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The Goefficient as a Measure of Friction, and Methods of Measuring it, by S. Ziemba, 24 pp. POLISH, per# Polltechniki. Ggeotochovakiel Zessyty Naukoge Njuki,Techniclue, No 1. 19699 pp 217-246 AIR/FTD-HC-23-956-71 Mar 72 Color-ittoo of the Surf;Ae of Poo-leviffs itiring the ftmo" of MAIng, by Zm= UwArt. PMIM, W. ftea-S, sbomywfty-l V--l go, W. 11, 3.966, pp 34-39. %-FM TT 6T.56 SCIA-AAI Set % .',M=gripby Dee 67 Tim ~e I" XAO~uw " Imou ftr Is Pounk lw IV* awo Uw* 1 9vp? Mffil per, 0n$ Vok A pumm switarm Val la~o so it im i9wo -Ppi 45~vo L k 2 b'Ngki bw 66 MOW EoonoAc ODoperation Batman CU,~A Gountrias in the Electrical Enginoox-IrC In&stry, 135, L. Zienhoweld, 8 pp. POLISH, per, Przwlad blektrotochrd 1b 5# Mmy 1967, PP- 173-175. JPRS 41841 EE-Poland Boon Ams, 67 332,652 go zemak Btu cc AUIGMUQ% tv D. MOW. ==A, pri. "L xes 296,04, sp a=- SM&*22W I -P z7( #-~ ~ Mg 620 sei JU 67 J. zierei, T:icz: auo*ected to a s~warj-ng air (71LINIV!"I'lill., zeitsci-I-nift fUr Fiu,,- Vol. 3 C.E. Tvili4l;. ~10741) 7 Lnfluwwa 0 the AwAtion Ole, ~.ftt to !,.Icmt b5r J. Zierep. pop,, = :2;LJ440A. Vol 2* rc 2. 1~661 5207 (I=., Z- I C- 4, q ,Jgt by 7- Air 3 621 -2 3 Taf&PD of Via *(*tplex Sodaust RationaUtation of Oas Jimply, by Amtilabolo PPO CIETE'AFf Part "o 3. ar %r?. lop. j n-11:3 110699 Jim 67 sm w0 coo &VOY okw v"tAe leav F*w4g mmuts an the %As of Promt and ftti" BmW O"ww"ok Matbo"s, by Heirs ZL*rgftbe4 15 mf omw# Pa., 3 mar 1966.. IV? 97-IM? JM 35319 z. Z ig rc, ir k:-I May 66 300#091 I.., - , " . ~.: . . ... ... . : ...... . c~.-,jj,ujul. ft--wiction in ti-- IPMSOut Sta8a OX social i3mevelapi-ents by fi. GFRIAII~ mr) N-'atsche Aviv ~mln~ik Val. XVII, H130 1, Jan ROW 39366 Sci-Acric Ear 2 -'274. Behavior of the Cervical Column in Rela- 6-7 tion to the base 0i tile Skull and the Upper Dorsal Coluran Upon Impact with Siggle-Layer or Laminated Safety G&Ass Used in Automotive Prout Windskilelds, by D. Ziffer. GERMA9, peT, Zentralblatt fur Varkelirs- ftedizin, Verki4_irs-~FWi, Luft- und filaunfafirt-Med1zin Vol 13, Mo 4. 1961, NTC 69-10768-061-. Sci-S&M UFO's -- Mist Are They?, by F. RUSSIAN, per, Smona, No 7g Feb 1967,, pp 27-29, JPR-5 CSO; DC 131-63' 1-437/67 Sci-Aerospace May 67 326,044 rm ILI , Yu. '-Pix ;irilior - 1 1=6 'LO. 101 pp. flUI~SIA I :, , /)- -10 P lct..,ja 1969 ikl~lii 2-Y .1,11 ?00-7~; I jime 7~;' A Dialog on uruvj, ,ry v'. Yu. umj 9 ~, 21 po. Mmmp pars ?U"atie MrTI-Thr 1965, pp. 44 AT JPFO 3UV usm SO!-x--,3c, Azk-, 65 m4"305 3equential Lecodnr. for a iWiary nimml 'dth Dmj)outs md rnsertia)s# by K. Sh. Zicmairov. 14 pp. PIUSSIiN, pers, PrcbL 11cradachi -Infol-,.,_ Vol 5, Ao 2, 1969 * 23 * 01- -30. IN&SA VI IF-12991 sci/r.av, co-r-In au,3 70 (~ e The AdvaAW or INWAUted PABM 12 FOUNIrl"t by Rs ZIOCO Mmaj, Wo 2101M."I imassLump Vol A., lkr 19671 pp 26-321 *= 5W8 sci-materwo Dw 67 "- L, c C., i~ " I CowdIMUM of AU Form of W"Oports by be. Maywo 6 ppo RUSSIMI. Par. 1~43cwf 10 90 Sept Igo JM 49617 us.!a Jan 70 399,412 Need for Better Balance and Diversification in F'rei&t.-Trausportation UsaGe, by B. Zikeyev aud 1, Sivanev., 5 PP- np, Ekoaaji~e Gazeta,, No 13.. p' Mar 1966, 39 JPFS 35676 usm Econ Jun 66 303076 ContralIzotion of Aovo",a. r4,! for Pn-livowl twyqv, por, Jul 1967. P. Results of Cmaercial Fishiug for North Atlantic Blue Wbiting& by St Ke Zilanovp RMIAN,, per R bape Khaz No 4 19671, pp 5-6, *Dept Of In4rior Fish & Wildlife Service 8CFO Bureau of Foroign Fisheries us$?, Hem Jul 67 Sift AW Ap QnpdUn of Ad"On*WAIMIda savi"t tv It* 16 ftobso ve t* Mmov, KOM% we Adw WO& 42 42# go 76 1064, pp 17619,o Awt *r lat"Obw of fto* soup &ad A V. K. Zilanov 3 pOp4qqasjjmg tile pmdactirlty of Pishery on the Lofoten Bank, bY =d 'Geach0vt per, e F116%. PO of CO'11'7ercial f"19'"108 Bran,oh of 1"Oreign riehorian the lHorring V- 4ly Distribation at P=Uwm sM the Prowpacts of IUMM fcr It In the larmigba So&$ by V, to WNW* WMI&NO ywo dweskAmilimb Vol 49 1965l pp W12* Mx Mts Fob 68 3490623 'un '4u C-90 0'*: The Biology ard Fisliery Prospects of the GWId Fish In the Northern Atlantic Ocean,, by V. 1, zilanovo RUS61ANO Pero materimly 6es3iz Uchenoga Sovaa PURO po Relultam IS81" v I No as 1960, pp 5r.97: LWD *Wpt of Interior Fish and Wildlife Service, bureau of Cimercial Fis1wresi Sci-84m Jul 67 14ciaw sW kmpotU for a Aebm for 4ZO wutuw ( am") In the sammeasm - WMAKM AWAU6 W" MAW* BIWIMN pwo as w- I Upp-~URMA halo" LO-M-4m-a-t" -4 go 69 1966s pp 9XM# tgwdOb Dept or. U&Wlar Ash *M Aldlite ambe Wf, rm4au of Foralp Mhwles Sol.r. am m Nov 6? J-0 Lt3e of Ultr4violot Dj*tjaf*cU(m of the Air in Pharaacies, by 0. A. Ullbert A. 1. MOM- navich. i=IANO bk,, Ulftrufialcto= lzl!!E~. ~i 1966, pp 31~--=' JPPS 41315 Jmi 67 D"Ge-asiou or tan L7 JeCob R7i. 2IM-Su" vgx-.oL rlo 5., 1)6~j VP- .3-16 I'VIVS M-i7iA 65 ur Reseenh OorAwW on '-,~mlutlon of Viras lheory of Avor Origin, by L, A* tAllbor. por, vopma lnnlelo~g VO -1.4 7,57 Fl- c 1!0, 27 A. -zi L-' 07 -,Arolo4st allber ralks on lia6somh -vablemas L. A. Zillbaro 12 ppe 'to c,-.t r~Aqq pp 43-5). Affil port jj~.rp.L j. 1-ii Jon 70 Opamtiun "Ore" - From the Itm:)lre of' Acml. As Zillbar, 1) pp, RMSIAN znl ., per, Nwika i &U D:x IA, PP- 55-6j--$ JPFS 40!j0 USISR ct-MAI S t Apr G? -i 4 11 Lutch ce ieen as Israeli C;! i-11yo by Yal alcov Z11ber, 6 pp. UMI~W. rtewspoptr$ Ell Hwo Tel ;~vivo I Pec 67, jT?. 2 wW 3. XAS 43,341 Interuatimal polit"At Dec 67 347,837 F. I z ZIL6ERt YU LTAL r~a THE L~F-'CT OF Af4TLCJXlijAf'4 1 GN T H L~ PEI" OX ID A I Ili N OF BIMULECULAR PHOSPHOLIP16 1ALM8R 161C,KHIM1Yf,'f AKAU. UUK LATV. SSkj =c(Z.87), 1971 PP &:-2 F~TC-dT-,1)--:,,,2?1-73 awsma at admal"I pmosm" In tbel xxt"Cum cC VAMOUS Iftuft iu PUM~CrQ4 Urn,, I'T Ta. &, WkWt A..,V, ZWborbxds MOV4 bk# 2&#M 1 -A-4 01-1-160 IP. - I I r. Z~"o r-4-- Z / I'le ; sci-mm 2WA6 S01f-'WPOrtist Systfu Is the WIC mfthcd Of top, ag The Work of a Commications ftttr- prik-j, by L. 0. ZillboAsill, 6 pp. RUSSIANA, pars, Vests" "ai* yet mil, No so 1%6. JPRS 37476 L Sel - Floctrou 30JO024 sept 66 Yu. Ya. Zi I 'beM Aluminwn alZoys in tractor construction. 183 pp. ALYUMMIYEME SPLAVY V TRAKTOROSTROYEtIll 1971, pp 1-151 AIRIrTD-HC-23-705-72 /--S 7 C - ~~:ar 73 Full MabAnization =d Autoution of Pkiating Wozko by V. 1. 1111bovU, ot a). RUSSIAN bko K= le .a makhanizatsir I Tvi;;4it"Slys Rams INS, 143 pp. MLL R, 59140 June 66 301a487 ;4.,t~iods of lapcoviav- Qualitv afic; -ca.-~,es at .~oncrato Tlant,42 A -~p L: Invesusation of arrudan 61M CUd Stale by A. G. ZU*bwmm. par# svoot-zis--Omm 4A 7kv 1 9~6 -5 e pp I HID 7560 2" sti-11 At rf- ob 0 "Audy of Eumlaicm Em-ing the ifeatinc, or UUMM-Glad (aUlaass) .5twit by A. G9 zillbam-al -RUSSIC4. rer. 1mv Vim ghg i~4t, pp 106-1 ~/O~ Arbation 6f Poly(ViWl MWIck) with 1405-M-AWlated Amlftsv tV E. J. MObomm, RUSSINIO per# VYB*ka3a*a Soodbs Vol 8* No 20 1966D pp 256-M-0 ATS RJ-4919 sci-Mat Feb 69 373o744 AdUmArilep IW A* its. luwlill S. V. 2LUMMN* movas pr. tfiE~i- Metal", Vd 35$ lb 101-m-W stA Rm-66-iogW j4 66 Ar4 IL'ectrm:tc Litegmtor -IoLr Quantitative rm'-Uftt~ or the Effect of P--)wMWWj*Aca Aomto ca the M*tor Pawtion e a Group of amil Ldmstory AWxmls, by M. Yo. Zill- bertm wd I. P. Lapln* 5 pp. RXMW, jar, Omme eWn ! TWw Vda M=, 90-41 19(f), pp, 4r)-497* JPM 3M Ye. ~110 C t,) 1~) P A~ UMH sca-p/m &w 65 2~eowl ~A carbon Arc ud Discharge in a hollm cat"loctu aS Light Sources for the Analysis of nicro- of I'llements, by Kh. 1. Zil!,ershteyn, 0. L.. Nikitina. PUSSIAN, rer, Izvestiya AL,' SSSP, Siidrako: Otcleler~dlze Oerl-~ Malml-cTj:~IFHT-T-i Nauk, 4, FTD-5-500 Apr 69. 379,943 "i-'artstrwUve L;riticiamll of by Mrique Ularl Gibow, 10 -ANIS, H, rPt, ArOnv LI-A a, pr 10. 11, 14. J; 4?Mq iA-,- cru .V1 Apr 6,; the New ioverramts pN 17-27 ab 1969. r~-:::: 3799331 C.E. SOME CHARACTERISTICS OF THE HIGE-TEMPERATURE Trans. CREEP OF TWO-PHASE ALLOYS 5438 K.K. Ziling and A.I. Crankin Izvestia VUZ, Fizika, No. 11, pp. 157-160 (1968) (Materials Suppl. No. 24, abstiact MS775) of I Souroesip br 1, ul 10 yp, "Mumo Pert Liummelman mat"- whommombb Val lot NO 100 195?0 pp 13-1?0 a" mp 4m 68 ~3 Turbubat C=4id=s in the 0*4r.SurfwA LaM at tJsc Atomphomi, by S. S. Ulitink6vichg D, L, WiMmaue AUSHM,p per, law" &&AU Na" usit AW"fel -waklye 1 0 * Val It No Ze 1"ANO pp UU-Me Awri"a GWhysical Won sci-fi Sd My 66 3000377 -blatica of Sam lleaL-Resistant Polyrian and A-)[)Iicaticn as liftibitors of Tblative De-gradaticn,, by " ZiUnskayb3,, ett aL RMSIXJ,, par, Vysd=nolek-ulycp a. Z(e cIW2' ~-* Ser'L.Lij P~ , Vol No 6, .1969, *) )214-1220. rID M Special 6-70 401,003 ZILL H GE 1~ METHOD OF OPERATION OF AMPLIDYNES - TANK TECH NOLOGY PART 2 MILITAER TECHNIK 1971 NO 12 VOL 11 PP 546-547 FSTC-HT-23-2561a,72 Z11AA, F., BYKLE RU YLCWACAL GIAU4USTILS jF VEHICLES AV TjMut3 I L I AY TAANSP URI# i4b a 61 1 V72 , 27-29 F o%-bl- 43-ib61- 1.~ ~ ractii~al - ~~-,,sibllltiwi Ln tae :tiv~z~ w 'Zini-itatirm Of ~'ICOUCU.Utc Alton., : .. A .-.Ojar 15 D,)* '17 Yn OL, W Variable B-and Vass Xlltli Nasr.~ contrul, iv Jivi ziv;av Vratisek ijvjsiL~, CD:L,;,! SlalKwo y Mum, 71, 49 CL, .5 i CmittAites it) tl%c All, i'v Jlul: i4d Be Btrafts of lbdtattm Am Us' 14 un 2,A wZ HOU04180 106 an Modnft PAOMMi, by L Goitom I. To. adam. MWM,v pwr D* ft ft* S"p 1101 1~2p 50 ;,,a oct~ xqwj, IV U34"U37. on May 69 36ls3r2 A) k /9 Use of the fWs Operation in the Technical Aircraft- Operfation, by Hem-jk Zimakovski, 7 PP. GOVEMM USE ONLY POLISH, per, Aerial and Adronautical L~q&eqringj NO ii p 1969. " A31/roTC/BT-23-674-71 Jan 72 I'l--plication of the ~-ass Theory to t!-ie Tecianical ~,-Iainteimnce of Aircraft, by -pp. POL I S,i! , "il za' stcmju ;at an. llec)rii uto', Imp ciov 1!.,'6 9 I STC-ii- 23 674 -71 3 7 1 me WArwAad od to pAtuma in tt" Uft . a the PoxA".* bV Go Zimmm6 33 rpo wwwt wo aff7mMo ftw 2*3, rps 52rm6oo am AV umn ?a i= 65 nAw OWN AeUvitles at MUtery-PoUtial SWmd Cited# tv Ho zlmdmt 33 yp. Must pwo goommut Low9s3p. gut No 4o Feb 1# pp a JPRS 47850 .7-n 11 . IV i USSR tin ray 69 37805~4 "Avg' UsoisscA4 by 13 PP, per# oscout - Rt pp le Ilgilk li;4ra !~;Dthod for Lxtrapolating tho Fractim at an LZ-acturial A31wr,, by s. zimering. FzRrli~cil.v Perr Vd-l 62f DPC m 5665 351tGO' meto to ~ xpaoit tr4laeedng Research Propooed by A. 1. updn' 7 PPO -I misme rpte PildmMMMI, MOSCMI k4b 1969, pp 1-3o 4M june 6,) Practimi Amappaics and Aircrafto by 0, V. zizdn 221 pp. RUSSIAN., bk.. Prakticbeakm . i LetatelOnve &AM 1969., pp 1-327. u1 A-WIM-EC-23-63ts-70 ~, 7, /1 -1 July 71 ` -, 0 ". , , -~ I JP.' S j13 -',2 R- 2ko 112 Fochwifttion of lwtallat:Lon Oporations In lndustz~ CMatnctiono by P. A. ft-dup 14 M.. RMAII, per, Iggsimt.0-Im stroitajfsl~a lb* 4 1 ., vr 10., DP- JPW 41413 USSR ECOZ, JuV, 67 329s-3V iotlccp by 7~- -b). j V. A2$ 4, Apr Txop k, A stak- of the Effect Of olaw in tho oxl&t4-v* Debydroomtion of Date= to Dutodlow on a nlqmth-t~mm Catak"to by A. 2113in. lurITAlys per# L;..Q~p Vol 69 1;0 3a i966p PP 374-379, Ar-4709 roe 68 358s718 Contribution to a Reconstruction of the Upper Mantle by AnaLysLa of the OphLolite ASBOCLation, by S. S. Zimin. RUSSLAN, parg Dok Ak Nauk-SM, ,1ar Sci Vol 189, No 2, 1969, pp 369-372. AGI Jan 71 Slow Adoption og Aw Diwamnloa Urlticize4 / ti b(v V. Lidno 4-. Tikhmm, 5 pp. ausmit Me -PO-VdAo 23 ja to, 1) 3. JM 46o3L6 V, 7 I'M i'A) USSR Fol Sept 658 365t019 'Lill V, am pr, 5 Arr I! 6S, P,. 2. JPb 45o254 ~~qy 66 3 5 6 , 7 Soowido ~)roblms at UntI.F4ionoeorsk- Load OM , 11 inc Combine, by V. Finin. 5 33p. Rvs`~IMIO " I 'ftdo. 3D Jun 1956, pp. 2. j-PR~ -395; V Zi'm / W USSR ):Oo.n Sept 66 '311 '66 1 lie is IP V. N. Zimin vk on tho Ilistory of the 1,11Atery Art 'Oubushec., by, Yet* ?-t-An. 10 pp. 4 JU561M, car. - _ X, zhuinal. R &Lwmrp-js!gplLhe9ld No 1. Ja~ ig6i. pp. 10-7.107. PR3 1,0097 7-1 lm 1v U-'R~R Ul I'lar 67 319,5y)