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Okoro.kcvv * Ve Th4. Worker wd P"mt Aalime War the Con. ditiou 'O'f Davoloped SwWim. 15 pp . -. IWTQ* Mois ~'&Mw&v cow* He 12v Avg 740 pp 25o36o. JFRS 63097' 14-MaV-74 Unc I (ANL-Traris--951) Coherent excitation by the periodic field of crystals, DKOROKOV, V.V.; TOLCHENKOV, D.L.; CHEBLUKOV, YU.P.; KRIZHYAKOV, I.S.; LAPICKIIj YU.YA.; IFEZOV, G.A.; ZHUKDVA, YU.N. (GOSUDARSTVENNYJ KJMITEI PO ISPOLIZOVANIYU ATDMNOJ EHNERGII SSSR, MOSCOW. INST. TEOP-ETICHESKOJ I EUSPERIMENTAL-NU FIZIKI). Apr 1974. Translation of Ili.-F-19. 33P. Dep. NTIS $4.75. 2UL physics (solid-state); iranslations MN-34 P NSA lit 0krainats, P. N, dghoTempmture Creep of' Metals Ath a Fue- centex*d CWAc lattice. 10 pp IUEMTA AKADLUI NAUK JUMMEAWo, Moscow# No 3. 1923. PP Na-156. JM 59623 # Ta. X. flw~w= NM ORMSOT SSR. BOMHMMMW/ "/--/1972*VOW*Mlv The Rffoct or Thftvml Treatment on the Propertles of Titanium Dioxide,, pp 89-929MC 74-10766-Me awaterAers G* le . AnUdot" wkd thdr mmbwdsm of AoUon in~ thi,Qrpidm,~ 15 pp , Affl=cHums No.4# WiPs PP 5"o .4m laa Okumtot T. on the Vftffis Ce mad CA as mpbmoldftw in Owtlu &=* n=6. 9, 350 72MMO i9a wrZ. U.Naltily may 73 Okun, M. I. Distinguishing fractured reservoirs by the method of laterolog logging with two drilling fluids under conditions of the krasnodar region. NEFTEGAZOVKfA GEOLOGIYA I GEOFIZIKA, n. 3, p. 29-31, 1970. ATS 13A130R . CoWitlOw Of F*rsAP Waliken in Wnt QWMV I ~ B"Wedo bw laimis * 3 ~ppe pwo . akooffibWMA"I - = Xe 3 r, Mir avris pp &N.13.9. k .-. AW " Okunev, 1. riew sook Analyzes Influence of Folklore on Con- temporary Foetrys 5 PP ZNAMYA, Moseow, Doe 1973, pp 246- M . jpRs 6ioo5 Okunlewsl,i, Jozef Minister Okuniewski outlines Agrioultural Development Needs, (IxOSPODARKA PLANOWA, IPRZ 61090 - - - 7 Plo. waraaw~ Nov 73, PP 721-727. Feb 74 ow i H;gi: mumm- m. zm// ustanAution of bdootivs AftwOU 'Aft*13M " O!Wmod ;cu Olzriu,, Victoria Progress in Equipment and InstallatiQn Export Urged.. 6 pp? VIATA ECONOMICA, Bucharest,, 15 JUn 73, p 6, M 5 559 Aug 73 01brycht$ Jerzy Changes in Plant Bonus Fund Regulations Explained, 5 Pp. GLOB PRACY, 14arsaw, 3 ilul 73P PP 1s 3. PH9 5M7 SGT) 73 OLDRICH# T FR TESTING OF FAULTS IN SLIDING BEARINGS BY SPEC TRALANALYSIS OF THE SUPEP AUDIBLE- 7TH INTEKNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NDTj JUNE'73v POLAND, PPI-6 32 fSTC-HT-23-0t>40-74 OLEFIRt A. RU EFFECT OF CHEMICAL SUBSTANCES ON THE FORMATIO N OF ACQUIRED IMMUNITY VRACHEBNOYE DELOv #79 19719 FP 125-271 KIEV. 4 FSTC-HT-23-0523-74 Oloobiewski. Tadwas Zal 73 olechowald, Tadeusz Current Foreign Trade Situation Outlined, 13 pp. HAIMEL 7AGRAITICZNY,, Warsaw,, ITO 7., Jul 73j, PP 203 207. . -- jpRs 0555 Nov 73 Olechowskil Tadousz Remarks by Polish Minister of Poreign Trade on CRTIA Noted, 10 pp. IWIDU 7AGRANICZ17Y, VTarsaw, No 1, JAn 74, 5 3-7. jpRs 61634 Apr 74 aefirs K* A# Daprovements Daing Acle iti Petrochwdea Induatries. 3 pp NJ UYMA'XA I GAZOVAYA-LR KYSIW4NOSTI, Klevv No 3o 19?3* PP 1-3. im 59%1 otenro V. S. indfttex~ Munrim labor Andotivity In ftmwao D"UWV kIdghwo 5 pp X&V... Mbaccuo so kOe 19734, PP 939-941- im, 6060 , I I Oteiniki 40 ~.. om=s H, Ns HWUM ADMa MM SOORS, PMM CMW=Rr// m"bWalm of the CaUaytic AaUca of Dow In the ftsation of 2j06Zdtrc%bwVI Acatilto vjtb Adnes, iv 390*393 1 OW p . I OLENEV9 N. RU IMPROVEMENT OF THE PETROLEUM STORAGE SYSTEM 0 F WESTLRN SIBEKIA TRANSPORT I KARANENIYL-- NEFTI I NEFTEPRODUKTOV NO 11 1972 PP 13-17 FS TC-H F-23-147.j- 73 OUnin, V. B. Petw2own Geotogy xonation oll the Persian gulf bmin. 2 RAZVED. n ve vVZO a0Z ~ VoZ 415,0 No I'lls 29724 pp 212-117 MIS RT-6002 Oleahko, B, &onomical Industrial Ater Use Urgsd. 7 pp LOMMA SOV950 41. Kievo No 7,1973# pp 35-40. ims 6o136 Olevniko B. U. Sclentific research at the Kharkov Power Saginsering Inctitute In the field of maebine,couttruction 9 pp. MMINOBTROITAL'NATA PROMMLMMOST's NO. so i'veys PP4, 4-10 AIR/PTD/W-23426-73 (leyniks Go Cam=ts on CommW TmWmgo 5 pp . I Jwvj;j UJIDA moscar, 20 Juno 740 p 2. im 626a aeynik G o Admiral acynik Stressev Importance of Sound N-aval Trainings 7 pp LU I SNAMMgV .6scowl, 140 7. JUIY 19?3. .a., V pp J.'(-L'Z* JPRS 60090 Oliger, Alexis TAader Tells of New Policy, ~trm Priorities, OATT, OCAM* 5 pp. APRIOUP NOTIVELLE, Dakart 6-12 Mar 74, pp 8-9. 'TPR3 '61717 T, Jun 74 aigin-Nesterav, V. Use of Advanced Producticin btperience DeiscribW, n pp MUMMUM MOM U=, Moscow, NO 9, 19?3, pp 20-28. JM 60429 cugin-Nesterov, V. 1, f4oncide &W lAgal Problem of OptivisiM Bamode Dscisions Deacribed. n pp MUGOW, No Ili 19"s pp 6047. ins 61A) MIva 9 Juan Ferm Tschndagiwa Pr"ress in Problem wd sclutIonsi, 16 pp CW*n sugar Wustiy t I . WaNA-1 wan"O ffivifte NO 22s MArwA'pr'74s PP 3843. JPRS 627a oliverat, Carlos Delgado political-Theoretical Thoughts-on the Revolu- , tionp.16 pp,, .I I GOVERNMENT USE ONLY . ?ROCESOp Limp No 4. Aui; 74s pp 44-56. TP'IM-/r5068 Tynv 7N ollij, 1. A. 27w use of Zwdnesoewo microscopy in detemining Vis epigenatio and syngenotic bitw9nosity of ruvka. Dt l7AVX S"LOR Yo 22,0, 0 - X GEO.'ARI AU_ A LXBZI?sx 0-T-D.0 ELI, A 1964,0 pp JZ9-JZJ ATS Af-6020 Ollig, Gerhard Proapoots of PRG-GDR Rolations Asnesaed, 6 pp. INTERNATIONALE POLITIK l2n, ilamburgs, 24-29 Sep 73P pp 74-70. ,-TPROI" ;1950 JVI 74 OLSEN RICHARD G-E NEW TECHNICAL CONCEPT OF ARMY AVIATION EQUIPM ENT FLOG REVUE + FLUGWELT INTERNATIONAL 8 1973 PP Z7-38 FSTC-HT-23-0551-74 . -~: ': , iw Al:il~ oft"t a. mw " Ollsevichi Yu# Ya. Bourgaoi3 Views of Problems of the Peonomic 0 timm Under the Conditions of Sooiallsm,, U~ ppo VESTNIK AKADEHII HATE SMI MosamT.. No 5. . , p MY 73, PP b9-79* JPRS 59593 k.. - ~7 -N CIL'ahsWo A* I* CMA RoUtions With Pem Discusesdo 19 pp LU]ISUM MMUO Mosoms No 2,j Mtr-Apr 74,, .., jpp ?9-92.p JM 62827 . i Cl'oh&W,v As Is CMA RaUtions With Pau Discussed. 19' pp , . .. .. NJMU. Macovo Na 20 YAr-Apr 1"IMA, & Aj pp. 79*92* JM 62834 1 . alamVeklyt vt VA AicammUtim of awtmt:Uig FmUo Sipals with ]Affamt Prob"Uty Diolwibudonso. 6 pp TROI CHnm-oy JFRS 6Vft affheveld.vt V, Vq, Models of KvdmewdaUc CUmda and SignIs and TWr Corrdation Ometaistice, 14 pp DITnv Rommi SHKQLY& ff. 4173 im 6M a'shosidy. V. V. SWOUCAl fibWdN IV SIMro 3A py AOTO"/Szwc I smamuat =9 NMI I 0 1973* ZoZ PPO im 7459 alshefty, V. Vo Effect a the UapredivWle Owments of AmorXon Of aft Aquous Hodum m the Mutual Correlation of the mforeme. ard Usable aignau. 12 pp IRMI j na pp 30-40* JM 60&t (I'shaviidyt VO V* A^wdng MP)rimuPAI SWdlqe sid StatlstAeA Xuvimmtso pp AU VOMIMMSILOWWAU 12 �U=C IQ ut 19rgc PP 235-235% ORS 62YA Ollshovskiyg V. V. Statictiod ChaMoteristics of Marine Reverber- &tJon With mAml Corrolotlon f%VCO$5UV* 13 pp I wj" TRETIM =21mol SHO&AEMAU gTATISQCMKOT JOUMTIQ, f-bleowe 197,20 Rp 46-600 jpRs 62M CILIshasidys V* V* Whentlad Models mW the StatIsUcal Description of Fqdroscovotlo 51palsi 28 PP W61 No"sibirsk. 2970, pp 200, JFRS 624064 Ct'shavoklyp Vo Vo (Ifshovskiys Ve Ve alshevskiyok V.. V.. Adaptive MstMds of Hird*IsIM Rmra in,StAti- cdcal Ymlmvmtso 7 PO wry Mim= UMEMN- MTOOI =ZLVAWU ANALTE 12.:"M WSW_V L Lwo, Iffoldbirsks 1968o, PP 37-43,~ 44M U432. M I shovskiyo, Vq - V.1, Mom, G, New Measures to Cambat Parasites in scheep, 5 pp. REVISTA DE ZOOT ONIR SI NE DIGIIZ V MRINARA, Imessre P p 4 - n 74- , PP 35--Val 6 t' ' "0 1 ' ""6 JPRS 6143 JUn 74 I omm), 6h61Rjp MohimmA Ecoumlo and E Ll Developments of Past Yearp by Kohm=*4 SharLf Omariw 16 PPS PERSIM(I UP* AdSo Katul's 19 mar 731, p,2S' 20 Mr;j3o iV77640 JPRS ' , 97 may 73 .. ftrovs At The Course of Scientificand Teabatcal Progress* 113 pp MUMSTe *now* NO so mftl~ 1974p pp 5445, . im UU8 w Olamskiyo A* Go PxvUsme of PradwUan sixxdaUsAtion Dimmsdo 10 pp QRUYA KMI ilaRIMU NOW "gag r wo -.50* WOM104WO N* igme pp 43 20 jpm 62767 Omllehenko, V. Chelyabinsk Vocational and Technitul Blucation Official Co=ents on Needso 6 pp juvamm GUIZA, MOSCOW* No 38V Sept 1973, p &* im 03% OnsilmWilml. YU, I, New ICL~v TV BrWaast Tower fligbUghtedo .. .. 7 pp VVMTVA r7 I MAO Mm.cul NO 3* YAY - .6 X~1380 f JFRS OwIlyanenko, Yu% I& Kiev's New R#Aio-Televislon Station is Under Cmtmetion. 5 pp VUZI S macaw, IRW 70 July 1973, pp 3-5. im 60188 UMORI, Y. //GEKA CHIRYO// -1--/1969.VO021.,I--, ;2p 0197-0206 Male breast cancer DITC 75-10275-061L OmDte, Y. BIPAry upour-liquid and ternary liquid-liquid equilibria of cyclohexylainine KOGYO MAW ZASSHL, Vol 70, No 9, pp 1599-16006 Sept* 1%7 C.E. Trans 6013 wW 73 YArcb 73 ONAYA, T Effects of Prostaglandins on the Pituitary and Thyroid Glands. jApANESF, pRosTAGLANDIN SY161POSIUM PROCEEDINGS. Okayama, Japan, 28 Nov. 1970, pp.. NTC 73-10224-06P 3o-M March 73 Ondasynowo At Ubor Tomover in gazalchietano I pp . .. AUMMINVO rum $ AlLm Au V~ =W=-X- F-*U=9 "AuffAu . . no I$ An 1974#' pp 67-07AA, .. I JM 61953 . I. T. V. On~anl ft . . , Spactral cmalycis of an eZectroeneephaZogram during 6Zeep and wakefullness. SOODSWIIEWYA AXADE,,'IIYA RAUK GRUZINSY,01 SISIRP VoZ 570 Plo 1, 2970,, pp VS-176 IJTC 73-10742-08B may ?3 Disagreament With Meadows Report on Population Expressed, by Oqt--v-Lx-Qp-j&t&auj 5 pp. R014NIAN, per, Revista do StatistLicav Bucharest rob 73t p 107 .7 PRS 59157 ,Tun 73 Now Data on the Problem of Quaternary Glaciation in the Nortbeast of the USSR, by Bs Is Odohehenko, ENGLISH# per# Prijaginjil Ughing ia ths atudz- I f 1965P 123-128 NTC 72tPii659-O8G June 72