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Posewth in the Arva Of OboalcW M41M the Lost six Too= (1915;-1%0) in t1a &Nift UAMo by M. GEWAU, rpt, pp 1-im? JPW DC-5:,33- sci 'Mad Aqpr LU AC-t--.,Dl Fr$-A oC Soviet Medicine, !-.v Hmm BranOt. ORWO. Uttalle Froom der W*UxxUzinj So 31 W59- JM DC -3961 J-L ~o ~ f // i_ Pra;,tical Froblew of ioviet Medicine, by Max brundt, 14 - wi.Q, Berichte Ues Ostauropa-Inb-titutee, 4r. der Freier, Univer3ltat Berlin, No 2, Berlin,, JM-P-17-0 Jc i 1A.. I Mrrent ?robl=s of Gmtot lbfteiMp publ by ProC. Dr. Max Brcadtt 99 pp. OWN., per) BarIchto do& Ostsurapa-MoUtuts ma der Tnion Uaivereltat SaUng Berlin 196o. I abl a Br 5 Libruy 8" - Wd ism 61 /.:~ JF ,/ Y 0'a Thc !.r.6'ect of Swil Impurities on the Gal%moo- r-z6-ntA1c PrDpertias of Bismuth, b7 R. Alckoeyevski, 5. braudt, T. lo*tina, 8 PP. R=SIAN If per, Dok Ak Nauk SM. Val CV,, No 1, 1955, PP 4649. SIA Tr R !~c t Ott 57 jav---utiGstion of tl%e De Ilaaa-Van Alphen Kffect in Uumth at Ultra-Low TeM*ratures) by :1. Ll. Brandt, T. F. Dolgolenko, U pp. LiUSSIA.11, per, 22xur Eksper i 'lleoret Piz,, wa )cLv, No ~, 1963, pp 1319-13-7 Amer Inst of Phys Sov fts - JMT voi xvint No 4 Sc jul! 26o,322 AnowaUu of the NIBUtIA Amdst~ In ~A-- callocallft ~W&m of K41b In BUID9 ?is]& at low MINI v t a# by -M go. am=[# pW# Zbem tow ns Vol 56v lb lo logo ipr7~- L16 (163)-69-3T3 Aug 69 309*553 Certain !'rublens Conceming the (4)uration of ~Iagiwtic forsion Scales, 6), N. B. Brandt, Ya. G. Pononzrev, 3 p"). KLJ',xSlN"%, per, Pribory i Tvkh Lksper, No 6, 1901, pi) 114-110. ISA Sci 213,357 Oct 6.1 zj!r,-eGtjr*iV,,-m of the '"'fect Of ble. "I L:ct tile Pr4erties Of ii. T. t v%Lu?,I, It Llip. 1~4 3 jen bmtsassm at arp cc wasm ma autda Qwstl~ ft a* Ike" er artalalm: 110 ft N on 11 at Low Som at 1. 16 PI wli 0 1. Is OlvdmM 10 W BMWM,v pwv VU ?m Sol&* WL mm" RD lis AIP *w B*v - a" ftaft va =? ft u Mom Cu th-- Effect o.: bVuritiss an the lbera Spectrum uf MActraw In Dirmftho by Is 3, M. T. RUUD*Vwwp 6 pp. MMISUA, Pwi, M= i *ant Pisp Vol XY.Aix., T, 1960s pp Vul Xn.. Bo 2 Sci t ,;jr 61 TIP/ A Dovice for In'futigating the Suceptibil- Ity Anlstz-.jpy of VetAls at Ultmlow Twpers - Ukrais, by N. B. Bmndt, 3 pp IJ3S*rAN per, Pribory I Takh Fksper, No 3, 1960, TSA *7 Aj Propmtior of Bismuth, tZ 1. E. Alaksaymkiy, A. B. Bmadt 6 T. 1. Kw%Unj 6 yp. MISIL't, W, It Ak VAUk MM, Bar M, Vol Y ~f, rk 6, IM FP 7%-7W- Coi=mM- Web Sei - "too -Y 4 Oct 58 The Mfect Qr a thWOM CQMM*lsiOD UPOD the O&ly&Was&WUC kff % In 15jawta and Its Atlujo, by X* h. Alex V" f 2. b. AnQ4%j 5 pp. MOW , b1W Wj, tbur Mwpw i Teozet ?iz; Val XXVM, bar 1M,, pp 379-363. CIA C 40846 Ancricark Last or ."4oic& 57 Z"t 55 bt. Mew York 44, SOY& ftlectuic - moica 31)6,79 The ObtainizW of Ultrb-High Pftssurss at :4v Temr*rat-urws, by K. B. Rmndt, 3 pp. li'M ",I At; . f~er, Irlbort t Tekh f7exper. No ?, llrk~i, pp 131-133. ISA soi / ZLZ /r/ -7 -?~` Feb Q lamtiptim of the Wftt of Fman ozi the Gaivanommouc Properu" of TOLUU-im at Im Teverst Lu I op 1. 1. AlskoyevWdy., N - B. BrwAt T. 1. MMUMPIT pp. mesims no per, a ow a I Trim% nap Vol =(I, So 6# D" 19%p PP 943- Awr Dot of fts am fts* MP fti Vp so 6 Sai - Pbyaics Aug 57 =tot cdr Valfors Compmelon an the Osaillatiob of an mmewsle sucepubluty of USWAb at im M---- ,Lmmwz-utww I by 5. T-Woury 0 A 4 pp. RMUN Iff Abw sksm I um- ns, Vol xxv Ib Vi I$ - 190, " loft-1087. Awr lost of ftv GOT ran - jimp Vol VM(35) Ib 5 Sci - X Pbys MAY 59 "twe'l the JC*. Ring Chrowsom of DroropblIa Arter Zrr&6i&tLon WIth I-Maym &W Yust Alectrons, U.; %go T. Brandt, W. Dlttrlq!h, 12 pp. OERM"; Pors UrOlasuUmMloo =It 19539 149-153. AAC Tr -1478 84 1 m C%24brati= of l4drapbawo at Inrivaculc rr*qwmlos,. b7 0. BraMt,, XMIM Olm" m Almucal, Vol TMI, No It x"86 p 31. " Om/mm it Sel - pbymles ft 60 "-)If, f A-2. The Probim of Orva 8p"iticity at ELM Upold Ant1bodle*,, by R. Br&nft#. R. Guth# R6 *a2l4wj ppe affM,, per,, Walsebe Vodhn#4brLft, Vol Vs X* 150 9 Apr 10,, vp 655. mm 6-A Sol - 7/ S W1 0 CIO Lipold Hm-=ne Antlboolus by R"rtv Bmodt, Oolfta=r, 10 ppo Uaw"o pfts lain woqbanwhrift.. Vol xvs no 51, 19 Doc 19]bj pp IM5-lar. u.L.A. Tr 641/13~k Sci - PAdIaLto 37-169- .4 dh-&AR40M Uwe" at' - m a lids jeom Is we JW IL16now ..-a Z:;;-~~ MAMWS 40 RIO Ao%'VU" od & &~ mlo a & WOO.-MA =!Wds A" & mv i -I ~ it t -~Ij /-) i -)AA A ...i &W fjl%63L mg 66 mon4oh- 4p (M ps IllfAw at AaUvWw a sonff at M&qW" wMalmi in gm -- cc0 IV Xbo I- Axtdhmwp Be 16 nowt 5 ;P. XBOUBs P"s MOMM4 No Ts, 1960. 00 Sal Aug 62 21.68M3 On the RmaZion or Um ftWutAaa or RiuUaganic Ariton in Olauconits, by A. 1. AMrMmuw, S. S. Drwidt, L W. Bartaltaldy, V. S. Gurvich, S. A. Ga"rxw, 4 pp. RMIAN, per, Dok Ak Am* OSSR, Vol CVUI, Ito 2, 1958, pp 328-. cmaultanu Do," scl - ROOP45 ~7 Jun 59 The mochantem of Radlogqmic Argon Loss In Micas, Lj, Lalr1rha v, S.B. Brandt, le.S. SartnitakI7, S.A, G-Damvp 7.3. Gteilchl 4 pp. Fi;SSTAR, p6r, Is Ak N" WE, Sor C5,:lcS, t~ 1, Y#59, pp 104-107 The DeLeminatior, or Absolute AV of Sedimentary Minerals by ILdlosctiTe Nothuds, by Xb. 1. AmIrk.hancy, K. S. MACAt&YOVO S. B. Brandt, 4 pp. RUSSPJ, per, Ook Ak YAu* SSSRp Vol CXVII9 no 41 1957j, pp 675-677. Consultants Bureau Sci - Owoptvisics Oct 58 7-Y The Dif.Ltizion cd Hadiogenic Aram in F61ftant bY a. I. AiarkjAwvp So Do lhwAtp No No BLrtaltakly,, ~ w1). . 1 4, RUSSIAN,. per., Dok Ak Nauk MR, Vol CXXV, No 6, 199), PP -1345-1~47- 'ci 6 1 ' .34M WAMIt. V. '1111-'MOBLEA Oil ASURON(MCAL DFTERMLKA- 1. siramb. V. TION Oil I.A'lTnn)i: AND LONGI-11M IN FIRST It. Tulv Sixict AND 14"MNI) ORDER TRIANGULATION SUIUMM Ill. IMS-R-116-14/51 Trans. to .1k)v let (kxaicsv 192S - 40. 16 June 61 1301p. IV. knot Publictstuxis Re-warkl 2 rds. JPRS- WI It, NiSt. Scwvvce. Nvo Y,wk Ordrr frtan (YIN,* *q.A $2.W 61-2.3486 TranN. (d (MSA) 19.1-s Iv. 141 mt. 12, 1). 29 47. Oak-.# T..6." Use of AI=Inum in Military Vehicles, by VC10 D. Bron.111j, 'I pp. LM.LAr,.",InFD 01MIMAN: per,, WchrtechmlaCht Momntelhtfte, Nn 1959, PP 281-291. Am H-6335 Ger-any EC= //00 Ida& ~fo? itm 6o A StAT'Ie Color Rowtion for tho Identificat1cm of Vot Strongth Papers Jbde vith Am1wplacts, by 00 JAVws F& 19 pp. Gffftg , per , D" Poplar, voi vin , 1954 9 pp 4 3-48. SIA Tr 1618 Pt, . Set - Ch= ,~ . -rlyr7 AVr 1957 4z f.Iv, / 7f1 Mv Results in Comectlon Wttb the Identif1catIon of 4et StreqMh Papers by a SIMle Color ftactlon, by z. Jay=,, F. Brmscheid, 9 pp. "SERWO per, Des Papier, Val IX9 No 34, Feb 1955, 51-58. 9LA Tr 2469 Sci - Chm 3 V sep 57 j !Llectricil Div:tdlng Netvork, by W. Brmdt, 38 PP- aRMW, per, Elak Buhr Tech, Val XIII, No 4, Apr 1936,, p lu. - MA 57-2444 sci Wy 58 & 31 oz f Internal Stresses in General and Distortion of Clockwork Blanks., by W. BrmAt, 7 pp- GERMAN) per., Pro-Metal Vol XXXIX,, Jun 1954, pp 354-359. CLk/FW/Z-149 Scientific - Physics may 55 C" .17-2 .11ra 61rol now ftemum lz A1=1ow Die--CuUngo by we it. arsaftl 26 po OZM, per,. Twb Zeftr M PnkUsetw Yat&U- b"Asitufto 193Ts Val STUB so 19/20" pp W-899. mA 6o-imm sci Apr 6o ///, f 7f Vol III ) No 3 inluvwo of AlLft go us I "me am 2p 4" ~Sjdjd kipm tw;~. ~4~ G 40 400" 'A iA7 Aw, pSVkq ism L96% ipp 2934W* A -:13 1 5533 -,Oil at eab 63 )W039 12 11-iberset:-unesmaschinen Drandwoo"It Lo rl'.-.e translution of a foreign languat;e by =ichine. ~,30056t s.iii-s Bubo I , Bolul 03 the of the Cr:itlftl Tempamtures ,if Superecobe by Pftsv=p by S. E. I.lekocyov N. B. -- s 6 Ipp. -J& Tomt no,, P"s Zbw FUS 'Vol :C=v I-Wj, ;P 200-M3. AM Tr Ift CYc1J a Ither RrtmoUcm.. by )Urko I~vaoj a&) 16 pp,, I CROWTIANp bk, CycUc Itbor IM letructl4a, N;Wlav-polieh Ccv&w~ an Irtmatlen Probleme in lbdow Teemolaffs 7.13 joij 31961., pp CO-68. 9WM ABC t:- 53W Sc -~ - C'i~m .74i-, -,-17.:- Oct 62 Ta VM-W w M~~ 1 8 -limli v w -I --- G6 W . 4- W--.- - - - I f .~j' PU i~ Ir .A m a to a Amorolvem 0 em WAIAQ= sm on (I arm X; Wl Jy.ithr~As af Alkoxybto *.-itAniums &M AI!,c-)v4,r-taort3polytf-teLnox=tss, by A. 11. i~. M. Pa-ahnIns, R. Irn. FreJdJAnIx, bim) per, It t~L 1:4oL: NO* Sep/Oct 1,055, PP 3. CIA 542763-C, real 3 71 ~,Ihwixtry Ohite Portland Cownt Containing Barium Oxide. by A. Braniski, 1'~ ionescu. (!-'RMM, per, Zement-Kalk-Gips, Vol XII, .4co 9s 1959, pp 412-414. ISSLX.C/Ref T.4996 z,cl-t:n,c-,r Mar 03 !~ 0 5 - t- I j a, -4 i A Contribution to the Otudy of tho COcQMi-jic% cf cm.:,,nt3,. Calcim, Strontium ana Dcri= Cme%t,), by A. "nirkl. p.~'Acadaide do ]A Republique ftulniro -V ROUMinc, I'Usi-tin-Faci.U.'samov sela4tifiqw, Vol AW Tr 342 5cicatif ic - Wr4;twering :an 19S. 1 CT6 i rr-4,2-:S 141 A 1 O S0 A ORS S O I fi 1 . N RFSHV F N. DE 4 L 2 rinboe. . PRPPARATION' INDUSTRIELLF R) DICHROMATE 11, Whim T"'R l.'MTF-vr]ON OF SILICATE OF YXIDE Ill. %crtmn. S. (Utillrartm I)cseului de Sulf3t de S,wJlu de b Fatirk-.ireal IV. CNRS-Vill Nq 14 Ricromatului Pentru Obtineres SthcAtulul de S,%1W I V. ('"tr ir ~,w I 1e U R vc n er - (Use of S,xllum Sulf3te Wastes trcxn the KUnufacturing P-1ri- (it S4%iWm llichr-nnmc, for the Prejuratirm 4 &Olum , Sillwe) (foreign tew lwtudod). Scels. 2 - (-'NRS vill IQ4. )rg t Order from (YPS, E I C of CNRS $1). IA 41 Jranx. in French d tnstnutul Politchntc. Iasi. l'BuIctinul(Runania) 19SS. v. I(S)no. I/-' P. 18-8m. (IMJUstllAl) "Smnlium tAwnfksurKlo, %UHAtem, oft.. d f~ c- X I-i AL PLA1.1, I A.' Z' I [-- W-1r, TiIE Y jUL11"' 1-`At,Kl, %111"O"LAV TU~.'D,, 14 PP. A ZE,;:? PE:p FliAt-E A U'VS~, 1-v 1j, 1,1, PP 2- f I- arlooftsmow" - - --.L - ---I !, I I ~M- I mbmmwo va up"Amo-I&M. aw ww F sdowbmdm AP44 (DC-434k) Neocaouianom and internatiomi RelAtionei by r3lobodati BraokxwiSh ~ _j 25 pp. CROXTIAN', per$ smijoilma, Vol in, No Jul/Aug 1960, pp 24-51. JM 6100 aur - YugoolavIA Pol o2 oct 6o ReInforoW Concrete Pole Supports oc CoMMI iow., Lines, by V. I. E 1 - Dwsklys n pp. Rmimf pamphlets EMI - I i 17'a Pr1stavid an UnIPM ftYwdo Moscovs 1955# PP 3-72- CU/YM U-8342 us= g&"0 -Te scan - COMMUdefftlaus ft 56/dex Variatious in Conductivity under various tlectrical Lffects, by L.. branly. ptes Rendus, Vol III, da-A of '.avy NUL Tr So 1172 July The Mechanism of Voltage Dependent Rtsibance., tW A, an Tj Go Busch, 38 PP* GERNO, per, Selv fts Acts, Vol D, 19h2, pp 571- 622. KA Tr 22T3 Sci - Electricity - 10:5 g:~ 1p Al 3 Aug 5? ?be RW#Icpl mod Madcal Psopm Is* of Awmalm Witnts to Which Lim vas No&, by P. A. Momv, 9 pp. RUSBUN, per, Miuml ftrtlUsem, Va M, 1935, pp 60-M - MA R403 Sol Jul 59 op.21 .3 SeS7 Exp6rimental Investigation of the Effect of a Transverse Magnetic Field on Velocity Distributt in a Mercury Flow, by G, G. 5ranover, 1, H. rark at &1, 9 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Trudy last Piz. Ak Nsuk Latviyskoy SSR, Prik Map Itog1drodluanika,N9 12, 1961, pp 167-17S. 22 9663264 MTr-62-1827 sci-phys -;;w.xxq 7/ Jun 63 n-zc ~;ITcct of a Trusvem Y4kV=Uc rlaa on Tntmval Stractun RVA R.O&ULUe RoblAst=11M in ftftlimt rim of uwil Wbtloj by H,.,Br*pMS4 0- LISIAUSU., 11 VV- ~: ~ AN")ixwt U Ak ftuk UMPIM7 mm" NO 1'o lc.)Uo yy "-a. 96"t" ris-m-a-ga Sal - Ptr 40,1 19 jkr 62 DIP-5 Instrumnt fOr 10MUPU00 Of )kchlnO Vibration and Dynwdo BoUncing of Rotor*,, by N, A. Brugm"kiy. MSUff, pers Jaektriches" Staftells NO Ice 1960s Pp 47-51. JU X. 3M2 Sol - 94gr reb Ce /Opw/., P.cL"d-, ji iAlaociag Lhe Roxorv a IAr96 Syrehronoun CorAen3eral by M. A. Branovakiyp V. Yu. Avrukh. ., WiWi, per, KIcktrichanklye St&ataii, %a 4, R ig5g, pp 4o-46. osrR LLU M-1994 (loan) oct 6o 11 1 Raw ,,i ..... 8060 - AimAM6 #,,- ""WARN* - -- , - lb* smum "M pzetresidng Cabl" fm imp Nestmosed Omcmt* Struc a j. by A. at=",, ver Schmis. ftmtgo Val Llo=s 1b 6', kkig6la pp ko,:F)9. ABC 6d 1kr 64 Urv.-ct ur Stirring of the Zlettrol),tc on t~~-, C-3 L~kevrtrol)*ttc Deposition of Foudered Cep-vte.. by A~ V- tt ?"r,"ov A. Rmflahteln, 3 71-~ t aMIA31; ptr,, Zber Prik Mir. XY7,. lia P, Aug 1957, pp 1255-1237. Camultants I Bareau - Mem 58 The UuLfars Problem of tba AxWO by C*pt P. G. Bmntbar or,, h pp. 'UNCIMV SMISR, per, ftIttelegMiste No 1,068). Jkr 1953. rg-2. GBWA 0-13M No&w - Sweden Hilitary - ArvW. untfars p~ if ,be RwUm at fmassidatUe At the Loval CC the T L'unis. note 1 - ft*mmIwtIon of the 14spartLc 1-01utaut Aeld &W ImOraltbUwv by 0. XwoU-U, ~. &Qnzls 10 pp. :TALIAN,, per, 14 SgSrUwut4Uo Vol Cli, 1951p P'P M-M. VID womp"m "21 as 3"m 2WOolaide SkuOr at awoml M=mS= ampamb. Pt 10 A;M-ft - IIM6 V-r - - ~v aw CbLvlda %w IL D. N-s"4 47 Ipp. m PW, at do Woup i934# Val 24 w *-59; 1935 (am No Vol no fKA It zaa i)) 8, a" 66 3D%430 Bra,. )"Ii Lk. IDIAh ON 'IIIV' AGIN; PROBLEMS LW AVIOU W t (Nm4rt:~e Iftler AlteturfilpruNt-trw V--X? KJ LO 1, ~I 4 4 N pr w (.11 f~. 44 r ()tdo ft-,tn Yi-A $..ti) v?jr~. ~d Kj-.?,,huk unj Gunimi (Gcraury) 1951, V. 11. tl~" 1~. "'. 3 Q W. J)j 'A 14 .,la. . , k,, ~-.. Vit me dit-0 A141artuh apng phL-mml-wra frcuti a jzmetAl ajSj) flake% it ;XISS&IC tt~ jMCr;jfj64j fr~uk%. (Rv;*,v 44 I"hmw 27 *mtt t q no f or A tf;-.! c 1"umphlet, Cc=wnication rrm the Div. ar," T,-icoJj,,-; cif Ue-, -.=,ncutical Facul' Ly, 8antiago, Chile. 1c T46 CopplatIm of the Onst zwo project in the FM1= VaLUWj bV IL Rrv~~ 12 qp. ORMS., per, Sebmisarlacbm Zeltyabrift ftw Vernsmag 031 VnL Phrftlp~tx VO). uJ, 50 is, 1%2.s pp la-26. (CAU go. 2k~a Ski) A=W We Sarwim Welkir - Gamy Gw6p I= 14 Sept 62 rl- 4&-lea, by Mj B. Rmscblors 3 ppo UNCIASSIPIZD A. - per, Der Scbniwr SoULat, go 1% Apr 1953 !, 273. - 0-20 WJGA 4197 //, .5:5 f - `~',ar - SvitterlarA ~14.litary 1kr 54 OW froechm, Adele ON M PREPARAr". i".vmvitam", Am) I AlsiOx'O, C DEPOLYMERIZATION ov rKMAPMSM"IMILF U &" L, . 0% r Ge: m. ny) rMAOiLORMErRAPLOORIDE (Obet Jle .114 m Heratetiumc Polyr-nerfsamic umod TetraphoopWi mitt it - 6v (file owitito #)rgf* OrJet frurn GM SLA. or Kl`C W 6G TT-6 Trans. cd mum. (thr*M preorated to K. Kbelai" be bomm. DESCRIPMRS: Hammavers. Synthetic rwkAwi. *Pbomphoster lies, ~ChLorkiws. *Fluoride*. Pol~- marization. Dogradsom (Mager Wit-, Flast'siners, rI, V. It. no L(nation and Probable Role of Suclele Acids in C.'Ifv CaI2 tund in tho Embryo, by Zh. Bz*aMj 122 pp. Ftr!4MV) rer, Uspekhl Sovreneus" aWeV7, V(.)l xxix; No I, 1MO pp i40-144. Sal Tr CCOUW BT-2* ucientiric Biology Dec 55 CTS/= W-WA) SmIcU4t the Comatiaml StablIfty at tbo Tolosmpb &-t ST-350 by X. A. 2na4lavddyp 1. Ve IM, Iltm, W pp. .Vsslu, per, Testalk fty"lo no 6, IM. am 9"1 'icl '100, Apr 61 WMMDff 10 nIGHT, IN V. WASAVIM. 4 PP. - wMI*Aq Mv MT VW nM* ND Its 1961. FTD4F"1.011 . A . um NIL JUL (a &*,%I% Obuer=tloaa on Qe state or Rest of Euatna Geniculata DUJ in Light and in Darkncua, by 0. F. Druslave, a, V. L. Cherkna'kly. Vol XI, No 2, 1954, PP 55-61. DSnR UU M 1568 Sci - Biol oct 6o Capillary Penetration into WAI,,-Io of Porous Bodies, by A. N. -, , 4 pp. IMSIAX yers Mw Frik Min, voi =avs. so 4a, 1961o pp &;7~. CD 301 I-P 71 1:7 wwr 62 Procaudets ia wet 'r-ltilt. t-enta of Feb.-Ica, by A. W. Bro"AY"lYs A. M. 5 pp. pc,-, Zhur pl.ik Khim, vol xxxjll, 4o 6, 1391- .1396- CP F~A 4-,p Apparatus for Determining the Capillarity of Fabrics, by A. N. Br*A Uyjgy. AUSSIA.4, per, Talwtil Prom, Vol M.Ii, 1?:; 5, 1938, pp 53-55. D8LR LLU M-1740 %,loan) Oct 60 lelel ~W~ - 0161V Fm'FUL,4=* WAMM -'-Nb*dftbd6 =-I 0- - #iwn- --- - Ad - ft" mw Aircrart imtrumuts, by D. A. Ihmalmkilmd S. S. Lwl2mo UNMAM11 V pri . - -.",. rUl translatloo, GMUs. ]WP VP 316-M- IN6 AUD 7-0-7901 use 1~4,j tt-' FhYOl',Za' Ot r~,gzmtnj by Do, A. Broalavskly.* tA? Cborkl v e-TA 610351 No W, 1956, yp 23-556. me L~08' of AVICitioU ii Li, A. BrWaSidYs S. S. 14gumv) De , (AF 625728). p p I AMLOt bkq publ by 5tate PubIlWdrg Howe of' the Defense bdustry, 1954, 50TV. ~-/I" ATIC F-Ta-U94 nmtio6 (wy-4850) The Training of Comondc"low SpolaUsU in the IUIA of Astouttom ad T*Ummbudcs Wist Be Improw", by 2. P. Dr"la"kly# 22 pp. R=IM, per, Vessulk Bwywdp No 2# 1%9. JPRB 5m sel. I UL 0.5050" Apr 61 u W/ jAiler ammishing at "i omvmmtso IV V. 11. arvAlaysmys 4 pp. I I per$ sta2ld I bwuummts Val =ms lio 1, 1~61, pp 22-A. awl Gci 14, :1 tAic 61 , . a X,-r .4 la-cmu cad TMlotga Trade Uoftr pp. Vzirlz~3 Dia WIrLoclitift, TFIOUGMS AND FJMIUEMM WrM SOrTWW.RS 1. TomWa.-Prmessing Irr. 1.1. flycolip. 2. nasuctirs-Ettective- order fruri ATS $10.60 ATS- 1614*13 1101111 1. Smschri. W, Trans - ct i1fol mr awl tk-4&rmrl "rim, 0 . ATS- I MW 1048tr4o, Chest Gertmity) 1%0. v. 62. mo. 1. W . Askvsued Tockidml Sarvicn". Inc.. past ofew. M. l. (Materials-Trulles. Tt. v. S. go. 3)