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'M , J.LiV if PUZ (ld 6.) 61 '.~ "N VA VY UlldliVl UY VA 183 1-1 1 Y/') VAI X V A ZI T7V AX AIAVK TFPTYA YIIT'4T(-I!F,5KAYA, Nn 10, TTIMIMIM ATS' 36WT7'l')h' IN AK NAUK pp rrrne",l " ~ - !,-FR.TYA KH.Tmrcm,.5KA YA No. 70, 7 Q(, 9 A T,',' 9 IF I fte0l$dtation of Trypsim by Poly(Meths,. 0 #a4)0 by Be V* Noltmova* tfi~l SM. Im AMAWR Nauk ~ Buya. cheWmal 19709 pp 1895-1896. 01? MI-I llkMS-07C Nov 71 7777 M0040my Condition for Three Divowdonal by 0, M, Zel kovich-Bazm. AbdLIM SLuji EAR.- Iz -ejay Ipm IkU' A A" gtt I Q-0-41 No 21 197v-t pp log-113, 7771 *bra*-DlWmsional Boundary Layer 0 104 ~by 0* HO UUMVIob-D"s .00 1"2l ~l N&A ago, ISVIstin. .L all I Usis, No 4, 1970s Pp 50-54. 9 1 Nov 71 '~ r ftod For Introducing Fluorine Into itid NU*Rsim-"p by 1#,L*1CUwsy=tG* per, AkaWya NoLuk SM Izvesti no. ipu., pp.12u-(-jzw,, L. L NkAymiko I~Jrp'md, Spwtrowoplo Stu4y of the Structure naddrmetic-, Acid and its Salts. per, Abd2dn Nank SWR. Ineatin. No 6p '1970v pp 1236-1243 W 172-126384M sopt 72 -~1-7, -,-n - Il- -- -T -, - - W "Own of ~ 00"W" Pg 1 - "tin a PP4. s0^0 so n e 0auses of SUM 14 asatian of Axial in WoUc SiMtes and Sulfoxides, by, BD4d heft; 4 81 fdASIM, per, Ml&g&a Lk SSSR. IzvesgZa. No 11., 1970., PP FOb 72 40ymm!Arie lot-ftchange Sorbents Based !0, khilno Acids and Their Derivatives, sb~v. Rog0zhin. VISSI.~14, per, Uadem-lya Nauk SSSR. II'Veoftyag Serjxft Khimicheakaya, No 3, pp 502-508, v; 'I Hfj~~lotive Catalytla System for the is roportionation of Olefins, by P I L.,~ Ihidekel. Psa;ANO per# 44tUILLM Nauk ASSR. Milligbeeklur No 11 71. PIP : F0 Ift 12-10050-07C pr 71. th sis and Polymorisatiox of Peata- oi''Phexyl &&d 2j,,495--Triohlorophsayl UrO~.Ql,y-Lyn (S -Too)-Lys(b -Toa)l K. i Poroshia. porp AkgAaini buk S&U. talbra. Seri" p NO 61 4 f 1 0. 1 %F- 1 06 7~-'12399-07(; 72; Di~~sitioa -of Manonitroalkanes, Part 1. I-Nit"propone and 2-Nitropropane, by pa~i lzv Mad Mauk SSSR, Ser WE.., No 7, 1971. ATS-AJ~, the Strlic:turs of the Alkyl Group on the moosition of Monceitroalkanes, by SSR, Ser Khim.,, No 7, 19711, T, Fr rn S:O 1024 C~rboqlk Acid Derivatives During Acid ,sio ;-csrboa;iNwoAdoi# Olefins, and 's Vbunds,. Carbonyllation of N-Ainyl and A. 461o by Wboh Montoxide, by Y. Yunbin. ': W: LIM,_ Ser Khim 1971, *1 ~TT 2-51143 Jim 70; -v0 Yal 1100"0h awmicold &*mio flow. 10 FA!, ZA pp 270 144S21 No 2 04 Oil ill P(mer *(~ri(---, W~. t h Per . ~ ,I I . - ~ 'I od ic Coc f f 1 - ci (I n t!,'. , 11 v 1: . A . An f e r t 1 ; e va . U ('!~ J ',I AN , PUT', 1 z Ak Nauk se I, ~Jatcnjat , vo I V xxi x , I ~i (-~5 , pp 137-148. *Dept of Navy JHU/APL/J609 I Sc i - Math Ail F, 6 5 On Mgfftm*Aable Rvations cof n VarlabUs,, bV 1. L bmwv. moa r Roolup Xxv AN SM lkw Notv Vol 29j, 1900 pp r3r~-R- ~~~ Dapt of Pan API,/JW T-2282 lkd4ftU lkrpt 69 391., W New General MetIlo(i of Stu(jying Linear Operator Kqu,it i. m.-; of tlic lilt 'j,vpe. Part 'Jimorleriko. RUSSIAN, per, iz Ak Nauk-SSSR, Ser Mlatemat, Vol XXIX, No 4, 196s, PP 757-782. *Dept of Navv/APL No J-716 Sci .- Ildth Feb 136 on I.Ino*r Differential Equations with Randomly Porturbed Paramaters, by M. G. ShAr. RUSSIAN, per, IzY AN SSSR, Ser Mat, Vol 29, No 4, 0 6 P. PP Dept of Navy APL/JIIU T-2260 Sci -Math May 69 380 954 bpologicia ProperUes of Beta Conn&CW with Approxim-tLon ftmm7j, by Yu. A. ShaaWn. summs, per.. Izv AN SM. gkw YAt, Vol 2( ),, so 5., 1965t pp 100~-1094- Dopt of Haw APLOW CIR-3 T-02 NT(' 70-10553-Ml Sol-*th Oct 69 391-318 AlIalope ()f tile Keal UnInx)(1111a]. B. D. Rontlap RUSSIAN, per, Izv, Vol XxIxv 1965, Am Muth Soc Vol 58) Ser I Planchercl Formula for the 6roup of, tht 11t.11 Order, by Ak Nauk SSSR, Scriya Not , pp 1147-1202. Fob 67 318,256 Optima ftocesses In Optese vith Distributed PoXaMters and &m Problene of Invarlezee %Wroy', by A* I* TeSproys HUMM, Pero L=Uu & ank �5& Seriyu Vbl Ints lb 60 1965,s 4 1W~-L260* rMU6111267-V rwr.-649 sci4bth i= 67 ".,02b Iiiaite-Ni.,misimal Irruduciole I'lepresentati(MIS, m tho Unitary w1ki CoLplete Linear f;ruu~, wid its Vvlatfti 6,pucial I;WlCtiOll5, D)' 1. '1. L;Clf,-MU, ,1* 1, t;ri),civ,, !)I jy. i~Lk>'AAI%, wr, 17.v. U,.ail. ;va" ,661', Ser. .*'at., Vol 290 1965 9 j ,,, 1325- 1.31-M) . ---- - --- - - -- J~L-X-I.A-Tr-L)7-89 119112-IbA)~I-v uct 66 Sot,'#280 1-,V~:STIYA AN SSSR, MA T FKA 7 1 ChFr KA YA (Bulletin of 6.9sp, Tmnr,lptlc,n 1967, Vol. LA,v tirp Order rr-)- lIrl SF~IYA of the Academr., of I%Iathe7ztI,:mI Fer'.e~ begln~ wil 1, No. I 12-16 rmn*h-~ A -.,: r 1 :~ -~ M~, P.O.1k)x ~240 Providence, PJv)de ! 20D.0,,'year US.A A 200.00, year elsewhere Single Isque-. anI nriced qe7jzr~ .Iy (Prepn~,mpnt r~qulre-!) Science-. - bimon*hly) and Caroda back issuer, IZV AK NAUK rF.,7.TYA MATFMATI('IIF.9.YAYA Vol 3P., No 6.0 lm" pp 139.7-1413 NTC 70-11P86-1194 l4k ik r-, bY cat, t Cl ~av 'JOC 66 JIS IZV-r-rTrYA AN SSSF, FFTTYA NFORGANT'VTf M ~~ ~.A I !.';~ !A I ( Ino rgmn!,~ Milteriml- - mrvi*?~!y' TrerLslation begin-, with 1?r,5 JAS tit-,e: CR. 12 -.177,~- Order from.: Plenum Publi-ilnz C,~-zora-,,n 227 We!zt 17th Strer-t New Yorlk, N.Y. 197]: 210.106faar 1 30-G0 -91n;~:f' I-c- 15-00 Sir'--1c ar-Lcle add 5.CC on oversea sub~cr!-!:Ion Annual Vacation for Femaita 'Workers, Khomelyanskiy, 8 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Izvesti a Adademil ennykli Nauk, No JPRS 46087 USSR Sac Sep (18 by B. N. Nauk U,;SR, 1, vol 1, 1968 365,3915 ~~atO ~for 0' :K~gect, Ou SOUNt oi 11 i~per* 4, "'0 So VO BlSj ~~,916i the Investigation of the Bark- by V.F. PaVlovt , Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. P Izv 'T-1 1�101 Fp 22-1124. Aug 7t Uijo of -., Voi,Lux Modei -to hs-jimato the Accuracy of a Deterdmation of the Turbident Charactoi-istics of 13hezw F'Lows by the Photographic Mot~ml, by E. V. 21,.dutskiy. 7 1)1) - IjL16,o)IAI~~ il)tj I,-,v. Ak-ads Nak SSaK, Ser. Tekli. N;~~jb oct 19695 pp 12-16. NASA-TT-F-13133 Jol Y 7 1 ,rzVF,r)T.'rYA GF.'OrR4FT(HF.')Ko(",O ()RSlh7flF.,TTA ZARA.TKAT,,'Kn(,,() PITArj "MM-M7 AW i - R. :A, Fol 4, NO 1 19681 - r 77 , i pp 112-714 NRC C-8,125 O:i.'*o:!) &,MA(;NV'I JU VII-TW' IN I Ilk -'k d A I I ('11111).W6111E It E. 4VynI':ih I il, G. I- .; Krut, V.A. 101 ralls- lutod b) U. Lw~mci (Communwealth Sciz,,ntific and Industrial He- search Organization, Australia), from I j1zv. G1. Astron. Observ. Pulkove- 24: No. 2, 26-34(196,5). ~017p. 24Dep. NTIS (1'. S. Sales Only). 2gastrophysies; translations ~~Mi 28MN-34 29NII NSA t 11,11AC) (A),-;Orvzktim,; OJ- et 24 1787-D"650 J732 -L-tral 388,661 .rZVF,r)TIYA f*'IAVNOT A.',TPONOAfTCW,',','KnT ()R-',I,:h'VAT(Il?ll 11 PULKOVA' 177 77", 77) bqrlljp)p I.P7, pp 717-M P NTC 7.9-IPP.!~,9-03A Zvere-,)., m. Rrpti(ifti'opi lldkooo astm-momers to Chile. 54 rv I INESTIYA ,7LAVNOY ASTRONOMICHESKOY 'B.17EFVATOPII T! 7ITKOVEP So 1851 197,11, pp 1-31 JPRS 63136 pp 3-39 TPRS 53136 32 pp Krat, V. A. 1'rOgrosil of l,aliloon helfo,vhys~cs -.'n the Soviet Union. 1 18 pp. IZVEST.TY4 (;TATIVOY ASITONOMICHESKOY nBSERIVATORIT No 185., 7.97, Irp IN-137 NA.','.4 7T P 73~0 IVTC 7('- 70306-038 The Itsbotion of Nwidim Obimmatims Inawlim the Hoodto fmvn ObeervatUrv of the Stars UM DstwidmtUot tr Ve Vo Kwbo PMUNO porp Ismotim 22ei No 181, 1966p pp Sai-Astron Jan 69 372g* The ComplAstion of the Bes"L Reduction Valvws wlU XLeetrado Caqutmv bgr 14. P. Varin, 19 pp. nnsw MIMI pw 1 3- rzw-wp VILft wdobw~w , awskyru, No in. 1966j, IV 920 pp Dept of Nmavwy/.N C tr No 2479 P500"7 Do 67 346o628 19( 01, the 8:1tit'Onstlos of the gellue ?Otj~~Oltqtlus L'iening 1850 (0 oJetematike roda Tetmnol~j MeBilig, 1,350) loveot, iotrm~iaratv. nauchno-iosled. In2t. ~~zpr. iech. ryb. Ithuz., _r>4: 13 C- - 13 6. In Russian. Traiial. bs Tmiisl. llur. Fgn. lAiig. Div.. -Dept- of ~ec. of 3tate of CAratIR for-,-RPC J.-iolcigleal Station, Nannino, 197~,, cis ",~RBC Traml. S)erlet Vo. 1495, 2rrl-, ,vl-:i pe m c r t w, . Ava 11. on ~x)ari - 13C Wash. , 1). C. Grigmoi Arli~;c ~f':'nacked,iVj Arzhar~,.t;., ;.' . 1919 D41W ~-I! thil' 1.1 L110 ~,I'Ovl~ V &3*.,A** c.r carp c,,3! z-, T,,jl ~ :i: rtfdk*.z 11 orx~f it t)o it vz.,. rvi 5 r. 8Or,udarqrVeIn,IO!;Cj I I s1cD Ins t I tu t a Osorno.,.O 1 0 .logo rybro_o khozis4tva, . inistemt,.,o r-,-,no~o .1:hozrIIrt26tvfk KSYSR, Leningrad 15-46. 'n Russlar., Tranal. by Po~ert owland for ~SF -W, 'Aroi, 1972. 43p. , t,;, Ntscrtpt. Avail. ?w :xflr: Wash. , D.C. Oriumai A,!iop ftbkin, F.Y. arid R.A. 1"Odentsova 19 ','he proparation of !;orioloyer tissue oultures from the 60114(is or tie), (pri"tutovIerile o(MAS131not kullt. U4hnel' to govad ryli) inf*ktmI*,arK,,e 16clsvii ryb I borlba s nimi, zves t i.,-ra gosudarstvaruiolp ia~xclino-iseledova~pllskogo inatituta oxernoi.to i rec~nogo rybtjogo khoxiiafel:vs, ((9). Inistarstvo rybn ,D IthoziaYstva JSFU, Leningrad. *9. 1n Russlazi. Trar%al. by Robert; !. 'lowland for .:$F~.N, October 1972, 5P.. typoseript. Avail. on ',,omn :'~Fflj, Wash., 11).C. Original Mficle ~'--iecked (*,rowth (d Alpha Forin ';1.[1c()n Carbidu from t;olutioris, by A.A. Kal'nin, Yu. 11. Tayrov 6 p~ RUSSIAN, rpt, Izvestiya Lenirlg-rdd. Elek-tr tech- n i c h e.~; ki Ni n, 1-itut, No 6 I s, pp sci/materials may 70 Obtaining Silicon Carbide Dased p n Junctions from Solutions, 1.)v A. A. Ki:il'nin, Yu. M. Tayrov 6 1) 1) . RUSSIAN, rpt., II-.vestiva Leriiripvad. Llektrotech- i i i c h e s I ~ i y I i - i s t TI t-U- f - - -F4 ~ - (Tf 5- - T T ib~ - C -, - p- p - 3 0 - 3 4 . A I R TI T 3 - 6 2 5 - 6 9 sci/materials mav 70 V. MakaimoviA Thalvno,gl-vctr~c proccasea in ale:3tronic deoices Wid the possibi'lity of their practical 4se. 5 pp. RUSSIANA Ivestiya, Leningrad, "'IeUrotekhnichcokiy irwtituta- 86, 1969., pp 140-145 1URIFTD-BC-23-942- 72 oat 72 I mi Lwoo-ii t ho A- I i Al 1--,il i i:.K I Iill ; A I) i. I 'L i, -C i i I! 'l -.L~:al Adan, I' ion o f 5 o 1 o L,L .ELI 10' ov 'n t 9~ I a t L "D c I f" c t r 4 u , C lm~ Sti-~.ulaticn in PlantE: jas P. Resalt L-f .'~00t !)InFiRC)JySjS) 'Cy S,': T t !,i p p e r , 11213 k a v k "m LILi Timiriazava. IzzestiLa i4l~,C e7l) o/c I.Piftusion of Tritium.-Tagged Water in 14~'Oelation to Bate of Flov and Presence it, 41i l3bloride ia SoluticM., by V. V. Rachinskii. p6r) Muskov a . SO Yp zkokhozyaistvemia~,a IzvesUy 44-~. I ;L, No 3,1971, pp 211-21" Solar Actlvit~ zill(I jt,~.; I,C,, lection iii "OkO ~%atuy_j J)" .,. i.. J,Usol,vif Pol's IZV. .,u.,;I"o vscLio t-vul., ~ol Not p... ill :.).I, i,(!L: ),.. ~~')7o) Sept L'9 j') I a IJUi Frwa a Scientific Heritage, by F. A. Tsandar 1Z%JG,I;IA,Ii, bk, It 14auchnogo Na3lodi , 1967, - -- - -- - - - -.- .11 101 pp. NASA T'r F-541 Sci -,-Iisc July 69 388.0589 Tratmactiora of the Vedemyev All-Unkon 3cientific Ras"rch Enatitute of Hydrau~.Lc gaginearing, 2,,)3 pp. RUSSIAN, perg Isvestiya Naucluko-Isaledovatel'skogo Institute Gidrotekhniki iftai B. Te. VeftMeva, Vol 86, 1968. CFM Tr 69-55062 Sc i-ftch June 70 A-z5- PJ -56 9 1 DEHYZROCYCI.I~.ATION OF FARAFTIN 0. 11. Shmidt fin" V. G. I4V. Illst. 11--ft-UgLeklilm. .51n. Oniv'. 1.), No. F,74-16 -CI967). A review )f literature on the mechanism. of dehydro,,Y-,Ilzatllon. Pi,,es' hypyo*~-.--- sis re. arDmstizsti~--. of &.~-kaaes questioned. 3900 W; 1 7; 50 R $18.95 Power Tvatodsolon by Dimb and Alternating C==Wu - smsms pftp IZVON I NWcIhncO-MWqdOvat*j:jkm -1 ~IOUUOA No 150 1969, -151 pp 0 1 1. -,: ~*.--.M, sciftlect SePt 70 of (14m farm oil UN411N." aetion of partial pp dio About the Antimicrobial Kffe;cts of Avtol a nd Solodill by B. D, Kbarutyunyan. 10 pp. RUSSIAN, per# Inv S*l'skokhcxysystv*nny1h Nauk, No 4t 19680 pp 99-105. AIR/FMAIT-23-671-69 Sci-B&M June 70 Nl. Doneva. lo"Alltiull- in Q, kiutoui',~&! P--e-pu:L-ations lv'rcna Tubaccu Lc~c;es per, Almdemiya na Sels-,-:ostuopans liartellievild'd :~'Rujdl' Nov 72 Metribution of Vitamin E in p1sago by V. vilymn. =SIANo Iwo Izv S*11. -khos,. Akad K. A. B111Mz"Ro No 6 W, pp I p 7. Como no 9M Sol-sm Do* 69 398181 iiffect oi' vibonitclease on llropa:,ation uf iioof and ,'Muth Diserise, I~ejjort 11: Lffect of idb untic I case on the Infoction Process in J:)qjcri,.icntnI iiut)f and ;1mith Disease" by 1'. 1. A. ft'italina, 14 pp. )or, Izv Sibirsko u Otti Aiad c Jul 70 Ratioral Regimes of the W)rking Intlusitry, by N. V. Grigorlyw, 3 HUBSUN ,, per., Izveatln Siblrako~2 Akademil Aauk SWRI No. 9,, Sept OW USSR Soc A-,)r Week In p1). IV OA,~lealy 196~,., pp. 9- -21.,270 A Five-0ay t,orking Week in the Kuzlias Mines, t Oy M. F, Ulzintmm, 5 ppe MISSIAN., Imr., IzvestIM Si'birskul,,o Utdeleniya Akaderuii Hauk SSS& Nz). 9.. Sept pp. 15- 16. jipRs loo4c) VSSR seac Apr 67 ~Vl;271 A Part-Iflim Working Day far Motliera.. by L. D. Slwridins,, 4, pp. HIBBIAN, per., Irmeotin Sfoircku~2 Utaeleniya 8~~eirdi muk SwR, No. ), Sept 1)66, PI). I',)- 13. JTRS 4X%46 UBSR Soc Apr (.-17 321,,272 vm Problem of the Rationalization uf Wr)rkerBe I(Aldoym, by B. N. KWmlymnskiyp 9 pp. faWUN, per,, Izvestiyu Sibirskogo Otdeleniyu AM~iSaj Wuuk_SWR, No. 9. Sept 1966p pp. 25- 31- JPHB 4LA6 UL;E;R SDC Apr (17 321,273 lwgy ChavactorLatlas of a PlamwUva with NwSwUe An OtebUfsetionv by A. V. Nikol~Wov,, 1. X malagin. MMUNO ; In Lib Otd. Akad Nwik - . .9 m solo,, 11 vp 2T-3b. A!ES4u.w 861-fts mm 70 401,201 5wiv 4uestions Concernim, the Dervalop-iont of Publio Gonvu ior Fund3, trj L. A. dovikov, 9 pg. RUSSIA'. per, IzvesUyq Sibiralogg Ctdelol"dva 3, WAuk R, lo -967, PP* '6-~? Jon k d!rd JFNJ 4 U64311 '.-:con JiLl ('17 3_3~', 3?0 V. P. ChurerTd:i~i.n Principci L Methods of Development of the Con- struction Material hidustrN, in Western Siberia RUSSIAN, per, Izvestiya Sibirskogo Otdeleniya Akaclemii. Nauk SOSSR, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1967, pp22- TTT JPRS '11982 USSR Econ Aug 67 3337460 I . A. Klruch.i n In Modernization of Operative Equipment in Indus- try, RUSSIAN, pc-r, IzvestiYa 'Si~.)irsKogc) Otdeleniya Akademii Plauk No 1, Vol 1, 1967, pp. 40- 4 7- -'-*--'-**- ITPRS 111911) USSR Econ Aug 67 3323798 1'. 1'. h,;I),j 11 Economic Efficiency of New Technological Pro- cesses for Treating Resistant Gold-Bearing Con- centrate~; at the Nine Site. RUSSIAN, per, Izvestiva Sibirskogo Otdeleniva, Akademii Nauk SSSR, No 1, 1967, pp. 48-51. JPRS 42078 USSR Econ sept 67 339~087 The Tranvition of Kuznetsk MatalluinrActs to n Five LXay Nbrk I?eek, by 1. 1. DeriidDv, K. Yo. Kapustin, A. Ya. SoaullnikDy, and D. Ya. Yashin, 0 pp. RUSSIA!, per, Is"ItiLa Sibir"M Otdcledya Ak4do;ili '4auk SSSRO :',,b Jun 967. 1)j). JPMI 4 6,44 iLODII Jul 332, 369 i(samons 1))r Labor-,.. TurnDver at L:nterprises of the Tiriber Co-iplex, by 1, voromamv, '22 pp. RUS,SIAN, per, Izvestin SibiralwG2 Otdel2nLva Akadwdi ;liuk SOL, IiD , Jun 967, :)P. 59- 6544 mu; 4 6)).14 U 5 ".3 1, ". E OD ri jui 67 332, 37" Wontions (bn(sernIT4r, Interregional Rogulation of Real Jk'jops for dwrial and Office Workers Darin the '(mi Ave Year Plan, by P. Kalinovskly, 7 pp. MIMI, per, J=Lga- Abi -Woro Otdolwd_vtt L)Ads,tli J#A 333R, No Jwi 967, ... u-7,". iNiu 4 64t. USSR Econ jul 67 332,37 Correlation of Volt-Ampere Characteristics of Coaxial Plasmtron With Magnetic Arc Stabilization5 by V. S. Kisell, B. A. Uryukovp 5 pp. RUBSTAN, perk Izvestiya Sibirski?go Ctdelen&T Akademiy Nauk SSSRJ No pp .105-1W. AR4/FSTC/HT-23-822-71 Ir_.__ P70 111mckaltzatton and Devetojxwnt of k~mkaYA Oblaot 4conoiltYp by C-YA. Kurbstova. 11 rp. RUSSIAN, journall JMst I& Stbirskoxg Otdel- .4 AMdemft 3auk Me Rovosibirsk, Iniy Sept. 67, pp. 49-55. JPRS 45o131 Issit Economic April 68 355,753 I ,~ewlopnmnt of Cr Id ExtractIng Industry in N I ortheast USSR, by .5haydurov, 8 JIT). RIJ: .3.S'lAV, per. IzvestiYa.61hirskogo Otdelenija ,"Aulamil Natsk SSSR, Sept. 67, pp. 56-61. HIRS 44,972 Ecolwilic 1. 6;:~' i~k ; ,8.1:wmgo k"Uew All L-~Qvtaopirlg CertAul im ovWq b7 Pie 1'. GrIOvo SibWIJM 13 PP 0 bowl 363.737 me 6F, -Awt ~rsnsbmyimlian Anis% imvelol.iro.rit vAturoL;, by L;. !~'. 11.3. 0810 Vskiy, Izvostlya -,ibiyskor,,o tolonlyi -71 - ': - . . , - -- -,. . .- - - ~ . 61 Z &~.Zdmemll Wawc ifo .,ci..: eir, ;,c-d TordtorW. ilvvAtw, Disomeed at 1-l"oolbirsk Sandmaro () pp. Rm"-p nwv iemdjn- SIM Ltdd&ilL w9ou Nagh 2E& No If. 15~0j, pp 128-130. JFF3 45902 UWR Dm Avg (k 36306 IMA of ArrUseptics n Soll Himflore Dwl,ng Soll barial TimtlM,, by 1. A. P*treko. XMIM) per, Ity 81bir Otd Ak Nauk SM. Vol 15P 116 3, M, PP W-Ti- AFU/JSTC/Z[(-299-69 Sal-M Noy 69 395,656 C per, -Ald:!,SkoLo t" G Ilij rp Bogwhanaka,v& ~;,ee is Part of Anpra kower ur-oup. by 4,, L. umimnsld~ g L. 1). seivVlova, 9 pp. MLggLo Ad2ja per, IMMMW& min Novosibirsk, !~;o 6, I.We pp 50-55. j p r7l.~ ~03. ft ~Sd-EhepQl C,onv (non-prop) Doc 62 353,803 Grywth of' A-barian industrIal, Potential , Ited W it - A- listurlm, 13 PPO iiwaxi, per, Alit AdelaikW havoedbirsk, I;c, 6 hW' 9 19& pp 123-ag. ip.ii:j 46.tuito Uliji Dean Dw, M 353.79) PMFkl5lt*W for LowtiM the Chlorim lrs*awtzy In Siberia# bV 1. V. lWarint 7 pp. Russ,"t we JIM-luu Ublj*m Ot&LW-14U Ako4w-di Nouk SMO Nmvxibl3-sk9 No 110 19680 pp 3-5-59.6 JPRS 470479 sci-ilkt mar 69 375P971 8*"Omle J*TdOPMwt of Siberl. Amax. * 8# IN Olplovp 17 PPO RUSSI"o pW. IMMUn 4 bA 00 sm4,u. AkvAmm4 ~-. U-1- ~sm "v-wqF;p= =2e. 0 okg to I go f .70406 P SOW 48125 USSR rhoan Jm 69 382j243 Sawasaw nmdng Gods for Firidmiyalyeg by To 1. Zeawddyo 9 pp, last"t pore ""Otbm M&ACOCO 21~~. Akadmodl N"-*- SM; liumibirmlis No to 1969s pp 1A-370 JM 48125 UM EM Jun 69 )820244 Now 2,mAM for Siberia wkd F4,r !Afft ; Voposse 9 bY V o Ap Krotmo 13 PPe RWSIAW,, pero Lsvt _~~JL14tykojo Otdel y& 44,X& - ANlLI~er!M.'Nauk SSSR, RovoslMrsk, No PP 3-11 - j i:lis 49172 LU61,11 Improvemints in siberian conortructim . roposed, tcr % , k., ;tpcvvo 1", log Udalcm,at 6 pp. RMSIMl, perv jzy~otlo ~;jbl ~** o (Jtdelwd a Nov _.L_ _ IM oidbirskv ho pp 12-15. illf6 491'?2 WSH 1:40n flov 69 3939316 , roPomal.a to jmv#.jop :.,outh of i4stom -Aboda. by v. ,. Gukovj, U. lo 1,11'sidn. 8 pp. RMSM4, per. JiMeat lAj!jk2&q Ac'elani __ _jXk.~ji - I A190ardi N&uk-.SSSR, Novosibirsk, 110 -K.- MM pp ff. --i6 i i,i;~i 0172 USSR hbon Nov 69 393014 ssleatim of Conviaws for T)~l I Gas Mom"ado br Ve 3s Bmutoys 6 pps Rumot ywo Is"dw sibilskmo cusmgLu Akadiodi **-SSX-i- Nowodbilske No 69 1969p PP icf-.;JLs JPRS 49373 uss &M D" 69 396073 Developmmt of Aborla and Far k&xt Uscussod, by it. 1. vadllyevaq 1. Akhavas 14 ppe HLEISIAN. per. jiMemgp --k rs!iq el__ AmdqIR4 jk.349 hovoaibiz;~~k No Lj*w.c -;~! pp 11WI-M. 491?2 toon Nov 69 393015 lkltAple 'Iftnoport Mrtwloo thoged for Siberia, bW A4 As Woroblyevq 7 pp. RUSMAp pars IMM&LV *CEO OtdelerdNa lpmAo~4 41WA SMI Novudbdrtdci, NO 110, Sept lWp pp 62-660 Jf" 49740 U&SR sm Feb ?0 "MW gas so" ow 70