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AgpwtB of AM" Boa Waka iWiglOtim AtsoussWo by Astaw V&UM*s 7 pp. Fmmuhato pwo pa"Ata it Amout Val 7, an. wt 1470 2"t 30 Jm IW* 13 Jul IL937,o 30L th"I 1967. JPW 42W /t; T, L-11 67 340OX3 simiuaw" UAL w maim ftvo=cy* tW A. - -nfbf! 0 ZNMP jpr,,,Kuwrfa M's Vbl 163, jum lvq%# IV 5WX4. R)qt of *iVm ,,- (--cc k; ~, k~ i C .- I ~Zr W-M Oct 66 sumv =A too at ASCWWC A04 at ma Owa AMM MftrcW ftn,, bff A. 24 It. vm &W 36, me. imami vw, -$Oak JXW,. vu 0.1 - A W4 vp 7WVI* "IA at Cf. vct oat 66 lqic. Poi~th-fon~.c Aclldc, ly I. V. Yanitskiy, 1. 14. Va-Lanchunas, 16 pp. RUSSIAN, pvr, Zhur NeorGan Miim, Vo,. III, No 9, '95j, i)p 20.37-209j. AEC-t'--44-")'7 PL-43o lici .May 62 PST SPECIALIZATION OF FOUNDRIES IN THE INTEREST OF HIGHER WORK PRODUCTIVITY, BY ADOLF VALASEK, 11 PP. GOVERM,IENT USE ONILY CZECH, PER, SLEVARENSTVI, VOL X, 1,10 -., 1;62, b- / . PP 31 310 JPRS 154('.'~)- EEUR - CZECH ECO14 OCT '02 213,47o (DC- 5965) Gm-at Tasgz of the Foundriea in the Metal- lur--icvI Sector, by Adolf Valaaek_, 6 pp. OFMTAL WE O= C=I, per, Hutnik,, Vol X, No 5, 1960~ pp :>w-2o4. 118W Mw - CzechoslovWda q, Ij-y Econ Jar 62. I rzy -49,,-o) Czechoslwmk-DesiSed AU-Purpoaa for AgrIculturul Machinerj, by rmntlsek '43liatick, 5 pp. YOR O.FrICIAL VU OW CZSCHO per, Tocbnioky Wgazinj 110 T, 1960, pp 416-4ig. INS 72B0 r uZur - Czechoalovskia C 0 In MIX, I I v I ~60.-Aft- , -Daft ow MNU" IN m w"m w" law W* W TL L FOKO. WAN06.1 INK, $Mir om spo INUMFW-lw Sp 4a ift aft I t V I, C N. ~p I 1. ou .0 CM AtQ 63 jin in!3tallatior for the Production of Antitloticaj by Ya. R. Valashek, $.P. Sairenskiy. RUSSIAN, per, Vetariaariyu, Vol YMCM, No 12, DC-c 19'60, 79 59-61. 9== USDA Mom'. Econ Aue 61 Brief Coimaunications -High Alumina Facies of Seconclary G.uartzites in the Central Fange of Kamchatim, by ~a_~Solv) G. M. ) and M. M1. VasilevsUY., 7 PP- 1RUSSIA-11,, per, Geokhim, NO 71 1961- Geochem Soc Sci oct 62 2161305 Very Low Reactivity Measurement by Pseudo-Random Source Excitation, by T. E. Stern, J. Valat.,, et al. 16 pp. FRENOI, per, Bulletin d'Informations Scientifiques at Techniques, No 61, 1962s pp 123-138, AEC-tr-S897 SCI-Nuc Sci '~O Sep 63 j / ;)_ 7lie geology and oil-gas Prospects of Easteni Kopetdag, by,�. P.Vallbe, Yu. G. Kirlyanov, 5 pp. WSSIAN, per, Geolog Nafti i Gaza, Vol IV, No 4-A, 1960 RRG Sci 2133,627 $01/01 Ser, 6'"' Bi7rplytnS Air Thmugh Wpm into SWt icilw.. by a. sa.!i!.1bars, H. P. Kom, 6 ope Rww.~ bi= per,, Twomat.. WrIbec 1956S -q? a-12. comaltante Btuvau scl - Bag j-,jj ?el Dee 57 P.ement lndt~atry of the Poliah National 'Republic, by G. S. Valb-crj~., ', pp. RUSSI", per., Tsement, No Le, 1957, P 30. Consultants Bureau Sci - Fngineering Jul 58 6 4~ f S -Z// ClInw Burning of Portland Cement.. I I - ? 1111 With Q"en- Enriched Air; by Tu. a . Lur e j G 6 S. Val 'barg, 29 yp. RUSSIAN, per, Kielmma) Vol IV.* No 4, 1947, py 14- 26. sai TXSM center Scientific Deering Doe CTS/M TT-65-13465 Field 7C VRIcavi. U. Campanella, G.; Paotnt. N. PYRAZOLE DERIVATIVES OF TETRACYCLINE AND Title: National I: , CHLORTETRACYCLINE (Mrazol Derivatt della TetracLc- U T Ile: Swiss ... ticks e Clorotetractclina). 20p, 13refs. Order from SLA: $1.60 as TT-65-13465 Tra". of Gazzetta Chimica, itall"a, v93 o7 p916-18 1963. Paper presented at the National Congress of Chemistry (no. 9) held Jotntly with the meeting of the Swiss Chemical Society, Naples, 27 May - 2 June 62. Mli 656 Titration In Nonaqueous Solutions- 5.* More Oxidimetric Titrations in Glacial Acetic Acid# by 0. Tomicek and J. Valcba. UNCLASSMED CZECH,, per$ Chem Listy k4 Vol XLIV.9 19500 pp 283-291 AEC Tr 1821 Scientific - Chemistry April 54 oTs/bu //, 'FL13 2w Utilimtlon of Pundiald-card Calculat~,- Machinezz for 6tandm*d Accounting Pmpo5c~;, by T. VvIchak. Rtkk;=: bk, a-Imponie Sclx-tnD-~D-eribxut6lORmUi linzidn Pri Iformtivmm Uchateo 1963, pp 310. lu RVU 31431 (On Loan) -jmnmls IN I 1 1,011 pwins"do"ad - - --,- O&jlwl I As I IJIFM 11. # to^ I 19WIP". am ww" X&M Scizgi= of Motala in bictIon and the Strergth of Steel Under %peated Altern&ArA lcads~ by D. A. Draigor, G. 1. Vallchuk, MMUR., bk, Pwphenie Tzmaostoikosti Detalai Mashin, No 22, 1956, Ipp 931-99. M-34& SCI - min/~bt A-;r 62 ISF-1323,~ Hygienic Characteristics of Noise at 6%3ar Refinories, by N. K. Vallahukt '? pp, MJ%5T"t P~r, Gig i Saup wo 9,, 1960, PP 103-106. JPRS 4371 Sai - Vied mar 61 / ll~ /,~ Y j Difficulities and Brivra in RmUne Wthods for the Tmeing of Pathological Sugar Excretion in the Uvinej, by Z*Valdm. OEM$ Belglach Mdm!Kift voor Geme kun&, Vol.20., pp.004-allp 19b4. su-TT-66-i1628 -,k, ~a- , /,u, j- Aug 66 309P331 "... 1-1 f tie ArA34%w fae Nautml I-artiol"t ty F. P. FRELCHO rpto Comdmarlat a Yontoray-awr-?49". Seim* CLA-FC-.2550 Am 1964~ 15 V,* DAection of PA-..t Valobt. IfMaSle Atociquat ?mme, &OPWt FI-TS, pp. *IASh TT IF-11*458 c ,,.ci/Eoa sci .;~r 68 (DC-5939) Prospects for Liquid Fuel Production and Petro- chemical Development) by B, )%jd&aL.V. Vicha) 4 pp, PMTISH) per, Chemik) V-1 XIII.. No 2) 1960, pp 59 -61. JPRS'8523 REur - Poland Econ A jul 61 Plaosphom camtsiaLms Pely"to" Nlysuides of Alloatic Series# by Missim, rots 3"=ik stat" Getagat=Y0 &!AOwqlvk5k7; ' ,FZZO lip 76-80, PIWM#667 FU fiT "-lit scl-Mlys tiar 67 3200765 Effect of AbjInazin on the Ascending and Desceading Functions of the Reticular Formation, by A._YA- Valldman 9 pp. RUSSUN, per, Fiziol. Zhur SSW imeni 1. M. Sechenova, Vol XLVII, No 7; 1961. Elsevier Pub Co Sci oct 62 213,9i-;5 On the Solution and Characteristic Exponents of Solutions of Sme Systems of Linear Mfferantiall ~~mtions With Periodic Coefficients, by K. 0. Valeyev. 2b pp. RUSSIM, per., Prik Matemat i Mekh., Vol XM) No 4) 1960.. pp 585-602. Pp Bel 15- 2- jun 61 (SP-185T/6) Developmat of the Industry of Faelo and Chadcal Procesaing of Petraem M*il the Year 1980, by B. Valftuf., 3 PP. CM, yer.. Rqp& a ULUe: Vol III, No 2, 1961) pp 33-34. JPRS 48" Elar - Ctedhoelovskia 6 Z*on On the iicat L~ecozmmaition of Organic Matter in -~Ntordan Oil .10'Aales, by R. Valdek. RUSSIA;i, pttr, Izvestiya Akademii Ilauk :.*tonskoi ~,SR, Seriya Fizikomatemat jes- U'UIFFTW-h-~Tai-eskikh Nauk, Vol. lO-,n6-.--2 CF,)TI TT 68-50608 7 (1, 401,343 'R -Z/,ucut,' ftvpbvo fty 68 the abompWtion't Hftt ot the Growdo ftttmr~/g or Astodu ou walst tv as Y&U*l au-mws pme Am Aill"I Mk WqR- R4&41*A~*A~6411"kj 4 F~mu- wm --- �Mk. VOIL Lot No 20 1961# pp 155-16% iarah TT WON Ma 68 a ?4r'~.-Ioular Claws of la~,cgreil Bquaticr.!., ',.)y C"antig Compute"j, by Yu. S. V*I'dohhk?rg, 6 P. RWSLIB~ P-.,r7 Ya ",:;-L, IX 00, 1958~ pp 725-r30. lwt-m Sce of Amer 60 61 - 172N I Valderiz.-o, F. ind Calvi, P. L. TffF_V_AP_A_W,'M P IIEFFATRIEW., (WrioN MC7117) (C7'18)1+- 119631 If. C Ilvi. P. L. I. 2p. III. K-11-12SS9 Order from K-11 IL2. 00 K-H 12584 IV. Kresge-Hooker Scltm,:c Ubr~;ry Ass,,cL tes, Trans. of Li Chimic., e I'Industria (Italy) 1962. Y. 4 t Detroit, Mich. Ing. I I I p, 1217 -1219. Another tr-ins. is ivailable from CTS(Chem) 'W. (0 subsequent copies S1.60/ea. as M.(Chem)-319, JaW, 2400 words. DF_1X'A'T0RS: O.Metdorganic compounds. Cctnplex compoundii, *Virodiumcompounds, *Cycloheptatriene dertvative6. SynthesLfk(Chemiary). tons. (Chemistry--Org.-nic, TT, v. 10, no. 1) cd hchwal 3vOcei (FDD 24172) Organizationalleport Presented to the Plemm of the Central Co=ittee of the Mexican Cc=mi t Party., 29-31 October 194,98, by J. value) 43 SPAN=,q photostatso lufam do Orpui=Um PriseutiAo al Pleno DU, M 29p 30 y a do 1949 pp I-ft. crA/rw/u-6957 4jZ 4v ( 7/ IA - Mexico Pol - Mexim coumniet party MI 67/Apr 55 ITALIAN COI-VUHIST PARTY PREPARES FOR TEIJH CONGRESS, 13Y VERA VALDEX ANTONIO LA PENIA, ET AL, 8 pp. ITALIAN, NP, L'UNITA, 1,10 3ul, 14 140V 1"02, P 11. JPR5 IU510 WEUR - ITALY PUL , DEC 62 210')i31 (NY-2,90D/15) Electrically F).ised Ceinf-nts, by V. Vladimirov, - ) pp. 1 - 0 ArSSIAN, no, Stroitel Gazeta, 19 Jun 19'0, P 3. TPRS 5110r, LESR Econ - Construction Aur , .0 -ottine - Spectra of Pi , --d!,,-46 With Differemt pli, by, LI Chjinf4o, 22 nn, PUSSIM, rnr,, Biofitika,, Vol VI-Ij, 19.6Z., 270-2810 Navy Tr 3633/NYS 821 Sci ~ Miol & ftd Doe 63 Derk and Liebt Tobaccoo In Spain. 1. Trlt Tnbrv:co Plant, Conditions In the Spomfoh Tobiu~-ro Dimtricts; by F. Montero and 0. Valdivia# 22 pp. SPANWEp manuscript, P 38. SIA 57-2948 Sci Aug 55 7/ 1 Conditioned Blinking Reflex in Goat8) by M. YI. Valdma 6 pp. IRUSSIM, mo per., Fiziol Zhur SSSR imeni 1. M. Sechenoval Vol MIIj go 4, 3=0 PP 358-363 Pergamon Press Sci - Med 6 dl ?/~O mar 58 Sovio fterults of Experimental Analysis of the in- faction Procass, by A. A. Valldban, 36 ppp. t A PWSSIM~ Us Opyt cksperimentallnogo Analiza Infektslotmogo protessossa, Vp 3-20, 184-06, 197-203. HILS 27599 Jan (is --72,065 (DC-48") The Plenum On the Question of Using Antibiotico In Aninal Husbandry, by A. VaIldran, 6 pp. WSSIU, per., la Ak Nauk latviygkoy SSR, No 6 (155).. 1960t pp 3-99-202. JM 6502 Sci - Biol jan 61 I S;7 tl -28231 val,dinall. ~, V ,rm OF ANAI.GV-S[C-S ON THE DH- I. Vul'dritAn, A V. SCEMING RETRI'LAR INHIBITORY SYSTEW OV 11. Trar-howns, Ncw Y. r~ rllF RHAII, Sl FS1 [10H] 1101P 0.,Ici 1 r w_ k IFS of Sl -A S 1. 10 21Q). i I I tang : ! t!,..! fwa or, the PtharinaCOI(Pg~ 0I !hv of thv Ccrebrurn. Lowngiid. 19 ~.,, inhibitiOn ol Ific knee Ic k pr, 10, 1 If L'Ill di 'irLJl)LJUllOTl Jt dlitVIVIlt ICYCI, ''I 'If t1w bi-am I h, .f duling high tic- ItIMU1,1! 1,111, Wd -Ahell an 111111b1tor) Alcl cft~ CT I, ;1T,11MUll, Cd 111c MOCII.M.31M Of .1naijC~-.1: S'l'.11"!, physlolOgy, 1-1, V. t, LIO 1'-,) .4 Phumacologftd PUmucb In HiSh-Maloods /) /I Andeugulants by N. V. ParyaysvakiLM (. cr,- Al Ve 3~~ a pp. RU&91AN pff Full" i Taks", Vol X),Vlno No 3, 1~4. ;; 331-334. JPRS 26645 scl - ulem Nov 64 269.551 The Weet of AnsUesies on a motor-Defense Conditioned Reflex Inhibited in Mice With Inflamation, of the Internal Organs., by A. V. Valdmm,, 6 ppe Hmr") part ftrmakol I T0iw-Sko3,, Vol XX, No 61 lm? YP 3-8- Bureau Scl - Mod ftg 58 71 IrIlibitiou of a condl.Uomd Rcrj~ax, b,~ zhu'r 2~-3Z i--cci 1. ~.-coh,-,riuva, Val avit No 4; 19,60, Lability of Spinal Reflex Centres~ by A. V. Valldmans 6 rp. RUSSIANo perl Fiz Zhur SSM imai I. M. Secbe- nova, Vol XLIII, So 6p 19571 pp 469-497. Pergawn Iastitute Sci - Mad May 58 6 q" 6,116 Electrolytic Production of Lithium-calcium Alloys, by G. Valldmn,. 18 pp. MESIANp per, VAtaUurg.j Vol XII,, Uo 8,, 1937., pp 85-92. Sci Tr Conter ?J-779 Scientific - Chemistry / L~/ ~ & 0 CONTINUOUS THERMOGRAPHY AND THE TKKHERMOGRAPHY AND THE THERMOGRAPH, BY V. A. VALIMNj 6 pp. RUSSIAN: BKo VOPROSY PATOLOGII KROVI I KROVOKKOBRASHCHENIYA, LENINGRAD, ig6i, PP 27-32. JPRS 15694 SCI-MED OCT 62 215,o64 on the in Ocatc, by V. A. Valldman, Fiziol 'LilLix .4~~ ilaoull I. A. pp USSR/Sci/Che~Autrlcatin& Oils The Effect of the Preliminary Thermal Tres"Iment on the Low.~'Tempersture Properties of Lubricating Oilc, by V. L. Valdvmn~ -A~~ III4.-ot7 . RTUSSI.A'~, per, Kolloid Zhur, Vol IX, No 6, 1 q*",, L MC V.; USSR/Sol/ChomAubricante//L*w Temperature Properties Coolin& Rate and the Low-Temperature Properties of Lubri- onat6, by V. Lo Valdman, 9 ppe UNCLUSIFIED RUSSIANiv AMC F-TS-7030-RE C June CTS T*h* Queotion of the Nature of nov of Stnictured Syat..-ms# by V. L. Valdmn, 12 pp. Full troaslation. WJSSIWp Xollold Pmrp 1951.. Vol 13, No 5, pp 327-332. rk-A hm Llb No 52/32% Scientific - Pbysics 2 27 Deccmber 1952 r,'vuqn=ison ef Rotary and Capillary Viscometero., for DAermining Vinow Fmporties of Lubricating Oils c." Lou Temperatures) by V. L. Valldman,, A..M. yonim, 6 pp. i'~USSMp per, Zqvod Lpb; Vol XV, No 59 1949, 54-1-549. mA/VDD/x-l274 0 cientific - Physics i u'.~',3 IDEX Influence of the Chemica Coupwition of Ms on WitectivenanG oZ tlao Action of Deprescant Aaditiveop, by Vs L. VeJd=n, 5 pp. biw per., KoUoid Zhur., Vol XVO ro 11 pp 6-10. Consult&ita Bureau ic - C*=-,' stry CTS/= The Effect of Oxidation Producte on the Viscous Propertlemlof lAbricants at Low Teaperatures,, by V. L. Vaidmat 8 pp. RMIAN, per, Kollold Zhur,, Vol XI,, No 1; 1949.)* 1-7. Scientific - pluels CTS/DEX 404*- A24t ?-TS-7024.RLP 1) Also Assoc Tech Serv pj-8 44413 Linc-.:,.- 1,lectro-I 'ccelerator Ilev, b--, 0. A. Vall(bi,:v, T)"T' 2-,-27- 0-,crat-ln~, at an I.. 20 320 '-l-ajura---zt of Phwq,~, Velocity Irt r- L U - tlnvnguidc~ b~, 0. A. Valldnerv R. F. Sc"-aL". 4 pp- RLVJSLkIL, per, Pribory i Tekh Eksper,, lio 4; 1958, pp 19-21. Instru Soo of Auer sai // ~" e /1~ Apr 60 Y I of a HI& Owatem swumm Doeou SNP hr a iww of 145 to 30 *c/o* by H. Va JAQMC~ R. aftwo, MWXj pars, F=%wu.* Vol W* lb 10,o 2961m, pp 3-3-1. m? 50 Sal - nea Aug 63 4j-? a ilu~'itk;ncy UjaclitXI.Ce, wt, I V; - ;I ~ . IS S, fPct3 of radiopr&.ective substancon ui.o,; M scherichia Coh irmdiated in oxypan-f~ a,,~ r'-dir-my by E. i)p. per, Mdiobioiot~iya, Vol Ii,3 1962t PP 317-321, 92.O&Z71 A:-;C-Tr-54Z-,o sci jun 63 rT-46-14SU Field 20B. 24JF Kik.9.-r- M baUMAMN FOR CCIAMM KCI-A& CRYWAL.5 BT X-RAY& Up. 30refL (kd- ft- M-A- UM &A TT-415-MU T- Ot AWN&-R*FK Kuk EM=obd MIIL balad r4mm I ABU-iom%14. TVWV. TM P93-41.0 196C MR 690 Low Temperature Thermal Reduction of Zirconium Tetrachloride With Alkali Metala, by ZOW Tatweek, 4 pp. CZWE, per, J~Aerna Snergie, Val VM, 1962, p 21. 9200M ABC-tr-5363 S-cL Doc 62 ,/7 /"- I /'. / /'t.- Welding Twhniqae for ELantics Suwting, IV Re ValocKa. OEM# psr, staffoo VC1 50,9 1960v pp 5PO-593. NTC 71-13871-13H Feb 72 Culture of Actinomycetas No ill Act. Luridus Nov. an., Which Forms the Anti-Virus Antibiotic "Luridin", by A. A. Xmill'alkov,, A. I. Koranyokos M. H. Jbksica, L. K. Valedims 1. H. veseloyt 12 pp. USCLASSIFIED RUSSIAN# b1mo per, Mikrobiologiy*, Vol Xr;lj, No 5, moscov, 1957, pp 558-56h- US JM/NY-L-18 Sci - Ned YAr 58 (FIDD C~4-523) .~,'tudjy ~'f Biomycin, L~~' Z. V. 1. j-2!,Lici,.. Yt!. K. Berezina. L. K. 1.:. A. L. K. Rubt:~ovu RUJiLiN, br,., Biir.itsin, I-IjLsc-)i,,, ci;i/"Fr)D T.- Jan Deteraination of the Optical Constants of Weakly Absorbing Thin Films, by A. S. Valeev, S pp. RUSSIAN, per, Optika i Spektro, Vol XV, No 4, 1963, PP 500-S11. OSA Sci Jan 64 1 63-1970 llwtu K. G. CEMIN GASES OF THE INTEGRABILYN OF THE 1. Vakwv. K. G. EQUATIONS OF MOTION OF THE MATERIAL POINT UNDER THE AMON OF THE NEWONIAN FORCE AND ADDITIONAL PERTURRATION FORCES. (19631 [10p) 3rds Order from OTS or SLA $ 1. 10 63-18712 Trans. ef 11ri'darboya MatenwAiks I Mekhaniks (USSR) 1963, Y. 27. no. 2, p. 211-217. DESCR[FrORS: *Equatlons of wation. *CekaW 43 1) mecbanice. *Gravity. *Perturbation dwary, Dif- ferential equatiou, Mathematleml analysis, Olutegration. Certain spedal cases o(tbe problem are discmed. (Mathematics. TT. v. 10. no. 10) Norge of lechicd smim On the Stability of the Solutions of a System of Two First-Order Linear Differmential Equations With Pxeriodic Coefficients for the Resonance Care., by K. G. Valeev, 5 PP- RUSSLAII., per, Prik Matemat i Mekh., Vol XXV, iio 4, 1961. Pergamon Press Sci jul 64 263,696 SEWT (Dc-447). Problems of Social Security in People's Democratic Czechoslovakia) by Bohumll Valek 8 pp. CZECH, per, FInance a Uver, so 5) ig6o, PP 3o4-309- JPRS 3889 Mar - Czechoslovakia Econ, Soc Sep 60 IC32 ~, a S;rl AutxmdlM or Drying Of awm P*Xft in Tunnel- TM?e Dryw, by V. S. ftxchwxtwvj, ZZ F. G. ValedbwWr, 5 ppe NAMMO per, Opoupory, No 5-6.. Pby-jun 1961. Acta NotaUuMica sei Us frod"U" of Aish-my IWSIW id A"Ui&o OY I- St"o M. ft!=Cak. QLXKM~, Pat& StAl UNO Vol 944, Way 21, IM,p P,? DISI 47" >~ /, ~,, e / 0 ~) sd~w Joke " W2*SL2 *0 , Ak --- .- p VIO.P W--- -A lmjmt2!.!ft&. . vaiummmlFw I --- qwpwb'~* ow waoxw ow9owmm - 1*4 OAMOL U., A wift al F Lk-Toomm" Pd ift 0 L C. uad L - bot aw L.U t:; 71, lc.,n~.-ta , T~ p T'o to Denp 0-5 3. -95 9 D,7,7it of St% L.-I o Virolo.,ric investigations for Protective Ore-I Inoc Ljjat4 Ion Against Poliow)ie-L'Us 'Lu West Berlin in 1960, by H. Leanartz, L. Valenciano, 11 pp, wid 6 Atch. GERMAN, per LXXXVI, No 32, 11 Aug 11,)b1j. Pij 1497-1503. 14T-1i SrJ - Med 01-3DW -YAbohm N. A. OWA CLASS OF COWEATE ORMHOM"L 1. VWm*mo. IL A. SY9rMJS (0b O&OM KUM ftbft DMOMMIeft sesom). 119611140b~. Order hm SIA $& 60 01-3m Tru& of Wleds of the Amdmy dSdomm &M Ans Im6c] 1967. v. 11. p. 363-M DascRWTORL *GnMp (Mbdomadco. Alpbnk wpaoa *Fouiw simalpia. %stime. lpdd (bb&mmw&&. Tr. v. 10. 1& 7) SON d %d*d %rdW 'I~ac I'All-dd 'I't7an-mi3sion ol' Electriend 'AcIlLis Ov,-~r a '"I'all-lol (Part II), I'l:; MMS ceolGe3 35 qT, "er, "-,InLlles des, T"'Icco=a~,,icatic.-,3, Vol SPECIAL- c t L..,) Si,ace Cmm=ications with Pultivie Pelays, b)- //~ C. Valensi. FfOxil, per. Anales des Telecommnications, Vol 18t -~o 3-49 19630 lip, 60-71. "M 69 -13-000-1711 ll~~Il. sci-IJav Sept 69 3920797 63 -1 rY)26 _!gjeIdL-G..- NEW APPLICATION OF TtiF THFORY OF OXIDATION 1. Valenst, G. OF METAUS HAVING TWO OXIDFS. 119621 8p. (tables formulae [refs. I omitted). Order from SLA $ 1. 10 63-1002f, Trans. of Revue de M64allurgie (France) 1948 [v. 45, no. 71 p. 205-210. DFSCRIPMRS-. *Oxides, Metals, 'Oxidation, Theorv, nerinodynannics. *Metallic compounds. Qvietallurgy, 1-T, v. 9. no. 10) NASA TT F-55 National Aeronautics and Space Administration. RESPONSE OF A HELICOPTER ROTOR TO AN IN- CREASE IN COLLECTIVE PITCH FOR THE CASE OF VERTICAL FLIGHT. (Rispoftoe d'un rotor d'helicopt~re a one augmentation du pas g;r;ral dans 1e cas du vol vertical.) Jean Rebont, Jacques Valensi, and Jean Soulez-LarivfZre. January 1961. 1U-p7-VrS price, $0.50. (NASA TECHNICAL TRANSLATION F-55. Transla- tion from Technique et Science Aeronautiques. no. 3, May-June 1959, p. 177-183 (France)) 1. Rebont, Jean 13. Valenst, Jacques M. Soulez-Wivi4e, Jean TV. NASA TT F-55 V. Technique et Science AeronauUques, no. 3, May-June 1959, p. 177-183 (France) (Initial NASA distribution: 3, Aircraft; 3B, Propulsion systems, alr-jet. I A theoretical analysts, considering unsteady effects, shows that the ri,gponse to collective pItch while In desci-ndiT19 flight Is largely dependent upon the r"pidity of control application. Experimen.Al tests coidirm the theoretical results. NASA at Co-Ordiration of Vetboil-, Reactiom of the T~~ 01.6 13 SOLn) C, by V. Valeml. mr, Jourml CQhim S, pp 489-5~05. Dorkan HM Prop Co Ltd (Cr.s/T.693) Ch-m j,ul 6,2 :t;jnZ 4-- 'by S. lc~IL'Chtoxj Gi I" OC--"Z UJCL. dj. ""LLr i=,Onil; O-J-' ~w,IA~LW Z.QIUti(A.-' Uf Le.4ts a;x~. iciu,; ir: Utij resuce uf Gliculic 4f--~ck. anu c-f ICX- I in Iij -&t #, J.;,, IValenta. !)9,r !!)22,, E, Valenta rue 4 L;:3 uy