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-Reactiono-of orome IV,) -Ethoxysilanes wit .Amlnei3 p by K. A rT. nnac , L. M. Volkova, 5 pp. RUSSIAN. perp Iz Ak IWA SSSR., Otdol Xhim Haxik, No 2, 1959, pp 278-282. Consultants Bureau Sci - Chem P gx- 6 o K. Am-.ft2ftvawv, V. A. WUwts.. MBWp pwt I% Ak Raft WSRp OtOml MOm Realm, (men law lloat-Hasitst=t OMAnwilicate Dielectrici, by X. A. 6-2 pp. RLIS$I=,r bk., Teplwtoykiye Kro=iVreaniaboakip Blelektriki, 1957,, Yp 908-287. 4M L-773-H Sal - Cbaz., orgam*Wcatoa 59 4~2 Mm,aas in the Catalytic Activity of Coner. Bill.cou Alloys During tho Dimt Synthesis of at -11 * A* Aqgj R=- VJ,, Wr, Is Ak Hauk SM,, Mal Shia Ilauk, 'No .2, 1955,, PP 157-165- Ass= Tvah Swv RJ-1429 Bel - Chem Apr 59 -j mmo-MA TrItumuoma A Itume. pwo yal go 2,v 3M p-~r, Lysokctbui z;=-U' Vol IVI, zw'lss Azx-~rLLtiwn of MetL:--,yvldicLIorosil=e by Azr=atic b7.1 6 ,~~ -~Y-V 70 .. per,, Zbur Frik Ehim., Vol KIM-1. RLMIPH 1959., n? 683-w(. Bum= S :L c .Tu~m 6o Spthesis of Polyorganosilommoalumino=aes and Polyorganosiloxan tiftuoxwes, by K. A. Anptaqgy, A. A. Zblz4iov, N. A. 10mahevat V. G. Ddlo-va' -4 -Di3 RWIAMp p9r, Dok Ak Nvuk WMI Vol CXII, Ho 6, 1957., pp 1050-1011. Consultants Bureau AT$ k7-- Sci.- Cbemistry Jul 56 Synthesis of OrganosMaou Ccapmands Containing the Metbacryloyl Groupq by K. A. Andryanov, A. K.- Dabagovaj. 4 py. RMILM, per, Iz Ak Nmxk SSSR, Otclal Khim Hauk, go 3-0, 1959, pp 1767-1771. CB sci Jan 61 /57/ ~ 74 :Polyphenyll)olyaluminosile)og4es: Infusiblej But Soluble Polymers, by K. A.,,AwIr7a=w, A. Zhdanov, E. Z. *a Aawvi~h.. 6 iW. RUBSTAN.p per., Iz At Nauk BSSR.. Mel Xhim Vauk, no 3.0, 1959P pp 1760.17664 CB Set 1571 ~7V Jan 61 Acylati on, of ~ Arylaliphatic DisilOXmes- .- SY'Ahc-sis Of Bi;-(4,41-Acetobenzyl)-Tetr-~i~thyidifiilo-mne-i-by---- X. A. Andrywov, V. A. Odineto., A. A. Zhdanov, 5 pp. RUSSIM., per, Zhur Obshch Khimp Vol XXIX, No 5, 19,59, pp 'Ah'9-1503- nj I- fq CommItants Bureau savi Jul 6D 9 ." 44 Study of the Mechanism of Polyorganolio-ro~~i-1:6-xane-------- Pormation With a Heavy Oxygen Isotope, by R. V. Kudx-ravtsav, D. R. Y-uramov, K. A. A~!~y- 2Rav, 3 PP- RMULN, per, zhur Obahch Khim,, Vol XXIX, 110 5, 1959, PP 145-7v,-1498- Consultants Bureau Sci jul 6o 3d RwAbal G. Ya. POLYNER17ATICH OP HEXA- K. A. 1. WT~,OrR=tL:4ZANH AND WrAWML, 11. 0. YA- CYCLUTUTRASILAUNE. 22 Sep 62. 7p. 3 rtb. order F OTS cc SLA $1 - 10 Tragm. d Vys*m*bAPTmPl SODdWe*al .1962, v.'4. P. IOWIM- ONMetbyl-d1cm-18. MSMWMFLS. *pdym mucm C=Paz&. *war%- C-PNOU. ft"er" 0 28 too SrAb-15. me"am cau," i resalms d bammetby1craultdolb- "d cctamcihyJcyckit-Ljg=w in dw presme d aUmb ware &UgWL% ajA a was wbown dm " reacuan Is O=MPKDW by the "Widam of metbaw asd fambtlft mlib mukO407 qcmmr- P*mm (Choldstry- t dhalmS OmOlublSOD Sl-N-Sl bcWd- Vft M-P-OPto 5w. god pad SWObLi" to basmamat We" V. 9.90. Win d (A I I POLYORGANOTITANOSILOXANES H-THE COHYDROLYSIS REACT I ON-OF-B-IS-~(XETYUCETONATE)D I CHLOROmm--- TITA141UM WITH ALKYL(ARYL)TRICHLOROSILANES.' DY K. A. ANDRIANOVJ SH. V. PICHKADZEJ 7 PP. RUSSIAN 'o PER, VYSOKOMOLEKULYARNYYE SOYEDINENIYAj VOL IV., NO 2., 1962, PP 256-26o. 1. JPRS 160)irz SCI NUCLEAR PHYS DEC 62 217,121 Some Diketodioarboxylic Sillooorganic Acids$ by K. A. AndrYahoy,-T. A. Ugarova, M.A.Sipyza-vina, *3 P,: - "1,- 7 RUSSIM5 per Zhur Obshah Mdms Vol. M1,19 No.l., 1961~ pp.232.-233 OB / 9 A, -,-~ I 30-1 S.ynthesis of Poly(phenoxymeth~-lphosphinov~alumoxanes 14. A. ~1djranovj,.L. 1.I. Xhananashviair A. A. Kazakova, /+Pp - I :RUSS:CANi. per Zhur Obahch Mims Vol. XXXI; N6.11 1961; pp.ZMKW =7 -.2 OB /9.2, Sat Idar 62 Rca~:tions of Alminum Isopropoxide with Some Organoj)hu plaorun Compounftp by K. A. AncIrYanov.. A. A. Zhdanov,, L. H. Khananashvili. 5PP.-L--A- RUSSLUr.. per Zhur Obahoh Xhim,. Vol. XXXIv No.19 19619 p-p M9=W _ '9~ - :LZ7 OB sei. / F ; ?-, Ile -9 J/ Mar 62 Tetrwbloridey by X. A. Andry=ov, 1. -Patrasliko, 3 pp- MISSIM, per, Dok Ak Hauk SM., Vol CXMa., No :LOD.r pp ika- 62 val iv., No 6 CoYydedlysio-of -Diethy1dichiorosilane-aad-- Faeayltrichlorosilane, by K. A. Anarynov, D. ya. Mdoltin, A. 0. Kuznctrm-ai 4 py. RUSSIAN, per,, Zhur Gbshch Khims Vol XXIXj, No 5., 1959, PP 1504-1507. Conaultents Bureau &- i aa 6o / 4, + ~ // ff ' ilolydictliyluiloxaae Liquids 1~1. Action, --i- Uext~uxy-, i -Acids on-Diethy1dicthoxyailanc,--by N.-S.-I.P-znov,- L. A. Sabun, K. A. Andryanov,.6 pp. RUSSIAN.. per, Zhur Obahch Khimp 1101 MaX, No % 1959j, pp 1508-1513. Consultants Bureau Set jul 6o synt3leair. of qtT-,- ocilicotitanium CGmpoundai by K. A. AndrYanOV, v - V. Delaziany , 4 pp. RUSSIMp par,, Dc& Ak lia" SWR., Vol TAMIli. Ito 3.9 1958; pp 393-396A sci - chem o~t 59 Andrianov, K- A. and Zhdanov, A. A. POLYORGANO-METALLIC SILOXANES. If. SYN- T9ESIS OF POLYORGANO-ALUMINUM-COBALT- SILOXANES AND POLYORGANO-ALUMINUM- NICKEL-SILOXANES. Apr 60 [81p. (2 figs. omitted) 3 refs. [DSIR LLUJ M 3158. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 61-27510 Trans. of #Akad[emiya] Nauk SSSPL Oidel[ enie] nimficheskikh) Nauk. Izvest[iya] 1959, no. 9, p. 1M-1594. Anoiber trans. is available from ATS ~7. 50 as A'I`S-- I5N4BR [1960) 5p. Portions of this report will not reproduce well. 61-27sw VAndrianov, Y, A. 11. Zhdanov, A. A. III. DSIR LLU NIL3158 IV. Title: Synthesis ... V. International Nickel Co. (Mond) Ltd. (Gt. BriE.) DESCRIPTORS: *Metalorganic compounds, *Silanes, Aluminum compounds, Cobalt compounds, Nickel com- pounds, *Polymers, Synthesis. Offi.. .1 T.6.1-1 S-1- (Memistry-OrgP-0c. TT, v. 6, no. 12) (over) Polymars With Ifilorge-nic I-Ilain by "K.. A.- C, - ~- IT 'iLll~ RUSSM, per, Plasticheskly Masuy, bo 7, 196-0, YP 23-30. 0 6 ciA/FDD x.46o,5 Polydiet-bylsiloxane. Liquids V. A Contribution on the Mechanism or the Reaction of DiethyldiethoxyBilane With Ad-tic Acid; by N.,S. Lesaov, L. A. Sabun, IC. A. Andryanov; 4 pp. RUSSIM~ per, Zhur Obshch 1(him, Vol XXIX, No 1959, 1518,1521. Consultants Bureau Sed ita 60 Polydiethylsiioxane Liquids IV Act ions -- of -- Aldehydew- and Ketones on Dicthyldiethoxysilane, by N. S. L-emov, L. A. Sabun, K. A. Andryanov, 4 pp. MWIATI., per, Zhur Obahch Xhim) Vol XXIX, No 5, 195% pp 2.514-1517- Sel jul 6o Consultants Bureau Incrganic CWgaulc Polymaro. Tho Structure of by K. A. AWryamov, 23 PP - BOMBS, rptp Acadow of Scloacep moocoup CIA/JMD X-3893 lov 59 71 Tie Thermoelastleity of Qr~mnoslllcon Dlelec- tW.,a,, by K. A. Analmov, .17 Pp. R73SLUTs pers Inektrichestvop Vol Vlp Jun 19546, PP 31-i-34. su R-1809 slal - JUI 58 ~ '?". ag ~; i X. A. _A~~Uwy,, 1. A. Zubkov, T. A. A. Eleinovskaya.. 4 pp. RUSSIAN.. per.. Zbur Obahch Dim, Vol XMI, No 2, 19n, pp 491-41 Consultants Bureau Sci - Chem Jul 58 4 7 0;~ -47 Synt1wolls of k0 ~Yacvto*wtlaw9p by . Ma K- A _A&.1A. 220anw, A. A. bogilasova$ 4 Immin'. per, vw amtft imims Vol mmall no a, 1957P pp 2073-2OT5. conmatanu suweau Set - Chem Oct 58 -_-Tiie---A',Lky3.atiov--of Chlcx-*ethers of-Orthopi-lic.ic Acid and ROY, S. -A. )ee!tb,yIetboxychI-,rosPLames,. by K. AARA-K* Oplubtsov., T. S. Maklasbinas, N. F. Lvb~lievlch, RIZSIAN, per,, Zbur Obsbch Kbim, Vol MIT., vo 40 19571,, pp 93.4-9).7. Consultants Bureau Set - Chem Aug 58 'The Syntbesis of Methylethylethoxychlorosilame and Determimtion of its Therml Stability, by K. A. 8, A. Golubtsavj, N. P. Lobusevich, 3 PP- RUSSIAN) per, Zhur Obahch Xhim, Vol XXVII, No hs 1957p PP Consulta4ts Bureau sci - Chem Aug 58. (0 --i-etoxysilane s3aitheoia of Di h1orophenyltr ac DarlVatives, by K. 11, Anftql- and its Hyd oz A. Zhdanov, E. P. Morgunova, W-P-P.- HUSSIA110 per, Zhur Obahch mAm, Vol 27, No 1, 3.957, pp~ 156-158. consultants Bureau Sai - Chem J':m 58 -7 Heterfunotiorml Cocondensation of Acetcx-.-~M'Gthyl ph ailanes Ath Organosilicon Compwunds Containing SLlicon- attached Ethcaq Groups, by K. A. Andrianov and A. K. DaLAgov% p 5 0551AN9 porp Iz Ak Nauk USSR,, Otdel Xhi;n Nauk.,-No 9,, 1962,; PP 1572 -~- 1576 CB Sci Jul 63 Therim-1-oxidative and hydrolytic stability of polymert with inorganic molecular chains. By X. A-It-AgFIEW Pp. 7 WSSIAN, per, Plauticheekly Massy, No 12, 1960, pp, L~ RUH& Sci -/~ J. Aug 63 T of-C and Review of Heat-Resistant Silicone Dielectrics, by K. A. Andeianov, 5 Pp. %*"WWAV_Wm RUSSIAN, bk, Teplostoykiye Kremniyorgani- cheskiye Dielektriki, Moscow, 1957, 295 pp. B-266 Head, Lib Sv Sec Air Info Div Lib Congress ';3mtA-L'ia of 2 tr RUSSIAN,, m par, Zbmr Obishch M2im, Vol XM, H3 Is 19%.. pp 267-269. CI&- 9OW404 C,, Real Wo 21 coupatmta Bureau - sci - chamiaw sr Sep 56 OTS Syntheals of Polymethy1dimethylsiloxanea, by K. A. Andijanov and V. H. Nutrova, 6 y13. MSSLAH, per, 17.1 Obethch !Mimp Vol XrM, No 5, 1957, pp 1243-1248. Cmmultants Bureau Sci - Chem Selp 58 The Direct Synthesis of-Etbylahlorcisilenes,' by Andrinnov, 8, A* Oolubtsov, 1. V. ri. of-i-mova .4 Ir K--B- bia-fi o 3 PP - ra=R, per, Zhut P-.ik Mim, Vol M, Ro 8, Aug 1937.9 PP IMs 1278. Consultants B-mmsm- A,6w,-Tz-j- lw,~ set - Chem Oct 58 f3 Synthesl a of Cyclie Di-mathy-lailoxanes - Containing Triet,bylailoxane Groupa, by K. A. AndAanov, N. A. Kunwheva., 4 pp, RUSS.M., per, Dok Ak Nmk SSSR., Vol =vl, No 5, 1959., pp 997-1000. Coasult-wto Bu=au ctel ,Tun 6o -- ----------- The~Mecblinjam of Fox=tiaa and-Trausformation of-- aUicooegmuie polymrs,, by K. A. And novo Vol mavo 1955j, RUSSIM per# Uspew"Im, Assoc Tech Services Sci - C~~try Apr 56 --liaterof unctional Condensation of Qrgaooetbov- and If. ff. sokolovp pp. RUSSIAN per,, Zhur Obshch vol mm,, No 6., Jun 1956., pp Consultants Bureau Sci - Chemistry Jul 57 Polyorganoottknno- and Polyorganatitano-Siloxaneo, 'by X. A. _A!~drjan~~,, T. N. Ganina, 9. N. Khrustaleva., 6 pp. RUSSIAN,, mo per, Is Ak Nauk,, Otdel Xhim Nauk, NO 7, 1056, pp CmmAtants Bureau Sci - Chem y4w 57 fleActims of the -AnJzo Qroup of 1.1.1- A-s- G*lUbftv; Z~ A 6 99. RUSSUN, perj Iz ak Nauk SM,, Ot4al nis Nauk.. Conautants Bureau sai Chas PAY 59 Rigactions of Organomorwhydroxyzilanes with jaocyamtem Oyntbvais of SlUcoorganic Urathavz),,. by V. V. leutaldyin. ryamov 1. P. Losevo- ~. A, And 3 pp. RUSSM4v per, Zhur Cbshch Xhim; Vol X=v No, 3,p 1959.4 i7p %4-906- Consultants Bureau oci Apr 60 jr2 Cbsages in the Catalytic ketivity ofBillacm-Copper Alljjp iq.tba Cours. * of the Dix-eat Syntha3i8i Of ChIoroetbY1d-t,,-L=-e5p 1b S. A. fl K. A%R_~Wv skayajad GolubtsoV I. V. Trvf mmi, % V. 1). RM~SZAN., psr, Xt'Ak. Rauk WSR, -Otdel MAM Naulki No ~ 2.1 10., pp 157-165. Bel - Chem MAY 59 cowultants a n C"xilarmai3d4co-n A. A. Zildunov, pp. RLWIT.F., per) Iz, Ak I'lauk 58$R~ Otdcl- lib-in Naulk" No 9, 191: , - ,a pp 1.0'16-1.079. Consultants B=im c c I Mechanism of the Formation of PolyphenYIEI polyzilozanes From Terftwtional Monomers", '43, K. ~ A. AndrYanov, A& A. Zbdanov 4 pp. rVIU ~"]Ation. RUSSIAN.. bizo per,. Xz Ak Nauk Otdel KbIm Nauk,, iso 6., 1.9549 PP 1033-4103T--~IF; r22 U Consultants Bureau Splentiric - Chemistry mw 56 =/dex Pri=tples of the Nomne2ature and ClAsBitice.- Om of Macropolecular Orgauosilicon CaqxywAs# bjr K. A- MdAe~* A. V. Topchiev.. pp. RMXAN;, bluo part Xz'Ak Nauk SSLIR Otdol Kh I A _Ifa N 0 U M j, iffis, FP CownatauU Bureau so:tentifte Chemistry Dec 54 OTS Synthesis of AlkoiW- andL Acet=V-Silanaa Containine- an Rbhar or Ester Grotwing Substituted in Silicon- Attmabed Alkyl, by K. L j63&~Qwv L. I. Wmrova, 6 pp. HMMM.TWM . mo per, Iz Ak Naukt Mel Dim Hauk, No 6., 1956, PP 702-w&- Ccumatants Bureau Bel - chemintry Feb 57 ~: CTS p, Organic Silicoa -Compp=ds -by- X. A. Andrianov, )10 (M-741805) RUSISIMO bk, Kremniyorgmicheskiya Soedineniya,, Moscow, 1955, 521 pp. ~7.2 F ATIC F_TS_919~ L A- 6 :Z 3 Sci - Chemistry J~m 58 6- s-p -7 ~p orgCoosaico-n PolMras In HatIODAI EC=cmYt bY X6 A. Ajadr gmovp A. I fttresbko., 15 3?9- :i~D RU.SSIMP Pgrj Prir*fti NO 4,, April 19591 PP 9i-16- AMI a-5&6 Sal Chm 110 3yutuAla, aUg-Rolecular, Conpounds b;t RMIAN, parp MAktrichesitvot 1958.,'No 4p PR 1-100 sTA 59-o-o694 sci MM. 60 Vol, E.0 I . sdientiric - chaniftry Consultanu RmTau I , M/DU / ?.4, * Fg The Use--of - OrGansilieda- Imulation -in - ELectrical Machin s 16 0 j, by K. A* 7~1 _V9 1. MaUtvyauskly., I PUU t. lWSSWj mo per., Elektricbestvo, No 4., AV 1955,, PP P-4-ag. ATIC F-M.&96/m scl - Exectriciv ydi) 19r)7 CTS/m 144~7 Orgamehlorosilaness by Ke A& 6Rqd&--IOVv r10 110 Solwlovy H. El. Zhrustalevap L. H. jip-. RUSSIAUS b1mo perj, Iz Alt Mzuk SM Obdel MAM'llauk -4 NO 3s, DUY-Jun 19551 pp 531-530. CIA 0 39502 CxmmAtants Bmra= MW Scientific - Chemistry Nav 55 OM/DRX Til A. Aklam by fit: N. -90bolo 4 ppo AM Tr Vol mmis -no Vws, Mmb&- RM 1.1al N6 IWP VP set - cbmdAtky Jan 57 m cawatente Dare= --.-Polyorgano-O isni-nosilrumnes, by X. A. An&-Yanov, T. N. Gallilm, 8 pp. RUSSM, bimo per, Iz Ak Nauk SSM Otdql-Khim Jan/Feb 1956, IP~P-7~.~IA 542767 c, Sauk, No I Consultants Bureau Sci Cbmistry 117-S RT-6,1-3 7 AuG 1956 - -. --------- - The Reaction of -Altylace~o-VsiYebea-With-Alcohols by K. Awj~x~qy, AA. Zhdanov, A.A . Bogdanova.. MWIM, tbrice-mo per Dok Ak Nauk GWR, Vol XCIV, 1"'.0 4, 290 1954, pp Assoc Tech Sy RJ 2W IDDzt Orange, NJ Scientific - Chemistry reb 56 ;.jyj:Lt~tezjs of *z& A11WI(aryl)alko3A'j-lw~sj V~r 17C. A. Andq=QV., L. V. Gp=ets, T PP- IWSU.n, thriw--mo per, Dok Ak Nauk SWR, Val C13 No-2.. 1955, pp 259-P-6i. MIR wa Sci Tr Center RT 3038 Feb 56 hevAstry of ~Ogrgauu We In the Pleld of.C, ;Ozaanomiliem C=pou32de,, 55 yp. llUSSIANJ pert U%Mldi,2M~`-l J, Vol I=p NO 2p 1,952PI TIP WT-2367- CTA#W/JC-1370 sciemtif le - cbegdstry EVAtbODIS Ot AIIWlscetOxYeP=pUanft. Anwalate Impa= of tbD AcAdMW CC Sa~ US&Pt)L A. -md V. 0. Dabnwlmo 4 pp. J, tbrLft4m per., DWLjkjbnk-GSSk So I# pp 83,;,W. J= ST CTS O=Mlt=ts BUV= in - the- Field -of Ahe Synthes~n I __qf _Heterochain- organic (Element) Polymers, by K. A. A A-i RMSIAN, perIv Uspekh Khim, Vol WI, No VIII, 1957., pp 895-922._ - Tech and,ComM Sci - Men Apr 58 1~e7. IP)Wk Rain of 00m*r iu the Ramatlau-Botwbw ------ BtbVl ChuntNe vma of Ua AoadccW of Salmw Wusny. A. smov So As 002Ubtwvt Vo Tz%O=rms A. ,,Srgm,,,d R. A. Mmatelops PP tbriceam parg Dok Ak Nfak WM.. Vol cv=j lb vp V*-h68. Sol (Rod tZ7 Jan 57 ms -Symt1u3ais o9' Organooilicon Cozl%randp, CmtainiriF, A 211-LIZ11 of Phex7lonordluxano Grmxpingc;._L~! A. E . MUtent-DVp L. A. Kuld scZ.-mlov A MISSIJ5, Nrj, Iz Alt Wauh SIZOR., Otdol Dim 140 rp-9954W3. /,Oo -$/ - 16 o S~- Comultanto Dareau sai A-,Iw C-0 - --- ---------- Syntheala a d Mmstiga ton of the PrIopertica of lAquid Q;jp&*HO,=Mathylpoly [(Ard3Anamatbiyl ththyll Pblyailoxcan-v., 14. vOlk=$A-vp- XWEIMI, pars Tz A Hauk SWR) Otdel KUm VISMI-q,'"O at 3-0s pp mm". Cmmultants Bareau Sa 7 Alir 60 0l 'ubstitutlofi-of Chlorine in Ions or the Dichlormothyld.awthyleh.lorosilens and Blo(Chloro- metbyl)-Methy1chlorosilaDe by Alkoxy Grms, by A. Andx~janov,, M. A. Goluberko, 4 pp. RUSSIAN,, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXIIp go 2, 1957, pp 257.26o. Consultants Bureau Sci - Chemistry Jul 58 / P-1 anal Subs-biltutiom of tho the L by K. A. M. Volkwa, 4 pp. -Qer; Zhur Obitich httlm: Vol )Dr.,,:, NO 7, xv ~J-93-2396- 1 GB J Aug 6! The. Reactims for the Formation cxE Pol~,orgmosiloxanes byt4te Ileterotimetiowa Condensation Diathod, by K. A. And4anovy Be No Solwlov, E. No Khrustaleva, 6 pp. RMMAH mo per, Zbtw Obaheb Wn, Vol XM, No 4, Kpr 19~9' pp =2-UO.b. SOL. -, thmistry Feb 195T CTff/dex S3mthesis of ar-Chlorino-Substituted Dichloroa- tbylphen7lallanes., by K. A. JWdr nd V. A. CdiMtBp 4 ppe ~ ~r~, IMBSUN., no per It Ak ,-QtAel Rhi- SauX 45n tpMkl~-~ -6,- -'i k No 4v 19%j Vp 60. CZA 9WM4 consatants B=WM Sol - chamirbry fte 55 MI&M A FAG.v- InveptiL;ation of U c"Joros-ijane-s--j--by-H - 11 J io s(i 14o Akimovaj 6 PF. REISSIM, mo per.. Zhur Obishea KhIm ssXP-. Vol Ma No 4j. Apr* 1955.- P-PV7-5-.03 - -CTA C 39500 . Owsultants Bureau ScientIfic - Chmiatry 10- .1 11cm 55 CrS/DEX ,;;V,Litbaaio or O&-G&wWU=n Couo*unds ContdWmg Anim 111twoSea amd Moir Rtactloze -With riu- elDoDbmc amd Elactropmuc Rw=to,; tv IWV A. AngrZv mow - . 14- Vo2hova, 13 pp IMMUNil pwp In Ak Xwk ams owl- &IM Nwko AD 19570 IV 5ff-.5%. Mat Chm iftv MbiLtV, of tho Ollie=-Cmrban Bond in A.Ui*x;yjA)LIW3.)313Ams Ccatmining rblhwor Be"Or Groupipp Toward RucloorbLue QA RmpuU, by K. A. MUMIS, a pp MWOMO per, Ir. Ak Mak Z=lt, Otdzl Mdm "M=A, Ito 3957S yp 50-V16. Bureeu EBY, 59 Prop&ration of. folyorganoboroalloxones by Rotei0fune- Uouml Condenzat4on., by K. Ai Andrj-=vj, L-- M, Volkova., 6 pp RMIMMI 't per, It Ak Nsuk 8WRj. SM3 ftuh., Ito 3, 1.957s' pp 303 -309 Couffultants Bureau, Scl - Chem ArS Rz--8-7~ Dim."r 59 7-01 j f4athasto of ANWlcbj=wj:Lcxg= by by 11. Sokolzis IC, A. Auk-,~vz,7.9, 6 IRMIUM., pw, ZZ Ak Nauk SWIt, Mel WA= 'to 70' 2MP pp 806-8U. CowaltAnts Bare=-: lkw. Ica ConpmAm ContaInIng a gathuryloyl Group, by X'A.. Am dryaww# H.B. Leznovp A.K. Dablagerm, 6 vp a RUSSMIs ;ero Is Ak laukj, SSSR,, Otdel Kblm Flauk,, Rolm 1957p pp ~39-465. - Cowultrints Buratu set. - Chem MY -TIm-Symsttiii%tSoif of MqthylqthozybUmrovilanas~ bir X. A. An4MMMY, So i- GOUbbsOv., F- P- pp. AL MISSIM., ro per,* Zhur Obsh6 Rhint Vol XXVI, So 1, 1956, pp 197-199. AU' -4U,- Rea Ito 21 Consultants Bureau - 3C, 6-04a sica - ch=lstry S46rp 56 OTS BosrA Jm ar- SIOL ptam' 512ows., by A. Aud*vww., V.- A. Odl=Uo 6 Z~ve ---- flj=Wp- R=,t U Ak r4VX B=p.OWa MAM Mg*.. No Sol - qa= by;. A. Atfty=rv~ M. A In At ft* am., otdal mdz -W=k., Wo yp The SyrAhzsIs of InA4,mblc but Sol-able Fulymara, A. A. Zhdauov, C. Z. Aerinich, bil X. A. 4. pp. KWTta, par, Dok AX Haut MR; Vol awli, wo 6, 1958, pp Consult"ta Bureau Jun 59 of Cyclic Polymethylsilazanes, by K. A. AndxIanov I G. Ya. Rumba, 4 pp. RUSSIAN., per,, Zhur Obshch Xhim, Vol =I, No IP,, 1,061, pp 4038-4042. CB Sci oct 62 214,847 POr.1 VOSt VOZ -VUt,, HD 9., 119,58p pp 77-&a. 0~5651 ' Aur, Sol - Aam im 59 (ny-643o/i) The Influence of Insecticides on the Fertility Of E1011 and on the Growth and Developmat of Plaxits, by Maria Andriano-, 6 PP11, MMkNTMj per., Revists Gospodariilcw Agricole da. Stat, No 2p Pbb 1961jr pp 19s 90t ins 9646 Mar - Rumania Beim Desigp Characteristico of the Fuselage Nose Part for'Light Aircraft, by N. I.-Andryanov. 14 pp. S"C: ~~ k E"r* RUSSIAN,, per, Aviatsionilaya Prom, go 11 1958j, pp 3-7. ATIC MWAI;ftU Scl - Engr Aug 60 Analyser Dyberactioa in the Forrup-tibon of Motor Kliuientai-y Conditioned Reflexes, by 0. S. anov, 10 pp. TOSSM, per, Zhur Vysrliey Nerv Deyatel II-Ieni 1. P. Pavlova, voi x, i.To 6, 196o, PP 851-859- pp Sci i-~jpr 02 192,790 Anatomicophysiological Features of the Cerebral Cortex in the Dog, by O.:S. Adrianov, T. A. Mering, 9 pp. RUSSIM, per, Zhur Vysshey Nerv Deyatel imeni I. P. R-- Pavlova, Vol IX, No 3, 1959, :pp 4-11-478. pp Sci 195,051 may 62 THE BRAIN -- ORGAN OF THOUGHT, BY 0 S.:~ADRIANOV, 31 PP. RUSSIAN, BOOKLETs ig6i. JPRS 12289 SCI - MED GEB 6-2 182,2iix Reat ~'Cmpaclty of Bound "Vister, by P., 1. Andr aiwl~m tbrice-mo per# Dok Ak Rauh. SWR,, Vol IM,,- No 2., 0-1949, pp 219-m-F.- Scimtific Physics, CrA/M/X-1212 Vokith 01-o"asesim, by Pe 7 tri. Mg. (6 28g,541 tic Q~Ti;aic !!era 1,3taRl 40 ;5J, 961, lip 7.1~