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order from NTC ACTA NEUROPSIOULATRICA ARGENTINA M V? P13b*139 70-20368 (s) :.,Ie Coordinate& Role of Noma.. Hormoms aud ~.I~ctrolytoo in the F~thqpbysiology of the Bloocl ~,ossuxre, by W, Raab., 37 PP- UELASSIM per., Acta Houroveas Vol Us 1953) 53-72- NM Aentif ic - vlzaiciue rature of the Rabies-Vira.. by Dr H. R. Mate, 26 pp. GERM# perp Act& NeurovepUtivap Vol V3:IIp No ljo 11 Jun 1953., "-" C~el d ~- P. Ilm Scientific - Medicine Dee 54 =/MR C ontribu"t'.1on to the Mectron Vicrosaude Mstolw, of ", a Skin) by H. Ganaler, ',' pm, ;Y uh A GEOIT-W17: m_..p ,eta 77curavogetativa, 'Vol 'MIIII, 1-',;o 1-4~ iir-h 3.35-6o act - le"ed 60 61-10951) Gjessing, Harold G. COMPARATIVE REFRACnVE DETEAMINATIONS 1. Glessing, H~ G. (SNELLEN'S CHART, THORNER-BUSCH'S REFRAC- 170METER, SKIASCOPY, FIOLTH'S KINESCOPY) (Vergloicheride Refraktieno Bestimmungen (Snellen's Tafel, Thorner-Busch Refraklometer; Skinakopie. Hoith'sl(ineskopie)). (1.96112p. Available on loan from SLA 61-10950 Summary trans. in manuscript of Acta Optifthalmolog- ica) (Denmark) 1928, v. 6, p. 237. DESCRIPTORS: Refractive index, Refractometers, Retinoscopes, Cathode ray rube, Design, Reproduc- tion, Television, lconoscopes, Infrared images, Op- tical images, Optics, Snell's law, Electronic equipment. (Unannounced) Offict of T*,hmlc.1 Sorie.. h I - 10950 M81ler, Hans 131rik. INVESTIGATIONS ON DARK V[SION WMI TSCHERN 1. Title: Tschernihg'Fl ING'S PHOTOMETRIC GLASSES (Untersuchungen Bet photometric glasses daa Dunkelsehen mit Tocherningo Phoometriachen 1. Miter, 11. U GWsern). IMIJ12521p. 157 refs. Available on loan from SLA M40950 Trans. in manuscript of Actlef Ophithg1mological (Denmark) 1929, v. 7, no. 1/2, p. 1-145. DESCRIFrORS: 'Light. 'Photometers, *Dark adaptation, Test equipment, t) 3 (Unannounced) OM-d T.A.Jj %"-. 61 -1 161k) Gertz, lians. VISUAL ACUITY TEST PRESENTED NIONOCULARLY 1. Geriz, 11. (Echelle d'Acuite Visuelle, ~ txIvsition 11961 j 16 1p. Order front SLA $1, 10 Trans. of Acta Ophlh[almoJogicaj (iX-nniark) 1932, v. 10, no. 4, p. 564-567. DESCRIMAS: 'Visual acuity, Eye, Opmal instruments. (Unamiounccd) I Gertz, Hans, I Tr-61-14199 ! CONCERNU40 THE ABERRATION OF THE GAZE 1. Gem, H. AND IT� RELATION TO RETD*L CORRESPOND- ENCE (IJber die BlIckaberration und lhre Baziehung zur NetzhauLkarrespondenz). 4Dp Yigs omitted) Wrefs. I 11 Order from SLA $3.60 Tr-61-14199 I Trans. of ~~thalm[ojqxicaj (Denmark) 1935. V. 13, P. - 4. (Biological Sciences-Physlology, T7, v, 12, no. 5) 1 016- f S-i- On the Excretion of Inorganic Phospborus in Keratoconjuctivitis Sices, by J. Ballk, 7 PP. OMM, per, Acta qlLbalmlogica, 1 10, Lq,62;p PP 303-307. NAV/NIC/Tren-3103-70 SCOM Oct 70 The Free Amino Acids in Hum Ukerlul Fluid, by R. nachai%wj Pe Viechert, 5 yp. G=M, per, Archiv fuer NW49MI-ve., Vol 165, 1963~ YP 516-518. Dept of Navy NIC Trans 3105 Bei/B&M Oct 70 Photogmphy of the Tympanump by H. Key-Abargp 8 pp. FMCH, perp Acta Otolar, Vol 3, 1921$ pp 183-189. SIA %% 57-1541 scl 6 ~- 7 /7 17 1 /0" 61 - 1 (5042 Gra-he, Karl. '11-iE VERTICAL SENSATION ON 'ME "VES7111- I. Grake, K. ItLAR., TABLE IN 'ITIE CALORIC S'FIMLjLATION OF TfiE N011MAi, AND 111E I-ABYPINT'ILESS EAR AND OF 1111: NECK; A CONTRIBUTION TO Tlffi PROBLE.M OF "VE9FIRULAR REAC'FIONS" IN' '1111- Ab~FNCE OF THE I.ABYRL'1-111 (Die Verti- ',-aleml-findow. :luf dern "Vestibular" Tisch hei Kalor- ~whcr lkvtw~,, des Normalen Lind I.Abyrilltillose-Il Ofircs timl des flalses, cin lleitragzur 1-71 age der "Vest i L~,Iamv.'ktionen" bei Felilendem Labyrinth). [19011 1181p. 17 ref-S. Order from SLA ~1.60 61-160402 Trans. of Acla Oto-Laryng[ulogicaj (Sweden) 1927, -~. 11, p. 15?~-168. DESCRIPTOK,S: 'Ear, *Auditory peyception, *,Stim- alatiol.1, Hex, 10dy, Stabilization. (Unannounced) 1 0 lfi c. o I c.t S.. i c., Tr-61-14599 Dohlmm , GUm. EXPERDAEFrAL INYMI GA71ONS CONCERNING INE 1. Dohimann. c. GALVANIC VESTIBULAR REAGnON (Experimemelle LbKmuchwgm dbeT die Galvanische Vestftlmris- reaktion), [Apr 541 JSV) 30refs Order from SLA $5.60 TT-61-145" Tranz. of Acta 0tD-EAryndWugkzb Suppilemewim) (Sweden) 1929, no. 8, p. 1-48. (Biological Sciences-PhysiolM, Tr, v. 12, no. 7) A.P.-ency: FAA! R-1ol68-D I. N * 9AC-35156 P .f. L =ber 4 marc), 69 Title: rZxporimentelle un'U-ersuchungen Uber den sogenannten latrenystagmus wahrend a!,ater alkohol- vergiftung beim kaninchen3 Source: Acta cto-laryrgrolog-ica 14:356-377t 1330 Ianguage* 011w0w German 22pp Special Instructions; Pleast translate and tyye ns.e. O~e 09 M41. Experiiiental. Research on the Semicircular Canal Apparatus of tha Pigeon, by XX Eelco Huizinga, GERMAN, per, Acta.,Gto-:Laryngologica, No 20, 1934, pp 76-102. *Navy Tr /011I Scientific - Medicine Tr-61-14899 wkmmc]6 KarL 1. TWe: cupula cochleae CONCERHDIG THE STRUMM AND 7M FUNC- TIM OF THE CUPLILA (Mcr Bau md PuaWw der 1. Wftmmck. K. CqpAt). 119611 [33p] 10rds Order h= SIA $3.60 Tr-61-14899 Tr=& CIACM OW-LArP&Oj~2 v. 22. p. SSr-Sff." ~ ~ I lpweden) 1935, DESCRIrMRS: AUGAIDOW. *Bar. $Bo4f]L %buiv& Nympm, *Mwdct=uWJon. O=Wzdllxywkw. pological Sciences-Anamny, Tr, v. It, no. 5) offic. f T-+.I..l U-I.- 61-14B,30 Witimaock, K. SUPPLEMENT TO MY PAPER CONCERNING THE 1. Wittrnaack, K. SYNTHESIS AND THE FUNCTION OF THE CUPULA (Nachirag zu Meiner Arbeit Ober Aufbau und Funktion der Cupula). [19611 (291p. 4 refs. Order from SLA $2.60 61-14831) Trans. of Acta [Otol-Laryngfologica I (Sweden) 1936, v. 24, p. 424-447. DESCRIPTORS: *Far, Nerves, *Stimulmion, Sta- bility, Hydrostatic pressure, Transmission, Senswry perception, *Vestibular nerve, Body, Physiology, *Hearing. (U-iannounced) 62-14630 Grahe, Karl. 1, TORSION JF THE EYES AND POSIT1014 0 1. Graho, K. , 711 E I OTOLITHS IN XtkN (Raddrebung der Augen und Otolithenstellung beirn Menschen). [1962) 11.6 refs. 4'jr Order froin SLA $1. 60 ~2-14630 Trans. of Acta OED-Laryngol[ogica) (Sweden) 1938, v. 26, no. 3, 1). 268-275. DESCRUTORS: Eye, Ear. piantiouncfxi) offi- 0 7-61C.1 sw~ice- Stainhatwen, Wilhelm, 1 717-61-14648 CONCERNING EXPERIMENTS ON MODELS ON THE 1 Steinhausen, W, PHYSIOLOGY OF THE LABYRINTH AND REGARDING ,~ NEW MODEL OF THE SEMICIRCULAR CANAL (Uber Modellversuche zur Phyoiol*e des I.Abyrinthes uad Uber ein Neues BoMpnpmodell). (25p] I.Drefe. Order from SLA $2.60 T-,-" I - IV,4~ Tran . of Act& (Sweden) 1939, ~01 v. 27, P. IM-122. (Biological Sciences- -Physiology, 717, v, t2, no, 6) Exploracion Vestibular, by F. Ehranes, et al, GERMAN, per,,Acta oto-Laryng Esp, No 1, 1952, pp 7-10. *JPRS R-294o 7 Dec 62 7T-64-10311 ci P. 7HE RM" OP MMMC)N AFM FENESMATXM 1. Men, P. (Ratow do I'Aaditim qm Posestrattm). 119641121p] (lip MiMPO Order from SIA $2.60 rr-64-1031L Trmas. ot Acts (Swon) 195Z 1. 4Z L~-LAW-mm-WI&M P. su-34C (molookal Sdemm-lby"W. TT. T. IZ m 2) Investigations Regardine the Phenomenon Of' _`OmPen- sation After Labyrinthecul-OLVp 'by M. IM EYck., 9 PP- BECE, pero Acta Otolarynog,010C,-ca, V01 FR 1954, PP 456-461. BIR Tv No 12-23 C', )~ 4 Scientific - Medicine 62-22821 Caneghem, D. Van. THE VES113ULAR SOUND REACTION IN TIiF 1. Caneghem, D. Van CHRONIC INTOXICATION OF THE AUDITORY 11. K-H-3546-a APPARATUS BY TOBACCO. [1962115p. Ill, Kresge-Hooker Science Order from K-H $18.75 K-H 3546-a Library Assoclatea, Detroit, Mich. Trans. of Acts Oto-Lar[yngological (Sweden) 1954, v. 44, no. 5/6, p. 525-531. DESCRI?TOR5: IF-Ar, Hearing, *Toxicity, *Tobacco, Cigarettes, Smokes, Nicotine. *Soundtransmisaion. (Biological Sciences- -Toxicology, `17, v. 8, no. 9) Offic. *( T-W~.t 1-i- Our Determination of theDifference Limn for Inteneity Modulation of Pure Tones., Its Validity and Its Topo-diagnoutic Efficlancy,, by E. Luicher, 18 pp. GEWM, per, Acta Oto-Laryngologica, Vol XLVI 1955., pp 402-415. - Sci - *d HIE 1-15 J7 79-Y Jan 58 A PreUminary Note onTrotein Study in the Perflymph of Mumalso by L. G-., Chevanee,, 13 pp. FRENCI% per, Acm Otolarynogologio4 Vol XLYI, 1956, pp 6-15. Navy Tr 3908/NMS 900 Scl - Biol & Med Oct 64 267,995 An Audiometric Demriistration of Non- Acoustic Reflex Contractions in the 1ntra- Aural Musculature, by H. Pichler. EUROPEAN, per, Acta Oto-Laryngologica2 Vol 48, 1957, pp 498-503, NTC-70-12881-06P Feb 72 Attavt at 14a=tIca of DIMU0=1 Houi4s cm the Buio crf VOZ7 FIM TIM.DLMM=o RegIstrationp by J. Natakerp lqVp. GUM, pert Aztm Oto-Lu7nplogicap Vol nUs 19580 0 NIN 1,,33e-60 Sol - MA ~/67 -3 mr W ", vc~ Tibe Ceuses of Progressive Senile Deafness hDreabyacusia), by IL Sercer, J. Xmr L-i 11 pot c. GEM, per, ActaQto-~LaryW1oS;Lca S u, ent=, 'Al . Vol Ms 111,, 105 0 CSIRD Sci - Mled //Y, jun 6o j Electromyograpby kpplied to Pathology of the Larynx., by G. F. Greiner, F. Isch, C. Isch- Treussard~ 23PP SWEDISH) per., Acta Oto-Laryngologica, Vol 51., 196o, iio 3/4) PP 319-331 siA TT-64-303o4 Sci - Bio May 67 3216)62,-, Ace tylocholinesterase iii the Course of Development of Inner ear of a Guitioal Pig, by G, Rossi. ITALIM, jjkmt, Acta Gto-Lar o1. upiJ, ini, 1701 1961j, pp 1-91, Alil-12-30-64 ~L TL^ 9e - P/ 62 1 - 0 6 jo Sep 65 268.7a2 Aut,madiogrkipbic Investigations of Cell Reneval in the Respiratory Tract, t1he Tube, the MidUe Ear and the Mctemkl Auditory .eatus, by A. Meyer mu. Got".-esberge ond E. Koburg, 15 PP. GZM,tkN, per, Act---. Oto-l,---tr_mg, Vol 56, 1963, pp 353-71- M!04916:3 J= 'UM-Trans-10176 Rci I -B&M i,~ar 69 3 5 0, 0)2 (ACA=vl -!~* U* ~~S-imrk ~Ioums vto otookryu* J?# Jwt-Juw lc4,u4v,, PV212041:23~ "Itlus 'Nuchms Tkmuw-~t C. and uawtasp a.. 72 14aomco# clm~ 'i"tawleto %kri cluu.ts.4 otcol, ow tAma eq~y to cfi.,610 R-5M-D 16 JULY 65 L'MmervaUou Wfwmto d" ReoWt=9 VegWMaerin BY: Giavwml Hood Pr= ACTA MV-U= 58,p 3.A.. W, 23D-e3B (9 PP) Itallaft - eft for vul %~Pe an =Istwl ocke 0 oqdes) laclaft on flgwes~ dmUp ftes Ev"m fm pawbe-tv. DD not matuate a0cumento FAA (-Z-13 B-9125-D 31 Jan 68 Uatersucbuagm Zur I. Perrotatorischen &vtagweperjode BY: Grobmm,, R. I et al Prcn-. Acts Oto-Luyuplogica 64:33&344 7 PP Gmmn - eat for wds.- Pleue trwWAte W* type 1 original and 2 carbou copies Domumt can be cut. Please include f2Fei .E title on translation. Lc dikj(,t-c (Le* 1B.'.. J. ?V "'ra en, Ce"ral PhPlagathology of the Xagal mucose, with the Exception of the Mftetorv Mucosp-,, BY J. *Ion., MUMC4 per., Acta Oto:&~Lm-Iamg Elea Qo Belgiga Vol XV114 1964, pp 79-84. SIA TT -13014 SCI-B&M Jun 67 327sglO Agmay i PbUo SmIth .5er . it-10164-D fiA-0526-69& 11 duvh 1~-()9 Title: On= M LACUM I GAWA.-W)VJJ61KA Authori Dr. A-Cam P*Mp Dr. J-PID" bla,,Wh *Wfts Acta Der Acm 16;99-UI,1967 Lwvmwl sputsh Upp apesda I Plamm Uvaslate am type IX Acute Lymphatic D laomin in UDiamlav Twins, clini~=I. Cmmmir-ation With Fbrtiml.-v~z, Ru-farew:a "'C' by 7,ugo Jelke, 73 Lp. OUTMAN, T,,F--i,. Acta Paediatrica, Vol XXVII~ 1939, pp 37-137, . ...... . .. NaVY Tr 3025/im 641 ~3ci - Med Feb 62 7-?j Subdural Mmatww: An Experimental StWy, by F. Girard,, 13 pp, SWEDMv #".V pers Act& Psedlav Vol XLVp Nov 1956, pp 61"32. SIA 57-3160 act a 4 s Aug 58 Obaervatione and Stufte3 on Tvu Cuez w` Akarodermatitis Entaropathicz ftbmiliue, by. Gtusepp Romeo, Vincenzo lftttina., 21 pp. ITAMM, por, Acta Paediatrica Lstiaa, Vol III, Jul/kig; pp sLA 6o-16U4 801 Vol TV I 1b 7 Apr 62 3- Tho lv'at-Scratch Dismse, t7 R. D3bre., Wl.-C. ;,obg 22 pp. FMrE,Hp per.. Acta PAsdiatricsj Vol ILTII, Supl xcvi, 1g- 3 NIH Tr n-16 S.L.A. Tr 1328 Sci - Bradicine Doe 56 OTS Bubdural Bmtom: Aa Exprimntal St'udy~ by F. Glrard,, 11 pp. FREME, per, Acta Paodiatricas Vol XLV., 1956, pp 618-632. NIH 12-42 sci - med P-~' Jan 58 Therapy of Infantile Dyspepsias With Colimycin, by J. Demoulin, P. ~tichel-De Rudder, et al. 9 pp. FRENCH, per, Acta Paediatrica Belgica, Vol 14, No 2, 1960, pp 80-86. SLA TT-64-18659 Sci/B&M Jun 67 329,183 - il~ -)-~ r C, tut-411-v il ACTA PAEDIATKICA DELOICAl " . m, 1964 Us NI Pb-29 70-11552-06E 0) 7~ 1964 vls_N2_Pbj.qQ . 70-IIS53-06E 0-0> Polycythanda Rubm in M134hoodj, by Mrlo Pozzaa, -,.Logo 5-partap 17 pp. UALIO, per Act& PaecUatrioa Lstina, Vol VI., J, 1353., pp 6n-W. - AM MM Tr-789 ;3 4. 14A 62 1~6" 7Y-7 by 1) Ferrari, ITALIA",# pars, A.Cta Paodiat Wt. Vol uv, 1961s pp 563-366. .L W'Pt Of Na-vy Tr i~o 4273/iV,-C ~io 10*6 zici - "I&I"i Get 65 2919297 IdW*WAuna From the lado Slijklela of Sobdow, by AMR Jer2manak2. POLISHO pert Acm palummigaca Pal Vol 51 No 4, IVOUO pp 367-452. . 2198 OTS 61-11312 SCI/B&M May 65 2790493 On the Idective lArue of the GwroliftuiW Nematodes of SheeN and Their Iderdfkatfort, by hfie=ydaw WemM. POLISH, per, Acta PIMIILGIWCR PolorAca, Vol 2, No 19 1953, Pp 361 CITS 91-31389 SrA/B&M may 65 279,497 .A Study u-I tha Mcjrp~aolugj and D--v-clopmaiyLal cycle of the Earppi-~aa Foim of Stronarloides Ransomi I5*chva1--,,. and Alicata, 1930, by S. TarczyusU, 23 pp. POLISH, per, keta P&rqsAjtajo6dae. Polonica, 'Vol TV, No 3-9., 1956., PP-69-T---661-. 909-55~~- oam 6o-a226 PL-48o Sci - Biol Jan bp Parasitic Worms of Mne and Wild Boars in Poland, by S. Tarezyneki., 6T pp. POLISH, per, itolo5ica ~Poloni~cca, Vol IV, No 20, 1956, PP 663-7~50'tol`='5ca oTs 6o-21225 PL-480 Bel - Biol Jan 62 fte Tapmrm of the Dmuo lAke Birds (the Anseriform ~&ePftd)s bY K- Micb&p 25 IV- FMXE pwo Act& pmaq~~ voi. 6,p ifo. ~= Poloulcap its mbv py. 143-170. ymmu = 60-M231 PL 4w Soi. Blol / 71, . -4 -If I . 71 Oct 61 inanewe of EaWromum Candttim an the bdecdve LUM of c"Mob"Mum Nemontodes of shme 1w mLe=yslawV6ftU)*- POLI&I# per,, Acta Para"oatca Polonica. Vol Vito NO 150 19590 pp 315-342t CFSn 61IMM, EE-Poland SC4/B&hi Jun 65 2829388 Inquiriee Into the Berological Group Differentiation 0,- the Organism, by 0. Thmsen, 12 pp. GEMW., per,, Ac FjVa%JW~'~ et Hicrobiol c~;,di- navica Vol VTT, 19300 pp 250- 57. Kin Tr 6-21 Sci - Med Jul 57 Tb'-~4 mind or ThYPQY--'k.D Oil """dit5rY Mtuitetry Dwarfirm., in- 1,11co, 1, Growth ar-d loj~a--ual Fmiction, by T. Kemp tand L. Mjrx pr 'IL." Zi Vjxrobiol, Scrind, !,.'c !'I Ita 6, pp 53 SIA 29,!~ii, Mir 58 Guinaa FiCs) by G, Glin,`VU Bacterl, . dt) 51 pp. GEMW, per Acta PathOl MicrObicl Scandinaviap y -- I SUR)lement 30, 193b. SL~ Tr 2808 sel - Bic~lozy -; -q -, Feb 58 " p / A Study of licterogenctic and flormlogous iVitivens, by 0 Oil 0. Streng, 10 pp, NORTHEM EUROPE, Acta Path Hicrobiol Scand, 1938, pp 498-513. S"ID sci J an 64 0 The Phoephomon~esterascs of lbamiry hIc-oplaumn, by w E. Gluck 21 P'. UFCLP.SSIFIED Y 1) PRMH, per, Acta Patlaci et Ilicroblol 6md, Vol XCIIIj 19522 105- FIIH 2.6 Sci - lied VWr 58 order from NTC ACTA PATHOLOOICA Et KJCNUOIWWCViiAip~VA9A, 4f 19b3 V99 PI-1014 0) w0I A Simplificationtof the Serological Arizona Diagwsis, by, F. Kauffmann, 6 pp. GERMAN# pers .Acta Pathologia et Microblol Scandina'vica, Vol UV, 1962, pp 473-478. NIH 5-8-64 Sri - Biol & Med Jul 64 262,198 Ju4ius Schutz Knowledge of the workings of magnesium and body temperature GERMAN, Archiv f!4 Rathologie und axperimentelZe phqz=koloqjg., Vol ?9, 1916, pp 285- *NASA TT F 141550 COPYRIGHT NOTICE Sept 72 F,maiiial Uutbroak of Acute 1-41fectiolis Lj,q;hocytosis* PxoblaLs of its Diapasis, by E. S=cixez 'Jillares, ot at, ITALIAN, per,, Acta Pediat. Vol 20, 1962, 26-36. pp M".1 i,'W 2-7-66 W~~--Ituly iq)r 66 29L,430- A Chornical, and PharKmacologicv-'i Btudy of Ary-', Benzo.-M-1,3-Thiazine Derivaties.. by Jrjrjos Szabo, Loltan Diraer, Janou Ivan, Anna B. Mkaarlakl) 1.3 PP, HUMMIAN, per, Acta-Annocoutica. Vol M, No 2o f�6ii-P.P 75-132, Vol MI., No 3, Apr 196), PP 128-132. JFR8 1-1427 Set - Chem r~--c 6i Determination of Trace Elements in a Vitamin Mixture, by Z. Blagojevic. SERDO-CROATIONg perp Acts Pharm Jugoslavp Vol 14p 1964p pp 37-43. ATS CR-5469 Sci-B&M June 70 The lAssible spread of radioactive Infection by the fission products of V351 by-K. G, Liebhold, 22 pp. GEMM, per, Acta,~#y#Aq% Austriaca, 2, P 379- 400) 1949. aLk 58-662 Sci Aue 59 The Possible SIread. of Radioactive Infection by the Fission Product., of U2351 by Hans r Thirring, 24pp AUSTRIAN, per, Acta Playsica Austtiaca,, Vol 2, 1949) PP 379-400 oTs Hc TT-64-71612 SIA 58-662 SLA AL-753 Sci - Nue Phy and Nue Chem june 67 327)556 1. I I .. ?? re- I ACTA P"YbICA AUSTRIACk"A.) . I "I . . 1949 V3 INI P52-55 -. 10-21767 (*> I - A Differential Equation for the Phase in the Case of Neutron-Proton Scattering, by Otto Bergmann.GOVERNMENT USE ONLY GERMAN, per, Acta Physica Austriam, Vol IV, No 1. 1950# pp 62-70, P200087967 RSIC-634 sci-phys Mar 67 320.798 !WCICGF aaylliuz, by 0. Aaraposwo, 22. kw.,~.a d�rgym AuqtrQcx Vo'i it, JO.L4-,,.t, pp Me Pay@,, M= M~z !car n Conceridug Photophoweiss The True MagmtIc Cbarge and the Belical Notion of Matter in r1eldej by re nrevWto 35 PP. GXW., per$ Acts 14gs Austrima, Vol V., Nov 1931. SIA 3185 W 58 6 s ss W/ Tr-63- IRE PRODUCTEN OF PH07MRAMW BMM ON 1. wmrL P. SELENRIM BY CRYS71LL17ATION UNDER THE H. AT&MQ72G INFLUENCE OF LXW. [196318p M. As, Tech" Order from AIS $It SD ATS-OSQ72G Suvkm, br-. Bon ormoge, x T~s, of AM Ph lj~) 19S2, v. Z ' no. 2, IP. DESQWTORS: LW31~ Cryndftulcm. -weledua% *FboWgmphic tmmM. Pm&ctim - (MaterWs--PbotograWc. IT. Y. 11. no. 4) a. d Th&M S.*. o r, i-p 1 -1 o: i ;'3 c o, 1; t o i ~ -1 n! -, i n O'Ll YL C;l 0 Prtirtng a*-n a Homogeneous 11---notic 1-1131d, by L. Robl. nor, Acta Physica -J"UstriRca, Vol 0", ';7oz 2/", 19521 105-1-1d. -11T 'in-ily627 sci/?,Iiys 369,11.4 Oct 68 ~bchaniim of Ignition of an Electric Gas Discharge Under the Effect of a Transverse Magnetic Field in the Pressure Range of 10-1-104 Tarr. by R. flaefer, GEMMI, per$, Acta Phxs Austriaca,, Vol 'ill, No 30 19530 pp 251-277. NASA TT F-100054 Sci-kin Phys 302sO4O Jun 66 U. S. GOVVERWO4 USE ONLY Ignition VolteGe of Gas Di8charges Under the Influence of a Tranosveruc I Ctic Field '.a the Presuure Range of 10 _- 10-8 nm 11g, by R. Haefer, 28 pp. GERM, per# Acta triaca., Vol 1, No 7, 1953o Pi 6; ACSIL 1072 Sci = Phyc Aug 6o On Nuclear Spin Determination Through Inelastic Scattering, by 0. Hittmair, 5 pp. UNMASSIFID GERM,, per, Acta Phys. Austriscap Vol V1, 1953., pp 24l-2"-.---,, no= ABC/0ML-Mr 175 Scientific - Nuclear Physics 0 A'~ / I/ a dv .A Umparison of the Sensitivities of Different Methods of Measurements for Radio Carbon, by M. Reinharz, 0. Hohringer, E. Broda, 4 pp. GERMAN, per, Acts, Physics Austriaca, Vol VIII, 110 3, 1954., PP4=5K;Mv' ~ ,-- , 1-1 - -I . A.E.R.E. Norwell No 458 14- Scf~;~ fhycics, radioactive substances 3196 T, " " / .,;I " C- Oa the Investigation of Recrystallization Pmeesseq, by Z. Morlim, 22 pp. GMMI perp Acte Physim., Vol IVp Bb 31 1955, PP 197-208- SLA 57-1359 Scl - Physics Y,4 C~- Mar 58 Differntial Thermal Analysis Of the Exotl.ermal R action of CaSO4.2H20, by J. Schedling and j. Wein. GERMN, per) Aqta Physica. Austriaca, Vol X, No 3, 1956, pp 247-25Z - CSIRO Tr 4255 Oct - 0,;, (Nr-w) The Problfte of fte-Mactrm; by Karl Untoap 17 pp. OMW,p pwp A*%& F 9"c& J~!eUlw4p No kp 19579 0 31~-3%-- ONLY am 1M3 a /",, gal - ft" Nw 62 (NY-60) E=-Zlfttrm& After Irraftatim,, by J. xmwr, 17 pp. GMU,, pa$ Aots by" No 4, 19572 pp 327-W.- GOVMMW W OnY JM LIM set - Ph" ftr 69 Ial (NY-W) zw.xLeotrco Pajosics md Indnescomej, bY W. Hanle, 22 pp. p QOVMMMT USE ony G=Wp pap Acts L?hpka AuatrLW&f 30 4p 195T., pp 330-T52-. JFM lM3 801 - MP mar 62 11"-1~911 (MY-W) The PrQblw of the Tuadvaeutal Heahmdu of Odd Electron Wasion In SoUds, by Antonin Bd=p 13 pp. GOVERMW MR Offu OEM, PW, AGUL Austriftax NO h" 195T., vp 353-3fA* JM IM53 SCd - PAP Nor 62 W Ovy-W) Application of Emo-MAetrm, by J. Krsmw~ 10 YP4 04MOM MR =I GMW, jkwj, Act% Physics Ausu4seap mm No 4p IM., I?p 392-39-.---- - im 12753 Bet - ftp 1,~pi- ar 62 , 61-20533 Seeger. Karhheinz. DELAYED ELECTRON EMISSION OF GERMANIUM I. Seeger, K. (Verz6gerte ElektrononemiBeion von Germanium). [196117p. 14 refs. Order from SLA $1. 10 61-20533 Trnns. of Acta Physics Auatriaca, 1957, v. )Q no. 4, p. 448-452-' DESCRIPTORS: *Germanium. Electron bombardment, *Secondary emission, Electronics, Surfacearm Temperature. Liquidair, Vacuum apparatus. Count- Ing methods, Flect-ron inultiphurq, Semiconductors, Heating, C(Aing, Ultraviolet radiation, Excitation. Electrons. Exposure (Physics- -Electronics, Tr, v. 7, no. 5) UdMtal Ser,4., "I'Mill AND SHFIA, MODEL 1. D. A. Slitx1a1r. 00, 6~). It ri-IN. [~~itccj 'recimicat 2. lc-i r mictlolill- - 942. llzrilytsl,~l N RCC $0. 50 NRCC C-3,592 3. P, mb~inlriwtit C Pn~woa - -P, lz~idoa Trario. of Pliy~,jo Alj~lijaca, 1957. 11, J. 1). 11. IN 1,CC IT-9 12 C-3592 ;V. N-11~- ~Jl Pw~, )r,h G,:ull"ll of Ull".1-11 (14uclectrp,liy!~tca--Pilllicles, 7r, V. 5. im. tl) Effect of Non-Metallic Incluslona un maWrj.,is vr,~,UL Large Magnetic Permability, by F. Llhl) 13 pp. GEWkAN, per, Acta Phys AuGtriau~ Vol XI, 1~--J: pp L-L)- L)4o. AW CSii Tr Revem Trauis Germun w French I pej) :At Study of Coherent Braisstrah-lunIg, by 0. R. Frisch. US.-,; VILY LGERMIA71 4~ per, Acua Pilysica liustrif'ca' 59., PT-, 331 335.- 0l 12, 19r- IIIASA TT P-11,601". Sci/Phy,3 36 9 , oo,' Oct 68 Determination of the Characteristic Data for Metallic Electrons by the 'Ihin Filw. Methocl, by H. Mayer. GEF04AN, per, Acta Physica Austriaca, Vol XII, ?,lo 4, 10,59, pp-427-452. *TIL T-5124 Sci - Phys jul 6o R-loq6-N Das Atmosphaarische -!rosol, by E. Reeger GERMAN, per, Acta Physica Austriaca3 Vol XIII, No 2-3 *JPRS/DHEW, Publ Healt. Serv. Robt. A. Taft San. Engr.Cntr 4676 Columbia Parkway Cincinnati 26, Ohio Jan 63 ATTIN: Library Smearing and Desmearing in X-Ray Small-angle Diagrams., by 0. Kratkyp G. Porod, at al, GEM, per, Acta PhLsica Austrisa., Vol 130 19600 pp 76-128. 9233279 AEC ORNL-tr-1113 Sci/Physics Aug 66 306,2-94 of the rdooCaqmmt TheM of QmAum Mactrotmudws bV 11. Pletedhmm. GMMEIIZ USE Oruz GERMI. perv Acta Pbysica Auatriaea Vol 26 No Is 19619 pp 63-74- TWA TTI F-11.97% ri, - --I f, ~6 7-C sai Doc 6-8- 374130 Herglotz, H. K. 1 63-10161 SENII -QUANTITATIVE MMATION OF THE PER- 1. Herglotz, H. K. FFCTION OF SINGLE SILICON CRYSTALS, [196217p. 6 refs, Order from SLA $1. 10 63-10161 Trans. of Acta Physica Austriaca, 1962, v. 15, no. 1/2, P. DESCRIPTORS: Quantitative anlaysis, *Silicon, Crystals, *Single crystals, Crystal structure. Counting etching pits and a previously reported X-ray method /[l were compared in relation to the ability to characterize the perfectien of single silicon r-Tt'"'i6 Thc affect of crystal perfection on the life of . ;- carriers in single silicon crystals was also determin"d and agreement with earlier measurements, obtained in a different way, was observed. (Author) TT, v. 9, no. 12) MCI of ltchatc2l pmct.; Photmelectric Buission Frw e. Y&Ua to a Idquld Melectric, by J. Terleckll 0. Owwaki. MWIP perp Acta Mrs Austrian vel xv.0 No 4; pp 337- 343, M 1193 W Sd.Pbp Jul 6T 331,667 An A. C. Bridge for Medium and Low Frequencies; by F. Gross) F, Aussenegg; 17pp RUSSIAN) pert Acta Maics, Austriaca., vol 16, 1963, No 2,, PP 115-124 sm TT-64-i628o Sci - Eng june 67 327,420 Electromapetic Separadcm of 9. 1. lilgataber-ger, 16~pp. GERMANt per, Acta Ph ica 1963,pp234!-244. ?.? ABC?.Tr-6283 Sci-Nuxcl Sci Mar 64 Radioactive Isotopes, b .y Austriaca, Vol XVI, 252.826 The KiTkudaU Effect in the Ygo-FOO SYOAM# by Fa Nomo, GMW# per* kata DM 00 18s 1964# pp'205-211~ *NBS TT 70-57309 Sai-mat Aug ?0