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CZ of AUt p 1) - r-: 'T 7wr flee, iotchh i Elew~ronillfn ','a! Atli/ I;,Vcf;tl getion Of I.toelectronic ~~Licicion of Lathamm, Heyxborido, by M. I. &Unnon, G. F. Vanilley 12 pp. 7 RLUSSLO, per, R&Uotekh I Blektrm~ Val III, NO 7, 1-958" pp 9);5-953. pp Nuv 59 A41 al f 7 7 F1*1d Xmisaion of Tantalum, by M. 1. Ellson are 00 F, V4511 v =61M., per.. ?~Urv Tckh FI%j Vol XXVI) go Bi 1956t PP i669.167o~ Korrits D. rrtaftan F, 101 $,2. o0 sci Jul 58 The Theory of the Accumulation of Frozen Radicals in Solid Bodies, by G. K. Vasilfiv, V. L. Tallroxxze, 9 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Kinetika i Kataliz, Vol IV, No 4,! 1963, pp 497-507. 1 CB Sci- Aug 64 264,551 Matritlya Media for DeUctlng MtIblotlc Propertles of Actiumpetes. by A. A. Nelnftm.. 0. U. Vur ilyffv. M. D. CbXinak, N. M. Vesolov' L. P. Snii6ova, MWTANO per, mikrobiols vol xxvi, No 6, 1957, pp 762-9 . Amer Zust of Biol Sol Bel - Mod Jul 58 ~' ~Ty' - 5.~ 4'. 1. /. jA~gc"t P.C"Ieva iz tt"Ce 0;;Cratim of Clo=jnica- tiono Facilities In Dietricto., by G. .~v vasil'yev, 8 pp. RWoS*IAN: per,. Vestnik Svyazi, No 12, 1956. JFRs 7060 Sci ~5-3- 3 6 Y jun 61 thi~i.o t)f t.-,qll,~yjt)lio-2-Oxychlorop'~i by ~1. TI. (,usellnov, G, S. 4 pp, ;0 Zhur Obahcb !UAm, Vol. )2-;~835- CB -7 '7~aszvs of F-1fitt of rlamiug wing Modelop by S. V85119vi 1.50 NP (" 606520) all tr -.7,SSIM, bk Gsnovy PoletaL Model- I a Motaimbeblai ~a7lyaaij mowvvv i953p v4 3 am Y-as-8637/v 56 Me AIS AutomXatic Panoramic Ionospheric Recorder, by G. V. Vasillyev, K. N. Vasil'yev, 6 pp. - RUSSLO, per, Geomagnet i Aeron, Vo.1 I, No I., I AGU Sci - Jan 63 220?1~8~. ow coo C=Uti=g of swattim of lattcn ftagamu In so 1 *0 ad In CommatIm Vith r,uetv&tum of the ousam oft 14"Ip A. x. Duni-TAtmdilro Q. v. V ]WO go 38 AGI Be 205,534 a&, 6 2 Audento Manter Workeral qobs! by G. "Aisillf.m. UNCL -Iil,'Sf' UAN r. 53, 95:x 94. (2s. C-d.) USSR i.lcon; Soc Feb 60 The TAOUTIC R=bm Betnu G"em UydroM and scud Papars Vader tm Actim of Awlaw ftU&tl=sj by Ya. IL Wwdw"klyt G. Y6. MUNI D* Ak MR* SU%vbi cxnn, So 2. 5.00 Meacorement of the Luminescence and Darker- ing of GUsses in t4e Procne of Irradiation I)i a Hucivar Reactor, by G. yp-. vasillevi A. F. Usatyyp Tu. S. lazurkin) A. A. Narkov PP. RUSSIAN, per, Ddk Ak Wauk 8=,, Vol CM, wo 6, 1959., pp 1219-- Amer Inst o. Pb~vs Sov Phyx - Doklady Vol xv~o so 2 sci 0/' Dec 59 j, van I Y". In Two Shift* by I - Wu , S. ftdin, 7 PP. PW OMCZAL WE ONLY- RUSSIM~ per, Aviataiya r +Mtikas No 3s 1963t 96872i5-v rTD-sT-63-3 SO - Acro Oct 63 s4tr--. / 114 If / ; -I - I I Automvr,~tic N YAcbines Help to C=trol a Plant, by 1. ftsillyevo--4 pp. RMIMI ap, Ikowm Gaseta, 23 May 19Q. J-PBS 10757 UISR Soon R41-64-W4 'id - Phyl 2,%.438 stlady of the Phyaical Proc--qcc-:~ ljz: a "Shock OOMPI llvbn With the Aid of Stgh "peed PLDI, -Vp by L. A. Vasi.llev, s, ss. Seemnov, R. It. ,,'araptov-. UNCL 11,06DW, port Iz Alk Naulk SSSR, Gtdel Tekh, Fa 110 1,957: pp ]B6-2htl. F,AE 817 ,-,CI - PhY8 5 9 of the IAB-451 Inztr=:-,n-~, -y I,,-ucbnyye Doh V~TC`Slj De a 59 OC-1155 Soviet Intrigue in Iran in the Struggle for Petroleum (Penetration of Free Nations), by Lev 8 Vasil' ev. Y- .. - RUSSLUI, rpt, March 195~3, p 23. of flewv I;smAl Labor at 14011(.1ai LOW by L* 13, %wilt jjw ? pp ,. Si!t I mm"s Iwo a 0 NO 1.1, I'X,4, tva Q-45 IPTS 2412 vAr Z16o 43) 61-15733 Vasil'yev, L. G. DETERMINAMON OF 'ME FLOW CAPACITY OF 1. Turbine blades - - A PLANE IURBINE BLADE syMM (0predel-n- Perforwance Prqmskno) Sposobnosti P.1oskoy ReshetkJ Turbinnykh I . vasil'yev. L. G. Profiley). Jan 61 [ 181p. 4 refs. RTS 1736. 11 . RTS-1736 Order from LC or SLA mi$2.40. ph$3.30 61-15733 111 . Department of Scientific &M IndLLstrial Research Trans. of Sudos t royerd ye (USSR) 1957 f v. 231 no. 9, (GE. Brit.) 24-31. 065-A T-kw.A S-4. (Machinery- -Engines, TT, v. "), no. 9) Precision Agpliflers for thermal ReSuIxtion in the low-Taivamtwe Zweo. bV L. 1. Vuillyw, 8 pp. =SIM., per.. Imbanerm-fts Mwo Val VIp no go 1963, JPRS 23006 act Ireb (* '0 q 9 0 ,g . I 'i ',,u 1-tiple Slip in Zinc at Room Temperature, by 1. Vag v0 K. L. Zaring, L. A. KudryavtBeval 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Kristallografiya) Vol IV, No 5., 1959, pp 768-772. Amer In3t or Phys Sov Pkys-Cryst-rd Sci-Phys 311 Jun 60 The Weet of R4wto aW CIO" MI-I - tb. D*fOlmt'On of Cul Au Alloy Dm-lag Diff"ant pAtes of F2ant1c BlougufUmp by L. 1. V"Ll'py, Ibim KhudGi, at al. --, -I:- RMSUNS pare. xx vpghikh Owmbloft myedeav Fisl No 6# 1959.. A= )CL-6go/ni xin/mouas Oct 60 Effec'% of Rate and Degree of Plastic Extension on the Relaxation and Subeequent Deformability of Wtais 1., by L. 1. Vaiill'yev, L. X. hitkovIch, N. 1. Orekhov. RUSSIAN., per, t'iz Met INetaij, Vol 11, lio pp 142-145- DSIR/313i6/cT Sci - Yhyelci3 i4ar 58 Ed f 4L o c to of 113-ate and Degree oZ- Plastic BZtenalou on the Relaxation and Subsequent DeformabIlity of Ph-tals - II., by L. I. Vasil'yev, L. A. Spavak. RUSSUN, per, Piz Metal i Wtallo-v; Vol Ilt No 1, 1956, pp 146-148. DSB/31315/C-1 Scl - Physics; Min/met Feb 58 J On the Effect of Change in Deformation Rate on Plastic Deformationg by L. I. vagLyava A. S, Bylina,, M. P. ZagrebennikoWb- rull tmnslatloc. R=10, thrlcc-w per,, Dok Ak NaWt BSBP, Vol XDp no 5.0 1953t P 767. NSF 133 Scientific - PhysicG CIM/M On of -Rate of Wormatimi erw 11Wlaxation on lattrrml Friction in Aluminum,by Clum Yhurt-i, DaD -,~Unk'vxl ". 1. Pp. jiTi-SVIT, Nv) DOIX Mc; Ilauh 315' w, Vol. CXYI~-U, YO 3, pp 4&5-. A=r lost of Phys Sov Phys - wirlady -40 1. S r, i . - - phys Jul 59 .1 Some Date on the Relation of 2 Relaxation God Rate Cbaracterictics In Plastic Deformtim,, by L. 1. Vasillyev., RMSIM, thrice-mo per, Dok Ak Sauk =H, Vol LXXXIXp No 3,- 1953j. p 451. Hatl Sci Poundation Tr 33 Scientific - ftsics Jul 53 CTS/DZX A-Fiep-2-- '/~O :5-'~ 4F Studies in *ctal Telepathy$ by LeMid Lc=Ldovich VWdl"Yev., 141 PP- jMIAff# bks La-w-bagn Re mg!sed' 1!)6e, wp 1-1w! JFFS 35WT Z. P- ell PV1, I'd Zfl- 0 AV ) d1r. f/ I ~ ~ USSR VO,(;; 1. ( IY& L/ ,qci-B/M Jun 66 301jT41 eractice Dc X~4 Watho~cml lustructions for Troatmnt by Iouited Air Thararl.. by E. 0. B&ranm,, P. K. Wlatove L. L. Vasillyev. 44 pp. MELABBIM MMM; pqphleto publ Baum of Mediml Literature, Ned4izo Leulngmd Sectims 1957. NM ZW/OVI 793 Feb 61 Nfff,-~!t Of jLVtml gud Chlor-al tbv~,)Ift- fin kho AntimftbjakL^- Wo-me Oltntres, by 8- Tf, MeLgf~&-'M" R(ZZZM,, per Pit Zhur SffiR im-oni M.- Urbonamg Vol XIJYI. No 9. pp W.-6%o- Nrg"mn famt Sol - Ned Roy 58 Jubilee: Iulii Mikhailovich UfliavA (L.L. WaIlYev H. V. Golikov, E. R - Zhukov, V. G. Mmovich), 3 Tp. HUSSLOp per., Fiz Zhur SSSH imeai 1. M. Bechenovap Vol XLIIIt No 6,, 1957) PP 553-590. Pergamon Imstitute - Red 13ci Itrsterio= Phe=ezu of the Humn Psycbe, by L. L. Vasillyw,, 186 pp. WWIAX, bkp 22isgtmeem ZM2~ Cbe- lovecheskm Polkhlk:L 1964, PP 1-183. P1003EV%7-V FTD-N-66-336 Jan 63 346,471 A Stereouomparator With Electromechanical Correction, by L. N. Vasilyev. ,`013 Llb T-4062 f4a Y 5 9 Orgenoboron Cmpoundv-~ Commmication 97. Action of Dibox-ans on Dialkylborinic Esterap ;;,1 3, 14, Mhailov. L,, 5. VasUlYovi 5 Pr-~ RUSSIAN, per, 1% Ak Nauk MR, otdol miim Nauk. Uo 4, 1962, pp 628-633. CB sci g) 3 3, ~ L Y Feb 63 Reactlona of Diboranst wd klkyldiboransa With Eaters of Boric and Alkaneberania Acida mid Their Tdo Analop, by D. M. NiMmilov., L s. v"ii,yev.. 4 yp. RMIAN!,Rerf Dok A UA MR,. Val =Mrxj, go 2,. *61p pp 385-388. CB Sci ,!~m 62 b,pidemialogical P-Meacy of Monovalent A2 lnfiim-ilza Vaccine., by S. S. UwA0vi L. V. Vasilcv, A - A . 1,,--bedev, 8 pp. ver, Zhar Mir.,robiol E-pidemicl i lin-mamDbio'll, Voi W, No ), 1959, pp 31-37. Pergamon Presa ;-el' -,Vcd jun Go A I>dlse Height Analyzer With an Electron Beam Tube, by V. 0. Khartmun I N. lkontfeva' A. PO SinlAvsiil, L. V. V&O V: 9 pp. RUSSIANs, bimo per, Zhur Mwper I Teoret Fix, Vol XXVIII, Jun 1955, pp 699-705. cIA c 40837 American Inst of Physics 57 East 55 St. New York 22, N. Y. Scientific - Physics Epidmdological Analysis of Statistics Relating to Tonsillit", by L. V. vasillev, 3 pp. t-4- , HNSIM) mo per, Zhur HLI=biol, Epidemiol i Dm=biol, Vol XXVU4 No 3) 1957- Porgwon Prees Sci - Medicine g'61 Oct 57 Electrical Sleep, by M. VuBil'yev, / P. RUSSIAN, per, Znaniye-Sila, No 11, 1957, P 30. ATIC MCL-184/1 Q c ~! w L Dee uJ