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Gerlich, N, The deter6natian of the water wettabiliky of the surface of the skin. ZEITSCIIRIFT FUER HAUT-UND G~,'SCIILEC71TSKRIViKlIF!,IITIV UND DEREAT rRCNZGi',,BlE Vol 471 No 11 1972, pp 491-500 II.TC 73-13747-06E Burekhardit, 0. 1943 is there a connecting link botween the two Bo-ft-mina speoiesl (libt e3 Verb inDmSeglieder zwischen "don baiden BosmIns- spezion"?! - Zeitachrift fUr hydrologle, 2(1-2): 128-148. In leman Tmnal. by Tranal. 'lur, , Pgn. Land;. Div., Dept~ of Sea. of State of Canada, for Dept. of Exiviron., M~BC Urciat Lakes Biolimnology lab., BUrlington, Cat., 1973, as Tmnal. Series No. 2648, 21p., typescript. AvW. on ;,cpan - !IMPS, Wash., D.C. Original Arilclo Chocked* liunnel, K. Failure of Protection f.~-om Anti-Rh Sensitization I~dth the use of Rh(D) Antibodies from the Monozygotic Thdn ZEITSCIMIPT YTa EMMITAETS (FORSCHM;G), ALIERGIE (FORSCIUNG) LIM IMNISCIM 12-24MOLOGIE, V. 141~ 1c,171., P. 152-16VO NTIC 73-11R',-,-OS bE Oelerich, S. Isolation of strain- and group-specific partial antigens from trypanosomes of the brucei-group. ZEITSCHRIFT PUER IMMUNITAETSFORSCHUNG AND EXPERIMENTELLE THERAPIE, v. 143, p. 304_T17 NTC 73-10919-06M .S T lb-Sep-73 Uncl (UCRL-Trans--1,#9')) Atomic absorption sppctrometric deteriRinalion of cadmium In serum 3nd urine. LEHNrRT, G.; SCHALLER, K.H.; HAAS, T. Translated from Z. Kiln. Chem. Kiln. Biochem.; 5: No. 3, 174-176(1968). 5p. Dep. NTIS $3.00. 06 blomed; 07 chemistry (analytical)-, translations MN-4 P NSA 0 Zwanzig, 11. Stucb.cs on the pli-Deputdenco. Inhibition and Ileact- vation of Aw-iotensin 2 and Aii~iotcnsin 2 knide Clearing & of ll--n,~an Rlasi,~)a U, ITSCIMIFIT li",CIR Imuliscim. C:M, M ~TRTD IMMISCIM .. -%r. 7, 19601~ :t)P. 0-553-25(~ 17C 73-215~0-06P 17M warle, 1. Distribution of Kininogen in the serum cmd tissues of rata and other mwnmaZa. ZEITSCHRIFT -FUER KLINISCIlb; CIIEAIIE (UND KLINISCHE BIOCREMIE), VoT 8, No 3,, 1970,, pp 186-189. NTC 73-13463-06A -.-) 2,71 ~t." L -4-1-74, Tables, LTT, ::nfl, i LS. ".. iitted. G A T s, - 111. S 4 I-Fr C7:3-11) 151-06 A Mhol. 11. The nffect of' horn~oiies mi cTectro,,r!-e ie I I , - ve f; vilonlar.)h"d r01- p S e (ATPase) and the en6~)-plasiplc re'lAciii.rrn in Ile ra'i -E PUI~R ~',1771"TTT, C-U11%7 ~ (uT-Tr) t) Weicker, 11. Isolation of a tow moteoutcw weight erythrocyte mpbrane protein by anti-d imunoadsorption, ZEITSCHRIFT FLIER KLINISCHE CHEMIE (UND KLINTSCHE BIOCREMBE), Vot 9, No 5., 1971, pp 367-374 NTC 73-13314-06A Weic er,, R. Studies on the RH-(D) property of a low moUcular arythrocyte-membraw protain with the Schultz-Dala reaction. ZEITSCHRIFT FVER KLINISCHE CHEMIE (UND KLINISCHE 2IOCHERIE), Vol 9, No 5, 1971, pp 3?5-382 NTC 73-12213-06A Haeckel, R. Automation in cUnioa4 c;wndeaZ analysis. MITSOMET MR KUNISCHE CHEM UND KUNISCHN BIOCHEMIS Vol 10; 197!~-pp 23S-342 9==W NTC 74-10028-06A Nocke-Finck, L. Prodwition rates and metabolic cZearance rates of estrogens and of progesterone in mot, ZEITSCHRIFT FOR KLINISCHE CHERIE(WD KLINISCHE BIOCREAIIE~ Vot 10, No 9. MR., pp 395-402 NTC 73-13312-06P Flatau, E. Pez,iphemZ facial paralysis iaith retrograde neuron degemmtion. A omtrtbution to the normal and pathologioal anatmV of the Nn. Fdeialis, dochZearte and trigeminus. ZEITSCHRIn FUER KLINISCHE WDIZINP Vol 32, 1897, pp 280-302 1VTC 74-20072-06E ON LOAN SERVICE CHARGE On the Physiological Behavior or the Pulse with Change of Air Pressure, by Rich. Heller, 41 pp. ZEIT KLINISCIIE MEDICIN, Vol 33, Nos 3/4, 1897, pp 341-384. NAVSIIIPS-Tr-1349 May 73 Guenther, Vt. Zn trcmsport in ascites, tumar ceZZo ZEITSCIII-"TTT ~'U'PI? KLINISCIIE, Ca"mus, (;VID KLINISCIIE 117 9, 1971~ pp 438-44P. AITC 73-13854-06E I . Uncl (ORNL-tr--ZG59) Influence of phenobarbilat and halogenated hydrocarbons on nitrosnmine carcinogenesis. Kunz, W.: Schaude, G.; Thomas, C. Translated for Oak Ridge National Lab , TN, from Z. Krebstorach.; 72: 291-304(1969). 1;p. Dep. NTiS. 06 blomed; translations MN-48 P NSA VonDiringshofen, H The effects of the hydyostatic pressure of the water bath on the cayillary biood pressure and on the deh6dration o the connective tissue 1S Z. KREISLA FFORSCH, Vol 37, 1948, pp 382-390 NA6A 11 F 14894 Smolarz, W. Experimental and clinical studies in the treatment of arrhythmias due to digitalis by sodium citrate, ZFITSCHRIFT UER KR LS-LAUFFOR fHUNG, 1966) ~ E - S pp 521-527, v. SS. NTC 73-12387-06E NTIS N72-Z1045 Mahringer, W. The probZem of the irourm of the uZtra-,eound eahoeardiop= in m1fr4Z stanosis. Studioa of artificial valves by mcm pf Roentgen dinsmatOgrqhy. ZEITSCHRIFT FOR MISLAUFFORSCHM, Vol 58s 19691 pp mor-1200 mgc"-;J- NTC 74-20073-06E 09 LOAN SERVICE CHARGE H. Schumann Reeults of a new therapy for reducing early mortality in myocardial infarction. ZEITSCHRIFT FUER KRE.TSLAVFFORSCHVNG j Val 69, No 9, 1970 pp 844-848 NWG ATS 64A129G may 73 Held, K. Cerebral blood flow in nonpulsatile perfusion. I. Effect of constant pressure perfusion on cerebral circulation volume and cerebral oxy- gen consumption with variable perfusion times. ZEITSCHRIFT FUER KREISLAUFFORSCHUNG, Vol. 60, pD.336-346, 1970. A~= ;fSi1662 77 7 P-1 Ulner, Ii. -V. Pulse Rate, Blood Pressuze, Blood Volwnc~ and C~q6en vptake of Sportsmen Trained for Miclixance and of Non-Sportsmon during Imension in Water MITSCIMM M2 IMMMM-011SCETIG, v. 61, 19r,12, pp. 9341--936 I-ITC 73-12737-o6p XVII ARTISTIC PREPARATION OF LARGE FLAWLESS C RYSTALS C-11~~-- ~ 0 VI-111 1~ STOEBER F LANGUAGE-GE COUNTRY-GW ZEITSCHRIFT FUER KRISTALLOGRAPHIE 61 (299) 19 24 PP 299-314 ISTC-HT-23-0526-74 SACHSMMER, W. //ZEITSCMUTT RM =- FC)MCIFMG (MID KLINISM ONYOLOGIE)// --/--/1965,voo67,N----, p 0112-oi26 Effect of ozone on mouse ascites tumor cells and on caick fibroblasts in tissue culture NTC 74-12005-o6m HARTGE, K. H. //ZE,ITSCRRIFT ITTER KULTURTECIMN LEND FUMBRIMITROG// Core Samplers and Wall Friction, pp 339-34-1 74-10156-i.~w~, Haas, E. Rotatory threshold determination and sigerthivshoLd testa of Labyrinthine excitability in normal personz. ZEITSCHRIFT FUSR LARYNGOLOGIE RUNOLOGIR OTOLOGIE UPID IRRE GRENZGEBISTE, Vol 44, No 3, 1965, pp 180-189 NTC 73-21796-06E Boehme, G. The effectiveness of electrotherapy in diseas- es of the Larynx using stroboscopy. ZEITSCHRIFT FUER LARYNGOLOGIE, RHINOLOGIE, OTOLUGJL~UND IHRL GRENZGEBIETE (STUTTGART) . Vol.44, pp. 481-488, 1965 NNTI #16514 Zippel, R. IfistopatholoCical and Scrologicol, FindlnCo in 07canrt ZP,,ITq,CILRTFT ATM WYNG01,0air", MIINOLOGE, , OTOLOGM., MID IMM, GMI, 26MIETIE, , v. 146, 1.967, pp. 2,17r)--pm 1-6- 1. 1 Fld-'C7 3 - 1-2 5 , - Hellmich, S. Chondroma of the Larynx. ZEITSCHRIFT FUER LARYNGOLOGIE, RHINOLOGIE, OTOLOGIE UND IHRE GRENZGEBIETE, V.48, p~--.7790- 795, 1969 NIMTI TRANS j"11674 Puskas, F. Morpbolofjral., Function,01. and Bac~,criological Inlresti- pstion ,)17 thn Yana]. I'llicoca after 1UTSCITRIFT FLIER LARVIGOLOHIEl-lirmoLOGTA, OlOLOGIA UND IIIIE GRENZ0131ETE, ir. 1070, PP. 17 -1,94 - . 1, 1 G t.7 ,EC 73-1-27"6-06E Birnmeyer, G.. Laryngeal Chondrosarcoma and its prognosi,,i, Z LARYNGOL RHINOL OTOL, Vol.50, pp.126-133, 197-1. - AINMTI TRANS f'r' 1664 Griebel, C. Confusion of Tabacco Seed with Poppy Zl---Ll-,Bi:iNSi\IIITE-L-UiN'FL-'itSU(3l.-FORSCII, Vol 90, 1950 pp 109-112 *NTIS-TT-74-53174 J, qiy T ~ ~.7 7' d t ICTI schormuelur~ or. *fhod of analysis for quantitative determinations of organic acids in food-atuffe. Z91TSCHRIFT MR LKBEYSWMLVN2TRSUCHVNG UND POSCHUNG, Vol M, 1960, pp IN:112 RTC 7X-22223-07C FroBah, V., P. Samer, and K. llfsaher 1971 Irtfluenae of harrIng-mlorooraunlem on the oxidation of fate 1. Decomposition of lineolic-aoid hydmperoxIdon (Rinflues von aut Neringell Mildenden 'Mikroorganismon auf die PettoxydaVon 1, Abbau von LinosWurchydroperoxyden) Zeitsohrift Nr Lebensmittel-Ontersuohung und Foraahuns, .L41_: 140-144. in oermn. Tranal. by Trarml. Bur. rgn. Lang. Div.. DaPt. Of 81B0- Of State of aamcia. for Dept. or Environ. , MBC Halifax TAb. Halifax, N.S., 1973, as Tranal. Series Ne. 25,38, lop" typescript. Avail. on T,oan - MIMI, Wash., D.C. ROh-r-7i,-h 1.1,02atioll x Maarv., za J 0`1 "On Of 20 24clo-', bo tll~, ." I 1~, 17, c 021 Of qj 7~3-1171'7 -1) - 3 .1 c, IT Oil O-T,-an~,~ ~-331. -Fo"-Clruj~c -.1-1213 ZO r Immg R* Locall'aation of some enzymeas in the Alitochondria of the skeletal muvole of pig. ZITRITSCHRTFT FOR LEBENSMINEL-UNTERSUCHUNG UND- FORSCHUNG., VoZ 149, 1972, pp 7-17 NTC 73-13586-06H Hey# He S~ectraZ analysis and gas chromatogrqhy of Thiabendaxote; its ultmvioZet photowteta dotervination on oitme frato and banows. ZEITSCWRTFT RNR LKBEjSM=ELUNTEWVCHVNG-UND FORSCHUNGP Vol 249,, 1972, pp 79-89 STC 73-14559-07C EIGINER, M. //ZEIT. LEDENSM.-tNTERS. FORSCH.// --/.-/l973,VO151,NO006, No English title no pages given, *EPA TR 476-74@@ RMTER, B. //ZEMSCIMIFf UND The Tctrado ToOt an Sensory 1,lethod. Part 1. 111cthota and Application, pp SCIDIOLOKt 14. /!7eitSCI I r' -% und -forscliun&// 0087-0099 Review of papers on the malysin of polysccltari~lcv- lx&-d ar; r-oul a(blitive lla.-~,,, I ~;cw,ntl ruviell 'IT TROMMSDORY, H. //ZEITSCHRIF'T FUER LEBENSMITTLUNTERSCHUH G UND FORSCHUNG// -/-=/1974, V01540N-, pp 0001-0005 The use of ion-exchange-chromatography of amimoacids for the quqUty evaluation of fish report No 11 NTC &15-1010$-06H V 119ksch, R. von Detenntination of blood gZucma with the Go~-Pod-Abts 1A ae m thod using uranyl acetate for I alburn~ni;7ation. ZEITSCHRIFT FbEl? I-EDIZINISCRE. LABORTECIMIK Vol 14., 1973, pp P?-33 NTC 73-14277-OVA Otto, L. Fluorescence 1,11icroscope of the I-jikroval Type From VE5 Carl Zeiss Jena, 12 pp. 7RITSCHIRIFT PITER MEDI7TT,',IjSCHT,,' LATIORTECHNIK, 7a-sT -Ber-I`T~no --1-47," -17o-7, 1973, PP-T7---FO3. JPRS 60221; Oct 73 Roll, F. On the Decomposition of an Iron-Aluminium Al- loy. Z. METALLKUNDE, 1934, Vol.26, No.9, BISI 11730 Hoffman, F. 4 Schulze, A Determination of the Melting Points of Calcium, Strontium and Barium. ZEITSMRIFT FUER METALLUME Vol 27, No 7 pp Iss-IS8 July 1935 *AI:SC (6 Jul 73) July 1973 Geller , W. Theory of the Degaising of Metals Bathe by Rinsing Gas ZEITSCRIPT METALLONDE-2. vol. 35, no. 11~ (1943)~ pp. 213-217 HB TRW . 16r,6 Gebliardt, E. Reactions of Solid Iron wLth Melts of Aluminium and Aluminium Allovs. Z. METALLK.5 1553, Vol.44, pp.1S4-160, E~7:ff Raub, E. MWOUNWMA"N Paladium-Manganese Alloys ZEITS-GIR. FUR ML-FALLUNDE V 45 (7), 1954 pp 430-436 *ALC/LB/G/308/5o 15-Aug-73 Uncl (ORNL-tr--2638) X-ray studies on the age hardening of an aluminum--copper alloy by means of small angle rotating pKotographs. GEROLD, V. Translated by R.G. Mansfield rrom Z. Metallk.; 45: No. 10, 593 599(1954). 22p. Dep. NTIS $3.25. 11F metallurgy; translations MN-25 P NSA 9 Gurtler, G. Growth Layers in the Reaction of Solid Iron with Melts of Aluminium and Aluminium Alloys. Z. METALLK., 1955, Vol.46, Nc.10, pp.738-741. B 13 1 -1 TM Heumann, T. Kinetics of -the Reaction of Solid and Liquid Aluminium witli Iron. Z. METALLK., 1959, Vol.50, Nos.11/10, Dp.&17- 61115. BISI 10723 ' Just, J. Electrolytic and Mechanical Polishing of Iron- Carbon Alloys. Z. NETALLK., 1961, Vol.52, No.6, pp.410-413. i ~ 17 ~ T -11 f T3-1 18-Sep-73 Uncl (A.EC-tr--7453) Problem of stress corrosion of homogeneous solid solutions. VIII. Problems of stress corrosion susceptibility in the copper-nickel system. GRAF, L.; LPCOUR, H.R.; RICHTER, W.; WITTICH, W. Translated from Z. Metallk.; 54: 4o. 7t 406-415fk1963). 24P. Dep. N-TIS $3.25. 11F corrosion; 11F metallurgy; translations !N-25 P qSA (.-A U0 -7 'i Unc I R ll~ L - t r -- 2 c~t-, :1 iqu ir i uq: pre, isure of carbon i,c.noy i lc vc r t an t a I um--oy y4en--Ca rhon a- i xp ' c r~vst a I s - FR~Mw, `-.~ 0. Tr,.~nqlnted hV k. Gregg Mapsfieid (Oak Ridle Mat i ond I Ld~~. , Tenn. ) from 158: No. 11 0( 1967 ~00. I:TTS $3.00. iiurcly: tra~,iations M14-25 P N S A Z4-Aug-?? Unci (DRNL-tr--Z654) Equillbriuc, Pressure of carbon mortoxide over niobiwR--oxygen--carboa solid soluti*fts- FROMM, E.; SPAETH, G. Translated bv R,G. Mansfle)d fron, Z. Metallk.; 59. No. 1, 65-6B(1968). 13P. Dep. NTIS i~-. Illy. ---- - - 07D chemistry (phVsical)', JIF metallurgy; lransl3tions MM-25 P 4SA Perona, G. Diffusion bonding of titanium to steel. ZEITSCHRIFT FUER MEIALLONDE, 1967, pp 125- 128, v. 58. NTC 73-12273-11F. Fromm, Eckehard Equilibrium Pressure Of Carbon Monoxide Over Niobium- oVgen-Carbon Solid Solutions -12 p in Z. Metallkde., 59(2-):- 62-8 (1968). AEC/OUL-TR-2664-73 ll)ebm, G. cladslini,.T, of rteel, with refrac-~or~- r-etals, 12 ~11,7 C 7-1 Rose, W. The influence of the texture on the deformation in extraction in the torsion test. Z. METALLK., 1968, Vol.59, No.5, pp.396-399. *BISI 11 58 REINBACH, R. //Z. METALLKUNDE,// --/--/1969, V0060, NOOOS The constitution of copper rich copper beryllium cobalt alloys pp 463-456 HB-1,9080## 18-Mar-74 jIt,7,1 'A-EC-tr--?S14-P1) investigation of stress corrosion in alloys of aluminum-zinc-naqnesium, at uni nu-i.--zinct a) un inum-si Iver, and a lu.Ti num--zopper-- magnesium. Part 1. Aluminum-zinc-magnesium alloys. GRAF , L. , q-ETH , W Translated from Z. 19 ?~,9-799( 1969 13p. Dep. NTIS $3-0r,- IlF corrosion; JIF netallurgg: translations MM-25 P TS A 18-ela r-74 I (AEC --t i--7b 14 -P2 Investigation of stress co r r o -i I on 1 TI M I 10 Y3 Of a I Urn In u m- -z i ne-Mag no 9 1 um, al urni num--zi net alut inuin-si Ivert and aluminum--copper-- magnesium. Part 11. Aluminum-zinct aluminum--silvert ,Lnd a I umi num-copper-magnes i um a I I cys. GRAF, L.; NETH, W. Translated from Z. Metallk.; 60: 860-864(l.969). 33p Dep. HTIS $3.767-- IlF metallurgy; translations MN-25 P MSA K. Hack The friction and wear characteristics of gold single crystals subjected to small pressures per unit area. ZEITSCMIFF FUER METALLME, Vol 61, pp 394- 400, 197U- NTC 72-lSI43-11F mar 73 sowtt-Thm"o 1. 0. Fraotogrqhy and * its rols in failure amalpis UMSCIMIT FURR NUMUNDR.. V. 8 Z, M. 12, Z9 70 pp. 965-087 NTC 73-23748-22F sawalbas R. -1. frwtopaphio observations in fatigw oraok pmpaption in pum aluninm PURR WALLONDE 0. 82, n. 0, 197Z, gmq,q7 ...A pp. 472-481 NTC 7;-t3740-IZF Gunther, Baro The Superplaxisticity ofd,+ p Brass 19 pp Z. P.IETALLUNDE, Vol 63, No 7, 1972, pp 385-392 FSTC-HT-23-645-73 DISTRIBUTION LIMITED TO US GOVT AGENCIES Laue , K. Experiences with Extrusion Tools. Z. Metallk, 1971, Vol. 62, No.11, pp.350-4. BISI 1110T D. FISCHER Investigation of Friction Processes Using Exoelectron Emission. ZEITSCHRIFT FUER METALLKUNDE, Vol 62, pp 543-548, 1971. NTC 73-10082-11F Mar 73 sammop, 0. V. The infZwnm of additions of tmwition wtaZa on the sintering behavior of tungsten Z91TSCHRrPr MR ATALLUNDS w V. 62.0 zo?% pp. 627~ STC 73-Z4029-11F e, /-) - -/ 12- -- /,,~ -/- 10-Jan-74 Uncl 1,AE,L--4502) Corrosion behaviour of zirconium and zirconium--chromium alloys in sceam at temperatures between 325 and 7000C. ULLRICH, G.; WIEDEIANN, K.H. Translated from Z. Metallk.; 52: .9o. 12, 899-909(1971). 17p. Dep. YTIS (U.S. Sales Only) $3.0D. IIF corroslon; 11F metallurgy; I5J reactor m5terials; translations MM-25 NP 4SA Sohmedor, R. H. Experimental Determination of Lattice Parameters of Platinum Metals in the Temperature Range between -190 and 1709 C ZEITSCHRIFT pUER ATALLKUNpE, v. 63, 1972, pp. 12-16 NTC 73-Z2782-UF NLL INC 746-1316 v. C~ c1. -~,nr C, ii ~yr 1 T.~ 'T T17 -i-': ',T",' ftn Le Koopfs ff. The Cri te ma for the hot Formabi li ty of Copper and Atwinum MatentaZa. ZEITSCHRIFT FUER AFTALLOWDE, v. 63, Z972, pp. 522- 525 NTC 73-12422-111F THtRMOMECHANICAL TREATMENT OF ALLOYS OLLALY VON LUC LANGUAGE-GE COUNTKY-GW I ~. ., I : ~ :~-i I f, . LLITSCHRIFT BULK METALLKUNDE SEPT 1972 63 9 P 531-541 t-S%-HT-23-0Z29-74 LVAS, 0. SuaZeation dwriV solidiflo4tion of metaltio wIta ZHZSCHRrFT RUIR WALUNDS 630 it. 630, U726 pp. 594 NYC 7344028-12F wm&rs, D. str#Vth and aramliae lifs of of azumilliwn attoys UMSCHATFT FOR )WAZLKWDS, eas CC 73..13982-11F di" for hoZlow seatione 0. 63, Z973, pp. 681- Neumann, G. M. Thermodyncrrics of heterogeneous gas equilibria. Gas phase corposition and chgrrdcaZ transport roactions in the tungaten-haZogen-oxygen oystem. ZEITSCIIRIFT FUER AETALLK Vol 64, 1973, pp 26-32 NTC 73-13268-D?D Grewc, H. et al Restriction of Grain Coarsening in Cermented Carbides of ISO-K Type by Carbide Additions. Z. INETALLK., 1973, V.64, pp.85-93. Mff Staftel, Dieter The Internal Oxidation of Silver Alloys at 11114h Press- ures and in Atomic Oxygen PIITSCI= isTALmi,3. voi. 64, no. It, pp. 86-1~5 , 197; VWA TT F-T"~,156 444W Hausch, G. 'Ifivar' and 'Elinvar': Alloys with Controllable Thermal Expansion and Elastic Properties. Z. IIETAUX., 1973, V.64, DP.152-160. 2, MI-i 1-9 f7- FT Tin L'j 57- Grasnick, K, Infbience of type of Soil. on Nocturnal- Temperature variations in the Ground Level. Lver of Air ZBrTSCHR=,J MER IMEC�ROLOG37, v. 15, 1(),61, pp. 2'(-36 NTC 73-13198-04B NTIS MP-PrOili R. Koitzach Measurements of thermal conductivity in the oubaoil. 14 pp. z. WTEOROL. MAIN), Vol 19, No 11/12, 19670 pp 375-380 NASA TT F 14,664 apr 73 Reidat, P. concerning the daily course of air 200m attitude and its influence on gases according to registration of the lower Me River near Stade. ZEITSCHRIFT FUER IETEOROLOGrE, Vot NTC 7,5-13409-04B tenVerature up to diffusions of smoke air temperature at 20, 1968~, yp 310-317 Schroeder, W. Aspects of the international exploration of noctilucent clouds 10 p Z. METEOROL. 1971 v. 22, H-o-.6-7 p 229-232 NASA TT F 14950 Jonek, J, Histochen~ical studies of the behavior of Laucine-Amino- Peptidase in sty-lated nwcles and in the liver after acute manganese poisoning. ZEITSC.qRIFT FOR MIKROSKOPISCH-ANATOIfISCHE FORSCHUNG ,j Vol 72, 1965J pp 44;-6 417-425 NTO 73-21750-06T Schumacher, Dr. K. Development Tendencies of Chemical Combat Agents (ChKS) - Under Special Consideration of Skin Damaging and Skin Penetrating War Chemicals 7 pp Z. FUER MILITAEPIAEDIZINS No 2, 1969, pp 74-76 FSTC-HT-23-10-73 DISTRIBUFFON LIMITH TO US GOVT AGENCIES Gry~' -77 I,,jiy 1.97" on o th Gilt le s ti c~ 2 072 ~-jlplcj,j Stremmel, D. State of the Art in Organophosphate Antidote Research 20 pp ZEIT. HER MILITARNEDIZEN, NO 5, 1972, pp 288-298 FSTC-IJT-2-3-1047-73 DISTRIBUIJON LIMITED TO U.S. GMT AGENCIES organization of Mass Transfusion, Infusion service in iospitals, by 11. G. Ne)nneyer, 10 pp. Go,,RMAN, per, -'eitschrift fuer llilitaormedizin, - -,;ast Berlin, Jan -20. J-PRS 58910 '.Tay 73 On-1,anization of I-Iilitary Outr)at'ient Caile Discussed, by Gestowitzt pp. T.)er, eitsclarift fiier i~lilitaermedizin, ~t"ast 7BOI'lin, 2, 1977, -05 63-6.c'-- JPIIO 50/175' Jun 7 3 1:obilc c c lo 1~ fater by Diocoll, -'oltscluift Fucr 1,jilitaci i ~j-jj-,~, qic I Jun Yq