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Po (Chemical Characterization of Urinary MM Gonadotropins, by R. van den Driesiche, M. J. Ham , 2 pp. FRPNCT!, Ann dlEndocrinologie, Vol %III, NO 3, 1952, pp 4~5-486. IMI I-a-5-62 3 6P,2- ,D t,,v riuor;4.,:,tiw oy 1,1~;ri4x S4 7.14 lntersii~y and I",atmlal ', idth of Dor r4ldy IC, pp. *itachrlf+" i, 11 7 per 0- nn 13C, tr 2621 J),~ Iz I') d 363PI93 I-"cvc1cj--jnt ru:~Ing ilib;-rr"tto-1. ~-f and livlbtrculositi ).D thm syrian Golden Hamter,, by A. Pmar-amnst vandup A, ic, 1~-Ij FRZi7Cr,, Ver, Fey Bewlsre %ths Vol XV; -xJ 6~ P", 491-497. FM 7-17 sci - mod Sep 58 r7 So2 Endurance Tests of Irreversible Servocontrols, by L. Vanderbe,rfAq (CEV). 77' UNKNO'Ri, Agard Paper, May 1957. T.I.L. Tr 14795 Scl - Engr Jul, 57 i~xi!erir-ental Rwevulg ~Vimplantatiun asto Cwtrulateral Piteumnectow with Survival, by P. Vanderhoeftp 11 pp. FltL40i, oor, Attu Chir BeIg. Vol 66, 1957, ;~,' 357-372. ~ i,e,,t of Nlavy/%~!; 1451 .:ept 70 1 $ by der T;IndLy R VP - cxu,-5cl; )-96), -fir C-P-1,69,72 Gn VW-1 InvesttPdan ct KNOUld"s FITOC'&y bt'rAx*lo 0" 110110yoft by Eiectme mictowme X-RmY A0131119 Intrarw spoctroscopye 2o%- -- od DiffetersW Thermd-Andyaw by H. H. van 6W.Mud- Val X, No 12, 1962, SwEMK pert-31ei an-guudd6 pp 237-250o CSMO/No 6324 scl - M/M Feb 64 Mp425 Madkine at the L"YO Clinic, by P. Vanderboaft, FRENC116 pw, Acm gimakas Vol LXU, No 6,1963,, pp 62D-638. mi 8-&3-u LOAN sci Diol & hied Sci vitradw StUMD-60 IVF&UWIGWW of and V , ",,an pt:dum Nucle" pugh EriTidwd In for wawr Reacaws. P- Iftescult E. V&rAm BomdM 25 pp. C- Badm- PRENCE4 rpts Badws 9-14 Sep AEC-Tr-012 Sd-MAt & LW Jun 64 259,765 awe"" I- lh n Im fm %a Andods of UMwS= NO=-Jow* W & % i Im It we dm6 MUN34 SVN dA.L W~ ~ d M U.&A-24. dk-m-M tram) G. Vanclenbussche 3A*3W ad - amum ocdwm SAw 61 Proceas of Deatruction of Nematodoo Living in the Soil., by D. Vandercieyou (iuventor). MI4mIm.. puteat no 517560., 23 Feb 1953. SLA Tr ZM Sci - Biology 1-4-W .3-~ Oct 57 .1 cantributica to the Study of Uw Oxidative fiechunism is Yeastp at the subeellular Level, by S. Vandendskol. PRENDIO pert Rey Ferment Ind Aliments, Vol XIV. 1059'. rp"M-TV7 XASA TT P-10,609 COVERNPW USE Ctay SCi-:4atcri8l3 ;Udr 67 320,387 Contribution to the Stu* of oxidative ~bchwiss in ye"t at the subcollmisr Levelt by E. Vanderminkel. FPZNQIP POT* Rev Fexwmt InJ Aliumt. Vol XI Vs 1950,6 pp 31.197. %ASA rT r-10,$02 G(JVERHW14T USE CNLY sci gaterials Mar 67 63-1644 A. RIZATICH AND PANARY PERMWrA- 1. VwAnddl6 A. IIOK 1196319P. Or4or from SLA $1. 10 63-t6494 Trus. of SocDowl CMm[4n) do Wdtq4 WASCO) 1910. Y. 34. p. 325-337. OF*nbsomdo% Canmjmdom. ofthwypta&wb. bbatKairbg mftdik 7 SS CFO* Tr. I. M mm a Wo d Ild" "16" Hessuremat of Pox-thial VWr Presaures of H003-UgO Kixtures at 200C end Verificatim of the Margules-Duham Equations by N. 1R. Vandmi M. Laudy, 8 pp. 9 FFMMI per, J ChIm Pbys) Vol XLIXjj 1952.9 pp 99-102. 02 c?l m ABC Tr Bel - Chemistry Jun 57 "Iml ChadsUy -- CoacerzlW Aqua= ~solutioni Conianti-ated With-Nifric Aald. Iffect of the Additi& of Mb*ral NiUlies (Vepor Tensiou'v &k:w4m6tr-yo#'b7- :em Chedlnj Rene lAaLeara, Babert Vanddai# 4 pp. FMM, per., Caept. Radus Vol O=Vj 1947., P T34- AW Tr 2074 Scientific - Chemistry Mar 55 CTS/M Spontancou Daulsion Formation, by J. Vandor. nU,-,GARIAN, Wr, Mayar Kem Lapja) No 4, 1946, pp 592-596. ATS EJ-1272 Sci - Chem Apr 6o // ~" -.3 ~d-: 1 r X TAKUTOVICE6 X. V. _jAjffSWs B. A. SURWAV E. S. DiMmenm of Coefficim* of Work Hardeniag of Xetalm upon Profile of Mound surromm the IspMaium obtained ia Hardmen Test. ZATOMNAU T'OW"X!LAv vol 14v 1948s no 3,p pp 338-A-Ij 2200 Brutchar Ils 24614 $ CONCAMPGA TNMNUI(w w INOWAUM Howulftc. RMXF"g 70 BAMIAL TOXINS FNW 7HE NNW TO THE MuSs BY ". mumv J. vm~~ Cr AL. MMIAKv KR, rAMWM I TMINLo VOL MY# NO 3s, 106--m 1961m, PP 301-903, 999M UWA TR V61789 3GI - BIOL Am 62 207,0115 The Pharmacology at Oulfoulum Antl-Spamsodics. ChwWs of Pbarmscological Proper ronowins Introduction of an Alpha-TbOroal Croup, by Z. Vatmg I&. Metyzhl I. Orsakova, M. Vanecek,,.6 pp. RUM, port Farmakol i Tokelkoij Vol XX, No 1~, 1957, pp 35-41. Consult,ants Bureau sci - Med Jul 56 RI-sulto of Txpertmewnta Witt in-travenous rnari- rental Tarection; Ufferemes in 'toxicity em luv"iventsa of Two StraUm of St-,~~;P-Ccao4zcuc Aur,%un .4weun, by Atka Smetam: Hadolf Vwiusk~ V. ~-mvoraka, 1,12 pp. CFFICM Ust -Ony CZWH, per, CeskoslovensU Epidemiologie, Mkr3biologja, M=mologie, Vol X, jan 1961, pp 40-46. / '7 /, a JPRS 10084 Sci - Med lubamloAt cassilmum at in ulp" Tqw----A the v""wtv ve an UWd AMW# vamm*v 6 we CaM PRV 26 ommallmosm- ------------------ 7 - - - - - - - - - - :,tatic md ~Aierqetically Axb~lt Sittin,~ Pwiticn# by Vzcu.-ckovae A--r, zoitsdirift tur iu-ztliciv FcrtbilLim,4 Vul 6k, 17 90D-ql%o duc-~ssit ior 1. 13,,050 71 " '.Lk'"-uou'of 'AN/wr. oz liousing stma-ulma fczedx)- m L olaval~iz)', by Adolf Vwak, (Vk Icon Rpt on Mr, 22-17,2). cl=lll, liar, Boupoduralm Llovlzw.. Pragw) 21 Doc 1959., -op 51.. 52. CIA/ym s= 2134 Ellux - Cweboolovakia Scoz F~ 369 Standardization of Magnitude Scales, by J._Yanek Zatopek, 4 pp. j A. RUSSTAN, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Geofiz, No 2, 1962., pp 153-158. Amer Geophys Union Sci 214, 047 oct 62 ~'.Iostnxlcer, in rjeuhwlic:ll~ J;r:nrl ti., R 1,G1 T ~lc Z2 .Jkt*oroloSIcal Aotlylty in Bolgiumi, 1951-1953). by A. Vananplam, 20 pp. PR9WHO bime - - clel at Tarre Val IJ04 So 4f Brzwselsp, YwAv; M., pp RY-O20' As Pmatiptica of the DiffereAtial'croas ledtion tot Ewtic - scatta;ing In 441&v ?Won$ by Nuclel or T) W'p le~ 94j, and 010p by *. Vanersian- , E,D. Tedchemko, 6 pp. B=US,, per, Atowaya Baer", vol n., 4t 1957j. pp.,,123-L-6 emsultants swmiiu sci - Rue Ph" Jun 08 Contribution to the Study of the Pb:j~sicai Propcrt.'Le~; o.'L' Particle 3,ow-d Obtained From ScIf A,--Iomerat~on. A 3tudy of the Var,-'ation U- -~i Dem,;`Lty) by R. Vanesse. FRFI'CI,;, i)cr, de A~.7J,cultvlra, Vol ~(I, No 3, 3155-3~9- *JPR-)/USDA May Calculation of the Elastic Scattering Cross Sections for 5.45 Mev Protons Accm-ding to the Opticed Model of the Nucleus., by R. A. Vanetsian., A. P. Klywbarev, 0. 0. TlwsbevsklYo 3 PP- RtUSLUj, perp Zhur Ekepw i Tewet Fiz, Val XL.. No 4., 1961, pp 1199-1M. S4,r AV sov pbys - JRV Vol X:m., so 4 Sa Report on the International AnestheoLology Symposium, by V. L. V M~vskiy V. A* Kovnaevp 11 pp. RUSSIAN., pr, Vest Ak Medit Nauk SM, Vol X3:x, No 5, 1964. JPRS 25241 S i - Med jun 64 262j736 and Clybernl-tiCO) part Jj~ by V~ V, Vaneyev; 4 pp. jll~a 19, M W - 62, np, ,,crafinaya Zvezzdaj, 3 JM 15-o96 sci )"Ituc Oct Part I ,,jt-.p-tegy and Cybernetic:a#/by V. Iarionev) v~ vamyev, 5 pp. llus"smri, --p, Kraflyam Zvezda, 30 Jun 1962, -) 6, . JWS 15296 WSR IN 3ai - Mi Be _,7,/ 62 -.e1j-A Ad2-iuuitural Prodix-tion in v~,~ nim Area, by Mia Van-Varg; < pp. YLUMEU, PP: Xb= I Pzil, 2-7 ~ ~, 1962, n P. JPAIS 14201 71--- - Victn" '2 o 3' .3 -Iz r~-con Jun 62 -!C-11 O.L* k;ax Z.1.1- FCL~uo pcr) Pau&a c Pcxtize, NO 3., 1961 JM 10373 M, ur Albania Pol 7-? X,!-566411 1-1-3 7-.,oblou of Ratr lkteriale in Light. laduBtry,, by Vatis 7 PP. r:p,, M" Dan,. go 2442, 25 nov ig6a, 3. F2! -Viet, !00n -.b 61 VANCTEMIED4. G . beasonai Hydrometeorological Forecasts Pogoda, No o, Mar, 1941, pp 3-5 K, Air Weather Service, A-21 Technical Research Files m09-33/V25 on the question of typificetion and classification of atmospheric proccaseep by G. Ya. VhngwWlm,, RUSSIAN., part Meteorologu-a i gi 1930P No 3# IV 3U-'0 HU ~~22-551 C15 X) Ile, P~ 3X, C', Sci I-L-toor., Cli Apr j of tba Polm Radme- btr U. Tal langW4pln A A* Fo L&kU=Wo RUSSM9 bko ~ YSN=i~4 R&IMEMM MAWLS Vol 2539 1963. CFSTI TT 66-SUI-46- SWAtwo *d Jan 68 On the Qw9tion of T~pization and Sche=tizatioa of Atmospheric Procassea., by 0. %a. Varze im 39 PP. --- -1 -,- W-W- ~O RMSIM, per, Met i (lid, No 3, 1938, PP 38-53. Bel Tr Ccnter RT-T29 Scientific - Geophysics VANGLeNGEIMq G. Ias -pplication of Oynoptic Methods to the Otudy and Charac- .terization of Ulimateo hoscow) i4iting- publishing Lvetion of the HQ of the UbbR Hydromet Service, 1935- 135 pp. HQ, jiir feather Service, A-2., Technical Research Files M80/ V25. The Hature of Grain Boundaries as Revealed in the Scattering Pattera'af X--nqsl by Vo 19 ArkWwovp B. So Borisov, S. Do V--enesim. 6 pp. RUSSIAN# per$ Pis Metal i ifeWlav, Vol X,, No 3. 1960. pp W7-374. Pp Soi Sep 61 Factors Affecting the Internal Adsorption In 8*lid Solutions, by V. I. ArklmroT, S. D. VarAgenge's., 3 Pp. -. - - -. ------- RUSSIAR, per, Fiz Metal I ~%U.Up Vol TIV, No 3# 1957., PP 447449- Persamon Inst Scl - X PhIsles 7&' 7 'ff/ Sep 58 sLm-ay of the connezioa -mi "Electrical Reslstt&nc%e in Allnyo%, V - I A~71KIL'--ov, B - S . Borinov, S - D V'Gage.-Zeim, 4. gj~, RLMOLAN, per, Fiz Ketal I Neu "-Iov, Vol IX, re "t., i-96o, -pp Ra-85. ~ pp Sci im 61 Catalor cKr rj&CroMWwptic proeeBSCS ,UL accoixUng to the cUssificatim cf G. Ya. Vmwjwima, 1391-1962,. by 14. S. l3olot,lwgWap L. Y- Byzakov,, Ilb -kt. R WWt pero UMiUgrGd Arkt i Antea n- i inst * 1964, o 0 M) 3; 3A)6 Sci Heteor, Cli X-ray Study or 1n%srcMt&U1te Adeoriptlon In Silver AUDys by D. 1. Arkharoyo S.D Van- so 7 pr ~W_A~mp RUSSIAN, p*r,, Fls Metal I Ystall , Vol IV., No 3 1957 pp 439-W. Perpwn last Sci Min/Yat Sep 58 ( C:.F- -1. 0`7 4) Mapter VIIJ Tbe %crocirculation Y&thod of I" Range Rydrctmett-sorologi eel Forecasts According %-,o G. Ta. Vacgangeym. by A. A. aira~ 42 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Oanovy Dolgosrochnykh Prognorov Pogo4y, 196o, py 432-4A. jpRB 4622 sci - Geoph" 5-Y 5- jun 61 no peaction of Billow ModrUm wlth ATamUo caqpmda in the LlqtdA Am a In the Piumme of I Bum ftldaorLdev bly 3, A. MW=WAbeTs Be Vo j 4 pp V!RwAts - RMIUS p"# MUr Obahah Mdl4 VOI M13=j No Is 19628 pp 24*0 # CB sa oat 62 2160138 Epamic AnalrAs of a CerbWA Tne at JUlUna lbeW v by OW&Wswto P. Vmkn*, F(Wt aP7M= un a= Rmums pmj~gkw $a Doe 64 270,a4 ftIrcrimentt in Controlling Acricultural rests With an 1m, --cL'Xidc Which Penetmtes into Che Tli;cu~!s of Flc%tcup by A* D. Vanicv* RVf 11:0iIIJ, Veezoiucn. Akkad. Sol'ahohhoz. Vank imni V. '_'. 1,-n-*Lna. Dot, Vol XVIv No 3., 1951., P-.0 h3-~8. 20 Ak-1. USDA IlRaus 11o V14 US" C'c-r-ntific - Biology$ inzecticidas,, planta., perta,,., tiacues Handbook for snilita:-y Drivers, by nichal VakiA, 217 PP - CZWHJ* bk, Prirucka Pro Vojenake ITUdice, 1961, lip 1-130~' Encl No 1 to xr~, R. _38-62. ACSI 1 1362 ID 21,",-3432 Mw CzechoeslovaUa Mil jai, 6 3 Im -:~-c lIZ-0i'lem of 'L'--~'fect 0:~ Ret'ractiorl a~nll EartIc.s Curvature in, 112,ocf-,.-,z:Lrz Acrial b-1- A. 1. G. .3c -i ~";taff Training, by I. Vani-ai 7 PP. .USSWI, per, Vect Voa Flota, Uo 11, 1954, 40-45,, Encl to RPt 300-55., 12 May 1955 CIA D-230537. ti 663652 Auf; r;5 MS fto ProdUtLan d UN4 Mm plates in Lup Sizes, by Ve Zo Qmbwaklyt V. Is Vanin) 7 YP* RMUN) JW 0 stoluo I MU*%U&p Vol XMIP No 6., LYDVo IPP 13-180 CD &A ja 62 210,819 ftaim TlIn Fm WwW Rate "t by V, 1. onbwddro v0 I. VAOLAP 4 St. FMOUNP pwo ftdaa I Kwadia.. vol xvn,, NO 5p 29WP VP 35-3T. CD &A Jul 62 210.003 Acceleration of the Ifigh-Tamperature Carburi- ution of Stool, by V. S. Vanin, V. G. Parmyakov, 5 pp~ RUSSIAN,, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Otdal Takh Nauk, Matall i Toplivo, No So 1962s pp 92-95z sic Sci Apr 63 233,68S C.ase H=,dcn4_,dg In Orphic Mqulo~* by V. B. Vanin, RMBI"XA.o Pat Metal -Tam Obra Notalim, No 6, 1959, pp ~51-69. BB 4751 scl - Chem Apr 61 &4 Ionic Can 3101401 of ftew * by V. S. 1!4!~j 4 pp. RL681", per, 12 Ak NwA MW Otul Tokb lluk mfta i TqAl"j, No 3.0 V60, pp 66-0. Blele %4h Ptibi Bel D" 60 In Reprd Sprayers skly RUSSUN,, per, Vsesolusn Mad SallkaWs Sauk ft V. 1. Unine Bekto Zeshch ftst Tridys Vol XXI, 19531 pp 179-1&. CIA D 432323 USSR Scientific - Biology sooncuie to Agrotechnical Requirements Frcm Orchard and Duaters, by 1. 1. Vanim, Ys. 8. zm1ite"' The Action of Clartain Q"so an the Wo*Um of Ho=e r=g:L =A Vas Deptb of rWIWtm of G"Of Into Woodo ty So I VanIn No No VALdlydrakapp 24 pp. RUBSIAXv perp Tr* Sotan but Ak I&A B=p Swiss 17, No 19 1933p pp 205-222. Be Tr Oft"r 0-im SeIsntific - Biology Apr 55 CTS -['r-62-26379 V.I. a A.M. and oftr,i, 41A%LTFION T ~IITME DES PROFRIETLS AD- SORBAWE-S DF. LA LIGNINE D'IrYDROLYSE (hl- sorption Properties of Ligtiln Hydrolysis Hy-Prod,~~O. 10p. Qref,-,. CNRS-Vill bis 694. Order from OTS', E.TC or CNIRS $1.00 1-17-62-26379 1. Vanlna, V.I. 11, Gurrmn, A.M. Ill. CNRS-VllI bis 694 IV. Centre Natioruil d, la Recher- che ScientifiqLIV, Nris Trans. 'in Prewh of *Kolloldrryi Zhurnal (USSR) 1960. v,22, no.1, p.9-15. DESCRIT'TORS: 'Lignin, *AdsorrAlon. (Chemistry-Mysical, TT. v. 11, no. 6) 1-6- c- I 62-182i 0 Vanind V I., Gutman, A. M. and others. I NI-PARATION OF PLA5TONIFRS 1. Tilk,: Plastomt-rs (Spugob 1zgu(oVj(.ni ~.a Plastmassy). 119621 (toreigntext 1. Vanina, V. L H. Gutman, A. Nt Order from UT-s or SLA $1. [0 62-18210 Ill. Patent (L',Wt) ; it. 1,18? Trans. uf Russian patent 116. 082 12? Nov 581 c1. 39b, 22()j, appl. no. F94,101, 14hiarM. 2 Df SCRIVR)R.1~ *%I,itcrials, Preparation, *'Mrrmusc',- ting rt-sir.b, *I-Ignin, Dyes. A inethud of the preparation of plastomers on the baRc of fignin and synthetic, highmolecular resins is dt--I scritwd. In order to improve thdL physico- mechanical', .4.0 proWrties of ti)e polymerb, the lt~ntn prior to such ub 7 S7 3 1 s d yrd '* it h J ye s, c. g, ba 8 1 c one a. (A uthor) Waturialt.- -Plastics, 71'. v. 9. no. 5) 0"VA 01 lockSK81 Se"t" A Study Of the Aduorption Properties of Hydrolytic Lignin, by V. 1. Vanina, A. M. Gutman., A. P. RUSSIAN, per, lold Lhur, Vol )Or N 196, pp 9-15. CB sci may 61 Captiono to Ptatographs in Book gntitlW 'Tibet~ IMCL, lu~ laaaimir Sis.. Joaef Vanis, C7BM, Lk) Tibet-, pp 41-". I JM DC-4577 FE - T-lbet. Geoc-,svhic :iav 60 , I . I - . - All I - - j M* Cracking of Matbane in a lallubular Reactor: '40%-Art, jp jlt%-*tw 11? by J. E. Osyz in, C. Vaniscotte. UNCL FRME, per, Bu.U Boo Chim Fmace, 1957s pp 6Se-695; 1958s PP 319-323. Ra 809, Bic Cc i - Chem Sep 59 TIM Varfttldn 112 tho ftWtur(s of the Nalosion BpdetrtO of A Raoftmimi-ActAvated Mass Laser, Val nvj no 4) 1961 ng-up.- may Tr il"1163 fti - rag Ana 63 Nensuroment of the 'Ieutrou Energy Spectrum in a Past Reactor by the Transmission M Nothad, by A. A. Vankov. RUS6IAa. par, Ph sics of Nuclear Reactors, Vol 3. pp. 185-94. NLL Itef: 9091.9F CWH 217) '-/X Sci-phys July 69 57-7-i 7ZD- 387,420 :A-AAtive L~q tur,~ of Fast !".cutrons, Uy A. 104 Atrauov, A. A. vaalkov, 4A. 44 It- 1117~1~' A. VQsLklarstv*ra L"itot ti~ ls~,c, ztNvanivu 14 VCLNkov 314 7 , 4 fi,~ About Quentlons on Boundary Layer Effect, by M. Van Nee-Miberg. MUM= .1w, GEMIg 1952. ATIC-]P..-N-WI SclentifIc - AerommUce C/A rl, , II&V. 7 /,po ;,-- I C. 0,~, Gynecomastia, by Vanni, Edmundo et al. SPANISH, per, Prensa Mcd Argent, Vol. 440 pp 1385-1399g 1957. HEW 2-16-65 LA-Arg Scf-B/M Mar 65 275,778 umd Device for S,aven~gin4, Zxhail..9tv rd G-4:3eo of Lhiflow Internal Combustiou Engines, by F. G. Vanni. FRMCH, ?= Patent No 712-862 (10,31) ATs 584-Fj Sci - Engr Sep 60 Hydraulic Goverwr for Inte=al Oombrwtion M30nes, b~y Pier Giorgio - V~m=i, 12 ;p. % 11111 714 11 11 PatAmt No e72..061. Pat"t Micro Sol - mw Doc 62 1o~ ~ , 4 11 . -) ) .1 I New Method of Biological Control of Anthelmintics and itsApplication, by V. Vanni., V. Perez Fontana., ll ppo SFAITISF., Archo Soce Diolo Montevideo3 1949, 15: 15~-21. 1-588 National Insts of Health Bethesda, Md. 11 ~~ 10 ,up;~Ct ,n41 1,L.Sults of ~oent,,ii Thera"i 4n VIL. .utastatic Carcincra of the Lltoroi,!, by Iv. Vanni. i~. aarilla. 2~i jq.. ITALIX4v -),or, i1oll uculist, Vol 3j. liwit t ul "I'ViPf"kii ISSU et '70 A& Ilev Mthod of DULgwsis cad 03cralry of Ca.-AD ar ftraditic Colitlep by Dr Vittorio Vannis ib pp. Full trawlation, SPANISH., Pentro-Invect.Tisigl2a Vol X17, 1950., pp 31-h9- CTA/YM/X-793 XP thy 53 CTS ILF77 :.'licroanalysis, T.9 Chemical Analysis of Tonorrow, by C,. J. Van Nieuwanburgo 6 pp. I RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Anal Khim. Vol XV, No 4, 1960.~ pp 394-401. CB / 4- V 2 / / Sci Au6 81 Changer, in the Glia in Dog 113rains at, Lon8 Intervals After Ilcute Radiation Sicluiess, by L. I. Vannikx~v, 2 pp. RUSSIAN-, Papers presented at the conference of t-i-ic L remote consequences of injuries caused b - the action L of ionizing radiation, pl) 23, 24. Consultants Bureau Jun 57 AEC - tr-:''i -(';"(p. 125- 71) Uncl. CHANGES IN THE GLIA IN THE BRAIN OF DOGS DURING LONG-TERM PERIODS AFTER ACUTE RADIATION SICKNESS. -L. L. Vannikov. Translated from P-!---.~~5 Of Ot a ennye Posledstviya Porazhenii Vyzvannykh Vozdeistviem Ioniziruyushchei Radia tsii. " C-.'i,'-, P NSA N--' Evaluation of 8=11 Radioactive Influences on the Juman Organism., by M. P. Domblakj L, L. Vannikck~ Yu. 0. Grigoryeyp 6 pp. RU3$IAN., per AtamWa EwrgLya, Vol IIIj, No 7,, 1957, pp 36:40. Consultants Bureou Bcl - Nuc 1,byq Jun 58 L~~O --u4vml Lvjltj4V!tjcj -~aysM~ iu Porscirs Ilith. xiti Irritutivt ~J 4Z(: