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i-Iffect. of Surface Treatment on the Coiivoion at' k3tcols in ',later and Steam at M& nxTeratures., by 11. IrIlarzee, el " al. Kolcff, 'Per, Rievue de Notallurgley 'Vol UILI., No 6, 1964; PP 593-601- AEC-BluleY Tr 746 Available an loan oxay sci Dee 64 Influmm-a o:~ the ImAhod of Cal&lmg Qu Uu* mWacteriatica 4w th-- lip"tiope ,,tzvng-,b aV Tyro-rapa Trza, Ly 0 - "aimto Ileirp 14. 1-zxzca. per, A=. Scl~ S:atilos Bz-IAOB G9/-256/':l 573 M - WA g c-- JIA 61, 3:34, 7 ur 5 Effect of Surface Treatment on the Corro3ion of Steels in Tdater and Steam at Mgh Te-inpera- tures, by M. Warsee. MUCH, per.. Revue de Metallurrde. val Q, Vo 6, 1964, ip--~5C3-601- GB/193/746 /)T U/ A P -Z Ce_ SU - Jul 67 334,8ST (ITY-6,c?2.9) Cultivation of Cell Clones of Momwals and 1,hn, by N. B. Werzhaver, 13 1)p. I R USSIMT, per, Tsitologiya, Vol III, no 6, ITOV/Dec 1961, PP 653-661. MIS 13677 Sci May 0-2 1941,376 Rescamb on Winter WbAst Culture WM a View to ImproVing the QualiMdve Pokams of the Gron Pm Us by S. Satrzycki, L. Mass, 18 pp. POLISH, Be"16 i tymiew(9:01, V No No 6,1960# pp 636-6494 OTS 61-31277 PL-480 Scl - Agri Nov 64 Avail From LY/Serlds 269,131 PreuminuT lhvesdgad" at ulwat culturip Rial a View to Impmb* the QudiWve FeMwes (d thdi GrAhU by S. L.MAss 13 pp. POIL.Mmit Ba" butomm-N-14 I aiggwdgMb V-oT Is No 4,1957, pp 509-523w 0 Tl S GOME177 PLA480 Sd - Agxt Nov 64 Avbd From LY/Serlds 269J.W vt 1 c 4 v1, 'n" "i 2!fi I I ~~ I k W"4 ;avelopment of -- Spoocial Ribbed Steel for 'urcrete Ruinforcement (Ribbed Torsioa Stcel , a 'iU-ppen-Torstahl")p by W. J=Iche, H. Waschoid,.',. WAMN , per, Bet=- und Stahlbetonbau, No 11 L961, pp 6-io. BIBI 2170 ,".I - 3gagr; Min/vwt jul 61 161,071 now co lw P. 0. wwwo J.- op"83m* Caw% Ims 99"Almi Hftm so]* 9999no Ift I - --l-l- va 93m. ;963~ m 2f jo 90-W MA M-~6~ gal -0 aw . -~~ 1w 6T 324591 61-1(182 Waser, Bruno von. SINTERING OF METALS AND METAL COMBINA- 1. WAser, B. von TIONS: PATFNT REPT. [19611 18p. (22 refs. omitted) 134 patent refs. Order from SLA $1. 60 61-16182 Trans. of Kolloid-Zeitschrift (West Germany) 1955, v. 140, no. 2/3 1p. 159-164). DESCRIFrORS- *Sintering, 'Po%vdcr metallurgy, *Ccr- mets, *Heat resistant alloys, *Sintered alloys oft.. .4 T-W-l S-t- (Metallurgy, '17, v. 6. no. 3) 63-16128 _ftkq~~. Bruno. ADVANCES OF THE INORGANIC-CHEMICAL LARGE- 1. WXser. 8. INDUSTRY. 9. PHOSPHORUS; PHOSPHORIC ACIE% SUPERPHOSPHATF- CALCINED PHOST11ATEANDTIM LIKE. 11963133p. refs. Order from SLA $3.60 63-16228 Trans. of [Chemigcbe Technik] (Germany) 1940, Y. 13, no. 19, p. 344-349. DESCRIPTORS- *Phosphates, *Phosphorus, Phosowric r acids, Fertilizers. *Econornic geolcigy, Chemical In- "I 'IV dustry, Chemical engineering. I A j (Engineering- -CIx-mical, TT, Y. 10, no. 4) 1 Ofte ad leckkal Senim 61-1032D COLLOIDS AND CORROSION. 11960) 17p. 224 refs. 1. Corroslon--Theory Order from SLA mi$2.40, ph$3.30 61-10320 2. Colloids--neory 1. WIlser. B. Trans. of Kolloid-7eitschrift (West Germany) 1956. v. 145 [no. 31 p. 158-163. A survey of German patents. Offim 0110&4"l &-i (Metallurgy- -Corrosion, TT, v. 5. no. 5) NA=. F- itad Stahli, K EXPERIMENTS WITF1 TOBACCO SMOKE, 11. (19621 9p. Order from K-H $11-25 K-H 3902 d Trans. of article from Zeitschrift f Ur Unters uchung der Lebensmittel (Germany) n. d. DESCRIPTORS: *Tol-cco, *Smokes, Cigaretics 62-22856 1. Witser. E. 11. SM111i. M. III. K-H-3902 d Iv. Kresge-Hooker Sclimce Ubrary Associates, Deacit, Mich. (Biological Sriences--Tojdcology, T`T, v. 10, no. 3) 0111" 01 1-~() An Lunae of Zw4p Dalbs of ftirbo Pn"aw bor (*Ing the bio-spood Dwttx cagaiw na vwo, bY 14 W"Utado JAPARISrt per* Mona ?ME Meb%Wb& N* Ing 19639 p 40. SLL 9M.4065 Sol-rAt A Nov 67 3"0361 Thz We of Metastable States e4 Raci2j, Arvon and Helium,, by R. B. Dc4-gelo,, T. P. X. Was_4patgn, eWvm, pero Verelagender Afdeelins 9dtuurk$ Vol XXXVp 1926., pp 1009-1022. T.I.L. TAW6 Sci - Chmistry a 2,41 704 Aug 1956 ~ Rate of Precipitation and Quantitative Separation of Nickel Sulfide With Thioacetaside From Ammonia-Annonium Nitrate Buffer Solutiong by S. Wamhisuka. JAPANESE# par# Bugseki K&g"Rp Vol 12p 1963v pp 20-26. NTC 72-10092-07B Apr 72 -ALA Procv"aft Ida" d. br OWL, JAPARIM VA C4[C_T*"_%dK Sd-ma a ma Oct 267A" le) A 4== CC 4C6Sg*M V 49 ~- *0 off _ 0u v . .-- - I gm Sd"MI66WS-Gd% 1w pni-m - --MWMM2ft! -- W44 OW. OT-S rs~ IPL4W sd;:wl id Aho 'Ardardng of irm IW Iltanduvis, ig a. .440&alt. C, 56. wll-jisl s0i"t 6-8 (ty-645o) The FIrst Stage of the Review of Documenta- tion of Irrvestments in Housigm, and Communml Industry, by Teleafor Wasiak, 17 pp. POLISH, par, MAaBto, Vol XII, No 5, 196i, pp i3-16. jpRs 13)24o 6'E'u.- - Poland Econ MA" ACHIEVEW4TS IN TECHNICAL ADVANCOVIT AND NEW TECHNICS IN 13LACK COAL MINES IN 1,961p BY MON I WASIKs 11 PP. POLISHO PER# WIADOMMCI GMICZEp VOL XIII) NO 9j, SEP IWJ' PP 2&)-20. JPRB 16875 EUR POL4M ECON JAN 63 214*7ce .-rI.OQ-Ic: ~7' ii'wzY of Jrpcil. in Il'icher ftarjtF', J Buchowicz Pnd Lfdja 6 pp, "OLISH, Der, ACta Bioc~dmjca Polonica, Vol KA Ivo 1) 1963 Cris 63-111,06-1 "ci 7 61 rIL-ctrcvI.qis. Part 1. Chromic AcId. by L. IN"LISF, per. Clien Sto-sowtina, Vol 3, t.,* 3. 1959. ATS Pi-sit Sci-chem July 69 ,.,)Iodic Deconrositivil of Crupldtizcid I-Ioctralysis. Part 11. Slodium chloTate, by L. ;~asilewski. POLIS'ki. per, M(w Stosawt-ana, Vol S. No 20 1961, Pp 299-310. ATS PJ-5120 sic-chev July 69 Probl" of Loss of 4ercuiy in Process of 'lorcury Electrolysis of So4tun Chlorldm. PT. 1, 'facbnological Analysis of Loss of Marctory, by Ludwik gasLIewski,, Stanislaw Swated, Witold Gnot, Upp POLISI1, r rmayal chemig!z, Vol 17, pe .,* I a 1961, No 4, pp,203-2GG SIA TT-bS-10051 SCL Chen .Tun& 67 329,419 Die-Cast DrMing Bitos by X, Waollovski,, 8 v. P=SRp per,# Przeglad Gondazy, 1954.. Vol Xp Ivo. 10P pp 357-359. mA 6o-ime SOL Apr 6o Vol Ins No 3 /// 57 7-0~ .10' (40 Anodic Peewposition of GraT I,ur' .13octravIsis, Part 111. Perchle-ric Acid# by L, Wsilewskl. POLISI,',, Iler,, Cbbvi Stosawana, Val 0, No ?, 1962, F-P 191-2100. -ATS W-512.1 L W A s, I L- C-- w Sci-aier- July 69 Rotary -Ficnace for Obtaining Aluminum Salts Iftom Clay,, by L. Wasillevok1j, Jo Z. Zaleskiy 11 pp. POLTM,, perj, PrzenTal Chem., 1939j, pp 181-188. siA 57-1619 may 58 D--~cmpo3ltion of Clays,, by Lo Wasilevokip U pp, NO Refereace CIUA. STA In.- 57-105:27 Sci J192 56 Mr -493-9) Freseet, and Future Statue of Pre-Stvassed Concroto Bridges in Folandp by ZbIgniew Wasiutynski, 11 pp. POLISH, per, Drogawniotwo., Vol XV., NO 7j, i.96o., t0-= pp 151-155. JPRS 7 KS.u-r - pclana Feb 61 .a.rchiv i~iserilhutterywesen, Vol. 5, !;0. 1, 25 6 tables 0. ODD words; 1.933. Precipitation Harderiinq of Steel with Titardurii Trans, Clrdnr "o. 1731., 5`1 ~-ar-jruaimg ot Irm J.'y 96 65C4 Ju)- 66 Quality Control in the Chemical Industry., by Zan Wasilawfikip 10 pp. POLISH~ per,, Pr=Wal Chudesnyp V01. M3Xy VO 196D,6 pp 333-335. aW 7422 Been Jan 61 63-14114 E!jaLV)j_Ludw1k. Goat, W., and Sw~rck. S, KMACURY LOSSES IN MERCURY ELECTROLYSIS OF 1. Waslie"ki. L. SODIUM CHLORIDE. III-TV. INPLI)ENCE OF IT. Gnat. W. CURRENT CUr-OFF IN DMUSTRIAL HLECTRO- M. Swatek. S. LYSERS ON LOSSES OF MERCURY IN THE ELEC- TV. Titl*: taf1wence TROLYTIC PRODUCTION OF CHLORIM. 119631 10p. (Up. amuted) S refs. Order from SLA U. 10 63-14114 Trans. of Przftnyal Chemiczay (Poland) 1964 Y. 117X40) w. 7. p. 375-379. DESCRIPTORS: 'Mercury. Mlectrolysis, Sodium com- pow". chlorwes, Electric currents. chlorine. Hk~etrocbcmlwry. Solvent action. Cutting off elemolyser current in qumer-induscrial sede (PLW) units causes a milpratiou of avowcury from the uepolarized cathode to the brim. Maximmas cantent dissolved In brine@ during cia-off sw 170 mg son so ladwtd Mweadmitry-4walical. IT. Y. 10,no. 5) (MV) 63-14113 W4&jjfjyakj, Lulwlk. Swatek, S.. and Coat, W. M-R Y LOSSES IN MERCURY ELECTROLYSIS OF I. Wastlewald. L. SODIUM CHLORIDE. 1. ANALYSIS OF INDUSTRIAL 11. Swistek, S. LOSSES OF MERCURY. 11963) 10p. 2 refs. In. Goa. W. Order from SLA $ 1. 10 63-14113 IV. Tick- Analysis... Trans. of Przemysl Cbendczny (Poland) 1961. v. 117X40) no. 4. p. 203-2D6. 242C Z DESCRIPTORS: 'Mercury. 'Electrolysis, Sodium compounds, Chlorides, Solvent action, Blectrochemistry l Losses ot inercury in lit in,, ticcur both during the elec- trolyals process and when the current to turned off. The main losses of mercury occur In Batt BUMs and in brines drawn ad during circulation. These sallm slimes sod brines contain both dissolved and undlo- solved mercury~, The amounts of mercury Include vari- ous concentrations ol mercury in the brines, oc- cumlating in the tank and left behind In the sallne othrieft fto d 166&d brobw (Chemistry-Pbysical. TT, v. 10. no. 5) (-) SETZE (UY-3766). Construction of Prestressed Concrete Bridges in Poland, by Zbigniew Wq~ 12 pp. POLISH., per, Drogmmictwo, Vol XIV, No 12, 1959, pp 309-314. jp_q#1921 D-Eur - Poland Econ - Construction Jul 60 i DgkormWAILon ofjOxId ImIuslow In Irm mad Steel .-Wicompositim by OCUrine and MoMme Ain4vis, by R. W-qmvht, P. Obef%orffw. GMAXj per.. Architi I Ta nj IM, pp 829 ft. Zol 59 fo?.. 7,r1 Determinption ef O)dde Incluslons In Iran..qnd SUel by Means of ReOldue, by R - Wpomobt,' P - Oberboffer. 5 GERMM, per, Sts;hl u Usen, Vol MIX, 29 Mg 1929, T.p i26o-i264. AMMAM Set Jul 59 I 01?f 17-5,e WASMUHTI R. Archiv Eisenhuttenwesen,, v01. 4, 13 figures, 8 tables, 3200 words; 1930. Applicability of Residue Analysis by Chlorination to Alloy Steels. Brutcher Trans., Order No. 132 $2.90 !-) --) -1 1~ ., ? I Ir Archiv Eisenhututenwesen, vol. 5, r'."0. 5, 21 ficc-"u'res, ,-X) 1 ta-' e, 45" words; 1931. Cn hardening--, Phenomena in Iron-17oron allcys with 3pecial 1R.eference to Precipitation llardenLng. Brutcher, Trans. Order No. 11~85., -37.85 1 ~, n ~ ~~ f ZIY-2039 Dommitle Fricee of IWrted'Goads,, by Zamw,-w Whardwski,, 4 Vp. PMBH# per# Handel Zagraniesny,, Vol IV, So 1958j, PP 17# 18. US JM/922-19 12ur - Poland Icom - Forcism 2rads Nw 10 Doe 00-4'w) Definition Of the Polish-Cze0hoalOYak Border3 by Jo~-.*% wasavioz., 13 pp. FOLIM, per., Gzasoploom Geograf Lamm, MEC4 Vol XMa, No 2, 1960s VP 133-144. JPBS 6428 M= - Poland, Czechoslovakia 49 6; J-S jan 61 Tl- I*velpl2ment of Orchards and Fruit FmcerBing (in I~olv by Stanislaw yasowicz. MUSH, per) 11ove Rolnict-wo, Warnaw, vol vin, wo 16, 1 A119 1959, P9 582-586- FMIS,m 2336 Mur Poland 0/ Econ 4`jAgrieultura Sep 59 17 lk) 50JI 17 Resilient b1ounting of Piston Engines, by 11. 11a4m MIZM-T., Z. Ver.dtach.ine.j. 81p 3.937o Pp 763-769. A.C.S.I.L. Trans Wo V.P/90 513 Mur - Bermny Scientific - Engines., pistonj. mountIng index Aeronauticus ~Ap.mrature Dependence of Scintillation Cmmteiv, by H. Scbnelder., H. Wawa. GMM,, per., Atcmlwrnewrgie,, Vol Xt# vZj, 1961.. pp 98-1()0. AW Tr-5062 scd - Nue Pbwu 6-22 / ?71 J017 Uft 69 A Trial With So-Callod ~=- "'Deposition" of Tuberculin Intracutuneously in Wi-erculim Negative Individualuj, by E. Wasseu-,-- pp. GEMUlp mo per, Beitr. lain. Tuberki Vol XXCMI, 1936.. pp 217-2it~.' WM Tr 110 12-34 sci - mWalcine ~4 g (' '0 r Feb 1957 CTS/dex . ~/ I-- .."11.4111- .:1..,- - 1.11 IV IT, I Fuzthiez. Studios With the So-Called Batracu-~aLcoiw Depocition of Tubemalin in Tuberculip.-re Vtiva Individuals,, by B. -wanscu., 5 PP- GEWXI.. mo per., Beltr. faint-Tubark Vol XCT-C., 1939, pp 515-518' ' EM Tr 110 22-35 Sci - Mdic:Lne 49 6 4~ Feb 1957 =/d= Stlui~ ili-Ibli W- pot -J-~,bexculin in "j= 11-pleoits,, by B. Suadin, E--WaSnen.. 5 PP- GM-Sklfs mo per, Beltr. KlIn. Tuberk Vol XM.. 194l., pp 206-2b3o XWX ME Tr No 32-36 Sci - 1.5-rKUci*ae A/.? ~ 114 F eb 1957 CM/dex ;101 On the Theory of Horwiry-CattiWe by Theodor Wsembs 16 pp. GERMAN, per, Ult fur Phyalk, Vol 19SI, pp 311-3200 17 60 Dept of Havy Tr 46 /CNI Tr 20755 sci. phys May 66 Spat3p CXXX. Rt~:5eavch, en SvCt-Soldered Joints: A". Gontrib'.;tioa to the Development of Suitable Testing j4atbc4s Tor Static and Dynamic Strength, by ff. Koch., W. Wasserbacb, 21 pp. per, SenvoiseeD irna Schnaiden, Val XII, 1960, pp 2-10. r-01276 AM-tr-5469 Sci - Engr 63 FormtIon or Intermediate Radical-Like 8urface Forms In lateropums Catal"Is, by V, S. Wasserbft jg,j at al. RMSIAN, par# Dak Ak FAuk SMv Val MM., No 20 1.961o pp 377~-380- UL M. VA5 Set - Pbys Apr 62 /ft?., 7ey NASA TT F-52 National Aeronautics and Space Administration. THE EFFECT OF THE BEHAVIOR OF THE LOAD ON THE FREQUENCY OF THE FREE VIBRATIONS OF A RING. E. B. Wassermap. January 1961. 20p. OTS price, $0.50. (NASA TECHNICAL TRANSLATION F-52. Transla- tion from Voprosy Dinamiki I Dinamlcheakot Prochnosti, no. 4, 1956, p. 49-71 (USSR) 1. Wasserman, E. B. 11. NASA TT F-52 M. Voprosy DInamiki I Dinamicheskol Prochnosti, no. 4, 1956, p. 49-71 (USSR) (Initial NASA distribution: 51, Stresses and loads.) The problem of free, plane and three-dimensional small-amplitude vibrations of radially loaded flexible circular rings is investigated. Differential equations are derived from three types of behavior of the load during deformation. Expressions are obtained for the frequencies and critical loads. Examples of rings with circular, tubular, square, and rectangular cross sections are given. Copies obtainable from NAM, Washington NASA Do Atme or Molecules Mom in Solidep by G. Wassermam. WMp per, Z, )(etA13YAeq Vol 229 1930t PP 158-160a *NM/USDC/MS TT 7.1-55 Available MS Only CT-. W R SS eQ. MA 0 N) MW 71 Val ;~.S, "N43 40, l';62t i,.,;* 422-497 .%LL 'L'18 6, ei ZF-1. 15L.17) 499,215 Growth of Whiskers on Tungsten Crystals. Extract from Growth and orientation of Tungsten WIdskc2,5,p by H. Ahlborn, UG. Wassermum. GERMAN, per, Z fuer HatelIkunde, Vol LIZIt No 2. 1962, pp 132-134. GB/4/T/1844 Sci-m/m , t ;1. 5,;F July 63 23 , Implumm 0-0 veamoc Pkwtyp Quourr, Q=utf4= ad watue ca an SkUMSOM ma Mad 25ikwv~s of AlmduS*3p by Lo Ommmu# (L womoorasou GOP&% 9wo . VA 2% 1b Cis IrA IV M-0. M& ftfs qwjw (ILXVW) C-. w 0- 0--, o- ti I\j eal.ftb sopt ce 3moom Oa the Effect of DeformatLons on the Maebanical PropertLes of a Precipftation HardenLrkg AlumLnLum ALlicy, by H. Richterj 0. Wassarawn. Z. matam" Vol. rL,, so uj, 1958, -1v 549-556. 7/4203 F~ lj"e Ir -Res . No .4 SOL - MLa/Met '/j 7 Sep 61 Oxuation- Of Holton Cadmium and Cadmi= AM= Allayu by W, von Grublt G. Uassawam -5 pp. =(Ov pwip 7a- Metaliktwdeo Vol mis 19900 pp 178-2 - 8,L.,A. Tr I= -Odif-v 6 Iro Sol - Utz/hotgas Zen 57 OU Experimento on the Deformability of an Iron- c, Richel Alloy During the Gama to Alphs Trmnefctma- tion, by Gunter Wasserman% 10 pp, ,r., Archiv ruer das Eisenhuttemmsen GERM, pL vol x, No Tv Jan 193T., vp 321-325. srA Tr 822/1955 Sci - KID/rat Jul 57 J~-jaicati= of tba Coimter-Tabo Gomiow-tor on -tlw O=n-Boblin PrincIpU to Strove Wum=mentp bw G; Mmms G. Wasse"norin. GEWlp p=p Arajjjv7;--~~ fu dam V4oml=tt=mm=p Vol XMV.. 3.963., pp 395-2D4. BIEM 3263 !?~ ~ z 6 ,~ - sci V~Dc 63 On--the- ideal Orientatiohi~--l~-n--thd--Text-ur-e of-ifolbe-d -- ---- Metal, by J. Greven, Go Wassarmann, 18 pp. GM%H, perp Acta' Metallurgicap Vol III, No 4, J%a 1955s pp 354-360. SLA 3013 MaY 56 6 g d --, y / 6 0&0 T -P lie lafiuence of Va ural Veatbc-ring -on thri, 13trprst Coi,rc;-.iioa of Alminum Alloys.., by Gerhard Gunter-Uassermau., 14rp. GITIMIAN, Z. Metallkande, Vol XL, 194% pp 201-205 A=-C-tr-1805 Scientific - MIM114ebuI6 /~ a 6 Archiv Eissenhuttenwesen, vol. 9, 16 figures, 4200 words, 19`5. Development and Resul ts of Reoearches into the Precipitatinn Hardening Processes. Brutchnr Transp Order Vo. 236, $4.10 , , -l' ')) I A t :" - Ile 4 1 - n `2.6.0 Aluminum-Base Materials Produced bY PoWder ~_gp_j_ R - Weber. Xetaljurgy..by_p~. Wasserma RUSSIANj, pert Zeit NetalIkundes Vol XLYIIjNO 2p .1956, pp 7h-18- 3 4- 5-A~~ w$ Bmteher Tr 3741 Sci - Minerals/metairs,, Chemistry jun 1956 G. ff-FTER3 F. 159tall1wirt-sebaft 41 (7 woxxls; 1943- j, vol. f"'. 15 figures., ubics., 10 0 Investigations of Poroun Bearinva, Drutchor Trans, Order Ito. I-,rL5., 06.45. ,4) / ~) ~l ~ Y WASSERMANN, G. ~1-111 I Stress Corrosion as Function of Load and Temperature. ZEITSCHRIP'T FUR METALLKUNDE, vol 39, 19483 pp 66-71; 3600 words. 3rutcher No 2362, $ (o1 - -3~ /~ / ~, "/ --I-~ 61-18932 Wassikowski, F. COMPLETE PROTECTION OF STRUCTURES 1. Wassikowski, F. AGAINST DAMAGE DUE TO MINING SUMDENCE. [ 19611 36p. Order from SLA $3.60 61-18932 Trans. from Inzynieria I Budownictwo (Poland) 1951, no. 7/8. DESCRIPTORS: *Foundations (Structures), Design, Damage control, Mining engineering. (Engineering-Civil, TT, v. 6. no. 10) 0141c..1 T-61.4 Wassink, W. F. CONMTrONS-WHICH GIVE RISE TO CANCER OF THE LUNG. [1962126p. Order from K-H $32.50 K-H 5398 c Trans. from Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde, 1948 [v. 921 no. 46. DESCRIPTORS: *Cancer, *Lungs, Etiology. 62-22857 1. Wassink, W. r. 11. K-H-5398-c Ill. Krenge-Hooker Science Library Associates, Detrolt, Mich. Sciences- -Pathology, TT, v. 9, no. 10) Offi-I T-W-1 5-1... FROMM OF 1HE =IS $CnM" SNINIK MWIS BY mummv is PP. GOWN$ PERo SW VMWft* ND S# W 1963, JPRS Xpo"9204 NAY 63 FRWAO OF 09 GOWASOPPOWUMMO; IN PF, 1 1'','' .1: -~!Il ; .1 0:~ AXIS4 W* romis mml*- 1e 14 5 No. too P 3- .. 1!. 4mmoo t -YO f-l-lbrya, by 41, Tler, Ar--t "Luz V*.A 'Ap b7f Wo 27, (NY-61,150) ROPOSALS FOR IMPROVING PLANN114G 14ETHODS IN THE GERMAN SHIPPING ORGANIAZTION, BY EC J. WASSMANN, W. BUNGE, 7 PP. GERMAN, PER, SEEVERKEHR, VOL I, NO 9, 1961, PP 20-24. JPRS 12275 EEUR GERMANY ECON FEB 62 EE 182,270 D-1 Protection du Molyodcne Con-itre LIOX.1itiatioa aux Hautes Temperatures., (Frotactick-I or MDIYL-'u"DnI=I Against HiGh TO-Vuratiare oxidation), by IC.. Vlmts~umarui, 9 pp. GM-0-11 to FFMCH per, VDI Zeltsuluirtj Val X(.XX, J-957) I)P 4211 , Peverse trans~!~ CEA tr A-365 Oct 59 Reiner. MODERN PRECISION CROSSIMNI)ERS FOR CliEfi-11CAL THREADS OF FINE DENIER. 11963] 41p (f1p omitted) 8refs Order from SLA $4.60 7T-64-IOSM Trans. of Chernicbsern V.11ost Germs") I%I (Y. Ill no. I [p. 38-421; am 2 [p. 121-1241; no. 3. fi% 176-1791; um 4 [p. 248-252). 7T-64 -103M 1. ',VassnwvA R. qj 04starklo-TadIm IT, Y. 12. am 1) of Tasbakal I Crystal Formation and Composit6on in the Iter- mediate Phases in Iron Tungsten and Iron Idolydenum Alloys, by H. Arnfelt, A. ~~en, 12 pp. SWEDISH., per, Jernkontoreta Annaler,, Vol CXIX,, No 5, 19351 PP 185-196- Ane F-Ts-gl16/v Sci - Min/met Jan 58 Famerience In Sweden With High Quality ReWorcing Bars, Codesq and Hmwurementp by G., Y-attlaMi 3 PP- I I I smisnp W, Betongen Idag, Vol XX1,, No 6, 1956, -pp 148-158. STA Tr 2OW sei - Engineering 15%tj 9'/.F W 57 Sui-ve7r of thu 1'rincipall lqadioisoxtopes itj BjC; y u -z and etl-, c ne, Sylulr, 15 1)!). J la POLISH, per, -',TW-,leonika, Vol I-T, No 1, 1959, pp 1,17-64. AT-,c-ti.-4150 FL-430 Sci May 62 193,199 AA AStrMAOC ;Wtk*d fOr U610=11Wift Of The AAWunt Of OXY&OU ViSX01V*d in VAUr, UY J. 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