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Qdftftm at AbotM all a Iff V - - - --pw W Me Cdwmfto IT W ]MOM Im Mww VOL Xwo W, 11- 11w vk~ R'- - , .b - i '01 ~d&Afts M 4PWWAFMWf"WAqFMa moor sa . jWbulau Avg 61 63- 1 nn* NEW APPLICATIM OF 'nIF DIFORY OF OXMIATION I. Vilenal. C. OF MFTAIJS HAVING TWO OXIDFS% 11"21 Sp, (tables formulae Ireff. I owittra ovd~ from S" St. 10 63-1n=~ Trans. ut RCVW 1* WMII~YOSAF f Me) 194 Iv- 0- r" 71 P~ 2M-21(). DESCRIVTORS. 600dek. %%tsis. 400datim 11~y. 11wrloodynamics. *kkfallic compourAs. (Mvallurgy, rr. v. 9. no. 10) Who d Siddkil UkAft On Relative Problem of Carbmration and Decarburetion in Steel# by F. Z. Harris. FM(Nj per, Rey do Noteno, Vol 45, 1948* PP 347-355o '"M TT 71-55M2 Available M35 Only July 71 Oreo~Atlly or eto *tau=sd per., a. Val "-~Vjp 1,02-thec 410. Bel ;;-L- - ~ma~ DoftndmtUo CC And= b AIWAlld= =4 Its AlUp,p by N. ftgod= nmim a". mataLs 46 (5), 99WOS, lky X09 AUNdRIM - Mob ~ 0 In't Tr 3b B-=-79-52 CVA73 sclonwit - )bWl=lw Ama7vix of a sou"Vieftum Text= a the Damotic T"ej, bW Jo I guwfnl,, n pp, %-O-~ Irmns pus my. wrtf ft, IMS lb 50 1949# PP N9-314,, $A.A. Tr 57-12 ad 0 I V .111,1111% 7 )r4,f d *r 57 - 61-30M Awl"W, cWtockm mur or onvaWa PAWriOK IL EMMUNAWMM 1. Q TAL TECFDGQM 11961) jlqjL (is rAp.. rds. Order from SLA St. 60 61-30M Tn". d Rsvw do MUMayp (Pmn) 110, Y, 46, p. 321-329. DUCEMAS: noterwal trkdCM6 Damping. Rus- Ckity. Mobauedcal deakrow ftrwas,16 Roland" dew. 91M *SMI. Nk*ok Va. pasoc someartsh Met" SIMMM. Oods ulows. ftcl"0110~ Tonow- 140 . VwUlft lop flvq~j, ileum 1 0 1 Aql - Okunurgy-Strurtural. Tr. v. 7. w 4) kukw. ChAW". A STUDY Or IMMIMAL FAICTM. NJ RXMAI- 1. lmd"w. C. MRWrAL RMLTS. 11961111110. (13 OP. rde. ORIM04- Order fran SLA $2. 60 61-16M Tram. of tow de m4gor * prome) 190. 1. 46. P. 329-338. -P Owat"On. etmww hictim euva. 09ml. Wb^ Niwqpa. LaUces. ReJazoda dm, Schi- bitity, Diffusion. Structurts. Matternmi"Isas"is Fst4P� Co. SlasUchy. gutmakt. ?T. V. 6. a& f) I Surf&" ?"am =a Tift"Ity or "Utbetic sup# by P. MDzabWtcb,, 20 pp. =W q TI T 11 ruu %muslatgam 11 1- 11 pp rk Ocientific cbewftrl J= 33 =I= a? Stu-race Tossim sad VieccoLiq of Byatb*Uc Shp# by P. KaZakovitchsM Ipp. U=A F 11 TI Till I Full trawlatlan. I F.V= . per, Rev Mtp VbI 3XVXj. So 9p Vp M, 1"k, I" no -- CU/M/E-M sciatifie - Obsn""y Jun 53 CTBI= 0~ W/ 7i7 Cnewid. C. ad Ambes" F. TT-"-W= A m 11 F AND 1. Cnvww4 C IIIWV OF AL-MU AIAVfS CMADW M& 13. Ashwds. F. IL POOR TL IM4 top ow"o unk Cmbr 6~ SLA SL WW TT-"-N= TrQmm6 al RevW ir Mrmnumw (Framm) 190. T. 46. p IN47r -------- (MmIkow. TT, v. 12. no. 2) 1 son= 0 Iressaftat 6~6~ - 4ast4on at JOtbads at Statiftloal Oantrol to aic- mou Aw4plxs by R. Qlrsddg# is pp. I -," Vol EMO no ils 1940 v9 7X9-726. 89A Tr 2M Sol - adhantlas %$~ 9 f 3 Sn 57 lUtUtMMDU BVwtrWaPIW, by J. J. Orsm. MM PF=M,, Pers- ?A!, Wt,& D$e 1949P VP 8034)06- britub Ina SCA st"I w (no mbor Sim) sci-thm 607 59 9X -7-2-:r "I, iflactrteal Ftavistanc* of the Anedle 14pr and Optirruz CumWaltion of SlactrolytLe Pollobing Sathoo by R. Doro*iop X. B"Ibolov D. Anioer C. cbaun. 'PP IM3. per, Raw NK# Vol XLYn. No 3,, WOj DrItub Im and ""I lad (a* mbar siven) sci Win/ot So? 59 A Nov ?"m" oc Chroodum nating by &r--c and TwustiUn of N1=6 AX%W9 by Diffusioa.. by P. G"01Ws I 1 9 0 pw 1, 1 VU XLY119 1b 3p ly"l pp 1924100. cm &A - wizvlmat ft 62 / 9 .7 4Xf 0 61-105" Geits. M. CHECKERS OF THE MODERN Wr IVOWL 1. abet #Wmacet-Dwor 13 Doc 60. l4p. 2. Title: Na am" Order korn SIA m42.4M 00. 30 61-1002 3. Tljlr. Cbeclows 1. coirls. M. hitial if Gas. at L#nuov-A#o#kAro* (Frual 19A V. '07. W. 4. P. nw-.XD. 151795 we 41 volmul bR4" (m"athwa. rr. W. S. no. 9) on t~ie Oxiciation of Iron- -e at Elevnted Temperaturea, by j. J. Moreau. FIREXTY, ).-.r. Revue Matall, Vol 'XLVII. 317- BroXen Mll Pmo Co Ltd ORVT 86) 1, 6) Studieu of the Ox-4datlon of Xr=-IUckel AIIOY~.' c.t Xlcria!~~ ToWeraturosj 'k>y J. Bow-rd, J. 9. 1 Irmmo Pat ams do w4uWates Val XLVIII No h, A" sci - Kwibt Jun 61 1-57kff5l Rf"md. V. NOT STMES IN THE FRENCH WrALIANICWAL INDUSMY. tr. by S. t), 4 Im 61 12Sbp, Order ftm 3LA m5l. 70. 04. 80 61-jam trus. of low dfjAw**Ipmw) Ift P. M-387. 151794 61-IOND 1. 00 MUM --Dndp 2. bkt&UwV--Prowe 3. T ftwok T. k It"e,) ~) Wrnwil4j NLst for Iledium MA Heavy Meets by E. UNICL rFAX09, ;er, Rev Wt, Val X=j. OW 19501, P 399. - British &M wd Mel Ind (no mxdmr givou) ac 1 - )an/*t Sep 59 lu. /?~f ~e on wo TO a* owsoluo'ke &AWW"I 04twic Acump %W TARM pwp Dom do Ta mus no 60 AM pr 'AT-bA-* gf-s 971 Ang 36 am/anx U13UIMlon of IncloSteks'lii FOtted Steelp by P. Csttier, FRMII, per,, ReVue Mitalls Vol 47g No Be 1950a pp 633-636, CRL/0.778 Vol 170 No 3g 1069 3uly 69 385-196 a3wwm-Umiched Blast in bassowr Steelworks, Ly P. Cobsur., 8t 41, M FMMCU, per, Rev 3bt# Val Wn, 10 91 Oap 1950p pp 693-705. ---- ArItuh mm am "I Ind (no aufter 61"u) so L - min/wt Sep 59 9f~. goer';p glee& st wusft Iwo 11 ad UMV ZACLJIMW 40 ~ " Vo no* Fammimp by N udwwo a. TA 4T, 3"O# won# PWI 0 73= M, Od - NOWAMS MA SWUMA 3AS46T ae 66 A Dimt Cau" of Y%Wdj*# bW J. do purmaj, gs P. Ing p p"# raw OA HAWAMOOP 3WO TO& V=v go no vp 8%-M6-- - - XA "-gWO Sol mkr so 1413, 101 1114017 blowing of a Blast Furnace with Itigh Top Pressure, by Pol-Richel Andre. FRENG1, per, Itevue do Metallurgie Vol XLVLI' "i6 -12, 1950. pp 37-3-585. SLA Tr-04-16575 Jan 67 311,666 I& CbstoUarls PrlndpU In M*dbraf by V. 2. Smr ad R. fteeav 17 pp. run ummiatum. M= 0 porp Ftev. jbt.. No 480 UP= 19 Oct 1950s, vp 363-30. AM tr U93 92Av,facturz qml of Basic Beoev=r J A 44 Ar !)z It - ,~,Ltolr, *tIt' jcd jitropap by 7. CohMwp L. ;t. Wej,,itr, !,, Dor. WXL r.qRNM, par., Rev Mn.# Jon 1951jo pp 17-416. lArAlglah Zma ~M SW*l 2n4 0 tno number glyon) SOL - xwMAt SOP 59 Therwelactric stud7 Cr hCCrYuulluAU= of comr- Zinc b-.-~ P. 14,arert-.1 M. juai", 12 pp. Full Ja-.-Kk trunslatioa. MIEZICH, pcr., Rov. do Nat.0 Vol XWJJO No 12t Prence, 1951.. rp 9IM4 00 Tr 1336 Scientific - Chemistry,, Minerals, Hvt&l1uW,, NeUis Au,,.' 52 CTS Cyther. 1. od DWY96 A. CW A LARGE FRZNM #LAIr-FUItKACX WM A L Cam Woo-ftshadm WARTM 6.30 MMAS DI MAMBM. 10913111* 1. C"bW. I. 43 f1p. umboo4. S. 091M A. Ordw trom RA md2-A pW3.30 WHO Tr~. d Jjqm~dp MkmnW*e (ftemm) ISM. T. 48 Im. al Ohnalbwv--Fwmw md&W Tr. 9. S. m 31 Alterations of the Structure of Aluminium During qreep, by G. Wyon, C. Cruseard. per FMICH,k,,Rev Metall Vol XLVIII, Feb 1951, pp 121-1-D. Fulmer Research Insti 17,P 22331T WEur - France RocqLwt. P. and Thibsks. C. C. SrATISnCAL STUM OF SOIPAZ PACT(XtS DO RR- 1. CAMI tr~--piwastwo LATio" To T"z (TAmwrioN cw THe utoN Rec"It. IP. rRom TM *tAxr-FLMA4Qt. udy Ul 2116 2 "OIL. TWM. CL 0. Ordw tram SIA 442.7% 044.10 WININI Tram. of Revw do Mk&UwgW lFrum) 1951. w. 4 /'YA:L /7" 1 "T-7 (no. 41 P. JWUr- Slodftmo owrohd~ *we lawAd bowsm the bow perlow 0 and W&W. md dw dbeft NW mmmo~ comem d the Im. k*ft sum to be qft hdo- of tquwwww slow d 16AMW $Edm DA~uUwv--Forrms Motala. TT. 9. 3k. aL X On the DOUMWatlAw mg hWU=l bVWbwn ct tW cbemical Nittam at mtctmpa-'*ma Wal B=ftms by ?a A. jacquorts M. im 17=Ms "TOOT* I=- job um No T" LclentitU lbt&21%mw Ugulation of the Wmk:Lvg of the T6oam Mmt Pm-new With a Owntut MA hwft, by P. mdem. PFZNM,, per, %A-A- 0 0, Vbl I ND 2, 1951,, Vp a 0 *ohm inn mp Go LW (MA0.1m) Bel - lkw / ?/.. 71d A;r 6e XeUllograpMc Eftbant Shovft the 8twt = Zatw- vmuliar precipitatim lu Al-ft Scam SoUtic"m by J. Herene"I. R. Sebel6ecker. 'vmcu.. vart Dev MoUnp Val XLV=s I%&* 99639-M PQUW D"Imb Imutaft ft= No 0200 93 Ima - ram *UUoavpldcj Mwsbtx7o SOlUtImBs etcbant !mum Aermutlcus Fatiam at meuu -Iota" Bodtaft (swats or TestA COD&Wbod at ovum yeawf&2. U"itate for Tutlog W*wl&U to lgk&lggD)j, by N. los. FRUM Pwo FAMIM 68 &bun" Val Im MIR so 100 Ims IV 723F*=* / f, S-0 2, 3v at ml I Ir ;do% 7e Scimmme - amsuAbtau M/M l)t.cqofj3rtl", cc - 4poo-saftc go~W- C. ''. n Cbncdwjk b~r jo - ,,a I IV & mumi vu - 21 vw~ v4 a. a 3wo -1~? ?3h'ir ftstebw 2mm so em ftlqgtMc - lbuUwpp stmUs, dwadM I of JratlgW Tests L%Aor Progmeive 14M. ty Prot., 3 pp. translauca. My pw, Rar do _ftt Val XLnn.. Frawg, 1951, 0224124. CIA/FM Z-28 dawit - mou-CISAN"Up fttlvjo tostat PPWWM 52 ca/m MLcr*pqpbic Sti* of dw Oaddatica of Im ad of Ow Tmsts"wUm of ftnvw Ciddev by G? Omudns* F4 CMUOINN4 POMP per* k"t, $b Vol 416 Ovc~ =I* pp 917-Me ItSt 4UI SCI-W Jul 66 306AM etuly of the IM " - m , a r" of - - -7- %U qx"400 by Elft" Waaftop, by 0. V, Mthma Full translation. N 3! X - "or - la. - 40 M, I Vol I=# DD UP 1951P VP W3W." AM Tr IM Scientifte - chemutrys, minuals.. uteu Aug 52 CTS M of - i , lp Irmo: Moft 4d maglaim 49 on ad 94 la All"s It Al-cs-ft Md A14*44-cas by Be Rafts". M~s We Aft swalp lot 460 10340 pr 9b%-W. *Ibt 3w stad " ft-shly SOL-Cho jet 70 Carroalon lahlb1twe md Prmoters In Uquid Yledia, by L. Cavallwo, A. bd*Ui, 19 pp. 'n FI=M# per Revue Nst&t&l,, Vol ZLIK, Fab 1951, PP U7-L?h. if SIA Tt 185e sci - mu/*t J-,~ 5 a -7 Sep 57 so left4a ~ cc Va laugg"s cli~uw cc mau and AUG" In.A R&* Thewmas bW V- Plocbwo 0. vish1w. ftu aUtfoo. MMM, bm %L 45* No 3v VP 9U4WOv MR- Tr a 9 AW*9 2dL- Lou #MNKvblg" Eugrrw, F. ClOWHIM'TION Ft) -MV 'qll'T:)y (?I T11V WVAK OV (711mv-, utrat"t 1,11. r P;., IT14. I &1: 44, 41 Mv 0 Ischwo SWdy Of the Effect Of Cristal Orientation On the Oxidation Rate Of an Alundnium M&gneslum May by J. Herenguel and P. Ealang. FICK=, per, lRajTp JALJj!jA;;mMle# Vol IrLmrs No 51 19521 PY 374-:3-7U--- CSIM oat. 62 r Nev Method or Produt" the Rare-*th Orm of Metals by Wave of Besto by C. Decrelys :. Vaim Up&# Do 2-jt4;wt 0 10 pps U31" FYI T I - T'011 trouslation" nUM, per, ftv Wtp Val X=jp pp 458P IM. CU/=/%-910 scieftinc - Cbudstry ao2 ~? 7 Jun 53 CN/bU brestiptions of tbfs Msebiudm of the 03ddatim 04-- Since CrygWs of, Irogi, tr jipan Butallep Jaoquem BODAM 1 3ft MME, Va. t Vol ZLIXI no go 1"2, Vp 0 5m Tr UOD/Wl 583 Sol - xLwibws g~ ma 56 m Q A. ;,eratlw of -I-o!LaUlirgictU Rewiction Pirucces by L. PoLtecher,, 3 pp. Nov 1952, Proken 11111 Itopletary Co Ltd (CRL/T.154) 17Y, 373 v 0", r j a a 4.,0# Doaul*:el~*~-Aflcam ar vut~,~ 'Boado-me Llo the DephospLoriz&Uon of Maio Doisomr St"I by Soft Sltas, bv r. unnaLar. mm nmm, ter.. F~sv *tf Vta M=p Dw 1952.. " 876- &-rkl Sol - Bap 59 ~,>,Y Culculs%lms CoacernIng the gat,,jr* or (*#uIr.4rr-P.-**too Zoo*$ 14 Alwdlmi=-COrr*,' AIIOY5,, Rew Wells Vol XMs 10 14?o M garvell Tr go 11/3/5/321 Jai 3 Study of Subolormcovic PrulplSetlou lu Rotm%=7 Rio An-st"Vsm 80720 TM Placr Auwo V %411100 poalplar. FAME, per, Dow Not, Vol 'Lls No 3s 1953a pp 179-291. Co-Op Tr Seb Tr 506 (f2.15.0) act - an/mt -4-7, z'pl-'7,f Jan " Uw 004 laws" cc Aluml"dm Md the pa"Ibluir ce its x3fadvaticas by B. A. J. StolUns pwo Jim Val Lp go 3 X953m vv lwlo; MMUS Vol Till sm 541 to, IMP 1PY 155-161. ISUM4~4~ 64 t, odugu - n;m~tau The MActm ImidsoUn Wavocopes Its Applieattaim In AftUwas by Albw &-Awl 17 pp. UPMABBVnD 1=00 Pa JOSAINIVIR-J"216-A-m"s. Ib So MR pp 208-00 AM F-04ka IIA9 AIM IW57 cu 23280 4v/(o drfttftv. Allwit wism M*A*V AM) IPRAcnckL cw ^UrOMATIC LAX3rPOG 1. NOVA" =Ube--CPWGNGA P# KUJNG bOUS. INM 331 34P6 2. Twr LMPkg 01 dbv kwo SLA OW, 746 064. W OWUM 1. bomai% A. Ttow 4f Rom do MAN Im o"06"ry so& Trs V. 31. w 31 o"Ibutim to* dw so* at Mm sumto" in Fw" stma 30timme cc as X&OMUM GC Carb= Wd VAWMd UfttMMt OR VIW - WK Iq P. Cattlar', 0. mouo If Moat P. houto.. nXICk pw,, Bev. lbt~Up Vol Lo AVU M3* pp Memo ~fi steel Imt Tr so Wo OrAwA D" 10 m 21o013 *tbOb of Aaalysis for Imlution of ths w2rMiuce" of Almlm Mo*Ut by J.ftmigual and J.DoSbAn. MK=Hs P"s Rww do JWAu)--'-a-k'j 1953*T-5Ds 00-5)PP-317-327- SU4?-&-20367 mat/matmi pxg 66 307#715 Gas " lubareft BIWAX"s in POWAry Wafti, bj A. Portevu. On r-RIMP Wro Am *to ft 7j. M3# w 4434"- Witish Im so a"& voft (no =Mbw am) Sol - Pbvj ftv ato 59 , I, -f 4, ty 7 Study of rjolmLtte " in Dry MitrCgen &ad Carbonic Gas at a Limarly Imar9aft t%mvemtwep by A. Rictorp P. vallet. ma FFMM, per, Bev lbtv Sep 1953j, pp M-ft. (no muber gives) Sep 59 I ."A* !j=trio DotmIcatloo CC Alualaim iu ~i"utioj-, by 7. M*UWLdrp P. PlAmout. UX2. frj=l ;wrl I.Nm Ifttl Xo go, 1"3,, vp 60k-616. Itriti" Iroa aw GW" Ud (no amber sino) Set - Me/*t a" 59 5?,P -7 '-p-r ;111 9b4r of the DOWU 1n SLIn MAIM FIIM Or Al=lm In Ml&tUn to 00 S%rWtwo of Aluatn= mod Its Mona by P. IM"ro, 13 w I a pWo MY Ots Vbl La, M3# N 60-6340 AM MA-30 Sol - XLW*t Avr 61 lso~?'wfl V "W RalationaMp Be the Rmt Wage of the 8tzv*s/du,&La Cwm at 3WmU and the Aacow;&WUW aburs ill ralt aftwtms by 04 crolums Luis FROM, per, Dw Not, ftl I., So IOP 1953j. 99 6S6-709. British Im and stwl rd (so Dom- given) Sol - xtn/*t fl op 59 '1 14P f 7 StWy of the ftMw" at IM at " PWMW "a NNOW of at us boundft pbwe or mrm.- bw cQvU=qww, a- a 2400 pwo Rem as lb 308 Imt M4~6. i,-74;,Z~~ Ipp ~? -- - sm an/lot *a 59 OU/M I-SWI Tue Use of 10icromlysen in tht DoUrmintim of Carbon and Qqpn in Am Imt by L. Noman, j. Talbots J. Sam-mt, 10 V. 7=31 pery do Net&UUroem 1953,, Val Ll NO no Pv 75,70D, sit Apr 6o Vol 11-1 Amlysis of Pdra Iran Sangov f. IAW.1141t, AlbW%s 17 P. B".Un is em 1933s Vol I., .;LA 60-1M64 "a at 00 at "AM --- SL--A~-- wft.~-m by IL D"Aus 29 Ap. & ~4 vwp ~!t -VAIF TA $10 X"kv w lon. NIA Tr - Y(-GM at ad 58 4 7 fid I the Method of UsUme Alu&Uun (a the ~tiutvlca or tho ImMitlas wA the Arpemwwa After by H. Rlebaud., 9 pp. MCLASSVM. -c-, Rev Netj, Vol Up 1954,p PP 13-16- I Llowing of basic L*53emer Imn by means of a '.Ajyere with a =*vable jet rree-jet Mgwe, t7 G.V. 3chuarz. FMCH. ;vr, Revue Pletall June. 1954. p,~ IC--Il CRL/-,. Ic-,O"x SC L - 3c., 67 :40,1,1 Tbe Role of Surface Film to Vw Reaction Xx of Urconlum With Nydrogen, by E. A. Oulbromen, N. F. Androv.16 ppo MMA-99 FRMAJ, V".. !~ Vol LIP 1954p VP 101-2m. AZC Tr 3123 SOL - Ches ". 02 ~,/ Fob 53 1 Zot3wno at tM ANIUm 4tlfteoom as lklw at A-A. Ift-46- lowl-NowuOul t-blat" AIMUUK AUGP# tTFvW",lp IL kkemadors M0,04 pwo J*T# -laws Vol U& so 30 1900, pq %75__rrv= 0v 'ad, AbabUts Ub 108 or V Tr so ;;;w-0 CIA36 scleatitic - jrxia/mmftu may " OfB 111V IN I I-KkIINA lio'. Olf IlYPROCES 1% MUD 1. KLKa. A SMO. AHC Al lly~- %W111(R) OP PANS 1ING ,n[L KI.St 1 1'~. I! 12p- Pl A, litk- "Oted) I -'t KL~W JL: W1JllUfJJC (F[JrKC) NN4, V. Sk, ;.1 I,J-' -10Z 0i"WAII'Mits Aot, (%1k r I I ~ ~'. ~. - I If, go faft" IV Im The uct Torsion Test Applied to the *Ouractul** of saa=lema Iftbee, bVZ. Dau"rWw, at &I. UML FRMP P"I a lip 10 ho 104) pp;*k- 263- 7 BntUb Im and St"I DO (a wmbw am) &- I - k2mb" Ina Sep 59 ?J.- 117 7 Tnmxmma" DpacutbAfto MA Mou beramuous OW $0 VwMbioa WarldW ot Iran and Bt"l owtsews tw IN As jisonso SM P, yyjozo pw As IN* as 22-6-13=000 19*1 VIOL Lit so 6,F pp il~t IKA 60-IMS3 ftl Apr 60 // A/ 0 3CR lot Inv so 3 CatribsUcs; to 00 Stu* of froUtenoUMS CWA"d by %owed" ato4pod stale by A. H. JACIWIO J, PqdW* FEW$ Per$ L"a We I Vol sit Jum M48 pp 42S-439. alsl 4767 W40 Jul " 303alU O~Jmuca (OXWDV Pul) at 00 mutme Attar nsaue t FA"-,fAauMp Vith the OcmdLU= of =d AWMW IRS_- by is RUINVOIS F. Owd4lAO Us 1b 70 au 19%0 IRA 2r 9302 Bid Mudstry XW 0 0 3 Sep The POMBIOLIttlem " QUOUtative MdlogMphy by MicroOotantria Mum,, by A. Kobus UNM Fi=cBj, per, ftv-)hL. Jul 104, pp 503-513. P= 1352 (L5. 10.0) I I SCI - ftYS C, ") 6 Z -, ~.~ 7 Oct 59 IqX 40~z 7 1 0/ on eecondar-i samanirw in a chrmft4blywonum Otool.. by L. bbraken. MML Fiaw". par# ?Av V"j Va Us No 8b 1954. 9p 541- 550. DritUb Im " Steel Ud (no audwr aiw4m) sai - An/Not Sep 59 ?X lefl am"U'U= Go Ve swous amp of sboas lw a* Do sk7chwo W=4 pwa mw. a* ~ Immost To, C=f WAO vp 551-"7 %.wmwo=00~ M -7- --- VA"Gld%W cc minow" be". go. " fts. aw 6o 114 7A9 dow Applications of Ougmunu waves to Ralls', by L. BSIUJArAp V. IMMko WA mmut P"I nor jwt# 1b as k954# PP 504&%e. :Bdtbh Im ed 8"61 Id (00 " Mb a r 91"n) Sol - MID/Jkt) Mg 89P 59 1 ?1 /jy ;0, Rearystemutlan of &vaim After ?us* Tbrovigh the Points, bv M. . P. 9 Lebrs. 0. CWmdmn limplIr'st part" Vol LIO 2"41 pp 5"- 5w. AIC Tr 2341 Scientific . Ktn/M&We,, Chmictry Jan 56 CTS ,2.q ) OrLSAW40a Of tM MlxUU In Ro.Uod ar.alm, ttr L. winmradw MW 0 pwl Rw Yats Vol LIP 19Affs PP W- 6030 AN Tr 2.U2 aaa&=o - XIWU*tasv Mmdatry Jan 56 cm ,Z~, 73to A Study of the Amealing of Rolled Urptnium, by G. Cabaces J. Pettits 13 PP- YRENM,, per, Rerie do Yetallurgle, Vol LI,, No 9, 1%4 pi, 603-613. A.I.R.E. Harvell Tram 516 KMM Sle 77 Z 3ci - Minerals/metau NotLuograpbla St=V of the Transir&rxistion of Uranium In Stabilized urunivilp- Mr=lm Ana". t7 W. R. VAttp H. R. Haim FMMs part Rev Mg Val LIt 1954v pp 614- 616. AIC Tr 2345 CTS 714 3 Hetallopapida Study of Inclusions of draMma Rrdride in Metallic MwAm ft&Ma In HstaUlc Umn1mg br R. Hoprdp 0. Cabam p PWI ftv *t, Vol LI, 1954p pp 617-&.13. AM Tr 2340 Sciatifio - HiWVA.Als jan 56 cm ;, ~ ~,,z 8, SOUS OU UA SOlldIfIC&tlOn MA RIMIMS Ot &SIC 30688- mr Inguts We4ftuls 4.6 Tom" %W Duf2at, ftch-rd. MWI, perv Bev bbt, Sep 10, pp 64-07. WOMENWAMOW Co-op Tr Scb Tr 663 scl - I"/ut -r,7 Jan 58 , 7.4-r Bow AspsaU of Pw~ NIUUWW* by Robot 8i"Chus 17 P. lint."Imp Plot- Revue do NOW-Illa-ldes 29540 Vol LI, No 100 Vp U5.ft.-- MA 60-lMft 801 Apr 6o Ma Vol M* No 3 7 TV0 Bev Assulto Relating to the Caft4mitLon of ILI CC trCayt4 c Pollshlug Dathop by P. BrouMctj I. 4e;boin. per# Vol LI, No 10, 195h, pp 693-701. I i ~,-- -S 140 J17 71;~l T.I*L. T. 4523 ScL - Ch-fatry, fbamft As 1956 CoutrIbution to the SWy of the ZJActrOIjtlW Xxtractlon of CarbWe From Free-Mttlag Steelp by ftplor. AW PRIM per,, Fav Net# Oct 19541 pp 723-734. co-op Tr OaMm Tr 7%6 (L5.10.0) -r 'b ,~-, 17 Sol - min/lot Apr 58 Resemb an a Sm Notbod of Amly&Ua Nbp- Sherrer Diagmrso by G. A. Hoong Z. Oamms 20 ype FRMI part PAT Nets Vol LID 29:4S pp 74-757. J AIC ft 22% 7m1 Al Saimtific - Obamistry, I WaAkulf 1" 0 M/M Porgabillty of Stal Assused by the Hot TomMie Tuto by J. Com"as IL Polabout st M 0 Pont Per" %I Lilt No 2. "as a x" fts-fttalais 4 mnaiurv my " / V/2- ,R Y.-r Appli"Wo too lb&-'IIDMN*Db,7 or luterfenoc lbtbods with 2 ftlarlsk %~vosj br 0. *m"kis V,43~ A.k. yawl# Pori ftv do lbuLuvgloo Val LUX Ila at 19550 pp .121-23%- T-14- TAM 3 171 f sc, - Jun 10