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ift"i *a ftm PANNUMM PSMNU* d-? in fto GeroM PaMoftldc RqWbltc. by Val Me No 51o sa ~ Bqgr Sepli,64 2660%8 The Ik)ra TrimA by dou *"' I-Qu im A 3.11 Gine I M Spocixa of Boron Tcimthyl aO-of ylone Ammlate (TrImethyl6eimuo Bovinc)s R. G. Becber. 'AJ;C Tr 154 9~ Sclet~lflc Cbemistry pp 1-12. Wl.v 53 CM : I On the. BioCl f ications of Boron. Ditperiments on the I Incorpoi~atioxi o-.L' blery-LUun im the Boron Lattice, by H. J. A~cherp A. Schafer, 5 PP. GM, -LAIT, per, Z fuer Anorgmische und AUGweii-le Chenie, Vol CCC~rj, 196o,, pp 26o-265- 9095532 Asc UCRTL Tr.-7Wk'L) scl. - Chem mar 62 - .6- IN I to FOLISH w -too% T pp. OWA&,~& A# famw OW I -- 0 T% ,a 1IF4. pp A an riou mat *0 *m I "0 1- jfti~s U4,0100 i -- IL'. M.; FOLYMEWA SENUOQNDU~ order trw~'k TnuuL of Ai*e%j Y. 73. am, 19, P- J IL F. TMCAL OONDUCMRS AND 11062) lip. is A73-17N580 el Chunliel (Wea Germany) 1961, *Mecuical coDduemnep- ~A TT. 'r.'.7. no. 11) 62-12931 1. Becher. AIL R. mart, K P. M. ATS-17MOC IV. Awdated Tecbntcal Services. Inc., East Orarge, N. Office of TecWcef Services The Heactim of iferachlo.,-r-)cyc-lopentp-dic-n,~- 'Wil-11 1 mafinsp by C. Beraer, 0. Becher, 3 P-i). i I Pr4-A-'- C-EM0.711 ppr) ZoMa..,fer Nalturforochung, Vol IXb.1 19541 S.L.A. T.R~ PTI /19"S S'Ciervblfic - (.1hemistry ~/ I--,' Intico nad FIre Realubmwe or Dmestic I ~ X*xftm by P. Soebw. I - a,-- ~r, * 42, pp BeT-S.U. Btptms k~-, 11 1 1411 1 spas or I i 7"11 , -- -- --- ATA=4M 59 fp.;~ -~rcfj;o InItte in Ventiletlons by R. Res ZI~M,p 08 Lib Cam go 377. ~i I i DOIRA322/CT i s0eut~fic - ftgineorloa - j / V. /&/ I/ TApr6wwi3%s Lu Atroraft, by lauis Becbere!!~, 8 r. ~ :' p , Fmamo pmtent NO M.-155- I~Ovt of ccmerce Patent Office Sci Lib (gut) Sol - R%j Aorow#olois s,5- 4,5,.,r NOV 57 1 Etudes wAr les cauebee de cbLrbm de cornue IV t t texture$ k, , Go St ture a S K3.e:mscl3bddt.. at al, 8 pp. CRItM to FREHMj, per# Z PIWa Chem, Vol CCXX., 6~~ 1,,q(Ro Vp 278-283- 9M387 Reverae Translation CFA-A-L365 Sci Pcib -64 on ~me i ,jr,tigatione for the Purpose of Rx-7 p W ning the Adhesion of Rarbon Layers on Porcelain, by 0. Becherer, 11 pp. GW"M..,per,, Z. Phys Cbem., Vol CCV, Leip- zigg 1956l pp 253-260. SIA 57 --3182 Sci Aug 56 cryfital y C;:. Lo 1-l'u~"O'zin Lwno Black, -bl' G - -jc, - Tecludk dcl;' ~7 4 investigations for the Purpose of E*L-Antng Adhesion ot Ceebon Lay4rs on Vorcel a4 jp G. Becherer, 17 PP. WN,, per,, Z. Fhp CbMjp VOI CGVo 1956j, L>06-216. SIA 57-24bl 58 ductlylty of Carloon Layers R-F~- swors; by Ot Becherer# per; SlektrotetAL.. V,,-L No ~3~ Atv- 195L pp ~81-3k- AA4 58 Ur~ a Yaethad for Apprz-,xlm3*..e IntiegmtIon of A.TbitraLry Partial Differential Equations., by KAr-rl Bachart, 6 pp. GX RYMI perp Mathematische Nacbricbtent 'Vol VEXT; 1952, p9 75-~8- MCIA j Sci - EnginwritS.. lkthematics -MaY 1956 b6c6ni J. M. COMMER APPUCAIIONS ON INODT MOUtJ) SMIES. 121p]4 Order from SLA $2.60 TT-64-lbW7 Tram. of [Cestre de Documcmdoo Siderurglque. CircuLaire dIs(~rwwtlcw Tech*ues) (Frame) 1962 Iv. 191 a*. 6. p.' 1459-1476. U..Ferrow MmJA. rr. v. IZ no. 7) 7T-64-16037 1. Bechet. J. M. offfte TT -b4-16037 --('MAPC'T,bR APPLICAT1014S 0.14 INCUT MOULD 1. Bechet. M. STLITJUE:~. 121-n] !. T -161.137 Order froin SC.Al $2.60 T -6 Tranx. of [Ceut:vc Lie i7x~umvawtion Siderurgiqui!. civcula~tj-t J,111forrviluloap Tertmiques) (Franoce) :.Q62 t.-Traus Mei-Ala. 'Tr, v. I--. ContribuUon to the Btmtly of Band-Save. MW ~ Inftw= of the Mcdo# by Bailmau, Dechat. YMPKM.o porp coble 0 ft Cou TeQbAqm du Bois., Vol XM.. 1956, pq 1,P215. CO= 3M ftl - ftw ;2 e9l, //~ Jun 62 Preparnion of HDrphlue-3-TrIsaccharlde. Alkalo; id Glycosides. 3. v by P, Cuparis P. sechart. GHRMM,O pwr,, Pharaac*utica Act& Helveticas 1947, pp 1,34-138. CSIRO/No 695dl sci-men War 63 AMU catIms an lqpt Road SUM*$, 4L awbot-0 a cent" as - ibdwiqtns, VOL =p _69* 1459-1476. 3D5.," nitrite Reaction IM Infection of the Uri.1--l-jr Trac~4 iStOdIve on the Dlagnoslic Value of' the vitriie Exc"retion in Bacteriurla as C=psred to Cultliation and Potassium Reaction,, by P._Be g!!,~ K; Jansa;ln, pp. UICIMMIIM DANISH per Hardi-k Medicil jo U Vol XX., Wo Oct/ Dec i7j, 0 Ipp 2FI34~;~- ITM 2-26 W/ Sci - Med i A Iftr 5 0 bbdi' 0 Therapy of Essential Hypertensiont by P. L. Paulsen.. 18 pp. (R=W~ per, JftandocbroVran.LwWgvm-rvol XMI, Jul 1954p p0 3*j 331r SA.A. No 282/1956 Scientific - Medicine Abe or MtMMto"s by ff. I No OdWLenlWrs aid C SlIberm W.0 & mp. AN KbUcdd Z. p Vol. WO So 2# )by , =.age* MA Tr 57-2245 Be$ - coaft Tech ~ //7 , '471f Jul, ~* 7.7~' 7T' 7 er w on CMSUW%Sm and MOdg" ftW 4M*41% br Ao Po jamw- Green B cin the Groirth an 3& L Lx t, BS., bY PP. 122 7 CnRologinj Vol I-L, 1955, 8 5.3 - ran 8..-u Set - Se P 5 S~y an Frying ;."Ltz.. by IWO *= * , No 66., 32- Y IX 0 P F046A tk U cl FsetplWiiing aystem for 2roduclug M.-Ifortni Slivers, lc~r We Wegener., He Bachlenberg. GEMW# law., TexUl Yrxuds2 Vol XIV., No 6; iq~59* pp -Azo 7:, -w 67p--67e,. ui,- Dy *rj4-M.. wo lo,t pq ggo-995. CS3MO SOL &a ju! 6*52 DwIdenbeirg, ;Heinz,, 61-14006 NEW TESTING METHODS AND INMUMENTS FOR DETERMINING AND~ICONTROLLING YARN REGU- 1. Threads--Test methods 2. Threads- -Testing LARITY. Ii. t19611 ji,51p. (18 figs. ornitted) I ref. equipment Order froni SiLA m31. 40, ph$3.30 61-14006 1. Bechlenberg, [i. Trans. of Re~on, Zellwolle fund Andere Chf.nle fasern] (Wistl Ger7nanv) 1954, v. 32. no. 7, p. 403-413- (Materials- - Textiles.i TT, Y. 5, no. 12) I I i~ Cutting-O& Luthoj by Andre Bechler, 6 pp. i FREWil,, Sviss patent no 288j,503. US Daipt of Comorce Patent Office Scl Llb (Oift) Sci -'sugin"ring -X/ 6- / FJ lkr 51 C76/dox Filter quartzlCrystals in the 7-30 HIcs Frequency Range., by R. Bechman. MMIN, por, Archiv der Elektrischem Ubartragung, Vol XIII., No 2~ 19591 -P 90- CSIRO jun 6o ofIlt,10019 by R. Dechman. UFO" Stabl =d Bisonp Vbl LXXv No 26,, 1950j, pp io Druteber Teeb Tr 2861 IA)ngitidimil Vibrations of SquaTe (b3artz Plates,, by '0 it R,, IM pp. GEPAW per,~ Z. PIWalk., Vol civriz.. No 9/10., v 0 i Fab 1942. SIA 57-2155 Sci )kkY 58 Lanal'tWInal Vlbratloos or Bectiumgular Quartz Plateis by R. Bachmam 2, 20 pp. GLTW: peri Z. byelk,2__Vol CXXjp No 2j, 16 Rov j 1q,42.# PP 107-120- SIA 57-2120 sci X&Y 58: 9&tural ElAstie Vibrations of a RectangLIAr PariUeleplped of Qpartz, by IR. Beebmsnn 26 --mwaM6 ber# Zo Pbyelk Vol CXXIII wo s. -4~ W26J.- 194 pp 19 Ma~ S.L.A. Tr 57-341 w-Seepbysice 0 ft 57 10, 'ANIL. and In the RmW Psm 300 to 5M gap by 30 spa GWVA~ ---a Vta In lb,1, Apr all 5aj~ Llautic vibrations of an Anisotrupic Medium of ftecu~twlar Parallelepiped Form, by R. Bechmann, . i 35 00- GERMAU, por, 7, Pbysik, Vol CXVII, No 3/4o 19411 PP 180-191 SLA Tr 57-1414' $,--I - Physics Oct, 57 or VU)Mtsms Plesoaectricauy-bw1ted Cr" by R. bachwms 37 pp. OHMMp Pers hc-bfreqwm u IlenroAmto Vol LVIo Ito 1j, Zul 9 :-C,401 pp 14-a. STA Tr ~7-2248 SW Jul 58 Quartzp!Oscillators and Resonators in the PAnge., by Bechumn, 46 pp. GEF~M., iper, HDchrrequentea.. u. stik., Vol LXI,* No 1., J&-19530 ]Al- 1-129 S.L.A. Tr 57-348 Physics Y- 57 ..,Jgzag Seving Machine) by Frtltz.-Becbmann-ubagen, 'I'l PP. ,GMW, Patent No 802,364 (Corresponding Freneb J."atent Ito 1,010,482). Dept of Ctpmerce Patent Office Sci Lib Sci - Engl, oct 6o iho bcwAn af L~ar~ ,aw -,Atesdx2A idth :nn,,,)- Alatb4 um 406TAIAO Solutim ~'lltd)MCto-7 t4wor 32) - Art 3,~. ~v ,i. lkoaal aftc~ Go lome -7. 3670 Bechtel, I H. and Pimm. G. CONCERNING -nig BONDING OF CERAMIC RAW MATERIALS WrIll A MOROALUMINIUM 11106PHATE SOLLITION (REP9ACMRY IlDNI)ING MATERIAL NO. INO. 32) 27p (37 refs orniMed, 4 fiS* mM V-w IbI*) Order fiat SLA $2.60 7T-64-16035 Tram d lDcutDche Xasmimcbe GeftUwbmft Bwkbv) (wea'GiVrInUny) 063, v. 40. no. 7. p. W-40. TT-64-16036 1. ftchtmL H. II. rime, G. (Matw*s--C4w*=4a, TT, v. 12, no. 1) Now so Tombahm cr.n the m4lovIrrolat's With a Remote 'Adrect influmoe" oi! a Pereca oik the Behavior of Aulmls., bY 14. Bec-tt"u'rem?. por,, Z fuer Pa.,mboth, No 81 19249 Pin ~?80-303- IaH 3-2-63 ff~i - Blol-Amett Col. Jvi 0,.> - - 6 -,pI -.) j m maguies6 AlumWum Systemw by W. Koster,, V. go6tholdv MRWO per# Z Awr Vast Notalikmbil 19390 pp 2~4-296. an CBUW/No 61AZ SOL-*t*rull 11 NNWIWU OW 63 ?;2 &? Ar4~ .0 %7DD Pr 1p ComtrLotion) rs LC i~ U=Aafthiff &W-;-Scbigf bau-Wen G=1%9~ V',", "r I ul-~~~ 1 110 ~6, A--M~V 151D /U-5a72 ~Tzour -1 GerLwv sci - knt;llo"ilaa AjR 54 CTS ! t Ctim iTedejo by Betwiob Botmwts, 68 CMPAW" a op. stuttfprt*r ult, I No 123,, 126F I:m0 i33.. 137., 148,, 156 161 M 185, 191, 31 my-el ;7u; 3.9;A~ US MA/DC -L -1067 cum, Pulp Baca# soe't ml 9whterew. w. REWLTS !OF THE 59VERING OF THE AUDITORY NERVE, tOGUMHR WITH A DISCUSSION OF THE IMPORTANCE OF~~THR SEMnIRCUtAlt CANALS ON TH13 gQtJttlBltWM OF THE BOM (8rphdame der DurchwJreldmS ts N. Acmalcum. a" Bibroormg der Bodatmog der, Seadclicullirm Caulls Mr des K6rp8rjliIchpwI*). 11961149p 2h*%. Order hain MA $4. 60 Tram. of IPMpr's Aregiv fAr Sol Gimsfammol "logaile dm ~kmbm and der Tien) lonwe" 30. p. $12-347. Samm-Phydolop, Tir, v. t2, w s) L seftelow. W. OM" et T"A"kat gffv#*" '.5ULLro THE ZIGZAG COURSE OF MOSCOW AND PEIPING., BY HEINRICH BECHTOLDT,, 7 PP. GERMAN) PER) AUSSENPOLITIK2 DEC 1962, PP 793-796. JPRS 17067 WW - INTERNATIONAL POL, jAN 63 219.,601 'Etalu* 'Plastien FLUed With Aluldniza., by X. per, ilevue de I'AlunWul V03L =1n# 1956., nOo--U7U.- pp 13rxbcber Tr 3984 -'7,' 3 X'~~ -~ Jan 58 Method for Producing Cutting Dies for Owead cuttiag Toole on Latbes,, by Alfred Bock., pp. Gm", Patent No 1,059,74.3, CX- US Do-vt of Cmumerce fttegrb Be i Ub / to Aug 61 .%,rth,,I.r Aliditleatiou Of Zoelinerla Eustaebian Il-Ntbfj Ta~nadej, by Chladvig Back,. 6 pp. usciAwiFiED GHMUI,. per.. Zochx Laryng.. Vol =LVII,, no j.. 1959P .pp 12-15. i Navy 22683/iws 498 Scl - Medicine- nov 6o / g ~~ (?'/f The mm" Of this unchursba Fr%pents riva ----I Of NOIAKMIAG, by D. Dackp 25 GEMN, jerp it tmw Awalks, Va CUp 1960, imp W-419. 9OM35S AW VOL-from-692 Sol - R~p oat 63L clwwur$a in a of Addloml s Disease. by E. Back., 3L6 ::VYMb& Aatap Val 110 NDv 1953j, 13p 1& 26 tgc~ 7o2 tam jt~t.. Scienulu so! MMICUM bvtn~rs ~Vlth Fut4bVIM Ownw, by It. Back, ;: 1 6 PP" --- .0 GEWP prp amtooffop vckl I=# NO is 1956o pp,IB620. 8U Tr 5741AP Sel - W" )bchmdcs Ja 58 " ~d I 47, Maw., ids ad fbir"Sol vwko ~bir 101, page Us 31,w Mae W. $46 F-1903" Eft! WITH11RARDLY MOVING SCRIIWS. 119611 6p! Order from SLA $ 1. 10 62-IOL32 Trans. of Kunstatoffe (West Germany) 1956 Iv. 461 W. 1. p. 18 -20. DESCRIFTORS: 'Metal forming presses, Diem, Machine tooli. CasUhp, *Metal screws, Plastics, MtIIlng machines. 62-10132 1. Back. H. P. (Machinery- -Manufacturing, TT, v. 7. no. 8) of T"I.61cal SO(Aces I a ON 1 IR 1 m I'm 80"* 1 a ~o is. 140 &wj, X0 5,p Mb MZJ`Ui 1 4~ 2~w~' K, ,711 4 'L Vl~c~ .. art ma .329,0514 W164H M jaw oposoler. H. I M4 EWCAL VIEWMWM CONCEMNO 6 M 1. mack. P. CATALY71C HYDROGENATION AT PLAMNM COW 11. Owlwber, IL TAM IK WWFERED soLunoms. isiti,630gip. 33 refs. Order irc~ SLA 0.60 W16404 Tram. of Zleltockirift] Or Elektroebomile) (Weft !! i i A 64 65. p. W4-517. Gm w j) 11961. v. DESCRWIDRS: El~cmcbemlWy. 'CycWm~. nqrw,~*,l Allyl rOkals. bumayl radt"Is, *medals. Malal iw~. Iftyl radkaim. VaNwIs. WWI radicab- OACM *Amljc " mog . aftn. *Acotmm,l MOB" ; radicals, Odd" pm"l nocau. OH *Pbd- own *166n;o6m. Ci%Qvmlm6 ~w cbI.- M. lRy7%ww sdfft.% Reectim zPA . Tr~ v. 10, 7) =a d Vml&d bntm ~cn the *chm,ism of Anodic Dissolution of :a, wniub in an Alk SolutAcup by F. Beck, H, Gerls6lbsr., 23L Met Ufdmch~wg, 9092596 /7/ Bei 2he Corroodon Pbtentlal of OWMemim alwi its j~ n" cm DOVID9. cwrx**~ auto I end oat bw a. olirl Jt T. Alsk 27 pp. awswp PWP Z. ttw ft"Jumusche Cheff" " p lb V2p 1960, pp: 10-02r. WA 60-180" &A I i 47., ~Z 3.2- Vol IV, lb 9 . ~b Alum of Anodic Dissolution of Garramnima On the ctui in an,Allmli Solutioup by F. Seekj, R. Oarischer,, 21a~) Mx-F34ack-jnat fU*.,r YAtaliforechung.. 3-'.Ut4pxt# 1959- NW-B..139 Isci Nov 59, ()r j;he D.'.Bsolution of n- and p- Gerimnium in .vta Solutions Under the Aquec)ua Ejectrol- Ion of Oxidizing Agents, by H. Gerischer) F. Beck. T GERVIA17., par, Z fter Phys Chem., Vol X111., 195.7p PP 3669-395. Morris D. Fr.'edman $ci - Chem Aug i ~ Redox Proceases on ft=snium Hlectrodes~ by F. Beek. QEBMAX.,~ per., Z. fuer MoOttroobodep Val LXT x i 1950, PP 943-900- LangusM Sir Bu sai - mma : oat 6o 1.;,2 ~ ~ .3~7 vow DeAsbm~ Eud Mod metal for Work Pleem; iby pp. am 7;- nwM owtuckmg mm 777 2. AM SAO" Im Z080% 62-10016 ~ftck, Fritz a 7-101c r, Heinz. THE MECHANISM OF ~ A Dic sownoN or 1. Beck, F. GERMANIUI~ IN ALKA,LI SOLUTION. [1961127p. 11. Gerfacher, H. 26 refs. 01 rder from SL.% $2. W 62-10016 -rr..,. of fiJdeltaffiediderman mow. [Stuttgart] n. d. DESCRIPTORS~ *Germanium, Semiconductors, Elec- ~rolyxeB, Elekirochen~stry, Electrolysis, Electrodes. 9 4 9,'7 Anodes, Impullitles Ali investigation of thti anodic dissolution rate as a iunction of the. ~61ecrrode potential. the OH- concentra- iian and the*~'Ing cof ~ermanjutn showed that the rate- tietei-mining;a1ep depeodo expKmentially on the potential nnd the reacii6n ordei. in one with respect to the OH' juns and the Wien. kreacdon mechanism Is proposed biat makes incire precise the dissolution mechanism (Chemistry-ohysicalli, TT. v. 7, no, 5) (over) Off;-.4 T-W.A S-i- Action 1,0 l),utxir-ruz.-%Y LUMMnIUM BaltS Wn. NUCleiC ACidS. 1. Solubillt-y of Quatcra=7 Ammnium Salls eL Nuelaic i Acidr;- Orgwic Sol-vents., by G. Beak., t.T-l P. goel,, 14 pp. per,, Biachimles et biopIxyzic-a Aata~, Vol Ull, ABC Txr-5047 Sci - M= Phya jun 6p- )2500. Yleld 7B 6rU ly CONDIDERATIONS FOR THE VALENCE FIELDS 01: MMINtS.1 1965, 8~. TC-1208 ft,om. TC:ISB.00 as! TC-1208 of Zlt.~hrlft fuer Anorganiacbe und Allgeme-4ne B. n206 p4i6-24 16~2. 1. Trans-Chem Knoxville, Tenn. A OW4.1a-swray come for Compuz V by G. 10 pp. . I Pw w4banol fear Pl*dscbe Cbmisp W~ lip v a ~.,, .0, so TAP 19ws PP mr-aho. WA 66,10.996 ftl ./ orm 60 ; H~ A~ 3 va lix" * 5 TM, 14. lz a r I L tbo 8 an. of scandium P~wpbmpbmto tD -to, by 0. Back, 7 pp. -per# MUgroobw "r k1kroobIm Ac"p Vol MrV, i9k9j, 2& -2ft. Am 3341 act - am 7-'7. ~Wg IF --%, Regulation at Wire Dimensions, by 0' ~bjm~ GERW,, pvv StMI vad Bison., Vol L=a . 9 Jul i962, JV 952-957. 3151 3133 act - X/M ~~ C/ ?0 Apr 63 Riochemistry of Scandium and Its Precipatation as the Pbytatepby G. Back, 4 pp. GP,RKU, per,, Alk-rorbwaft-ver Mikrochim,,Acta., Vol XXXIV$ 1948, pp 62-66. AEC Tr 2396 Scl - Memistry 63-MM YJX=dM=N, Rob4pb. Mosailir'nUm & WMVM (W 1. IOCA6 Ow m&vy AW Lx*ff METALS IN CWTACr WM R. Kundmom IL FUELS. [1963] I%pp omftW4 3 26% 0. mkw mobwkw.. ordw ft 63-18=$ ftvW wami. 2!~35) of Wramcbs Klaftbbrt- imi towmenO 1939. nm 21, P. 1-4 DESMVIMR *F.,U" MMdW6 OCOMNW6 Reftmldi6 AMbm &am. AkAbd-" Wnw. OAM=W--Pmli,, Tr. V. 10. no. uo $Mm 0 TedoW Zwvkw On the Reactions Between Steel old Slag During Tapi#g and Potrims. Pan 1, by 1. E. SockerH. beck. GROW,, perj, Tedmisebe Mitteilumps Kruppp Vol M. No 4. 19610 Vp 208-213. RD SS54 SrA-N/m Aug 63 ;F-,9f 5tUUes on jjydXwarbons With Attached Active Ox~rgou,, Coraamicatioa No VIp 1: Engine Studies:, by A. WQ sob~fltj H.,Dm"t Ea. GEI~t,ykjlf, mono, 6 j= 19h0. am. 63-3-4251 sci Oct 6-j 012 the AsaatPw Urbmm Steel #0d BUg P"Ing Toning and PMZ,*-o. PWrt IXs bV It. Doolarp H, Mak. UI't%eLUwwm iDmw* VbI 2Vp 1961., RB mat &.*t 1.73 0" 63 VeAtUStiOn MaMterlatlas of 7=0-CUpboar4s, by H. rA-.'k. i Ma":p ~ipw a 9121" NbM-. go 5, 19&, pp, 45460. con"16. -M4 1-71 J3 I-- L- l< $61 - AUg 67 334.884 C-VgeL-A awdi Strala Ageing of Pure iron, by W. GEFCKATqy per., krehl-7r, Vol No i0, 19581, pp C*3-651. su% 6u-142i4 act /7 .9 Oct 60 On 'die I~Iaciui.L'pzi of lUgh-Frequancy Discharge., by H. w Beck, GMIA.N~ vj'" PhyrAk, Vol XCVIIj 1935., PP 355-375- AM m-r-3s64 Physics Apr 60 Part 32. Sow AU*p at Oerima and Tmtbwmo by W. MAbm&rAp R. Books 9 pp. MUMp, jar.. Amelen der CheadU*,, Vol 19D4,, vp 46~5T. 9209IS5 Aw-jwi.5677 Set -: IW Iftt jul 63 part U. SMO AUQP of Cerlivo and LautIMMus by MAbmumi2s H. Book# 9 ppo GEWM,, per.. Aawlem der Mmud*# Vol C=MMt 19"s pq 46~57- 9W93B5 AW-ffto." Sad - Nft &aft Jul 63 RY-1913 at or An Opmutlow4 Valuts 7-7 ~ pp. awa" POT. As$* elf vok ymv NO go, serifts 16 *YOIMt m 332-334a JMAU-L-479 XkW Raoul: VA"Ince aw Y"414P tva" 77, Nov H. 61-14476 INJECTION MOLDING OF THERMG- 11. Plastics --Molding 1120. ~(14 f1p. ornitted). 1[. Beck, H. nj$2~.40, ph$3.30 61-14476 Trans. of deriNastvararbeiter (West Germany) 1960, v. 11, no. 10.1 p. 441~'447. office of TOC61tj S"Ces (Materials- -Plastics. TT, v. 5, no. 12) . ; .~ 11, , h ~ .kd.- DaguIVbiarazattan &W-VaoxI4atIGn. of Pure ix.oln in~ the Vacuum VAIting Process, by W. Jkniche, H-;RQukb UNOL ORMN'' par, Arch Monhuatteveseng Oct i956, 631.-#64.-. British L~i;u and Steel Ind 1227 (L5 150-0.) van/mat p0 a6p 59 The' Characterization of the Behaviour of Celiui.cise by ~Muan-,j of Crystal Violet Base, by Marius Rebek. J-6 CIEIUU~ pQr~ Das Papier, Vol XIII, No 1/2, .19595 pp~1-5- SLA 59-109B(, Scl D., r,-9 va P-, No 1; Mcroblolbecal Method for thy DetermUntion of Viftmin B12 In Orpnotbaraj;autic Ccmplemarz, by J Beck. M.. Amgabs Pawamwatiques ftaneaisav~, Vol M., 3.954.0 vp 132-145. CSXRO sat - Apr ~62 Thai Chemical CaqwsItIw of the Mwlelc Acids of TIsew., by 0. laeft, J. Beckv 24 pp. WM*:pw,p Z KTobaforsch.. VoULII.. 193.5., pp ilf,63417. MA Tr ".-403 fti - Cbem,# Ned Jui 57 .i)y -j--ch. Y,Isl T)zr s or, ot4r,:;,"14 13BILGV~111.11$:, Vol ale o2 the Steil,! Cry UU&k=dv Vol WIMP 1962, w WmIL sock Trow. = RMNG 7WE STA71C 3 AND DW-Utn*HS StUlwbw A 5 3 IV Srj47 Tr-61. 146M lh7cbwl=q I =1.19126 r~. 46. V. 3b2- "Wavbml6il SclwAwii;--ftydwkW. TT. v. 12, w. 3) 7T-61-14bM 1. Oak. K. T"baleal somm" PzTboteric:Ch%raater of Btbylevedi&mip-o-Tetx-,=ot:la Aeld and Its Effect on the Stabillt-y of MaUll Be GOGX'Cseg- by Me HUNGUdM., per., MmSymr Tudcaaqms Almd YA=iai Tudmizvok, Ontalyartak Nozlemeiveip no 32p, 26 -2n. ABC-A'V=-Tr-37 sot ch-evi Apr beck, Mihaly and GOrDg, Sandor. CATALYTIC I-FFFC.*T' Or- OXYGEN-CARRYING COM- Fl_EXFS A STODY OF THF; SYS7FM COBALT (ll)_GLYCYLG1_)'CJNF:-AS( ORBIC ACID-OXYGFN. [I 1X61 ) 4p Order from Jr' $14. W K-li 13C)BI Trans. of hlap'ar Kvinfai Folyolrat (Hungary) 1963, no. DFSC'RIPI*OR.q: *Oxygen. *Ascorbic acid, *Glvclner,, *Cobah, catalysis, (Chemistry- -()rganle, 17. v. 11, no. 1) 77-63-22810 1. Beck. M. 11 . Gorgo, S. Ill. K-14-171081 W. Krescze-llooker Svclence Library Aspoclatcq. Detroit. hitch. of Itchn-ca! Smiret Coupounds. Part 1 i I Dis~yl C~Iorophosphlm* frou Aryl ph**Niu~i 0 by 010propertionotte", L. fioraft, P. A"k. C.EAL)44N, j)4r. Chomischo 50itighte. No Ai 1961, ?4TC July Otiq 27 L lore Dic by Vol 'j4. 347,033