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A Cp-so o-f the Inverse Nixed Boundai-y Value Froblcm, by 0.:.',. Tu--covskii; -)ZUSSTPLN~ poi,, Doh A' c 1-lauk-SSS11, I'lath See, Vol T 292-2c,5 C 1;, .0. p Am '-Wuh Sac 01 VII, 7,10. I'ay-jurie !")O,o V IT 0 .,ov 6" 314)115 An intlegral Ovov A Paxaboloid and t"he Dona I'irst Appiwhiztion, by L.A. Sabnovic) 11, per, Do'- Ah UaLL SSSII), 1,,.at-ii Sec, Vol. CLXXVIII, Uo. Am Math Soc Vol VIIJ 110 3; 1-icy-june 1c)(3-.) ,0v -'DO 314) 114 im.esonaac,'~-. in I~Ulti-froqumcy Oscillations, by A.*i';- I LUSSMT~) ver Dolz Ak NaWz '101 '2, 1106-6, pp 284-267 Ara llath Soc lol VII, No. "c~j-Junc 1()[')6 V 00 A 0 314)113 The ci:t-cnded Concept of Cluasiconfo-malituy of a PInuic I ,'a, u ; -)pin-j and Linvai Syst-,.us oT Diffe.-rential lkurCcdons P of lldx2d. '1"y-i)c~ b,T G.A. Kuzik and G.D. Suvo-.xv -1 u 4,UL9S Do!: Ak Nauk SSSR~ Yath Sccj Vol 2; i(~66y pp 2u"O -2-6` Ani Eath Soc Vol '711, 'I'To. 1), i"Ov )u 314) 112 OAdative RegenomtIon Kinetics of Zwlitas in Balation to Their Structump by F. N. Galich. EWSIM,, perp DDk Ak Nauk SMS Vol 34 110 2# V66* jW-27-q"-3M* mm rxut.. sv 2969 324748 5-ci - momistry Mar 67 u AsyiTTtotjc Bejja~riojt 0, the SPOcti'al "unction of I u i, SinGular Diffei:eiltial Opei,atlor of Orde32 2a) by A.G. Kostiucenko, I 1 -1 viat"i Sr,c irtiSSTAI-1) perj Dok Al: IIaulk- --j -,ioi s CLY,v--rii, illo. 2) 1(~,O,b'j -pp 27b-2719 Am Vat-ft Soc Vol. VII; 110. 1~06` 0 ()'6 1 'ov ' 314, 111 Classi-lication of Lrveduciblu Uaituarj "a p of Second-Ord.-er I!Aatrices of a Groq fi,oni a locally compact field., by A.A. E-irillov RUSSUE., per Dok k~ Yjauk Sss-,q, I-Iath Sc-C2 Vol CLVIII, 1,7 :~, - ,o. 2, 1~,ubj pp 2'(3-275 h'a Yzth Soc Vol VIII I~o 31, '-7azj-juii:~ v lic) "o o3 'fransf oi-,.iat ions of Cor::~-,ctly Posed 'Inx-lational Pa:0,0101-as) by A.D. Ioffe RUSSSMT~ per) B017 Altz Naulr MIR) i,at'h Soo Vol ='VITT, 27-1-7,77 -p-p 26~,-2-~2 h'i J.'ath Soc Vol VII, --o. -Jul ju NOV A ("ciaelalization of Perfect I.ikniiiCs, by ii.11. Inaar-,--idzc!, 'PUSSM i)-- Dol: Ak Ilauk SSS-1 i;,a:Lh S--~c, Vol illo. 21 1(1,:, mg 2" -2bb -LX,JITT~ "JD) -- UO Ara Eatli Soc ,101 V]:I: jTC). 1.T.ov 0,6) 314, 100r, As-,pl-'T'Ootic Pa:o-pcr-'(I-ies of the ll~,esolvcnt of an in-licEr-al Equation v,lith Kcacnel Daocndin-- 0111~./ on Diffe::enccs of the Vexidules) by I-A. !~v,-xaf ov, IMSSM, per, Dok 'u: ]Tauk sss!"? I'iatll sr--C~ -."Ol OLKIIII, 2, lcg,-b, pp &-l 1,ath Soc 1,01 IiTj) 110. J,'ay~:Jt~jjc- v I I ITOV 00 314j 10-t I~YPe2c-!1IiP'-ic Cul-var, and the Least P -.1 Ouadm'ic u rj, C by A.I. V:Lnog:,acIov and ju. ,I. Linn-U., Do`~ PL, 1.1auh 103R. VC 1 CLXVIIIl 1;10. 2, 1-5c,66) PT 2551-26'1 An Eath Sac 1101 Vill Ifo. Nov )o 314, 10"S SO!rlr-' P2:01-)Orties of a Silaorailmi, Int-c's-'ral Wit'li a MGZM= Continuous Dzmsity, and itus Applications) bir A.A. Mbacv, 0 RUSSIfUT, CIXIIII) Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, )Aeuh Sec 1,10. 2) 17b) pp 255-2,1~3 Vol Jun I-lath S )c Vol VII, iio. 3) Yay-june, !~CIDSOS Nov 66 --:), 14 110 5 on On Tm7-- btion o~. i 0, 1 in uni ford!] !.~Cr, DOI: UiftL~--, Vol. 'ij Smr "Phy"; Do": P-1-11 List ---hys Vol II, iio. -11-0v Steady-State Wind Circulation in a Homogeneous Ocean, by A. 1. Fellzenbaum and 11, B. Ghapir3, 'T -!~P- IMSIAN, per, Doldudy lUkadenii YmW~ SSSR, seri-,yn matermtilm, fiK7Lilkaa, Vol lU3, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 1966, PP- 569-572- PR J 5 37153 U IS S R Sci-M/A Sept 606 310,072 thr~ Life Cwcle Seto,,.Aa alta""ca 11 J 10~12-q) -A F'arasitc- Of the --r~rain in Deorl by A. Por, Doklady lik llaiil,, SSSR Vol Y.L'll "Une Action of Tranquillif:or of the Pliencthi, --rly 'actati-1-1~7 a, n na D. A evskil, -USS j A.,: DolclajLAk PP 5')1 3 A S 6.-Ir o f t1he Fre a 0,~,-yrur.-e, I Co I-, - o I j-, ri Cc, r -a in. of Rabloilts. wlth a _Ero-,;-n-Pcarcc thc Stomach '.,,Tall, by IK. RUSsI_.%';, por Dol-lady Ak T! q,-ul- Vol. 11c, 1, 196 _(), _pp 240-243. June E, t~ , , 12 Chan-as in the Suli)s'lanc~- 01, L, Of Vont-ral U'2 DQ' o c t r i c a 1-9~ Ljri.Uja-l-!ojj 0~ ti~n Ak :,,-jujl~ SSS Lic 1,066, -PP "1.-- - -Lit-cr SninT -wic 6c 3 t-,;) "n."L rjf Strychn"in-0 oil COiAl'alatc~ral A. ivuloklo,,O-.r IVI S a f I ya n Vol per, Dol-IaJ,i "'.11 , Mlk o ~~ay 19"G, pp s':~ zi~'Z I" C~,a in Hmlcll Ta nu c A. S. Sevprt,,3ov, 7c:" 1 Ifo! 1.0 3 51 9 1 t9 Evolution of the Diene CA by Poplar Leaves under Various Conditions of Illundmation, by G. A. Sanadze and A. N. Kalandadze. RUSSI9;, per, Doklady Ak Hauk SSSR, Vol 168, No 1, 1966, PP 227-229. CB jun 68 356,513 Dynandcs of Natural Gibberellins under Conditions of Various Protoperiodic Cycles, by V. N. Lozhnikova. RLBSIAN, perp DQkIaL Ak Nauk 5,55R, Vol 166, No 1. 1966, pp 223-226. CB Jun 68 356,512 Transmission of Bioeloctrical Impulses from the Leaf to Root System in Sweet Potatoes, by Ricardo Berraiyarsa and A. 14. Sinyukhin. RUSSIAN, per, Doklady Ak Nauk SSSR, voi 168, No 1, 1966, pp 219-M!. CB Jun 68 356,511 Anomalies in the Development of the Apple Dmbryo Sao, by A. Ya. Radionen1m. RUSSIAN, per, 2912Ldy Ak Nauk 553R. vol 168, No 1, 1966, pP 215-yir- CB Jun 68 356,506 Study of the Shape and Dimensicns of Transport Plik 11"Olecules by the Method of Small -Angle Scattering of X-Rays, by V. Go Tumanyan, No Go Esipova, RUSSIAN, per, Doklady Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 168, No 1, 1966, pp Z11-214,. CB im, 68 359,588 Non-ldentity of Clivin with the Aglycones of Chromo-mycin A3, Idtrarqcin and Antibiotic 3014, by A. S. MezentSGV, E. B. Kruglyak RUSSIAN, per, Dokla~y c Nauk SSSR: vol 168, No 1, 1966, pp 207-210. C13 Jun 68 359,587 Insensitivity of Humn Elood Plasma Folate Reductase to Aminopterin, by 14. A. Andreeva, A. V. Sergeev. MSIAN, per, 22jgA~y Alc Nauk SSSR. Vol 168, No 1, 1966, pp CB Jun 68 359,586 Protf-J-4, -1 10Y LA in c r 'SR SS J!o it ~36 C 3519 T'he Roj.e of Carbon D4 cc-ide. and Acet,,-.t~-, in 7,,-j Per Dol,lady Ah c B, June 6P 359, 123 ~,Aerrjtrophjc Asslu,,Olation of Carbon 1)ic;,:- es u n Indicator of -;actcrial 6-rovt-hy Ve I. IRC)va)"enko. per, DDI,,ladL-:~L 1, !966, ri, i95-19(" 4 3 5-1 E"ffect of 'Heating Female's of thtl of Drosop!-Ua rielaiio.~-astcr Slicn,'", PC:rlo~is 0' D ressiveness of t,,-- sic'ns Of this a Sericis of' Successive ]encrantlinr~_:, P. G. L G. I KorsalV-.o,..--. RUSS: 1. 1 I Ill-, per, Dcklady Al i..auk Vol :!0 1, .. __ Z 19c/ 101-194. June Globular Lavas and fl-aloclastites of UrLip 11wid w by B. N. Piskwicv, kussilvi, per, Dok Ak NaW, SS.SP,, Ear Sco See , Vol CLXVIII, No 1, 1966, pp 180-1u9. Am Cool Inst Jan 67 316,674 Saukovite, an Now Zinc.. and Cadmitun-Bearung Sulfide of Mercury, by V. I. Vasillyev, RUSSIAN, pci, Dok Ak HaU~ SSSR, Ear Sci See, Vol CLXVIII" No 1, 1966, pp 132-185. An Geol hist Jmi G7 316$607 Electron ILicroscipe and Kicrosiffraction Stud), of Optically Homogeneous Titanomagnetite Using 0 Ultrathin Sectio.ns, by R. V. Boyarskaya, etal, RUSSIXIN, per, Dok Al, Naui~ SSSR, Ear Sci See, Vol CLXVII;, No 1, 1966, PP 3.80-181. t~U'a Geol hist Doe 66 316,662 Tcccoilics of t 1., 0(",1 1 -L t uri I So'-.1 hy A. V. C~,,."I-ul---c)v, Dol~- A]. Naii:', ~-S"Sil, i~ar Z~ci- -;-cc CEJ,V111, J.'o 1, B60, 177-1741. ],,CC o-,- 11,11C.070ic Structurcs c,-" the ~7ouLll- Tion "hans to t~ c Urals an6 Tl'oir Oro -in ..) i 11 7, - 7 et ,I A", o C L~, CU DO-173. A Fiii~ of 1~'axinc Ostracods in the oj~ I L Tilc Far East imly), by i.l. Grarm Zharld".'Ovaill, -.,)Cr, Dol, AK i.~auL SOSSIR, i:zr sci sec, ClAvIlli NO 1, 1960, 108-10si. Gool III-S-L ;Jec 66 RiTAICMI 4 C I!.,p Ctilit, i,., , .COLIS j I~OrL, ca.5L Platforim ., by 1. 1IMSIAill, pcr, Poll- Ak l-'.ar Sci 1~0 Ifol CL"VIII, N 167. L Duc oo 3 105 Contraction and Formation of Contraction eorosity during Hardening of Cements by !Vdration, by A. I. 1-~arkov and N. V. MLkhaiiov. RUSSLUI, per, Dok Ak iiaul,- SSSR. Voi 168, No 1, 1066, pp 161-1'E4-0 - -'- "' - CB Jun 68 469,715 Activated Adsorption of Inert Gases Under Oridnary Conditions on Freshly Formed Solid Surfaces Prepared by Grinding, by G. S. Khodakov. RUSSIAN, pe~, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CLXVIII, No 1, 1966, pp 158-160. CB May 67 324,922 Determination of the Radiolytic Yield for Formation of Triplet Molecules in the Radiolysis of Benzene, by L. 1. Samokhvalova, V. A. Krongauz. RUSSIAN, per, Ook Ak Nauk- SSSR, Vol CLXVIII, 1\10 1, 1966, pp 154-157.. CB May 67 324,921 The Effect of the Frequency of an Electrical Field on the Optical and Sturctureal Properties of Water, by 1. H. Plaksin, S. A. ~rwis, et al. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Al, Mauh- SSSR, Vol CLXVIII, No 1, 1966, pp 152-153. CB j~lay 67 324,920 Measurement of the Static Surface Tension by the Sessile Bubble Method During a Long Period of Adi-orption Layer Fmintion Athin it Wide Tempgrature Range, by R. A. Kullman, RUSSIAN, per, Dok A Mauk, SSSR,, Vol CLXVIII, No 1, 1966, pp 149-151. CB May 67 324,919 on the 'mianess and Structure of Black Films by P. H. Kruglyakov, P. R. Taube. RUSSIM, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CLXVIII, No 1, 1966, pp 146-148. CB May 67 324,918 41,1echanism of Large Reversible Deformations of Crystall Polybutylene, by V. A. Kargin, T. I. Sogolova, et al. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CLXVIII, No 1 19(")6, pp 143-145. CIB .,lay 67 324,890 Infrared Spectrwa of Carbon 11.101-toxide Ausorbed Oil Osidum, Iridiwi mid Platinuin witilina Broad Range of Teniperatures, by N. N1 . Kavtaradze, N. P. Sokolova. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Naw~ SSSR, Vol CLXV111, No 1, 1966, pp 140-142. CB I May 67 324,897 On Two Types of Compensation Effect, by A. Ya. Gellfman, R. G. Luzan. RUSSUM, per, Dok A Naa- SSSR, Vol CLXVIII, No 1, 1966, pp 137-139. CB May 6 7 324,889 Iechall-',111 for tile Decoilyi)OSition of Oils at Low To.,.-perItUrC lictusensitized kdt'~ 1~enzcw, 'L,,,- V. G. Vinooradova, L. :;. Baider) ct al. lZUSST"'I, per, Dok Ak NaW~ SSSR, Vol CLXVIII, No 1, 1966, pp 134-136. May 6 7 324, 8~)5 Study of the Hossbauer Spectra of Iron in Some Compowids With Bidentate Ligands Containing Sulfur, by E. E. Vainshtein, P. M, Valov, et al. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak, NaW-, SSSII%, Vol CLXVIII, No 1, 1966, pp 130-133. CB Nay 67 324,898 Lffect of Ion Exchange Cations on the Adsorption Selectivity of Zcolite X, by V. Bosachek. RUSSIMI, per, Dok A Nauk- SSSR, Vol CLXVIII, No 1, 1966, pp 126-129. CB Hay 67 324,911 Kinetics for the Destruction of Radicals in Frozen Aqueous Solutions of NaClO and I-IC10 by V N. Belevskii, L. T. hgaenko, et al. RUSSiA'N, pe;, Dok AR NaL& SSSR, Vol CLXVIII, No 1, 1966, pp 122-125. CB May 67 324,9021 On the Relationship between the Spectral Parameters of Certain Para-Substituted Benzenes and the Sigma-Constants, by N. G. Baklishiev, G. V. Saidov, et al. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CLXVIII, No 1, 1966, pp 120-121. CB May 67 324,903 Study of the EPR Spectra of Catalytically Active Copper Chelate Complexes, by V. F. Anufrienko, E. K. Mamaeva, et al. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR Vol CLXVIII, No 1~ 1966, PP 116-119, CB May 67 324,894 17 VC) Polymerization and Copolymerization of Mracyanoethylene Under the Effect of Bolymers With a Conjugated System, by A. A. Herlino N. G. Matvoyen, RUSSIM, per, Dok Ak Nauk- SSSR, Vol CLXVII,, No 1, 1966, pp-91-94. *FTD-IIT-66-729 Sci - Phys Doc 66 -111, _j oys' 'b~- V1 DY3 ~11 voi of Lic!Ldds FToini by P. Zolot- ~.rov. S SR IT i-,, 0 v --lys Do',- I Pa.! irl",'U- Tl ly S Vol 1.-L, ---o i; . ),. 1.'-, -L,13~) Iff" Jj,_;DCC Of 51,-_ COrICF~Ii-t. ~ on cy C Gia Tac 2-ubst-_,,uct-ure of '.inc SaIn',,lic C) voll 8 o - "-I.Dv lily-, TI i in,-,-(, Illryr Vol 11, Thc of ~la~~iotic Surfpces, by L. v 0 l -a.3u, C) im To-7). Vqj 11, 17() Dif--~~us" on oI on oil ~)ns, c -D-,- by B. L. i U-1 .,-,G !A. IT Vol 1, so-., 'Illys -DO, -'L 71 u I lys VoL, IL, it"). liov Dy LJJ ". G. -I'. "oU,rshr-,v G. 1". !~Yoalill, "t ".I. ~IU '----~-T L-. 7-7 od - f J. VC)" 0v -11~f Do": ia~i Inst Vol 11, 110. l'ov -Inu~ionc, by L. Guraviell !'n', V. 1. 1)01: "d- X: a L~ Vol T~o. - - 1, l9'-', r-oY. ~ov Y'llyZ 'J.Do": Inst ray~~ Vol 11, 1;0. ..IT- ions -M V. 1. L,~af dn, u-'L*. L,,!. Do]: j'O, MI. V 0'1 j OV T)O]- yf 7:1, u Val j.1, 1"'0. 5, "'u'r ,., !.! Ob ri -1:161 mr, l-*'l.Uct,1X".`Gl 0m, 11 Til~, "ic) 1"n G; 1'--'u cm Lin --le v Do" lffm.~~ -n u ~111,).Iy. D". E~ tu-`.l Tro. Vol --c, 51 n_ 5 Al-I Inst Illy, Vol 'Ito. Jul of on Tile -c- b,r V c -A Vol 11, 1.,0. TI-C -nic I ity of A Lcal Y A. V. B. L--"bro%- ich. 01 v SOV fla7jS. I'1 DI-C ol U, lio. licrr, liontrivial Con st 3!uct- i-r~ Kapj)inL-,,s o-L' Certain Sets) by V.A. SuryL;inj SSRI Lla 1-'~USSILN, pov, Dol: Al: ITauk SLj t I, qcc, Vol hil Math Soc Vol. ',,III; lfc- 3) I'AY-ilinc' IS"Oli Nov -,14, lo', A IL'intiax Pi,oblem in 't"he Tli('Ory of Cabat,uloc "C"nalulas, by V.D. Carusnihov, RUSSai,-', pev, Doh, JUr. UaWc SSISM Eat"11 scc~ "I-01 CUX,7VIII, 1-,'0- 1, D~`06) PP 30-319 hi, 1."ath Soc Vol VII) 110. 3, ?,;ay-,Juna 1~05 JtD ,I-ov 3141 Gencralized 11oinal CorrcloJ;ion and Two-DI.,zaciis-Lonal 2YOCLIct Classes, 1-Y O-v. smniallov, `01 IUSSM.' pei'~ Dok Ah iiawk SSSR, Ela:'U"Ii SOC) I CIXAI:EII, 110. 1, 10= 0, I?p 32-35 Ain Vatli Soc I-py_jLjjjC Vol Ijjj) 'T E'ov 00, 314) 102 Th,~ First- Boundarj Value Problcus fo). a Cortair. Class of Equations and Syst~2nis, by V.11 . PoiJt.,nov, RUSSSILT, pcr)Do". Ak NaWc SSSIR, Math Sec, Vol CLXviii, 1,10 Ij 19b6) I)P 283-31 Arn iMath Soc Vol VII~ "110. 31 1.1aY-Jul, 1~:' -7 , iv0,~) 314, ioi The Solution of a Ilardy ProblQ;i aud Ito, Indeteriiiinate Analogue Within Secto:cs and Contou,.-o, by A.A. PoIjanskii XUSSTA111, per, Dah Ah rlauk sss-2t, Ilatil S-C~ ""O1 CLy,,rjjj, 1,0. ).) J~bul: pl) 25-27 Am 1.1ath Soc 1101 1111) 'ITO. 31 i%'Xv-julle l'-'ou !-.ov 60 314~ IW of Bigenvalues -Cov Singular Differmtial Operatoi-ssp by A.G. Kosi;jucenko; RUSSIM; Fei:~ Doh Ah Hauk SSSRZ ~atuil See, Vol -i Clrljjl., 1,C), 1, jn66, pp 21-2), Am I.-'lath Soc Vol VII, 1To 3, 'r~i-junc 1~ji/) 1 OV iX) 314, 099 G~3rtain P--i-upe-rtics of Genemlized Soltitlions of Secoud-Ordc3: Pexabolic Equations, by A.V. I-vanov, O.A. Dad7yz-:!nsLrajR) A-L- Tr~-GkUUOV, and Urall I C~-va) RUSSIU~ riez, Dok Ak Uauk SGS11) !,",eu"I S~3 Vol CINIIIIE, -I'o- 11 1106by !)P 17-20 hn 1.,ath Soc vol vily 1,io. 3; "'Ia~'-jvne .10-- iiov 66 -L)y `[.A. Gu1oC-v All VGG Vol 1 Ah Nauk SSSP Natl' Sac, 1U;-SSTYC1'; D`21'i DOI, ------- 1-- CT-T.F111, ;.TO- 1) lgbb, ffp 13-1b tup. viath SOoc j Vol VII, iiov 66 314) 097 Duality in Spac,--s of ~-jojojjjojj))jjc Funct'jons With Sinnularities) by V.D. Golovin pcr~ Do!, Ah, i~ uk SSSIR, 1.1ath S,2c, Vol. 1)p ")-12 hn 1,,lath Soc 101 1111) 1"o. 'I)) I-lay-julle ]!-!J r iov U' 314,o9" 66 Datonnration of the Antlclx)linastcrasa Activity of OrganophosDhoms Inhibitors. by A. P. Brestkin, 1, 1, BrIk and A, A, Sagal, 7 pp. Russlivil;,per, Doklad Akaoemaii flauk, SSSR, Seriya ologiFft-,Vol 167, 1966, T;os. 4, 5, 6- PP- 1831-1834. JPPS 38331 sci~ll.'rj Scis I IJOV 66 31"4831 Polyploi-dy, of `%Iuclei of the Lens Anla-r-, cf Chick EmbryoS ll.n tllaa Early 'Poriod olf by G. S. Kvi-nilchidze. Rulscalii, T.'er, Doklady-hk !-'aul. SSSR, Vol i67, 6, A-pr 1966, pp V,2?-14,3()- J--are 6FJ ~ji.ojn E - i riat trophl)-) the ica! .sl ion of Thyrm~ I I u .C ul~ - 7P,j itnry c)f thz Hu-man Embryo and t'r.- Placenta, - -- lu- 1 1; - - A. ivanova L S. E. Levina. Do!, . I , . RUSS IL per ln~iv Al: SSSR ito I'l,pr 1966, vo c June 68 359,060 .,esti,~r- of ~--,rmm-,!"Daded Gull !-~rumricerhalus derd) 1-11 the UJISS.R, '~--Jy L. Fotapnv. Fer,~Doklad-,-- Al, ja.-L S-MR, 7,-1 -1671 6, Ay rT) I 44o. I a e Content of Ar-:ino Acids in the Parts of t,,- l3rain by To l,', Por~ol~rJOVJ, d7r Alc a u-1 - 5 5R Voi V~o 6, Apr ic)'6, pp 14,21-11422. June .-ne L~al--.A- in Une contel-'L of DI-YL of Adrenal Gland Cells of !,ace- After Cnzera- tions on Various Organs, by '11. 'ra-. RUSSU11.1, per, Doklady Ak i:aiik SSS?6, Voi 1671 ~`o Of An- 10,66, pp 1418-14-0. C9 Julle (C'I~ So-le Ch-racterist-ics t'ne of t'-n Telencophal,on in tho J. P. Z. ~-Ia7ua-skaya D. Smirrln,.r. Do'dady M-, SSSil Vol. 16"~' 7.5 1 jj%. T), j ~r 1 i1o 6, Aur 1-0,66-pp I7pi!!-I4t7- C:-) ,Juno 6-1 -R-or.e Tunors T-3-iduced in F~ats I:y X-.Ray Irradialt-lior of' the; Lii~ibs, by A. l1, OL RUSSLkU, ner, Doldady Ak Naulk SSSR, V-31 f I .;o Apr 1966, pp june 68 3591,0715 Optii,_,al Tenriperature Regines for Meniophilic Chlorella Investigated, by I. V. ShArnov, 5 Pi)- iiUSSIAH, per., Doklady Pd,.adepiii Hauk SSSR, Vol 16,1, zo. 6, 1966, PP- 1405-14w. JPRs 30'731 c C-~ USSR sci-Dpin D-- c 66 314,319 The Dynamics of the Absorption of Near Infrared Radiation by Leaves of i-lants, by V. P, Rvachev, I-' 0. G. Guminetskii. RUS8IAR per Dol~;~ A!c NIaWc &~SR, Vol 167, i,,o 6, 1;66, W-1,TOK-PF6--*" CB jun 68 356,503 Photoperiodism in Diploids and Tetraploids of L '12111ot and Barley, by N. N. Konstantinov, E. A. Zhebrak. RU6SLAI,.I, per, Doklad3~Ak Nauk SSSR. Vol 167, No 6, 1966, pp 1398-1 00. CD Jun 68 356,502 Study of the Synthesis of Nuclear astones during the Process of Substrate Induction of Tyrosine: ((-Ketoglutarate Transaninase of Rat Liver, by R. 1. Salganik, T. M. Hlorozova. RUSSIAN, per, Dokla~y Ak Nauk SSSR, voi 167, No 6, 19669 pp 1395-1397. CE jun 68 359,585 Systematization of the Condons of the Genetic Code, by Yu. B. Rumer. RUSSM, per, Doklady Ak Nauk SSSR. Vol 167, No 6, 1966, PP 1393-1395. --- ' CB jun 68 359.584 Ricrochromatographic 1.1'ethod of Separation of Adenine from Guanine Nucleotides on Ecteola Cul-lulose Colurms. by 11. S. Panteleeva and Yu. S. Korotkin. RUSSI-All, per, Dokla~y Ak Nauk 55SR. Vol 167, No 6, 1966, PP 1389-1392- CB jun 68 359,583 Autoradiographic Study of Reproduction of D14A in Sister Chromatids, by A. B. Iordanskii, V. Yu. Urbekh. RUSSMI, per, Doklady Ak Hauk SSsR. voi 167, No 6, 1c.166, PP 1365-1388- CD jun 68 359,582 Detemination of the Anticholinesterase Activity of r-hosphorus-Organic MaWjbitors, by A. P. Brestkin, I. L. Brij-.. RUSSIAN, per, Doklady Ak Nauk SSSR. Vol 167, No 6, 1960', PP 1381-1384. CB jun 68 3501,581 Cnaanz,re in the Ultra s true ti ir,-. of the '~`nndn ---1.nd the Sni~,-,ql Cord of .'.'2'.CEI 131 S)-Z2,ner Tick Encephalitis, hy I. Sh. Vaiql-ai-l. R Til s s iltu'-Iper, Doldadd M,. i--auk SSSR, Vol 1b'(', JO 61 Am, 1,)661 rYp 1377-1380. c June 359 '120 110azono for the Occurivnco Of Dia"101"itc jil sul~U;tc DjapWite 1kzins of thc 1;ax~jj,- V'a~, Ya. Bussim nor DOI- Re lauk O~j5a, 13ar sc-, ~~ac .V01 j, _~ ) I . aximo lio G) C0010aical lilat, Uoa Vale~i~-,, of In E tiu., by Y--,. ,~. La zi-2.javs haya) RLOSUO,, nor Doh Alk !kvilk SSSR3 Ear Sci Vol C'u-NII: lio 6; 1~1- -,; pp -- AL'Or. GC01CGI iCEa Illf3t i.iov 66 -, i, .., V /; " Zac "Uncraloa cd' Dimao:ad-B="In- 1~cloC;Ltea, by lie V, Sobolev wd 1e No 1-USOLAu.; Dier Dok N" I;aDl,- OSSR, Ear OeL ~, c Vol cumu, i~,O 6, ,; =xA)) TI-P Auer C=IoZacal Li3t NaIr GG 7r.0 '-itruct'va-c of the 0-mi-dooponod Partz of aver Valle-yo Ua U1,10 black Sca C=,V- of -Ulo camumma) L-y A. B. oatrovuldy., RMSIM') parj Wh Xt ilmwk SSSIRJ Lux 9ci 6ces iol QL~Cmj 1,-o 61 :Mp 1$2-IzKA4 Az-,or. Gooloalml Imt 'l-ov C6 L. W6o-Otaao Ncotce=Uc 11ova:cato in Scandinavia., !4 ' -a itho KDia ibairmuia -uy ii. 1. i , ... I-'- - m i-d !W~O)Jvavp RUSSImaj part Dot JU: FIZULI WOR x Bar Uci- sac, Vol UIAM) '"10 6j, 19bbf VP Amer C;co3-oGlizxa H Liall ilov C6, Ibre Facts Abod. the Letiaction of Imer Palcomm-, Sta-aW in Gwitaul Asiop by Le Po Xatt=va curt V, 1. Yanuna EWSSIAEp port W-. Alt Dauk SSSRS Sci socr Vol claWu., 1o Gj 1566$ 13!A-4 1,357. Aaar.GaoloLdcal inau., liov 6,6