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The Isli;ylation of Phenol by Acetylene In Aqlzc-mlz Solu- ticata, by V. L. Vaiaer, 6 pp. RLOSSIAN,, thrice-mo parp Dok A Nauk Wsli# Vol C11I,, 10 5# 1955s PP 839-E41- SO Tr Ctr BT-3443 Scientific - Cbecdetry 3 -~ ~/ (0 toy 56 CTS/dex The Catalytic Crecking of Ethylidenediisopropylben- zene, by V. L. Valser, V. D. Ryabov,, B. 1. n7vtievp 8 9P.- RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Sauk SSSR, Vol Cm, pp 655- 658, 1957. BIA R-1648 Sci - Cbem Aug 58 7vj .5-7~' The Alkylation Of benzenep XyleDO., and Butylbenzene vith Acetylene (Abstract)p by V. L. Vai"ro 1 P. Russia.. thrice-mo pers Dok Ak Sauk &SM., Vol XCI, 1953, W 535-538. SU Tr RA2 0 3,~~ Sci -- Chemistry SeP 57 Productim off M Nmotb3rls~*-rene rix-Am P, P-ditoXyloth=., * V. L. Vaierv; V. D. PiXoov; sh. f3otoliw~ 9 pp" =810., tbAce-so par; Dok Ak Nau% GGM.7 Vol cVj., lqo -20 19%.. pp =-2v~. Sai Tr Center PM-3967 Sel - Mom' try Sep 56 cm/am Alkylation of Naft-i Ortho-, aad Pam-Cresolo vith AwMpwfl~ V. L. Uiftr -md A. L POMILTWMI 4! pg. k ;;t RMW# ftloo-W yu.. D* Ak ftuk MR., Vol cm, Iro 3, PP 40-472o ommlt=U Bansu Sol . cbmset37 -~, 3 j ;71/- am 57 m I/ Uydrogezuktion or .9om Uneyvmtrical Dioxylothan": by A. V. ToMb vp V. _L. Valser, 4 pp. - ye iWaSVII. per, Doi. Ak Nauk -18S?. Vol 11"'Z(17- i~o 1958, pp CB Sel - Chem 0c /'o a "q Alkylation of S= Aromtic PATOCaTbarm and Wdroi;y- Compounds With Acetylenes ucitg a bo*roi,. Catalysto by V. L. Ultier,,. 8 pp 60~ -- RUSSM Dok Ak Uuk,.EFR i ~jb '38P _..j Vo_lol,(4)j 1950~1 pr 6=:K; "Vol -14)(1)p m 57-59t 499t*. A S,r-; 61-20927 V, L. Cil _SC),V2 AROMATIC HYMOXY 1. Vat6er. V. L. CC: W1711 AC~~TAYLENZ IN TIM PRZS- U. ATS RI-357 GIF A CATALYST ME'.0 ON D01,0" TAM- C (196116P. 7 'r om cr-'S Cr S LA $ 1. 10 c,.' A' '-- ~ya NaLk ESS )A. DckWy, 19SO, V. 7.'., r.~j. 1. p. 57-~"). ' tra;,,zi. la avallab e 1rom ATS as RI-3,57. lly'!Twadcm. 11-umols, *'CLCsGrrAZM OQL~nxea. OAUyl radicals. c=pc4_-,ds, Fluorides. CiLuly9te, D'emIcAl reaclions. (Chc,m1xr,- -Organic, 7T, Y. 7. no. 7) The AllUlation of Toluene =4 Dlixopro Abaco- 'r~n c IfIth Acetylene, by V. L.' Valaerp 9 pl-)'~ Russia,, tbrice-mo per# Dok Ak Wauk M-3a, Vol L=VIIj, go h;, 3.9522, pp 593-595. Bel Tr Center HT-*3 3 7. gli 6 Sci - Chmistry Aug 19% irno Alkylation of LtIVIbeenmme With Acet;rlcnoo by Ve Lo Voiser# Ae Ms PolikerPovep 5 wj RMIKT, thrioe-m per$ Dok Al,., lauk. MM,,, V-1 MM., Bo 1. 1952,j pp 85-W. Sci Tr Ctr AT-3402 Scientific - Cbmiotry 917 Ift 56 CTS/dex Ta* Effect of Adrenalln on Msts=tna YA&.abo2,izz.- in 5==' Conditiom and in Dicoazaa of -the Diancepbalong by L L Va-isfelld., A. D. Solavlyev, 4 pp. RwaL4N, por, wul ft-zpw Mol -0. wjp Vol 1.. 1;0 31 !960., rn w 62-66. CB my 61 in Sc 6 C-kaj oA" tha =d 11-aripheral Narvoue System.(3, bT I, llj~ Vaisfold, 5 pp. MMUDO b),ul Ewper Diol i ro-d) Vol XLI-~P) No 9,, 1957j. P-ij 47-51. Conmdtanw Bureau h3zi jui r"eatron Microscope Investigation of Moride and PI . hrmsphtte Opal Glasses By N, H,-- VAkvtAld, 9- Me Rabinovich PP.. 5 RUSSM, per, Zhur Prik Xhim, Vol XXV, ND 11 1962, pp 2393 - 2397 CB Oe 63 %I 9 2. 5 QI.aa,-qa3 of the 9a2O-ZnO-AI203-P20r Syvtam as a Basis 62-20327 OF 5-HYDROXYINDOLEACE- 1. Vaisfeld. L. I- TIC ACID IN CERTAIN NEUROPATHOLOGICAL CON. DIIJONS. [196216p. (figs. omitted) 20 refs. order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 62-20327 'rrans. of Voprozy hieslittiLnikot Khimil (USSR) 1961. v. 7, no. 3. p. 309 - 313. DESCRIFrORS: Urint~ E;Kcradors, Patholoi;y, "Wain, Muscles, *Lndoles, *Acetic acids, *Hydroxides. Doily (24) excretions of 5-hydroxyIndoleacetic acid in patients with lesions of the dlencephalus and with pre- dominantly vegetative-vascular symptomology range between 1. 3 and 7. 6 mg; while in patients with predom- inamiy nearo-taidocrinal disturbances the range is from 0. 0 to 9. 5 mg (where normal figures are 1. 7to7. 2 mg.) In myesthenic patients the output is lowered, the mean I (Biological Sciences --Pathology, 77, V. 9. M 9) (over) I ofto d 71do'C31 Unites Wehaagm or P=UMU LpU In 'ntro, by f C. taveditip 4. vaumn't u pp. MWR.. pwp %U Uldt Vol ==.* 105a YY 5&- M. MA 58-45 ftt Aug 59 py/ 16 6 Certain Stmins of Para-,11"Ubercle BsiciUi "Pura- mycobactorium Taberculosts" am Reputed to be- Aviralent. Are 'they ActumUy so? by C. Levadllti; A. Vaiamn P. levy) 8 pp. MM=H, par, Presse M,%-dp Vol LVIly go 61, Seep 19k9p pp 052-654- Sci - *4iciae Jon 58 COMWAWX ISURM MRUU= Gmuun ARW,UUNM Dispersive Iffects of ftelurouidase on Certain Ultraviruses, 4 P9. 11,11 lux C. R. Acad. Scl,, 228:W-hU,, 1949. X-6c4 lbtlonal Institutem of balth Betbesdox Wryland 46 use of UltrasourA for Produe"t Tinctum fr" Alkaloid =d Glimoside Plant Materials, by C. A. Vaisafts et Qs RUSSIAN, pers Pam Zhuzmal Val XVIII, No 4, 0639 pp 61-"* NIX XTS 3"s !~m LAM only 6ci-501 Jul 67 SMs602 aetcs~, th-Y-2437) CurTcrtt Prob2cm of Ir.-Igatlon In Molfiavia, by 1. Valaffan.. 6 Yp- RUAaW, par., Problamo Apicola., Vel U, wo i, im 1959, Bwabamstj pp 67-71. mm lm-w asw - Rumwsj& Eem - Apimatmm NO 59 7 Classification of '.uclear Magnetic Vloments, by 1. A. Vaiewn,, 4 pp. I luiSSUAN mo per, Zhur E"par i Tcoret Pi--, Vol =IIP No 2 (8;, 1957, pp 412-415, Amer imt of Phys Sov Phys-jBrj? Vol VI (33), No 2 Sci - Phys May 58 47 All Research in Im Exchuge Chrowtograptv Thee AV91ication of Ion Exchange AAsorbents in Pharma- ceutical AwAyaiap by 0. A. Uiswup V. N. YawpolakVap 7 pp. MIAHpAIsoledovamWa v Oblasti Ionoobmennoi Khrcmstogr%d~rj ~bscow# 1957.. pp. 171-178 Consultants Bureau Sci - Ned Jun 58 Dielect-riu of Condenser Paper, by I I", -, PIP ." 1 4 rrl"'n~ 4 :AIN R U S' --- ;?2r, 7--hur Tekh Fiz,, Vol Xnrl=, No Bp 3.959; c)6-1702. Amer 7=t of Pb,-s Sov Pbya -Tcch '11hy-s Vol In, NO sGi - phr. 59 P=bl= :)g 4=1- Vtriatim t". the Carst-ItAnn-ce Of a FLIe of Cuyiomltor Payer 'Wben It Is C=- prosscd,o b7 L D. Faiuorimm,. L. U. Vaimm 5 )3p. fl-*,SKAW.~ uto wr,. ZL-t,.r Tekb Fin~- Vol XM., No U., I M Pp 2493-249T. J~Mar lost Of Flqa ,;w 121p; Vol 11 so n ,~- -~- The Porm of Certain Thermodynamic runctions wA the Critical Velocity of Vot Vapor in the Presence of Coned Mae Boundariss.9 by M. D. Vaisn", 12 pp. RUSSUM, per& Zhur Te.'vh Fix,, Vol XV111, No 2,, 1958, PP 333-344 - Amer lust of Phys soy P4" - Tech MP Vol III, Wo 2 sci - Pbye Dog 58 Effect of Betaxitosterol on blood Lipoprotoin Fractions in Patients With Coronazy Atherosclerosis, by N. ~L vai -~ ~?UVS~Iso WN, Goorgievskaya, et al. 10 pp. R=IM, per, Terapevtiches~& Arkhivo Vol 35, No 119 1963, pp 64-68, SKA TT-64-19236 Jul 66 305,965 Optlmtn Speclac rmdlW an the HeatIM Surface of Vacuun Pans., by "I.L. Vaiumn. RMSrM,, per., SakbLrqo& EEq5Mhj2MLst. 1957j, yy 29. CSR-Co/ 1 /,~~ I. f- 4 ~ ~ M.-it, SCI - JulY 1967 334-385 Uprovewnts of the Preparation of VArtbyl. Substitifted Aromtic Dicarbcwillc Acidis a by A. S. Ardle., H. A. Bruson,,,A. A. Vaitek="O BMIM,, Patento 571.,73.81, filing date 7 Oct 57 AM-43L35F Sol AIV 60 /// e,3j" Vol M, Wo 2 Contribution to the Cbmalcal Study of Belgian T i _ktMn Uk pp. &%P00,97M., by L. VS FFM p pero:BUU Imt Ap4m wt Stat Reeberdws, Gemblou" Val vs ft-may 19%0 pp 215-296. STA Tr 776/M5 Bel - MGM J-O/ / ~5 Ad 57 VAlmadc-A. and Lzptn', L- 'nnz- Ex-r-HICT OF IUNTERAME ON IIIE- OXI- DAIION RATE OF ALMUNMI IN IVA7SR AND A",JE,CXJS SOUrn0jjS OF, NU~rMAL SALV~ MyMIC Temperstury na Skorost' OkisleWya AlrxnLr4ya v Vodc I Vodnyldi Putervarakh NeLtral*wikb Sold). 27 Avg 622 [161p. (foreign ten imcludw) 20 refs. Order frmn M or SLA $1. 60 62-IM7 Trazis. of Akadleffdys] Nauk Larv[Umkoi SSR. Rip]. b%-feadyal 1960, no. 5(154) p. P-96. 62 - 1890" 1. Vaivr4c, A. U. t-grin', L. DE-SCRVTDRS: *Alwnlnluxn, Oxkkdor6 Corrosim 00orrocAve licrAds, Water, Wts, OPomealum com- pounds. ("Alorldes. Saltsions, Temperature. Ilic oxidation rate of picklod (in 2. ON IICI solution) alun-Anium las been Investigated in disdUed water W Ln 0. 001 - 4. ON aqueous sWurlons or KCI under Btak (Metallurgy-Corrosion, Tr, v. 10. no. 1) (over) at Tn'mkol Srnxts of N-Aal- ir AJJI.'~,Jnlinc Goahittdws , by L, K. Unpin,, It. Ya. Vrd-rzidle, 3, ^ ..I 0 Zhttr Piz C Vol Y.Y'-ry. , ljo 955 OUR PRICE SYSTEM AS VIElWED BY FOREIGN TRADE, BY EMIL_Y~Jp~,~ PP. HUNGARIAN, PER, K LKERESKEDELEM, VOL V1, NO 9, SEP 1962, PP 2 1. JPRS 16976 EEUR - HUNGARY ECON , JAN 63 219,421 KZRKXWGRKM Absorption in Multi-Layer Iosulations, by Gy. Vajda. HMARTAVp N-m, Acta Technica.4 Vol XXxj., No 3/4., 196o. =-MJi66 Sci 1.4--. r 6 -0 /Y q1 e-5-6 vol Vill, 2:0 ~,, ACCOMT114 NO DIVISION OF' UM MM SKIALIsr Cmmus w -11K 1"As 13 PP. WWA#AIAN PMRS PV"Y 13 SIAWITtLi, VOIL Vil NO lot I;kv PF sfiloytt- 'm 1-106 EBB * MUNGUM cap - Fm 63 n1#531 (cso-6o28.R) InUrnatimal CasTarlaw of tha T*rw of 1rada by Dr. IM VaJdsj 8 PP. HUNGARXANp pq Ealkweakeftlamp Vol IVj No 5) 1960P Baftfttp PY 3-5- JrM 93(* 573-4g Jun 61 L60-7v SETZE (9Y-4063). The IntemUmw Trme Of the SmWist Cam.. by Iwo Vaga"We Jan= Rivas" 49 pp. RUNGOLU.. bk.. tkoxi Kereajodekem, MV 7o 1959P PP 243-264. - jM 5457 SM, - Ilungory 112Y, 411,411 Boon - Fomlp Traft oat 6o P-31/64 Socialist Foreign Traft) The CEM and Socialist International Division Of (Mapters III-VII), by HUNGARIM., bkj Szocialista 16111 reskedelem., A WIST ec a Szocialista Nemzetkozi Axnkameaustan, 1963., PP 53-3-73; 274-2T6. 0 -Z (0 awgury Econ. Jan 64 (DC-167P) Problems of Economic Coopera'61on Between the Oul- cialist 'Cotuitries., by Jozaef Rognar and Inre Vajda 301 PP - HUNGARIAN, mo per, KozgazdasagA Szemle. Vol 7, No 1, Budapest, Jan 195,9,; pp "-14--55. US JPFS/DC-L-10"' FEur Hungary Econ Blue cooperation D-cri~i:%t.f-rt P-caoxogmphle Titration of Own Eacas k, Axa-t'ic AxA-d in the lInsenc-o-, of by Villm Vajgand, TIlbar Feawrt, 3 pp. IL-mijeko- ao 6) i962.. pp 263-269. MS 62-n757/5-6 m.-Wo Scl - Chem .1= Vs I W-63-20M VstnL A. D-W%-TY OF AUMWM ELECMOLTM BMS 1. Wjvw A. ON ME BASIS OF FUSBD CRYOLrM 119631 [20p] I rd Order from SLA $1. 60 TTn63-2m Tram. of Allurn Inlo (lWy) 1954 Y. 19, p. 341 -5V. DgSCaWMRS-. *Cryolite, VuW nimtorklo. Electrolysis, Wurnistum ccx. pouo& ddn, Dwelty. (Manistry-PbysicaL 7T. v. 11. no. 4) 0MG0 of 7~6.ksl S.-k" The Classification of Cryolite Baths for Alm!r* Electrolysis by *&no of 7berwal Eguillbrium Diagrams and Hicrograpbic Anal"is, by A. 16 pp. ITALIAN, per,, Alluminio., Vol MI. 1952p pp 443. SIA Tr 765/1955 7 ,Cu-zcol:~,v ;'~,-~umistraUon of Conaum:x Coc:.-3 by 0 Va InG. A~ C 0, -Z'J por, Nova ~Ailrgovirxa, Jan 1960, -1 Dc 67 The r,.dmiv'.a-'Uration of Impcrt. c"P Ccmstime'r G00151 by F-ranjo Vajnotanglp 8 'Pp. CIFIRGATIO, per, You Trg-:mina, Val X-TY, NO 2, 1,961, pp 9.61 97. h8ur yug~siav:'.& F40n OCF Uw Facts About tAw limp lan Jjlt=n9p by L. VQjta WMNq so par# NMml und A ZoUap Val UP No 4p 1956o pp 233-e36. Tech wd Om 2r 47040 m3= - lbnp" #ej zo os-- Scomodc - 7=10 ftl - Pw1d Nov 56 CTS (t,JY- 10) ON THE REFOW OF TEH TRAINIHIP7 OF CHMI(AL C'EJ11HEERS IN HUNGARY AVID THE NNAND OF IAT)C,14A- ECONU11C PLANNING, BY LASZLO VAJTA) PP. HUII~-JARIAN) PE,R MAGYAR TUDOMANY, VOL VI) ~W I ~1) PP 35--300. JPRS 1L'14 EEUR WNGARY E,'-'0H HAR ")2 (FDD 25997) Current Problems of Mwgwyls Power liptuork, by A M Miklos VaJt&, 35 PP- MMGARIU, m0 perp SlektrotegbALM, Vol XLVII, Ito 8. Budapest) ftp 1954p W 25--266. BE= - Hungn7 CU/PM/U-7428 417 ~~01211 400 Soon - Electric pmer CTS 73/Oct 55 YAthodologic bdiestore in the ToroZatim of the FAdowl gwnmlc Man for 3,963,v by VI. VWMUMp L. ZVMMo at alp 12 pp. BMAARWj* pwo gLanM Stopowt" i statistUM2 so 6., ig6e., 3;9 sz.-m im 15M Mr- Bulowle a 1.2,1 Soon Oct 6e w"robaim of the wity Of Gloas by its ftysicasaw"em ftworti". LI As 2, vA&T4 KWIM, per'o ut"a zwm as. 70 1964s pp 3-W MLL M 2903 SCI-BO July 66 3040,Ug leebnlqm fm ~ YAGN=dj* IWA F1 DWLM ampimt1on Asatmt Manted Iftest" at RLSU Altltvdes, b7 N., A. ApQwdAn,,.IL L VWwrv 3 pp. RMIMP pwt Ilziol Zbw ~ Im", 1. W. sadmoms Val XLVZZ, 1b 6s 1961. xuwvlw m C6 sel oat 62 223#955 zag ftoomronsUm flosm MWhYO~m VA. of Pmvmt!041M- dbWf At Ro 'AmadsM YADMMVO Ip dwlU =a lb p" Vbv Pled Zbe X0 120 fio7s". &oWo py = im YnAk Under (,'~)nul` )A,,ins of n Tr- . (~374/22-9) Cbaups in Blood 03gFpu&tUe at High Altituden Dopeadim on Prtssure Sidt Nfectivemesp by M. Y. Vakarp 1. A. Apd2huMns, T. N. CbwWakovo Rmaux" Pat Vol! WIN aws No 59 M9. JMS 043 Sol Oct (50 , ~ Now Tectodc Cbart of dw Arctle, by ,i. Pe Adawvl, V,, Al..)NWO 4 PIP6 RUMMS part 0& " Nat* 6~ Val CLVI, No 6019649 lp IN-134L 9223M DRB Canads T 412 R Sd - Earth Scl & AStron Oct 68 266,M Ludulgito Frm Polar Yukutia., b3i V. A ~ Wka*t'~ E. V. Mipovicbr 1. 1. Bbsfranovskly RWSIAN,, per., Zapield Vuesoiumogo tfineralcgieh~ -i- hogo Obahchastva, Vol LXIII, 1934; PP 381-355. Dept of Interior M Geological Survey Deaver . Col j 3 6, 0 J-/ Oscillstions of the Shoreline, by V. A. Vakar 2 pp. R=IAN, per# Vses Arkt Inst., Vol Ls 1937s pp hl-l12. CIA/FDD/X-1731 Geographic - Scientific - Geophyaics Jul 55 CTS Rebbit vto-o-s t* ttk-.-vat-vini, ;m aj~-- If 4 tior, !7- %aria= -'Ovw-~'p 0"' tto ~'OILA&T 'a, Wum 171;~ ppe Malmo, 36 MMA* A iv The Variation of Plague BsciW (Strain Pasteurella. Peatis 10) in the Vhits Mmes by Akira Tate# 3 pp. RUBSUNp per, Zhur Mitrobiol Rpidexiol L Mmmobiolp Vol mmlip NO 320 1957p pp M-U6. perg"m lot Sci - Ned Jan 59 eq ict-noi3 lor Vie ftwultzscoo iv,~Btratl jt Vic, 63autj, by 'i. vakcllvu~'. 4 ;or, lit duwy zaLwI= 'ou 0~ 64J-650o ~JA;4j L77 (20-S) ocat Prim an *CA so" sawwwa iibful" lg IDO grant# so 6t BoMs *381 ,mamas Val "Mad IV low so= F* 59 The Part Played by Manganese in the Blectrol-r-tic Deposition of Zinc, by R. S. Vakhidovp 0. Z. Kirlyakov. RUSSIAN, per, Iz Vyoshikh Ucheb Zaved, Khim i Khim Tekh, No 2, 1959j pp 238-243. DsIR LLYj = 1626 Sci - A-111 / 6 ? '0 -/' j oct 61 Influallce of Mrip se In Eiectwodepcs3itioa of Zinc, V. V. Sten&rj G. Z. Kirlyakov, R. S.__Y --day) 8 PP- FUSSM, per,, Zhur Prik Khlmt Vol MM~ No 10? 1960, pp 223&224k. CD 'It-, 1 , ? ? C4 6 ~P Sep 61 EPR-Ve=a d GA~Bmmbadmd QUUU C AcdVatiod WIth Cmrmadura, by S. V Stuodibtisev, Su Ai Vakhidov 7 M RUIZNNBSN!i~t Ak N v -4 uz Y%-*-Ra On Fire-matem-lit LIM& No 6, IM, pp 46-,aQ. 9695&26 FTD-TT-64-M sci - M/M Fab 65 274P9 uxalmomm of CrpUl Quwft i0jected to the ActIM of Ultmvlolet and &4komr by ~5. V, 9,1 3 i i v 12" A. 5 P-Q. MR R&RUNIp be.* DeyvitvJje U&m*b ltlucbmLpi as liatoriplIv ta bwk M# ftdtl To4b ~" ow" FI2L,O-.*ft LIMA* 1)62# vP %9-365- )&A)51 Fm-w-of-m-j ow"r bei Wei ~4i Oct U, BWAU An InvestUSmtion of the Distributim og Stressem in Mono.Utble Winpp by X, B. Vakhitay- 7 PP- RUSMM,, per., It VysohM Ucbeb Zaved AvUte .70kh.. No 4; 1961., pp 12&131. 99i;77i4 M47-62-3V Sci - Aero 22 wy 62 1-701 -,717-P, Zia Shape at the Directivitr Putte=w of Vlero- phmee Which am Used for Stereophwdc Sotmd Reproduotion., by Ya. 3h. Valhitov, V. S. Man-kovskiyo 6 p. RWSUN,, per., Akust Zhurv Vol III v No 2,, 1957,, pp 109~414- txwr Lut of Phys sai reb 6o 1e; I? 7o-7 Distoelaoy, in th* Reprod=tion of tbo Not-ion of a Smad Sa=e in Stw*ojg~c Somd R*prod=Uoaj, by Ya. $33, Vakbitav; V. S* Xmnlkovakly) 12 P. RMSM., perk iWat Zbur,, Vol nrp Fo 2p 1957p py U5 -126. Aswr In3t of DrIs Sei Feb 6o 7 M&t*rtd IncouthwAnd TOcht&g PrOgr*06 by Ye. tqnLev &qmwo A - Vd&M-w, 12 pp 3-10. RS ;#~~~No 2 USSR Econ Feb 65 273t325 NKVDFNMM In TIM IWAIMP W I'VIN, ". ., &at 11 -- ~ I m T lommift cWto w Vo WOLMMS I to. mm P04~WAWWK 0010 I MIL im "no IFWNM~ amw 443 3%01 Appllc&U(m of the OtstloaM Pbm PriuclPle to the CalaulAtIm of ftdlO Adn Op"trap by D. 3. Vakhmaus 15 Ipp. WBOIAX# per hAUrteM I Maktrml Val IV, So To IMP I* pp act Oct 60 / t' Old 14/4 J? Artificial Earth Satellites, by V. V!!S~nin 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Radio, No 6, Jun 1957, pp 14-17. (MIT Lin Lab) CIA/FDD X-2753 Jul 58 Artificial Barth Satellites, by V. Vakhnin,, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, wo per, Radio, no 6, Jun 195T,, Pp 14-17. FDD/X4597 Sci - Space Researeb -~ -41 *7 , leol Oct 57 I Sd & Asma a am MAN m ad 4b I. I U. .. ..; -mm afty .; f SXXALJIW I.freet, of the Earth's Orbital Motion on Radio-FreVency Messurewnts or Distance and Velocity in Outer Space, by 7 rp. 9USSLO., MC., Ishm%Te=ye Sputzdki Zemlij, Vol XIII, i961.. pp 61-66. CB Sai kag 63 .295'6.z/ One Pustvible mechwAsm for capture or ch&rged rartlclaii In a mague'vic. Fielcl, lay V. rA. Yakhnin, 0. A. Skurid1n. 4 .n, RITS1.31a, per, Dok At Sauk SSSH, Vol CXM, No 6, 1960, PP Imil-laby, AIP soy Five - Dok Vol V, No 6 SCI Jun 61 Reduction of Heating Tim of Indirectdy Hcated Catbodes, by_y. .14. Valcbnin,, T. A- Uhnwnov., 3 pp RMSIAN, per, Radiotakh I Elektren, Vol M. 1553,, Pp 966-967- 7o IT NOV 59 lea, ?f~R 7 NASA TT F-48 National Aeronautics and Space Administration. OBSERVATION OF AN ARTIFICIAL SATELLITE BY THE EXPECTATION METHOD. V. M. Y8!9Lniri and V. V. Beletskiy. November 195D. 10p, OTS price, $0.50. (NASA TECHNICAL TRANSLATION F-48. Transla- tion from Iskusstvennyy Sputnik Zemll, no. 3, 1959, p. 47-53 (USSR) An expectation method Is presented for predicting the appearance of an artificial satellite within the obser- vattun range of the spotting equipment. For success_ ful application of the inuthed, it Is Important to take into account only one variable factor, namely, the rate of orbit precession. 1. Vakhaln, V. M. 11, Beletakly, V. V. 111. NASA TT F-48 IV. lskusstvennyy Sputnik Zemb, no. 3, p, 47-53 (USSR) (initial NASA distribution: 6, Astronomy; 1, Astro- physics; 16, Co$rn~)Chern- istry; 17, CommunicationH and sensing equipment, fligbi; 21, Creophysics and geodesy~ 30, Physics, atomic and 111041CUIAr; 31, Physics, nuclear and particle; 33. Physics, theoretical: 46. spzice rnechanics~ 47, Satelhtvs.) COPIV- -w1ruble from NASA. Wabbineon NASA Character-!6tic Functigoaa of Real nesonatara, by V. X. Vdkhllln FUSSIAD, thice-= per,, Dok At. Enuh SOR, VcI XCI,, No 40 1933, p 779. WF Tr 166 Scientific - Electronica ~O ;~ a ~~ CTS/Dzx C-i -,,j(~, g 0o 341-a~.j Steel, zjuLj o~ ~4E'-' -2- UAI Fit',15 Stnel, by T.~.2 ha i n 5 m-o lier, Aytomat Svarka, 140 -a' 1-~ko' BWRA ftimalm DrAce of an Mactrordc Pavewtic A 1, NII.M I I- - 0 IW V. V. yn3dmirat and V* Yo ft=Mp 10 No MSSMS Dwo 1 11, 1 1 V I VON= VONRIMEMAL's = Ymm, TrQ4 vyodxw i arK-bGP- q~etaa~-r~ ~--Wmgo M=ka"Mw mvmo4Flzlcbmklj,-m3mu I~Iwwo Val 20 1" m4v-&-Ils Bel opbyfj HWNr~ Feb 67 32qpow Y'recizz Xnowledge In Necessary (Trainine off Polltvtcal Offioers forCcmmmd Positionn.l: by V. Sellvanovo T. Vaklmwo 4 pp. YJSBV.ll up,, Krunaya Zvezda, 19 Aa 3.96C), p 3, JM 6251 Wo Mil j YS" J-~Fll Sov 60 alape of TJ-(;-V,, In Presczcc (14, on Wt,out cc;balt, by G. 1 t M. a. Vv-',*l,,,-rvukv-va- !wly, 19ircl, F.B 1- 80-1 Cher" ju u The Strength, Toughness and Rardness of Two-Phase Po-4er Metallurgical Hard Alloys Titanium Carbide- Tunggut-en Carbide- -Cobalt) by G. S. Kreiwr, M. Ft, '~jj~hovskaya, A. I. Baranovt 11 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Fiz Metal i 14--tallov, Vol X, No 5, 1960, pp 698-701). pp oct 61. IRAIC klows Laabf"4 a ,, i - W lio=60ral; 7 r uVelMosown; mll W196410 M6 w Ladop" F=Vft 97 L am 2" um sm MC64 =UK Stratigraphy and Fossil Flora of the Jurassic aad Cretaceous Depoelts of the Valai. Depresbion and of the Adjacent Part of the Marginal Verkhoyansk Depression) by V. A. Vakhrameyev,, 15 pp. RUSSMS, per, Academy of Sciences of the USS Oeological Institute, Regional Stratigraphy of I USS-Ri Vol Mp 19501 PP T-13- Library of Geological Survey of Canade Sol jut 61