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of Enoj, p ~.n!-. thf, Plan Z7 bir d-,! C=tIlIc. (fln).1 No FIF ~56521.. i~". T~r) AVIS Wk~ur Econ t Ol Lo pp. u lectricj~.y C..- Lunkift.- koft And LaftsWieft IV C- LftlU VQll*# 61 pp. 'ic T, 1963o PP 4-90 - LULLO, pm, imova �SEI& I DIA Lii M-a 6 ~ar !~C~ .,tar 68 35L,044 Four Cases of q Fever Contractea in thaLabors- torys by Dr Go Clums Dr Go Perez Oallardop Dr I - VaUej 4 pp. AMORS, per, Rev Sez 0 Big Pubs, Vol Mls, No 3/4x 1952P pp 199-201. ma Lysozymic Strength of LzmIml Fluid in NO*= Wantst Possible Interactions Betvam Lw=imal LysoWmw and Neonatal Ocular Propbylaxiag by G. Valle . 13 PP - mwmg, pert wwra Ginec., viol 6,0 28 Fab 19549 PP 117-1M - Dept of Navy NIC Tr 3178 G- e- April 71 mmw~ Ilti-O x tw cod cmrmtcd Vau 0 -4 Boo VA 170 Prophylaxis of Blindness in the Courst of Leprosyv* b7 Sergio Valle. 35 PP- nWCH, per; Archives dlOpbtalmologtep u-sep Vol I# No 10, Oct 1937t Pp 8654MO. NIE Scientific - Medicine jvm 54 aTs V.~ Zinc 11" B. VaUcc) J, Y,=Gi pjl., 1956, pp 132-135- 4 CSIRD Set - ltd -i,u.JL 62 4. P-,,Imal7 Pcl,~ Tivatca by --clow ~rmt ar Phospboruz. A Stuk af u 6Sur u cf~ ~10 Cazau; by M. Tubi=3 G. V&Uees M. Boirm) T; Tip. par, NouveLue Rev r--Me smmt 9093480 AIE UM Tr-778 Med ;6_. Vallee Pousoln, C. do 1&. 1 61-204,31 READlNGS ON TIM APPROXIMAWN OF FUNC- I - Vallee Pwoole, C. do Is TIONS OF ONE REAL VARIABLE: PREFACE AND 0. Title: Lecons... tNTRODUGnON. (L9611[161p. 2 refs. Order from SLA $1.60 61-2D43 Partial trans. o( mono. ColleWon de Monolprapbles our I& Th6orle des Fonctions, Y. 9: Lecons sur I'Approximation des Foactions d'une Variable Re'alle. Paris. 1952. DESCRIPTORS, *Real variables, sPunctions, Numerical analysis, Polynomials, Trigonometry. 1S4253 (Mathematics. TT. v. 7. no. 1) Offi" WT -1 ' 3w,(". Physiological Specialization of Puccinia Graminis Tritici in Brazily by Jose Vallega. -6-- SPANISH USDA per NC State College Jun 509 Porphyrinuria in So-Called "Periodic Peritonitis", by X. Arias Valle 0, 5 PP- --j- SPANISH, per, Bev EV. Werm. Almwto Dig. y Nutr. , R XVIII, Aug 1959, pp 1671-1674. Nn 4-1-61 SCI - Mad ,f, a 61 /, 5-S~ -3 / Y conside"tiom on the Pft" -- or Lew d1staMe ftlt4dftp by 7. T921W) 8 SP. M411", part mewce ad owl) 4M, 2.956, ~p 2-12. XM4W6 A 7 17A, -. 1: - - - ~ . I.,/ Sol id 59 fo?, i-elle; tjso Lldta of tito LUAuift Of Soli~ 14-Wtlt* M~d Vio '~'zsultial' Qx~rvl UagrQz. ~A,u i's -i~ztccahr "'JITICIAL WE UiLY per Cowtoo i4udus. kaJot4a ios 0 :, 0 0615 vo 140 14" I'mo vp =P I L I(MMal" I i'~FUL 'P-F--GS 16- O(A Progression or ID90t S0lidlflc&ticmj uY F- Val2ct - nOCH, per) Contxe d'Studea S;xpe#curas do la Sidamj~:,da, Matz, Reprint, pp 1-55. CRL/T. 2255 ?- /- Sci - ju.i 67 333,689 7tlon~-Guy,aw-Ac VILIIWS Of ~iolid ~~'Ustito 3md i,vt*lt*, I)y P. vallot me. V. carel, at ale 5~~ UiLY fT"A--I, f~cr, co;4-,tcs laand", Acn0c--.:~o de's .'civxice3, virl CL-KVLII,, 1,.#04g 4W*.,-4VSl9 Tjl.n~J7AA, ;4U L T-I~-GL, "ca- 6.11T Study of Dol=tte Pyrolyviis in Dry slitrogen and Carbonic fta eu a Umawl'v Increaft Tftperature~ by A. hich*r, P. VaIllut. UNM FROM,, per, Rev, 93t, Sep 1953s PP 597-6m. Britiah Iron and Bt*el UO (no nUwAr givan) Sep 59 Contributim to do stuq of the UwmdynanU properites of isoud famuB aidde. tw P. vauot, P. Ruca. , per, Revue Istall, Vol 62, No 1. 1965, pp 1-29 c.JM/T. z,~ 16 ~ - C ~'I I:' 1~ I. sci - Sop 67 -0.236 rjhychic DIscrders rrco Cordbral Atbwro- oclerosis and Sorm Uplas., by R. Val-let et al. I.TZWX,p ~mr,, Noom Mod Tis lil.. 8-2"03 Sci-Biol Mod oct 65 2Ws 302 io, t-A It ri 1 12: i National PA~llwrtytl, NO 2 14 i~ Valli Casti-limu, i 70' Aaca~,,;aris Mau 1:74# :M'-545. # WPOWAIM P& 40(o Okow I I Basic rdolcgy in Color,, by Joan Vallin, FRONCII, bk. 96 lip. Storlinp Pub W. Oct 66 Economic Pobition of the Italian Aeronautical Industry in the Internaticnal. Market,, by Alberto Vall-toneri, 16 pp. ITALUNp per, L'Aeroteenica,, Dee 19569 pp 318,, 319o Encl to IR-71-56s 22 Feb 1957,, AF032i-3B2. AP 728T23T WEur - Italy Econ mar 57 r, 'On A.6. 0-4 ,I.rg Development of Telephone Traaamiasion Sngiraering in Suitzorland Frce Ita OrIgin to YA)Urn Times, by J. Jacot, J. Valloton., 36 pp. PI RUNICH, per, Post Talephow Telegmph Bulletin TechnIque, krinual 39.. 110 9, 1959, PP 355-370- um.srA H-6765/A V3, Homn - ~i3alm ~vi a Rae 6o Phagcdenic infootion, by C. E. tittolerighl, and J. E, valisg 8 po., I~il-'Ablll~; f. oer. Pol Soc Cir. Buenos Aires, vol X"" 1c)30,1 On 749-760. SLA 57-1514 Sci- MeAlcine Va7 Ae Defense of Centml DnWe.. by v~~uy 5 pp - m,rmcu,,, rpt., T-es sssau., jaa/pab 196o. A= I-lM7 ID M961W We&r - Fivnw Mu / ~? // -Ow i8 Apr 62 qusutitative octermination of Carbo- xylic Grpups in Polyarddes, by E. ya Valman, L. L. Pokrovskil, S. S. Frol;w. RUUSIAi, per, Zhurnal Prikladool Khtsit, Vol 34, No 1. 1961, pp. 132-3. UTC 69-11637-07C ;I 7c1 Sci-Chect July 69 386,632 ,T-)rl6o (DC-3~35A - A . . 131~bla lyz Orse U%n4j by F- ft'Uwo h 1,~-?- W'.t,h t~hA BUMMS., ap2l so"t Eetonip), 17 BeP 15'599 P 2, JM -103?f -D USSR soc - Ralwon D"~ 59 / o -~, -~-, ---, -"/ Pkictodeaorp~Gion and Photoalasociation of geetai- Absorbed kjolecules, by P. Ya. Vallnev, 19 pp. RUSSIAN., per, Zhur Kiz Xhim, Vol XXX, No 6. Jun 1956, PP 10-1315- 17 *ATic F-Ts-geo6/iii Sci - PhYSICH AL 41 ';2 Y-~a' 1. Jul 57 x Road Map,, by Dr lasslo valocsi, 3 pp. UNGARIANp '*r.. Foldrajzi Rrtesito., 195'j. CaU No 1.r67 Vol 6 go 2 AM Lib Tr Unlt . Hunga" 58 q11 q# 3 Tbomw I lSoddlftVftVAdLAwVA&&Jw - ims sm.*ip "Bob wwm~ as P& UAW# 0 1% 111 a W imaw- W14ma rd Kw 66 1 . =&M3 . The invents of the 3.918 Revolution in the Iforki of Czechoslovak, R=ardan and Yugoslav Historians by L.Kovago, 12pp IIUNGARUN,per, ValoM& oct 1966 RFE Hungarian Pres8 Survey .-'o.1763 17 Nov 1966 Feb 67 3192760 Prc-Draftl I.r. Spi=Ing, by A. .............. t'n, LIE, l9r~l; 081RO V523 61-14512 Valota. A CAUSES OF IRREGULARITIES IN SPIMING COTTON 1. Valots, A. [1961112p. (incomplete manuscript) (3 figs. omitted) Order from SLA $L.60 61-14512 Trans. in manuscript of I'lmiustrie Textile (France) 1957 [v. 741 no. 845, p. 277-280. DEXRIFrORS: *Cotton textiles, Processing, Textiles. See also 61-14511 OR- 0 T-AW.J S-4- (Materials-TextilLs. T7, v. 6. no. 1) 61-14511 Valota, A. ON REGULARITY IN SPINNING COTTON [Fr. 1]. 1. valcm A. [19611 Sp. (figs, omitted), Order from SLA $1.10 61-14511 Trans. In manuscrifx of [I'Industriel Texille (France) 1957 [v. 74] no. 843, p. 119-121. DE.SCRIP'MRS: *Cotton twile3. Processing, rextiles. ON" -1 T-A-k-A S-i (Materials- -Textiles'll, v (,. n,i 1) 61-14510 Valota. A. THE REGULARITY IN SCINNING M170N. PT. 1. 1. Title: Spinning 10 June 58, 12p. (I fig. ornitted) I ref. 1. Valota, A Order from SLA $1.60 61-14510 Trans. In manuscript of l'Industric Textile (France) 1956 1y. 731 no. 835, p. 421-424. DMRIPTORS: *Cotton. Standards, Processing, OThreads. ofkt. of (Materials- -Texti'es, TT, Y. 6, no. 1) I. System o, Autamatia Regulation of Liquid M,!U?-I I-.-, CryE;'Ce.111zer 9ith AOhl-cm, Upon 3`,I-c~:.-,,,-- or V~%rvlmG Design, by A. N. VaJmc,,-V- K. Laty,4-- V. V. Lyndln, Yu. 3. Plirikin, L. K. Tatocbet:,~O, P,IJSSD.3) bk, Radioaktionye Metody Kontro-1ya i ReLadiromniya Proizodstyennykh ?rotsessov, 1959, .P.D ABC Tr-4139 9cl 7 7 Jun '61 Tr-63-17'714-9 (p. 16-26) V ~ loy, V. S. C14ANCES IN THE GF-JGRAPIfY OF RURAL S9TTLE- 1. YAlm V. S. MENT IN THE OID SETTLED AREAS '-)F THE U. AnWican GeWophical VIRGIN LANDS. Nov 63. lip Sodety. Now York Or&r from AGI $1.00 in Sewlet Geography: Review and Translation. Y. 4. 110. 9 ~-O- 16-26) Trans. 4 Ceograftyo I Kho7yotNtvo 1963. no. 12, p. 13-13. (Ab9ti-act available) DESCRIFITOM OCcograrby, Populstivi. 011strikoon, Rural areas, Agriculture, Economics, The present 4cit tement paner a I the luna- a att led northern. parz ci the virgin larWa consists 6d relatively small "iletion ctntere. On the basis o( (laid work. the author Ande tNit the concentration o( poloulation In (Earth ScIsoces-0sovaphy, larger centers at the expense a( subsidiary smlenwags TT. v, 11, no. 7) would provide better services to the rural poixilation without Irderfering with the efficiency of tam otr~ 64 Toeftkof I-1- operations. ('%Uthor) IlAk7iff icance =Ll Prospects for Developmnt of Interkolkhoz Production Ties, by D. V. Vollovoy, 42 pp. XI FT17-13M, per, MezbkolkbozrWye Proit Svycti, 1960) pp 3-44. JM 1.0222 Oct 61. Combwtion of Fuel Oil and Natural Gas in open:- Lenrth '-'urmccsBu==sj, by A, G.. Trifonov, Yb- B. Snegirev,, E. V-Yal-lpitA~e.,..~,5-pp- RUSSIM, per,, Metallurg, No 10,, 1960., pp. 14-18. sci Acts, WAnAmica sept 61 (NY-3991) -the Pathozeneste of RadlatIon injuries and hepa~Lr r,rccecce2 in Rat Embryes After tha- 1-fraill-Stion 0' on tM Tenth Dny %" Pregnancy, t)y A.; val,shtrem, 25 pp. RUSSIAli, per, Arkbiv Anatomil, Gistologil i ~'mbriolagif, Vol MVM, 170 3, J-960, 72-719. JFFZ 5 9,`5 ~jc i Jov 6o Calcium Rinkite frcm Alkalic Rocks of the Ukraine, by A. A. Val'ter, G. K. Yerexenko, et al, 3 pp. RUSSIM, per, Dck Ak Nauk SSSR, Earth Science Sections, Vol CL, No 1-6, t1ay, Jun 1963. Arrer Geol Inst Sci Jul 65 Ll,iGUc Scatcering of Protcns uy MC24 L~uc:jei BY K. -Val'.tar. V, 7, Storizhko Ep/l/I RU,1-51AN, par, Zhur Fksper i Teorat Fiz, Vol XIJV, ~.)3, pp, 5?-02 Amer Inst of Phys sov Phys - .Ir.-,r:l 'Vol No I Sci kie, Levels in Cu64, Excited in the '~i64(p,n )Cu64 rea- ction. by A.K. Vallter, I.I. Zalyubovskiy, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Fiz, Vol XXV, No 9, I)p 1133-1136. Crr Sci Sep 62 214,496 29 f.*sonuacos of the Si (p9 P ,0 Reactione by fu. P. Antuflyovs A, K, -fal)tter,, at all, 4 ppo por, Zhur Ekspor i Tecrxvt FiZI, Vol U.11,, Ro 2. 19620 pp 386-391. AIP Sov Phys - JdTP Vol XV, No 2 Z)ci .-)O~ 62 2100839 Investigation of the Levels of P 31 by Means of the 5i 30 (p'Y)P 31 Reaction, by A, X K, Vallter, S. P. Tsytko, et al, 11 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Iz Ak Nauk- SSSR, Ser Fiz, Vol XXV, N'o 7, 1961, pp 854-861. CrT Sci Sep 62 210,672 C, 1C., -a i~L~c te rij -L, i u, Z,;~Uj. LZT: sov 2C,u, 5u,6 Proton Polarimatera with a Tooimr Sensitivity to Neutron- and Gawma-Backgrounds, by A~ K. Vallter, A-'T)- Klyunharev,, N~ A. Mmkun., 3pp. RMFIANf perk PrIbory i TeUh Rkaper,, No, 1, L061, pp 10 - ISA Sci Mar 62 4b Mtonfl ~aastoiwlly 1)3 st"ribation 02 6,8 v Otopos, by A- An, L-F = Is ar it on lb.ckol arA zirzod P. xiyutcharev~ 3 PP~I ee~ t t. 1'. ZajyubOv&u7f Iz Vol x1j. 71=51AN. por , D,,,- Doper i Teoret 11 "1 1;6!1 P? 71-?46 Alp JETF sov PWO XIV; J3 ff/ / 62 #0u of the 1,U of X41 by Mww Of the ,Mgt I reaction., by Vallter) Yu- P- V. Yu. Antuf mv ser lit, Vol mv, RWSUNP Vero -go 1960" 0 891.894. Sai sep 61 IC20 1 b7 kttering Of Proto" 'V V. sorokiny r.,lautic S11-4 B. DeiUeXOP P. A. 3 Ber Piss, ica ,,MBIM, spery JLU %&A SWRY NO 7.41 1*0 sci Sep 61 Elastic Scattering of ftotmm by M28 Nuclei. �pin azd Parity of the 4-31 and 4.73 MT Lmle Of P"~O.- by -A. K. Val'two I. Ys. HLI&Mov, P. T. Sorakin., A. Ta. T==ov.. 6 pp. RMSM.. pwp Iz Ak Nm* SM, Bar fixy Vol X111p 1958., Ito 7.- pp 871-BT6. CO1='bI& N'Ch Sd - FhY4 oet 59 ~ ~~ ?/IT 67 and Ga68, by A. K. Vallter, Excited States of Ga 1. 1. Zaliubovskiy, V. A. Kliucharev, V. A. Ltitrilk, 5 pp. RMSIAN, per, Iz Ak Nauk WSR, Ser Fiz, Vol X)MI, No 7, 1959, pp 849-854. Columbia Tech Sci oct 6o Matic Scattering of Protons by A400 by A. K. Val-'ter, 1. Ya. Malakhovs P. V. Sorokin) A. Ya. li~=V, 3 PP - RUESIM, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Se.- Fiz, Vol XXIII) No '1,, 1959, PP 346-848. Columbia Tech Sci oct 6o 1102 14.139 9' Polarization of protons scattered by 016. SW and parity of the 3-11-wm Ivrel. of the F-' imelews by P. T Soroldnj A. L Vat- :tor,- S. V. Clawvi, L T. UndebOVi Vo L Mankop As 0 Turatlows 3 PP. MS&W', per, Zbur mww V0143s VO 3(9)p 1957# PP 1 Teuret Piz, 606-609- Amer Inst of dPhys Sov rhp-jm V01 6(33)o go 3 fti. - ph" JUn 58 6 3-1-sy Fclam= Sj,. 4on or Protana giatsticm-Uy Scattered frc= S128 Nuclei V. Sorohinjj A. X. Val'tory 1. ra. VAilakh-.5V, and A. Y&. Tarmov, 3 PP- RUSSIAN per., 2hur Eksper i Teoret Flz~ Vol IM, xo 6(ni, 1959, pp 1386-139o. Amer Inst o1 Phyn -sov Fhys - Jm? vol vm(35), m3 6 sci Phyn 19 Masurement of the C12 (pj, y ) and C12 (d,,n) Effective Cross Sections for Low Ruera Bmbarding Iarticloap by A, B. Delnekol A. Ya. Taranov) A. K..Vallter 3 Pp- zz;.~ ,Wss mo per, Zhur Eksper i Teoret Pis,, Vol XXXII., so 2j, pp 251- p Amer Twt of Pbya Soviet Pbya; JETP Vol V, No 2 Sci - Pbysics Oct 57 ju"gtjLgstion of tim Leve" of C:L35, by TUS P. AaWlywo A, K--!Al!.twt V. Yu. Gandws at as 7 pp. MWIAN, per, is Ak Neak BM,, Bar ns, vol xm, iio 7,, 296o, vp &n-M. a" / MOP A~rJ .. 8 ci Sep a Angular Distribution of 5.45--Mev Protonz Masticall: Scattered by Nickel,, Copper, =d Cobalt Isotopes.. by 3. Ya. Rutkevich, V. Y&. Golowya, A. K. Valter A. P. Klyucharevo 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per., Dak Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXX,, No 1960, pp 1008-ioll. AIP Sov Fhys-Dalady Vol V, No 1 Sci ncetted states of CI&67 wd 4a6B, by A. K. Valfter, I- I- ZalydMaklyg A. P. MTlobamj, 0. N. Nrivetes, V. A. Lutsiko 9 pp. RLSSIANp pars Is Ak Sm* SSM,, Sor Fit Vol U-M. go 21 19Wg pp 2LI-'M. Coludbia Tfth SdL //, ~ .1 / f01 Apr 60 X InvoWg4tion of Ouns-roya Emitted in pro, Bo4wrdnant or a TArSn Cor4ain1% U20, by A, LU11t0r, T- TO. O=bgro Ao I- L"VW# s. P. Taytko,, 6 pp. RWSUN,o par# Ms Ak Sm* a=# Ur Fix Val Mno No 22 1959s pp 228-e34- coiuwbia T"h set Apr 6o Tag 1*-.ut-,G4 yicld From Raaactiowi by A. K. Vai't-12', P. I. Vntret~ L. Ya. Kolmmikov, P-+ al, 18 pp. RUSSIA-11'.1 jkjl~, ~Aora knerg. Vol X, No 6, 61- -zo 22 J-1e, ('12 The Isotope -1,Tfect in Elactic ScnattarinG of Fxvtonz cn Nuclei, by A. X. Val'ter, A. P. Uyucia-uMv, 8 pp. -------- ---- RMLW, per., At= knerGiya,, Vol nV,, No 1,, 1963~ pp 48- 56. CD Sci Jan 64 ,:? v 71 '~ -/ ~ Elaztic Scattering and Radiative Capture of ProtcnE by N14, by A. K. )LaVter,,,A. S. Deineko, I. Ya. Malakhov, P. V, Sorokin, A. Ya. Tamnov., 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, I? Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Fiz., Vol XUII, No 7~ 1959, PP 839-8415- Columbia Tech sci Oct 60 ,/,00 A.4'mldr PAL;trlbutlom of 6.3-~Lav jtotons Fjv-atic-n2aI,I, ny Chrmium, Nickel; and Copper !soto74-,z;, by A. K. Val'ter, I. L Zalyubovukiy, A. P. M. Vz Fase&.n",-k., 17, N. -T. ChIrko,. 4 pp. FUSSSIAN par, Mur &;;par Ttaret Fl;~) Vol Irt pp 1419-3-42-3. AIP 3(71 P*,-, - JOT? Vol ' (T No 5 bel JLpplication at the WmUa4ty Mvtbod To Imattgnte the Mmmrts & Pavuld BOWA of Mazzed paztIcus in H4h vbltm~p moatmtstis nque tv A,~ to -VGI'Ur BAd V, YO, YJdWl'ahWUj- 9 3M- BMW# Pro Mbmwp Z%*mm Imm Mmvlk*vmkcV VaLverAtaft (n%dy)., Vol IN 6j lb 64,f 3355j, pp 95-100. 968M PTD-TT-63-0 S*L - BUC g~% DmtW Scheme for the B. 92 n-JV L w.,-! and Splu la umts for the Iom-101ag Lemls of V p ITY A. K. T4~~ ru. P. kftf I or.. 6 pp. EM8100 Y'=f 12 Ak Nauk SM.. Bewdya nzo Vol so go 3.137-3.142 pp. CTT Sol SGP 63 6yr IwrW,-tIoa of -Tr3miUcas In the 09(pps IN 'R t Rea"i=, by A. K. rAter, 1. 1. tziyubovsky, I 21 yr. MAI", pw, Mr. Via. Z.. Vol 6, !961, pp 3313-332 - P911.3b73b7 AM-ML-TR.lTp V~Perj A, sai-awleftr sat a Techmi0a 'Doe 67 16. Ae-ctrcxi t~e=-a witi-i ;-nor~i" o.-; 2" x .Ii itr t x' orL-cut5 %xi 'Lics ",tatoriw.., ol" -47 vitit ait-ts't awri, Ity A, ,a vailtor aw: riot 9 Into-maticual Cc" 65m cr co i Ii, Investigation of the Low-Lying Level!: of c133 by Means of the s32(p,y)cl33 Reaction, by A. X. Val'ter, V. Yu. Gonchar, A. 11. L'vov, S. P. TsytkQf T 4 PP. RUSSIJUi, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Fiz, Vol XXIII, No 7, 1959, pp 835-838- Columbia Tech Sci oct 6o .11 i f - ,- as I if A. F- UP0041 We , 11~17f swo IILU 1 A m ;, I -- - landlia *a M-- I -=r, - "S4 - -- 'It' ad & To* A Study of the Reaction of He3 With Deuterons, by A. P. Klywharev., B. X. Seellson, A- K. Vallter, 3 PP. RMSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSRO Pbys Sec., V4 C3XO No 4, Jul-Aug 1956,p PY 737- Amer Inat of Pbys Sov Pbars "noklady" Vol Ij No 4 801 - Pbys Aug 57 z 4-0 me 009 (i;i 0v J6 3r. ul"WIP 1, 1, -a-me gig, To A* xwmvow# To A* IMM16 ImInk 'PO ~ FAVM Rk IMMI&P Ad Ov g % W w 3w"L #m 0 MR.1,79 A. K. Valter ftg 67 LOA4REQUDa VIM)CM %ATH A LIQUIlD 3LI841C KMv BY V. V. MKUIT14 $. YE. VALTERISO I PP. nimms, Pop umiTm Tm., No 6s, i,96ip 18-M. ISA scl FEB 62 183,0%6 A M%W of h1ft6S9YAA# CL91ris Mid ftOdDc- UGO bys"b" ftvmat&uea an mal""So by J. Loopolds Z, Vultre CUCHO Pat"% NO 970292, IN Apr IM, CUSTI TI-64%IUO Jul Stimulating FXfoct of Removal of Continuous Light 3timulus -)n Rhythmic Activity of N09 Eye, by V, B. . V.alltsevq 0~ IRMIAN, perp Dok Ak Ina MR,, Vol CXXXV,, No ~j 1961P PP- 493-496- AIM sci 1w1;7, vjp~z 3ept 61 R-c-activity Nochanisms of the i4ves of a Mythaic liloctrorotinovran During the Aftoroffact of a 11 Continuous Litht, by V. B. Valltsov, 10 pp. por, Uiofizila. Vol IX, 'Io 4, 1964, po 497,499. MRS 27785 Sci-pilys Jan 65 272t370 (NY-6355/3) ft Distribution of the R=-Bartb a M nte in the Wdrolysis of AUap OC ftir Wdev With Mm"nium Thioeymate, by V. M Valltsev.. Ye * D. OzlwbviU.. 10 pp. MWIM, per, Iz Sibirskogo Otdel Ak Rauk SWRJ 30 6, 1960s PP 59449 im =41 747 Sci - Chm sep 61 nw a4aff of nowmag 0t Wnpum &A thwdm 1=0utw We IV 09Y0 %I*Uwfso Rusams Ywo Affid"W.", , 11 " a 19530- 61-706 CFNTI TT id/Api i%y 68 356#701 Work on the Compilation of an International Qlossw7 of Petrology., by I. B. yaltzi 1. 3. Volkova. KUWW, per, Is Ak Nauk MR., Ber G*olp No 7v 1960. NCB A.1951. Set - Geopbys A 4 s JP4 sep 61 Valwya. T. K. CHA=S IN SERUM FRaMINS UNDER 711B IN- F11JENCE OF ACM IN OC14 POISONING OF THE LIVER. JIMj[I6p)I2Wa FASEBManwwrlp m: S 434-2. Order from OTS, SLA. or R= $1.60 IT-63-24525 Tram. of Pl3dolo$cbuyl Zhurnal (USSR) 1%2. Y. 6. w 3, p. 622-629. (Abstraa available) DGWRIPTOM Mood promins, OAdreoacorticatropic horums. Liver drrboide, *Potoonhk& U- w, *Wbas tounadaorlde. Globulin. Gamma glok"" The serum promin chang" after ACM LnjeWcas [a rabWo with CCk lo*jcod Ilver damap was stuMed. blood sampWo were takim before and four bows after ACM Injection. bob In the cootrw and the OC14 pdnoW ulamal. Folloplag dW ACM Ugntions. dw (Blokocal Sdmm--rq~lc1W, Tr, Y. it, m 6) (Urar) Tr-63-2025 I Valum T. K. a:-FASSB- -434-2 M. Pederatics of Americas Sociales for Experim"MI Bloka, Washlopost. D. C. TV. E=Ipta Tockodca, Inc.. WaddapM D.C. *"me 61 - 2OD67 Valuiskil, B. V. BASIC PARMEMS OF SPRAY PROCESSING OF I.Valuiskil. B. V~ THE BLACK -AND- WHITE MOTION PICIVRE I'llM IN PHCrrOGRAPHIC SOLLMONS. [1061116p. 8 ref a. Order from OTS or SLA $1.60 61-20067 Trans. of Tekhnika Kino i Televidenlya (USSR) 1960, v. 4, no. 5, p. 44-51. DESCRU'TORS: 'Motion picutre film. Ph(Xogra*C film, Films, ProceRsing, SpraYs. Photographic materials, Diffusion. Experlments f;,ho%vcd that from a large number of hy- ~!, ;-i,w'. r,-t - occurrIng during the process- ing of the filini by spraying the photographIc wlmlons, two parameters are paramotmt in the Idnetica of processing: the rate of the spray discharge and the coefficient of covering. The effect of the rate of the (Materials- -Photographic, TT. v. 6. no. 12) (over) Offic.0 T-W-1 A 11cw 411Dthcc-I Q-~' -`--Oducing Stable I-Typartc-noion oF" a xaroGen!C ...atu= In DoCs,, V. A. Pnkov; T- A. By,~~,kn-v, Ve A. VaIW~) R. A. Vdxtbm=novj E. F. Mills, V. A. By,-hcv: 8 P-p. .7. 1. Prclcv, A. S. Yokin, A. N. Xhearinskiy, RUSSIO, ri~r, Lr,'Iddv 'Patologii) Vol Lv.) No 5, 19580 U',; JPRS Sci - I'scmucinc -4 Fab 59 Padlation Yeasuremente Daring the Flight of the SeconA Tana Rocket, by S. N. Vernav, A* Em Chudabov) ?a Vo VoLlukovp tie I. Logmch"p A. G. NicbDlaev., 9 pp. WSSUN., bkp Taln) gtnmlp Sputmiki Zmal., Ito 5,, 196o. PIW= Preas In CIA Lib Bei - Spam Has Jun 61