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lz~N An 72 dml&~ t~":VL# jft7sAs 21 jaw n 2, .0; 9 L- 1443 04 the ~Aeutlon of Addeving a Soao-Lmo qpomtlm of D*Jaumuoo Plutsio by A. X. Ulabla., e. alj, RMMM vto ', MZWMob 1966, 7--p-P. *ABC Rm-6-7-i,tj 3cl Apr 67 N I Perlodic (Smonal and of Me: Their Causes RMIM; bk, Periodich zMameniva I v Qrgauizme rIV4 I") Poe 1969. %YW-Tf ~72-bA TT *MU TT F-14,I01 i~o L 6t-I,-,, e h o,~ Yearly) CIMWs in the Qrgadom and Zffects, by N. 1. Nalabukhov. Mar 72 k"lwgW Inta"WtIms of Lpis*otic AeUvity 44 In liatonj Ragme loci and Their P"bable C4aws* tw it* 1* K&]Abukhmo 2D Fps Itussuat Part zoo] alob"W YMM rxmmo Fab 19699 pp 165-175* im 4, AV 69 3819923 .. IW Powable 6*ya of Developing Large Radio Tolescopor P. Kalachev. V. Vitkovich. RUSSIA . per. &Wd bA S33R Fit Init, so 28. 1965. Pp -9-45 CSIRD/ft 8256 1 .1 . f, '04 / /J C /I c t, Sci - Sep 67 ~40,192 Multiple - Referenas Cyclic SunDort of the Parabolic Mirror of a Radio Telescope and Homologous Deformations, by P. Do Nalachave RUS31ANj perp kkadeiiiya Nauk SISR. Insti&ut Fisiki, 1968. NTC 72-10966-03A May 72 ~v on" C~~o onvwt or tin mlrnr of a Bob vaimmle a& BMWAMIls rmltjjm"wj by P. 0- XWwbw. ItUlUlp No 171. oxftm rmam pmndu !wUtAor'Lo~ P. N. - -- I m- Of AM 9UM of Fafto W~ml, !6~71M IL ( IA5);;6"39 Aug 69 389#573 Pon6slic IsibWor ISM Salem*,$ by T, V. Vftke"sb& p " S INSIMS Per* bfts of Aa wok 002ses -ionnw AM J-0128 ID 22MI75" 4) 'Scl-El*ct 104 " 30703" .'ulti CYclic Suspension Rurall,olic flivror, 18, v - Voi- rosy Pp dice lek troniij s,~r. a, ACSI-K-31-211 FISIC -i,!T- 72 Ai,0'11 lld-, ASSMSMOM of Us Stifftwes of a ParaboUe Reflector 14"ed by IU Own WOW (smauua lagunaL by P. D. Ubschey. Mount Tire a 13wt, In P. N. Fis Vol 38s o VP 0 ELL Ref: qM*9F (%Ala 103) 8014*0hodeal ja 68 OsW 1(-)c QW16" F"Pow in vmvtA C=l lanim 4pmtlonft tW A# Uo KaladWkov~ 16 Po D=wJwo 3 P1,4 foissims PWD u=1, mosomo 30 50 1%90 yp 0 im scd-aw connog (r4ld EW) Aug 69 3"Sm . \,~IQL.~ Naw Agro-Indutstrial ccMlezeas by A. rAb6ib4s 6 pp. YOWWO lio 11, inzo, per# - pp 26-30. ii ~L 55506 A&r 72 ThermodynAmic Cycles of Nuclear Powr Stations.. by D. D. ALWA1. 199 pp. HMMO Up lame] Program for Scientific Avasisticusp Jerusalem# 3.* Bei-N sci Apr 66 299.,767 ,or to~~ 14 A %'Ms il~kirvtirw 'o I D6 7,, 7', 7,~j. 3,)7t294 ow Varistios of Fie"Crap Aants. by N I ?$"I P"V, IT= Kalaidstev =d Stmean ~isdlfkvl ", PP. lyiWARIA1, per, Lbaverativw 500.9daue, 140 )-10, -~avt-J.-ct 1966, pp. 2.3. JPIILS 3M59 T ,tcon 313.894 '-~'harmal "~tabillty of Actinam"Oton Spores in Connoction !olth 11-bair Content of 7A,oloo2inic Acid, Calai=, and Magwstum, by Lo V, "AlAIMtOL-11 ff,J33IAI!, per, ESk Ali 3,%Uk 333R, Biol 3*1.1 Vol 18N., 'To 5. Fob 1%9,p Pp 1ZV4-1226. cl, L t oot 70 M,,~4; o r, 6 a - k 4 L,9 L n MapRct of Atomic Roaotor on 7aire-s Development 3tressod, Vy Mitambo-Kalala, 6 pp. FIRFMI, np, Elima, Kinshasa,, 6-9 A,,)r 72, pp 11 3s 7; Tr-fP-r 7,2v P 3, - ,T-,RS 56068 T 72 Binding of Aaridine Or&Wo by "uscle Protains, by ~',. B. Kalir*arova, Yo, B, KONM, L. G. Filatova, I.,;. Shtrw*felld, 7 pp* RUSSIXI, per Tsitoloa&yA, Vol VII, No 2, ArwApr 1965: pp. 21*-243. JPRr; 41753 A-. 4L qln A ni ~A USSR sci-BM Aug 67 332, 573 tUMIA-M, Far, !-!u"ri&lOnp-Ttikhnis!je~s4O "Yel U C.-,C-, ."con Mi-agorm La LM PhysLeacbmical mad QuputLe PropertLes of "La DoAng UWLsental In- faretLon, by M. V. Kalaftarows. FASSLAN9 port D* Ak NW* =Is U90101 Vol I?Sj Ho 3, Jan 1968, pp ?1S-717. ca M - V . k iq L ,i rn k 4 Q o v c HW ?~) .Al ft 0t Oki bw MEL B%W of UO Tm"f4v ad mom" Imue hIMM of Aw~~ AnUMOU40 of the swim at kW IL A. X4vubUVm S. 1. Kelanap IL3 W MWZWs PWAIMHMMP VO& Xv 1b 3j, X96% so gD7,9M. cm Tr-66-6*87s tep-l SCL ja 66 -or t~- !--tOxt, tic . VA4,k jllyun~mrj 67 44 SE GS 15 I~lj , Itoct ot Ou to ('xowti Gf ;iucw 4 0,!* i'loityal,, ~,t i4L t: Liu ;4=131 io 6" Up iraLry -52 Lv ~ /I De~~ of U 31 -wAlkIllift In uw moald3om " ma SOOMMO at LosOft* bV 0, Ilp~~ FIAM- --jLl Iwo 3 Iftr 1965. pe go ,q qb J?w 30"D umil S= aLz 65 afte9w Immumle in lodustryA Agricau" =a c Party Life lo T&AUM*tuaw by A* 74atow and G. XMIADUSws 5 pp. Twams ant 9 ftr 2966p p- 2- ipm 35V15 G. l~CL6-Y)Ckcl-r0\/ usica tbm .~.m (k. 3M9936 now Cotton imt Control Metbode DweloPedo bV -~~ Go Wswftrov # Vo P4Mtt 5 PPO 1,,t~ssM, ap, 11,omvft, Maeam, 29 Jon 1969o p 3~. Ji'fLs 47709 & S'CL-Aari Apr 69 3?90040 4.1 ~ ~RL A Qg, 4pi Mathmatima TheM of Two-rd tonal ElasticIty, by A. 1. KalwAlp. RUSSIANt bk,, HatemxUoeskaya Teoriya Dvmnwi Uprugosti, 1W3. *IPST Nov 72 M X-. kALRrA-4R-c)%/ lwmstigation of the Efftct of a Xs&wtie Field on the Medt"Ical Strength of Cotton, Fiber at Various Re- lative Humidities# by M. 1. Wantwov. RUBMJ, peri, M-k. Azerbelg!"kogg Naudw-lealed Inst Energ, No ltJj, 19W9 pp 264-266. *NT TT 72-51050 Aug 72 I OAn an-) -:0"loplont of 9 pp. 39 5;1 "S7 .,-omo --,omats of Comweim of ;-aipkh L,-ntaz-.* ,[.1riSW t0 F~W -14MWAC Syfter-, IV AlAnU- YmIdyl 10 per dam, ll~o Jul 1967s pp 16-21. 42973 Oon ct .1 19X ajA )L,~k. IWravint Wtm%l-FAuoAl-.-' woric iA the tomes. by & Kalasbrdk. 12 pp. Pma%l. par$ gqm~A*4 Voorurhennykh al. FASCOW, So 9, May 19?2* pp 18-27. i PRs 56282 Jme ?2 I Indmtriaftlan of lwdft A=od ftroftj, by I .,- Cole ootte No nblembr"j, 12 pp. MUM# per# - samsymem-M silip so 200 Oat IA5p pp- 15-a- JPRB 3%~ ~~. ~ fN s ~ W'l ~, MIR KU Mar ( 4 2950jrO AV :>04et UWAY41 ikdu u4wavw tAuun bV M. Xalasbtaiki 5 W. Mlake 23 Ift)-baul, apt LoVdaft ft fob 1,),699 p I. 10 &1, 3N 69 JL 31 IL Aple"W" Of taw CMA oomMus In Ae - 0 A Kal ia--M.A.mmomm%A~ kPilo lors 0 =@KAN# msv~v ft 5, &V k3leS j4a 63 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - mom IWO by X. Y. Kal&Sbr-'kcv- MWTM, per, Zaahebite Wtwtj~ ITO pp 4-,7. 4 q: 7 1 AACSI 0 K 19 -S lalsomes of the origiftl stractum an the Strwim 9 -~ at a Cost Cat" TV" p by 54 ro Kalashouffe At As oo"cwq losams pwv tss VQw gm onows Vol 'it "a 121, 1968, pp 120-122. an 7761 SCL-ftt ims 70 1 1 \11 , ',~ - X\ q, t",V,:~jj Vill ~114 VN%Alb\4* I (\Vl- jatellite Comiunications Systowe by Ukolay Ivanovich Wasbakavs 65 ppo UUSLUt bk, "OV 5VMA chern Ilk=-4y _~w 3. 1 # 2 7-3C7, 4, Ilowme 1969o pp 151-1 4utig& 313-319o 320-341- ji+.~ 54505 Nov 71 Is--A aftara MR UPMWM4 Zbg$m& u"r IN - 1 381 in P,g 9n WAdog Plow at M& Pm~ md Rt& So* w i - op bilp lb. A. - amem;,xvis a a as TA ^ lb 2s ago% IV 3M.30. go aw 69 sekft //F Et&UStical balustUm of Turto4let Rellabllltyp by V- F. Washatkov FUSSIAN, aootxooaU Vol 12 so 10s, 19676# IV 36-38 NU Oaf: 9Oe2-09 OT43) I tii /A.S, X-ALt Sel-Propulsion & fuels July 66 360o,914 Statistical I-Naluation of Turbo-Set Reli- aL)ility, by V. F. I~alankinikov. ItUSSIAIS liar Enerclomashinistro onis, Vol 12, 1.',o 10# 1;66# pl", 36-36. CEGB Digast C.L. Trana 3743 Sci-Lner~jy Con voc 68 372,115 A pne-quilibrium Stutiatical uperutor iu vie kJnctics oi Irreversitle Proces"s with Scall,rgy Transfer, Ly V. P. killastalikov. 14,1J.AA.4, :,cr. UoL A sauk 'ib.Sh,, Vol 18b,, lic 4& June The A-,, Irst ci PLYS ~.01 149 IA) 69 i'Ptc 19(A) Jz' 11 7 4 rsiolocUal -'bmtlmos b7 v -, .3 mr ^ 1. m-L-17ULVV 3 Pi,~, Are- m offi'mil 69 /L..> ,,c tee: Soso Results of the Arplicaties of the Additive Akor-1, by V. P. Kalashnikov. RUSSIAN, per, Khimlya i Tokhnolog!JS Topl iv I Nlase IWil -,196" 8-','--p-p - -S3'- Mar 64) 376,165 O.neratir~, Stability of Complex Systema., by Y.-Y RUSSIM,, per,, Dok Ak Nauk S8S.R Dee 1967.. PP IF971 -r- Vol 177., No 6,j A-- Inst 1"!Ws Vol 12, No 12., Jun 1963 361.-036 of tbe b one: otuft Ot 13 - @$o Ito low bv Le re lbw A* I- p IWWUW*Mo I* aLkalsk"m =A Lo so TIMANAMx% WSMA16 Dws go* orms Vbl ivs ib 5p IM* up. UMT-340o 2* am -*3?3 6 V, Rw i f) 42 go am GLUArww 8s& (IUUAO) ot Iwo Ono In the Run xivw ammo Th. To. ralodhmLbcw. MUBUM IMP ,YMNS&I VQL at lb h(jil., UK"W"b"37-054 ftt or IAW amr/w A-UAbw 69/42 04 to= 0017 4bn TO SCUM I .k-..l-lio:dkbLAa "or po2vprwl"jp IV T A. 7alamhrdima. w.. Por., C.Aft -uwj, , ~o 7. 19%, i pp -, 2D-~Ll. I '. I I I , 1 117 Ocl rsoc 60 30j,760 i-ffect 4jz' Ivitial z~tructurc on '41urvica Perfarmewce of CAst CuttluL Toulso by N. F. kalashm-iLove, et al. WS:AA;., cr, In, VUZ Churn, lictot No 12P 19,63, Iq~ 124-122. *jib 77(i1 .k:UY 69 ~ I ., Como= of Swd=t mum " ~ ~ houmba'AAMM b3? A- & P. u ftualpeo 5 op. Bo=o DWO ft 1390 so To loft pp MWnW/W-8$-5q6W M-A JOAMM im.aek nf, . I i1 A ' ' , L" bwa Vul%a6G-TQ-DAVlt6l Canyoralon Circuits& 7S- by N. 1. Lalatolishvill. KbSSIANO par* A N&4 Gru&SU lut Elskmw Avtm-=& L rore-MOTE. rg6s. N"T $Cl -Y ElUt j kl~C IWJT liar 67 a,firtwim .irmdts for mversim of -.aUfre into i-Amry ~Wia, I* I'* ? ripe ')&-o 1172 C., , . \11 \~ (.~ i, I '\~&- -, \~ -\ C,- Imporls.11st Militarism Is Caws of World Tanximl,, by 9. Waushima, 7 W)4 liMbIAN# rips A-MMEJ& Momme 22 Jim 19720 pp 3-40 j PF.5 55198 Fab 72 laguow ~,Vvpwt .4twswd une (too*) r*tt&UVQ W 4 '-Afa " D*W a fWUM AimpgMeAt ty A, e, 3&UkM's V, I* "Imefto Obafflad9dn ilIMPAX96 Mh IW PP- v K cd m%y cl O~- AV9 The Rwdo eroblwis of Foddw Proftatim In WUarls and ;ieys lbr solvbW, Tbom, by 11 Ivan valaydzldav. 12 pp. 9MARIAJ, per, Eevgnmwo- sem eli2t O;o 1-bv 1966# pp* 22-269 JNFU 30419 -IV (L RuIg aria Js" 67 3! 3. mWilam- to at %&4m= saftyp tv Vto IONIIW& , ;?3 dAwo md lv- PGVWo 22 VJ?- t0_ wAawm rwr V, now "o 9y ft T96P IP* ..VfS AW I -W &V 0 OD5078T ftor.o" Mddm ar - - - ft"a t" am.* q 7 vw ft""ruft of a" tw lu lpo UAMWP & & aft Now no as 6u b up* mawsp ftto* fto a; oft 1,966t W- 4mvil-0 m ~!- 6- ~ kq la (,/ 61:7 ~IaA) LabricaUng Oils for Jet baineas b7 Ye, H. Kalaytan, 231 ppe RUSSIANO books Mu*cbw" IMMU RdadAff. IM= ," 196tla pp 1-1960 AIRAM-HC-23-1296-M 71 Atmusittric CmToston Resistance of sout Low-Alloy ',Stecls and their Velded Jolistist by F. kala2a and J. Hiclislik. IIAPA,s jero 11rz Spawalnictwo, Vol 199 t~~o Ilt WO jq~ 261-267. *13~-J 7341 1 .7,ct/Paterials Jur b9 I F- 384gS07 '"Go Mit btarrum Mitmoboln# tW ammm lab* 5 W, Gstwo npo AM "4 Bsrxt% I Jan 19690 p 3. ifas 4704U 16 a~~ (;Wmm Pol Feb 69 N4#057 ;IiaTc~uyq 5 )~)q 9 1~ UD-t 7 375,,.~W no vow to opumm Do a pop - 13F JW P%Wip No Nblabms 5 Wo MOUAN pwp Lasmum ~g ~-*# lb a~ go- 1966s,- PP- I & 3# JM 35309 1 1 i I Ij i X~6)AbG -4-5- 17 1 " , "i 294kdVxl& ftl ymou* pw 66 Frogmulve Charyt7as In buloulAm ln4iAtrial J De"lopmat,, by N. Kalabov,, 5 ppo LUIDAnU,, up, FabotnieWmiw delos U Feb IWIp -0-2. JPiM 4MT1 kt ".3-B iIL7aria Peon Mar U7 16 The ftv NaterW& ftW LU DU18WIS Md DIMC- X.oe- tiew for Its Dvftlqpmntt by No Kalaborp ype MWARWO Vw, PartlWm- shivat A-0 lo Jon Iwo PPS 0-91, im *06 V, Scon Apr 66 200100 P,--actlcaa fw. itqgd mmloplmt W bg SIW38 Mdefj!~14 10 mmm,vuu., per,, jet 2-41724 ,k,1,4 L C 1" i. kf Effect of Detonation DaVing Lbder the Action of a Magnetic Pield Arising Do.**.# by Xalchik. =STAN, rpt, Vzr7y V RMIS~M i Dix Sred Ak Nank Ukr SSR peravAh .P- 1969p pp 66-90. Nov 71 iL 04 k-~.A Lt Vi 5 34'-; ParW FoUcw an 3tanAwd at LlvUw Reviewds W Zha vologerwo &3 PP* WWARWJ# per# UM Vrm SdUp Avg 1969~ pp 1443. JERS 49M Pal dw Fam for Umlor ftrUCIM- tLw lin Adgdn' tzuLA'4ftp Lry V*k W-5 3 jpm P- 3./ J~a chudut"Go of cit"s ttr sl~7 Vo 9&1*ftt4h Ve KOOMMIMS 8 Ippo mus nw. MUM MMUKP am# Ifty 1 0 pp 13-V. im 48520 V. k'-dt- G C I I i TS SOL-Awl Aug 69 3"0W9