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gkopintsev, B.A. Saturation of deep Black Sea (0 meyahchemosti glublmWleh Okesnologila, 12(5): 803-808. 1972 vaters with calcium Phosphate ahemomorskikh vod foaftUm in Russian. Tranol. by ST for AOU, 1973, pp. 672-677 in Ooeanolo (trsnal. of entire, Wut). Avail. AGU, prioa per *y. $5.00, yearly subec. (6 isauee) $qo.00. Avail. on Loan - IMPS, Wash.. D.C. Original Article ChGckedy~- kizatullin, T.A., " X.M. xhailov 1972 Kinetics of transformation of proteins ond P01Y4400harides dissolved in seawater diaring intonation with detritus (Kinstika transformataii bolkov i poliaakharidoV, rastvorermykh v morskof vode, pri vzaimodelstvii a detritom) Okesnologila, A(5), 809 In Russian. M;VV- 65q Tranal. by ST for AQU, 1973, Pp~ 677-ift 1n "Olaeanology" (traral. of entire issue). AYRIL AGU, prioo per cy. $25-00, yearly subso. (6 isouea) $90,00. Avail. on Loan - NMYS, Wash., D.C. Original Article CheckadAR; Agapovs, ON. 1972 The geomoroology of the Peru-Chile Trerch (Geomorfologlia Peruansko -Ohl I dilcogo doloba) Meanologlia, _U(5)i 823-M. In Ruaslan. CS 14 7 Tranol. by ST for AGU, 1973. pp. 6849 in "008anology" (tranal. of entire issue). Avail. AOU, prios par ay. $25-00, yearly subso. (6 issuce) $qo.00. Avail. on Loan - NM, Waah., D.C, OrIgInal Article ChackedA Sper&Mkil, N.S. 1972 Some kinematio features of the surf Swah (Nakatorye oherty Idnematild pribbrpo o pot"kal Okeenologita, 12(5)- 855- in awalun. hg('~ ' q Traml. by ST for AGU, 1973, pp. 714-A in "Oessnology" (tranal. of entire issue). Avail. AM. prioe par oy. $25,00, yearly subso. (6 issues) $90.00. Avail. on Loan - 141,11?3, Wash., D.C. Original Article Checked.11 MikS, V.E., and N.A. Ostrovskaia 1972 Mttern Qf diurnal variations in microsoopla:*ton abundance -16diterranean sea jin the ourMce layer of the I SutooluWr Idiod ohasleru=ti m1krozooplanktona v goverkhmatnom sloe Sreditemogo moria) 6g3 Okeenologlia, 19(5); 868-M. In Ruesion, 7-1Z Tranal. by ST for AGU, IV3, pp. 725-W in "Oceanology" (tranal. of ontire isaus). AvRil- AOU, Price Per 07. $25-00, yearly subso. (6 Lesuee) $".oo. Avail. on Loan - NUS, Wash., D.C. OrIgInal Art(cle Cheded.* Dunisov, N.E. 1972 soce eaveats of the wo of divere to investigatin bottom communities (Nakotorye vopro3y motodiki vodolamwkh Lealtdovanif domVkh ooobah4hestv) Okeanologiia, -q(5)1 884-M. Tn Russian. V IYY Trarml. by ST for An, 191T PP, 738."w i pro I It 11 06an'o 01,5.00, (tranal. of entire issue). Avail. AOU, prioe per ay. yuarly subso, (6 Irkaues) $90.00. Avail. on Loan - Wash. , D. Original Article Checkedm. Starikova, W.D., and 0.0. lablokova 1972 Mothod of dotemining frea,5upre (oarbohydrates) in seawater, sumpenalon, mW aedlftnts (K mStadike oprodalenita uvotiodnylM sauharov Nalmdov) v morskof Wt. vussi L omadk0h) 1/0 Okeanologila, jg(5)i 898-M. In Russian. '741 Tra=l. by ST for AOU, 1973, PP. 750-mw in "Oomnology" (tmnol. of entire issuo) * Avail. AaU, priae per cy. $25-00, y9arly subse. (6 insues) $90.00. Avail. on Loan - IMPS, Wash., D.C. U9 Original Article CheckediN Pykhov, N.V., and VS. Longinov 1972 on the methods of omputlng tha parametem of turbidity currents (0 metodaldi ravelista parametrov suopenzIonnylch potokov) 01cesnologlia, 19(5)1 911-923. In Russian. Tranal. by ST for AGU, 1973, PP. 761-771 in "Ooeanology" (transi. of entire isaue). Avail. AGU, priae per oy. $25.00, yearly cubso, (6 issues) $90.o0. Avail. on Loan - MPS, Wash., D.C. Original Article CherkeAR Rudiskov, Pa. A. 1972 Rate of PASsive ginkIsig of the Pelagic Ostriftood Cypridina 4nupM (0.N. N,*Iler) in relatlon to diurnal 1$rtib-aF- 5d4fatlow (31=030 paSsImogo pogmahentla, 6sleSIehoskoY Oet"alw"Y L (a.w. Ratner) vjylazi s favlelm SU '"01 "V41' I,rmllnykh migratall) '2~~Jo ~n jg(5)j 996-928. Tn 1hwalan. Transi. by ST for AM, 1973, PP. 773-775 In "Ooeanology" (trarml. of entire issue). Avail. AQU, price r-*r ay. t25-00, yearl,y subsa. (6 iseuee) $90.00. Avail. on Loan - MOB, Wash., D.C. to OrIginal Art1de Checked-A'Tl- Frovarova, N.P. 1972 Calculation of the 00~ffi0i�Dt Of SOUnd 80attOriAg by schools of bathypslaqio fish with evimning bladdors, based an oatch data (0 reschate koeffitsionta rwaoianlin avuka skoplenliaml batipelagiahaskikh ryb a plavatallnMi g4gyriami po dalinym oblovov) 12(51-- 932-935. rn ftsolan, Trans'. by ST for AAIU, 1973. PP. 779-782 in "Oo I na- eang 01,5.,,,, (tra 1. of entire issutl. Avav- AqU, price per oy. yearly subei, isj$uto) $90.00'. Avail. on Loan NMM, Vuh., D.C. be OrIgInol ArtIcle Checked.W. Dobrobollskly, A.D. 1972 80vist 00ftnOlou and the fiftieth anniversary of the USSTI (okeanologiia Sovetakogo soiuzo k piatileolatiletiju SSSR) Okeanologiia, 12(6); 947-949. In Ruasieli. Tran3l. by ST tor AV, 1973, 913. 739-790 in "ooesnology" Itmnal. of ontin issue). Avail. AGU, prioe per oy. 45-60, yearly subso. (6 imes) $90.o0. AvAil. on Loan - IRIPS, Waah. . D.C. Original Article Checkod.e Apronova, F.o., L.I. aslerkin, and 1972 Nnin, A.S. origin of the themohniii-A airqylatioii in the ocitan (0 pmiskhozhdenii temokhalinnof t&Ir3-euIIAt3iL okeam) Okeanolegiia,, L2(6)i 950-955. Ir, Rusai%n- Tmnal. by OT for AIIII, 1973, pp. 790-794 in "Oecanology" (transi. of entire inue). Avail. ACIU, prioe per oy. $25-00, YearlY Oubuo. V lgsuoO $90-00. Avail. on Loan - NRYS, Wash., D.C. Original Article Checked,K' Pedorov, K,N. 1972 Temperature inversions Ln the Rod and Mediterranean Seam iTemperaturnye inverail. Krasnogo i Sredicemnago mor6ri Okeanologila, 12(6)j 956-965. In Russian, I - Tranal. by ST for A011, 197), PP. 795-803 in "Oeeanolo&y" tranal. of entire isuu#)# Avail. AOU, prioe per oy. .00, yeavly subm (6 issues) $90.0o, X Avail. on Loan - ITMFS, Wash., D.C. lainal Article Checked. 'A TsyplWdiin, V. R. , and V. V. Mrkov 1972 Determdnntion Of the wind-inducod wave tiolds In a bay (0pradelenilo P010Y votrovywi voin v bukhte) oltesnolosiint 1~1(6)1 966-974. Tn RuuGW. Tmnsi. by SIT for A011, 1973, PP. 8(j4-811 in "Oceanology" rarml. of entire iesus). Avail. AOU, prio(, per oy, 5.00, yearly suboo. (6 laouen) t90,00, ~ Avail. on Loan - NPIM, Wach., D.C. Or(ginal Article Chacksd,&~ - Lelikove, Ye. F. , and --I.V. Marl kov 1972 Calculation of ocean Gurfooe temperature (0 rwhate temperaury poverldinosti okeam) Olcesnoloaiiz~, 12-(6): 975-981. in Russian. TraMI. Ly ST for AGIU, 1973, PP. 811-818 in "Oaeanolou" tr&nel. of entiro 10sue) Avall AGU, prioe per oy. .00, yearly vubec. (6 issues) iw.00. W Avall. on Loan - 1111?3, Wash., D.C. Article Checkedl.( Androyeva, T. "). 1972 Fature of soatterers and frequenay chametertatice of sound-seattering layers in the oomn (Pripods r4as6imtelev I obeatotnye avoYstva svukorm e Iva lushallikh sloov oiceana) Okeenologiia, JZ(6)s 989-986. in Ruaian. Tranal. by ST &r AUU, 1973, pp. 818-822 In "Oosenology" (transl, of entire issue). Anil. AGU, prioe per sy. $25-00, yearly subee. (6 leauss) $90,oo. Avail. on i4an - 11IMPS, Waah.. D.C. Original Article Checked.e AbMMOV, R.V. 1972 Cloud systems over the tropical Atlantic. acoordina to aatelllte~~Sta (0140hnya aistfty nad troplabeetk;f- AtiantLicor P0 sputnikovyn dannym) Okta.110109.iifi., _4.(6)1 987.996. In Mwalan. Tranal. by ST for AGU, 1973, PP. 8U-830 In "Oceanolo&' trarml. of entire lavue). A-mil. AGUl price per cy. 5.00, Yearly subsc. (6 issues) $90.00. 4 Avail. on Loan - IR-IF3, Wash., D.C. a0 Original Article Chocked M'.1- ;'Orkirin' A.T. 1-072 SO!ASUg.-P~[ tevelopp-ei;t of nti!ospheric cin;uiatiori processes the O~oajls (r. wnura)ontl v I,Fiz-.,Itli prol'st4660V atil:031'emic tsirlculiatsii r4q.~ Traitsl. by CT for A,,:, 197-1, iv- 8~; -3-14 in ':Dce2rOIOPV` (transi. of entire iscue). Av;-,Ij. A;O, prl,,c per cy. I Z2 yearl", au'jst!. o'I "o8j, Wash., D.C. Mksimova, M. P. 19?2 Calculations of nitrogen and pho3phoraS r05611tratiOn istes in Indian Ocean watero (ReadhatY AkO stal regenermt3li azota I fomfora v vodakh indMakoZo okeana) Okeanologiia, IZ(6)z 1003-1009. Tn Russlan. Tranal. bit Sq' for ILOU, 19113, PP- 835-840 in "Oceanology" (tranal. of entire insue). Avail. AGU, prioa per ey. $25.00, yearly subse. (6 Issuon) $90.00. AVail. On Loan - PUS, W&eh., D.C. Oripinol Article Chodedf Ijakhin, Yu.1. 1972 laturstion of AtUntle Ocean matere with caloim earbonate (vaeyehahermost' vod AtIantiaheekogo okeana Imrbonat-om ImIltsia) oksanoiogita, jj(6): 1010-1019. in PuBstan. Tranal. by ST for AGU, 1973, Pp. 840-M In "Oc~Anology" (tmnal. of entire issue). Avail. AOU, price per oy. $25.00, yearly subac. (6 issues) $90.00. Avail. an Loan Wash.. D.C~ Origino! Article Chocked ...... Baturin, 0. 11. 1972 Phasphoms in intapatitill waterg of Gedimonts of the aouthorostern A",ntio (Poefor v ilo,.ykh vodaldi osadkoT lugo-Vastoohnof Atlantiki) Okeanologita, -12(6), 1020-IOE7. Tn Russian. Tmnal. by ST for AGV, 1973, PP. 849-855 In "Oceanology" (tranzi. of entire JaZue). Avail. AiIIJ, price per vy. $25.00, yearly subse. (6 issues) $90.00. Avail. on Loan - V"IFS I j Wash, p D, 0. inal Article Checked.x:~ Po7ano'.-U, T.V. 19-1`2 c,,; %ata on the petm--mapkv of tile rift zoiju of Wle xrl5berg Mug-, Ijaiil*le 0 PlAm'--rafil rle~p:.,orf-~Aicskillii -)omd zoy'~; mdvo,1110,ro 'llrOA"ll ke~,,j ia , 12( 2~- Tmniq I iu; for in "OcuAnology" of e-til'e JBSLkC). AWIll. 11111, Prri~,C: Pel' Cy. yourly V .3vues) Avall. on :7oan Wash., D.t. I Vviti, f"t, al. 19,12 U Tlmult4 of cantintious aotwl,, profl -llw~ In *ie 741tic 3i'a (P, ~rulltat,~- v Laltil sViyt more) 'FmnaL- I)Y -94' for 197-5, tim,ml. of nntt--e isque), AvuAl. Af',;!, ,wico pev cy. ywrly subae. $7u.00. wh. , Ormin,-i: Artide C~ac~(1041: K~Xzlmln, V.A. , A.Ye. ",U-Ziv~ov. alld 11 2 A.V, V*-sliqdov ,itothen-aal mcasurcuae,.its on the '~'zjdhUzl Plateau and the lar~)x%-~,,eck-.-r Rise illac-'fla jleot~-miahnm3Ue Izzarelilla 'm platc (Tiild mlzl. ii-,,- N, for At,' pp. 3~7-36~, fi3 "(),aeawlogy'l (nvj~si. of mt..'re icauu). Avail. UU, prl-~e per ~3y. !'1,2~1-00. yearly wabse. (t: ISBues) Avall- oil ilash., 1),C, Sk,rqkin, Yu.s., and A,M. Tavatkova 1972 Vertical structure and productivity of a phyt,-~plankton comurilty in the Western raoific (Vertikallnele. struktqta i produk~lvnoatl soobsbabestva ntoplai*tom v zimpadnol chasti TiNhogo okenna) Okeanalogiia, g (6),. 1047-10%. In Russian. Train5l. by ST for Ali), IV3. pp. 87o-V13 in "OoeanoloTj" (tram I. of entire issue). Avail, AaU, prioa por cy. *25.00, year4r subpa. (6 lsauea) $90.00. Avail. on Loan - WIPS, Weah., D.O. I OrIgInoi ArtIcle -A. ~ 97E Fellorov, V.D. and , I PIRIL';,Ol) c0i~`UjlltY Wili S-tt' 121171mll-f-rMl itstoi,~~Iivost aoobsh"~hustva tilt 3rt,, lu~.Ino i "I I . Im rusozll. ---------- ~- I Trats i . 1),, 51 f ar V, rp lp "(1ceamloV" (trt,sisl. of tmtire li;suO. Avuil. kiz;, price Per Oy. yetrll, (6 isaLl(Ts. $90.1,0. Awi oan WAtsh. )'' 1, ht.,k~d Rudyakov, '~-u.A. 1972 Rtte of passive vertioal movement of planktonic organisms (Skorostv Masivnogo vertikolinogo permoshchanila plankotmvkh orsanimov) 01teartologiia,IX(6)z 1o66-1071- In Russian. Transi. by ST for A(111, 1973, pp. 886-890 in "Oceanology" tranel. of entire Issue). Avail. A,)U. price per cy. 25-00, yearly suboo. (6 issues) $9D.oo. 1 Avill. on Loan - nmrs, wash., m. Original Article Checkedl.k lldul,ya, G-(%, and YO.N. Babichev 19-12 (Wntitative distribution of tooplankton on the northern shelf of the Phy of Berigal (Koliehoetvannoo maprvdalenje m)qplaatorm na Soverml Malite Dengal'skogo zallva) Qkeenolooiia, .10): 1072-147. In Pubian. Tranal. by ST for A.10. 1973, yp. 89~o494 In "OoeancloZy" tranal. of entire Issue). Avail. AGU, prioe par oy. 25-CO, yearly subao. (6 issues) ~ Avail. an Loan - Wash.. 11.C. 1 OrIgInal Art(cle Checked-1.1" 41. Parin, N.V., 1% 11. ~Iarbunova, and 1971 V.M. Chuvagov quntitativo distribution of near-surftoe ichthyoplankton in tte w9stern Jtoifto Oeeah (baSed on hftUIx Ath a tuued neuston otter trawl) (Nolleheatminoe raspreqo1anie pripoverkhmatnogo Vchtloplanktom v z~ygdnd QhaStl Tikhogo okeam (po dannym lovov bukelrucluM neIgtorayM ISV&Ion)) Okeanologlia, Jn fhiasian. Tmnal. by UCT for A Od. 1973, PP- 694-899 in "O(lear"OlO&VO (tmnal. of entire Lague). Avutl. AIU, price per oy. $25-00. yearly subme. (6 Lsatws) 4c .x~. Oo. Avail. on Loan - PMPS, Wash., D. c. Pubnove, U. P. 19TZ Nutrition of the detritus -feeding mollusks %oga bsj~~q (L,) and FeElletrLdM fVrQtAq& ('~My) and their intluenoe on bottm Gedimenta (FItonle (jetritoiaLMAh uOlliuakov LXQQM baltica (L. ) i ftnmnm Argtica (%,Mv) I LICh y2jun'le nn Okeatiologiia, 1084-Irigo. Tn Rtientan. 11,Mnal. by 31' for AGU, 1973. PP. 899-905 ;w "cceanalogy' (tranal. of entire issuo). Avail. AM, price per cy. t,25.00, y6arly subso. (6 issuw~ $qo.ou. Avail. o" Loan - M,,U~Z, Wash., D.I. '9 OrIginol Article Checked.....,. ig-;2 of' lool,igi in chast :ikoptenliak.h 94. Tral,zj. lj~ A: 111'17~ pl). 90~!-91 irl '0(3eaj)C)lL)L:i" (LM,Ui. Of ClAil-C 1601ACO. Aali. A ;U, price pLr L!,~- "2 'vearl" (W Avall. Orl .0en Wash., .11 dl" .1 . ; ~. L , JA( Kmvtsov, A.G- 1972 An electromagnetic metW for condAlotivity m0asurements in the sea surftoe layer (0b lzmeranil provodnoati olek- trwagn1tiXm inetodoo v Poverkhnostnom sloe morial 0%oanologila. R L2(6)j 1095-11098, In Imsian. Tranal. by ST for AGU, 1973, P,;). 909-911 in "Oceanology" (trami. of entiro ime). Amil. AV, price per oy. 45.00, yearly subao. (6 issues) $qmo. Avail. on Wan - NICS, Wash., D.C. Starikova, r,D. , and L. i. rorshikova 1972 DeterrJnstlon of bound tudno toift snd bound supn in mvater dnd bottom nedimento (Opre delenie sviacam*rkh aninokislot I Vv1azwuVJkh aakhArov v mdrskikh voftkb I daWkh oBaftkh) Okeanologiia, jg(Oi 1107-1112. TA Russian. Tranol. by ST for AUU. 1973, pp. 920-924 In "006anology" tranal. of entire issue). Avail. prioe per cy. 25.00, :dearly subse. J6 icones) ~90.00. 1 Avail. on Loan - 1111M, Wash., D.C. OrIgIna) Arrido Checked)~ J~ott, ,"'u. P. 1972 ,,Shirsboard radio wove-reoorder or the 0 "Sorgey VsviloV udovof ndiovoinograr In "Serget vuvilovu) Meanologiia, 1117-1119. in Ruslan. Tranal. by ST for AGIO, 1973, pp. 928-929 in "0006nology" vinal. of entire lesue). Avall. ATJ, price per cy. 5-00, yearly subee. (6 issuas) 49o.00. ~ Mail. on Loan - il'VTS, Wash., D.C. 0691nol Arfide Checkodk I.e,.~U~, I., fuld ;'. 1u. PRI'loovich 19'12 Pro3pe,As fni-, itsljq~ ocep-imter devicea In pllysical p jupoilzove.-Aiia eluboldiGvOdnyich 'n")J)"Amte'r -4 NeanoiuFl IL -i~( . 1: TrOLIZI. 2" for k;~', 19"". pp. llntljn~. of t,-,U, price per C.". isamea) ~90.0(i. Av'111. ot~ Xort, V.F; 1972 "ifth voyeS, of The two _r " lmdomik rurohatav" (PrinoiPal sotentifto rosalte) (12 " z Nis "Akademik lMrohstov" (osnovNye nauama 1emil't-aty) okeanologile, 2A(6)1 1123-1120. In Rasian. TMnSI. by ST for AGII, 197~, pp. 932-937 in "ootanology" (traml. of entire isgue). Avall. AU, P1400 per 0Y. ~25-00, vaurly aubbe. (6 issues) $90.00. Avall. on I.,oan - 11MAYS, Wash.. D.C. Original Article Chocked... MileYkOV$kiy, S.A. 1972 Extraordinary saosion of the CoMittee of Paltio k;srine Biologists wW Leaders Of its wOrkim grouDs in Rost*ek (East "1e"10 , Jan. 21-22 1972 (Viaeochereftoe soveahchanie Komiteta baltirskikh morskikh biologov) 01cesnologiia, L?(6)t 1128-1130. Tn Ruesian. Tranal. b~, ST for AGU, 1973, pp. 938-940 in "000anology" (trarasi. of entire issue). Avail. AGU, price per oy. $25.00, yearly bubse. (6 issues) $90.00. Avail. on Wan - ]RIM, Wash., D.C. 4) Original ArtIcle Checked...'N s,. "i f T-qn Samovollkin, V. G. ~Ieasuring Teebrdque and k4uipment for Studying Backscattering of Ultrasonic ~~Iaves by Biological Qb3ects in t,,Iater. 1-1 p p OK&COLMLYA, ~Ioscow, Vol 14, lj'o 1, 1974, Pp 187-191- JPR3 (0t'.606 Voloso'!, V.M. 1974 Asymptotic analysis of one type of nonli ear gravitatiorml- , o i--, internal wave (Asiraptotiolmoki?analiz odno,,,o tipa 11 Q?n neline n,-kh gmvitatsiomo-,,.,iroskopiohealtil(h vnutronnikh voln) Okeanolo-Jla, 14(4).- .589-594. In Russian. Tranal. b: ST for AIM, 1975, p. L~69--W(4 in "Oceanology" (tmml. of entire Issue), Avail. VU, 1)ri,,,e per .,y. $yxo, ,vearl~ dubse. (6 Issues) $120.0(t. Muil. on Loan - PH, Wash., D.C. Original Article Chacked..!~I',, ;,~arnir,h, H,"., and Ia.Z. 14iropol4skii 1974 Some properties oC the thermal ~'Ine structyre oC the coean 10 nekotorykh aroistvakh tonk6l termicheskol struktur,or okesna) Okeanologiia, 14(4): 595-6 L In RMliarl- Trnnal. b:., ST for VU, 1975, 1). 474-4&i in `Oceanolog." (transl, oV entire Issue), tofail. A60, price per cy. M'-00, yearly subse. (6 issues) $121-.00. Avail. on Loan - LIM, Wash., D.C. Original Article Che6edC Zotlkav, LA., Iu.A. Ivanov, and 1974 V.R. Barash Antarotic oont6ental iae disaiiarse, and th6 formntlOn of antaretia bottom waters (3tok materikovogo 1"da Antarktidy J fornirovanie donnykh antarkticheskikh vod) O'ke-angim4la, 14(4); ~ 607-613, In Runian. Tranal. by ST for AQU, 1975, P. 435-490 in floceanology" (transl. of entire i3sue). Avail. M)U, price oer cy. $34o.00, yearl.~ subse. (6 issues) $120.00. Avail. on I~oan - ITFS, Vach, D.C. Originat Artide Checked ... tt~ Moskolanko, L.Y. 1974 Straad,y-state wind-driven currents in the eautern half of the Mediterranean Sea (Uatanovivshiesin vetrove techenlia v vostoahnd polovine aredizemnogo morla) -I.- 1 1. r'. %. /.,. . - Xmirabachev, G.S., A.N. So1oV'qV' and 1974 V.V. Iakubovich Influanoe of hydrologic coladitiorm on the optleal oharac- terlatics of the aotive yer of the oesan (0 vliiardi gidrologloheakikb uzilovka optichaskle kharalcteristiki deiateltnago 5lois okesna) Okeanologlia, AN): 623-630. in RuBsian. Tranol. by ST for AM, 1975, p. 498-503 In "Ooeanology" (tranal. of entift issue). kvail. VU, priaq per cy. $30.00, yearly subm (6 Wiles) ~120.00. Avail. on Loan - IPITS, Wash., D.C. C, original Article Checked-f-, leonttev, 1.0. 1974 (.Compensation of wave-surge In the nbar-alve zone of the sea KOMPOMMU volnovajo nagona v beregovol zone moria) Okeamlogila, 11(4)-, 630-635. In Russian. Tranal, by ST for AGU, 1975, p. 504-508 in "Oaaanology" (tranal. of entire Lanus). Avail. AGU, prioe per oy, $30,00, yearly subso. (6 issues) $120.00. Avail. on Loan - NISS, Wash., D.C. Originni Arilde Chocked-k Vs1kovinskii, V.V. 1974 Studies of conditions In which equatorial 4tlantio waters are supersaturated with dissolved oxvgtn (Izuohenle uBlovii perssyshchoniia, rastvorennym kislorodnom v0d'ekvatorialincY chasti Atlantiolioakogo okeana) Okennologlia, _a(4): 636-641, in Russian. Transl. by ST for AUU, 1975, P, 509-514 in "Oneanology" (tmnsl. of entire issue). Avail. VU, 'price per cy. $30-00, Yearly isubse. (6 issues) $120.00. Avuil. on Loan - NMF3, Wnsh., D.C. Origincil Article Chocked. Vatshtein. V.R., O.A. Maliuk, and 1974 V.P. Rusanov Oxygen-18 distribution in the central Aroti~ flasin (Ra5predelerde k1sloroda-18 v v0de tsentrallnor chasti Arkticheakogo basseim) okeanologiia, 14(41- 642-643. In Russian. Transl. by ST for AOU, 1975. P, 514-519 in "o,,"nologyro (transi. of entire issue). Amil. PIU, price per cy. $3,, y4nrl,- subse. (6 issues) $120.00. A~.-"il. on Loan - HIM. Wash.. D.0. Original Article Chocked-10"', Pustellnikov, O.S., and T.M. Urbanoviah 1974 Distribution of carbohydrates and lipids in the particulate matter o!' the North Atlantic ppean (Baspredelenle uglevodov I lipidov vo vzvosi v sevemor chaotl Atlantiahealcogo okeana) Olcennolo,jia, 14(4), 649-654. In Russian. Tranal. by 3T for AW, 1975, P. W-524 in "Ooeanology" (transi. of entire issue). Avail. k;U. price per cy. $30-00, yearly subse. (6 issues) $12(1.~jo. Avail. on Loan - NIM, Wasli. , D.C. Original Arlicle Checkedlt, Freentakova, O.H., I.I. Dobrosmiclova, and 1974 M.D. Koriakova Multivalent mety~s In the algne of the Sea of Japan (Metclly Peremennol valentnosti v vodomalinkh laponBitogo moria) Okeanolo.,Jla, Ll (4): 655-659. In Russian. Tmnzl. by ST for AOU; 1975, P. 5?5-528 in "OoealiolO97,~" (tranol. of entire isnue). Avail. AOU, priae per cy. $3G.00, yearly subse. (6 AsBuas) $120.00. Avail. on Loan - 11MYS, Wash., D.C. e Ch Romani,evich, B.A., and O.N. Baturin 1974 The biogeochemical ootapo3ition of the sediments on the West African shelf (5-230 S. Lat.) (Biogookhimichesicil SoBtav ozadkakh 5he 11 fa Znpadno~ Afriki (5-230 lu. 9h.)) okeanoiogiia, jj(4)t 66o-664. in Russian, Tranal. by ST for AGU, 1275, P. 529-53',', in "Ooeanologgy" (traml. of entire issue). Avail. priae per cy, $30-00, yearly subso. (6 isBues) $120.00. Avail. on Loan - MIFS, Wash., D.C. OrIgInol ArIldo Chockod. 8itidova, M.M. 1974 On large-scale faoies 00tiffilelgent of deeo-ppa benthic formainifere (0 krupnomavahtabnoY fatsiallnor priurochennoati glubokovcdny1fh donnykh foraminifer) okeenclogila, 2R(4)i 665-673. In Rusalan. Traml. by 3T for AQ, 1975, P. 534-540 in "Oiaeanology" (traml. of entire Issue). Avail. MU, price per ay, $30-00t yearl:1 subsc. (6 Isom) $120.M Avail. on Loan - WIFS, Wash., D.C. Original Article CheckedAl... Metveenkov, V.V., B.V. Slavskli 1974 The physical properties of the volaanic roolce of the mid- Pacific submarine seemunts (Fizicheakie evoistva vulkanichealtikh porod tsentralino-tikhookeanslclkh podvodnykh gor) Okoanologlia, k(4): 673-676. In Huaslan, Tranal. by ST for AIU, 1975, P. 5110-543 in "Oceanology it (transl. of entire Issue). Avail. AOU, price per ay. $30-00, yearly subse. (6 iBBues) $120.00. Avail. on Loan - UMPS, Vajh. , D.C. Original Article Checked ....... Mu'rin, O.S., and Iu,A, i)ogdanov 1974 1%zalts of the deep-sea Romanche Trench (Bazality glubokovo vpadW Romansh) 010=0108iia, 14(4), 6'717-681. In Ruscian, Tranal. by ST for AOU, 1975, P. 543-547 In 1TOceanology" (tranBl. of entire issue). Avail. AaU, price per cy. $30.00, yearly subm (6 iaoues) $120.00. Avail. on Loan - Kr4FS, Wash., D.C. OrIgInal Arilde Checke Oovbert, L.I. 1974 11alooeno mollusos of the White Sea (uolotaenovye molliuski Belogo moria) Oksanologiia, A(4), 547-551. In RuBsian. Trarml. by ST for A,,U, 1975, p. 682-637 In "Oceanology" (tranal. of entire issue). Avail. AGU, price per cy. $30-00, yearl:1 Bubsc. (6 Issuea) $120.00. Avail. on I/jan - 144F8, Wash., D.C. r'~ " I 00g1nol Arlidn Cherkad.11.1. Sorokin, N.I., and M. Vyshkvartsev 1974 Consumption of mineral phosphate by a planktonie comunity In troploal waters (Issledovanle potreblenlia minerallnogo fosfata planktonnym soobshahestvam tropicheakikh vod) Okeanologlia, 14(4)t 688-692. In Russian. Tranal. by ST for AVU. 1975, p. 552-556 in 11 Oceanology" (tranal. of entire issue). Avail. AGU, T)rloe per cy. $3--GO, yearly subse. (6 issues) $120.00. Avail. on Loan - NMYS, Wash., D.C. Original Article Chocked ....... RassasKxo, I.F. 1974 Primari Production and biotic balance of plankton in the northea3ter part of Amur Pzy (Perviohnais prodVaiia i biotIchemP balans planktons v severo-voBtoa~mor oha5ti Amurskogo zali,,ra) Okeanolo,,-ila, 14(4); 693-698. In RuBsian. Tran3l. by ST for AW, 1975, P- 557-561 in "Oceanology" (tranBi. of entire ietsue). Avail. AW, price per ay. yearly subao. (6 iBsues) $120.00. Avail. on Loan - 1,11-IFS, Wash., D.C. Original Article Checked ....... Konolova, G.V., L.A. Rogsahenko 1974 Speoies composition and population dynomics of planktonio infuBoriGns (Tin~ttnnlna) in Amur Bay (Vidovo? sostav plank- tomvkh infusoriT (Tintinnina) In kmur Day) Olceanoloi~jia, IAM: 699-711. In RueBian. Tranal. by ST for AGU, 1975, P. 561-566 in 110coanology 11 (transl. of entire issue). Avail. A;U. prioe per cy. $30.00, yearly subac. (6 Issues) $120.00. Avail. on Loan - NRFS, Wash., D.C. Original Arlicle Chocked Ratikova, T.N., and MUM Ngo-Mn 1974 Rocurrent groupa of phytoplankton Bwies in tho near-shore cyclonic Eyre of the tropical Atlantic (Povtoria-iushohiesia gruppy v1dov rltoplankt v pribrezhnom taiklonicheskom krugovorote tmptaheskolpAtlantiki) Okeanologiia, 7o4-708. In Ruasian. Tranal. by ST for A-GU, 1975, P. 567-571 in "Oceanology" (tranal. of entire isaue). Avail. AQU, price per cy. $30.130. yearly oubso. (6 lasues) W0100. Avail. on Loan - NMFS, Wash., D.C. (Dr Iginal Article Checkedl KaBymov, A.G. 1974 SpealeB compo9ition and quantitative dlBtribution o zoobenthos in Turkmen Buy In the Caspian aes, (VidovovsoBtav I koliaheatvppwo raspredelenie zoobentoza TiArkmenzikogo zaliva Naspiralco5o norla) Okeanologiia, lq(4): '709-712. In Russian. Tranal. by ST for AaU, 1975, P, 572-575 in "Oceanology" (tronal. of entire issue). Avail. AGU, price per cy. $30-00, yearly subsa. (6 Issues) $120.00. Avail. on 14an - N14FS, Wash., D.C. Original Arliclo Chocked.. . . Gorelovs. T.A. 1974 Zooplanktan fV0M the stomaaha of juvenile lantern fieh of the familY MYatophidae (Zooplanktomye organizmy iz zheludkov moladi avetiashahlIchala anohousov sem. myjtophidae) Olceanologila, lli(103 713-716- In Russian. Traral. by ST for AGU, 1975, P. 575-580 in 00aaanolory" (tranal. of entire issue). Avail. AN, Vice per ej. $30.00, yearly subm (6 issues) $120.00. Avail, on Loan - IMS, Wash., D.C. t) Original Article Checked. Partaly, H.M. 1974 Effect of planktonic crustaceans on a population of the hydrold Per6igojaimg &S&an In a fouling community (Vliianis abislermati rakoobmznykh v planktone na populletailu g1droida PerigonimVA Mj&a_s V biotsenoae obrastanlia) Okeenologlia, jkj(4): 719-722. In Russian. Tranal. by 3T for AH, 1975, p. 580-583 in "oceanology" (traml. of entire issus)), Avail. k1U, price per cy. $50.00, yearly oubeo. (6 issues) $120.00. Avail. on Loan - NMFS, Wash., D.C. Original ArIlde Checked..I,~Y' Shekhvatov, B.V., arA N.V. Suvilov 1974 TOD-type geothermal-gradient m6terB (Izmeriteli geoter- micheskogo gradient& tipa TOD) olteanoiogiia, l4(4): 724-7129. In gusuien. Tranal. by ST for AOU, 1975, P. 584-588 in "Ooeanology" (transi. of entire Insue). Avail. A;U, price per ey. $30.00, yearly subm (6 Avail. on Loan - KMFS, Wash., D.C. Originol Articte Chocked. Kogan, L.I., L.P. Merklin, and 0.13. Udint8ev 1974 Oceanographic modification of the aeismia wave-reflection teahnique (Okeanografichaskala modifikatsiia seYsmicheskogo metoda otrazhennykh voln) Okeanologiia, 1~(4): 730-734. In Russian. Transl. by ST for AGU, 1975, P- 383-592 in rr Oceanology ri (transi. of entire issue). Avail. VU, price per cy. $30.00, yearly subse. (6 issues) $120.00. Aw 11. on Loan - MIFS, Wash., D.C. Original Article Chocked. FlInIkow, R.N. 1974 On diatortIons of bottom relief forme In continucta sel3mic Profiling (0b lskazhenilakh fum relfca poverkhnosti dna moria pri neprerivnom *;~e2cheskom profilirovanii) Okeanologiia, L4('i,): 736-742. In Russian. Transl, by ST for AGU, 1975, P. 593-599 in 110ceanolo7,'t (tranal. of entire issue). Avail. AGU, priae per cy. $30-00, yearly subso. (6 issues) $12:,.00. Avail. on Loan - NTIFS, Wash., D.C. Originol Article Chockod-11! Malovitskii, Ta.P., et al 1974 The lq'th cmise pf the R/V AMVM41'.K S. VAVILOV in the Mediterranean (19-T sredizermomomkiY' rers N13 AMDEMIX S. VAVIL(YV) Okeatiologiia, 14(4): 746-'(49. In RussiBn. Tranal. bj ST for AOU, 1975, p, 02-605 in "Oceanolog-y" (transi. o' entire isaue). Avail. AGU, price per ay. $30-00, yearly Bubso. (6 issues) $120.00. Avail. on Loan - 111MIPS. Wash., D.C. Original Article Checkecli'W-N" Geodeklart, A.A. 19N Prellminarf sciwntific results of the 16th cruise of the R/V AKADEMIK XMCQAT10V In the Baltic SegJPredvaritellnye nsuaiuVe resulItatv ekspeditsii 26-go relas NIS AKADEMIK KURCHATOV v 13qtilskom more) OkeanologiiaL, 14(4); 749-754. In Russian. Transl. by ST for AGU, 1975, p. 6o6-611 in "Oeeanology" (tranal. of entire Issue). Avail. AOU, price per cy. '~30.000 yearly aubse. (6 issues) $120.00. Avail. on Lour, - MX13, Wash., D.O. Original Article Chec6dD.. Ostrovskil, L.A., and E.14. Pellnovskii 1974 Non-linear vaves in the oo,Utal v:one of the ocean (NelineYnye voW v beregovol zone o1ceana) Okeanologiia, 14(4); 755-757. In ftusaian. Trarml. by ST for AOU, W5, [). 611-613 in "Ooeanology" (tranal. of entire issue). Avail. AGU, price per ay. $30.00, yearly subso. (6 issues) $120.00, Avail. on Loan - MFS, Wash., D,C. Original Article Checkecl;T~ I Maksimovich, G. A. Chemical Composition of Atmospberic Precipitation pf the City of Penn,' and control of'Atmospheric' Pollution OMMA PRnODY NA URALE, v. 12, 1961, pp. 45-50 Available on loan TTC 73-12800-04B Problems of Rediwing Noise in Industry, 7 pp. OKITRAM ""RUDA I SOTSIAL'UOYE 3TRAMIOVANIYE, Moscow, No 2, Feb '14, pp 2::3. jpRs 61968 Ju 1. 7)j. Sanotslid.y, I. Prw,,ress In i~xivironmcntal (',I,ual.ity lilork Renortod, ~) p-p. T,711V'~,TA TRIMIDA I SOTSIALI-INOYE STHMMOVANIYF, 73rcoi,.r, '\To 2, -174, 6-27. PR5 621111~ S on 714. Akhalkevich, V. Pension Uked for Disabled, Families With No Bread- winner. 6 pp OnUWA TRUDA I SOTSIAL'NOYE STRAK1,10VANIYE, l,!osc.o-vy,, blo 6. 1977, pp 36-370 jpRs 62699 MILLIMETER WAVE RADAR MODEL CPSH-41i LANGUAGE-JA COUNTRY-JA OKI DENKI JIHO VOL 39 NO 3 PP 139-141 op FSTC-HT-23-0234-75 Lazarev, N. V. manganese oxides. Their comparative toxicity, hygienic importance and the ctinic of the chronic action of manganese. OKISLY MARGANTSA, SRAVN.TTEVNAYA IKH TOKSICHNOSTf, GIGIYENICRESKOYE ZEANCRENIYE'l KLINIKA KHRONICRESKOGO MUMMA. MRGANTSAP 1962, 176 Pp INASA TT F 15J000 sociologist, Party Official Comments on Current Politics, C"Iture, 18 PP- OKOI 7,agreb, 3 Oct 73, Dp 4-5. 7ns 60518 Nov 73 Skrjabin, K.I. Oxyurata of Animals and Man Part 2 460 pp OKSIURXFY ZIIIVOTNYKII I CHELOVEKA' Fart 2, 1961 NTIS-Tr-74-50015~ CIA ly I I . ileontlyl3vi L. A. Two- and Three-Level Advilnistration &plained. 21 pp QKTYABRI, Moscow, Oct 1973, pp 147-158, jpRs 61026 PE REDI, J. //OLA,T, SMAPPAN, KOZIETIM// --/--/lQ,7].'VO020'v00011-' Analytical Methods foi: Investigating the u Autoxi(lation Stato of Fats, -pi) 105-131,MlYC 74-10631-07 0, Mi- Coquison of Water ana Oil Drives- in Open-Die Forging Presses, by R. J. Pabnke- OLHYDRPLULIK'UND'PNELMTIKj 1970, Oct, No 10, pp 454. MSI Ulm April 73 Alfonso Sam, %runels stutw of UpIde of Zmta rm ChIlordis) 011 Orsisl Derivatt, 1(4)1 1971 01140i5 MUM dII 11pidi di 30-34. rn rtallan. Tramal. by TIMMMI. MM-, Fgn- Lang- DiV-, DOPt. Of 800. Of st&te of Canada. for Dept Of Environ., FRE0 Halitax Lab., Halifax, H.S., 1973, as T"I. Serita go. 2518. 17p,, typesoript. Avail. an Loan - NMFS, Wash., D.C. OrInInal Arflelin Charkade Vermeer, Wim Vlorld's Energy Supply Situation Discussed, 12 pp. OLIE, The Hague, 12 Dec 73, Pp 355-357. ,fF-R-S 61163 Mar 74 Royal DUtch Shell I'Llop Official Interviewed on Ener7,y Crisis, 9 pp. OLIE, The Hague, Mar 74, pp 67-69. ,1862 JPRS b Jul 74 Decrees issued on organization of Sudanese Planning B-Oies, 7 Pp. AYIMIC, rpt, Omd1ir-nin liadio, 1825 GMT, 10 MaY 73. JPRS 59146 ain 7 3 Moves Against Dissent at Faculty of Philosophy Related. 5 PP 2MINSKE NOVINS, Belgrade, 10 Nov 1973, pp 4-5- JPRS 60740 Ljubljana Meeting of Philosophy Students Cen- sured, 6 pp, OMTADINSKE NOVINE, Belgrade, 2 Fab 74, p 2. JPRS 61416 Apr 74 Brnmiier, M. C-) Condensers with plastic dielectrics, metallized T,,-,itli aluminum and zinc. MIM vol. 48, n. 493, 1968) '59-064 s ~ p NTC 7-3-11.344-09A Coeure,, P, Preparation and Study f6r Gd3Po5_X.AZX 012 airnetv for Alagneto-Optic Memory Apptioation. ONDE ELECTRIQUE, v. 50, Z9701 pp. 330-33? NTC 73-12 ~5--20L 16-May-73 UncIfi6kCSIRD-Trans-11247) Study and design of the synchronous oscillators of a radloastrarkamical interferometer for 35 GHz. CHARRU, A.; MALLET, J.P.; PERRIN, J.CL.; PICHCRIT, F.; TREZEGUET, J.P. Translated by G. Losoncl frOM Onde Etec.- SO: No. 6. 517-5?3(1970). 16P. Dep. NTIS (U.S. Sales Only) $3.00. 03B astrophysics; 18D instrumentation: translations MN-37 NP NSA is PPofitj A. Future prospects for data transmission networks ONDE ELECTRIQUE, v. 5Z, n.l,, Z971., Z-6 NTC 7243006-17B NLL 902"0.8Z (P,800) the rhanoe, r,~, o ~J- irl lj:~, certain 'O.TPt' 0r' `Ur,~ht slll+s slvr-,~I-fyl sea P7 PP BIJ SET DRIN"lly"T VAN EFULE MORTEITIT TTTDEIr,, METT pp Bibliographic Data on Flexible Plastic Solar Reflectors, by A. Paillous, 30 pp. ONERA CEN~RE d'Etudes et de Recherches de Toulouse, NT-03-8, 1972. NAVY/APL/JI-IU-T-2735 April 73 Asencyl CPSC XVA=MU- P.0.11o. 751M7400 9844/2263 2 Oct* 1974 Titles Effekt Ingalyatsionngo Sposoba Vvedentya NoltotoryM Raspyl*shchiItbsy& Kantsedgonnykh Veshchostv., Authort MA.Zabothinshly S?Umes Onkologl7ao 1969 pp72-74 Lanuagel Russian instrxtionsi Type single spews NO PA5?r.--UP$, leave space., Translate all captions, Y'Z~OLYUCHIYk D7UKRYLIKH HASEKORMH// pp 0001-0291 On the Ontofreny and Evolution of Dipterous Insects, *NTIS-TT-74-5BO70 Klinienko, V.V. OINTOGENEZ, Vol 3, No 3, 1972, pp 326-329 *NTO)oc-TT-74-53274 American Foulbrood, by Ivo Tomasec, 41 pp. OPM GNJILOCA (KUGA) PCE LEMEG LEGIA, 1952. UTIS TT 71-56103 M ay 7 3 Kus, Adam Forecasting the Development of Packaging Production Use: Part 111 .6 pp OPAKOWANIE., No 12, 1971, pp 3-4 FSTC-HT-23-2481-72 DISTRIBUTION LIMITED TO U.S. GOVT AGENCIES Eichler, Wlodzimierz Problems of Scientific Research Work and . Appraisal of the Research and Development Base 8 PP OPAKOWANIE, No 3, 1972, Pp 4.5 1 FSTC-111-23-48-73 DISTRIBUTION LIMITED TO U.S, GOVT AGENCIES