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Strelkc-v, M. I., Kryzhlnovska%.a, 1. A. and others XONTINUIVIVACIR'S VERFAIMEN ZUR ALIFBERT-1- TUNG VON ItOllhil,~-CIIUNGEN ALS GRUNDLAC-1- EINES VOLU\UT01MATISCHEN Zl--NiFU\-I-Wl--RKES (Continuous Procesr at the Preparation of Raw Klixtil- res as Basis ofa Fullv Automatic (*cnient Factnr),). 9p. (text in Gernian).' Order from $1.55 Trans. of l'sement (USSR) I Q60, v. 26, no. 5, p. 14-11S, - 1-1-11* DESCRIPTORS: 'Cenients, Mixtures, Ilrelmration. 62-27012 1. Strelkov, M. 1. 11. Kryzhanovskaya, 1. A. Ill. IV, Teclinische Informations- biblintlic), Hannnver. Offi.. f T.A.i -1 S-i... Denvakin," Z. A. and Kabanow, V. S. pEINMAHLUNG VON KREIDF -TON -SCHLAIMM IM I)LIRC[il--L(:SSDI-,-~,rNTEGItA'FOII (Fine Grirxiing of grators). 5p. (text in Chalk-clay Slurries In Disintep German). Order from T.I.H. S1.40 Trans. of Tsement (USSR) Ic)60, v. 26, no. p. 22-24. ---""- D M-(:RllvrOlIS- 'Milling, InachIlles, Clays. 62-27015 1. Denvakin, Z. A. Kab~nov, V. S. U. . Ill. T. 1. B. R7. Technische Informations- hibliothek lianncner Offi-f T.A.1t.1 $-I... Toropov, N. A. and Volkonskil. & V. POLYMORPHIC IMANSPORMATION OF 3C&O~ S102 AND THU INFLtMNCH OF FERROUS OXIDE ON 3CaO- $102 AND OTHER CLINKER MINERALS (Polimorfnye Prevrashchenlya 3CnO/SJ021 V11yonle Zakisl Zbeleza na 3Cs0- SiO2 i Dxwgie Klinkernye Mineraly) tr. by 0. N. Gibson. Mar 61161p. 7 refs. DSIR Library Communication no. 1041. Order from OTS or SLA St. 10 61-270&ri 61-27055 11 1. Toropov, N. 11. Volkonaldi. & V. 0L.I.C-1041 IV. Dqmru=t of Sdewfic and Industrial Research (0t. Brit.) Al L Z Trans. of Teement (USSR) 19M v. M no, 6. p. 17-2(k 16. 0 6 1 DESCRIPTORS: Calcium compounds, "Silicates, "Cemenw, Minerals. Crystal structure. PolynwrpWwn Transformations, Iran compmods. Oxides. Experinvats show that tricalcimn aWcate adsts in two n2aWfIcadoon. The tronaldon to do WSh-ternperstuiv Inomcadon takes plam at IMO a Me Um requi om" of for " diatnteVmdon cc "lics1rhum silicate to fftw"We d~l~- dwn oadde and dicalclon allicalft at 19%P Q In slow Bogdarwwa, 1. V. PHUMMETRISCHE BESTIMMUNG DES -KALZIUM- CL-IIAI-'f*f-.*S IN ZL-MI;~NIltOllNii-~C[iCIVGQI.UND I KLTNIKEF. UNTU VE[jWr;M~C; vo?,, 11 KOMPLEXONEN (PhotogTanim0drical Analysis of the III Catchiffi Content in Cc*mefit Raw Mixtures and Clinkers by using Complexons) 9). (text in German). Order from T. 1. 0. $1: SY, Trans. of-TWjnj-nz (USSR) 1960. v. 26, no. 6. p. 27-21). DESCRWFORS. 'Cement, OChemical analysis, Moto- meters. -C.Acium, I-iuratas. 62-27033 Bo da v I %P TTB7 '. - - Technirche Informations- Wifflotbek Hannover Ou tba kd1lution of tho Alumiua-Contaiuius- Mlmera7z of Portland Cement in tw Presence of 141cro-AdmMuren of Carbonates, by P. P. DWalkovsp st, al, OWLMV, per$, Tsemw* Vol X2.VZII, No 1; 1961., 5-9. x. 4,169 SkA - (ibex -T Jul 62 .- I-- (NY-2800/24). Measures to Accelerate Cement Industry Developments RUSSI", per, Tsement, No 2, Mar/Apr 1961,r i*60"-palge - *JPRS USSR Econ - Construction 26 May 6l. Dopendetwo of the SWirg ProVkrties of the CII.nlwr Muerals on Theiv Burning Temperature ana Cryatal Strouture,, by Yu. K. DAtv V. V. TizashDv. RNSIM, Per, Tsemnt, Vol XXWXIp It* 21 1961j pp 17-22. = x. 4768 Bel - P. 2WR Y-3-P JbLL 62 Moroz. L K. and Satarin, V. L BRIEF REVIEW OF THE CEMENT INDUSTRY DI THE UNITED STATES. [1961) 7p. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 61-20!64 Trans. of Tecinent (USSR) 1%1 Iv. 27) no. 2, p. 29-31. DFSCRUrMRS*. 'Cements, Productton. Constructi(m mawiAls industry. 61-20554 1. Wroz, 1. K. 11. Satarin, V. L (Materials, TT, v. 7. no. 7) NY-28oo A NEW STAGE IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CEMENT INDUSTRY, 5 PP- RUSSIANoPER, TSEMENT, NO, 3, MAY/JUN L961, PP 2p 3- JPRS 10331 USSR Nd:CON 172,333 lv6v 61 Kryidithi. G. S.. Pirotakil, V. Z., and Royak. S. M. IWFECT,CP WATER AMED AT 714H MILL CN THE CLIWER GRINDDIG PROCESS. 11963) 12P Order frcm OTS or SLA $1. 60 63-2D309 - Tram. og t 3, p. 4-8. _fJSSR) 1961, v. 27. no. DESCRIMRS. OCements, hUniagmactdnes. *Motswm, Tempetature. NkcIanicalpopez ea. Teat ravults am given of dw effect of mill 1wriormance rA an &MtIon of a wanar-air mixture to the last grindIng omparimont o9 the mill. and of the temparatute 9f the clinkew entering the mill. (Aufto 63-203D9 1. Title- C31nker 1. Krykhtin. G. S. U. Pirotakil. V. 7- ill. Royak, S. M. OU a. IT, v. 10, m 1* 44 (NY-2800) FOR ANOTHER UPSURGE IN THE CEMENT INDUSTRY, BY Z. 1. LOGINOVp 7 PP. RUSSIAN, PER, TSEMENT, NO 5, 1961, PP 3-5. ---- JPRS 12349 USSR ECON FEB 62 182,203 (BY-2&)O) The Kt*d to ChmnV the Cumat FrLces of Cawnt., bgr A. 1. Ionwovo 7 py - UNIAN: pwp 'Teawnt'r No 6,p Nov/D" 1961, ,W 17--.1941 JHtS 32673 am jown " 4061'-p Jur 6a Camnt lidustivy in the Fourth Yeax of the sairm-qaw Plan, Is pp. PUBSIANI, parj. Taem=tp No I.. O*rAn/reb 1962, ipas l3&r3 MDR Scon Itatr 62 BiruL~td-c-mijW, ~Lae Variety e-.=' the Qzaltq of Cementp by 1. 1. Sholin, 7 PY. RUSSM, per, Tsemmt,, No 1,, .7m/Pab 3962, In, 3-5. ass 136" MI$R Soon 14ILY 6"? Dertoax-mination of Slag and ftpsum In Cement 7he-magraphic Metbod., bj, R, S. Zavgorodniy. w-ams per., Toematj, zro 2,, 2962.t pp 13-15. --------- Am no z6h (Ao----~) sal - Wk -2 //- 9 " 71 vul~ 616 ,a% Nelidov, V.A. PER F EC`1710'~NENIENT IDE 1-h hV_TIiODE DE DItTER - MINATION DE LA SURFACE SPECIFIOUE DES POU- DRES (Usovershensrvovanie hietoda Opredeleniya Udel- not Poverkhnosti Poroshnov)( AnImprovement in the Method for Determining the Specific Surface of Dusts). 13p.(Forellin text included) 4refs. GR-829 0.rderfTorn0T'S,ETCorCNRS'.,0.B0 -17-63-2691B Trans. in Prench ol T-ement (USSR) 1962, v. 28, no. 2, P. 15-17. DESCRIPTORS: *Particles, Atmosphere, *Surface area, Measurement. Tr- b3- 2b~o i 1. Nelidov, V.A. 11. CNRS-GR-82_Q 111. Centre Natiowl de la Recher che Scientifique, Paris (Chem iSL.-)'- -Organic. TT. v. 11. no. 7) )NY-lW) INTROOKING THE COMPLE)( AUTOMATICH OF CE14MT PRODUCTION., BY N. V. GMEBNIK., A. F. RYBAKOV., 7 PP- RUSSIAN, PER., TSEMENT., NO 3. mAy/juN 196?-, PP 1-3- Ift- jpRs 14930 USSR ECONI- 2 Automatic Control in the Bwming of Clinker) 'by- I. K. Zad,7uzhkoj A. V. Loshchinskaya. RUSSM, per, Ignment, Vol IDMII, No 3, 1962, pp 3-7. 17U RTS 2-352 (loan copy) ~Tul Q~ Sychev. M. M. and Astakhova, M. A. EFFECT OF FINENESS OF TI& LIMESTONE COM- PONFNT ON THE OURNABILITY OF CEMENT RAW MIXES. [05916p. (figsomitted) I ref. Order fton OTS or SLA $ I. tO 63-10207 Trans. of_j!FTent LUSSR) 1%2 Iv. 28) no. 3. p. t2-14. DESCRUYMRS: *Cements. Mixtures, Combustion, Calcium compounds. Carbonates. 'Calcite, 'Marble, Particles. 1. Sychev, M. M. It. Astakhova. M. A. (Materials. TT. v. 10. no. 2) Offlu of Tockidcad genkn FOR A MODEL ORGANIZATION OF REPAIR SERVICES IN THE CEMENT I NDUSTRY, 7 PP. RUSSIAN, PERO TSEMENTO No 4,, jui-/AUG 1962., PP 11 2. JPRS 15372 USSR ECON ocT 62 213,529 EXPLOIT THE POTENTIAL FOR INCREA13ING CEMENT PROWCT I ON~ t 7 PP. q, I ; I RUSSIAIN, PERt TS04ENT, No 6,, Nov.-DEc 196z., PP 1-2. 11i jpRs iBl4,) THE bRovrii OF THE C;EMEi\rr 19631 AND, li ~,65, 6 pp RUSSIAN, PER, TSEMENT, NO I NDUSTRY BETWEEN XX-Ji on 1, 19' , PP L-2 b3 JPRS igoo4 230, -Ao REEkJCIW LABOR EXPENDITURES AT THE BOLISHEVIK CEMED,IT PLANT,, BY V. V. TRUSOV., 0 PP RUSSIAN, I~ER, TSEMENT, NO 1, 1963, PP 4-6 JPIRS 190o4 USSR: ECON~ mAY 63 230,041 -------------- WAYS TO REDUCE THE MANUFACTURING COST OF CEMENT, 7. PP. ,~,.USSIAN~ PER; TSEMENTi, NO 2j. 1963o PP 1-2. JPRS 20500 USSR t N co 238,491 S(X,E'~ SC,U:11:'.ES FCR I NCREAS G. Mi BATE.IH-N, 5 PP. RUSS AN, PER, TSEMENT, u SS R ECON OrT 63 I NIG CEMENT PRODUCT I ON, BY NO 3, 1963, MAY, PP 5, 6 JPRS 2146S 346,4,71,12 .~ i AUT"TI.0N OF CEMENT PLANTS IN THE USSR, 8 pp. RUSSIAN, PER., TSEMENT. No 4, JUL-AUG 1963, pp 1, 2. JPRS 21914 US,qR EWN Nlov 63 242,314 Ce Ot Production in the USSRp by V. L Satarin, 7 VDW ldfjS$'IANO per, TjMwA, No 6. Nov-Dec 1963, pp 1. 2. JIP.RS 24158 USO Ecoli Apr64 254. 397 Rish Cement Production and Consumer Needs Call for r Specialization of Pbmts, by bt &k. Lyus6va 8 -M 9 RU ", per, _TAgMja6 No 6, blov-Der- 1963, pp 4, S. jPI '24158 U i:LWA Apr 64 254,398 Automatisk Kontroll Och Reglering Vid Vat- ma3ning AV Ramaterial., by Ya. E. Gelfand. RUSSIAN., per., MUKEMM Teementp Vol 29,p No 61 1963P P 12- ETC TT-65-20OP-2 solt-Chem Aug 66 308,46o Usks of the Cement Industqr in tithe Accelerated arowth of Chemical InduBtry, 6 pp. RPSSIAN, per, Tseme t No 1, Jan-Feb 1964, .0,~ 1-3. Enna 3.PR-S 24588 For Reduced Manufacturing Losses in the i~ Cemelfit' Indudstry, 5 pp. RUS$IAN, per, Tsemerit. No 2, Mar, Apr 1964, pp'~~' 2. JPILS-25716-- mg Ecaj)'~ Aug'64 264#496 Cement Plant Production la B6Low Full Capacity, by L K. Moroz, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Tsement, No 3, May, Jun 1964, pp 1, 2. JPRS 27061 Uss it Ecoh Decl:64 270,175 For Improved Capital Investment Procedures in the Cemont Industry, by Us Yu. Astenskiy, 23;V6 Yas, As: ReMtar, et al,, 8 1q). RUSIMAN, per, Tsement, No 3, May, Jun 1964, pp 15, 16. JPM; 27061 Quality Of coment, 0 pp. RUSSIX~j per, Tsement, No 4, Jul/Aug 1964, pp 1-2. JPRS 27300 USSR Econ. Jan 65 271,S60 cj,- la c U :j A i y, ~ K)1--v -L.-Du rscori Jan --R--1798 Cement RUSSIAN, bk, Tsementy i Tdnkomolutyye Dobavki Postroyecho nogo Izgotovlenniya, Chap I, ChapD7, PP 5-12, 78-T (DC-1551) r sxcwpts r 6 Cement mid i'lu--- Ground Admixtures Nwwftaturedyt Uv"--tructicas Sltes,, t:- V. 1. Soraker, A. N. Popov# 23 plo. R=IM,, mmogracphp Teementy i Ttpk Dobavki Postro"a w 5-12, VP Va JMIM-L-h!;8 UM Rcon - Bldg Materials Industry 'P I d Vaue Um a %daUst Economy, b~'D);~.X,Nndramhevo Mpp. I Russ m 0 bl~, Tsefia i Stolmost' Gotaialisachepskom Im , * , M-az6w~.W, -MIrtatk, 25346 Cott JUI 64; 263,633 (wwl~~,Vqo F*ir~qs aw Iftoo 3was $ M tv 114P' 0 f-$ llt~PMVj PV* vart lhfiir, 40024 ,4w lit jkq*#3# rVal-L01 V*Am OON W3 U4-0 4LU- TkXftas tWgAi*, Ora A-= :, AO: %,Iotlo rw the motaustum or BVIDmimt* ommmdcn- tiew StA 1316mulw.. 974 Ipp. =,Slump lirloo ROOM - cm ft-IPA lbtermUmt1im In the UWN by Immarl lkimyAwuft xamwril 281,.PP-, FUSUO, bk;p v SM 2964, pipe 7261o im 343" usm Book Mi*r:66 296#705 CENTRALIZED CONTROL OF TECHNOLOGICAL PROCESSES) BY 1. M. SHENBROT, 165 PP. RUSSIAN, BI(.. TSENTRALIZOVANNYY KONTROLI S , --X- TEKHNOLOG I CHES NO 0, 1q614 97 pp. JPRS, 14389 SC I - E14GR JUL 062 202)447 The Oontria AratAc. IV V. Mi. BRrnitmddyo 39 pp. I NRMZANr tkq Toontral AWWU 4--A 2M 1949. CIA ID AmwUm Mb"nvloOwl Soodety for amptwat" Res"Xch Di"atorato Amd"amol AOMA, Imtt Mft. Dgtnt ad* aeopki"as .3 Fob 06 OW (DC-3259) Central Asia Physical Gech3raphy Bmdbooko by V. 14. Sinitsyn, 229 pp. RU$SjMj, bkj, 1959, Pp 3-11, 43-M.- l51!2-5144~S-;09pI0faIA5jp 443, 449. JPM 3420 FE - Chim.. Mongolia Geogra#de 4d M PulsadM Pressures With the Aid of Membrane Tir ucers, by Yu. G 7--akWrov, 21 pp. R UrLTrW9NFC -Gidro Inst Promy per, Teentrall)nyy Alwo Or I nam*a, Iz VbzdiuBbnykh.Potdkov, No 19,1960, pp 9,~-20. 9692050 FTD-TT-63437 Scl. B101, & Med Sci Apr764 2153,426 Rotating Stall in Axial Compressor, by G. A. Borisov, Ye. A, Lokshtanov. RUSSIAN, per, -Tsentrallnyy Ae~r..o-.Gidrodinamiches Inst Prom Aerodin-am-fka Lopatochnyye Mash i Tech V.'~k " ' ''1 -47. .~~Joh,,No 24, 1962, pp 35 *FTD-MT-64-438 Sci Oct 64 Effects of Radial and Peripheral Nonuniformity of Flow on the Characteristics of the Stages of an Axial Compressor, by A. S. Ginevskiy, A. I. blorozov, RUSSIAN, per, Tseiitrall~~Aei.,o-Gidrodinamicheskiy I,ns,t yye-.-'-N.ia--sh 1 Tech v 19Q, pp 63-73.-* *FTD-MT-64-438 Sci Oct 64 Red=ing Aerodynamic Resistance Holes with Amular Ribs and Receewsp by- Ve 1. Khan honkovp A pp. RWTAX, per.. Tsentral'WX ro-Gidrodinaini- abeekly Institut IM, Profs F." Ye. MgoakWo Aerodltlamik BbOrnIk No 12* ventA I appr L Vozduld dy. Goeudarstyennoye rx"tell xtvO 24MMM- hleunosti No 12, 1959.. M-019b. P=3~W67 YTD-jrT-66-3T1 Sol-Physics 346,475 jan 68 Investigation of Two 4r, a Wide Rmi-e of "~-,ync Z N unbc Ly A ~ Olc),;~JUK 4-6 PI) RUS S I AINI per, Tsentral Aero-Gidrod innnt imcni Zhukovskoga. M557ii-Ke-roOsvyye DoF-,,u!(ovyye. 1,-om'st~itsi.onarnovo-~rIDI-i~~. 20. ".1uscol 61, 57-75. 966F,192 FTD.-TT-62-1750 Sci-Engr 0 73 Apr 63 t3terviwtlon of Two PUMB, by L. 0. Loytolani-k-iyp V. P. B~Uhmkov,* 27 RMW$ Coatral AercOydro4nomleal InatitutA.. Tmumetiou Rpt m-11j. 1,036s vp 3-18- NACA TK 1308 Sci Ww Llb No 52/0129 Approximate Hydrodynamic Design of a Finite t;pan Hydrofoil, By A. N. Vladimirov, 68 pp,, HUSSIO, 4%tM., Central Aero-Hp3r2&mmlcal Institute,, Sm". 311.- 1937- A/O BACA TH 1341 USSR Sci -Aeronautics Votion of a Cylinder Under the Surface of a Lleavy '-Pluld by It. N. Oreteasky p RMSUN, C.A.B.I. Repo# Moscovs 346p 3-27 PY9 v 1930. NWA Washington., Tr -No 1333 Index -AeranautIca 7 C&IMIat4on of thaa lateml-Dynamic Stabi3ity of Air- cratt., lcGr A. lilaikbj, 62 DR. Fu.U tremlation. - -r3 - . RMU90 OeqMj Aaro:MjM&R!!qcsX I=t:LtUte,o Trmsamtlioba,~,~ Ito 45371939. zw:A Tm'j264 Clear Air Turbulence in Jet Z'Streams, by Ao A. Iteshchikova, 20 pp.. IU=IAII, per, TsentralIna Obser, No 54.0 1964~, - ya ~Lerolog_ nopt of Navy Tr 5202/(Iil Tr 2314 Sci - Space Tech Mar 67 320,572 A Method fow Measuring the Vertical Velocity of An Aircraft In the RhUre Frequency Spectrum of Its Variationj, by Lv A. Pakbomov, 22 pp. MSSVtX,, perj, TeentrallgMa Cheeka Ob!2MWt-?E-M- TnUIYIV No 551, 1964.- PP 3-17- P10034076T nD-mT46-26 Sci-Aeronautica jan 68 346,,477 TIM I-flLbk Soil Subtypos of tho Forest Zaite in tho FuM)oan USSR, by A. A. Zavalishin, 63 pp, RMI;SIAN;p per, Tsentral Bizoi Poch im. VO.Y41 DQL-UCJUIcv; Mad Collection No lp MDSkVa-I 19S4,, pp 1000IS9, =I-TT 6S-50066 Scl-Agrri May 6S 278.7.39 Nbout: Airasive Properties of steel Ii.rosim Products During Eloctrospark 11'rom;singa, by 11. V. Afanas"yov, Ae G, Goloveyko, 7 ppo IULGSIRN, per, Tsontrallng4a Naurlmo- Isslad Labor E-IW (brab kletallov, OR %rob. metall t SSSR 1963, I)p 1341-133, 9698241 FTD-TT-65-451 Sci - I.Vm Jan 69i 291.98C, CaternillaT Track Cranes, Hoisting, Hauling and Special 14achinery for Construction and Installation Work; A Catalogue-Handbook, No 2, by L. 1. Kozlovskiy, et al. RUSSIAN, bk, Tsentrallnyy Institut Nauchno- Tekhnicheskoy Informatsii po Avtomatizatsii i Mash- inostroeniytsbii Gosudarstvennoiro Komitea po Avtoinatizatsii i Mashinostroeni3r pri Gosplane SSSR, 1963, 227 pp. *FTD-TT-64-.150 Sci - Engr Feb 64 CR-231/63 5 tlV CA oIAIC .-CA, A) Ccopomic GroclelvAr A A'Central China, by Sun' Tozin-Chzhij (BF-2749) RUSSIAN, bk, Tsentral!qyy Kitay, moscow, 1961, pp 1-437. Par East - China Geog - Central China jui 63 4kTpRa, C Awc_ A~,t L 15 0 ;r-Pf S 7- V Eftect oC, TItanive., Aluml=,p 0krbonp and Boron On ~the St-Mottum end Ph&M CDCP)SltiOn Of a Mot a-Base AUoy., by G. 13. CbLw-v4mk and A. V. Sa!Lrmm.p at &1). 17 lpy. for RMZ"s 3P(wj, anawl r RRUCIMO-TZSledo- j!LvjL%Glctz Mmnltut; Cbersxw MeXj~lur ~ Sbor- na ~4mdoV., 1b 3bo 1964., vp 51-0. P'.0014536b 412 Sc Technical Operation of the Merchant Marine, No. 1S-16. P. I, Strumpe (Editor in Chief) RUSSIAN, rpt, TsNIIMF: Tsentrallnyy Nauchno-Issled Institute Moi!~ ~a, 1963, p 4-135. N"/NI-C-Tr-3162-71 Mar 71 Pilot Ugmtification Instrumnts. by Ft. P. llibiciikova and R. P. Daitriyovl, RMSIM, per, Tsentrallnyy Nandmo-Issledovat- ellskiy Institut lrorskQ&6-Yl-otl Ml-wrtsio-- I!u sbonlik# He 79, JW02* pp 31-39. PIUUI 6 FIVI* I-IT- 6.'1- SS S c;L-j6-- rn a Fol~ 67 318,237 Tlvo~ Effbet of sea licuolness on Padar visivility OC 6mull 'Ships, by 1. D. Derda, RISMU4, per, Tsentralinyy Nauclmo-Isslodovat- altskiy Instit-ut-mrskoy Fluta. onro, tsim- ~7~~o-rnikm NO 7U, pp bb-W, 19W, P100142266 1.7f)-m-Pbs-m; Sci- r-ab 67 Auto-matle Processing of Infornation Received from Pulse Navigation System with the Aid of Mmotromic NZItal TechnIquess by VeAs Eftilins ,V. RMSIM.p per# Teentrall Navab -Issledowatelf - "Vyr 1"titut thlsft~ I TqXw1ka I Al Satelya na Wialwwa mmvkckm 51m, 1963j. i 55-W- P1001343W-V PTD-n-67-378 Sct-Narlsatlonp Comm=Icationiss Jul;'--6r tion CmInUameasures 360*717 V-1brotdim of TeU by 1. L. Irbrobinaki-y: 17 X",, Timtrall FArthl'IUGzrz Eng ILts Imct 465 em=ornim Street son Francisco 4, Ce"' orldn Scd Gwrbyalca zor 6o TH 3D95 El A General Out4:tne of the Work of ThYXITMASh (CatitraX Scioutifte Ressarob lzstltute for To*Aa*My and Rmsineering). RMTMp bk, !I~,ox~raX'ayy.NanabA*-Iaaedovv6t-el- -i*Ur,,L2s#put,,TtW=:Lom'v I Muh1wittroqn1yap mopow, jF71191"' SOD76762 SISI 3.837 Sol - gap Jun 61 Obtaining a Plane Compression Wave During Electrical Discharge in Water, by M. A. Ityubimova, 6 pp. AN SSSR, TSENTRAL'NAYA NAUCHNO-ISSLEDOVATELISKAYA LABORATORIYA ELEXTRICHMSKOY OBRABOTKI NETALLOV. ELEKTROISKROVAYA OBRABOM NETALLOV.L IZD-VO AKADEMIY NAUK SSSR, MCGCOW, 1963, pp 69-72. AIR/FTD/MT-2h-1193-72 Feb 73 (NY-70o6) EXTRACTS FOR THE CENTRAL CHERNOZEM (BLACK EARTH) REGION, BY K. V. DOLGOPOLOV, 227 PP. RUSSIAN; SKI -TSENTRALINO~-CHERNCIZ3M"N~Y,YI RAYON) 1961. JPRS 13847 USSR GEOGR MAY 6-2 197,331 33rocbums on Electronic Computera and Thatralzents.p 142 pps WSSUM., 194-TRE, Tokbnlcb,--sko:f .111-~~I-SA ii. LbAsop PP 70- 96655W- A= b=,407/1 ftI .. 32actran au 61 / 5- ~ 5- / Vinylplastic. RUSSIAN, ponphlet, Tsentrallnoye gyuro Tekhnicheskoy Informatsit Mashinostroyeniya) IYP 1-3- *ATIC sc~; - P) , ill",/b ", -~- j-, may 61 1 C-923 f~j i. V /4; (DC-4022). Soviet Aerosol Investigations., by a. A. Prechistenskiyp 10 pp. RUSSM., monograph, Tsentrifugirovani" V TBRP,.1960, pp 3-10p 11*. .... ...... J14M 6039 Sci - Pbya 60 ---P The Coutrifugal Separation cC Coal* MW:rAH# pumj, To-entrobambnag - Obqpm0k*bmnLye 04"s iso v WAUV M,933 (10m) Scl -, M/*t. APV CIO //0? l(blachin, A. Ya. OONTINUED FRACnONS 3D ED. 1963, 115p Order from -11kripta Techalea. Inc. , 1000 Vermont Ave., N. W.. Wasbilogton, 5, D. C. Trans. ofmcco. Mepne.RMhi, 3ded.. Moscow, 111p). ~ DESCRIPMRS: "Coiltnued fractions. Measure dleo". 63-22669 1. Kbinchin, A. Ya. n - Scripts Technics. 1W., Washinglon. D. C. S+e~ k C p+ A N C) -Selevite. 44.(K)~ 0 J; wii ( (Mathematics. 7r. v. 10, no. 12) 1 Office of Teck*jd Services pil Of AchcrIcall, I-I.S.,, et A 3USSDUR, bk, TsepnTje Peredachi, PP 443-460 255,270 3C-6-36t's, 6(,iq-,-(i.5- *El9DL Sci ling ju-L 6-L DGhtemimation of the Velocity CmGtants of the Reaction of EVdrogm Atom With gVdrocarbon at In- Cnaiasea Tamperatures., by H. 1q. Tikbamirava, V. V. wyevoasldyp 13 pp. WSBUNO bkm AP 1071268 Scl - Qwmistry,, pbyslan Pei) 1957 ON IR-20/62 Tsesia, Ikir A. Anspah, -4jWMLjM*- BUSSMI, b)t, Tsesis, 1960, pp 26-32. IV RS NY 70 1-( USSR E4 con 16 mar 62 Tbi~- OWtRl! SYswm Of StOling and Retileving Ifformadon, by~,XY. B61ow, A. L. Belous, 44 pp. RUSUM. U; -Tsiffrovall Sistemn NakNengigl. Oubra~bQdd 101 (Al 048), v V 17 Apr 19 JPP 101,109, JPRS 22930 Jan' 64 247,133 NY-4385 From the D.-litor., by 1. S. Brult,, 'j., RUSSLUI, inonoGraph), Tsifrova.lra Tekhnilla i Vyshislitell- nyye Ustro,~stva, 1959, rr, 3-4. ,L- *~JPRS Sci - Mlectronics; Engineering 4 jan 61 Imfil m a - 19112KYWIMIll (NY-4385) A 1096-Sumber FftvLto Storass Unit, by Yu. N. Gla*bov# V, Is Zolotar*vakly,, N. A. Kutsev,, V. P. XonstautiaMs R. P. BUdlcrrakiYo 33 PP. MWW bkj, ToLfrows ,p, Takhniks L vr p P. am *Ag:L 906 Mir 61 (N.-f-4385) A Cbmeking Device for the Prep3ration and Tuntug of ik rollte Nowryi, by L. V. :Evawv.. Ye. M. Fillmov;, 20 pp. EMBIM,* bk,, SOL - Buctrm mr 61 (IiY-4385) Vae J~matton-Tmnslxtar Dymmu Trimr in As"ttbwtto-Uuit Mrouits.. by A. W. Cheruov,, 23 Pp. MSSIANs bkt TWrr-9W.*..Tekbr4ha i jm Sol - JMectran mar 61 The We of Swfw*-BarrUr ~Im=iivtors in aireut-W WM DUvot Cmipliq;p by N. A. Vororaeva., A. B. Za:kktrAj, 14 pp. IWSS=j bkj, tL#xjMpLToMmdJm i Wablelitellum AL 90 m 51~5" im 74.91 B*t - jolmetrm Ko 61 (IIY-4385) A TronvUtor&W D14Ua Frogmacy Haters b.,r A. 31,,. 2&2kio8,, L. Ta. Cbmakov, 22 pp. MOST^ bkv TWP Ppi-~Ixs lMt pp 615-73. Jm gw --- - --- - The Inventl4ption cxf TeabnolqSlcal Opmad In Transle-bor ftrawteraj, by 0. if. Mmoutav.. 2B pp. WWUN,,~ bko To - - - T*khWLkm i V~rablslltellvyye "0, #,. 19590 PP W46. im 7491 Sol - A34atm law 61. /w,% y1f 91 --- ------- On the UstablUty of the CImmateristics and ftromwWre of Trowlet0rep by 0. V. N=outov$ I I pp. raye WSSIAll b1t., Talfromma Tekbnlks i im Igor 6L (By 4385) The Stability of Electronic S;ImLUtor Circuits W1,11th AmWl1f lers, by N. N. Lenorp 34 vp - RMIOO bk* Taifrovaya Tekhalks i ~VyeUelitel I nM ,7m 7491 Sai - Electron liar 61 "7 :;1 / (NY-4385) Solution of Blectrical4luglucering Proble= on Electronle Computera,, IW Z. 11. Golezabo., 18 pp. .PMSSVM', bk, Tt#?~pvpXa Tekbzika i vyebislitellnrve TV""M 1959s Pp qTM 7491 Sol - Mectrom mar 61 o0 (NY-4385) Fw~jutjou of lUctrical-M3SIvAtering Problems on XLectronLe CmQutersp by Z. 11, Golenbo.. is Vp. RMSM9 bko Tayr IRM 71191 Sai - Meatron mar 61 5. ,p