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IN-- I TeabnIcal Bzbott ckr the am=yy OLI Reflmrso 4 ppq luas 4, f BMIANO pw# SmEmzdk- 6v IW# PR 31-32j, 1 RMIL to v .1 AID/FO 57 vm -f- ft" " q, g-4- 9, Al;*t%~ftk In the SIxth nve-Year PIM, 3 pp. main* P"s AND-f-tn9fti. No 6., 1956., VP 33-34v ftel to IR.Uly.70 --. AlDfiWb 57 =a s & 9 ft" i . Prclblm ConwroUS Vw gtorsjp of-Cedde O:Lj =a Petroleum PrOdlimcft, 5 ppo MMUNO per. jftfNM�1&- NO T. ISFA# PP I-3v NMI to X11.292S-n. -- AD/Iftb 57 wn so" 3r 70 IF=24 3 pp. BMWs, ver,12EWMA No 7v 19561, VP 14-15.- 3=1 to IR-2239-57, ' AID/ftb " um ymu 3 75 Cbm prQjQ,ugjmj,.q, tbp-% opexating CycLe of Gatelytic Crackiag Plan-tes 96-n;- by 1. 0. Prisorruw, 6 pp. RUSS100 perp No -w 7,, ~m. 1956., pp 16-18j, swi to IR-11 51(g AP0331-LUp 31 Jan 1957. AF 1071967 UsEn L-i-it 331 sel - FmIs Emnoadc Ways and Means of Economizing cu Reaputs, 5 PP. RMIM. r a U-fu=j)r 1956v pp 4-6t , ve 0 1, No 8, . Enal to IRZ~190h~.56-.' AID/D" 56 set - chomp Feels Jul 57 ., 0 f 0 0 RePair u'll-at It] Retexdina the Mechmi2atiOn Ol E p tro3.eum Rexineriesj loy Re Z. Rukhmilevich., yp. N2M~,, -no 1956.. P-i) 7-10, Eli..::l tz) MR 1363-57j. AFOM-lb-l. AF lo9761p- '-Coaomj.c Jun T, Why Is the Capacity of the Novolv~hc-v Oil Ref Inery Not Betig Utilized, bry 14. 13. Karaqmhev., V- IL Gromen1w, N- V- Im7mov: 3 PP- perg Ne j3paUq-ft By Alw 19%s pp 10p ATIC F-TS-ICODS/V um Econadc j fty 57 Ezperienae of Instzwtor Groups, by A. A. Smirncrvp 5 PI). MISSIMP mo per, Nertyaniks No 8# Apr 19%p PP 12s 13. '1-7 4 -/'- 77' ,--77,'-- AT= P-M-103DS/V Um mcamic //- J:- , ~ 2- , 0 7 ww 57 )~Ti~lbbrzas of TTansportation by Pipe' !Tx.,; pp. FUSSIAHj m0 pero lietvanik roo 9 1956., pp 1: 2,, rimm* Encl to IR lqjl~- -ii Ma. AP io71263. USSR Econ - ci sel - puag Feb M7 CM Exchamge of Adwwced, Informatian. Production of Lubricating Oi3j3 Frm Sulguzous Eastern Crude Oils In a Imrge Selection, by P. I. Koratkov, 2 pp. RUBSXM,, per, Beftyanik, No 9, 19561, pp 3-50 znci to AF 101'6939 Sci - Fuels USSR Econ Nsr 57 Dawoved Crude Oda Prehmtlng System of Thenacchadcal De=ItU* Unltsp by V. S. Bzv7kop 4 pp. RUSSURs, =o pars apm"~Ic 9v 39560 pp 6p 7# swi to IR AIPOIM- . " 20"966 sai - --- D"rim ~,z f, // ff MY 57 Refining Slacli Wax by the Percolation Mthod Prior to Deoiling., by Z. A. Bornsdyuk,, I p. RUSSIAN,, mo #jTo 9,j 2,956v p 8j, Encl. to M-1114-5:VMI Pnoett"IXI-99570 AMU-In. AF 1076941 Sci - Chemdatry 57 f, mar 57 J Percolation Purification of Paraffin Containing Oil Up to the Point of gomplete Deparaffinization., by Z. A. Bernaayuk., 2 pp. MJSSIAW, per,j2QpnIk, No 9, Sep 1956j. p 8. laic F-TS--;l0C)q8/III - Fuels //~O- Sc i Mr 1957 CTS , a."-/ Calculall-ing the Scoacmlc Effect of Innovations and Irrventlorn, by I., V. Orlov, 4 pro RUSSIANj, no w#,,Ne No 9v 1956# pp 23-28,v Eacl to M-2176-5 0 2m$, AFCLIN-ma. AP IM4900 mm usm 5= mar 57 Autcmtlon Callo fo.- Ibm Attortion. RUSSXM,, per,, ffcfty=lk,, - TIC, 10, 1956., PP 1-3. DE;3: 4 Tr 1738 6 10 Sci ~ Engr / i Mar 8 jRedemigutag 2a Atwalboric Vacuum Pipe Still# by - U. K. s1myevs V. M. furl-I-IMMO 4 pp. R=rM,v per# RettysA-Ik".50 lot 1956s pp 4-6p Sao, to IR -W s AFOIN-Ul. AT 2M327 Sol - EngIneerinsi, 1-ts"Utions MY 1957 M/deX 5,Z ,7 -41.9,4 An Experiment In 8peed Repair of Qr-acking Unitop by A, Tatsiorins G. Alltelmlerp 2 yps, RUSSIMS MO p0ro No lop 1956s pp 6-8j, E=l to IH-3Ll7T--57j, 3-5 a I"=-Ma. Ay icrth8gg Scl - Engineering , /,:! v -, -, r -.1 .4 , mar 57 An Effective Utilization of Nsuponro 5 PP. sun s per..,-Man". No 10, 1.956, pp 9-12s Snel to IM-1307-570 AFOIN-:LA1. AID/APr 57 am - Economic '~-a 117 6 ff Agu 57 New Petroleum Storage Methods, ZIP., by 1. z. Salikhov., 3 pp. RUSSIMP pery Nq&~:vn"Jjr So 10, 1.956, pp 17, 18, anci to Y AID,ty-cr 57 Aug 5'1 .f - - Z) ~ 4~~ USSR- Economic Results of the All-Unioij Socialist Cmpetition of Petrolerwa Workera, 5 pp. RWSIAN,, per,,, PUMAIkS No 10, 1956, I?p lgWl.. ]Cncl to SIR.,;-6(,),9-" I,.-,-.- -1A1. J, A AID,/MtLr 57 WSR - Economic req , Aug 57 1111111114111114111. [1,;, li;W 11". ~- 1. - I I ~v - - ~ Ider Introductim of Yidera Oil Rertlins Nothods, by I* so EWII)dlovp 4 pp. RWZMP no 100 19562 pp 2rrv 280 zw3. to mt i3M-57, Amm-mi. AF nwoh 'Usm Econ - Reflnerlest prodxwUjm sai - Fueu 16W 57 InUovators at the "Budennyy" Petrole= Gas Plant-, 3 pp. RUSSTMp lper,, JbfAamnlk No 10p 1956p pp 29, 30, Encl to IR-2276-57, UMI-lAl. AID/]WaLr 57 Sci - Chemistry, Fuels J.-d :f "/ 6 Aus 57 Calculating the Production Costs of Mroleum Prod- ucts, 3 pp. RUSSIM, per, ftftz!pik, No 10, 1956, V 31, Encl to 3R-1258-57, APOIN-3A.L. AID/ftr 57 am - Bconcoic Y~S--O- Aue 57 Using Welding Squipmut to E;c~,, Frozen Pipelim-ea., 3 pp. RUMIAN, per,* ftMaQQj.Yo 11, 1956, pp 21j, 22j, Emal to SIR-2628j 'TO.M-lAl. AID/Alw 57 -Ing Sci Euld 7Z r t Resolutions of the 2oth Congrese of the CPUSSR 8--e BejLu4 Realiwed6, 3 PP- FLSSD.'.Il, Per, Neft, -=.jk--Ho 1, 1957, pp 1-2) Enel to SIR- a AID USSR Econ :~ 42 L. Mr 58 Ret'i.nery Specialists Improve the Thermal Crack- InG. 4 r-p. MISSIAN, par, Ne:Myanik, Do 7j. 1957j. pp 17j. 18. AF 11645591 USSR - Ecou Aug 53 W, I/ f Sconmv iE3 the Low of SoaiQliat Enteilrisea, 3 pp. w a LMI ~ 3 TB -2 YD &jS6:[AH$p p*rj Reftyanik, No 1p 19579 pp 132, 33, Tzmaj t/, AID/Dac 57 Sai -.Faels USSR boon 61 41601 ine3masing the Output of a CatiLlyat Factory; by A, Kh. Agaronov, 5 pp. MSIAJI, per, MjLVmdX,_jo 2j. 1957,, pp 11-131, Snal to IR-1530-57., AFOMff-lAl. AF 3109265 Usfia loan - w0ductift of silica-allynirm JU1 57 methi-va's for increasing the Thryj&i~tit of - Uaitt 4 P11. UMLWBIFDM WSSUN., per; Neftywdkp No 2,$ 3-957j, pp 23-25. PY 11IL4729 Usm ram Sci - Fuels & /I d 1P -I- : 1-11w- A, A.-Grechko, 8 pp. .. UUMASSLITOD HUS51MI, mo per, Meftmnik, Ilo 3, Mar 1957, - C: -3 M -25; Bric). tF -3-969-37.. AFcLw-IAI. AP 1151967 'Sci- Eng reb 58 USSR Econ - Novo-Ufa refinery Improved Dewphalting Procear. far the Production of Residual Oils frm East= Crudevs 5 PP- MWIM, p--r., SoMLSI., No 4,, 1957,, pp 12-14, Encl to - SXR-28W. A:ED/Nbr 58 USM Econ La ConmectionWith the Problem of i;,-:iw Tachnoicizy in F-u3k Plants,. __:_3 pp. UMLA13SIPM RUSSIAU,, per, Reft-vanik No .4,,1957, p 27. Encl to SIR-2=711~'-Qt. An)/ftP 5T USSR / '~ F-con Feb 58 Processing Paraffinic Mmut, in an Atmospberic Unit., 5 pp - RMTJM.o per; ~CftYani~.. No 5: 1957., PD 13j, 14- Ar 1162943 USSIR - Elmon Sal - rwis Aug 58 19,610 // off jZew Type Pipes., 3 pp- RMIM, per.. n w2ik., so 5, 1.957 s Pp 19.- 20. .'A._ -Y!.j AF llVD09P Um Scon Sci - Fuels MY 58 6 3 .0 -~-7 petroleum Ind try., tMp 6 ppc RWBIM,P ft v No 8s, 1957o Vp 14-160 sacl to SIF4AD--wP-- Heads, Lib Sv Sec Air Info D:L'vt Lib CoM LMR - Bean AuG 58 ~ro- #,e Q petroleum indu tryp USSRj 3 PP- =Sim, peri Ne no 8, .1957, PP 17; 18.. Ewa to Bnt- 0 Reads Lib Sv See Air Info IDLY, Lib Cong WSR - Boon Au.,r 58 7-0,r / -Z 4 Bthyl;nle m0 ii774o4 u --ul: IN F.con petroleum Industryp WSRj 4 pp, E=IMI Pow* Nerw-w",, Ho lls, 1957# PP 1-3v ftel to 818-2 * AID/Nlar 58 UMM - Econ Aug 58 &C 1710 q YJ 9! Roavy and VUoous Clmda O;jl in by F. P. lhkmrp 4 pp. A&RAMMEb porv ZgrMgg~6 Vbl =j. No lp 1--bscopus 19-58a pp 30-31. JM 2287-N Mbw - Alboda Rem xw 59 Protasov, G. N. and Manafov, N1. 1. BAIN D'ACIDE CHI-ORHA'DRIQUE REMEDIANT ALI CALAGE DES OUTILS DE FORAGE (Bath of Hydro- chloric Acid Stopping the Wedging of the Boring Tools). 6p. (text in French). Order from OTS or ETC $0.85 62-26357 Trans. in French ofLN~I~efrvanik ~LJSSR) 1958 [%,. 31 n(T -2.p. 6-7. DESCRIPTORS: Mining engineering, Cutting Tools, Hydrochloric acid, Hydrogen compounds, Fluorides, Turbines, *Boreholes. 62-26357 1. Protasov, G. N. 11. Man3fov, M. 1. 111. Centre National de la ,.'K~he Scientifique ffech (Earth Sciences-Geology, TT, v. 9, no. 8) Offi- .4 PA- Bakulin, V. G. , ASSENIBLAOF METALLIQUF ARTICUI-12- POUR TM*- AUX DE FORkl- I- LEXIIII-FS (Articulated Metallic Assembling for 'I ubes of Pliant Borinj:). 6p. (text in French). Order from OTS or ETC -140.85 62-26345 Trans. in French of Neftyanik (LISSR) 1958 fv. 31 no. 2~ p. 2)-12:--- DESCRIPTORS: 'I'Aining engineering, Boreholes, Pipes, Flexible coupling,.;. 62-26145 1. Bakulin, V. G. 11. Centre Natiorki I av la Recherche Scientifique (France) (Earth Sciences-Geology, TT, v. 9. no. 8) Offic-I T.c6ic.l S~i... ?rocessing fttrolem ftsWusa to a t ., DelayW CddW Vn:Lt# by Z. 1. olytwpWevv 5 Vp. UXI=VIID amuns r VdVa ~lkp 111D 2p 1!1158# Ipp 22-ap NMI ut-IM11~8 so AF nMO93 um ftoo Oct 58 .7.z SOL- TWIG A to- clopia it-e-troletm Refining and St,=,,~ T--cil' :iz,. 4- Soviet-, ualou (ruaw 'I , 9 lm- - pxssv.,z,r,. p*r, Bartymiki. No 11, 19582, -up 17-19- kly 12555,69 59 AtOMVINWIC-TWIMIM PUG MUL 2br9uGPVA x1mrosiped withwjb Odt Arm I v~ # bV A. A. VnebUns T. N. pmbidLus To N. motomp 5 vp. =M qg 's no Vp 33-3,8. ==no gms Ap 29VOW S*L - xDw AVT 59 z;!irj Tcu-hm;Lq=w- .4n Fetorolc= Rcfftinsexrp lt~,%r 1. P. lerymor. UNCL ENSTAllp pars NOttYMAP 10 It 1959# P 18- DOM LW F&B 1465 (2a. 6a.) USSR r4on //e~ Xel mw 60 1/ 61-22256 Strukov. P. 1. SUCCESWUL DRILLING M HEAVIN(l ARGILLMES. 1. Smukov, P. 1. 1196113p. 11. ATS-23M47R Order from ATS $4.23 ATS-:13M47A Ill. Associated Tectmical Services. Inc.. Boat Trans. I Nftyani'k (USSR) 1939. Y. 4. no. 6, p. 6-7. Orange, N. J. DESCRtFrORS: *Drills. Tests. Rock. Penetration. OM " .1 T-64-4 S-4... '(Engineering, Tr, Y. 6. no. 4) to 0:"U~.dfl Synthetic Rabbe.-I, Frem Sci Ch(,--r,,i Jan (Ji Fro,4=tlom of Synthatic Patty Acida Fr= 'I'i A. by ff. B. Picomg1no 4 pp. UEGL m"BuNs perp ftfty&Wk; No 8# 1959s .8, e ,,19.. . pp ;p A? 1419~16 Sol - Cbgim mar 60 /// ~ a/ Sm namnima petroleum-32arlas Regions 4 Pp. UNCY, RUSBUN't ve'ro M~~ ~ as 19590 1? 35. AF t4M25 ZMhw - R=Sula B*GM Sei - OH%fts efl:~r aw 60 ;-l' High-PrOlaction LPijulWmqt tor the ?etralc= Yndustry, 10,35MU., par, I W-111yur4k, No 10: 1950, pp 1, 2. T, m i's FAchizaary and 7zatru=at-s 6o 61-12334 Rustamov. R. DLLP DRILLING WITH A WEIGHTED TOOL. [19601 1. Drills - -Performance 4p. 1. Rtistamov, R. Order from ATS $7.20 ATS-17144511 11. ATS-17M45R III. Associated Technical Trans. of Nettvanik UMSR) 1960, v. S. no. 1. p. 8- 10. Service, be., Fast Orange. N. J. /079 A 1: :-/ I - 2 7 (Engineering. 7L v. 5, no. 5) office of T-I.M..1 $-.(- 61-22254 Sidorovskii, V. A. PREPARAIION OF SPECIAL EMULSIONS FOR HY- 1. Sidorovskii, V. A. DRAULIC FORMATION FRACTURING. [196112p. U. ATS- I IN147R Order from ATS $4.25 ATS-111447R Ill. Associated Technical Services. Inc.. Hast Trans. of Neftymnik (USSR) 1960, v. 5. no. 8, p. 8-1). Orange. N. DESCRIPTORS: fllydraulic fracturing, Colloids, 7 -7 Preparation. A 7~ /P~ TT. v. 6, no. 4) 61-22217 Egorov. 1. 1. NEW DI:VELOPNM4TS IN EXPLOITING INJECTION 1. Title: Injection wells WPLLS. 119611 2p. I . Egoroy, 1. 1. Order from ATS $3.00 ATS-B2M4',FR 11 . ATS-82M47R III Asstwintimi"k-chiflint !~4SSR) 1960. V. 5, no. 9, P. 8-1). Trani. QCAtftpqlk Services. Inc.. East _ Orange, N. J. DESCMPTORS: Vetroleurn. Sources. USSR. (Engineering, TT, v. 6, no. 4) I, I - 25 1 b7 1" A . 1'. I HE ITFAA HON OF CATALYTIC CRACKING UNITS. I ~ A), isawaa, A P. [ 1,)(, 11 ~i;,. 11 A'FS-17,'SOR Oidut f-em A FS ~4 ~ Q5 ATS- 17N503 Ill. A,,,-:tjT,,lTechnicai j I- (I ISSR) 1960, v - 5, no. 11, Ea,l Orange, N Pi'-'R'RjfTORS: I'L11*01CU111, fivili-:arbim-~, ONration (Enginocring-Chernica), TT, v. 6, no. 7) 011- *1 T*,",,,' I-,** hilronov, D. M. COMPLETION OP WELLS IN A BOTTOM WATER DRIVE TYPH RESCRVOIR. 1196114p. Order from ATS $5.35 ATS-72P Trans. of VZftpnik: (USSR) 1961. v. 6. w. 1. p. 8- 10. DESCRIPMRS: *Well drilling. Hydraulic reservoirs. 61-25054 M ronov, D. M. 11. ATS-72N52R Ill. Associated Tmhnical Services, Inc., East Orarve. N. 'It, b I1.18 (Engineering, TT-6. No. 6) *f Toc#W.A S-4- Pashaev. T. G NAPI-MIALAN PETROLEUM. 11961J 4p. Ordt:r from ATS $8. 45 AIS-99N-5311 Trans. of Neftyanik (LISSR) 1961. v. 6, no. 4 P- 28-29. - DESCRIPTORS: *Naphthalenes, 'Petroleum. 62-12138 1. Pashaev. 1'. G. 11. ATS-99N53R 111. Associated Technical Services, Inc.. East Orange. N. (Enput!ering-Chemical. '17, v. 7, no. 3) Off- .1 T.,h.i,.I S-- Remote Level Measuring in Reservoirs, by 0. Kos tyrev, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per,_Apftrsn k No 11,~ 1%1& -#j__ pp 16-17. 967806S FTD-TT-6111-"9 Sci - Engr .211, 0 4& Sep 62 Fainbarg, A. S. FLAMELESS-CONMUSTION BURNER. [196212p. Order from ATS $2. 00 ATS-62PSBR Trans. of Neftyanik (USSR) 1961, v. 6, no. 11, p. 23. DESCRIFTORS: *Combustion chambers. Design. 62-17284 Fainherg, A. S. 11. ATS-62PSBR [11. Associated Teclunical Sex-vices, Inc., East Orange, N. J. (Engineering- -Mechanical. TT, v. 8, no. 4) Offi-f T-W-1 &-vi- .'I'utjt,:)d for r ity lulik., Vul VIII, Apr 67 as 03 - i 037 1 OIL COKNIG. f196215p. Available on loan from SLA 63-10371 Rr & -lo no. 6. Trans. frorn ? ef!y. .1~ _[?~ (USSR) 1903 Iv. i DESCRIP`I'O1kS-. 'Petroleum, Organic materials, Distillation, 'Coke, Production, Coal, Mineral oils. (Engineer i ng - - Chern ical, TT. v. 9. no. 0 lEdak'al smkr- [A. T lic, -(~v 1~1. D. . j J I hc Till. IKE-; -F 1111AVY UILS AINP [19f.21 (7-ilp. 23 i-f!i. Ord-.1 fr.;Ir, or :ij-l $5. W 63 - j (A 19 Trwis. c-f Neftf)"imlel !'hozjyaiqjyA (USSP) 192,., v. 1-11 p. 328-.19i;- f)!*.SCMI'T0i',S: OiletrrA-um, 'OiL~, Dc-,,-(~MpOliitiOll. puei olls, Cokc, Pj'xuctioz; IT, v. 10. no. 1) 63-10M3 Butkov. N. A. CRACMG (0 KrAinge). 119621191p. (foreign text 1. TitIL- CrackJng included). 1. Bud:ov, N. A. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 63-IOW Trana. of Neftlyanoel Khozlyalemi (USSR) 1928 Iv. 161 Do. ti/fT,-p.-G7w--67T:- DESCRWrORS: *Hydrocarbans. Decomposition, 7ber- modynarnIcs, Tbeory, Experimental data. *Gasollw- (Engineering- -Chemical. Tr, v. 9. no. 14 Olks d Tedn" Surkn 63-L(MI8 Sakhanov, A. N. and Tilicheev, N. G. THE EFFECT OF HIGH PREESSURE AND INTENSITY 1. Sakhawv. A. N. OF CRACKING UPON THE YIELDS AND CHARAC- 11. Titictmeew, N. G. TERISTICS OF CRACKED GASOLINE. [1962122p. 8 refs. Order from OTS or SLA $2.60 63-ID418 Trans. ol Neftyanoe Kbozyaistvo (USSR) t929. Y. 16 fm 21 P~722t--23T- DESCRIPTORS: *High-pressure research, *Hydro- carbons, *GasoLine. *Decomposition, Chemical properties, Physical properties. (Materials --Fuels, TT, v. 9. so. 12) OEM d Tscb*d 63-10-411 Obryadchikov, S. HEATING PETROLEUM IN TUBULAR HEATERS FOR I Obryadchikov, S. CRACKING. [19621(13]p. Available on loan from SLA 63-10411 1 Trans. of Neftf c_~J~~oz yaisty (USSR) 1929 [no. 31 p."557---o DESCRIPTORS: *Petroleum, Pyrolysis, *Heaters, Towers (Chemistry). (Engineering- -Chemical, TT. Y. 9, no. 7) Offlu of TtdmicjJ Stryiets Yurlam, A. U. R!~JECTICNI OF MT PETROLCUNI 114 CONNECTION WMI THE WATER CONTAINED. [1962] 6p. Order from (,'7'3 or SIA $1. 10 63-10403 Trans. ofjjqfE[yanocj Khoz[yaistvoj (USSR) 1929 fv. 17] no. 3, p.--362:7 ~.~ DESCRIPTORS: *Petmlewn, %Vater, fleat, Chemical reactions, refineries, Quality control. 63- 10.YJ3 1. Yurkov, A. 0. (En.,ineerLu.- -Chemical, TT, v. 10, no. 1) Offre ed TecbWc3J Serykes Kostrin, K. B. WINKLER-KOCH PROCESS FOR CRACKIINK, NIAZOUT [1962] [261p. Available on loan from SLA 63-10341 Trans. of Neftyanoe Khozyaistvo (USSR) 1929. v. 17. p. 520-5,iU. DESCRIFff)RS: 'Petroleum, *11efineries, Design, Tower,, (Chenustiv), Furnaces, Evaporators. 63-10341 1. I'itlu:Wmklur-K,,,J': p: Oces 5 2. Title:Mazoui I. KosLrin, K. B. (Engineering- -Chemical, TT, v. 9, no. 6) Offim d TKb*W Swvkn 62- it, 408 MakBltnov, K INVESTIGATIONS OF THE INTERRELATIONS OF 1. Maksimov, M. PRODUCTIVE LEVELS OF MAIKOP LIGHT OIL IN CONNEC~rION WITH THE GENESIS OF THEBRANCH- ~1 1.~'P! :- I "d KCIP J)F. -PCICA.. I I Qt, 17,:. 1; i - 1 - Order from OTS or SLA $9.60 62-16409 Trans. 3f Nefivano (-- Khozynistvo (USSR) 1929, no. 11,1112, suppl. 1p. 813-B34.1. IDESCRIF-TORS: *11eiroleurn. Sources, *Geology, 'Well drilling, Rock. (Earth -Sciences--Gvology. Tr, v. 8, no. 9) 11roMe= (if the Q~MatitatiVe DDtV=ir;at1C-,- Cf jrTdrocarbona In Cracked iDasoline, by D. 'Tilicheyev, H. P. Iftsina, 11 pp. 71AH, mer, ITeft Khoz, Vol XVIII, no 4, 19:540, 64i-646. Sai Tr Center RT-1579 -~-cmtific - Cbemistry 1~j r7 CTS/DEX F/ Sarkls,ov, G- ON *1'11'-' MECHANICAL RFsis'rANCF OF ROCK To DRILLING (C) 11,1ekhanicheskorn Soprotivienii Porod Razburivanivu). [19~,21 [151p. (foreign text included) I ref. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 60 62-18532 Trans. of jAzerhatfthanskmel Neftyanoe Kbozyaistvo (USSR) 1932, no. 11, p. 15-18. DESCRIPTORS: *Rock, *Well drilling, *Drills. Alloys. Mechanical properties, *DrIlling machines. 62-W;32 1. G, (Machinery, Fabrications and Accessory Fquipment. TT, V. 9. no. 8) GHkA W ltd0kal smicts Burkov, N. A., Rabinovich, E. I., and Kalpinskii,T. 11. PYROLYSIS OF SURAKIIAN PARAFFIN MAZOUT. [1962] 23p. Order from OT'S or SLA $2.60 63-10364 Trans. of Neft[nnoel Khoz[yaistvo] (USSR) t933, v. Z., no. 6. p. 29- 15. DESCRIPTORS: *Petroleum, MethaneB, Hydrocarbons, Pyrolysis. 63- iW64 I. Title: Mazout 1. Butkov, N. A. 11. Rabinovich, E. 1. 111. Kallpinskii, T. P. (Engineering- -Chemical, TT, v. 10, no. ;0 Oftf d Tack" &Wvkn Korganow. L L COMBAWING THE PROBLEM OF PARAFFIN IN ParrROLEUM EocrRACnON. 5 Mnr 57, 14p. (f1p. nmi 4 rds. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 60 63-14Wf TrazuL og Kbggimixtro QJSSR) 1933, Y. 25. om 10. P. DESCRWrORS, "'Wases, *FouUzk& Pipes. 011i raArs, Pumps, Storage awks, Decomposition. Vets doum. Reftnnles, nesydn , Haadn& Solvents. Cbenalcals, Solubility, Production, 63-14D86 1. Korganow, L L (Esrth Sciences-Goology. Tr, Y. 10, m 8) Ofts d Teckskaf Servicn Nemtscrv, ?vt S. EFFECT OF PRESSURE UPON A CRACKING PRO- CESS. 11962119p. 44 refs. Order fmm OTS or SLA $1.60 63-10412 Trans. of Neftyanoe Khozyalstvo (USSR) 1933, v. 25, m 10, p._4r-_45._ DESCRIPTORS: *Pressure, *Hydroc-arbons, *Docompo-. altion, Gasoline. Stability, Antiknock. 1. N=tsov. M. S. (Englawring--Cheml cal. IT. Y. 9. no. 12) Offict W Tecicksl Semices Kir,,v, V. A. N0.%',(-)C!PA%j H)II, CALCULAHUN 01: TIIF PRFS';I.'RF OF SMURAIT'D VARJRS 0F 1'1--- *I-RC)I-F:Ilt%l HYDROCARBONS. 119611 3p. 2 i-,-f,. Ord, r fr~,m OTS f,r SLA $ 1. 10 61 -1 ti.0',~s Trjn,~. of Nuft%,,In,-,, Khozvai.,4twi (USSR) 1934, v. 26, no. '1, 1). 67-68. DESC Pvtroleutn, HydmcarNms, Pr,~ssur---, Vapo: prcst4urc-, Ninnographs. 1. Kr- , V. A. Office of Tachnic7l 5~icos 63-103&5 Borimv. P. P. awd Sbidkin N. L REPORTS OF INVWnGATIOM CARR= Otff BY I. 009imv. IF. F. X D6 ZfIUMKU ON THE CATALTM AROUATIZA- IM. SbdkbN W L TION OF PEWROLSM 119M * 33 n*16 M. ZOMM&M, PL D. Order from OTS or SIA $1. 10 63-10365 Tram at Neft Kbozyaiwm (tam 1934. T. 2k wxk. 3, V6-04r!!~~ DESCRIffORS: *Reports, Scientific research, Oft- Erolcurn, *Catalysis. PULtinum catalysts, Nickel cat- Slyms. an-me. Tabw~. "tfamesibms. hydn*mwlm (cb-wmry--Or&wdc. Tir. W. 9. no. 14 Wo d Teds" Effect of Catalysts in Vapor Phase Cracking by P. P. Borisov, M. V. C-averdovskjz),a. PLUSSIAN, per, Neftyanoe Khozyaistvo, Vol XXVI, 1934, No 10, pp 37-39. cFs,rl FF 61-16960 Jun 67 2,2 7, 2,7 IV I TT-61-16993 Borisov, P. P., Gaverilovalcays. M. B.. and Eyttansidi. P. F. 1. Borisov. P. P. CRACKM OF KEROSENE, SPINDLE. AUTOMOBILE 11. Gaverdowskaya. M. B. AND CYLINDER OILS IN THE MESENCE OF M. Epifamskil. P. F. ALLMM4UM CHLORIDE. 10p Order from OTS, SLA, or ETC $1. 10 TT-61-16993 Trazim. of Neftyalpe Khozygistyp (UM) 1935, [v. 273 no. 1. P. (Evgtnmmrinjr--Cbecrdc&L Tr. Y. 12, no. 4) r...... Sheinman, A. B., DuLwovai, K. K. and others. EXPERIMFNTS IN UNDERGROUND GASIFICATION OF 011, LAYERS "DER NATURAL CONDITIONS (Opyry po Podzemnal GazIffkatall Neftyanykh Plastov v Prirodnykb Usloviyukh). (19621 (581p. (foreign texx included) I ref. Order from OTS or SLA $5.60 62-16669 Trans. oi Nefryance Kharyaistvo (USSR) 1935, v. 28, no. 4, p. 48~61. . . DFSCRIPTORS: "PeEroleurn, Sources, Well drilling. Gases. Production, Thermodynamics. Combustion. Recovery. Geology. 62-16669 1. Sheinman, i- B. 11 . Dutroval, K. K. (Engineering- -Cheirtical, Tr, v. 9, no. 3) owl" c4 Tethaim, Services 63-10696 LavroNskii, K. P., Nikolaeva and others. THE [DWERMENT CONCERNING THE APPLICATION 1. Lavrovskii, K_ P. OF THE METHOD OF THE SO-CALLM) "IIYDRO- 11. Nikolaeva GEN NUMBER" TO T11E ANALYSIS OF PYROLYZED BENZINE. (19631 (151p. 26 refs. AvaUable on loan from OTS or SLA 63-to696 Trans. o0 tyanoq Khozyaistvo (USSR) 1935, v. 28, qL _ no. 8, p. 65-69. DESCRIPTORS: *Benzine, Pyrolysis. Chemical analysis, *Hydrogenation, Catalysts, *Platinum catalysts, Incline. (Chemistry- -Analytical, TT, v. tO, no. 5) 0910 d Tadmitai IWAM GaPpern, G. and Vinoqradava, E. BROMOMETRIE VAN KOOLWATERSTOFFEN MET OPLOSSIINGFN VAN BROOIM IN CHLOROFORM YOLGENS MLA.CALLINEY (Determination of Bromine Number in Hydrocarbonis with Bromine Solutions in Chloroform According to INIac-Illiney) 14p. 15 refs. NMYL- 29. (text in Dutch). Order from OTS or ETC 51.85 61-17682 Trans. of Neftyanoe Khozvaistvo (USSR) 1936, no. 1, p. 59-63. DESCRIPTORS: *Hydrocarbons, 'Bromination, Titration, Chloroform, Solutions. 61 -17682" 1. Gal'parn, G. 1": Vinozradova, E. 11 NM%L-28 R1. Stichting hlocilijk Toegan~elijke Wetenschap- pelijke Literaruur offi.. .17.0-1-1 S-i... fte Mbln Worklag Prluclpliw at is Iftv at Hartuwm 002~ ( Is Mozo by - 8, jr, a me 3 -.13- MR S' T. S. WxLamftys 3D W. m=a,, porl son lbut No 6s 39A, N 3T-4- AlW XOM-eM* a" my QL Zr/j 15'~p z Catalytic Aromatization of Petroleum Hydrocarbons Under Pressure, by N.A. Butkov, E.I. Ravinovich, et al. 8 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Neftyanoe Khozyaist:vo, Vol 17, No 6, 1936, pp 48-54. SLA Tr-61-18079 Sci/Chemistry Jul 66 305,984 The Mcscov Petroleum Supply in the General Plan of the City's Reconstruction, by G. S. Kolesnikov, 16 1m-. uNcussipm RUSSIAN Neftyanoye 21~ Wo per., j, No 7j -ftcl to IR-261-55.o 19360 YP 15-20P ~4 -1A1j 5 Apr 1955- crA D 208986 AF 659721 UEOR Economic - CTS 69/Jun 55 Kalkin. M. 0. DEWAXING OF SURAKHANY LUBPICATM OILS WITH SELECTIVE SOLVF14TS. [t9611 Sp Order from OTS, SLA, or ETC $1. 10 IT-61 - t6604 Condensed trans. of Nef!yanoq_Khozyv1stvq, (USSR) 1936 Iv. 171 no. t0, ~.::W-63. DESCRUIMRS: *Oils. *Lubricants, Waxes, Separation, Solvents. T-17-61-16604 1. Kalkin. M. 0. (Materials- -Lubricants, TT, v. 11. no. 3) Me of 78chakid 3C.A3 Laboratoi), Method of Determination of the Stability of Aviation Oils, by D. Ya. Kolomatskiy, L. I. Stepantsov. 5 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Neftyanoe Khozyaistvo, Vol 17, No 10 1936, pp 70-71. OTS TT 61-18021 Sci/Propulsions & Fuels Jun 67 327,700 Butkov. N. A. and Kolpenskaya. T. P. PREPARATION OF AVIATION OILS BY HYDROGENA- TION. 1196f),9p Orderfr=017S. SLA. orEM$1.10 TT-6t-16603 Trans ofNeftaz~~ st l7in6._Fl~ p-_'2i[-4f. ~L_yo (USSR) 1936 DESCRIP'MRS: *Airplane engine oils. Hydrogenation, Airplane enginer, *Lubrication, Viscosity. 'r-r-61-16603 1. Butkov, N. A. U. Kolpenskaya. T. P. (Materials- -Lubricants. Tr, v. 11. no. 3) 0111m d TedmmW Servim Cracking of Ishimbaevo 1,.Iazut, by 1. D. Graner, E. V. Evstafleva. RUSSIAN, per, Neftyanoe Kliozyai:stvo, Vol XVIIJ No 12A 1936, pp 25-26. CFSTI TT 61-18092 13 ~ -7 / -~ 7 6 Jun 67 repamtiott of Pluel for the 1937 Swing CamlxLlgn., 'by L. M. Muratovp MooL*va,# 11 pp. UICIAMIFIED Fumia lmr,, Ip Neft3!!?n~KhLjzyeVstvo, No 3.. 1937, lp 6-10.0 F - AT 637134 V-6 19~ kic bt M p Q cientiric raeu 110V 5~ cm/m ca C1.0 0 7 =W-Rafoming the Pri=ivsi Crudeor. of the Soviet Urdcaj, by 1. U. laystakin,4 pp. ummssinED RUBSUN* per# t Pzs No 9s 1937P yp 66-681 F=IL to AFOIN-M~faport No 3R-.193-55y 25 Feb 1955. M D r8l'35G5 Ar 654426 USSR 900acmic - Jun 55 CTSAM ampline ,A,- If r o' 1e, LA 'No-Step Cracking of a Wide Fraction of Ishimbaevo Oil, by S.IN. Obryadchikov G. Zubchenko. 7 pp. RUSSIANI, per, lieftyano KAozyaistvo, Vol 17, lio 12, 1936, pp 217-29. SLA TT-61-16988 Sci/Chemistry Jul 66 305,994 TT-61-16605 Kholodov, S. A. and Burdov. D. M. SOLVENT REFINING OF RESIDUAL OILS. JIM) 1. Kholodov, S. A. lip 14refs 11. Burdov. D. M. Order from OTS, SLA, or ETC $ 1. 60 TT-61 - t6605 Condensed trans. of'Nbdtyanoe Khoz],airtvo (L)SSR) 1937 Iv. 181 no. - 10,.P- 49-59. DESCRIPTORS: *Lubricants, Oils, 'Solvent extraction, Solvents, Distillation. (Materials- -Lubricants. TT. v. 11. no. 3) d Techdcal Serwkn