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_%hr.gLh, Walter and Bertotti, Elvio. M-t-ASURIEMENT OF THE PHO-Ty.)CHEMICAL AC.Tl%r- ITY OF TITANIUM DIOXIDE. Communication to thc National Congress of Chernistry (no. 9) Turin, 27 May- 2 June .4. 119621 10p. (8 figs. ornitted) 9 refs. Order frorn SLA S1. 11) 62- 1644 i Trans. olAnnah th Chunica (Italy) 1959.v.4(), P. 1143-115;. 15BOUPPORS: *1 it3olUT11 L (IMP01.1116, *D10K1dC,, Silverc(:mpoun(k, Nitratus, Pholochernicalreacti,ns, Oxidation, Ultravioic-t radiatl0n, 011hotochemisti%. A nieth(0 is descoix-d lot- measuring the phowcher i i- Cal activity of 11I.Injuill (boxide, IMSL!d on Ow action thu~eof on (lie AgPo' ion when it is subjecit-ki !(j ultraviolet radiation, Tlw reaction is observed 11v nicasuring the 1,-,.4 of reflectance as a function '-d (Inle (Chvinisti N-11wiwal, 'I T, v. K, no. '4) (mvt) 62-16445 1. Sbroll], W. 11, lk-riotij, 1:* Ill. Title: Nat 10nal... Office of TocWcol Sor-4ces "The USSP, Armed Forces in the V'cnterq)orai-,,, Stage." by Lt. Gen. of the Air Force ',:. SL),,tcrv -L- IY.oscoir, ned Star, 1,15 lr-ebnuzy 1,563 .1 FBIS 'Jaily -~'~eport Yo '16 20 Yebruary 1c(.3 Air Stiprmacy and the rtas of Strategic Avtalaar... by I. A6 i~ 4 PP* MOSIAN, per,, Veit TOX not, No 91 1958, pp '93-. 6456153. A= Sal - Anromotics AM 99 '3 -/ a 94 7 rM MWWFION CMDn=* AM 1. keed4d, 06 PROMMHS or zw clows As "GMIRfr. 11"31 no ON^ F. 171L (6p. didWO 17 rdL Oidw b= SEA St. 60 63-16M TMmL Of Is cmwca 0 IU&Ntris (bly) low, T. It, P. sn-$41. DBSCNMR&- Mw cw4a , *Odda, Onpumn, 1) s b&wtrw pv&xdm, ftdad vrvsrdn. Mr. Vaws. k, 0 A, 04 v 0 Calcimdan. Adsotrapy. Crysul& 7u saws of dw redo air/xioc vapors as O&MI CMAMCOWIDUM d OW dW Cdft GMSIMd 00 do psencb prooms "m WAWW to a PON pka Tke amblam Om urged so " to OWN a top d Pfddm d dimmakm d h= 0. 6 be t. 7 nkrm "d d Nddu aid ftffiu-&~ sh"m To gem 4 Obadds-4himW Tr. v. 10. m 7) no d Isdad WAM t"T"KilION (IF MAWANF51' re!s oritteM. f,r let fric '[,A 11 61 - I F112 IV 2! 14124-0, owl! t!u 'Ion 61 -1 12 11 C, Ana4sis of CoMIt wA Vickel Jm Zinc Ores ana Zinc noctralytos, by Go Sawalatis 5 pp. IULUN,, awarpU, U Chisfea ft L'Industria, Vol XVU., s" 1935P PP 392-394. S.L.A. Tr 521/56 Bel - Miu*raI*/N&W*,, Chu"try Avg 1956 3d=m Purity Obtained vith Le~ and Zinc in the laboratory MA it, Iraft try, lar G Smociati - perY zwdm Zic vol - 61 no, 1/2 1964; pp 24-32- EZ ~S CA CC IX 7- Aug 67 33T--195 655) The Conferems of Hatimial St",dardization Organizationr of the 3ooialint Countries, by S. Scadoycehij 5 pp. per, Sam (StandardiUtion) V61 U119 No 119 BQabweetg Nov 1961# pp 567-568. JPR5 12724 1k .7 Mr-R6mwila 14PA-f.."Fiv loon Xar 62 m,.hermpy of chronic *alote- Laifkmnian wItb a New AnUMUPOOC FM CGICUM AUt=Mlej by ji. SCaf i., R. SmIftsurri p 15 pp. IMUN., perj, Oazz ItUruz 41 mdieins e Chirargia, Vol LIX, 1955, pp "-638. S.L.A. Tr 9e7/10 1 3f 4e '7 v Bei - Madicing J-4911 The Philippine Answer to Commun-Isra. by f..lvin F. Sca-r EN(',LTC,!l to 1FRENCHY bk) gta4f~rd, California, lQ95, F -E - Philippines Pol - Communism 26 9 Clinic and fttboloa of the IWforating Mcer of the Poot With SpecUl Attention to tbe Skeletal CINOWs Or 0- SCOW-lettIs 3 PP- amms M4 pers lwpm fier dle Oemoft ChIrW6141P Vol Lmp v p 522. HE 03-3k set - Biology 4z ~-/* 91 .0 ~Z Apt 57 MAU- Sca&IieLL4, ' ~. . str inga, G - and Mizzau, M. Pr-US-V'.ARFANT OF THE ASTKAGALUS AND SLTH- NORMAL SCAPHOID SPACE. TWO IMPORTANT IN- DINGS IN KOEHLER S SCAPHOID NECROSIS. EM F - V 1) 4:13. Order from OTS nr ETC $1.11) Tr-b3-2623~ Trans. r,l 1.!nidentified arricle, n.d. DESCRIPTORS: Miseases, Necrosis, Data, Childr,m *Legs, fladiN-Taphy. 'r7, v. 12, no. 4) IT-63-26238 1. Scaglierti. 0. 11. Srrinp,G. I Iitzzau, KI. it." IV. ENIF - V 1) 4 3; V. Excerpta Medica Foundation, Ammerdam (Netherlands) 62-27707 _SULU,f,. and V Icari, P. EXTERWENTAL INHALATION OF TOBACCO %1OKE 1. Scala, C. IN WHITE MICE. [1962115p. 11. Vicari. F. Order from K-11 W-75 K-H-5796-g Ill. K-H-5796-g IV , Kresge-Hooker Science Trans. of Rivista. di Patologia e Clin[ical (Italy) 11155. Library Associates, Y. 10, no. 12, p. 673-684. Dx-troil, Mich. DESCRIFrORS: *Tobacco, OSmokes, M!ce. 2120 (Biological Sciew-vt-Pathology, rr, v. 8, no. 8) Off- .1 62-277(M -Lmb,_Carmelo. AGrM OP vAmous vAsoDuATtvB sumTANcas i. scaia, c. ON VASAL UMONS FROM NKMTW SUIYATH- 11. K-H-5796-f [1962127p. M*. Kreage-Hooker Science Order from K-H $33.75 K-H-5796-f Library Assmiales, Dctroi(, Mich. Trans. of Rivista di P&uAVa e Choi- (My) 1959, V. 10, Do. S. p. 323-346. DRSCRIFI'ORS: *Nlashw, Suffates, Blood 9 6. 3 3 Qliol%ical Sciences-PadmIM. TT, v. 8. no. 8) OIDW of aXarmelo. L A EFFECT OF ADRENAUN AND "SURRENASI" ON INTRAVASCULAR CHANGES WE TO NICOTINE' SUITATF. [19621?6p. Order from K -if $32.50 K-11-5796-c ,rrans. of Riviistal Pattologia el Chn[icaj (Italy) 1955, v. 10, no. 7, p. 2,'3-302. DESCRIVIT)RS: 'Epm4rinv, ONicotine, Sulfates, Bl(XA 62 227(15 'ritie: Surrenasi Scala, C K-11-5796-v Kresge-Ilookei Science I.jl)rarv ASSOCiJIL'I'l, OuTrmt', Mich. 3 (Biological Sciences-Patholop, TT, v. 8, no. 8) omc* of Tacwtel swlices --5ola,_Cax rack). WRAVASnAAR CHANGES IXTE Tn NKXM?e, SURY'A"n'. 11961 Order ir on) i S T, -15 K H-57%--d ce Illil Pallolqppa el Ckinjiml 1955, V. 10, 25q-ZK,- DE."RIPY011S ""'IL-0firw. Sulfates. llkx)kl. 62- 227(k I . Sri Ia. c. 11 K I 1 -57% -d 11) i In a rv A w, t-, 3 (,b Ultrasonic Treatment for Mwddere 'a Diaease, by F. Manzio, D. Scala. MALIN, per, AM del Cmvepo LAernazionaie di Ultracustica, 14-17 ime 19500 p 654. CSIDD - Sci - Had N) ~ j -~ jun 6o The hAradmal ....QWLUU In A=6&c f4wmury * bor IA Nc&2". luukl9 PaN . 9 ~*l 39 9 19* 9 Pn -,47- C614 * li~Ai 11114 IW~t"6~, L , 'r C, '.1 ~ & -~. snd ~ 1: jeft &) M 75,-, 11 Nonni 'rolls of his October 1956 Lottor to Suslov in I LILTprosso Interview, by Eugenio Scalfari, 6 pp. ITALIAli,, per,, LIEspresso, Vol X., No 44. 1 Aov 1964, 0 3.1 JPRS: 27378 Jan O'S 27106.31 Quattrin. S. Ind JjL~ L. FATAL ACL7I'E_ IMMUNO-THROMBOCYTOPENIA DUETO PURE MFGAKARYOCYTARY APLASIA. Sp EMF - V 0 77 2 CV. Order front 01'S or ETC S1.10 Tr-63-2624(l Trans. of Unidentified Italian language article, r.d. DESCRIMRS: Otseases, *Hemarrbage, Paffiolqjy, Data. IT-63-M;f` 1. Quamin, N 11. Scalft, L.. III Uir -V D "I i Cv IV." ExcerpvA MmIca Foundation, -'.msterdam (Netherlands) (Mological Sdewws- -Pathology. '17, v. 12. m 4) C~" Benim lluwrs Of the EPidldymisp by A, Scalfi 11 pp. 1TALM., Pei',., Ann Ital Chir, Vol Xv, 1936? pp io4-1-17, 6U 57-1671 i - H041clixe r 58 61) / 6 ~ 0o,- , " k 61-16475 .ez~jlfi, G F. , Ponliggia, P, and (xhers. (11.114CAL MI-1- OF A Nt-"W 'I'LSI'MERONE DERIVA- 1. Scalfi. G. P. TIVE (DIANABOL) Win] ANABOLIC AGFION (Implego R. Pontimos. P. Clinico di un Nuovo Derivato del TestoRterone(Dianabol) ad Azione Ann bolizupte) (1%1]5p. Order from SI.A $1. 10 61-16475 'Frans. of Minvrvi Medira (Italy) M, v. 52 Ino. 10) p. 393-394. DESCRIM'016: *Androgens, 'restosterone. Dianabol is shown clinically to k, well tolerated in 19 't doReH from 5 to SO nig. daily. Weight gain Is signifl- (mnr The 5 in 10 mg~ dose daily has no essential andr(V.,cnic effect (in leniales. Doties of 25 mg. or mor e pr(xh,,x a mildly androgenic effect aftel one month of treatment. (Biological ~~jencvti- -Marmacology, rr, v. 6, no. 8) onco of 704%nied $a 16~ TIVI, Complemntary Nature of X-Ray Fluorescence IL-thod.,; sa (Vtical ftissim Methods in Speatroohemical Auslysts) by IL Scalise. M' UAM Pert la WtollarOm Itoliao No 6p 1957. v PP 48TW. M81 264 Loi~'A - Zap i4ir 62 7Z liat 12,~ SpectroSraphic Detemimt1cm of lIckel, and Cobalt in BrI&t NIcWa PUAIM both@# by 3L scalb_qp MM, per$ la Metal" gia IUIU=# RWM Vol ILTS No 5; 190 a pp 170-174, a,4,I-'&vtdwr 2r 3388 Sciestif Ic - MbAblals Jun 55 CTB too a ar I -oe Thc~-c With Parallal n !, ~. 1. T.Axam't Pere nst Itulp Vol J."'44 -rla 6.r !Iinl ptl,.v of PupjI,y Tha Ccuple-matary Satuxe of )-25th4p3j UAng Analye%!*.. by, W Sc5licsi IQ VAUAN, per, Wt Italp iol i-iXt No 6, 11957# w 463-4870 ministry Or BUP?lV Be I - Pbys Nov 58 6 of Mon-rau-mol.,,1c. Tia:oba-Altotoators, by V. Scalluc; e~-, ITMITAN; hper Presented at the 6i ) 0 Sep 196-1. BISI 25,18 jan 62 Nall u DIE., . TT- 63 - 22917 Scarssi, Franco. AIIAS OF ELECTRON MICROSCOPY. 8EV. 1111 1. 71fle: AtIson P. Order from American Elsevier Publishirg Co., Inc- If. American Elsevier 52 Vanderbilt Ave., New York. 17, N. Y. $37. 50 Publishing Co., Inc., New York Trans. of an un Ident Ifted kal Ian mono. . n. p. , n. d. (Abstract available) DESCRIMRS: 1131wron microsoM, Morpholop, Microphorography. A collection of micrographs representing notable *,chievenxmts In the field of biological electron microscopy. Each entry bears a brief description and-& reference to the original publicattorL A survey of electron micrographical technique to Incluftd. JBIological Sciences. -1-1*, v. 11, no. 1) Italian InteramUmstal Commnicationsp by Giovemi Wam# 15 pp- WIM, ;*rp ftste a Tilecmunicasiml Vol MIP so 6., 1958o ~-~ - usan: 9c-,xj/6u sci - glee Oct 6) for the Preedw of Infomatimi, by GiovwW �cupp 18 pp. ITUJM,, imr,, Posts e Telsommic"Imi, Vol XXIV) No 5, 1956, UL45IA: SC -936/60 Sci - Ilee Oct 60 imawsol7do by hwdlllsn asuf wilh Ww KLOO. arriscove, lw F. ftwoo 10 PP. r num, IMM. PWU Us ft owl ftut Id Imp r 19900 IN ". MA %.W4 ad AMg " 3'Jo7 40 r3 Prow= a* foor HIO Alftde AM *m FH" by A. Scam ORMOK-pers, In Mod m 9- Vol xxvi* 196", M 478-3K NAWtT F-9257 sd.-p&/ Mlly 4W A U.S. GOVHIV%ENT ONLY 280j204 Ntavior of Do# Weirot,, 3,-art Pat,! wA Amriml ProaStIn in 1,00M YM14gli Pilota in Hdation to Their AW wA PerfWmmm, ILy A. Ocam. TTALIANI., per,, ftvUts Di 1,4Wciaa Aeroamitica E rpuuaeo voi uni, Db.3, Dept l)60) MIC NCL-1'37/1 lZirluence of the bwrlu&U rWA = t1w ro*lnUou at owe gwwj by G.. Ubmiroll, A. Seems 13 pp. 12"Is P" cift QMl dou Unix at kno 2TO, p 41-53v 19W6 SIA 58-417 Sol . epw oIrr 7 -rf Aug 59 1I.ttoptoocapio Obsorutious Under AmIsmWo ty Mstti~ A. ASAI"r 20 UNMASSIPIRD 0 ~ B. %VON~ ppo swift WAIJANs pOrt Atti do3b Sadeta Oftelmloiri" Itallawt Vol VMt 1%3, avy frr n56/m 12" aim4ifin - *ftolmo AsrommIloin V-Irvd by Leowinal, T"al T 195-1; L 4~ Apr 58. 0 jew Exper:WPgritul.. in Suy-,x~rt, of the Possibility of Dmoustrat~nZ Is'~-w Viral D4-titie.,; Obtaja4,',:,J,.c lumn !,culmmic mRtoriais, 1.)y A Scam., 6 pp, 1TALIM) per) Bol.1 Soc Itzl Blol, Sper, Vol 'd,2x"vI"rLj3 1951P -rP 12311-1.n,36,. NTC* SIR Tr 3-22 sci Apt' 58 E"pid-ando'logion-1. r.1-OGarAtioas CoDaeraing a Viral EneeDbalopathy of the Cat, by A. Scami. 4 pp, ITALIAN, per, BoU Sor Ital Biol Sper., Vol XY-vT1, 19,121~ pp 1236-12-38, Pbdictuc- Apr 0; The Almmlaim Electrode in Potentlowetr~~,, by F. .3carano, 10 pp. RALIMp per.* OFAZZ Ch1M Italo Vol LXXXVIII, 1958o PP 1195-1201. ARC IG-:W-.9er-'13 sci - Chm 17 Mar 61 /,3~/, P, 7f ,l ~ ..., " -c=1 Abtrfatiow Ir?,ucea 'in by rm:raL-ous and Payri,, by G. T. .0 ITAJ,IA'R,, mv 'hbacco, Vol LIX, 130 672-6731 1955, 2 5T - cs:iRo-2936 scl Aug 59 c ,zarascle, Maria Misa aW Giovamozzi, G. ANALYlICAL RESEARCHES ON NICOTIANA TABACUM wrmCHROMATOGRAMONPAPEEL L VARLATIO14 OF 114E SUGARS DURING THE VEGETATIVE CYCLE OF FOUR VARIMES. [1%2] 19p. Order from K-H $23.75 K- H 3384 b Thms. of 11 Tabacco (Italy) 1954, v. 58, Aug,('Sep. p. 264-278. DESCRWTORS: Chemical aWysis. *Tobacco, *Paper chromatography, 'Carbohydrates, Nicothv- 62-22709 1. Scarascia, M. E 11. Giovannuzzi, G. 111. Title: Variation ... IV. K-li-3384-b V. Kresge- Hooker Science Library Associates, Detroit, Mich. (Chemlstry-AnalyElcal. T`T. v. 9. no. 2) Wke a# Tedakal SenwAs Lubriermts for Fretting Corrosion., by N. 1, - Sariett. W.M., per, Wpl I Kcble-A&rjs- Petm- Chemim, Val 15, No 7, 2962., PP 7-542 I Al, f-4 - ` ( Q r, hr T! sci - Jul 67 33%048 bWl, LIANG OF YARNS, I I Apr 62 181p. 1. Sesmict-lolette. L. Urder froin SLA $1. 10 63- 1094 Trans. ol Ayu4itles] Scilentiliquesi Tr4iles) belles. i96t Iv. 91 no. 3. p. 63-68. DP-SCKlrwlLS- Oilibers. Pdwre (Synthetic), Mechanival properties. A description Is given ofen apparatus for the measure ffxw of the specifit: volunw of yarns. The results cd' b 3 3 low. experinie. s per forined an this #Mnuus are . liesvrIt*d: variation of specific volurne with yam nwvv- be r end twist . Comp rit an is mift between spec Ifk voluine of wool yorns awl hip bob a. rylic yarns. (Authot) (histerials-Tendles. IT, v. 10. so. 2) Mo d Ted" brAm at ft $down* 4t sho Ilbeft 04 0* amps ND 3th$423 Jtr..jjnp wrij, (~rmcterieB in North AfricA.. G. Scarpa. ITALIAR, Florence, Vol XXXYIP.J per, L'Unive'r-110,7o 3, May-Jun P-P 433-444. (Call No Jl.'V58, AMB NE/A - Affrica Soc ju 1 60 Igrz6, Eng. Tr.) c-2- d,, 4-411, P040*401 OWL ftwwv ~x 24t0 in &AMMAS (t zue mUsto and Oubor 4i..&A.mAb . 01 wv!o mrwwwrp iv W4MO pv# selwq41% W. Ilip"'91 AM &W6 ZD at IMP NEI -.S~.ti Maria I.Adsa; Oriente, Gimanna; and ON TW1 CAFFEIC CONSM",.NT5 IN 'njE AIRTICHCKE. (196215p. Order from K - 1-1 $6. 2S K-H-10216 Trans. Irm [Annuli di Chimical (Italy) 1957, v. 47, no. 2. DESCRIPTORS: OCaffeic acid, Plants, Chemical arAlyoria. 62-17614 i. ntle: Artichok(-s I -';carpati, ?0; 1 It 0'rtente' G. i,aftizzt, IV V-11- 10216 Vrvsge-Hooker Scim Dwe-troft, N41ch. (Chemisiry-Analytical, 17, v. 9, no, 7) ""t""Ooto LOW4004 on litrLI4 adaw U. kdy*" owtm at blAwtbAwltomitlift QxLft and Of Tw"dft7 ftvl TAM" by G. causwo ab 16 VAo V*rt AW A"Mi Ma UUMA 3404 MAM sci no Mgt * w4) Vol 10=# Jo So 195b 263417ho AM bs-%4u "I - ftei, Cbm AV29a Qp Ust 71 05#079 61- 20' 13 Apsr itvan.,rs op nic, 711ERAPELMC USE OF 1. FcarL:11:, M. Ordcr fv(m,. c-~!.A ( 1. 10 01-20M T,:fm3. cr Archfvlo p*v 1c) Rudio dallft Fitlqppltolc~gf.l 0 Cli;-& n e. -. 1 YJ c-iiblo (Itzly) I 19,1);~ v. 24, no. 3/4 [P. DESCAUT0115: O'lTsIostcrone, 71crapy, 0 u"S pldir.1 r, ci, J~mrlzjt~*j, ll~ccllclnl, RcproduZ1vo6;,S1cn1, Marm.,,colory, Mathy1radicals, tlydroxides, AndrDlons. 111C M.01111 obtalmd from the uso of 4-hydroxy-17 In 32 clilldrou during tho first rrA vxc,rii chil-w"imi are mprted. 'I'M4 'Ovmlt,~.c (), crt.l t-,im~nIm-ak4i of anaboliziNg: steroids over Wen- tm-l tine I:, strorsed. The oral routo allows an cas lex Him macology, TT. %,. 7, w,. (Ovel.) 61-209M Scarzelia, M., Fortina, A., and Candini. D. BEHAVIOR OF llil-.' THYMUS AFTER TREMMENT 1. Scarzella. M. W1711 A PROTEIN ANABOLIZER: CLINICAL AND EX- It. Forrina. A. PI-RINIEN'rAL RESEARCH. (19611(13)p. S refs. Ill. Gan,iini, D. Order from SLA 51.60 61-20908 Trans. of N1jner%-,i Pediatrica (Italy) 1960, v. 12 (no. 49) p. 1623-1626. DESCRIVPDRS: "17hyn-usgiand, DiscaBes. 'Infanw. *Androgens, 11ormones, Endocrineglaads, 'Testcvs- terone, Prowins, Metabolism. r C C Studies were ma:!~! to dvieriniae (1) the &-havior of the clialcil nnJ radi-)Iogical picture of mcfalothynitin In In- fants during and arter truaimcat with various doscii of 4-hydroxy- 17 a -methyltestusteronc; and (2) the effects of differetit doses of this drug on Elie thynitis In gui iea (Bioloi,ic-il Science; - -Pharmacology. rr, v. 7, no 9) (ovel) 1~4". .1 Y.J~"A 3forzolini and Salucci, G. ,.Flits-r iRTs-nGATION'S ON' THE PRESENCE OF ('AR(:1NLK',FN1C HYDROCARBONS IN THE SMOKE F ROM ITAUAN CIGAR MES. 11%21 5p. Ordei irtcn K-H $6. 25 K-H &SOO-e Trans. 4 Sovivul 1(aliana W Bjologia Sperimeninle. N~Llettino. 1959, v. 34, no. 9, p. 424-426. DESUPIRIORS "Cipret(es, Smokes, Tobacco. Otly- drocaii-ms, *(-Ancer, Italy. 62-22710 1. Scassellan, S. 11. Salucci, G' Ill. K-11-W)0_1 IV. Kresge-lim*er Science LibraryMsociates. Detroit. Mich. (Awlqucal Scicrices --Pathology, TT, Y. 9, no. 1) rm Dmo Undertake the MLTMdi* at Mckezel Mwks With the Hap of IMIMSUIR Wo FMMM FiebaMllp by L. W. Bost,- NMMM.. per, nekLmp No gip 1962j. p 5. Dept of Istwior =a -we No Mo low Apr 63 no Shark- Fishing. by lAslie Wayme Scattergood. NOMWEGIX11, per, Fiskaren,, Vol, XLv 'Alo ... Is 1963,0 pp I p 2. Dept of Interior S11211 r-82 Un S09 Sci NOV 63 Pori 11, 7- 1957~ PP 216.3-9-172. ME 744 act - Chem Nov 58 Assesomts M*t by the MmlelpmUtiesp by XihMlo ftekice. (Wk I= Flpt on =or,, IM) c=aw I*rp ftmuliep Dou"Aso *r 1959F pp 77;71W x1a '" bs"lwu ftm Jul 59 pft*OM' DUUM [YOV918YU], by V-0 BOWS* ('Mk &a Vt = Uw, 236)m cmwwf p"'t 71"Mijes allwaft, Dft 1958, PP &0-8i2. cwm &M 2088 I*" a- --- lam ftb 59 .0 ~7S oZ r1 IV pirothrt i"amho tor the OMW(Y- It*-, "Mourawat 0t MKOW010006L ad IVwAa!A .4apoomm cbamwtn4Huc..;,q CIOASI, IW V. I. 4mw aw Awd IN& Iwo, UL.- 164; ;j (Oll LOW' AU-1 j L&Uilk* '-"Ug)Clt LAVU) it" -7-3 by ;'AL# ~i 6, 3/ ,p ~j -4 1, 16 Jul"Im"s :'ec I!,Al Production of Syntbasis On in the Otto Engine Witt, 8 9 Energy ReLmse., by L. ScegUga-j 12 pp 0 GEEW, per, Chem Ing Techl Vol XVIIIj No 3o 1956.9 pp 190-195. SIA Tr 57-354 sci . Bog ~ '0" d :5 7 Jul 57 saftenvia I sm ou's Jeopw a a - 11 A&..acz~ - -w0 ~ IL i W ugm 6 ad MS14&u $o- III V" Ad6 8 m ~~!Wmwwm ilt ko pl-l - -- -AL ---I as J rd sk"UWA; Jib. -- 0 Vd LX16 40.0 ~Xvp Fa ro-- - - - .01 ID ~ , Cs t,- - ~n "of - Ckwasy la Aw to mUs ad D--ip - d ft AviftLtwo wd POMM7 of the pokold fmitwv~ IW Vo 9*40 4 pp. Gam'o so pwo vca n. so 6,0 so mal n Dot at om~ awou cc ow amm, for" avomw aw"Web Oal" (L=) VIV ow - Gomm 0214Z 4t 04411 01 , A"] as nft*tq" P Dot IVA M/aig lw ft4lMdpl* at SlUldlaig WJM Tvxtlng Wlth MW Onift OWdsp ty 0.- fdmber. --- -- FAM-PA4 F lbros as otallowlef ig6lo pp " m3D5 del adw m ?f a SL nL.., 4 q ~i -1~ Nbammmeat of Carbo, 10my of IM ikit Biitbmv by 0. m R. nodwr Vol ?it Ib lop 1"6# pp X-96* awy bmtebw 430 Sol - Chan Jan 59 Not Tmamisslon Is lbtal Wto to the Imedlate welobostow of tbe LW#Ulld Mae Boundary, by 0. Schuber. Pun translation, &19M VCa 43a I&D 7e VP 25145A,, JUY AlmlWAs lebmaiowles, UW. Tr No Bmo.U**4x OT kl~k 4'eA,* ez scientific - VatolLurgy " ""mutles - lbrab 19' 53 Ap Neue (Iiesiserei, V(~1. 36) J.91,91 p. 1~1,; I f1pires, 350 words. A nc-a etching solution for cp-,gt iron anl steel. -a- "rder o. '341p "I DatelvItOLUXI of tb* QwWhIng Capacity or q$wnehing OUs. 11. The Value aW SuitabLIV.-," of Various Toot ProaWavc, by 0. Schmaber, .9, Cbatterjae-fisehor. MICL (IMINANt ~srj UdustrIablattp. JUI 1759j. BIB I 1h 47 (L3 1.5t, - 04 - awe gngr F%*Is O"t 59 ;JamsurUk; for the Demtlatnaiwtlonl tixt Tim at Tmufonation of kumtooitw, 0. 3chaaar. IMCL GMS, pers Drahts JW 1952j, PP 11-13. British Von W $WWI b4 (mo nadwr given) 50.1 - xin/mat ~~,? _?,7,~ w 59 -- -- - - - -- -- - Obwvadom Uw*q do &Wkce Bawft of *004 bv 00 orals 06 Sebbabar- dk hOiKhO Am No I a 131-141L as .. $953 fa% 61 I / --) sci-Al/M Foh 65 2740561 *"VE=WM D1 TUB FIELD OF CC*"- 1. schm*w, 06 UOM CASM. 1190) jVb6 OWL GMAM4 42 TdtX. OWv b= SLA $190 Wlow 7~20. 0t [Zefumcbrift Mt) Mmlamods (We" Gommo 1952, Y. 43, po 181-ISM DESCRWr= TA~ft Ofts~4 OCCOW. *Aluntmm AbWpa" "mud 1W cams* &a is cmdmww Mew ' '47 7 5 "! = d ; hcwn &WON" cc &SCAY Is a mv diwo"~& Ma wun4amw OAmullwa, TT, %,. 10, no. 8) oft d %d" W" Method to Determine Oxide in Primry-Aluminum Pig,, Secondary Alwinum and Refined Aluminum, by P. Urech, R. Sulzberger, 3. Scheado 5 pp. 71U=,, per$ ChImie., Vol IV.. Oct, 1950s pp 233-235. SIA 57..1420 NV 58 I'v s '7~/f 'The Uq c o'. .111loct-rial 'y in Drainjmg and ML;i-i-c~v in- -by V.. Sobcd. azi Rn"".t. Solls, GETILIN, rmip~,1rit from Stmase 11 V,.,.. ITO ;cr Avo. 'Al 10 (.)1 "Ift Memsurmmt Of V01414 POtOMU19 With the Aid of the Rotating Arsture He0od, by Ws__�cb 8 pp. GMMXj per, Z fuer Angmwxhe Vol X. a 1,10 9p 1958P pp 424.428. ANI 95M80 Set-Electric Jun 59 m TP 10 17 X (0-2D28) Tm preMm of tM IsavI&AI (I.)., by Ad= ScUff) 5 ry. pMM,o pwp amegM Wtmv:UWj, go 39,, # 28 ft 196 p 5. im 1M5 Ow - Polmd ga, &Yur, Boo rob 62 (87-2D28) Socialist EMmeml on nad Xts Predacesswep by A&M Schaff, 5 PP- PMIM, per, Prze4M &atmvIAFj No 38, 21 Sep 1961p p 2. im 1M5 11~ , I shm - P01W .1 16, 41.21 "A~ POI reb 62 lmlm~ (N-2D28) 2M heMm of t1w D&VI&vLl (2)q by Adm S*Mff.. 8 pp. pwn pw,, Przeaw Matamlxws so kit 1961, pp is 4. im IM5 nw 0 pol" Boo AF2, 4W- m 62 7T 71-T 1--7' Mectrck-~-Aic Pheamena atd Their Use in Soil ics, by W.,,Schatid and Robert Haefoli. OMWI., ~uc mckmigabe Amqjjg:z6-,t 1947- A. Firv'(.- Insta31mnt, Vol 56, Uo 15, 19 April lcj47, pp B. Gcc-=. ~1 Inotalimant, Vol 65, ib 16, 26 Aprill 2023-2?6; C. Third Iwtaliment.. vol 65, I-To 10, 3 W:i 1947? 2.35-238. f-. V7 o a W &6 c r i i a y s 7:3z.) r 6 t 61 hydraulics, navTO. of Kectrici~y to !)rainege ano lm,~royemcnt of Fine-(x'rained Soila- by W, Schaud and R. Ruefeli, 13 PP. AAI OESMM, per, :- tri-sse u Verkehr, SIA 3 33 Oci Au6 Report of tho ftne DivIalm of -tbe Rydrazdics IKWI=Mt StAtiOU Of the FeUmI* Pblyteebaic In- stittrte.. Zurich,, Switzerland$ bv Rdbert Naefell., aid V. BUhagdo GMWO A. P4rt 1.9 Settlement as a Result cf the Latrering, Fl=tuation &A Flow of Ground Water; B. Part 11,, Settlement due to the PeriodLic Fluc- tuaticm ad Flcv of Growd Water. USA, Corya of Rag, ;fatcnr%m Exper Sta, Tr 47-10 Set - Ingincering, hydraulics, naval &on - IlVansport-ation, river., water Availdble urt Icom at Reaearch Ceutor Library IRD, di A L4 Patent Office MIC 57 63-1847Q Schaaf, Fritz and Gross, Franz. ANIMAL EXPERIMENTS FOR THE SWDY OF OINT- 1. Schaaf. F. MENTS AND OINTUFN'T BASES. 1196,1132p. (figs. 11. Gross. F. omitted) 16 refs. Or&i froin SLA $3.61) 63- 1 R479 i'rans. of D"I'matologica (Switzerland) 1951, v. lr*,, no. 6. p. Ti 37 8. DESCRIM"OW.: Lab.gacurv animals, 10intments, *Skin, Fatty acids. Riologi cal assay, 'J'oxicit,, cerliw! 1~jl ~ i111.111CA11 C0111411tuents, alld ointmeWf- prootice rnvdri-;~ to utr r y marked thickening of thi gwnca- pq c-pid, - mis !Ivjrt repeated local application uhix othcr~;; lack -,jfi characteristic. Depending on concennaEOn or ~Iit tracal projy2rtles, individual slh- stanccs addktionally provoke special irritaut effecis. Although thei- can t-K! wine parallelism btween epid(!r-; t, IrrhaKs' (Biological Science ii - -Pha rinacology, TT, v. 10, no. 11) loverl SdiW, Prim and Gross, Fraw. AM4AL HXPEMMM IN IM SMY OF M EFFECr OF MR09DS ON 7HE S34N. [1963]19p. Ogs, omineo 15 rate Order ftvin SIA $1.60 63-1M) Tmns. of ArcMv fdr KUnieche und ExperbrAnteDe Dermatolc&ie (Weet Germany) 1957. v. 205, no. 3. p. 312-320. Another tram. is available from SIA as 58-1177, 1 lp. Dj=Rjrr0RS; 4SwroWe, *Skk4 AnUnabs. Drugs, Pregrwavilols, OCarcinogenic rgents, P ~!! -~ -%-- 0-ol-20-ow brepm*v4 mn6 Its acetate, propionate " inyrimtsme~ whkh have no am- xWifte effoctm, *om tood at defthe cmcamrsIbms b salve-like emublow, aW qpIlad repeatedly ImWay to the skin of the gultm pig, bring about & admulatko of (Biological Sdwr-eq--TbmLcoIM. TT. v. 10, no. 12) 63-im" Sdad. P. Gross* F. A? of Tlfwwl-ml tont" - - ` - 4: , . il, 1" lolbi - th ,ol4v.'n -lit--!.I solitiE.I. li 01.- 'o:.i0 .'A r 4 rAtzorit PL~z, by F. "S chaaf , 1. C.:~-o2 IRM"Jil Per, 5-- t2l-QgUrly V02 OKI J953, pp 5 7 - i r-nii, No - Me61(.,I.ntq AP 00, -7 4 j w 69~'y