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Zimhukv Ps I* Motion of a Swept Ang Near a Solid an-rier Ath Optimm Ciraulation DistribuUan, 13 PP GnOOMNAKKA NESMMUM PMERm2ag, MOSCOWN IWg pp 174-157q JM 62363 ZIMv A. 8. //qoum AKMWI Nm assas Len semcz// -~/--/-I9?3aVM0jN0CJMS Soluble Alcobols Ja Natimal Waterm in the flouthentem Part of the Raeal= Plathme Their Origin and Possible use In Atsveding for Patrolems pp 20&21U9AOlW ZMERM4, A. 14. //CCHFP,KI PRIKLADI-JOY VEYROUMNETIKII/ pp M92--M16 l1ba-mcological Loading Investigations on the Effects of the Statistical ftanization of a V,6dium on the Mechanism of Formation of the Reactions of a human Operator. 19 pp JFRS 63612 zwoolms N. P. Electrm Microscope lavestigatim of RIO Polmr Xbleculea JEM =D IN I MO. in LQ:RV --- 01 N Wa VOA W400 pp5b2-5W,* IM WfC 73*10505-WC my T,3 30"s Karl zinner Performance BrUng and Teffting of CWwged Your. Stroke Diesel Engines in Cbanged AtaMberic COMILtIons. MYS MUMKNM Vol 320 NO up lov im: pp ACOX-N-1891 FM-Iff -23-1397-72 Alig 73 A,,,,ermy -Aru7hedstoiie 111PR No. Title- 7;!E CRTAILS ON JUPITER Imt:10r. ztnov'ev, V.A. Sourec: Tzdatel'sm 3aulks, 6) Languap,e: lWoetan 67 (1)67) ?AP S-ixclal Instructions: Kease twelste. rditod draft only. Contribution to Frankel's Theory of Condensation, by G. Zinameister. GERMIN, pars DApIc PrgbleMs-in Thin FAIS Phygigs. InterniLtIonal Symposi ~!,B!a%2 Problems i T~~A Film Phyliggo -14 -~PAk rqvRjeM3,In Thin film Ynysivap Vol 21 6-11 September 1965s pp 33-42 NTO 72-11334-20L June 72 22-Aug-73 Uncl (AEC-tr--7455) New theory for the evaluation of tests of the natural water circulation In steam boilers. ZINZEN, A.: SCHUBERT, F. Brennst.-Waerme-Kraft; 11% 226-218(1958). 99. Dep. NTIS S3.00. 13 engineering: translations MR-38 P NSA 0 Zia 0 # As, Topical Problems of Handst-Leninjet Esthdiosi 9 py, Mosoowo No 14t. Sop 741r. pp 111-116*~ ~1111 i S , , A * 111opical Problems of the Theory of Socialist Realism) 5 pp. NOMMUNISTp Mosoowl No 89 May 73# pp 126-128. V19 M7 .Tal 73 Utter, H. Solubility of Nitrogen in Pure Iron and Auste- nitic Chromium-Nickel Steels. ARCH EISENJI., 1973, Vol. 44# March, No. 3, PRO181-188. BISI 11505 Zittoun, R. Sub-acute myelo-monocyte leukemia; study of 27 cases and review of medical literature on the subject. SEMAINE DES HOPITAUX. PARIS, v. 48, p. 1943-1956, 1972. NTC 73-10921-06E Zittoun, R. Myelo-Monocytic Leukemia with sideroblastic anemia. SEMAINE DES HOPITAUX. PARIS., v. 48, p. 1977-1981, 1972 NTC ~3-10922-06E Zittoun, R. Cytological and biochemical study of the granulocytic and monocytic series in subacute myelo-monocytic leukemia. SEMAINE DES HOPITAUX. PARIS., v. 48, p. 1965-1970, 1972 NTC 73-10938-06E Zivkovic, K. ZEMLJISTA VOJVODINE NOVI SAD 1972 613 pp s *NTIS-Tr-74-56002 M, -Z-', \/ K C) V "' c- Soil Cover of the Zlatibor Mounttins, by Me ZIVkOVicj, 33 pp. ZEMWISKI POWVAC MKMPA, 1952. NM TT 71-WM- M&Y 73 Zivkovio, V. operation and Roonoxio Position of Yugoslav mt~ritlaa Shipping in 1973, 9 pp, .ITRANSPORTp Belgmdep No 7p 1974v pp 25-16P . M3 6.3%7 Nov 74 -2 ~ VK,),l f C I V, DeVelopment of tho Tnwportgtiont COMM104tic ladustry ArAlyZeds by Vo Zlvkovloo 21 pp. SHMAOCROATrANs POP# 1122120# B629md*s NO 20 rob ?J6 pp 9-158 JM 927 may 73 ZiyadulUyev. N. Use of Computors and MAtImutical Methods Expanding* 3.1 pp KOMMUNIST UZMSTAIIA, Tasbkento, No 5, 1973. pp .0-62. - ims 60263 upduukmo me UsboldsUalls lAgbt lndndq SltmUm DwmMed. 5 pp F.Amm JalOgUrSTY00 ibacwtv N 9* W('3* PP * 7j4 JM 60M ZiYadullayeve so K* Uzbek Gosplan Official Discussed Territorial Planning. 6 pp BKCROMICIMMA GAZBTAJ moscow* No 26, June 1973,, p 10. im 60133 MJ -e- \,/,:" -2- 1, -z- I,(- Trends In Private Pam Iname Survapd, - by Mileva zisla, 10 pp, BERB04ROATTANo part Aefiovemki L"jaLd wolp, A Belgrade No 9# sop 72.9 pp .333-335. ins WKI Apr 73 Zizin, B.G. et al Nomograph for Determining the Corrosion Rat* and Effectiveness of the Protection of Equip- ment. KORROZ. ZASHCH. NEFEGAZOV. PROM., 1972, Ho.7, 5724-7. A.T.S. RO$GB 1007 1 1. .. zlatarovo Wir Effects of Few ULad Law Examinedq 10 pp. XOOpMTxVW-mSWWEv Soflao No 6* 1973v --I p i4-# p JM 60028 Oct 73 ZlatOuatova, L.V.. and A.B. Nizova 1971 Attempt at an acoustic analybis of some whistles from the bottlenose dolphin 11argiopes tr%ne-ItUA Montagu) (Opyt akusticheiskago analim nekotoxTkIa Rvistov aflaliny (D!Z21opo truncatus Mant.1 lo;iia i ekologiia morskilch m1ekSpitaiushchikh (V.E. Sokolov, editor), Inst. evoliutalonnot morfologli im. A.N. Severtaova, Akad. naWi 83311, izA. Miaseow, 176P.. 116-119. ;'n Russian. Tram 1. by f PST, 1973. PP- 174-177 in 2''2p. "Norphology and Fwoloa of ~iarine Ilwanals," Mowg. Plail. i~eter PUblIshers, Jerusalem, Israel, or 1~81sted, pTesu, G35 Third Ave., X.T., N.Y., price $20.00. Avail. on Noan - I-FIVS, Vash. , D.C. OrIclirtol Atlicle Chockod]A Zlobin, 1. Support for Soviet Armed Forces Abroad During World War 11. 10 PP 10-M-NO-ISTOBICURKIX ZHURNAL, Moscow, No 11, Nov 1973, PP 83-88- im 61057 Study of jet system Mixiag with a Transverse Flow in a Duct, by V. V. Zlobin. INZII-FIZ MURNAL, Vol 23, No 3, 1972, pp 541-544 NAVY/ APL/JJ IIJ -T:2-742 May 73 Zlobim * L S. Advanced Toobnology In Pot"ohodcal &chino "W.%A.%AA4%6 9 pp "Mmou j NEPTIgg" A"w&=9 H m ov, No 9, sept 1973P pp 4-7. im 60676 ZUM38KII.t A.M. //IZV. vm cimm. MT.// qmim/-*/19Ao V---#N=3o PP 0134-M57 ftabors influmaing the so=& alsolon of cost irow msz Ighwa zionmar, Bx, //izvmmti m n Mil will I ZAVJIE=t "Umm -/-/1973oV-*--JM3* Otudy of PAvWticei Pme"m In Ziroml=, Tltwdm &;d Wemda **list 'I Mt~Z ;0M1, AIWND/ If 4 Zlobinskiy, B. H. Combustibility and toxicity of metals and 8110ya (selected chapters) pp, 145 VOSPLAMENTAYNHOSTV I TOKSICHNOST' MITALLOV I SPLAVOV, 1972, pp. 21-25; 106-126; 191-20 204-263. AIR/FTD/ MT-24-211-73 S - T . 'i L-v C, - ~-'e- v.a K.',y six"Im of rus%t ft"Oluo 1w -~%A- 9 IF* so 1* VWAWWVR Rmt Imill Imis I "Ism- 1b to 19710 v Imam, A3V=/ZNR542991-7F Xw 73 Zlochevskiy, 5# leo Scientific Information in the Process of Develop- ment and Interaction of Sciences, 12 pp MALIZ JENPENT611 I FR05N2MWAt= NAI&ENO_. TEMELUESKMOMMORMA. 11evo 19679 PP 165-196. JPRS 60402 btaww folows and.-Po"dift. *chin" shils at the 19?2 im- 1w So L. Udalkwo 6.1 v a ]A PP*, I ~ .;~& - RMSIMS"Pwo Iskm wift. Moscowe ft 29 Fob 19"o pp 4146. JMS 55M Apr 73 6% LMADLHEV YU RU MACROKINLTIL Pk(it.'ESSES IN POROUS MEDIA (FUEL CELLS) MAKRLIKINEf[KA PRUHSESSUV V PORISTYKH SREDAKH (TOP LIVNYYE LLLMENTY) PUB: "NAUKA" MUSLOW 1971 363 PP F ~) IC -H T -2 3-1 5b6- 73 2mijarevic, Ants Faster Reallastion of Commnications Develop. mont In Adriatic Region Urged, 6 pp, - TRANSPORT# Belgrade, No 6-9t 1973t PV 133-135. "HS 3=0 Nov 71 =A=M. T. 0. .. Van= upsmv/ !~/-A* VMUA... 0 W400- P068;z;: r r. ~-j .. &some Protedn by 92got we ;:~="6ftdft zimmmp ve 10 //I,zv. vm. Win .'=.H 4-AMPT-11toolop ntut wd btaUM Otroossi, - Delft the MUlm ot ]DiwU=c ftfts vltb a . ftrd. 01"angs IV 01-910MOZ 1208ft ' ZOBNINA, K,'S. //ALLERGIYA I Rr.AKTIVNOST-ORGMIZMA MATERIALY PERVOGO VSESOYUZNOGO SIMPOSZIUMA'),// --/--/19691 V00029 N----) Characteristics of the chemical nature of certain bacterials allergens, 4 pp pp 7-9, UR/FTD/HT-23-1469-74~@ Zogs, lians SCHWEIZER BOTANISME GESELLSCHAFT BERICHTE. Vol 550 19451 ;p 2 0-269 *NTlS-TT-74-53025 Zoguo Sabit Sale of State Secrete Prom Market Research Institute, 6 pp. VJESNIK U SRIJEDU,, Zagnb# 10 Oct 73,9 PP 12-13 35V3 GM57 4-- - Nov 73 -ola, Mavomo Nzuzi Mobutu Explalne Nonallnemento Countryfs Revolution, 25 pp. SALONGOj Kinshasao 17 Sep 73, pp 5-7. 7MTrO348 !~70 V 7 3 Zolinski$ G. Multi-Chanel Eddy Current Testing Equipment for Rolled Finned Tube. BANDER BLECHE ROHRE, 1973,, Vol. 14, No.6, pp. 255-256. BISI 11593 19 pages Z-0336nery c Efferent Compound Action Potentials of the CocMear Nerve of the Guinea Fig Upon Contralateral Acoudic Stimulation - OIM-, NAS- MM IMM- M= V01 197# 1M., pp 331- ACSI X-1913 FM-Hr-23-1183-72 Auv, 73 6-Jun-74 Uncl (AEC-tr--7534, pp 151-155) Increase in tissue reqpiration as the cause of the decrease in the oxygen tension in tissues by radloprotective sympathicomimetics. ZOLOCHEVSKAYA, L.I. (Ukrainian Inst. for the Advanced Training of Phgsicianst Kharkov). May 1974. Translated from Radiobiologiya; 13: No. 6, 926- 929(1973). NSA ,,~ u 10 ~- v a . G . ~ 1 . .A-ijulv, of Usin,,~ Ultrasonic and Induction 'Mie- t )mA3 in Studying Fractured Vuggy Upper Ci,cta- cuow; Limcstoiici~ of tlie Chcclien-Ingusli ASSR, OL. ~-.'TOFIZ. , 1972, Wo. 8 , pp. 36-40 . I U 957 V ~ 0- () 10-f-CA Oe V Grain Sid,pumto at nliahnsk AnAadeds bw v9 zolotaiwe 6 ppe RUMIANt nps LO-fta .AMER& Mmms 27 fob 1973* pp 1-2. im 3%16 . I Apr 73 IUI-tjlAk~'Vt V0A RU !JF THE UPTli~AL CONSTANTS UF WATER A Nu 1,L F'Ui~ FHE CALuULATIGN OF SCAT uon~", JDP 11 P:,'JoLL-MY r'iZIKI Al'MDSFI.-kYf 10/1972, 10-110, L. Dfi,-HF-23-010j-74 Zolotilov. B. Moot of Rquipimt Modernization 'on ftgrems . I I. Noted$ 9 pp EKONON16A BOWSKOY UhWX Aev, No 12, 3.9?3, pp 11-160 . . .. JFRS 6W? .. 6-Jun-?q Urc I (A~C-tr--7471, pp 147-149) Influence of jamme. ir-adiaticn and splenectomy on the content of ar!j~odV- for,riig cells in varloas organs of rabbits. Z~)OTNIKOVA, G.P.; PROXOPENI-,O, L.G. (Kursk itatf, Medical Inst., USSR). Apr 1974. Translated from Padlobfoloalva; 10: No* 3. 439-441(1973), !JSA 0 Zolotov, D. I. Troubles of Bovosibirsk Beer Business Described, 9 pp amu I O-WrAnimum = PRMZVOTAUA, Novoslbbvk. ljo 3#w9730 pp 169-177. JPRS 59892 Z010t0vt so Political Training in Central GrozW of Forces &plainedt 3 pp UMNAYA al". moscow, 18 -%pt 1973p p 2t JAS 60443 zolotov, S. V.1ork of Cmmmisto Asadgned to Central Group of Forces, 8 PP Lav sn moscovt No 14,, MST VOORRHEMYKH # idy 19", pp 43-31- jPffi 59909 Zolotove Vj ~., Problems of Organizing Research For Industrial M ana gement Improval, 9 pp VESTNIK MOSKOVSKCGO, WIVQ:U.LtETA, Mosewo No 6. 19?39 pp .9"2. im U476 ZdiotWdftt Gs So Procummnt Mr4ster Moomed ftb Elentor Constrwtion, 3 pp EICNONXCMS QAMv Macovo No 140 19?4q p 3~ ims 61850 28-Sep-73 Unc) Radiation tr3nvnission through Inhomogeneitles In shields. zawrumilN, Y.G.; KLIMANOV, V.A.; LCIPURSKII, D.T.; SASHKOVICH, V.P.: SAKHAROV, V.K.: SINITSYN, B.I.; TSYPIN, S.G. Jerusalea; Israel Program for Scientific Translations (1971). 3SBp. (!PST-Cat-5646). Translation of Prokhozhdenle iziuchenii cheret neodnorodnosti v zaghchite. v Zolotykhs To. T. Dependence Of Viscosity of uquids On pmgure 21 pp. 11HREIMA V 2219- 7 UMM M=R:L9&jjWA7XL' M= FIZ X-UMO=UMMUUMJMMMM ID. 104 ( h - pp. 56-73. AlWkI04IT-24-1322-72 Zoltan, Ander T.Tnethical Practices Of Physicians Condemned, 8 pp. ERA SOCIALISTA, Bucharest, No 34, Jul 73,. pp 52-35. jpRs 60396 ~Tov 73 qoals of Soeialint Enterprises Analyzed, by g2man _&qkULU 16 pp - IRR,TGARIAN, perg Kozgardapagi Szople, BudkiDest, ~ro 4. Apr 73, pp-333a404- TPRs 59217 1 ,Tun 7 3 ZULTANP To So RU HIGH TEMPERATURE LIQUID SEMICONDUCTOR DIODE IZV. AN ARMVAN. SSRt FIZIKAv 8/1,973 220-223 FSTC-HT-23-0191-75 zonifts So. At, RUSUn Naval Squadron In the "ted StAt"t I pp USAt WO 01 dum, UNJM9. &gem$. No 7,0. Jul Ao pp 93-63*~ im 6*2 -6 . " IIKAZNIS,KIY AVDITSINSM --1--119?0.pV---jNO003,p Features of the diagnosis of noninfectious altergic pp 55-57, !.Iqj-Jww 1970, ,41R1FTD-,'fT-24-l263-74## ZHUNIAL11 and cZinicaZ tmatmnt bronchial wthma,. 7 pp, zonov" Yus V. lArth Rosouross SurVey Fm OA& SPAOS- 2 pp A. W'. ICs. UI&C, x"Cowt NO Be ,MWUI(,:.So ~=, Ang 74 0 pp 94-100, jpRs 6W74 it 4 Zonov, A.% 1971 !ishing goor oporation in relation to fish behavior (0 mbote omdii love v avyazi a voprosom povedeniyB ryb) 'zvestlln Gosud"stvennogo rmuchno-lialudovatel'skogo inatituta ozemogo i rochnogo rybnogo Moiyaystva, U: 75-87. in Russian. Trums I - by Tmns 1. ImAr. , Fgn, lang. DI v. , Dept , of Seo . of State of (;Gnmida, for Dept. of Environ. , FRI30 Blol. Sts. , St. Andrwa, K.B., 1973, as Tranal. Series No. 2134, 24p., typescript. Avall. on Loan - W.TFS, Wash. . D.C. Or~,incl Artide Instrument Methods in the Diagnosis of Car- diac & Vascular Defects, by A. B. Zorin, et al. INSTRUMENTAL'14YYE METODY DIAGNOSTIKI FOROKOV SERDTSK I SOSUDOV, L972, 224pp. 1ACS1 R-RO-6 17f may 73 Zoring L. L. Extraction of titanium dioxide from flue Ples With help of metalla-mrsda filters. r-Ar Agmum" UMALY I 11M 9 Eml u. 4 1971 pe 82-M 9TC f3-11415-07A Zovbo Me Fe Bmhwdor of Canxtrwtion YAtwl&U In Vadow Coolafte (water, steaus Qu4m rAcaddo, llqvid Sodimo W X2Q0, 12 pp RISS%SI ..IRDMEMU 10 us flIC01198 MTARDVgj MWHIIS TEAAMB Ww-lu-m VS=Iww- NLuskg lk"ftal~ a," Vjj=Ltj(fWa Mor ASK .W, f .f PArt 19 1973o PP 16K?7-. ins 6036o