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ELxcess Pbtential and Kinctica of T13 Al Oxidation-Reduction Electrode,, ty IC. J. Vettar: G. Thiemlaes, 17pp. GERMAN., per., Zeitachrift fur Eleh-trachemic, Vol G~p Ilo 6. 1-9-M, PP 605-bV-- CFSTI TT-6;;-18554. Y-2 j 533 Sci - Obemistry mar 67 Vetter. K. 11TE NIECHANISM OF FORINIATION OF T11E IODINE- 10010E 0XIOA11ON-REDUICTION PC)rEN1'IAL AT PLATINUM DERIVED FROM 'DIE ALTER14AIING CURREN7 POLARIZATION. [196ij lip. Order from ATS $13.50 ATS-45N56G Trans. of Z[citschrifE fUrl Phyalklallrchal Chem[le, Leiizigi (East Q:emany) L952. Y. L99. no. 5/6. p. 255-299. DESCRIPTORS: *Iodine, *Iodides, Oxidation-reduction reactions, OPIAtinum.Afternating current, Polarization. 62-i22t9 1. Vetter. K. 11. AM-45'qS6G 111. Associated Technical Serviccu, Inc.. Fafit Orange. .4. 19"7094 (Chem I atry- -Physical, TT, v. 7, no. 6) -- - - -- - - - - -- -- -- ---- iaectrochemic2l Kinetics, by naus j. Vetter. Appro:c. '1`50 PP- GEH,IMT, b1:. *Academic Press, Inc. Sci - Caeri jul 62 TT-63-20602 )~c=. K- THEORMICAL EXPEialEW17AL MEAM F01k 7M 1. Vettex, K. ELUCIDA'nON OF ELECrt%OCM`[lCAL SYNMESIS hEAGMOM 119631159p] 47,efs Order from SLA *S. 60 7T-63-20602 Trans. of Chemle-Ingenleur-Technik (West Germany) 1963, v. 35, P. 343-352. (Abstract available) DESCBU7ML%& *El=&ochemistry, Synthesis (Chem- isrrA Cbernical reactions, ElwArodeg, EUctdc i - - dal, Electric currents, Anodea, Cathodes, Oxidation- reduction reactions. Reactim kinetics Anodic and cathodic electrochemical reactiou series were determined from the ooncentrattort dqpendence ct the transfer over-voltage or the exchange current den- sity. By means of these quantitative factors, t1le u1mg- fer reaction. ar4 therefore, the excess charge at the pbase-boundaryj were determined. 'Me chemical rate- (Chemisay-Physical, IT, v. Lt. no, 3) (over) Vetter, IL KINETICS OF ELWMOLYTIC GENERATION OF HYDROGEN AND OXYGEN. (19641 ftl 210rdo Order ft SLA $6.60 TT-64-10717 Trans. of Angewanifte Monle (West Connimay) 1961. v. 73, no. 9. p. 277-29M TT-64-10717 L Vaster. K. J. A- (Cbsomistrr-ftysiml, rr. v. It. a& 12) T-holom F.-Xcew so~la aw amtIcs or T2:3 /-,' ozLantion-aeductim mjwti--,des ter it. J. Vetter: 0. &Uiotfta;, rj-jv. OEM, perw Zeltwbrln fw llavL-trcd= a-e, Vol no CEM MI-6 67 Thickness and Structure of Passivating Oxide Layers on Iron, by K. J. Vetter. GMAN, per, Z fuer Electrochemie,, Val LXII,, Wo 6/7, 1958, Pp 642-648. ATs 636-rj Sci - Ch= 15-b- .5--.e j / 1) 2 Jun 1651 Concerning the Formqtion of Electrolytic Pemafave , ~; by ". I--,zCICr , 1. j. "V"C'.tzr ~ 71 - .,Yc- 1 41 ? Z) GMMAN. from the Book PAssivierende Filme und Deckzchichten, pnrt 3, 1956, pp 75-77, SUL 57 3561 sci Jul 59 ~/ sIr The Electrical Field Within the PasBive Film of Iron, by K. J. 30CM Vetter.. GEMS, per, Z. Eftektrocheaj, Val LVIII,7 No 4, 1954, pp 230-237. A.E.R.E. Harwell 449 OT/n64 0 Sci - Electricity OFF CTS 75/DeC 55 The Activation and Deactivation of Pawive Ixon in Nitric Acid, by K. F. Doahcmffer and maus ,Y. j. 35 pp FULL umnslation. Orp"'F per p Z fur nyaik Chm .___# !96 # 19, pp 227-59. AM Tr 1190 Scientific - Cbemistry 5'.Z' Pl. Potential Uffermw Within the Passive LaM of Iron, by M=9 J. Yettter GEFJ"p pwo Z. fuer Pbyebt Chader go 41 1955, pp 265-174. Navy Ti. t"m U91/mL 587 Sol - Chemifftry Jan 57 CTS 7rt-64-10717 Vetter. IL KINE71CS OF ELECTROLYMC GENERAMN OF L Vatcor. L HYDROGEN AND OXYGER (19641[66pl 210rato Orderfr= SLA $&60 rr-"-10717 7tams. d Avgwwan*e Cbmis (West Gumany) 1961, 73, am 9, p. 277-290. (ev--jfftry--ftjkgL rr, V. it. La) 0f"= of Tookwism ON TA-- Corrosion of Fassive Iron in Acid Solwhion,, by K. J. lp!Wr,-J3 yp- GERM# pers, Zeltachrift lVer XUktrochemie, Vol LIX, No ls 19550 pp 67-72. A,X.R.H. Humial Llb Tr 706 Sci Cbemistry I?,- Ltj 49 rl 60-18791 OUR IDEAS ABOUr THE KINETICS OF ELEC- 1. Electrodes- -Electrical TRODE PROCESSES. [1960116p. 76refs. properties Order from SLA mi$2.40, ph$3..30 60-18791 2. Electrochemistry I. Vetter, K. J. Trans. of Zeitschrift fUr Elektrochemie (West Germany) 1955, v. 59, no. 7/8 [p. 596-604]. An introductory lecture given on the occasion of the 54th general assembly of the German Bunsen Society for Physical Chemistry (registered association) in Goxlar on May 20, 1955. (Chemistry- -Physical, TT, v. 5. no. 3) jjc` lic, Oy ~itdl lilt co~~ t ii-st ci I'vlnv 16-16 Results of Static.Inveatigatioaa on the WatAW Regime of San& ancl Sand-Covered tM Clays MACT Forest Near Lrberswuld, by E. mnmid, E. Vetterlein, W. Schulz., 10 pp. RUSSjk-j per, Pochvoveden1ye; No 7., 1999.. pp Sci .Tun 63- I , Q k~ ~j 14. ~ e -E +- e p- rl-~ A WnUlbution to the Testing of the Wear Properties af Carpetsq br H. Vottauann. OMMI, per., Taxtil-PrazLo. Val 17.p 1962$ PP 1092-1094. NTC 71-1102-IIE Feb 72 R-197/63 -'-'( k' - -~-' q - L. 3 1962 National Conference of the Hungarian Geodetic and Cartographic Association, by 1-1. Votte, ~-. ~- 3 GE-MR4, per. Vermesamptechnik. Vol XI. No 2. 1963, p 72. EE-ur-flungary /IV 7 2- 7 Geog May 63 3 -5- Approxination of Empirical 'Functions of Discrete Distribution by Discontinuous Orthogonal Polynomials, 19 pp, by Vettin.. Germai3,j Rand Trans RAT-7 Vettiger. A. C)~!-STONE FACINGS. [L961116P. Order from SLA $1.60 6t-20234 Trans. of Betonstein-Zeltung (West Germany) 1952, v. 18, no. 8. p. 289-294. DESCRIPTORS: Buildings, Cwstructlon, Materials, Rock, *Civil ertgineerh?& Germany 6L-20234 1. Vettiger, A. (Engineering- -Civil, TT, Y. 7. no. 3) Y.Aa.4 S-1- 63-10635 Vetukhov. E. A. and Koaenko, 1. G. V'A-RIOUS METHODS OF DIRECT RP.LOAD[NC IN 1. VetukhDv. R. A. FREIGHT YARDS. [196215p. U. Kostenko. 1. C. Order from OTS or SLA $ 1. 10 63-10635 Trans. of 7helezoodorozhnyl Transport (USSR) 1962 [v. 44, no. 81 p. 60-62. DESCRE?TORS: Handling. *Cargo. *Rallroad can, Tractors. Trailers. Cargo vehicles, Warehouses, Storage, Railroads, Operation, Ecowmics. (Mactdnery- -Transport, TT, Y. 9, w. 11) 01ke d TwA" tenkn ESTIMATEOF THE NUMBER OF PLANAR GRAPHS, BY F. YA. VETUKHNOVSKINXY, 3PP. RUSSIAN, PER, DOK AK NAUK SSSR, VOL CXLII, NO L, 1962, PP 50-53. AIP SOV PHYS - DOKLADY-' VOL VII, NO 1. scl JUL 62 2o4,389 - SF - -RedEtone-- -R-9395-ID- ' 26 April 68 On the therm3o-radiation of mercury By: VEq-U0OWSKAU, Yu - N .,, et al From: Order of Lenin, P. N. Lebedev Physics Institutep Academy of Sciences, USSR, Radio-eAttronamy Laboratory Moscow, 1967: 1-8 pp) Rustian - eat for vda: Please translate and type 1 draft copy, double spaced. Do not paste-up. Tio of Carboit Sciria 1p th-e Electrolysis of~ cryolitc-Altmim netts, by P. (". Votyuk-ov. " 0 i I IS*-M.~' 17er, Iz VUZ Tsvetn NA, Val 7, !'o 6, M 1964, r; 74-61. AT5 &T-SOWR jNA t~ T/U r-c\f July 69 33S.490 Vapor Tension and !"Usion Dissociation In the W-AlF Syetem, by M. He Yetyukovs M, L. T. P. Poadyaw. RUSSIO, parj, It VyasUkh Vdbab Zaved., TowetwWa metal, 701 Ao No 6o 109m PP U6-132. ms 6-, a-iWO Sci mar If 55 ".Z. Vol Vn,, No 2 latairaction of Aluminum with cryolits-Aluming ILelts, by M, ~4 Vatyukow, 39 ppe RUSSIAN, par, Lrwk Leningrad. PoUtokbuichebilr Institut So 2399 1964s pp 39-56, 9700933 Aug 66 ViscootL-j of Malts of Ube MAETY S~pstsw HWP-b per, Mlar TIX- jjt M)4M., Vol Xan. -19~9s PP 2793-2795- No 3.2, 03 sei r SO The Effect of cazbm an the slactrloml C*mb=Uv- ity 02 CgjoUtil~~~ Meltax by H. H. vetnamo "t numbn D2u MMLWJ, Dm, Wen 2-h-Olb Hdo Ho Is 1958., VP 24T-251- ATS-RY-5279 Nor 70 403y219 A, Study of ?.bnoguanylhWdrazonw and Sow Mlxed gr r--usWihydrazow-Thiosemioexbazwes of - DiMtones 6%icb Have 51bwealostatic Actlonj, by V. Ya. Grinshteinp A. P. Veverls., T PP. MWIM., pwt M= Obshch MUms Vol XV=j, 904, 1.962, pp 1077-1w4. CB Sal Jun 63 232:674 On the Prdbw of bnfndm by A. iv K6 VP 9223W ABC-SC-T-64-1630 set-ph" Jan 63 2M410.2 On the Prolblem of Ionization,, by A. Veverlmo per,, EleL-tr:te,, Vol -XVII., Ito 1, 15~-3-,, pp ~;- Sci-Plrjr, Sep 64 -7,!~2 A Ntw SeEup for the Measuremea of tile P%ver I)La-lng IonL2adon Processes, by A. Veverka, J. ChlAdek. 17 pp. SWISS, per, BWledn of the bidas Elo=lcal ASWC19tion, Vol XLUC, No:2, 1038, pp 45-50. W28614 AEC--cC-T-63-712 Sci-Electr Apr 65 2 779,429 Vey r Antonin. CAMN DIELECTRICS (Korona v Dielektriku). [19631 129~p. (foreign text Included) 4 refs. Order from SLA $2.60 63-16705 Trans. of Elektrotechnicky Obzor (Czechoalovalda) 1961. v. 50, no. 1, p. 85-90. DESCRIFMRS: 'Electric insulation. *Dielectrics, *Electrical cororA, Transformers, Electric potenti4 Colle. I In the first part of his paper the author analyzes the conditions at a a, ngle discharge In the dielectric of an object which we may c cavity. ~a centrated capacitance. For this purpoL:it ideal model Is employed. On an ~cxample it Is shown how the results may be applied to power considerations at an alternating voltage. From the power balance on the model. for which holds C -c C 4t C' 0 follows that at (Physics- -Electricity, no-. 8) (over) 1. Veverka, A. 001W 0 Tubbd br*w TT-65-11760 Field 9C Vererka A TM TIM'E URSE OF THE HEATNG OF INSULATU;G MATERIAL WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THERMAL STA- BELITY. 14p. Iref. Order from SLA: $1.60 as TT-65-11760 Trans. of Electrotechnicky Obzor (Czechoslavaida) v53 n7 p370-2 1964. TT-65--11760 1. Veverks, A. INIR 619 _V4E~yeriA, Antonin. CONTRIBUTION TO THE METHOD OF MEASURING IONIZATION IN TRANSFORMERS (Prispevek k Merodice Mereni lonizace v Trans formatorech). [19631 [201p. (foreign text included) 4 refs. Order from SLA $1.60 63-14928 Trans. of Elektrotechnicky Obzor (Czechoslovakia) 1961, v. 50, no. 4, p. 19~-196. DESCRIPTORS: Transformers, *Electric insulation, *Ionization, Electric bridges, Electric discharges, Power, Measurement. It is shown how an appropriate adaptation of a high- voltage bridge permits separating In the diagonal of the balanced bridge the c~jrrcnt pulses and the sub- sequent oscillations from the total current flowing into the object, even if the voltage of the source is not (1711.zin- TV, V. 10. 11". -1) (over) 63-14928 1. Veverkn, A. Office of Technical Senicts .~-pacializution, Cooperation anci i,Ianagaint-mi- ii, Jout.Uding 1,, by M. Ve-verlm, B, 1,~Yrstojm.? 14 -P-p. GOVEMOTOT USE WFUY~---- CZECH, per, Plano-ane Hospndarst-vi3 Vol RV. No 9/1.0, !962, pp 19-228. j-pRs i556;3 EEur - Czech 1 '2'1 Ec,~n --1(- .t 62 Rubbar Powder ILD Bitumanous Surraciug, by V. Vavarka. UIUMIM, per, Biluice., Vol IV,, No 7-8j 1955) pp 161-166. D33B/31024/CT Sci - Eau -ry- Feb 58 j-661/6o (Dc-4o68) Great Vigilance: A Fitting Answer to Aggressors, by Ya. Vevers, 5 PP. RUSSIAN, np, Sovetskaya Latviya, No 130, 2 Tun ig6o, p 2. JPRS 3842 USSR Pol - Mil- State Security '6 S ep 60 61-13.121 Vexler, A.,__ FUCCEFSES OF PLANT INTER-EPECIES CROVING 1. Plants- -Mutations IN THE UFSR. [196014p. TL 1283; M2226. 2. Plants--Genedc factoru Order from LC or SLA mi$l. 80, ph $1. 80 61-13721 1. Vexler, A. 11. Trana-TL-1283 'Frans. of unidentified Russian mono. Ill. DSIR LLU M. 2226 Wild Eros, and droU&E resistant plants have been suc- cessfully crossed with various :uItivated fruir-bearing plants. Cultivated wheat has been zrossed with wild cou,:h-grass. A perennial wheat whi,-h yields 3 crops without resowing has been developed. Wild rye d bards whcac have been rossed. as w01 as Egypita. fd Indian coiton, and Jerusalem artichoke and sun ower. New varieties of sugar beet, grape, Airus plants and potatoes have bLen produced. (Agriculture- -Plan( Cultivation, TT. v. 5, no. 7) u k- Q2 0- W. the ccuawl" suik FMI&t WIUXKt DSBW4EP t0 the cws Iw vo N* vqmdLar* Po Ae 6w RUMMI* v W-0 Zbm3 -'a VbaL 401 39wo Ra. 2s ID 7.5-IU MA TT-64-209n Bel - Macht Fatft md Accessory NOW Swe 67 i,;oVsod of Treatnent -of Parts of rilactra-_ vacuum Apparatus, by 1). 0. Veibor, Ye. 2. Kobylkin. RUSSIAN, Patent 190,497. NTC 69-12M-M-1 Sci-"ech V Q Aug 69 389,492 c, 1'1' ~ I 1"tM DependencG of the Induction Period of Dewlopment Upon the pH of Developers, by V. A. Veydenbakh,, Pe I* Lavina, 14 ppo RMIAN, per, Zhur Nauch I Prik Mto i Klae, vol 3x, No 4, 1964, pp 248-254. cn#w xx-1656 NO FMIM DL3= Sci Jan 65 USIB Intexual Use QmV =,445 ........ .. 7m NEW mitsm or CUM&, By k, 6 WAWWJlr~ PERO FAR S r4up NO Io 1963s; im IR-7-6o (NY-3573) Refrigeration Engineering in the Rumanian People's Republic, by B. Yeynbe~:g, 9 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Kholodillnaya Tekhnika, Vol XXXV1, ro 4, 1959, pp 66-69. JMS 2836 Mur - Rumania Econ - Vznufactuxing jun 6o NVd 7ROG IN WE M97HODS OF MTEMONING& OXYGai IN ALM MM.50 BY G. YA* VEYMM* RUSSIAN, PM, ZAVW LAB, NO 1. 1*, PP 23-25. NLL 14-3411 JUN ~2 (DC.,-IW) EFFECT OF WOMIZATION Ott IMMRIXAL h At ! N THE LATV I AN SSRv BY RLISSIANO PERs SYULLETENI KWW INFOIMTSI 1: TRW I Z ZARAWTNAYA PLATAO ND 6,. 19&j, PP 12-17- 15008 UWR ECA)N 5m 62 Underwater. Mumiuutlon,, by V. B. Veynberg.- 32 pp. RMIANO W., Svetotekboikaj, Vol V,, go ly 19~9, pp 14-20. ACEM 1432M ID 2224742 sa - ft~m '~a qf 9 3 9 mr 63 opti cz la :1r-zta32atonS gor the Use of So:Lr.-r by V. F.j--,, c; (~ptikm v UstanovkDlAh Ulyu jij~ bkp cbn(>y Energii) 1959- .;Vuni.yz. 1Z90117 MML rt T-i3l;6 eel - jua 61 -u "Oe for I- V 4 Ti. Veynbng) '00 z., y , bj~-,, C,,Otiki (V ustanovkahb del3m RljWTM. T 3_mlsvavmi-ya Solnecbnoy Ehergiy)., 1SP.59), 235 PP, Acsi, 11-087 sci - m.,yr. Fab 61 --4 rob jtjro by.Ll. B. 3 pp. rtjj-qS'jAH, par, Ak Wauk. SSER, Vol C]Mhl, 11-0 Aaar Inat ot 1~byu So-~, Playn - Polrlndy Vol ITT, wo 4 Sci - YLIY:3 Jil-11 59 Turbojet Lubrication System Operation and MaIntewnce4p by Ye. V. YgMaborgl. 6 13p RMSM ,per Vwt Vos Plot# No 79 IM 9659460, pp 99-z ATIC TQSR MI Mar 61 / b4l~41 7/ 7 Effect o-f the Developer Concentration m the R rzr~lqpwnlu Process 11. investigatioa of the Uyxlro- qa"oaa Davalopar, by V. A. Ir. Lavina, 9 DLO - per, Zhur gmwh 1"riUsd Falograf I rln=--t; .oi v, No 4, 196o,pp 2ki-246. cxA/vo xx-ii6g NOT RUZASAM TO FCSPJM NAIMOMUS Sai r.~;y USIB Mi~~ ME OZZ ZUects of L-,-vclop--r Concentratinn oa Dsvelqm-mant, by P. I. L-e-VIna, V. A. Veydanbath:, 0 pp. RLMSIM,s pw,, Zhur Nauch I PrIklad lbtagraf I Kinemt vol V1. no 3., 1961., pp la-170. aTAIrm xx-1163 NW, RMEAUNZ TO -YOMUON IUMOKAW Sai 62 USIB DIAL M MY Of llv=159Q~V by V. A. Voyd=bakhp 9 pp. 1--i:, xo 306-31o. CIANDD XX-726 IMIT MIMIAZIAM TO YCMMH MITIO-1103 Bel - Physics Doe 59 IBIB IHMNAL UM CM 0 (mC-6554) The Metemological Service In Afghardatenj, by I. N. YpApgrA 9 pp. NJSSIW# per., Not I Gids No ID$ 1964 PP 54-%. JFBS 1~40 SCI - omajb~m Mar 62 4A6, xls,5- vC.'rint-icyn" ar E!Ipectuxml cooffloicut of DUINwad Rof Ilectiloa oC VASmosim Oxide -1-1-ItUn tha Rarao ft= a 0#4 to 3-1 Mcv=., by Vey awn-Van., .16 Vp. HUBMWO Wj Tz Vy=hM UWmb Zaved WIWO SBER po F=delu Pfttorovtroym4v~p Vol Vp No 5.p 19620 pp U8-I96- ins IBM Sai . fts If--Y 63 2 2 ~, -.I,- / The of Lubricaats in 1?ressure Working of Mctals, by S. Ya. _V,--yier, V. 1. Likhtman, 362 pp. RUSSILIT, bL'--, Deystviye Swzok pri Obrabotim X, 14--tallov Dave-lenivw, 1960, 231 pp. 9672393-V Sci 4j, 18 jan 62 Operations of the Encircled TTnope and Their Brwking Out of the Encimlements by Ya. -t- 12 pp. RUSSIAN mo per,, VoyennVu Myel., No 7. 1955s pp 26-;9p Ewl to IM 14M-57, A7031r-la. A? 1104155 us= 49, C 9 ~, un im 57 -ME ESIONIIAN SOVN 'ARMOZ: HOW WE ARE it-VOROV1,NG I THE ADIMINISTPATION OF PORODUCTION, 8Y A. VE)7,IER L-Z RUSSIAN, NP, El'%'ONU-IICHE3KAYA GAZETA, NO 23, 2 JUN 1962, P LL JPRS 15217 USSR ECON OCT 62 213,676 TPAIN110 TW NIB* M SCOM iM 0MVIVIVY0 6V A VM14 8 OP. Wl^ Putm, TUMFA PK*Mls go FP 1043- So - Mwelm JUN 63 Oil" I'Laua: Of by 7,jSSZAH. bir-, Teoriya rtsobyll~h V'cl.:)v Tiiktu',ya~ "`-i5O~ 15 276-290- 9b7202C.-'7 ~~-XD M 'Ix a2c 61 Heat Principles of the Theory of Casting, by A. I. Veynik. RUSSIMT, bk, 1953, 380 PP- Pergamon Press R.237 Sci Apr 61 rite USf-~n, '7:? r,,-,r induBtry, by K. J',- VF-YnOv,P jjU,sjjj,-j, 'uk, !:uii~azhnaya Fromy5hienno-5 Kc c JP7,3-T--.).q,Q9-D USSR 2'Con - PV-TDcr Indu-Stry -jar. 60 62-10035 Vey-rat, R. DrU1UTlC TFIERAFY (La Condulte d'un Traltement 1. Title: Mannital Muratique). Oct 61. 8p. 6 refs. 1. Veyrat, R. Order from SLA $1. 10 62-10085 Trvia. of M led(ecine etj Hyr,[Icnel (Switzerland) 1960, v. 18, p. SGS-507. DESCRUITORS: *Dluretice, Edema, Therapy, Urine. *SuIfon=Idcs, lFharmacology. 12 The choice ofa diuretic &.erapy to discussed in vltny of the rciitl mcchanlorns reponsIble for sodium rc- ccatto-L In pallents In V1110:11 3CYCf31 factors contrt- bure to codium rcLentlon, It Is necessary to resort to combl=t1cas of drugs (caluretics, spirolactones or edrenoatatics. perft3loas of hypertcalc mannitol). (Author) (Blolog!cal Scicnces-PharmacoloSy, Tr, Y. 7, no. 9)1 Off'- ~F T-W-1 S- 63-18798 Veyra4 R. , Fabre, and MMI*r, A. -F. SELECITVE D*MMON OF ALDOSTERONE SBCRE- 1. 71tk- Heparitfold 13ON BY A SELGSYNrHETIC HEPARWOM 1. Veyrat, R. (R0 I 830n Ombibition SblectlTs do I& Secretion 11. Fabre, J. del"Aldostdrom par un Hhparinolde Semi-Syntittique III. Mtlller~ A. -F. (R0 I 93D7)). thby 631 191p. 2 refs. Order f"xm SLA $1. 10 63-18798 Tram of Hah[stica) Medlical Acta (SwitzerlancO 1962, Y. 29, Dec. p. SW349. DESCRWMRS: laldbition, *Aldoeterone, Se-cration, *Dfuretics, Urine, Corticasterctdavema, *Hepirin. Drup. In normil persons under phyisiological conditions accom "led by hyperaldoeteronism, the haparinoid Ro 18307 kwars urinary aldoefterme excretion wifaxna Influencing that of dw 17-hydrasycortLconteroidc, (Biological Sciences-pharmicology. IT. V. 10. no. 11) GiRCS Of T*CbRiC3i Sd~kef (0m c- R. lvayratp C. Ri ll~or,7 i; per, prease yedicalle, Vbl Di',Il, 19,54., -pp 654--657- wxH 2.Q-48 Sol - j= 6o 'r-r-65-13940 Field 6P Veyra,t, R.; Champlaln. J. de.. Boucher. R.; Genest. J.; Muller. A. F. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE PL,1SMA LEVEL OF RENIN ACIMTY AND THE METABOLIC SODIUM BALANCE IN NORMAL MAN (Correladow Evire la Taux Ptasml&Uqme de I'Acttvtte de a la Rentoe et la Ful- Met~ lique da Sodium 4- PHomme Nortnat). 6p. irmL Order F SLA- $1-10 as TT-65-13940 Trana. of Helvetica Modica ActL (SwttzerIaz4 Y31 p432-6 196C MR 669 Prospects of the Ci-fban Revolution, by 1,11arcel (Dc-650",-3)) FIR12TCH, -ir,, L'Humanite, Nos. 5387/5338/5391, - T 6-1,-page 3 Of - 22, 23, 2b" Dec 5i I' each issue. *JPRS LA - Cuba Fol 23 jan 62 The Fbazmcoloiw of the Sodium and =Qrlenc- dinmin6 Salts of Chlortetracycline (BIOWCO), by Ra A, Veys,, Io A. Storozhey., 3 P9. RUSSIM, per., ftzmkol i Tokeikol,, Vol XXI, No 5, 1956v Pp 76-7T. ConsultAwts Bureau Soi - god Jun 59 (FDD 24323) Data on the Pilarmacology of Biomycin, by R. A. Veys, Ye. K. Berezina, N. 0. Talriacheva --.- ... ....- RUSSIAN, bk, Biomitsin, Moscow, 1954, pp 16-23 CIA/FDD Tr 417 dr. ~0-~ Antigenicity of AvIrulent Cultures of M. TUberculools obtained from their Filterable Pbrw,, by U..._X. VeyofeLlerjp A. B4 Degamvp A. M. Zftalj4~va 4 vp RUSSIOR perp Zhur Mikrobiol Np1dez1ol i bmmobiol Vol XKV=v go 2j, 1957s pp 8-11. Peripmm Inst Sci - Ned Jan 59 P111113 fz-r- Catualy-tic Polywrization of Olef Ins. Co=mml- or.tion 11. Effoot of Foreign Substnnees in tho Original Qua snd of the ftteriml of tho W6.11a of the Rewtion Vessel on the Course of the Polymerixation of Ethylens Over Hick-xI Catmlyate, by Yk. T. Yeydum, K.- V. Pusitakiy, ff. 1, Ertihav, 3 pp. --- RUSSIAN, per, 17- Jl-l- 17%uk SSSR, Otdel Xhim Nr--:ko pp 1291-Ma~ CB / ~'.57 Soll Bep 61 Veyrat, R. , Engel, E. and others. USEFULNESS OF COMBINING SALURETICS AND ALDOMRONE INHIBITORS (SC 9420 AND SU 4885) IN REFRACTORY EDEMA (thlbW de I'Association des Snlur~tlqucs er des Inhiblieura de I'Aldost6ronc (SC 9420 and SU 4885) dans 1e Trattement des Oearne Raractaires). July 61, 91p. I ref. Order from SLA $1, 10 61-20D46 Trans. of Helvfetical Medfical Acta (Sw1txerLnnd) 1960, v. 27, Dec. p. 683-689. DESCRIPTORS: ODiuretics, *Aldoeterme, Therapy, *Edema, *Sodium, Absorbtlon, Inhibition. The principal mechanisms responsible for sodium retention in the proximal and distal parts of the renal tubule are discussed. It Is the preponderance of one or the other of these mechanisms which 4ictates the (Biological Sciences- -Pathology, TT, Y. 7, no. I)fpvcz 61-20G46- 1. Title: Saluretice 1. Veyrat, R. a. Engel, E. 184237. Offics of Toc6n[4*1 $mvicto ---- - -- {Dc---6568)- Prospects of the Cuban Revolution., by Mareal Ve~~ 16 pp. FMMI,, npo 11HmanIte, No 5387-5388-5391, 22,, 23s 26 Dee 1961j, p 3 an each issue-. JPBS L?200 LA - Cuba I -.?I? q Fol Feb 62 (DC-4700/11) Model Regulation an the Vocational-Techtdva Schoole and the --rAtIm or the vocatiwai school-as A. -Vaysbleadp 8 yq. RUSS=., per., ProVmsf a=3 'no-" 9,~~y IF4o 6.. 2961j. pp 1-3. im 8857 / 6 R, a -f/z cl, ..Cis 1.1 jj, Asian of H in TO and Steel Adsorption and Diffr , by H. veyssey". FMW(Mq per, Coupt Rend., Vol 254, 19W3, pp 281.-~283. *ffls/~Ms TT 71-5523.1 Availsob] MS Only ,A1-. Vey SS P~P.V. July 71 Contribution to the Study oC the Structure ot Mao Solutions of Cobalt in Copper, by R. Tournier, J. J. inmgede, et al, ILI pp. FRENMij, per. 4mmg 4e PhYwk -et Raftm,,Vdt XXXM* 1962, pp 672-676. AEC-Al-Tr-64-3 Scl-Nud Sci Mar 64 252.889 61-15785 Veyts, 1. V., Gurvich, L. V., and Rtishcheva, N. P. PROPRI9Tf,S THERMODYNAMIQUES DU MAGNESIUM, 1. Veyts, 1. V. CALCIUM, STRONrIUM, BARYVM ET DE LEURS 11. Gurvich, L. V. OXYDES ET N40NOIlYDRURES A L'ETAT GAZEUX Ill. Rtishcheva, N. P. ITermodinamicheskiye Svoysta Magniya, Kal'tsiya, IV. CEA-tr-RIO04 Strontsiya, Bariva, Ikh Okislov i Nlonogidridov v V . Commissariat ft Yenergic Gazoobraznom Sostoyaniij [Thermodynamic Properties AtomiquL (France) of ?vtagnesium, Calcium, Strontium, Barium and of Their Oxides and ?vlonohydrides in Gaseous State] tr. by M. Pachkoff. 17 Aug 60 [201p. 30 refs. CEA Trans. no. R 1004. Order from OTS or SLA $1.60 61-15785 Trans. in French of Zh[urnal I Fiz[iche-koyl Khim[H I (USSR) 1958, v. 32, no. 11, p. 2332-[2542]. DESCRIPTORS: *N-lagnesium, 'Calcium, 'Strontium, *Barium, *Oxides, *flydrides, 'Thermodynamics. Offic..f T-61c4l S-1c.. (Physics- -Thcrmoy0namics, Tr, v. 6, no. 3) all) w,11111miIIIII11t: Use of a 2-0/0- Solutlon of -Calcium chlorids in Wir&-ReInforced Oonm-otep by R. 1. Veytoy 4 pp. RMSnNj no per'? Stroiulv Fran, Vol =aim No 9, 1954y pp 23-25c, Soi Tr Center RT-2793 Scientific - Engineering Jan 56 OTS ;7 Unificatim of the USSR Electric Power Systems in &uxnx- and Siberia, by V. 1L j _Yfp_q,,-et al, 20 pp. 1TUSSIA17, per, 2 Elektriahostvo,, 1,~o 2., 1961, pp 1-9. JPRS 8650 UWE 33-s I---' Econ Aug 63 Goelxo and the Complete Electrification b-ir 1. Veyt RTJSSIAN. bk, Dec 1960, PP 1, '35-38 *jp- .eLjs USSR Econ Electric Power 24 Vaar ~l (DC -00: 7) of the UjSR., Stn S(-,~,e- of Electrification in by ljoy~u-s' "L :1. Denir-ov, (transpor, co=un aull elec mover in the MSR -- 18) pers IRS-SLAN, Ellellei,~cheztvo, No 4, MoscovP 1959, DD 1-8. A LOSR Econ - trans, cc=, electric power Jul 5 9 ?-,?Y Electrification of the National Econ=y of the LWR,, by V. 1. Ve.,fflz, 12 pp. UMMSE-IrM. RMSIATT., bk,, Elektrifilcatsiya Narod Khoz limscm,, 1948. Scl Tr Center ET-1877 USSR - EcOnCMIC Scientific - Electricity CTS 64I.Yan 55 mqx= 210029 RADIO CONTROL# BY V. N. MM TIPUGINO Ve A. VEnSMv 83L PP. MMIANO BKr RADIM41AVLENIYE, HDSCCWS IgQv PP 1-750- JPRS 15381 SCI - ELECTRMICS SEP ~9 2121,139 S-384/60 (Hy-4023). Short WaVe Direction FindeM ) by 0- V- BeIW-riu~ ye_~L~', V. S. Ul 219 pp. lussildi, bk, llorot-kovoInC-,vYYe riadiopelenga-01-r 1-959, PP 3-124. IZ-0 JFRS 2690 Sai - Electronic5 jun 6o 117,)(,33