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0003 rri-l an.-:, s on Announces Retirement During e 1) a 1.-. o0'-, T7j;, 'y 15 p i~ 11 150 t' AUIUMA11C DATA PkG~LSSING WHICH AIUS IN THE 0 cFLNSL OPERATIVE MANAGEMENT NILSSON JAN-ERI LANGUAGE-NO COUNTRY-NO NORSK MILITAERT TIOSSKRIFT NO 3 1973 VOL 143 Pp 93-101 FSTL-HT-2j-Ul97-7J i-vrg"Jid, -OvUl Aw-stlwsla soil e~qvrjlielltwl ol, flslt cf, j~a f1310 CA, IL~f :4"~. or Itt"k, of alaila, fu,-- A. of Env I 1,0~1. 'It3 miju 3cries Avail. o:, 13.0. NOMEGIO: Norsk Tidsskrift for Sjovesbn No. 7 (SePt) 73- pp 229-272. DIA LN 189-74 (Nov ?3) 1,iastein, TQrd 1973 Efforts to limit outbiteaks of diOGRGO in fish rearing iris talletl-.3na (Tiltak for A begrense aykdwsutbrudd I fiekeanlea) Norsk Veterivier Tidsakrift, 21(2);, 73-77. In lJorwrogjan. Traral. by Trarwi. Bur., pM,. Lang. Div., Dept. of So*, of State of Canada, for DeDt. of Fxviron., M -3101. sta.' St. Andrew*, N.B,, 1973, aa Tranol. Sor103 NO. 2772, 11P-, ty"teript. Avail. on Loan - HMPS, Wash., D.C. Originci A~ flcie chorkedo, FR&~CH N.otes et Etudes Documentaires - FOS EUMPORT DU SUD 8 Mar ?I No. 3 769 La Docimentation Francaise DIA LN 592-73 (Jul 73) FRENCH CSO: 8119/0475 9 September 1974 The Struggle Against Pollution in Japan by Jean- Martin Folz Paris, NOTES ET ETUDES DOCUMENTAIRES, 25 Jan. 72, No. 3853, pp. 5-39 Special Type B Do not publish Single spaced draft plus one FRENCH ... ~ I . Notes et Etudes Doaumentaires Paris - la vie Quotidiene VII (La Ducumentacion Franca- ise) Z5 April 73 No- 3 982 - 3 983 by; Antoine Haumont DIA LN 595-73 (Jul 73) FRENCH CSO: 8119/1497 13 rieb. 1974 r, rench Soila and Antarctic Te'rritories, Paris, Notes et Eti;des DocumentaIres, 12 July 1973, No, 40b-5, Pagea _3,5~ 7, 9-10, 13, 15, 18-21, andWrzko 24-34, Spec -type B Do not publish Single spaced dxaft Lecture by French AEC official on French Nuclear Policy and Europe, 22 pp. GOVERNMENT. ITSE ONLY NOTES DIINFORMTION, Paris, No 7, Jul 74, pp 1-19, JPRS/L 5030 Nov 74 NOTES DIINFORMATION, pp 0-25. JPHS/L 5030 Nuclear Propulsion Reviewed, 5 PP. GOVERNMENT USE ONLY NOTES DIINFORMATION, Paris, No 7, Jul 74, pp 26-29. JPRS/L 5030 Nov 74 6 O~b CSO: 8319/0307 FRENCH 0 A 14 Au.gust 1974 Various articles-mg from periodical "Notes of Information" Paris, Notes Comissariat A L'eneaie.Atontaue d'Information, No. 7, 1974, ff t-31 Please publish in FNMS and include repros. kim, A. Design and proteative equipment lor tolovairmication installations. ..~m a wm.~- ~,Wv a. "W N't svw%fs pp 7 & 729 hyc 73-21981-17a Descriptive and operational account of the 30 nm D.E. P. A. cannon tYPe 552. 126 pgs. NOTICE DESOCRIPTIU, ET DU FONCTIONIRTENT CANON DE 30 inm D.E.F.A. TYPE 552, 1967, pp 1-104. AIR-T;?D-HC-23-lb60,-72 Distribution Timlted to U-S. Govt agencies only; copyrif, ,ht informotion; other request 'or this doculnent must, be referred to IT.D. The contents of this document rxe suspected toibe subject to copy- right information. Two Zambian Soldiers Seized Near Border Talk of Frelimo Activities, 5 PP. PORTUGUESE, np, Noticias, Lourenco Yjarques, 7 Feb 73, D I. JPRS 58584 Apr 73 Governor-General Proclaims Economic, Social Progress Despite Difficulties, 12 pp. PORTUGUESE, np, Noticias, Lourenco Marques, 22 Mar 73, pp 1-2, 4. JPRS 5RB88 May 73 Santos, Pimentel dos Governor General Is oDtimistic About Future of Mozambiquey 7 PP,, NOTICIAS, Lourenco Marques, 4 Jul 73Y pp 1, 2. JPR3 59758 SeP 73 Martins, Santos Cabora Bassa Dam Project Nears Completion, 5 pp. NOTICIAS, Lourenco Marques', 30 J~11 73, pp 11 2o JPRS 59912 Sep 73 Former Frelimo, Commander Denies Stories of Massacress 6 pp. NOTICIAS, Lourenco, Marques, 6 Aug 73, pp 2. 7. JPRS 60099 Oct 73 Biographical Data on National Popular Action Officers Given, 5 PD. NOTICIAS, Lourenco Marques, 7 Aug 73, pp 2, 7. 7FRT-013 9 Oct 73 political platform of Federalist Movementp 5 pp* NOTICIAS, Lourenco Marques, 27 Jun 74, pp 1, 2. 7 TR-T 767 6 8 Nov 74 Moraira, Jaime Unita Leader Savimbi Interviewed on, Decoloniza- tion Problems, 13 pp. MOTICIA~ Luanda, 211. Aug 74, pp 86-88, 90-94. 7F-R-3-7155 Nov 74 T,To P e 1 PO j Jaime io! is 110butisIll, -i es, e 273 74, pp 20 Doc Iloreira' Jaime Liberation Movemen-'C' Leader E-~plains Development, 11 po. -071ICIA, Luanda, V1. SeP 74, PP 35 -1~2. JVIRS 7--bic, r i DOC VL Contractions Put 13rokm on Dynamism of New Govermumt, 7 pp. (;OVFIUMMT USE ONLY SPANM# Mp La Uggag,ft LllttMik 19 NOV 1964, m 8; 15. DR.,; GUO: 547 LA-Chile POI Jan 65 271,S65 ITALIAN: "Notiziario" (Nuc[ear Energy In Europe), Comitato Naziona[e Energia Nucleare, No. 6 Anno 17, 1971, Rome, Italy, pps. 42-89. DIA LN 187-72 (92 pps .) ,Wgj,T,Lj: BUIA/Taim. q3rpr63 P.O. Ama,'-~er: RSR-7!3m(L~ Aclo.- LAW8 UNTER CIP.Culls Source: lloi~i-izllriO COM paid U orm co-~):j mdy.- C,,.aco, Communique of BPN of Mauritanian Peoplets Party, 6 pp. WOUAKOHOTT-INFORMATION, Nouakchott, 20 MaY 74, pp 1~5* JPRs 621J5 Oct 74 Duvalier Outlines Economic Problem, Policies, 5 pp. FFMCH, np, In _Noijv~A I~Iondqj, 21 Lar 1973, PP 1, 8. . - JPRS 58670 Apr 73 Secretary of 6tate for Coordination Submits Budget Bill. 3 pp LE NOUVEAU MONDE, Port-au-Prince, 23 Aug 74t pp 1, 7. jpRs 63o54 Duvalier, jean-claude President Duvalier Addresses Congress on 1974-75 Budget. 10 pp LE NOUVEAU IM, Fort au Prince, 23 Aug 74, PP 1, 7, 8o jpRs 63054 Thieu Blames Cease-Fire violations on Hanoi, by Oliver Todd, 14 pp- 'V ~ " VERNTYIENT USE ONLY FRENCH, per, 2 kDr 73, Pp 97, 100, 105. ,TPRS/L 448B Le Nouvel Observateur, Paris, 74-75, 77, 79j b~) 65, 88# 92) 73 Benichou, Pierre Daix Discusses His 34 Years in French CP, 16 pp. GovERNMENT USE ONLY LE NOUVEL OBSERVATWR, Paris, 16-22 Jul 73, pp 50-6b. J?RS/L 463o Sep 73 Daniel, Jean Editorial and Rebuttal GOVERIMNT USE ONLY LE NOMM OBSERVATEUR, p 17.- JPRS/L 4679 of PCF Criticism, 7 PP. Paris, 27 Aug-2 Sep 73, Oct 73 Daix, Pierre Solzhenitsyn Urges Opposition to Noo-Stalinism, 5 pp. GOVERMENT USE ONLY LE NOUVEL OBSERVATEUR, Paris, 10 SOP 73, PP 54-55, JPRS/L 4679 0 ct" 7 3 Mornand, Jacques Consequences of Arab Oil Embargo Considered, 7 pp. GOVERNMENT USE ONLY LE NOUVEL OBSERVATEUR, Paris, 3-9 Dee 73, PP 31-34. JPRS/L 4787 Jan 74 MCH CSO: 801911816 k~~, 3 Apri-I 19T4 ..Tozsef LAy',ve Confrontation, by Claude Roy Paris, Le Houvel Observateur 28 ion 1974) pp 48-49 Special type B Do not publish Single spaced camera ready plus one T/D: 12 April 1974 7iegler, Joan PAIGO Hoping for Slow Evolution of Diplomatic Situation, 10 pi). GOVERNMB37 ITSE ONLY TR NOUVI-tIL OBSERVATITIR, --on-77-71 ---7, 80, 64., J?RS/L )~A95 Paris, 18 Ijar 74, 89, 92, 98. !, 1 1, Chabalier, 111'erve Doctor Interviewed on Teen-age Drug Use in France, 6 pp. GOVERTZIENT USE ONLY LE NOMIEL OBSERVATTEUR, Paris, 13-21 Apr 74, np ~44-1-L6-- JPRS/L )~;10 ~Tul -1?1~ GOVERRM USE ONLY Daniel, Jean Mitterrand Interviewed on oppositionh Post. ElectlDn Stands 6 pp LE NOWU OBSERVATEUR, ftris, 27 YAY-2 June 1974, P; 2r-31. JPRS/L 4948 FRENCH ;~ktC CSO. 8019/0042 12 July 1974 The Spring of the Red Carnations, by Claude Roy Paris, Le Nouvel Observateur, I June 1974, pp 76-79-, -80,85, 88, 93, 96, 101, 104, 109, 110 Special type B Do not publish Single spaced draft plus one COPYRIGHT: 1974 by Le Nouvel Observateur March 73 BONDUELIE) M. //NOUVMM POSSE MDICAIE// --/--/1972,VO001,E----, pp 2617-2621 A survey of 100 cases of trigeminal neura W a (tic douloureux) semeiological evolutionary and therapeutic considerations NTC 74-1182.7-06E Ma the-, r, Bilski-Pasquier, G. Leukocytosis and pregnancy. NOUVELLE REVUE FRANCAISE WHEMATOLOGIE, v. 2, p. 289-311, 1962. NTC 73-11187-06E 15-Apr-74 Uncl (UCRL-Trans--1512) Study of the medullary circulation in man by an Isotopic technique. NAJEAN, Y.; CLEMENT, F. Translated by H. G. Parker from Nouv. Rev. Fr. Hematot.; 3: No. 2, 133-138(1963). 6p. Dep. NTIS $3.00. 06 blomed; 18 tracer studies; translations NN-48 P NSA is SCHAISON~ G, //WoUVELLE REVUE FRANCAISE DIM.TOLOGlr,,// .-/--/1970)VOOIO,N----, pp 0284-0288 Yjyelo-monocytic leukemias ifith xanthomas NTC 74-13651-o6E G. Flanarin Acute monocytic leukemia. Part II. Clinical features and pTognosis taking particular account of the tecImiques of studying monocyte-specific esterase activity. NUMLE REVUE FMCAISE WMIATOLOGIE, Vol 11, No 2, pp 241-254~ 1971 - NrC 72-15218-06E mar 73 Medullary Aplasias during Pregnancy, by J. MesserscibRi 18 pp. NOUVELLE REV FRANCAISE d' HEMATOLOGIE, No 12, 1972, pp 15-28 NAVY/NiNfrI-1645 June 73 GEMIN, D. //NOUVELLF, REVUE FRANCASIE D'HMTOLOGIE/ --/--/l972jVOO12jN ---- ~ pp 0555-056o Infantile leukemias and recklinghausen's disease. With respect to five case studies of which two are feurdlial leukemias NTC 74-13652-o6E OBERLrNGjFR. IIINOUVELLC REVUE FROWSH DEMATOM811 --1--119?3, VOO ISON-It mlomasoular Mangos in tW bme m=,nv in experintntal rValmoUraois, pp 193-.220,01W 74-114134490 BROURAMsSO 11NOUVELLE ASYM FRUCArSH DIERWOLOGIS11 -1--119 73S vOOljSNO004$ Transfusiou of normal gmulmytes oollooted With the I.B.M.'oW separator. feahniod and olinical rssutts,, pp 469-486jNTC 74-11472-069## PLANDERIM.. G. IINOUVELM )SVVE FRANWSR DISSWOLOGIVII V0013"NO000.0 Hairy csU leakentla Ortoholoukooyto Loukamta) ctlinloaZ and qytoZoglo study of 55 owes, pp 609-640,N70 74-11412-08SO 30-May-74 Unc I (UP-Trans-155) Apparatus for determination of optical properties in the extreme ultraviolet of evaporated films maintained under ultra high vacuum (10-10 torr). DAUDE, A.; ROBIN, S. Translated from Nouv. Rev. Opt._ -Appi 2: No. 1, 57-62(1971). 9p. '6-ep.' NTIS $4.1~0.- 20 physics; tran3lotions MN-34 p S A FRENCH 4,,', CSO: 8319/20641 13 May 1974 2r0 Determination of the Transfer Function of an Optical System by Means of a Random Distribution of Transparency, by D. Courjon and J. Bulabois Paris, Nouvelle Revue d'Optique Appliques, No 61 1173, pp 321-329 Special type B Do not publish Single spaced draft plus one. Translate text and figure headings only. T/D: 24 May 1974 Duvalier Surveys., Hails His Goveniment's Achieve- ments, 9 pp. FRENCH, npp Le Nouvelliste, Port-au-Prince, 23 Apr 1973, pp 1) 8o JPRS 59020 May 73 CZECH lj,04AAAJIL~ CSO: 8012/0506 113 Sep 74 Social planning in the USSR, by Jaroslav Kohout, & Jeroslav Kolar. /0 I;P Prague, Nova Mysl Vol XKV, No 11, 19715 PP 1577-1583. Spec type B Do not publish Single spaced draft plus one eppy, T. D.: 25 September 19711- Religion and Social Problems, by Jozef Lamos, 20 pp. CZECII, per, Nova mysi, Prague, No 1, Jan 73, pp 40-194- J?RS 58754 Apr 73 Articles in Party CZECH/SLOVAK~ poll, Feb 73, pp 163-317 JPRS 58600 Journal Sumarized, 5 pp- Nova Mxsl, Prague, No 2, A-or 73 Articles in Party Journal Summarized, 7 PP. C'ZECH/SLOVAK, per, 1~,T ova kiysl, Prague, No 3t Yjar 73, PD 323-457;-TI-o-T,-,Apr 73, PP 467-606. JPRS 5914:3 Jun 73 officials Interviewed on Economic Development, 20 pp, NOVA ML, Prague, No 3t Mar 73) PP 331-347. J?R3 59454 Jul 73 Religion Cannot i3e Abolished, It Must Be Made - neco m -saary, SLOVAIK, per, p-o 549-557- ~--'Rs 59236 by Ondrej Stefanik, 11 pp. I T IM T-,,Tysl, Prague, ADr 73, J'an 7 3 Chnoupek, Bohuslav Chnoupek Reviews Foreign Polioy, 23 pp. NOVA MYSL, Prague$ No 4, Apr 73, Pp 467-4810 JPR!r 55535 Aug 73 Articles in Party Journals SumariZed, 10 pp. CZ,'E,'CH/SL0'iA-I,', per, llova Kysl, 11raC)ue, "Llo 5, MaY 73, pp 627-769;7-o-9~-,TTY 73, pp 3-60; Kilo 10, may 73, pi) 3-60. A. P~ RS 50220 ,Rln 7 3 Slovak Experts Discuss Role of Artists in Czechoslovakia, 21 pp. NOVA MYSL, Prague, No 6, Jun 73, pp 797-815. ipas '5M. Sep 73 Articles in Party Journal Swmarized, 7 PP. NOVA IML, Prague~ No 7, Jul 73, pp 915-1066. JPRS 60008 Oct 73 Travnieeko Tomas Vice Chairman Explains Functions of National Front. 9 pp NOVA ML, Prague, No 8-9, lug-Sept 1973, PP 1 F771696. JPRS 60591 Articles in Party Press Sumarized, 6 pp NOVA MYSL, Praguep No 8-9p SeP 73, PP M5- 12T. JPRS 60396 Nov 73 Goetz, Jiri Czechoslovak Position in Past CSSR-FRG Negoti- ations Reviewed. 11 pp NOVA MYSL, Prague, No 10, Oct 1973, PP 1322-1331, JPRS-9075 Articles in Party Journal Summarized, 5 pp. NOVA MYSL, Prague, No 12, Dec 73, pp 1635- Im- JPRS 61078 'Feb 74 Articles in Party Journal Summarized,_6 pp, NOVA XYSL, Prague, No 1, Jan 74, pp 5 175- 7ES 61 1 mar 74 Articles in Party Journal Sumarized, 5 pp. NOVA MYSLY praguep No 2, Feb 74s pp 195-336. 'ITRS 61658 Fay 7)-1. Long-Term Development of Durable Consumer Goods in 1970-1965, by Josip Stahan, 10 pp. SERBO-CROATI&N, per, Nova Trgovina, Belgrade, No 2, Feb 73, pp 5-10. JIPRS 59087 Djay 73 Trade With the -linited States, by 1.11aden Gavric, 5 -Op - SERBO-CROATIAN, per, Nova Trgovina, Belgrade, No 2, rieb 73, PP 14-=-~~ jpRs 59o87 Tilay 73 Gavric, Mladen New Trade Agreement With 'European Common Market Announced, 7 Pp, NOVA TRGOVINA, Belgrade, No 7, Jul 73, PP 11- UnS 607~7- Nov 73 RUSSIAN CSO: 8044/o4otS w 27 August 1973 9 American intelligence-conspiracies, diversions,, ana espionage, by F.M. Sergeyev. Moscow, Novaya i Noveys~ nos. 1 & 2,, ~ Isto!2ml Jan-April 1971, pp 93-106) 112-125. Special type B E ]b not publish Translator's mbad draft plus one copy T.D. 14 spet. 19T3. Kul:Lkov, V. G. Assistance of Soviet Armsd Forces to the Peoples of Europe Described. 33 pp NOVAYA I NOVEYSHAYA ISrORI Moscow, No 1, Jan- Feb 1974, pp 22-47. jpRs 61536 Shaposhnikov, B. M. Marshal Shaposhnikav Memoirs of World liar 1. 36 pp NOVAYA I NOVEYSHAYA ISTORIYA, Moscow, No 1, Jan- Feb 1974, PP 85-106. JPRS 61583 Borovykh, A4Ye. L L New Technology, Weapons and Man & 3FF NOVAYA TEKHNIKA, ORUZHIYE I CHELOVEKO 1972 C/C Al"It - SACSI-KK-4797 Special type B Do not publish Translator's droft 'plus one copy Graphics~ may be pasted on copy T C7, -RrG0 t~ -0 C, G ZO T T: NAL -i.,OG E T-, i " ~ " a"z 12. On the. Tcc!'- -,01 (,.s of -16-ilo- :bast, p T' Inter). t 'Nove Slovol Interviews Federal Premier strougalq 10 pp. GOVERMIEW USE ONLY SLOVAK, per, Nove Slovo, Bratislava, No 7, 15 Feb 73, pp 1, 3. JPRS/L 4W Xpr 73 Risko, Jan Radio T.Arector Describes Trends in Czecho- slovak Broadcasting) 6 pp. GOVERNMENT USE ONLY ITOVE SLOVO, Bratislava, No 37, 13 Sep 73, !FIFTI-07 ~TPRVL 4718 Nov 73 Broska, Jan GOVERNMENT USE ONLY Minister Considers Construction Key Factor of Investment aanning, 7 pp NOVE SWVO, Bratislava, No 45, 8 Nov 1973. pp 1. 4. JFRS/L 47