophysique, Vol XVI, I:jo 2, 1060-- Univ of Mlelbourne 1,inguages Section Faculty of Science T. q11 bY ;J. 2o ~-14 7~t Q', Y-A L-A 22 F-8156 Ma r 6 2 GWIT., SF MIA R-954o-*D 17 June 63 Sux lea observatione cropusculaires de la, raie du lit.hium au cours de 1"Annee geoplVsique inteimationale By -. J - Delamonj From; Annales de geopbysique., Vol. 16, No 1 pu 236-252 17 PP) French - eat for wds: ?lease translate and type 1 calyy, doublaspaced. (edited draft copy acceptable) One Red Line of the Night 8ky at the Equator) by Armand Delcemwt Delpbine Delsemj 22 pp. rRUM', per 0 6!~~qLoplqqqus., Vol M, '0 " - - -. sok v3pV.-S2Z. , ig6o, pp "7 52 -r .. HavTr 3155/10- 887 Scei - Geopbys /,?1? / j~,n 62 ,117 Vne Emission of the Red Line in the Night ft- Over .Africa., 'by D. Bai~bier, G. Weill,, J. Glaume, 27 PP. FMCH, per, Annales do Geophysiqw~ Vol XM~ ra '3, 3.56..t, Halr~ Tr 3185A'SL ff--8 Sci - GaooWs '7u1 62 4,-6 (kermcmic) Newuzwmts Deduced Fm the Daformatim of Slx AJ kal J ell Vapor Cl*uds,, Formaby Pmbsts In the RL& AtMalftrej. by JacqMB-Mile BlMaxt, Jea=-Maria Baguffha~ F R i:-~ ~J o 4 4mm, per, A= GeOPIVS, Vol XVII., 1961: PP 319-337. qo9cINY AM Bel - Geopkys A w 6112 TT F--r~60 Correlation Between Low-Frequency Radio Noise and 1.1agnetic and Cosmic Storms, by R. Gendrin FMICH, per, Annales de Geophysigue, Vol 17, 1961, PP 338-340 NTC 71-15Z82-04A mar 72 Mium Rod so' cm In the Vow Atmwyhml, 1P7 N. N. Shotor. I t I N't Mp Azmd" do Gooll"itwo Vol xvnt NO 1 1 395imo----- xqu TP F-" ftl an 63 go OMIT on cm 12 / ~j gK5- Dispersion of Radio Whistlers During Eagnetic Storms - Its Nigh*, Annual and Semi-Annual Variations in Quiet Periods,lby Y, Corcuff' FRE110H, per, Annales de Geophysique, Vol 18, 1962, pp '334-340 !ITC 71-15283-o4A niar 72 Theory of Rapid Fine-Str'ucture Pulration of the &xth's Lagnetic Field, by R. Gendrin 1, 7 C j I ,per, Annales de Geophysigue, Vol 19, 1963, PP 197--27- tTC 71-152F)~-08i," 1 ; mar 72 AGEMY1 n1c. II -If) o 030-1.) P. 0. No: IACRO DASA W SOS-69 9 Jar~ Title: Etude sxvctrophotmetrique de !a Lumiere Du Ciel bloaturnt.; et Crepus- culz4rre D-ans Lu Vi,~dlllle. Author: i.-ar Wguyen-fluu-Doan Source: Annales (io Geol ,3aysique, Tmie 2`]',- Fascicule 1, &IIIvier-MvIrs 196,1 Lanquace: French 2 1 S cial Instructiwns: PLEASE _~W, pe U' , Return to US SpeCial DeliVery, PLEASE. New Observations of the Rei Line of the Sg at Night in Africa., by D. Barbier. FRENCHj per, ArmalGs de Geoplwsicfue, Vol 20, No 1, 1964, pp 22-33. NTO 71-14237-04A Feb 72 Contribution to the Study of Spor adic E-Layer Movements.,by K# Spizzichino, q, Web, FRENCHl per, tanales de IK. GeoDhyqsiqite, Vol XX, No 2g 1964, pp A.97-2006 NASA TT F~-8951 Sci-Phys Nov 64 Ua. GOVERI&MNT ONLY 269,352 Mobhod of Fine kwlysis of Atmsphere ~histlers~ by C. Beghins FfaNCH, per, Annales de GGophysicfue, Vol 2D, No 31 1964~, pp 3D1 -308. NTO 71-15496-171 Mar 72 Note sk on the Altitude Distribution of Meteor Tails, by L. Revah, A. Spizzichino. FRENCH, per,, Annales de Geophysique, Vol XX,, No 3, 1964# pp 325-328o NASA TT F-8981 Sci-NJIP Fix Set Q& Astron Jan 65 U,S. GOVERNMENT ONLY 270,987 Measurement of the. Ionosphere Temperature Beginning With ~ the TwEUot Fluorescence of Aluminum O)dde, by B'. Authier, ~* %Blamont, et al. FRENCH, per, Annales de Geophysique, Vol XX, No 3, 1964., pp 342-345. NASA TT F-8.977 Sci-Phys Jan 65 U.S, GOVERNMENT ONLY 270,893 Measurements of ft Ionosphere Temperature an the Bads of Molecular Fluorescence Indwed A rMcfally by Mean of Rodww, by Be AudAer. FRENCH, per, Aad~-_s de Geo yaIggg Val 2, No 4, pp W-382,1964 9229828 AEC SCT-65-728 Sd-Acro NOV 65 291,"4 F "Aaw CMracm-terics a~ ibe ~-,timarc .A' ~~ vin uke f1mosdAms of the mavvue Flow i-I GvOmumd-aft cmjwta awAcr-N kiv C, 17, per NwaindoELAMI Val 19~% w 41""-479, 65 Wa Id"Urc of ti-to Earth 0 JY ("Lwol "il, I~u A li;.icii, ijer, ~ walas Gue"Alar'j, Vol 16, 19,52, 191-2W. i-C-1155 71 Oceanograpby 40weamagove" 8 pp. SFANMq parg Amaes Wrogrsficc~ Vol YJv 1952, pp 223-232. - - s.w. Tr No 456/1955 Sol - Oeopbyoies 4Z4 Y"Tz Jan 1957 CM/dex (:. ,j I !)Ii- 1, ~"II1.1 ANNALES Ut"ISTOC"I"It 19b2 V7 M P111-112 ijLZU372 0) .,-,x-ILLA, /t/T C- a . 4.: Special Case of the Method of Lines of Azimuth, by A. Gougenheim. GERMAN, per, Annales, HydrogTaphiques, Vol 11, " `iD 224. No 4, 1951, pp - - Navy/110 Tr 143 Sci Mar 64 Ilydrographic Hission in French Oceania - Introduction, by 14. Bonzon. FMCH, per, Annales k4po~mphique~ Vol VIII~ No 4p 19571 PP 167-171- 1-call Ro'VKt.'F8Ij Eng Tr) AMS Id M-r - Frmce Geo oct 6o WmZmphic Mosicm in Pmtch 0%ct=L-.. f.~tct=atn) FMH,, per, Amales ?,Trio 1958, P-m 167-214. (can rubb zip 3h-3492) Waw - Zr=ae 030 rob 6o 71be Adiabatic Temperature Gradient in the Sea, by V. Walfrid,, Ekman. GERMM,, per, Mnalen.der $ydrographie und Maritimen Meteorologie, Vol XLII, No VI,, 19140 pp 340-344, Dept of Navy Tr 5192/NOO Tr 330 Sci-Atmosphereic Sciences Mar 67 320aW Radiat-iou and Nvapwatiorl Ov-~r FI-et., C v A ContTibution to the Reat DuOzat of t'n-- and the Water Budget.of the rArtb) by lviilheha Scbmidt. - GWIYAN, per., Anmlen de~,HVrqgaphie ind Maritima Yx-teo.rloogie, Vol lql~ pp 11-12h'j!69~a7ai .%vy Tr 1218/H0 ' 273 3 Sj 7/ May 1956 The Evaluation of Vertical Emillbrium In the Sea, by Bruno Schultz, 22 pp, MM) per, Annalen dor Uydr2LrqPhj.e tmd Maritimen. Meteolvlogle, Vol 45, 'L91?tPP 93-106. an-410-70 pc - q D - le!;- 9 1 ~ Sci/Ear Sci June 70 OcenDography S24 Climatology of the FeraLan Gulf aud the Gulf of om=,, by Dr - 0 - Sehott - UMLABSP111AD 13t. to tnnalen der 117drographic GEM". per*,,_pppplqw uO Martbjx= Motw=010gia, part, III; sec 42 19!8, NavY MNHO 347 sci - GcopbYsics Dee 59 Af.? z -)-) 7 C, d ANNALEN PER HYDROGRAPHtE Uo MAAMME METEOROLOOIC 1918 V46 P?8-a5 TO-2t3?Q The Peru Current and Its Northern -Nei,c-hoorinf- Area in 1-lormal and. Abnomial Developl-nent, by G. Schott. GIT,11411) ?,er; Am. der Hvdro--.-r-,,,)11ie -,a),61 1,111'-ritinen NeteoroloCie, Vol V-VII, Berlin, .1931, PI) 161-169, 200-2113, 240-252. *11.,ivy 'Pr IU5 10 Sci - Gem)hycica Seiches of Black Sea and SeR of Ai-ov --nU t1ie Ti;,L,-l R---n,r,e in Those Areas, by A. GMIAN, per, Amaler. aer :1:2-rit!'--er. rr j T-, `17~1 Scientific GeoplhysliC2 The SigWicant Meat of Driving RuLu on , Straotuftl ftlnmringp by V. Tholus UWIASB*L,,. I GMM, paro Am Car Wdro und X&MIZ =I-m-amoly Vol Mx-, 19331j. 1ft pj 1:~6-201. DSW31840/CT bat - 'r-43rs 'AT1.1 Oct 56 -- on 0,lestion, of Circulation in Depths of Indin Ocean., by Lotte HoUer. UNCUS5771M GERMAM., per,, Z= Annalen der Hydrographie und V'61-'=;--1'933, pp 2303- Mexiii~en Hete=16-gfe- 236. iqavy Tr u24Ao 235 Scientific - Geophynics MY 55 CM/b= OceanoGHphic Ch(mical Investigationa with the Aid of the Zeiss Pulfrich fttometer. Fifth Report,, Determination of the Total Phoophonw Content, of the Plankton Phosphorus Content (living Substance) and Turbidity Meastwements, pp. Mas MO per$-Am. Hydrog. u. Marit. 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