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(DC-43W) -or Durlug t nort!ant Prob! -~, c4' sumjlyir,.~~ Wal .-=-mer Training Po-riC6 -ul Hulr-L~!---'y, by Gyor6y, PP - tili, G'AfUAli, pQr) Zonvedorvo., VOL XII, No 21) P.Pr/Jun 19-50, pp !Z71-30. v,~Eur - Hungary Ki I 61-2D444 jeno. DATAK-WTHE BIOLOGIC FROPERTIES OF 1. Biro, J. BACTERIA-FREE FILTRATES OF SWINE ERYSIPE- LAS BROTH CULTURES. 119611 fillp. Order fropi SLA $1.60 61-2D444 Trans. of Allatorvool KozIony (Hungary) 033, v. 30, 7- LO. DESCRIPMKS: *immunology, AndboMes, Antigens, *Culture media, *SwIvc crysipolso. M 61-2D973 Imec. I., and Banyasz, T. IN THERAPY OF HYPERTENSIVE 1. Biro, L. PATIENTS WITH GUANETHIDUN (ISMEIM0 U. Selmec, I. (Erfahrungen in der Behandlung Hypertwdscher M. Banyiez, T_ razienten mit Guanethidine (Ismelln)). (19611171p. 15 refs. Order from SLA $ 1. 10 61-20973 Tram, of Zfeitschdft fUr diel Coes[amtel Irtaferal MedlizIn und ihre Grennebietel (East Germany) 1961. Y. 16, 1 May. p. 30-Mg. 24 DESCUPTORS- *GuRnothidine, *Hypertension, Therapy, Toxicity, Drugs, Blood pressure. The authors report their clinical sbAes with the new awl -hypertensive drug, guanethiditte (lamelin, CIRA). They treatod 23 hospitalized patients of both sexes and (Biological Sciences-- obtained good results in 17 cases. Tte side effects Pilarmscology, TT, Y. 7, no. 10) were relatively slight, the effect persists tor several office of 7&CWCG1 se"Icts day@ after discontinuance of medication. (Author) jLho Tay-saaiks Disewoo by jj Hi jw* euklmll part wanawlw CaUs Ljok-ars vol 150 w 406 1936v py 665-W7. ..)3 . , (- P- M :.; ci / pl, G. i .1.1 Se. ~5~ v 2462755 T~4 iajv-~~caa Disaaooo Oy 4114 il~ulliji, j-,or, ~;a=zwski4j Lamsovismi Vol xill ao 41V lg:wo o -AA Jul Ui On 0a Application of tU Drop- Welot Method to the Study ot th* Variation of the Surtace Tensiou as a haction of Tim, by-N. QuIntinp aW P. BIros 2 ==He Pa'r empt Boa.. Vol Owmin" so 40 19% p P 4 71-4 73. r4i set Jul 58 j:V( T ~7 ORR (NY,3976). Methodn for the Long-Range Predictioia- and Planning of Electric Power Requirementsp by Zoltan Btro~,23 PP- HUNGUIAN, per, Kozgazdasagi Szemle., Vol VII, No 3., 1900, PP 306-319- JPM 5347 ESur - Hungary Econ Aug 6o to Effea of Ulu*"*; VibrO*m On ft MacbmACA p=perdes d 18-4-.1vELIS. tW#-SpW Sod# by V. at -ML RUSE 1964, HB A Sd - XX Apr 64 M5j946 1'*,.I!,Ot of the "faftwUm Mwta or the Ileve- 3 t ot 20$ vc 1. 2? 5., 33 _&A-ft . k mwhaAt= of the Of 4togmstic InvwUptlon of the Romolw of -an slim Sort", by 2. Z. Dhv. anWo pws Z.:Vl= Photagmpblot Vol L, 1b 1.9 195% pp lm-la. sai Aw 59 7 1~. /7 7 1W, ........... 61-31067 711E SEA OTTER, tr. by A. Birron and Z. S. Cole. 1. 'ntle: Sea otter 1962, 227p. 305 refs. PL-480 Int. 1. FL-480 Int (61-31057) Order from OTS $2.25 61-31057 11. National Science Foun Washington, 0. C. Trans. of mono. Kalan, Moscow. 1947 12671p. DESCRIPTORS: *Aquatic animals, "Mammals, Biology, Economics, *Rvproduction, Ecology, "Adaptation (Physiology), *Nutriclon, Disrribucion, Marine biology. Contents: 71e sea otter (Enhydra Lutris L.) Biology and economic problems of brCeding, by 1. 1. Barabash-NiMforov Acclimatization of sea otters, by V. V. R"hetkin and N. K. Shidlovskaya Directions for the feeding and care of the male sea otter, by N. K. ShJdlovgkays. (Biological Sciences- -Zoology, TT, v. 9. no. 2) 1 Duke 01 Yacklicad se"Icu Madc by th- ie- iutur- 'Ay T pp con De c 61 S :-17~ALP 0 NY-3370) - Mechanization Of Jiu VaUey 1-tirles., by Tr. pirsan) per, ?Revista Wnelor, Val X, No 10, Bl.icbarp--t, 3-959, PP 413-422. RMS 2554 ia 2con - Mindw3/mctalluray MEly 60 THE BOARDING SCHOOL AND STEFAN 8 JIBS&&~ _~- -W Q: rLEANCU) 12 PP. ITS ROLE IN EDUCATION, BY VASILE BUNESCU, GHEORGHITA RUMANIAN, PER REVISTA DE PEDAGOGIE; VOL Xl~ No 6: 1962: PP 13-24. JPRS 1541~ EEUR - RUMANIA SOC I OCT 62 898 212)m or n= pw lantronervoLt at tm DetarmIMUM 0 1 F Vith the Aid of a thick GOIA Go3A RasOnGDW - yoppoaa- 24 VP- Foil., by J.Jhj#boUp 0 IM=w,, rptp 203- no-ler-5744 Ad . NMI 84 42.? r Ja 63 ; 163 Premature Separation of the Placenta and Bilateral Cortical Necrosis of the Kidneyo by HerrAnn Mrsch, 14 pp. ARABIC p per., Hareftsh, Val LV,, No 6,, 1958, pp 145-150~ mA 6o-10943 sci oTs, vol in.. No 6 Sep 66 Experiew-e in Teaching a Pedagogics Course to Futuza &glneeri'and Agronowfats) by S. Bireentiky, 3 pp- RUSSIAN) per, Savet. Pedagogl'm, 140 8, 1,959; PP 110-113- Interntl Arts and Sci preuz Vol 13, 11o 12 Sci Dec 59 D17iag Watt" Mtor M4114p of %ba Larp Watar-Whml Oemrstars After InstallaUcap by 0. 0. Unbarts 1. IG . salryusiA. M KMVJ, perp Slek Mosp No 6,9 M9# Pp 35-41. ran Lw M.IYA (Icwv~- Sol p-Electron MV Qu -~rlyp Twenty-Fifth Scientific Pract4pal Conference of CrIze-an ITqsIcians on Climtotheraphy Pmblems., by Ya. M. Bl"hits 0,-V. 0. Boksbaj 6 pp. _--guy RESUN, perj, Vamwy M=rt FizioUr i TAch Fiz Xullttu7., No 2j mea-Apr ig6l.. pp 162-1&. JM 9755 Sai - V4d Aug 61 Dwpntw I 4f tho snob Webm fw* -of the ftqu3a ~ o0was 1w to. As AWSWA64 = fps Rmalmy poor* I kjAbftl GFSTI TT 6765M 1 ,j e1 r k . a swaAh soci &v 67 Yo*%6 Theory of Belix-Coil Trawitions in Biapo2ywrs., The Belix-Coil Tftwitiono in Pb3jpeptIde Ctwins Under load, by T. Birshtein. RMIUj perj WsokcmoIoN$jaM Sped Vol 4, 36 4,t 1962j, PP 12-b05 csm/No 6899 7-C, Im Jul 335,001 Theory of Mechanochemical Polyelectrolytic Forces, by T. M. Birsht4n, V. I. RUSSIAN, per, Biofizika, CB Ci Sep 62 Phenomena 1. Proximal and Mechanochemistry, Voroblyev, et al, 8 pp. Vol VI, No 5, 1961. 210,466 Tntemi-l Rctstion in Poly-ner C.hainx ml Their FlUsical Properties -- XVM. !.!--= 0&-ticall Aninotinmy of XSota !'oJ-ywtv-T=a UolocuLwj, by Ta. Us BIFOtcy-Ai Ye. As SalmlowkO 9 mMIAN.- w., Vysokcnol S%md'a., Vol I., No 7j, 1959.. pp 1086-1093. PP e( ~7 b-, LT 61 Int,rrnal Fotation in Polywr Chains and Their Phycical. Propertics. XII. The Dipale Mxaxnts of Copolymers, by T. M. BIr8htein, L. L. Burahtein and O.'B. Ptitayn, ) Ipp. RUSS"My per, Zhur Tckh nz, Vol X=, 110 7 1959s P-i) 336-9705. Amer lust of RWa Sov Phys-Tech Phys Vol IV, No 7 Sci 7 Fab 6o Internal Rotation in Polymer CI*Iw and Their fWyclical properties. 1K. Average Optical Anisotropy of PolyisobutyUnvj, by T. M. Birshtein, 14 pp. ....................... ~!~ RUsSIAN,, perp Zhur TOM Fla. Vol MMIn.. Ito 4" 1958, pp 813-" - Amer Inst of Phys, Sov PtWs - Tech Pbys Vol =,, so 4 Sai - Moo Slea.,tran 7,g 7d Jon 59 :Enternal -RotAtion. In ftlymer Chains and Their physical Properties. X1. Stretching of Rotatable- Isomer Main and FreW4 Linked Polymer Chainsp by T. M. pl?. Russia, per, Zhur TW& rizo Vol W=, no no 1958, pp 2493-2501. Amer Inst of Fbys sov Phys - Tach Phys Vol ni, No 11 phys ~~6r Jul 59 interra-1 in Polymer Chain3 and fheir Physical Propertieu. XIII. The Dimensions and Dipole Moments of 14.0leGUIeS Of Xsotactic Vinyl Pol r M. Birshte .7n and 0. B. Ptitsyn . 1. ~ J,. 10 PP. RUsSIM., Zhur Teldi Fizp Vol )MIXp No 81 19591 PP IC48-2057- Am,r Inat of Phys Sov Phys-Tech Phya Birshteyn, T. M. and Ptitayn. 0. B. _wTWRE-LATINSHIP BETWEEN THE STEREO- SpECIFICfTy tN POLYMERS AND THE CONDMONS OF POLYMERIZATION. 1196016p. 38 refe. Order from LC or SLA rnl$ 1. 80, ph$l. 80 61-10359 Trans. of Vysokomolekulyarnyye Soyedinenlys (USSR) 1959, v. I [no. 61 p. 846-a5l - 61-10359 1. Polyniers--MolecLdar structure 2. Pblymerl=tion 3. Stereochemistry 4. Title: Steroospecificify 1. Birshteyn, T. M, U. Ptitsyn, 0. B, Confornirtt--l'ons of Macromolectiler,, by T. 11. JIIX-- '211tcju~l RIII.S."IAN, b1n. *CB ') 1, J,,l.Ln "l Ttt&U va%WMp by Igo A*lftjMd"--- MM,, Verp ZWI* Usti, Mid Nm* WWs Mae 'Inm Vol vnp so 38 0 2A3 pp.# IM. MAW SmitboOnim lbr 63 NY-4ioo) Vertical Zonality 14 the D18tributiOn Of Deep-sea Fauna# by L 0. Vinopadova) Yap A* Birghtityn, X. ye. Vinogradov, 43 PP- .LxLjSSIUO bko Itogi jauki) 1959i pp 166-187. JM 5765 Sal - Geopbo Jan 61 63-26962 Ya. A. MW EATOIM SOJANENSS GM ET SP. V 1. Urdaft Ya. A. NOV AND SME PRCOLEM CONMND4G 7WE R. DIM-28 PHYLADGENY AND ME 2DOGBOGRAfRY OF M. Doidsh Traumbdona LSOFODA CRUSrACPANS (ISMWA) (ftlmopbreau)icus Cenae, Rlso Sojmmmxia GaL et Sp. Nov. I NdoWye Voproey PtlogenU i ZoogeogrodU Ravnmogikh Rakoobraznykh (I-po&~ 2* (t-,dp tm bdaftM. 25 refs. UTC-21L (kdex ft= = EM or DTC $1. 01 63-2W2 1 Unedited dmft tmos. of I ZhurvAl (USSRI 1962. am S. V6 -80. DESCRWrM& *Crumcea. ftkoecalM. (gardt Scie=**--Geokgy. Tr. v. 10, um 10) Wa d Tsd*d 3-- al"tain, 11. A., iuld W K. Sokoloys, 1960 Benthonic fauna of the Da%sinville Basin. Akadamii-& Nauk SSSR, bray Institut Okeanologlip Ili 128-131. In Russlana Unedited tran:lation by Coorge Rabobevsky, April 24, 1961, p. 40-47 In tran lation titled 'ftoerpts from Biological studies by "Vityaz" in the Pacific Ocean", avail. from U. S. Geological Sorway, Paleontology and Stratigrapby Branch, Washington, D. C. Loan - Depto of Interior LlbruT, Washington, D. C.1 or from Biol. Lab., mr, seattie, Washington. Original Arlicle Checked (DC-47T6) IAv Alakeandrovich Zonkeviehp by Ya. A. Birshtsyn., 13 Pp. MWIAN, per, ByuUetlul Mpokovokcgo Obabobostva; otael Biologiabookiy.. No 62 M99 pp 141-14T. im 66o1 use Biq /.,-A F1 &-',y / s-412/6o (NY-41oo). Qualitative and Quantitative Characteriatics of the Deep-Sea Bottom Fauna of the Oceaap by L. A. Zenkavichp 0. M. Belyeyev, Ya. A. Birshteyn, Z. A. Filatova, 61 pp. RUSSIANj, bko Itogi Nauki,, 1959- JMS 5321 Sci - Geophya) Oceanology Sep 60 1. .. . -.. . - I - ~ . - I --- --.- ...... - - , - - - .- - -- - -.. - -.-- - .- . . I I - ---------- - - -- -- I.----,..,.,- -- -- I------ ...- .7 JF1 - - - - - -, ~ - -.- -. . . . -- .- .- -1-1 -1'...-.- - -- - - -- --., ..... I -- - . I)elagc ammrids (Ampblyoft* Ga=ar-idft) of the Horthvest AwiM Omni, by A. Birsteim,, 14 4 E. Viwgmdov. WSSI=p paj. 2mOy ImUtaft Obmolqolj Ak Nank SWR$ vol nv pp 239-M. nahmies Maeer& Baud of em", atolooml stablon mol CM 10, 953 sci - Geo" m 61 61-22477 Birateyn, Ya. A. and Vinogradov, M. Ye. PELAGIC GAMMARLDS (AMPMPODA. GAMMARIDEA) 1. Title: Garnmarids OF THE NORTHIASST PACIFIC OCEAN (Pelagi- 1. Birsteyn. Ya. A. chesklye Gammarldy (Amphipoda, Gammaridea) Severo- It. Vinogradov, M. Ye. Zapadnoy Chastl Tikhogo Okeana) tr. by R. E. Foerater. 111. FROC Trans-253 1959 (431P. 29 refs. FRBC Trans. Series no. 253. IV. NRCC C-3626 Order from NRCC mi$1.00, ph$10.50 NRCC C-3626 V . Fisheries Research Board of Canada Trans. of Akademlya Nauk SSSR. Institut Okeanologii. Trudy, 1958, v. 27, p. 219-257. DESCRIPTORS: *Aquatic animals, 'Pacific Ocean. ofa.. Wr..W.J S"... (Earth Sciences- -Oceanography, TT, v. 6, no. 1) cpe Press-uve on (D-H-D) and of by I c),-- 29-37~ P-pt of interior Library (!oan) sci G, /, /- 7 Fc~b 0 RV .1 1~1 Recent 'Progress of Pressure Hydrogemation- Dch;i4omtvlon (D-H-D) arA of Arcwtized CracklAg,, by Richvd Birthler. =WE, perp Die Bergakadewic Fralb4Tg Forach A. lkvgbau.. go 17j. 1953s PP 29-37. Dept ot lata-ior T17 P.57 No 250 Sci - Chem jam 61 Medium Presaare Hydrogenation Refining of Brown Coal Tar WdUe Oils With the Aid of a Twmjn Chamber, by Richard P=kmK ... Birthleri Fxwin Deutloff , Christian 9 pp. GEMI., per, it Chemische Techalk; Vol X. Igo 2., 1958j. PP 75-78. STA 59 -15822 Sci Dee 59 -7,-7 ;7 Vol 2, No 4 z Hydropustion. of Higbly Asphaltic Pttrolaw and T&r at Wlum Pmeaure ta a Combination Converter According td the Varga Processi by Richard GIRM, per,, Erdookund Kohl*,, Vol X11,, No 21 1959j PP 71-77.. Dept of Interior TR 7~ 1 57,, No 73 Sal - Fuels,, MID/Not latest Results of Hydrogenating and Debydrogenating in the Area of Medium Pressureq by Richard Birthler. GERMN, per, Chem Techn, Vol VIIIj may 1956,p pp L,66- 270. Dept of Into lor Sci - Chem Apr 58 z/ A lutitut- of Nuclear Ecre=h A Bimikov po. RUBSIAN$ Ab**V&-Wj ftWm I ZhIgol., No Is 19560 pp 3.1-14 Sel Hue Llb *o 56/0057 -Pei - Nuclear PbYstes 216,Z70 SUM. RICREASE ST D~L,.' i,.'L .'~,FETY OF MOTOR VEHICLE TRAFFIC, BY A. K. BIRULYA 8 PP. RUSSIAN) PER) AVTOMOBIL'NYYE DOROGI, NO 9, 1962) PP 1-2. JPRS 16649 USSR ECON DEc 62 218Y277 ht NotooWsp ky As to Alpslya, rovils" I a"dwt Notba.t" Udood An 7 i i x A':~rjz- ULL a, 33114 3810453 Translation of Mbliogmpby Appended to RW# lt= LOC41 lbterICUO-by-A.-K. Diva a - ppi; j -L,19 MISSIAN; bks A" MWCOWp 1955a pp 128-137. sci an Lib n 56/3.1o9 USSR 5f I/f J-9, Neon - w J.; Phaoe Diagram of the Titanium-palladium System, by A. A. Rudaitskiy, N. A. Birun, 4 pp. - 11 RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Neorg Kh1m, Vol V, No ;k 1960, pp 2414-2421. sci Cleaver-Hume Press 17d, A-r-1- Sep 61 A Sensitive and Selective Photometric Method of Determining TiUmium by Means of Dieulfophenyl- fluorous, by V. A. Nazarenko, E., Ao_Bi 3 pp. RVSSIAN,, per,, Zhur Anal Edms Vol XV# No 5, 1960, pp 306-310. Ca 2- Sci Aug 61 The AYA-'mtlon or T~Ibydrasynuorowlarivat&ws in rhetcaetwLe Aus4als.- betembatim of S=ftuma by 11. A. Bl!p* uA V. A. Summkop 6 py acesms parp ~ Sbw Awl Xhftp Vol Xffs 1b 3,p 1959a so i= DY V. A. R. RussVui, per, Zhur aal Kh1p., vol xlil, rio 4, :1958, pp 445-448. c6asultuattl 59 col.orturu-Ic DetermLoation ot Varisaum by Meaw of a Catalytic Rowtim4 by V. A*'- Nuamokop It A* D 3 MML4N,p /Mwo Zbw AWL M" Vol xv No is was A~m OWs, Vp W-A, OfA D 15M4 7un translation. conmatauts DMAU Ocientif to - Chemistry ON 601ift 55 :0.0? Yoe 4vv V ost Periodic Of '~hc Lliatence of Alm solutionF, og Ron.;- inear System With ft. all Parain,,~terS in Care of VcpuaratiOT12 by G. 1. Dok Ak !!a&, SISSRs VOI XCVIT., 577-5701. Ref T.1728 57 A Theorem authe Watence of Q=iperiodic Bolutiow of Saw Rystmo of Noallww DdLfftr=tW Rquatims Wlth Swil Parmaters,, by 0. 1. Siryuke RMIO,, tbrim-w W., Ddk Ak Nm* SM., Vol XM., No ls, X954# VP 5-7- lab of InUa Scientinc - YArtbowt1co HUIOUO Ra .Tim 56/dex 'Nov DaUd-22j, Wla .VJith Cosmic Accelerationj by Biryukov.. RUSSDII) np, Komsomolskaya Pravda, 5 Aug 1961- FBIS wire USSR rol 16 iiuG 061 Seven Minutes Aloft, by V. Babkin, A. Bir 8 pp. RUSSIAN,, per, Aviats I Koomonavt1kaj o 7, 19 3. 9691282-V FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY P FTMEM3-7 Si Feb 64 250,696 A Theoretical Determination of the Oscillatory Motion of a KK Winged Rocket,, by A. Biryukov, 18 pp. RUSSIAN, per,, Iz Vysshikh Ucheb Zaved, Aviats Tekh, No 20 1961,, pp 3-16. 96M82 PTD-TT-62-477 Sci - Engr, Aero A//,, &I V Sep 62 Remats Achieved by the Te~lmicdll on Indubtry Dtwlng the FOW Xpor cg-*V"-Te%r.Pl=y by A. A. ~ Mx A 'rows, TAV. jt_~, N. ; RWGIU, per, nmbxbp2%" 4 lkn Tft NO 2j, 1963j, P 3- 11 Cou so M* mq No: 2 ag TrI A=W WV Service um am 5 07 ja 63 (FDD 18721) Electric Spark Method Forging Diess by M. N. 15 PP. of Producing and RepairitG Ulitln'p A. A. Biryukov, RUSSIAN mo per,,_ftjMjqz, 170 5,, HOsco'w,, W 1953,p PP 21-2t. CIA/PDD/IJ-5118 USSR ~FOW Econ I~iadi)150 Z~v v L: m I, i", 4 1.6 AIT, 11-4 Flunning fcrr PlVsiological Sciancis, by D. A. Bi tAkov) 4 pp. .. . I . - I Mo-SIAN, per, Pit Zhar WSR ix 1. 14- Sechenov, Vol )MVI No 1) 1959) PP 3-6. Perpmon xUat Sci - Med Jul 59 ~/f 7t~-S MDds of Action of Penetratift Radiation an the Nervous System., by Do A* Blj?JuMvp 5 ppo NMI=,, perp riz Zhur SM %m=I 1. No Sechenova# Vol xUlls NO 7# 1957.. pp 636-641, Perp= Press Sei - Physics Jul 58 New Tasks for Physiological Science in the Light of Decisions Taken at the June Plenary Session of the Central Cemittee of the Commu- nist Party of the Soviet Uhion~ by D. A. Birr&ovj 4 pp. RWGWij piw, Vlzlolog Zhur SSSH imen! I. M. sechenova, Vol XLVp No 10p 1959p pp U73-1175. Pergamon Press 14amm" In UO sw"Iqp" ot--tm now or FMISK Neuvity. on vo cawmesso Ot tw also of C. 2"r-Ime by RMZWS pal VIS 9bW 8W 10 1. M. 80dbWAWSp VOI Im, to 1, 295ep 0 Tf-ft. ftsiological Roseareh in Piniand., by D. A. Birywwvp 5 PP. RUNZOO park Fla zkpAr we im X. M. s"henovas Vol Xwo No 40 i9ot VP 3W~91- ftrpmm bet So i - Had Feb 59 rd, 4~0 , / -"-' r Sotes on the Evolution of Excitation, by D. A. Biryukovs 2 pp. RUSSIM., per,$ Fiz Zhur SM 'men' I. M. Beche- %-3- nova 'V 0 Iw--U- Vol mmr 1V T-4-76. Perpmm Institute Sci - Med May 58 (FDD 21, ,94) The CO.Varative Physiology and Pathology of Conditioned Reflexes, by D. A. Biryukov 36 pp. IdWIANP 10imo per, zhur vyoohtty NarMOY) WaLel-Inosti, Vol II, go 4, Moscow, Jul/Aug 1952* pij 51b-534. . ~--- 8iA/FDD!U-6478 - : S-a559 (DO -2155) Problems Concerning the Interrelation Betveen the Cerebral Cortex and the Internal Oreans, by D. A.-Birtyu ova 9 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Fiziol Zhur 685B., Vol XLII, No 2, Moscow, Feb 1956, pp 142-148. US JM/DC-L-875 Sci - Medicine J,t 4?,f/ EVOLUTION OF THE HIONER NERVOUS ACTIVITU AND PWHICSt BY D. A. 81 R~, Me MMIAN. PERO, PRIM$ VOL L* No 9v lgam, pp 4*. MRS 16899 SCI - MED JAn 63 21806W is Telepathy Scientific?, by D.A. grXWuM; 14 pp. RUSSIAN, jar, Vest Ak Medik Nauk SSSRI Vol =.,No l., 1964. jpRs 24) 638 sci may 64 .~' 6-Y I P,~ S-Jll)98 (DC-2142)" Data on the Problem of the Effect of Ptnetrating Radiation on Central Inhibition., by Biry-L,.kov, 15 PP- e MSSTAN, bk, ProblOy Flziol Teentrall Nervnoy Sistemy, Noecov,/Leninaad, 1957, pp 73-83. US JPM/DC-L-8W Sci - Medicine . A-A 104 tu mv~ at of tu X. IL swbiew 4t the U.B.S.Lo IW 9, A6 F* IS VWOVW# 10 A==# lu son In L L mmehm Val 3MVI, 1b UO U494wi Jbd Or 59 (FM 24527) The Ninth Session of the Azade:W of Yfedica Saterces UM StudyiW the Problem of labibition.. by D.~~:4~v, 44 pp. seciuk MO mad mot No 200 92-250 /I ~/ V- I:T Z~ calft Tr 419 62-1wk Biryukov, D. A. FORTY YEARS OF EXPERIMEWAL MEDICINE IN 1. 71tlm Pavlov's teaching THE USSR AND THE ROLE OF PAVLOWS TEACH- 1. Blryukav. M A. ING IN rrS DEVELOPMERr (40 Let gkq>--A fl. PSM-S-20 mental'nol Meditainy v SSSR i Rol' Uchenlya M. National Inefttes o( L P. Pavlova v Ee Razvftff). 13p. 3 refs. RSTP S-20. Hadtb, Bediem&6 M(L Order from M or SLA $1. 60 62-15094 Trans. of Klinicheakaya Meditgina (USSR) 1957 [v. 351 no. 10, p. 92-99. d 0 DESCRIPTORS: OPathology, Physiology, Etiology, OM Di l l i M di di 9y ca renearc ne seases, e e c % f4 Soviet pathological physiology has transferred its main focus of attention from the study of the etiology to ft study o( the pathogenesis, that is, to a otudy of the mochanimn of disease proccasee. Four dece ago, medicine did not have at its disposal em the elenmits (Biological Sciences- -Pathology, Tr, v. 8, no. 1) A Tegbww so (over) T4 The Phy:~-iolc_ry and Pathclo,-Iry of -ni-her Ner1roLig Activit-, by D. A. Bizr~,W~:ov. j I-IU33I,'U,i) bl,. *C.R I c'-.13',01 e: Mled '3("-. 7 , .. ., L L _4 an j J v wimm Dy Do As U'diOMP Btu=# PWO' Its Zbw am Imal 1. M, seehownt V03L X=J, 96 To IMV 0 71T-70. bwutmte jai I-Iew 1.11ultiplexing Equipment in the Telephone Slcrvice;;:~~stem in Rural Areas, by B. A. Eirjii~,av, M. U. Polyak, 18 pp. RUSSIX-.7, per, Vest Svyazi, Vol Xxiv, 1w 6, 1964. ipm 26m i Sci sopt 614 26T~ 061 The Use of Pneumatic Wedge Devices for Drilling,, by B. A. Btryukov, R. Z. Renmilevich. RUSSUN.. per, Neft Khoz.0 Vol XXXIIp No 12., 19549 PP 9-13- Tech and Ccumercial Tr n 2135 Spruce Street., PhiladelPhis 3) Pem- Scientific - Engineering Fuels CTS 75/Dec 55 .0 TT-65-32505 Field 61), 5F Biryukov. B. V. A DISCUSSION OF THE PHILOSOPHICAL PROBLEMS OF 1. Joint Publications Research CYBERNETICS. 15 Sep 65, 7p. JPRS-32011. Service. Washington, D. C. Order from CFs-rl, SLA, or ETC: HC$1.00. MPSO.50 as TT-65-32505 I Trans. of Akademiya Nauk SSSR. Vestnik, v35 n7 p99-102 1965. Available copy will not permit fully legible reproduction. Cybernetics, Iliought, Life, by A. I. Berg, B. V. BjjXAkgy,-et al. RUSSIAN, bk, Kibernetika Myshleniye Zhizhn, Moscow, 1964, pp I-S11. *JPRS / 61 ~ Sci - Misc Feb 65 Conference on Philosophical Problems of Cybernetics, by' 8, V- B'122LV, 11 PP- w- - RUSSIAN, bk, Problemy Kibernetiki, No 90 1963,, JPRS 21448 Sci Oct 63 20 - 016 On or RMIAU6 MR# WOW f%QWI I# VCL Xn$ WD tlp TqQ* PP, "Giblak im MIX mm il. Cc uLl thE7 w ri c; T) JM 711a. of rhyssiologicu Sclance lu the Light ot the Diecisions of the Twwty-Firot Coagreas of the Co=mzitst Party of the Soviet Ua-lonj by D. Biryukovy 5 pp. 'RUSSTA- Fiziolog Zhur 89SR imeni 1. M. or,ar Senhenore.) Vol XLV.# No 5. 1959; iv 513-517. Perep#6 PM56 Sai M47",* all 7 ,jan 6o First AH-06n on Veterinary VirokW, by M. F. Sam, D. Ya. Biryukov, 8 pp- RUSSIAN, per, No r, 195t,-WI23-126. JPRS 26518 sa - B & m Oct 64 267,927 ~-O- J. iy. he IN^ n - Dim-J. Pl., r 14elch;' Vol. A-~, ilhuk TIJ 'r" sxwrionce WLth a T=wl lilas by 0. A. Bilullov* UHGL IWSSIMV paro Stoklo i DmIksp Vol Vlj Ito 21 194go p 15-# DBIR = X#1196 (low) act 4. z1vo Fab 60 loor, J? 7-6, 7 Under the FIAS of New York, by I. Biryukovp 5 PP RUSSIAN., np., Komsomilskays. Pravda, No 201,, Moscowp 27 August 1958 us jpRs/Dc-2-2o6 USSR Sociological Nov 58 (DC-28W/57) Is9crtunt )btterre for Party Orp=p by I. , Biryukw, 5 pp. RMLAN, npo Sovetakiy Platriatj, No 75s W Oop 3.960p p 2. im 8m u3m AYOZ 07 POI. .%pr 61